Over Sport Sparks By HON GE&CIELL i Hank '"Does EiA&ain in Hume - Turning th prop in propaganda, trrrwindingr the tape from tapestry, spinning the spoke out of .unspoken and wanderinqr whoever put the gorge In gorgeous? ... It seems Elmer Layden 'was the manimous cnoics en everybody but the National league --and the American league for commissioner of pro fessional football. . . . Appar ently the editorial scribes be lieve Colonel Lindbergh to have a lot of freight in his train of thought " When money talks, Howard Hobson. the Oregon hoop coach, doesn't miss a word of it . . . Hobby is; probably the first mentor in University of Oregon history to build his teams with one eye on the - 4f IS (13 Seen: A couple of kids play- Lee Sunn ing datch with, a baseball, a flock of rabbins on a lawn, a guy spading a garden plot and a stray yellawjacket buzzing about . . . 8' pose old G. Hog could have been -wrong? In beautiful shape for this time of year, is the Salem golf course, and I ought to know for I've been over every Inch of it . . . Improvements under way include a new tee for num ber 5 and a new green for number 4 . . . As for me, a new backs wing, I hope.. ' . It's just possible there is a touch of sarcasm in the stale ; ment of Billy Hulen, Medford Mail-Tribune scribe, that he, too. 1 would pick Salem as the next champion, but for a reason oth er than ability . . . Perhaps. Billy boy. you'll agree on the ability part too, after next weekend. -o Sports Scribes Caught in Draft, too. Idaho Hoopers Lead at Half Seventh Straight Win Keeps Washington Stale on Top MOSCOW, Idaho. Feb. 8 ( AP ) Washington State's Coujrars, setting the pace in 14 as v. nandol returns they might I "e norxnern amsion, f acme v,rrr UTmo MoKV.v hnd voasi conference o&sjEetoeui the Ducks were in the Inland st?t Sme Saturday night Empire, Fracas; Cougars Defeat Vandals 7ehfcoters Tip cavers 36-35 with Idaho's Vandals as third- time victims. Tbe score was SB to 47. State, after taking an early 11- polnt lead, had to rally from a 2S-24 halftlme deficit te post the victory. Kartaarn Bi-Udoa aaaamas W L M Pf Pa Waah. Stat ? S .T7S Ml SS4 Oregon Stata 4 4 .500 192 2SS Washiartaa 4 4 .800 t0 Sll Idaho X S .25 SS4 SSS Oregon -230 SIS 4S Saturday nis&t Kesmlti OrtfM S8. Oregoa State 35. Vulmttn Stat 55, Id aha 47. Forward Ron Harris of Idaho staged a brilliant one-man scor ing show, pouring 21 points through the loop in a futile effort to hand his mates a win orer the leagae leaders. Vandals Open Scoring laano opened the scoring on a field goal by Mike Sulliran. bat state knotted the count at (-all and. bitting a hot streak, piled Uncle Sam is catching sports writers as well as sports performers in his draft, and who was that in the audience. please, who said: "That's fine?" . . . 'Telican" Bill Cummings, Klamath Falls chronicler, stuck a "30" on the end of his Friday ln before the Vandals viltimn rmA tntrlnor? off tr m ini-Vi rr rvrrrrAa tutntnA Instorrrl rrf rt I ' 8 Z . " - With the score at 22-12 for typewriter. and Jnst g mantes of the The Dalles hoop fans declare the youngest of the Dicks, half remaining. Harris and Irring Eddied who is now hooping for The Dalles high, is the best of """J6 the lot which includes Brother Bill, who performed as a fresh- . .a ' . man at Oregon, Brother John of the national collegiate cham- the second half until the Cougars pionship Oregons and Brother Roger, currently playing for the pulled Into a one-point lead at Oregon Frosh ... The last of the Dicks, who stands 6-foot-2 and Vi!?di n'TtL in front for ir- . i ic the final 10 minute. we ignis l j, nas oeen averaging arouna in pouiis pr yuiuw fills season. Nolan Skiff, Pendleton columnist, is willing to wager that whichever team wins the district two championship, it will also win at least 50 per cent of its state