The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1941, Page 8, Image 8

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To Hold 'Love'
7 - Ta
Grand Decides
ARABIAN NIGIITS nmud the romantic lore story f John Justin
and June Daprn in Alexander Korda's Technicolor spectacle, The
Thief of Bagdad which Is now playing at the Elsinore theatre, plus
Hugh Herbert In "Meet the Chump."
Capitol Offers
'41 Hit Parade
Kenny Baker and Frances
Langford Head Cay,
Tuneful Cast
Gayer than ever, wittier and
brighter and more colorful, Re-
" public's 1941 version of its "Hit
Parade" presents Kenny Baker,
Trances Langford, Hugh Herbert.
Mary Boland. Ann Miller and
Patsy Kelly in a rolieking fea
ture now at the Capitol theatre.
Miss Langford, who starred in
The Hit Parade" for Republic
two years ago,, repeats her sen
sational . hit performance in "Hit
,starad of 1941,' with Kenny
""TJaker providing romantic inspira
tion. ;
Hugh Herbert, that inimitable
'artist of the 'woo-woo,' exceeds
himself In his present role of the
pixilated antique shop proprietor
who listens dreamily to- the radio
while determined would be custo
mers .tear their hair out in their
anxiety to buy the various white
elephants which flutter up his
Ann Miller, a veritable sorce
ress of rhythm, is bewitching In
her role of the girl who wants
to dance but has to sing because
her Mama Mary! Boland at her
daffiest says she has to.
".. Sterling Hollo way, the toweled
haired alow voiced comedian
, whose "type of humor has been
thus far inimitable on stage or
screen, ont-does himself in the
role of the kind-hearted but dull-
witted soda jerker who dispenses
down-to-earth philosophy along
with his sundaes and double
chocolate malted milks.
Remember the patriotic feature,
"Land of Liberty." that Cecil B.
De Mille put together for the two
world fafrs? It has been stream
lined and will be released by M-G-M,
with proceeds going to char
ity. One important change has been
made. Raymond Masey's recita
tion of "The Gettysburg Address"
has replaced the famous one that
Charles Laughton made in "Hag
gles of Red Gap."
Claire James is replacing Pat
Dane in the "Minnie From Trini
dad" number of "Ziegfleld Girl."
There was some kind of argument.
"Thief of Bagdad" Said
. Exciting, and Most
"Colorful" !
One of the most colorful j and
exciting -pictures ever to be made
la now showing at the Elslnore
theatre, where Alexander Korda Is
presenting his new all-Technicolor
production, "The Thief of i Bag
dad." With Sabu. John Jastln. Jane
Daprex and Conrad Veidt in the
leading roles, tt tells a story right
out of the Arabian Nights: . the
story of the young Prince of Bag
dad who. with his friend and com
panion, the little thief of Bagdad.
seeks the hand of the Princess of
Basra while opposed by his evil
Grand Vizier, the Magician Jaftar,
who desires the princess and the
throne for himself.
"The Thief of Bagdad" la ad
venturous, romantic spectacle at
its best. The screen is literally
dominated by the Immense crowd
scenes in Technicolor and the
magic and "miracles" in the pic
ture leave one in breathless
amazement. The Flying Horse, the
magic carpet, the dancing dolls,
the all-seeing eye and a Djlnnl
who changes at will from a titan
200 feet high into a tiny being
who can fit into a bottle, are but.
a few of the memorable feats ac
complished in this picture.
Needless to say, "The Thief of
Bagdad" utilized new and revolu
tionary aa well as secret techni
cal methods in achieving the
spectacular sequences that, far
from ever having been equaled,
have never even been attempted
before. In short, it brings the
exciting, mystic essence of ancient
Persia to the screen in all its
i Km Features Syndicate Writer
i HOLLYWOOD Such rotten
lack for Bob Shaw! The young
lwenuetn uentury-Fox actor, who
need to bo Linda Darnell's boy
inena. tnea to enlist In the U.S
air force- and was turned down
because he is suffering temporari
ly irom spin vision In his left
It was brought on last summer
when Bob was struck, in the face
Dy a badminton bird hit bv one
of Hollywood's prominent young
acireases inot Linda).
The condition doesn't affect the
actor's screen work and probably
wont even keep him from getting
Into another branch of the ser
vice. But Bob had set his heart
on tne air force.
Didn't know Miriam Hopkins
had such a sense of humor. She
Just wired a friend la Holly
wood: .."J'lyg to Tucson to see
Michael ride la tbe rodeo. Hope
his show will be more success
rul than mine."
