The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1941, Page 16, Image 16

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    i; .
Thm OBECOIT STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, Febniaryd. IS41
i 1 1
JNYAAgent Calls
" At School Mee
AUMSVILLE E. Britt Nedry
student work field representative
... of government NYA projects, held
conference with nigh school stu
Cents her this week. He notified
superintendent of school. T.
Otto; that an Increase in the NYA
allotment had been made, which
' would enable Aumsvllle. high to
MinlA an nnltlnnBl m 1 11 A art t In
, the work
. ' Lloyd Nelson whose parents live
n the Lynch slace east. of town
suffered a broken arm Wednes-
- dav when Hdlnr fihMlind iwin
. He fell . from the pony , breaking
the right arm. -
For A Few Cent a day. you
can hare the Joys-the savings,
convenience, and health of
Gibson automatic cooking.
Inspect this master-cooker . .
you'll want it! Hear the terms
" you'll take it!
SEE r. the Latest
Advance in Cookery!
Aatomalie timer for ovea,
Kaossll, or percolator out
let. "Set It, forget it."
Tarwe heat a, coeka, turn
' v while you're away 1 .
f miuu a ftlessed relief for
kxaaj hoosewivM!
Bi 10-onart KookaU deep
- - well cooker and Steamall- -
with temperatare coatroL
SuMuna, bakes, deep. fat
fries cooks a whole meal
at oace! Swam in the vita
snlns. Hand switch or timer
Startta at I
8 - T U
Cwi la fdmjl
Ilelson Bros.; Inc.
355-361 Chemeketa
Phone 4149
Grade Splinnl Has Saverton Voters to Ballot on 2000
Cpnornnliv P-irtv " arranl inuenieaness luonaay; $uu.:
Oeography rarty : Total Cost of Proposed Ag Building
latrus i rruit Froiect la
iFinished With Tea;
Lincoln Honored
SILVERTON The question of incurring $2000 of war
rant indebtedness as sponsor's share of a $7200 ; Smith-
Hughes agricultural building will come before the voters of
Silverton school district Monday. Voting will be done from
Jennee I to 7 p. m.
Garden Club lias
Sifurdson,. teacher of. the., fifth
grade, reports that the pupils en
joyed a: citrus fruit tea party
Wednesday, which completed a
study of the southern states. The
liquid refreshment was made of
the Juices of the class Florida pro
ducts exhibit.
Pupils pouring during the party I
were Shirley Klassen. Nita White. SCIO Final decision -was de-
lean Tanner and Doris E wen. As-1 f erred by. the Scio Garden club on
sistlng were Wayne Bradford and I bids and plans submitted by nur-
Darwin .Michaels. - serymen tor snruo plantings on
Talks ; on the citrus fruit In- the new high school , grounds at
dustry were glren by Robert reu,ar meeting of the lub this
Stoutenburr and Stanley Johnson. week l the nom ' Mr-
- I mi . r w . nriiL.
, Diui. airs. j. a. w i lucn was, co-
Albert ho8te98- Tn club has taken .the
Beckman. president of the Laurel ?rund? improvement for a pro-4
Social Hour club, entertained Ml" ye"r- " "na
at her home TnMs yl ."uo' 7"ru w" comP'lea
Mrs. C. J. Jackson and UBt fa bT WPA 'aDor
Mrs. rranKuarto, president of
the unit, named the following
Mrs. Muriel Friesen assisted th.
The program honored the committees for the IS 41 calendar
birthday of Abraham Lincoln.
Mrs. C. H. Brown rare a reading.
Lincoln.". Betty Lou Beckman en-
If approved, the. building, will be constructed" near the
new senior - mgn' school with the
National Youth " administration
supplying all labor and. architect
lees and. considerable material
without cost to the district. '
.The State 'Board, for Vocational
Education is also cooperating In
ue Duiioiug prograta. . "
School authorities say the pro
posed -. oner jj chance for the
district to add' to its educational
faculties with little outlay of
money r
Voting will be done in the fan
rter high school, known to many as
me old senior high school. All
property taxpayers who hare lived
in the district for 30 days preced
lng the election are eligible to
year: finance, Mrs. Rolla iShel
ton, . Mrs. Fred, Jones and Mrs.
