! I- 1 1 11 5. ah Class "B" Doubles Chanms ' ' -.. . 'If'' . J I ' ' : r " 1 ' ' v- -I - . i 1 1 l"""""8 ' "3 " L-..-,. ,.X Rolling: a total of 1184 plus, these two keglers walked off with the ffkpA - ! bW., 1 - itrvli m - . . - mww i uw ciass i aaaoies in uiis years city-wide tourna Major Bowling Loop Remains In 3-Way Knot; Poulin High ! ' By ED DONNELLY " Statesman Bowling Editor - Salem s major bowling league continued in a three-way deadlock for first place last week when Red Gross, Acme and Clines each won their series 2-1; Acme auto nosed out Nash lurnirare, itea iross stavea on a determined Karrs outfit and Clines had the ficht of their-lif a in Hafastinn. ni The surprising Keeno lunch team took three straight from with Pades; who won two out of tnree from Parkerff. Tlie "Gold Dust Twins", Poulin and Cline, sr., were the big noices of the eveninsr with series of 643 and 638 respectiTely. Poulin, with id, naa mgn game. In the Commercial league, the Paulus Taeeers continued to make a runaway race of it, trouncing we leeona piace straw & straw team . three straight, to increase their first nlac lpart tn rpvpti games. . State Street Market, al- ' THIS WEiEK'S HIGH-SPOTS Tuesday C oc a Cola vs. Keg- lettes. 7:15 p.m. Wednesday -Copeland Yards ts. Red Cross and Acme Auto T$. Clines. 8 p.m. Thursday Standard Oil vs. Rice's and Hartman's vs. Coca Cola. 8 p.m. The Select Poulin 643 Cline sr. 638 Haman 623 Jvoenig 606 Friesen 605 King 604 Murdock 603 l4600' though dropping two out of three to the lowly Pittsburgh Paints, found themselves tied for second, while the surprising Cooke's Of fice boys continued their climb up from the depths by sweeping their series with Priesen's. Harrington had high game with 205 and Rice high aeries with 592. The race in the Industrial loop continued to be a donnybrook, with Hartman's again coming a cropper when the sixth place Mary-Doc's took them 2.1. to atav within striking distance of the leaders, only live games in front. Rice's failed to . capitalize on the leaders misfortune and dropped two to LaRoches to remain tied with Standard Oil for second, who were also dropping a couple to Coca Cola in fourth. The State printers whitewashed Bill Davis to move into a fourth spot tie with the bottlers. Koenir with a 2 32 game and series of 606 was high. last week's play in the . Ladies league found the Capital Bedders rain In tha loaH taVfnir t Ti straight from Mickey's, while the chesty Coca Cola glamor girls were rudely shoved around by Hubbard motors, 2-1. The Keglettes continued in their slumn. dronninz two out of three to Royal Desserts to fall from sec ond to third. McCarroll with a 202 game and Poulin with a aeries of 512 were high. Sundln's continued to make it A one team race in the Mercantile, taking three straight from Ham ilton's, while US National moved up to within a couple percentage points, of the second place States man team by sweeping their series with the Brewers while the Print ers were dropping two out of three to Sclo. High game went to Ohmart with 202 and series to Colwell with 51 ( . We notice that . . . . when Tony Masser and Don Murdock get-their heads together It bodes no good for anyone . . and that Gage says you can't kick the dog around on Saturday night and expect to be able to bowl In tournaments on Sunday (one exception noted) . . that Ruthie Demarais lost her shoes and then goes out and rolls 180 . . and that if we thought it would help any we. would lose ' ours , . that it looks like old times to see Maude j Poulin hitting them again .. and Presenting i i - ; 5 A ' 1 W ' lAj LA Th OaSGOH STATESMAN, Salwn, Or Sqnday looming; Fbrnarr 8. 