-Michael'' is Miriam's adopt
ed sou, who is going to school
la Arizona. Tbe show the star
referred to was "Battle of An
gelea," Theatre Guild play
which closed after its Boston
engagement for rewriting.
Miriam Is not going back in
to It.
No other actor in Hollywood
can match thin record of Montagu
Love's. In 1915, at the Fort Lee
studio of the World Films, he
splayed in the picture, "Rasputin."
Leon Trotsky was an extra in the
Twenty three years ago in
Rome, Love was in the Samuel
Goldwyn film. "The Eternal
City." Mussolini was an extra in
this picture.
Incidentally, Montagu's latest
assignment is in "Winged Vic
Cascade Company
Adds New Loader
SCIO Cascade Operating com
pany, a subsidiary of the Silver
Falls Lumber company, of Silver
town, Is building a loading sta
tion a mile and a half north of
Lebanon. B. C. Robertson of Scio
stated this week. Robertson has
contracted to operate tbe loader
upon completion, he stater How
ard Robertson, his son, will con
tinue to operate the loading ap
paratus at West Scio, serving sev
eral logging contractors la the
Scio vicinity.
The Robertsons recently com
pletted a contract for Bob WIrth,
Srto operator, at Gleabrook. south,
of CorvallU.
Ray Stayner has accepted ein
. ployment in a ehlp-yard at Brem
erton, Wash. Mrs. Stayner will
continue her position as Instruct-'
or in the Scio grade school, ac
cording to- present plana. 1
.-; v- . ,v.
Illness did one thing for Olivia
do Havilland. It showed her how
many loyal fans she had. In the
nrst tbree days after the star en.
tered the Good Samaritan hospi-
iai lor an appendicitis operation.
sue receivea i,a73 wires, letters
postcards and packages. And
countless telephone calls.
ine rans also swamped Bette
Davla with letters after that story
of her falling Into a cactus bed
for a scene in "The Bride Came
cu.D. ' some of the writers even
sent salves to use for treatment
' J a m e a Stephenson's brother,
Alan, who was oraanist at th
bombed Coventry cathedral, now
is cnoirmasrer and organist at the
biggest church In Lancaster. An
other of the a c t o r's brothers
Douglas, is stationed with the
Royal artillery at Portsmouth,
i Jimmy, whom you will remem
ber aa being so swell la "The Let
ter and who now is playing a
part in "Winged Victorr ." was a
soldier himself in the first world
war. He attained the rank or
MOOKUX MUSICAL farce comedy la played against ancient Creek
backgromds la the film version of "The Boys From Syrwrase" fra-
iarea loaay at tne liinerty tm-atre. The cast Includes left to rigm,
Charles Butterworth, Martha Raye, Allan Jones, Irene Hervey, Joe
l'enncr, Rosemary Lane and Alan Mowbray.
Sillier, Sillier
Studio '.Tricks"
Latest - Is Roosters Who
Double for Each
Oilier in Film
lier and sillier have become the
stunts, tricks' and other media
employed by the studios ... in
this strange business of. making
movies . . .
Top prize of the week for
screwy antics, went to a forlorn
little rooster . . that had to play
the obscure role of a stand-in
to an equally nondescript cockerel
. . that played the role of a
doable" to the top-billed chanti
cleer of the picture.
The seeae was in "The Out- :
law" and the script called for a
rooster to walk before the ram- I
era, crow loudly, then run wild
ly off tbe set . . . After much
search, the studio found a rock
erel that would crow loudly on
command, but wouldn't run
Then tt found another that
would run, but wouldn't crow
. . . 8o they used him for the
double ...
Finally the double got so dog
gone tired Just hanging around
the sound stage awiting for the
cameras to get set up . . . that the
studio got him a stand-in ... So
ne wouldn't be all run down at
the spurs when time came for re
hearsals and actual photograph
ing .
Aw, nuts! . . .
Call Board
sasatcts ::r.cTAL syunr: ccrss to iitea
IVAV n E O Q H n i S R o t a q f y 1 e B
Today Lum and Abner in
"Dreaming Out Loud" and
"You Can't Fool Your Wife"
with Lucille Ball and James
Thursday "Sing, Dance. Plenty
not" with Ruth Terry and
Johnny Downs and the Three
Mesquiteers in "Rocky Mount
ain Rangers" with Robert Liv
Today Held over. "This Thing
Called Love." with Rosalind
Kussell and Melvyn Douglas
Wednesday "Angels Over Broad
way" with Douglas Fairbanks.