Fred Bilyeu; park, Mrs. M. D.
tertained with two -rocal solo.. w. senruna, Mr.
ti.. lonn oilier ana
Playmates" and "God Bless
Mrs. Carl Cy-
AmpHr. " fr. . I.I . I J B' uieaioeriDip, Mr. noun
played seversl niano solos. "W1. MrV- J-..?"PP
The club voted to giro $1.25 to-T, ".'..V 11', o . "v'J'V ,
ward the education of a Chinese t.iVZ iBk w
1 student, talked on 4H club work
members present and
as a feature of the program. Mrs.
Mylo Bartu and Mrs. Cecil Miller
guests, Mrs. O. C. Schofleld o f 1 , , , , r , " , ' ' K , " V " '
V..I1..H . i r r I . " " v ivi-
vi.mi, juiia ; i,. reier- mer', home March 4.
Beckman; Mrs. V. T. Jackson and
Mrs. Everett Lisle, both of Salem
were present.
WEST SALEM Members of
the Methodist Church Epworth
league left Friday afternoon for
retreat at Smith Creek camp at
Silver Creek Falls this weekend.
They were accompanied by Rev,
Don Muckabee and other chaper-
Gardeners Ponder
Flower Show Date
WOODBURN The Woodburn
Garden club will meet Tuesday
in the club rooms of the city lib
rary. Carl Huber has charge of
tne program, which will deal with
roses. Members will respond to
roll call by giving some ideas on
winter feeding of birds. Mrs. H
TIcknor was named flower chair
Seed pods and grasses will be
featured in the flower arrange-
DALLAS A special musical ment contest. Mrs. E. J. Allen and
.urn. jonn .uuir win act as host-
Program Is Set
At Dallas Church
program will be given by the
hoir of the Dallas Evangelical es8es
church Sunday night at 7:30
The program will open with a
prelude "Evening Star," played
by Miss Lois Coy and Clark Robb.
followed by the invocation by
Rev. Philip W. Thomas. Other
numbers on the program will In
clude two vocal solos by Miss Bet
ty Starr; selection by a male
uartet, Paul Launer. James
Leiteb, Keith Thomas and Arthur
Abel; selection by mixed auartet.
Mrs. Howard. Fleming. Joyce Soa-
dy, Paul Launer and Arthur Abel
and choir numbers under the di
rection of Arthur Abel.
The occasion will dedicate the
new robes used by the choir. The
public is extended an invitation
to attend.
All members are urged to at
tend as plans for the annual
spring flower show will be discussed.
Silverton Pairs
Visit California
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Norris Ames and Mrs. J. Cal
Schlador have gone to Fuller
ton and Long Beach, Calif. They
plan to be gone for several weeks.
The Ames' will visit at the Lou
Ames home at Fullerton while
Mrs. Schlador will visit relatives
and friends at Long Beach and
other Los Angeles suburbs.
SILVERTON Veneta Verbeck
was home hostess , to members of
Royal Neighbors Sewing club
Wednesday afternoon when new
officers were Installed by Alice
Egan, installing officer.
Taking offices were president.
Clara Enioe; vice-president. Mar
jorie Raye; secretary, Irene Ger-
oux; treasurer, Telcka Rue.
Plans were made for a St. Val
entine party to be held February
14 at the home of Eva Zimmer
Guests Wednesday, afternoon
were Mae Sims, Eleanor Bayes,
Emma Elliott, Mary Garrison.
Mrs. Schaeffer and Carrie Tyler
of Woodburn.
Assistant hostesses to Mrs. Ver
beck were Pauline Verbeck, Edith
Grace, Ruth Wardrip, Mable
Ramsby and Sadie Verbeck . -
Wednesday night Royal Neigh
bors honored birthdays of Jessie
Egan, Marjory Raye, Elizabeth
Rutherford and Mary Herr.
Plans were made for the dis
trict convention to be held at
Woodburn on April 12.
Ramona Members
Meet First Time
vester was home hostess to the
Ramona club Tuesday afternoon.
Assisting her were Mrs. W . P
Scarth and Mrs. Frank Syring.