tournament games ... A hot fight is expected in that district comprising Hood River, The Dalles, Hermistqn, Pendleton and McLoughlin of Milton Freewater. Heard: That Lee Shinn eyed his 1941 Salem Senator con tract scratched what is left of his brown coiffure and decided to. nine points ahead with three min- Ut KW TrmVinrr Uia mrrr-V TV. a AirArorinn Virwavor I utes of play remaining. The dll- uivboi i i-rsx-A iuuiuii ii" ... A.w.w...r w w.w., Xxaicft was too much for the . is to be done with Skipper Bunny Griffiths instead of Manager wearying Vandals to challenge. Howard Maple. , State was charged with 24 Jerry 'The Mule" Gastineou. , ex-Bearer! from Missouri, fouls and Idaho, which lost first :.,U t ramm- fr- h.nc i A-r,rr tringer Ray Turner en personals, quite well at his Ashland post thank you . . . Gastineau's teanl Far .behind Harris In the scor- Up to Friday, night had walloped Bend twice, Chemawa twice, ins were Cougars Gebert and Grants Pass twice, split with Roseburg and Medford and ""l,!11! , . A , r-. m tn Lt. each, and Hopkins, who scored wmppeu me ume oons oi oul ... men n ran mio iuuiuuui i xo for Idaho, FoUs. o Wl Skipperhood Apparently all Set. Horace "Pip" Koehler to pilot the Tigers this season, the Guard Kirk Gebert provided the spark that kept the state of fense functioning after Ray Sund- Quist. Dale Gentry and Marrin Gil berg were thumbed from the floor on fouls. In Closing Minatcs Most of his 11 points came In the closing minutes as WSC slow ly widened the gap to four points and then turned torrid to more Firing Final Season for 'Cats Jolting Johnny Kofb, steady performing three-sports asam at Willam ette U, wbo as midway through his fourth straight varsity basket ball season amd who will soon be starting on his fourth straight baseball season. Kolb finished his fourth straight varsity football year last antstoan. Wolcott of Rice Sets Third Indoor Record Great Hurdler Tops 45-Yard Timbers in 5.6; Les McMitchell Wins Famed Hunter Mile; Meadows Sets Vault Record BOSTON, Feb. 8 (AP) The nation's premier milers, loner the idols of the Boston track public, were forced into the background tonight when Fred Wolcott, Rice institute's great hurdler, chalked up his third world indoor record in a week by winning the Boston AA's 45-year high timber event in 5.6 seconds before 14,000 at the Boston Garden. The splendid 4:19.7 perform- atchee, Ted Mayer; Vancouver, Bob Brown elude Griffiths and Holt Repeaters in- WSC (53) Fg Ft PfTp Butts, f S 1 S 7 Gllberg. f 3 14 7 Dosskey. f 0 0 0 0 Gentry, f 2 0 4 4 Lindeman-, c 3 6 t 11 Zimmerman, c 0 0 0 0 Gebert. g 5 1 2 11 Mahan. g 110 3 Hooper, g 1118 Sundquist, g 3 0 4 0 Hunt, g 118 3 Akins, g 0 0 10 Totals 22 11 24 55 Idaho (47) Harris, f 7 7 2 21 Turner, f 0 0 4 0 Snyder, f 0 10 Hilton, c 3 3 3 0 Holt, c 0 0 0-0 Foster, g 0 0 1 a Anderson, g 0 0 10 Sullivan, g 110 8 Hopkins, g 4 2 0 10 Thompson, g 2 0 8 4 Totals 17 13 15 47 Halftlme score: Idaho 25. Baby Yanks from last to first in a span of 32 games . . . And, in so doing, he earned himself the role of utility on the cir cuit s all-star selection. Ever notice that .on E Hauk's Salem high hoop teams (or have you ever, heard of them?), his forwards play the for ward spots on both offense and defense? . . . That is. on offense the forwards are up front, toward their own basket and on defense they are also up in front, nearest their own basket . . I know of no other club that does this all others using the guards out in front on defense. Oregon halfbacks are evidently taking their cue from Lenjner 4, Snyder 2, Hilton, Ander- Isbergs experience last season . . . Isberg, it may be rememr kJ' w.i... w..v, be red. began carrying and kicking the football ta great lengths ton; umpire, Eddie Chinske, Mon- loiiowing nis marriage . . . Now comes the announcements