Jr., Rita Hayworta, Thomas
Mitchell and Joe E. Brown in
"So You Won't Talk.
Today "The Thief of Bagdad" in
technicolor with Sabu, and
Hugh Herbert In "Meet the
Wednesday James Stewart and
Hedy Lamarr in "Coma Live
With Me" and Cecil B. De
Mllle's "Land of Liberty!" with
all of Hollywood's stars.
Today "Hit Parade of j 141"
with Kenny Baker and Frances
Langford and Al Capp's "LI'l
Abner." ' !
Wednesday Louise May Alcott's
"Little Men" with Kay Francis
and Jack Oakie and George
O'Brien la "The Stage to
China" with Virginia Vale.
Saturday "You're the On" with
Orrin Tucker and Bonnie Baker
and "Blackout" with Conrad
Veidt and Valerie Hobson.
Today "The Sea Hawk" starring
Krrol Flyna and Breads Mar
shall and "Ladies Most Live
with Wayne Morris and, Rose
mary Lane. - i
Wednesday "The Westerner"
with Gary Cooper aad jWalter
B re nan. ,
Saturday Midnight Show.
Today "Tbe Boy From Syra
cuse" with Allan Jones and
Martha Raye and "Cross
Country Romanea will Geae
Raymond and Weady Barrie,
You've heard the saying:
"When a. nun bites a dog, that's
news." Well, for a comedy
touch la "One Might In Lisbon."
Director Edward H. Griffith
wanted to have Fred MacMur
ray pretend to bite a dog la tbe
ear after It had taken a nip out
of his leg.
Fred wasn't going to do any
real biting, of course, but tbe
8.F.C.A. objected even to the
appearance of it.
Griffith promptly rewrote the
ceae. Blow, MacMurray yells
after the fleeing mutt: "It's
lucky for you I'm allergic to
dog hair."
The little town of Kanab. Utah,
is the only community which
sends a representative to Holly
wood to try to drum op location
trips. His nam la Chaaneey Par
ry and, last yean he was Instru
mental in "Western Union" and
two other film troupe going to
It caused $ 110,1)00 to be spent
la the town. -
Get Albert Dekker to tell about
Bowden college dedicating It sea
son of classic drama. (Shaw. Moli-
ere, Shakespeare) to hint because
of his achievement In Hollywood
a an actor.
When the news arrived. Deck-
ker was working tn the picture.
"Tou're the One."
That very day, he had spent
three hours getting shot In the
seat of the pants by arrows.
Guesa ' who showed Johuay
Downs New York? Eleaaore
Whitney, his ex-girl friend, aad
ber husband. Frederick Backer.
. . . Joaa Blondell and Dick
Powell dare tbe gossips to make
aaytniBg out of the fact that
they are taking separate vaca
tions after "Model Wife." Dick
will fish in Guaymas for five
days and Joan will go to the
mountains. ... Hollywood,
which got rich off western pic
tures, finally Is to have a thea
tre dedicated tm tbem. . . . "Tbe
Hitching Post," formerly tbe
"Teleview." . . . Composer Peter
Tint aria (be put Lincoln's Get
tysburg address to music) aad
Hela Davies, Republic starlet,
are a new twosome. ... Con
stance Worth and Peter Oaks,
another new combination at La
Conga. ... If Henry Fonda had
waited two more years to have
bis eyes operated on, the surg
ery would have left scars. A it
is, everything Is fine. The star
win be bowling again (his fa
vorite sport) at the end of the
week. . . . Hon Maasey. and
Alan Curtis really are serious
about this partner business.
They are working in tbe same
picture, "New Wine," they are
going to be married B March,
and they even share half owner
ship in a tuna fishing boat
which operates off Mexico.
Douslas-Hnseell. Marital
Comedy Makes Merry
. Three Days More.
'- Happy. . hilarious laughter
said to . he the - major purpose of
"This Thing- Called Love,- Co
lumbia's outrageously riotous new
comedy' which has been held over
at the Grand theatre and starring
Rosalind -' Russell ' and Melvyn
Douglas. - ,
Directed by Alexander HalL the
man who made 'The Doctor Takes
Wife" and 'H . Stayed - for
Breakfast," the gay new hit has
been hailed as topping not only
these Infections .comedies, bat as
topping also the most alde-sollt
ting .comedies of each ot the Ir
repressible stars.