1941 a wsoo jLittle Skaots Miracle Moiiiiid to Lead Texas Golfers i Webfoots Win Paddle Meet Take Second Strfli4it From Oregon State by 50-24 Count EUGENE, Feb. g.-tiPr-UniTer sity,of Oregon swimmers splashed to their second straight win over Oregon State Saturday. 50 to 24 The Webfoots, with Cab Callis and Sherman Wetmore each win nlng two events, captured first place in seven of the nine events Jack Dallas of Oregon swam the 200-yard breaat ntmVm in Z:3Z.5 for the meet's onlv lm yiessive time. Results: 300-yard medlev relav Wnn oy uregon cwetmore. riaiiaa wai ns). Time, 3:19.3. 220-yard free style Won by jueung. use: Allen nrornn ux Ond: Huestls. Ornrnn. tn1r1 Time, 2:31.4. 60-yard free style Won by Callis, Oregon; Stark, OSC, sec ond; Mamie, Oregon, third. Time, 31.7. Diving Won by Burgess, OSC, 450.7): Dallas. Oreeon rajfiiv secona: sananer. Oreeon. raas third. " ' ' 100-vard free at vie Wnn K Callis: Oregon: Stark. OSn. eo- ond; Mamie, Oregon, third. Time, 150-Vard hafktrnto Wnn v. Wetmore. Oreeon: Evman. nsr? second; Swartz, OSC, third. Time, 200-yard breast stroke Wnn by Dallas. Oregon: Huestia. Ore. gon, second; no third. (Hoisted, A.otcnik both OSC disqualified by megai turns.) Time," 2:32.5. 440-yard free stvle Won hv Wetmore. Oregon; Ebellng, OSC, secona niing, osu, third. Time, 5:20.9. 400-yard free style relav Won by Oregon (Marnie, Allen, Callis, Muestis, Time, 3:57.1. US Open Champion's 62 Ties Hogan's PGA Mark Snow, Deep Slush, High Wind Fails to Slow uuuey Master Wlio Cards Wine One-Putt j Greens, Every One a Birdie SAN ANTONiO Peh R f API Biu t x fi,. P01.011! .n snow, deep slush and finally sunshine on ma a.ii.u weuuuig anniversary oaiuraay to create one of gvix a masicrpieces a nine-unaer-par bs. Incredible under the conditions, the national open cham Dion's i 31-31 62 tied the PGA 18-hnle nnon , m . . . wuiuauicut vuuiyckiufo rcuuru auu put uiui three strokes ahead of the Texas open field at 36 holes with a 136 total. Little Ben Hoaran carded a 62 in thai Oakland nnen Inst last month, land it' was Hogan who trailed Little in second place Sat urday with 69-70 139. Ill luck on the last four holes cost Hogan a chance to take the lead, despite Little's wlzardy. But Hogan missed six-footers for birdies on the tenth and eleventh holes because of trampled greens. Nine one-putt greens, erery one for a birdie, were included in Little's! round. He hit every green in par figures, used only 27 putts. Savs Perfect Ronnd Pudgy Ed "Porkv" Oliver of Homell, NY, posted a respectable par 71 on the muck, stroked his chin when Little's last putt rattled ithe cup and commented: "The most perfect round of golf I : have ever seen played under any conditions." Snowflakes were whlrlinz- when Little tucked his trousers inside flaming red socks and started bare-headed from the flrRt tee. Snow was played as casual water. piayers were permitted to lift their balls from imbedded posi tions in the rough and fairways. Suddenly, the