This was the first meeting of
the new year and Mrs. Scarth's
first day of presidency. Following
brier business session the af
ternoon was spent informally.
Attending were Mrs. L. C. East
man. Mrs. Elizabeth Jamie, Mrs.
O. E. Royer, Mrs. William P.
Scarth, sr., Mrs. George Cusiter,
Mrs. W. R. Tominson. Mrs. Julius
Aim, Mrs. J. Kercher, Mrs. E. F,
Clower. Mrs. Mary Townley. Mrs.
Lloyd Larson, Miss Gayle Larson.
Mrs. Dale La Mar r, Mrs. Lee Al
fred. Miss Karen Alfred. Mrs. E.
Severance, Mrs. Eroll Ross and
Mrs. Lavina Mount.
Scio to Abandon - :
Water Extension
Property Owners Outside
Oty , Limits Consider
Community Wells
SCIO Extension of water
mains to the south city limits was
abandoned by . the Scio city coun
cil In regular session. " Thursday
night, The -project, under ' ad
visement since October, 1340," was
dropped t upon, representation of
property. owners"outside the city
limits that they -could not buy and
lay r pipe except from " " the s : city
limits .to their properties. - City
finances do not at present warrant
extension of mains' to the. city
limits, councflmen agreed, in view
of the fact that - water: mains do
not ' extend to all property own
ers within the city limits." Bond
issue voted several years ago pro
vided funds for laying of castiron
mains on principal streets. - '
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kukacka
and Mr. .and Mrs. J. F. , Semones
represented the property owners
applying for the extension and. a
spokesman for the group stated
it would be cheaper for them to
drill a community well rather
than buy pipe to supplement pres
ent city mains. .
Bill for 34, three-year prem
ium on- 1000 fire insurance pol
icy on the city hall was allowed.
council commenting that a reduc
tion bad been noted in this and
other insurance rates. Large per
centages of savings were reported
on residence property, the red na
tion being result of the city's
being rated in class 7, rather than
class 10, as previously, by fire in
surance underwriters. Cost of Im
provement of the city's water sys
tem will be more than offset by
savings to citizens in fire insur
ance reductions, councilmen believed.
Successor to Councilman W. A.
Ewing resigned, was not elected,
pending ascertaining acceptance
by prospects.
council voted to send a reso-
ution to the League of Oregon
Cities favoring giving the cities
a share of the state gas tax for
mprovement of city streets.
Council unanimously voted to
sell in the ground 140 feet of
4-inch perforated steel casing
bandoned in a "duster" water
well drilled in south Scio in 1939,
and to advertise for bids for sale
of same. The well was drilled to
depth of about 300 feet with
out an adequate supply of water
being encountered. The city now
maintains two wells on the north
side of Thomas creek.
Closure of th present city
dump on West Mill street -was
voted, and the health committee,
headed by Councilman Wesely,
instructed to Investigate prospec
tive sites for a satisfactory dump
All councilmen were present,
except Ewing, who has resigned.
Mayor Withers appointed Mrs.
Charley Dolezal to serve as re
corder in absence because jof ill
ness of her father, Joe Lytle.
Jefferson News
because Chevrolet for
'41 Is the only low-priced ccr
with a 90-h. p. Valve-in-Head
Victory!! Engine tho i same
typo of engine that holds all:
world's re cords for perform an co
on land, sea and in the air!
; xmxm
vacuum rem sztn
oovrrmKn .
420 N. Coaxnercial St.
las: IcEay:
Phone 3188
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Conway left for their home
at Chelan. Wash., Wednesday, af
ter several days visit at the home
of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Chrisman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Halderson
of Cusbman were in Jefferson
Sunday looking after their pro
perty here. Ilalderman was for
merly Southern Pacific agent here
and is now agent at Cushman.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boyes and
family of Lebanon were Sunday
guests at the home of Mrs.' Boyes'
mother, Mrsh. Mary Powell. Mrs.
Iris Arnold and children of Sa
lem, also visited her mother, this
week Thursday.
Mrs. Martha Wilson of Port
land is visiting her son, A. Wilson
and Mrs. Wilson, this week.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Par-
rlsh and family, were Mr. and
Mrs. Neal Ruggles of Mill City,
Mr. and Mrs. Starr Ruggles of
Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Smith and daughter Zoe Silver
of Shedd. The occasion was the
birthday of Mrs. Starr Ruggles.