A merry melee ot marriage and
morals, "This Thing Called Love
is played by a top-notch cast
which Includes. In addition to Its
tars, Binnie Barnes. Allyn Jos-
lyn, Lee J. Cobb. Gloria Holden.
Gloria Dickson. Don Beddoe and
Paul McGrath.
This Thing Called Love" pre
sents Rosalind as a young bride
who. In all the wisdom of her
modern world, decides that It
would be far better If she and her
new husband discover whether
they can share the same house
for three months before they at
tempt to share the same room.
And Douglas, the unhappy bride
groom, is Involved in a million-
dollar business deal with a weal
thy South American who believes
a large family is an indication or
his associates' honesty and rood
Amid the somewhat strained
relationships which naturally fol
low "This Thing Called Love"
moves with hectic abandon and
TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TTMK are Rosalind Russell and Me.
vyn Douglas who are starred la "This Thiag Called Love" boUever
for tbree more days at the Grand theatre. if
bright good humor.
In order to win hi wife's af
fections. Douglas pursues a blonde
secretary . . . and winds up with
a bad case of ivy poisoning. Roea-
11 nd tries, by her example, to
straighten out the tangled mar
tial affaira of another couple
and succeeds In worsening them!
These and other difficulties do
much to make This Thing Called
Love one of the most uproarious ;
romances since love was invented.
J -
State Features
Errot Flynn' Latnt Film
I Rife With
new car,
registered in Jane's
If Eleanor Powell and Merrill
Pye aren't still in love, they rave
sweii imitation of it on the
iegieia Girl" set. She came to
see the "Minnie Prom THni.-
number, which he designed . . .
It's Eddie Norris and Carole L-
dls now. He flew her to pim
Springs in his plane . . . Incident-
lly. Eddie Hillman took a mtr
spill during a polo match at the
desert . . . Arthur, the maitr-i
t Grace Hayes' Lodge, received
$250 reward for t 11 rn In tr In
bracelet lost by Katherine Mark-
wen . . . Milton Berle wires a New
York weather report "Two
weeks of rain, followed by snow,
followed by Ice. followed by Sonja
Henle." . . . Lela Rogers (Gin
gers ma) and Eddie Collins were
combination again at Charlie
Foy's . . . Jacqueline Dalva ooena
s an entertainer at thi an
Friends of Gable say it's a vrnnr
tip that he will return to an east.
ern hospital in a couple of months.
His Jaw operation Is believed tn
nave removed tbe cause of hi
snouider trouble.
at --I AIl.t KK'S checker arame. mad r.m. I. Hi. -4
on o oe laugh spots in their first starring picture. "Dreaming
Out Loud" starting today at the Hollywood theatre. Watching
iin-m is r ranees liangrora, tbe romantic Interest in the picture.
M 1 1 II mil . ..: .1 "" Him em .J fcm
CJ i I
TKNDF.R ROMANCE and robust nctlon are shown la "The nk
iraiunng ferroi rlynn and Brenda MarshalL Tbe film is now show
ing at tne tHate theatre and the companion bill la "Ladles Must
wiin wayae Morris and Rosemary Lane.
Wednesday "Souls la
with Ginger Biittoa. .
FViday-Prslrie Law"
George O'Brien and "Sandy Is
a Lady" with Baby Sandy aad
Eugene pallet te. , v:
The Loagest Loudest i
liBi- w v 0l(1 t tm -m 10 J
Row 8th TUX Day I
Gunderson Rites
Scheduled Today
uiUNa Funeral aervicea for
Arthur Gunderson. who was in
stantly killed Thursday while
loading logs for the Linn Lum
ber company six miles east of
Lyons, will be held today at X p.
nt. from Cloagh-Barrtck chapel 1.
Rev. P. W. Erik sea officiating.
Interment will be made at Lady
smlta. Wis.
Mr. Gunderson. who came here
three years ago from Wisconsin,
was a member of. the. .Salem
American Lutheran ehurekv - -
Ha Is survived by his wlfs,
Taetraa; two sbssII daughters,
Eunice Elaine aad ' Lois . Marie;
two sisters. Mrs. L. L Guthrie
aad Mrs,; L, W. Lepley, both or
nCamlng Wednetday
Continuous Today 1 U 11 P. M.
By Gum!
it t
.aw m m u,
I V - w
U Becwad
II rry Marring
" . . w I .u.