snow halted, tho wind heightened' and the sun shone. It was Texas weather at its fickle best. Tied for Third Place Tied for third position at 140 wood amateur whose 68 led the field Friday, and Slammin' Sam uel Jackson Snead. Hot Sorter. Va. Dawson's putter didn't carry tne magic that gave him 11 one- putt greens Friday and he carded a 72 Saturday. Snead came tear ing in with a 68 to bracket with Friday's 72. Lloyd Mangrnm of Oak Park, III., was around In 68 for a 141 total. One shot behind him was National PGA Champion Byron Nelson of Toledo, with a pair of 71s. Back to 144 the field Jumped, a group that Included ninn Heafner, Linvllle, NC; Bud Wil liamson, Ft. Wayne, Ind.: Vic Ghezzi, Deal, NJ, and Emery Zim merman, Portland, Ore. Legion to Feature Lincoln Supper MONMOUTH A a n n n - .f 6:30 p. m. will be featured at the American Legion hall by the local post and auxiliary the nle-ht of February 12, in commemoration or ADranam Lincoln) birthday. Mrs. Clarence Grand, auxiliary secretary, and Mrs. Edna L. Pow er are arranging a program. All BUD HART who won the class A all events title in this year's city wide tournament, rolling a to tal of 1968 pins. Bud was born in Dallas, Oregon, in 1896. Moved to Salem in 1936 and took up bowling in 37. His biggest thrill was rolling a 267 game and 667 series last year. Says as soon as his "lazy ball" as Ed Pratt terms it, gets to working right he will get him self a 300 game. Greatest am bition Is to be able to pick up the 10 pin as easily as Walt Cline sr. does. Has a low aver age this year but when the chips are down he can go and get them. teams will be limited to four men so that Joe Coe can be the fifth man on all of them.. and speak ing of Joe Coe, we want to give him credit for the best comedy skit of the season while bowling with Friesen furniture last Sun day night It went like this. Joe picks up the ball, rolls a strike, turns around and hollers like a wild man, takes his clackers out and puts them in his shirt pocket, stands still for moment, closes his eyes and mumbles, then paces back and -forth like a caged ani mal, . all the while gesticulating wildly and speaking in tongues, then' puts his clackers back in, picks up the ball and rolls an other strike, takes out his clack e r s, e t c, etc, frame after frame . . that Kay McCarroll was so close to a new record in the Ladies league she could taste it and then blew It In the last frame . . that hubby Flovd with a 2SR wasn't so dusty . . and Straw & straw say it isn't fair for the Taggers to strengthen up for a crucial series . . that old are. la apparently catching up with the negiettes . . and that Cooke's of- rice ooys are still in a daze after wmnmr tnree straient . . and that we want to thank the US bovs for so generously, contributing one cent each and buying us a five cent stogie we hope it didn't strain their budgets . . that Bob Utter nicked un the 9-7 verv nicely . . and Lvman Sundin the 6-7 . . that Bob Nufer, the smarty, picked himself a winning team in the tournament . . and that if Ron "C h i e r Gemmell. our Sioux sports editor, who tries to write a column on tne opposite page, thinks he can alienate our af fections from nn r lovelv lassies of the alleys (sounds nice don t it) with that rag, a bone and a that In the future, all tournamenthe