that, Curtis Mecham the kid who carried mat 42-yard reverse against the Beavers last autumn, and Buck Berry have left bcnchelor ranks . . ; Berry, incidentally, married the sister of Stonebreaker, USCs great erid. Washington State 24. Free throws missed: Gentry 2, Lindeman 3, Mahan, Sundknist, Harris 3. Tur tana. iers Viking Swiii Whip Vancouver Rn1ctthnll f ccfcf nf Jifinnr Imnort. Ttorr, tw.afcnulrl V rrf interest in D. Hendris. H. Herat and Saturday afternoon defeated Van- - t li . j -wr r- ii t, 1 couTcr mgn, 10 mi. in io proDODiy numerous omers; es teww "'iVancouw pool marking the league mounds, flung his dubs 13. times oy actual count in first time In eight years the Vlks the qualifying round of the baseball players golf tournament at hare been able to outaplash the St Petersburg . . . He broke two woods and two irons in post- Washington team, ing a 75-75151, at the same time getting slightly better dis- et Hsuser. coring wins In . ' n i ai ul. - the 50-yard and 100-yard free ranee wun rus wooaa man wiui ms irons.- . f,tTu .Tnnt i.a tm .ni.i t. Araument: LncJc btrite. tuaene scrivener, voices a oeuei Dr.BMr( ta . at the eiaht first that assists are as important in basketball as in rxrsebau ana places, shnta iaken. etc -.11 ResulU -"-J-' 1 .--.. I r n jt nr.. V- ET.... a In . A 1 Hut.1i., V on me .grounas xnai h is.more onen uib wiuty hi u .uuuiibi I second: Senechsl. V, third maneuvre into txasition to take a pass than it is, the ability oil loo-ysrd breast stroke Won rr rvrr tn rro iha hn tr him ihcrt counts . 1 Excentions. ves. tT Tryon. S. la 1:24.3; Thomlen V, c0rrHv tVio ,nr rJ rm nssisfina nrtia rould be tetter 1 . v. COn T DtUlbar. V. Ihlrd. credited to the cassee than me passer r The basketball box . score The Statesman has used lor the past two .years has enjoyed such hearty approval from coaches, players and fans 1hat fm wondering why others donft trv it It cbes individual shots, field goals, tree throws and total Doints ihi &e main box with free throws missed, personal I Hsuser. s. in 1:03.4: Watson. : v. fouls and shootina tjercentages in the summary, wnereas tne I second; Tripp, s, -third. Wirfnni Tvroca rrvcnrHrmrm rv-lT-fSfl tint V rmiV in IQICU SnOIS. I v" . b.vv. . . . .... . 1 CknnV. C -n. DnvV., O your corresponaent s cpimon mar j oniony j-egvicn aia, ngm. iu i . . 150-rard medley relay Won forsake football at Oregon State in favor of a professional base-1 by. Salem's team of Board man. Kinill mntrw4 Wiih th AtWettca OTOvidina he assured himself I Tryon and Schanke in 1:34. Of a (bUegeducation nc matter what he. does or oesnVdo kyyeleam of Boe u ljau iWwOAA" . w uu-uiv i senecBSL uoreuns ana wiuob in - -- - - . :!....... . . ... ... :. .... I ' major league catcner. ii;4s.z. 220-yard free style Won by Merrlott. S. la 2:52.2: Coeklln. V, second Poole, S. third. 100-yard back stroke Won by Boardmaiu S. la 1:17; Huiten berg. S, second-; Miller, V third. 100-yard free style Won ,by Swcglc X7in 2S-12 - I T7 2 G L E Boy Scout troop four of . Salem was defested 2a i- to ll by the Swegle graders here Pridaj. R. Dickey led the scoring villi It points. f State Grapplers "Win EUGENE, Feb. ts-Sy-OTegon State's wrestling team -defeated! Oregon. 36 to 0, Saturday.' win- nlng Ave matches by forfeit, two by decision and one by a fail. . Aumsville Winner .; ADMSVlDLE Aamrrille , high defeated Turner 32 to 30 here Friday night' in' a fast, closely played hoop cam. Bearcats to Play Linfield and CPS ! Conference Fate Decided rwtw. ' XTT 1. . w . Weekend Here Willamette U's fate In the 1941 Northwest- conference basketball race will be largely decided this week when the Bearcats play Lin field a return game at McMlnn Tille Tuesday night and meet un defeated! CoUege of Puget Sound tn a two-game series here Friday and Saturday. With the exception of a return game