. una .urn- -"
-; . avw w -
I "lauui tSu'czus'Asau I
AlasrWeww mm Umtital
Lyons Children
Have Pneumonia
l.iuns The two small chll
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Al McKin
ney have been seriously ill with
pneumonia, but at the last report
was some better. McKinney is em
ployed at the Mt. Jefferson lum-
oer company mill.
Whooping cough seems to be
getting under way In Lyons with
several children out of school.
Also some children of p re-school
age suffering with the disease.
The Lyons Woman's club ladies
nea an ail-day meetinr at th
ciud nouse Thursday at which
ume, pians were made for the club
to sponsor a benefit card nartv
io oe neia at tne Kebekah halL
xnarcn is.
The other night an emnlovw- t
the House of Murphy was angling
to find out the name of the beantv
11- , n -
wua woflo uarrymore.
"Why do you want to know her
nameT" asked Jawn.
"Because the whole staff
the qui vlve," answered th em
ploye. (It was true too.)
Barrymore chuckled
ally. "Tell them to watch out for
that 'qui vlve' stuff." he warned.
That's what got me Into all my
difficulties." 7
Oh. yea. tha beantv'a nam ...
Maria Marsh.
f urn 1 . MTt IV ri -- r-i
m t
Febroary II, 8 P. XL 1
Beaior High Auditorium
by Jr. Chw C.
Reserred Seats $L50 ;
General Admission $1-00
" ' " - COMPACT
tm s- cighi at. Fh. aidid
i L Exciteinent i f
JNice surprise for Jane Wrman. I thf ra i. -n, c. w -c .
When Ronald Reagan went to Flynn'i newest assignment to
bring her and the baby home from I inmsL ...-f.. - .vr.v
the hospital, he arrived in a sleek I U seen as th dHnr
a buccaneer ship. -Hi lovely new
leading lady In the nicture is
Brenda Marshall, and Flora Rob-
son. Donald Crisp. Alan Hale.
uiauae; Kains. WIJHam Lundigan
and Cna O'Connor are prominent
in theJ supporting Vast of thou
Rife with dramatic lninfni-
The Sea. Hawk" is a thrilling
aaga oc tne seven seas, with Flmn
as ueorrrey Thorpe, most feared
of the? privateers of Queen Elixa- ' J T J, ... ....
irrvuauj. in uraer 10 sweii tne
treasury of their country and sat
Isfy their own lust for adventure.
Thorpjk and other '"sea hawks" of
the day would sail the seas, lunt-
lng for enemy ships to. loot and
plunder. Thorpe ; is secretly fa
vored by the Queen, but he has aa
unrelenting enemy in the Chan-
cellorfef the court, who Is la
leaguef with the Queen'a foreign
enemies. Henry Daniel! nortrars
this character.- The final duel be-
tween;the two provides oae of tha
most thrilling film finales f ever
Surinyaide Club S
Slates Session
! . - t
8UNNYSIDE The Friesdly
Hour lab met with Mrs.; Clifford
Pearson Wednesday. On account
of so? much sickness only sren
members were present. Thej time
was spent socially and doing fancy
LEBANON Charles Smith and work. Late in the afternoon
Aaron Ingraham are building a I fresh m en ta were served
sawmill on tne oia cannery site I Tnose- present were Mrs. ! Cliff
on Oak and Fourth trt tn n Feller and sons. Mrs. Frank Bar
two by fours from the cores of ?et' Ke,th Vf nd Marilyn.
logs used by the plywood mill. A mrB- veorge necanart and grand
lease was secured from the cltyl n Jacob Con boy. Mrs
at the last meeting of the council I net fenenwnder .nd tbei
for the west end of h. m.1t 1 . -"rr earson.
" - Y "
t r ; '.N-:' . . . .- ..;."... .if.
Sawmill Is Built
By Lebanon Men
Frlday Smith and Ingraham
went to Seattle, where they
pougnt tneir equipment which is
said to be of the latest troe. all
electric driven. The building they
are puiung up win be IS by 4S
feet and they expect to run from
lv. ooo to 15,000 feet a dav. It
is believed that local mills will be
able to use the entire output.
The next meetinr will be with
Mrs. Jacob Conbov.
IT S iV'n a
I i
to 11:30
Wow 2 Top Features
The Wonder Picture of
; the Year! i
m, al iST
I- CompaaJoa- Feature j
j Hugh Herbert la f
Mickey Mouse Matinee,
f Today at !1 P. M. f
a uita
roday. Mol, Tnea.
rout er aveee
N a
w . - - -
1 eupanjoa rcsnuji .
- f
- - -. 'J.