s sadly mistaken. Standings Among the Bowlers - Mb - v i r.s.u0 vs iuia v i ill ill uuiiy CLuCl were Johnny Dawson, the Holly- their wives are invited. POLLY AND HER PALS Idaho Frosh Coach "Picked" Vandal Athletes Sign ; Petition to Boost Walter Price MOSCOW. Idaho. Feb. 8-JPV- Freshman Coach Walter Price is the choice of University of Idaho athletes for any one of the three vacancies on the coaching staff. The MI" Club varsity lettermen's organization, reported Saturday all but a few members had signed a petition endorsing Price, 1930 graduate of the university. The re maining few had Hot. Yt twn anri tr acted, the report added. Jobs open . are the fnntx.ii coaching position, from which Ted uank is to be released Sept. 1; the assistantshin In football. whij.n will be vacated by the release of dou lessier July I, and the bas ketball and baseball sitions from which Forrest Two- gooa resigned, effecUve July 1. The petition said the lettermen believed Price had shown hi ltr coach and had earned pro- wougn. AAUHoopMeet ens Mondav Op Play Period Has Church Support INDEPENDENTS' a tlonal nrorram la to tr rA- , k. young people, through the coop- ctauuu oi tne nrst Baptist church and businessmen. The ororrim Inclno. tlonal periods on Sunday after noons for all age groups from 2:30 to 4: Thursdav for nri.s school groups from .van tn k. and Thursday evenings from 7:30 i ior me nign school group. All younr neonle In f ho munlty are invited to in this program, according to an nouncement by Rev. Loyal Vick ers. Baptist paster. J Three Games Set on Salem High Floor; Final. Slated Thursday . District AID basketball nlav opens on the Salem high court Monday night with a three rams schedule that pits Miller Mere of aicjkiinnviiie against CTO of Sa- lem. MambUn-Wheeler of if elfin n. Tille against the AMI Townies and the Federal Bankers of Air oany against Chemawa, The aramea. ender direction at Commissioner Vera Glim ore, are scneaaied lor 7, 8 and 9 o'clock. rains in the eliminations tour nament, front which four teams will evolve eligible for play in the state a. ana a tournaments in Portland, con tin sea Wednesday and Thursday nights. ; Wednesday schedule, games to oe piayea at Lsue: WlUamlna vs. winner of first round -8 o'clock game. 7 p.m.: Newbers vs. winner oi nrst round 7 o'clock rams: Simmons of Salem vs. Jenks- Whlte of Albany. 1 D.m. Thursday schedule, rime tn n played at Salem highs Third round games at S and t o'clock. Winners qualify for state A tournament. losers lor state B tournament. PACE SSVEI'I Thnrsdsy night - ' i ! i Rot. ! Edward Terry, treasurer and Lowell Brown are .establish ing a new bookkeeping system for the dab. They have cone hack tA the beginning tf the organization and art sifting through the de posit slips and cancelled ehekn- to set en various fan da which have been created over the past me years. i t Rosedalci Friends! i I Slate fliissionaryj ROSEDALE i Rnecla! mtf wJ ary services wCl be held at the! Rosed ale Friends church Sundays and Tuesday nights. Rev. 