here with Pacific February 21, this week finishes the confer ence slate for Happy Howard Ma ple's thrice victorious, once de feated crew. A tough battle is In prospect with Linfield's Wildcsts, whom the WTllamettes barely nosed out. 34-34. in an orertlme clash here. With the exception that they took two close decision from Whitman early in the season, little is known of the College of Puget Bound team, defending conference champion. Parrisli, Leslie Slate 2nd Clash The Parrish-Leslie hoop fracas. the second In a three game series between the two Salem Junior high rlrals. is slated for Friday night of this week at Leslie. The third round of play will open Wednesday with the Pioneers meeting : the Reds, the Greens clsshlng with the Yanks, and Les lie playing the loop lsadlng Giants. In the Initial meeting of the year for the two Junior highs, Par- rlsh edged out the Flesher band. 23-14. The Leslie-Giant fray .holds plenty of attraction In that it Is reported the Giants hare lost the services of Forward Srarrarud to Tom Drynan's Jsyree aggregation. Srarrarud left tbe league in pos session of the indlridual scoring lead of 112. anee Les Macalitchell of New York unirersity turned in to win the famed Hunter mile by eight ysrds from Walter Mehl of Wis consin aroused but little enthu siasm from the orerflow crowd. which was expecting something Hearer 4:08. wolcott only last night set a new mark ot .1 seconds for the 50-yard high hurdles in Phlla del phi a and last Saturday he low ered the 40-yard record to 7.2 seconds in the Mlllrose meet In New York. Earl Meadows of Los Angeles set a new world pole rault mark of 14 feet sh inches, se Ten- eighths of an inch higher than tbe world mark Connie Warmer dam made in this meet two years ago. Meadows soared orer that height on his first try. When the bar waa remeasured, bowerer. It was found to be up only 14 feet 6T4 Inches, three quarters of an inch better than the old mark, Two others, Kenny Dill, also of Los Angeles, and Dick Ganslen, of Roanoke, Va., cleared 14 feet 4 inches. While Meadows was setting himself for his successful record breaking try. the two-mllers got ander way. But only a few of the spectators saw all of the strides Greg Rice of South Bend. lad., took to gain his 13th consecutire triumph by defeating Don Lash of Indiana by 30 yards in t :01.X Pilots, Badgers Slated by Angels MT. ANGEL Two gsmes are slated here for the Mt. Angel college hoopers next week. San- day afternoon they tangle once more with the Portland unirersity and Tuesdsy night they entertain Pacific unirersity. The Sundsy game Is the last of a four-gams series with the Pi lots. Tbe three games played, two at Portland and one at Mt. Angst, prored victories for the Portland men. Total points for Portland In the three contests was 148 against 104 garnered by ML An gel. Anderson Comes to IXesene Witi J)eddlng Point is jLaat 27 Seconds EUGENE. Ore, Feb. 8 (AP) Lonjr. lean Hank An derson, still limping' with a knee injury, came to Oregon s rescue ror toe second time within a week Saturday, night, as the Webf oots defeated Ore iron State; 36 to 25, In an rerttsse basketball game. Tbe sewering forward entered the tense contest with only a mtn ate aad a halt remaining tn the flre-mmate orertlme. But ft was long enough for blm to sink the winning field goal aad giro Ore- gen Its third straight northern dirision Tictory. It was much the same kind of shot that Anderson fired only last week to glre the Webfoots a last-second triumph orer Wash ington. He fired from Inside the keyhole after taking a pass from George Andrews. Dramatic Climax Anderson's performsnce was a dramatic climax to a wild second half that saw Oregon climb from 10-17 halftlme deficit to a Il ls deadlock with three minutes of regular playing time left. Forward Bam Deeneat pmt tbe Staters la front 81-29 with a field goal from aader tbe bas ket, bet Orejroa was not to be dealed and Crater BUI Bare her again kaotted tbe rout at 81 81 on a plrot shot with less thaa two Balanites remaining. Neither team was able to score again and the regular playing time ended at 21-31. Guard Clayton Shaw put Ore gon State ahead with a set shot at the start of the orertlme, but Ceater Archie Marshlk came right back with a field goal that tied the count once again at 38-33. Hank Takes Orer Center John Mandic potted a field goal that gare tbe Bearers 88-33 margin but the adrantage waa reduced to one point a few seconds lster ss Andrews sunk one of two free throws. At this point Anderson entered the contest and took orer. The loss was Oregon State's fourth in conference competition and mored it back into a tie with Washington for second place. It was Oregon's fourth win and sec ond orer the Bearers. The box score: fPritn, Oregon. Sunday Honing, FaLruarf 3. 1941 Robiss Nip ' Yikijags j 21-18, 4th IPeriod i - J rw. rmwmm w. with Estcse wedaeedsy la- a Xa -Xi we eaceaatrr. aad two away, srsth, Medford Friday aad; Saturday. Is the Viking arbeaaie tau we. ; t i ! - ; OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis, Feb. 8 (Spe cial) Lewis Beck went into action in the final quarter here this afternoon to toss in six points and grab a 21 to 18 vic tory for the OSC Rooks over Salem high's Vikings after the capital city prep team had held a 16 to10 third quarter lead. It was the second game this season that, the Rooks came behind to stop the classy fro Salem team that has been beaten but once this year in high school competition, and - both times it was the final-period distance fir ing ot Beck, former Pendleton hooper, that did the trick. Salem, with Irish and Simmons contributing, led 4-3 at the end of the first period. The Rooks, with Atwood doing most of the damage, took a 9-7 halftlme lead but the Vikings held them to one point in the third quarter while scoring nine themselres. Bob McKee. ex-Viking, helped Beck to ruin the Salem chances in the final quarter hitting a basket whea It counted the most. Salem IS 1 Rooka Salstrom 8 T Beck Simmons 7 2 McClusky Irish 1 Warren Coons 2 Helno Bower Atwood Subs for Salem: Cutler. For Rooks: McKee 3, Histt. Locey Condemns Signing o Oregon (SO) Towniend, f-g Fuhrmas, f Borcher, c Andrews, g Jackson, g Marshlk. c-f Anderson, f KIrsch, g BorrsTik, f Totsls . OSC (S3) Mulder, f Dement, f Mandic. c ValentL g Durdan. g McNutt. t saaw. c Totals PF TP . 6 0 10 4 2 3 PF TP C 10 14 0 0 0 5 35 Halftlme score: Oregon State 17, Oregon 10. Free throws missed: Fuhrman, Andrews 2. Jackson. KIrsch. De ment. Mandic. Durdan. Officials: Hunter. Mitchell. FO FT .S 0 3 0 0 1 S A 0 4 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 3 14 8 14 FG FT 2 2 1 2 4 1 S 4 1 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 JL2 11 12 Woodburn Slates 10-Bout Smoker WOODBURN A 10-bout box ing card, under sponsorship ot the Woodburn FFA chapter. Is sched uled for the Woodburn high School gymnasium Thursday night, be ginning at 8 o'clock. Fast punching Richard Mathle soa of Woodburn and Jack Stock ton ot Molana will rle la the main ereat, with Eugene Schlecht of Woodburn and Leo Cooper of the state training school tor boys meeting in the semifinal. Other bouts: Olirer Hecktr rs. Floyd Johnson; John Zak rs. Billy Neal; Arthur Dates rs. Marsden Dunham; Orea Ostrom rs. George Lechelamelr; Earl Nelly rs. Earl lfattson; Virgil Schlecht rs. Rob ert Brock, j State Mat Meet Set Here Again Dates February 28, March 1; District Tussles Are Scheduled The Oregon state high school wrestling championships are slat ed to be held at Salem high school under direction of Vera Gilmore again this year, making the fifth consecutire year he has directed tbe big meet, but