'and! Bolivia will halve charge of the I Sunday; night service. Mrs. Pear.1 son will aoDea In a Mtnm. the native Indians am nn w wKam I they worked, j Tuesday nisht mmp I win I aerred tn the esurch basement at o'clock, after i which Rev. Peafw son will -show; several reels of pictures! of the fnlssion work. I ; The Woman's inn.i- ty will meet with Mrs. Ed Cald well Tuesday afterrmnn i.A at which time Mrs. Howard Pear son wUl be the jguest speaker. Alvin: Roberts of Portland is a weekend guest! of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wflliamsi ; Rotarians Slate Dr. Dan Poling SILVERTON Dr. Daniel V. Poling of the high schools rela tions committee will be the iwiv. er at the Monday meeting of the oiivcnon notary club, according io announcement made by Presi dent Earl J. Adams. In its bulletin, issued S&tnnti morning, voters of Sllverton are urged by the Rotarv rinh tn on the proposed shop building for me mgn scoooi agricultural pro gram. Seven members and thi (... attended the inter-city meeting mi mo notary cluD at Wood burn Y7AIITED LIVE P0ULTBY WAHLS SEAFOOD J POCLTRT MKT. 173 S. Com! - Phone OOIO Not a Com oi "No Soerpl" Down! WU2 Old Debts With Oean Credit Money io IL0AII At Low Rates let Us Help Yen FiT-k ; Banner pi Success Slale Finance1 Co. 344 Stats ! Phons 92SI Lie S-113 M-222 ' Major City Lexgu W Red Cross Pbarmscy Af me Anto Wrecken Clines Coffe Shop Keeno Lunch . Pde Copeland Yards , . Karrs Parker .. Nash Furniture Bud's Place 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 I Pet. 4 .687 4 .667 4 .667 5 .583 5 .583 6 .500 7 .416 8 .333 8 .333 .250 Hi Hsman 183, 8. Kitchen 186, Cline, sr. 186, Ion Young 185, Joe Cae 185, Don Mardoek 183, H. Page 183, John Friesen iw, uon x'ounn is.', z.. tiartweil 101. Commercial League W L Paulus Taggers . 39 21 Straw Straw 35 25 State St. Market 32 28 Senator Barber Shop 31 29 V8 Dallas 30 80 Shawi, "Woodburn 29 31 Shrocks Used Cars 29 31 Bosler Electric 29 81 Cooks Otfice Boys 28 32 i'riens Furniture 27 33 Pittsburgh Paints 27 33 Nicholsons Insurance 24 36 Peterson 181. y.. lan rc-.n i?a Rieketts 177, Cherrington 1"'6, Cage 175 Averni i, a, scales iti, Uobbs 170, Dahl- GOOD GAL. DOIH L v THE DISHES ( BUT, MA-A LIKE A DUTIRJL J THEVVE JlW iT MICKEY MOUSE fl CAN BELIEVE THAT- YUM eM-N (MISTOOK TVr POWDERED SUGAR Y GOOD A By CLIFF STEHHET OKI LADIES FREE LADIES FREE LADIES FREE DOUBLE IIAIII EVENT ; Gene Blacldey vs. Billy IlcCuin 1 Hour Sneeze Achin vs. Princo Dalxi . 45 Minutes Pics: Young Gcich vs. George ; Ililzniller SO Minutes Salom Armory, UetL, Feb; 128:33 Lower Floor SOc, Balcony 40c,' Reserved Seats 75c (No Tax) Tickets: Cliff Parker's and Lytle's - Auspice Americas Legion Students 25c j Herb Owens, Matchmaker i Industrial League W L Pet. tlar-man s 38 25 .603 Rice s Men Shoes 35 "28 .556 Standard Oil 35 2f ss Coca Cola 34 29 .540 ttate Printers 34 29 .540 Mary-Dock-Nobles 33 30 .524 Woodburn QQ a 4tn roidiesf Sllverton 27 36 .429 Bill Davis 26 37 .413 La itocnes 23 40 .365 Masser ISO Rna. 17fl Din. 4. 1TB Mills, ir. 17fl H R 1 7 r'nn.J in' Edwards 175. Steele 173. I)'hlhr 170 If i c n ' 1 Ft HEY. WHAX'S THE IPEX...COMIN' 0 O. J imSVJt5! i O&r U WELL, THE3Z WUZ SV(V WAll ffwrrwpuT J) work tope vtV)r XSViSfrx I CANT Hcdr-Rcdsinrj. Bat Not Haro-Rcdaingl ( KlO VOsOCR WAROLD GOT SUCH A y?J VGHASTLV OREEN R?OM MV HOME- f LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY f i TO S I YOUS FRIEND POESN'T SEEM A.PPREOAOT OU A.NIMAJ- UFE. MICKEY.' t LlkCS iMiUftircf BUT THUH TROUBLE VWTM THERE'S TOO MANY DYWMTDRUSES... 