due to district alignments adopted, this, year the entries will be cut better than half. Four district meets are sched uled prior to tbe state meet, with two boys in each of the 12 weight dirlsions to earn their way into the state tournament from these district tournaments. Salem is in district four, in cluding McMlnnriUe. the state blind school. Sllrerton and Che mawa. The Vikings will sponsor the district tournament. Two weights bsre this year been added, the 118 and 133- pound classes. Weights under which the CO boys will rle for state titlea here lncclude: 95, 108. 112. 112. 12S. 133. 138. 145. 155. 185. 175 and unlimited. Who's Hoop Osr.alU Alkar Tctoda .. 8wnt H District 11 ataaaiacs W U Pet. Pf . 4 1 .BOO 17S S 1 .70 14S t S .50 144 1 S .2 SO 10S 0 S .000 TS . Ha VaaM lfM Staadlaca W U Pet. Pf RalM 8 S 1.000 4SS TOlamMk S S .SO S47 Oto City .55 0 MeMiaaTili S S .500 SOS ( -&O0 SSI CarraUis S S -3S IS Milvaakia 1 T .US 177 aJeaiy 1 .111 t7 Ctty Zatraawral Xaarao W L, Pet. Pf Oiaal S S 1.000 S4S Parruii T S .T1S S48 Tak S 4 .555 til LUi 4 S .444 170 R4a 1 S .ItS 17S 1 S .125 isa Pa 14S SS 1T its ISO Pa 14S ISO tit ass S14 SSS its sss Pa ltt S04 t!7 rt4 SS7 SIS LaaJiaf aevrers: Bvarrarad. Giaata, tlS; HaacX Giaata. SO; J. Jokaaaa, Taaka, TO; Harria. LaUa, St; Cpiaka, Grama, SS; ftaaUaa. a4a. SS; Kaal. Oiaata. 54; Clark. Iatea. SI; Taaka. SI; Warns. Parriaa. 44. . 1 iKj! Bearers Athletic Chief AasaiU Bigj Leagues ; in Leovich Deal CORVALLIS. Ore.. Feb, SHS Professional baseball was assailed Saturday by Percy. Locey, Oregon State' college director of athletics. for signing college athletes before graduation. Locey statement followed by one day bis announcement mat -John Leorich. Oregon State foot ball and baseballi let term an, had left school to sign as a, catcher with the Philadelphia Athletics of the American league. U is regrettable, to say tbo least, that a boy wbo Is rarnbag his way tbrovghi college should be teeapted by all tbe noaej m big feagwe baaebaU dab -can of fer him, Locey 'said. ? I don't blame tbe boy. for. after all. be mast think: of hie fatare. but I do think tbe laasi twUosas -of tbe eoutry , sbowld deaaasMl a showdown with tbo , office of Jadge Laadis, tbe hlgbi coeamisaloaer ofibaaebaQ. MATi tbe blame in these rase nnst do pUred on baseball. There- ran be- bo other way to -look at tt. 1 i i Locey radicated that he woald refer the matter for action at the next meeting of the Pacific Coast conference. i 1 T- Blackley, McCuin j In Retiirn Matcli Continue FeufiJ at Armory Wednesday; Achiu Back in Semi I ; The Gene Blackley-BUly Mc Cuin raaslln feud, that dereloped out of a free-for-all last week, continues at Salem's armory Wed nesday night in the first half of a double main errnt bin to which an women are to?be admitted free of charge. A no-contest decision wss hand ed down on the Slackley-UcCuln melee last week; following Me Culn's kayo of Referee Harry El liott, and the lads are out to set tle the issue this treek. Sneese Achlu. fJhlnese Jiu-jitsu expert, returns to Salem- after a two-year absence; to meet Prince nakl in the other, half of the main erent. The Sneexer was a. popular grappler here in f years past, and is expected to draw a record turn out. Toung Gotch and George KIU mlller open the three-match show at 8:80. Harry Elliott will again be on deiek to officiate, promises Promo tor Herb Owen. Proctor, Turner Gome to Terms for 10-Round MixHcre February 18; Winner to Meet Kahut . Leo "The Lion". Turner, ex state middleweight champion. Sat urday agreed to terms tor a 10 round battle with Powder Proctor la .Salem's armory arena tbe eight of February 18, it was announced by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Boxing club. The stake: A ,nt at Terrible Tony Kahut aad tbe state middle weight title two weeks later. And the Veta -make no bonea about the fact they hope and be llere this acrsp will wash away tbel bad (taste left by their efforts to import something big for Sa lem boxiag fans.;: By "something big they of coarse referred to the Slmms-O'Maller hearyweight fiasco laat week.'. Tbe colored kids (Proctor is 18. Turner 30) are two of the fastest-punching fighters erer to show here, aad they constitute a match Salem fight filberts hare long wanted: to see. i-Whlla Turner, because of his experience, is considered . to hare ( A ! 1 J POWDER PROCTOR aa edge, the lithe, swift hitting Proctor baa many supporters In Salem. -Both boys made their starts ta the Salem ring. Proctor has nerer been beaten, while Tamer's only two local loasea were both much disputed ones to Buddy Peterson. ' Proctor baa been la training for orer a month, working for two weeks aa a sparring partner for Tiger Jack Fox. while Turner, whea adrlsed two weeks ago of the possibility of the bout, imme diately took to. road work. It la. expected that the growing Turner will not only hare to bear down la training but also will hare to take sereral sessions la tbe ateam to make weight for tbe scrap. Whea be fought Peterson last Jane be entered the ring at 114 despite a steam session. - Proctor, always In trim, isnt concerned about Turner's weight. He wants' the shot regardless of Turner's 'heft and doesnt meaa to let a few pounds stop the boat, ak'.pu s, Bn s. c aawUas a. t Praaaytartaa. lat MataaSia at Baptists . LaaSras 10. HaU S. Caerah . 1 1 e e It rn e l.ooe e Lsee i .see Ti SS SS is ss WaUt IS. a MarWy Acars S. HaasUtaa T. B. Stmt T. BaMarta a Fraaartariaa lat Ckriattai CS Cariatiaa Utktna Jaaaw Ism Mnmitw Laa4i IS. M w i rr rr r l e l.eeo st it i a i.eoe ss ts 1 LSOO is is 0 I .SOS ss s e .eee it e i .see is is IS. SalaM 11. K. ntiaaM 10. Ua4 10. OaMharar t. Trim S. Sa taaS S. Walty S. gkaryaack T. - C' Camrch laraa W I. Pet Pf Pa Oaarrasmtiaaal 1 l OOO SS IT Carta Latfcaraa IS l.eSO SS S PraaartorUa 1 0 I.OOS, 14 IS Pint BavUat 0 t .000 IT SS Crt &lrr 0 1 t.0Oe S ti gaauait HiUalat. O 1 .000 IS S4 Li4iK acarera: MeD4 IS. ASaaM It. BraSsaaw It. Paavy 10. Battalia S, Paa S, OaaiUa - ' CKtf Kaar Imm . w u rem rr ra i - X 1.000 ss so . 1 1.000 ST SS i i e i-oeo 44 ss e l .eoe so so y f - l .eoe t4 44 Barkin-aa O 1 .OOO SS ST timmm CTO-. TMCA P L-a4iaK armrs: Vaa PWt IT. Evaat IS. Vimf tS, Barrel Is. Backaaas 18. O-atikaw 1L Cttr n ra Lsa4ias Bcm-n: Bclcaw St. 8aaa4 SO. ar-4 IS. Uaroasa VI. Saiaa S. Baarraaa Alpha Pat HailTwaa Craiga Kaitr Paatarnca BOaar Xf w l, trrx i e i-ooe ' l e i,ooe l e i.oee e l .ooo e " l .ooe West Salein Wins Two Hodp Qaslics WEST SALEH Tbe West Si lent grade school 'girls' hoop team defeated Liberty's girls IS to 14 here Frldsy. whOe the West Sa lem boys were defeating Liberty at Liberty. 18 to; 10. Players and scoring, for West Salem: Mlcheel: 10. Ashcraft, Truxall t. Moaaeo 3. Parnell 8. B. Barlow 1. J. Barlow; for Lib erty. R. JMsch (. A. Dasch. R. Judd t.S CampbelL Plaak 3 SargeaatJ . ! Brolalla Slates Smoker MOI-ALLA Sandy aad If c4al La high schools meet la a boxing smoker here Monday night, with boxiag aad wrestling matches be tween Oregon City aad: MolaUa slated February l aad a retara matcli achedalediat Oregon City February IS. Basketball . Scores College BaaketbaU College of New York 41, For hsm University. 40. Columbia 41. Hsrrard If. Ohio State 4tj Iowa 44. Washlagtoa aad Lee 48, TJnl rerslty of. Maryland IS. i Arkansas 8. Baylor 31. Pens State S3. Templet 38. i " Nary 34. Duke 33. i : Iowa State S Si Oklahoma SS. Wisconsin St. Butler 15. Minnesota BO. ?HlraoU 38. ' Dartmouth til Princeton 40." Purdue 48. Cilcago St. Notre Dsme 47, Northwestera SS. ! - J Kentucky 48. Alabama 38. Drake 38. Washington 38. ! Montana St, jGonxaga 43. 'Whltmaa 42, ttaflela If." i . 4-