1 Pet. 17 .702 20 .608 28 .596 24 .529 27 .526 29 .491 30 .474 34 .404 35 .386 38 .833 Mercantile League 4 V Snndin Tailor 40 Statesman 81 C8 Xat. Bank 34 Glenns Red White 87 Valley Motor 30 Scio 28 Salem Brewery , 27 Dr. Pepper 23 Hamilton Furniture 22 Marion Hotel . 19 Day 160, Colwell 160, Sundin 158 ETans 158, White 157. Ktsel 157, Schrunk "ii iuicson io, uonnelly 153. Electrical League W L Matter Bread 45 18 Groundmen . 40 23 Linemen . 34 29 Meadows . 30 30 Kelnon Bros. 30 33 Servicemen 26 87 Salesmen . 26 37 Dr. Semler 23 39 Hanger 168. rrV;n. tuo 1 Benuchamp 165, Barnholt 160, K. Doerfler "iison iou, iiutKley 100. Clark 158. 1 : 1 r ' GLORyt) SKY, ZERO- tTMAKCS ME FEEL. GlAO ALL OVER TO WAKE UP. AKl' FIND THAT AWFUL. SIDRM IS GOMEAMK. Xdl e Leagne W t, pet. Capital Bedding 42 15 ,77 Coca Cola 41 16 .719 Keglettes . 40 17 .02 McKay Chevrolet 37 20 .649 Royal Desserts 28 81 .426 Hubbard Motor Co. : 22 85 386 Mickeys Sandwich Shop 21 -36 .868 Ellens Bc-anty Shop IS 88 .296 V. Birain ISA J T.t- im w b.j fern 150. It. Woodfield 149, Petaam 148. roll 147. J. Lockridge 148. Keren 142. Lemon Juice RecipiV Checks Rheumatic Pains Quickly If yos Salter from rheumatic, srthritls maovitla nal. .1 .1. 1 w . ! - peaslTe Boms recipe that thonaads are asias. Get a saekin f R.f. ri-- s twe-week supply, today. Mis it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemoaa. It's easy. No trouble at ail and pUasaat. Yo seed only X tablespoonaf ol two times m i4 . w Aft.. -iVil is k. . time overnight splendid results are ob tained. If the pains da sot suickly leave and 11 da net feel better, ratarw the empty package and Ra-Es win cost yea MthtB t Ir. i. t. ..1 J . - .. -. . J gjf r w fiat ander as absolute money hack guar antee. Ra-Es Compound is lor sale aad nesnainsia h VW ! n . c. lA ST NUSMT" WWTD4 TWe USWTWOS WAS rn5HlKrAW,THTrJD3? WAS CtAPPTM SO LOUD iT HURT MY CAPS -I WAS "TERwiBLE Fath.er Neptune Declares Peace! GREAT, BS WAVES KEPT HTTTIM' TH3 " w - sar sjfW r THEY WIS AAAO AT fT AM By WALT DISNEY lO TOOTS AND CASPER SCARED m Ac Hloh Byi BRANDON WALSH I W44TEO"TO PEAK j 11 r urn II -J C 1 1 aW VrtT J I 1 1 n f i r 1 r r 1 1 r - r i AW PRYEOAS rUPDA5XOpLD WHEN THE 6WP ROCKED VOCE TT AS GONNA RUI-WHTBTDTHEOW out NOW EYCTirrHMG OKAY AGA1M J f CASPER. 60 OVER TO THg HOTEt. KCU SWELLO TOMORBuW AND -EE VF You cam iKiDuce ".T oifpi rroM fV k'Alf TO SI-tM THIS CONTRACT 1 - - vurru 1 ic: . 1 THAT C47DER WILL MEAN A LOT KTO US, MY BOY! IN FACT, IT. SO IMPORTANT I WANT YOU TO HANDLE IT PERSONALLY, AND YOU MUST NOT FAIL! a w 1 . THIMBLE THEATRE-tcaTing Popeye) By JIMMY MURPHY 1 WOKT LET THE BOSS tXrvVNi THTS CONTPACT IS A3 rOOD A3 51JEO RlivTT NOW I PRETTY SOON rLL HAVE SO MANY rfcWETO aVI MY CAP ru. LOOK LsVE AN IMDIw4 CHIEF AT A VUBANCE. vnivuviy $k 6tsh "Block That lick. DobbLal" "TOOTS, YOU-RS MARRIED TO A CLEVER UrYlTHB BOSS HASNT SAID tM THC SMJ TP.r .I rV AT -TUr r-iis ssii-o ACTIONS SPEAK LOUOtR ThAN VWORDsJ VV ' S MPLOYEES HS PICK'S no iu iwiPLfe IHIS K ORDER ; POPVE,IALWAV WANTED TO LEARN HOW TO RIDS I T7 1 1 1 : ' ORSM.OUVB.I nI JAAA .Mlf 'A ClIIMl 1 I -uMnj I DONT KTsOVV MUCH AiOUT HORSHEa BUT I KNOW VOU CAN J RiDGlrVANT VOO T TOTCACW AS HOVV. TO6ETONA JP ip krs allv4 I WANTS TO KNOW. r Hon chow is&t RkSHT KIOW i 0C ANOC I J?C H0PSW A C THg?El VA CANT MISS VtTTN POP-VyS and drag stares everywhere. . I I