Mrs. Ray Lynes returned from
Portland Monday, where she has
been staying for the" past two
weeks, to -"be with her husband.
way L.ynes. wno underwent a ma
jor operation at the Veterans'
hospital over two weeks ago. He
will have to remain In the hos
pital tor another two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Burneson of
Eugene were Monday dinner
guests of Mrs. Burneson's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stephen
son. They . were enroute to Port
land for a visit with Mrs. Burne
son's brotuer, Martin Stephenson
and ramlly.
Grangers' News
mittee of the North Howell HEC
for this year, Mrs. Anna Dunn.
Mrs. w. M. Oddie and Mrs. F. B.
Kerre. had an attractive Ohio rose
quilt in shades of pink, ready for
work at the regular meeting
Thursday afternoon.
A contest identifying flowers
from uncolored pictures was held
and won by Mrs. A. T. Cline and
Mrs. W. M. Oddle. A card party for
Tuesday night, February, 11, was
announced and the proposition of
a club buyer tabled.
Losing side of the grange at
tendance contest will present the
program and serve an oyster sup
per at regular grange meeting on
the night or February 14. - Losers
are Mrs. W. H. Stevens, Mr. and
Mrs. Roanld Stevens, Mr. and Mrs.
K. Ifcrcoomier, Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Dunn, Mrs.' Anna Dunn, Mrs.
V. X. Steward, V. Van Brocklln,
Dan Van Brocklln, Martha Vinton.
I. J. Jackson, Mrs. Evna Dame
wood, Mrs. Amy Beef, Mrs.. E. G.
Wiesner and Mrs. Daisy Bump. t
airs. f ; winiam Davidson -j and
Mrs. Eraa Damewood will enter
tain the club In March. ,
Hostesses Thursday -were Mrs.
J. J. Jackson and Mrs. Leroy Es-
son.- . -t - ;
By unanimous vote, the women
decided to give the card sarty com.
mittee a white elephant shower at
the March meeting, the articles do
nated to be used for 'prizes on
social night occasions,-
Saloxn Heights
; Novs r: V J
dergoing an operation several
weeks ago, Mrs. William. Gelger
has left the hospital and will re
cuperate with a friend In town a
week before coming out home.
As a safety measure against
strong winds, Howard Woodburn
has had the larger fjr trees around
bis hom topped j -. . '
i -Mrs. C. P. Skelton received
word that "her sister, Ethel Alld
rldge, was married to Raymond
Bates - at -Dea Moines, -Iowa,-December
5. .Miss Alldridge lived
in - this community before taking
up religious education work.
,t Mrs. Granville Ball left Friday
for Ban don on two weeks' rest
SLnd, the! home of Miss
ETelyn;Myers, wh0 si i teaching
Frlf nds of galem Heights Com
munity club president, Harvey
Peterson, ; art offering ( sympathy'
to Mr Peterson oyer the sudden!
death Of bis father; Charles Heijry'
Peterson of. Salenv; . Funeral : a r-
rangements have not been com-'
pleted , . ?i ( )' : . - i
q. fa.
i 1 i i Tr7 p
i '"J' L. 7 L u J L.. i
i.v: r y.r
' a4- i r -
i;giJlwl til?AZt' tMilit WHa:tf
df fini!
Windsor and tubular styles
in rich enamel finish.
Moderns and pane! ends In
grained wood finish.
y Linds
finishes i
Quaint toster beds in maple
or mahogany finish.
Beg. $6.95 Bed $1.95
Pillows - Now
Soft plump pillows, filled
with sanitary new feath
ers. Durable striped tick
ing covers. Limited quan
tity ,order yours now.
. ! -.1
-1 I rstas .--sss
m I ' Harnesses v2o3fr
I a Box Springs j f
2 for the QlU
I Price of 1. Utl f0r -d
: Bop LHa
Y Excellent quality. Thick !Sp4
V and comfortable. Inl neatt nrtjdmi
ri . iwTS? and Many Others fX
Ul y tkfff Innerspring j
rAf1-w rUl n 1- ResiHent Inner coil unite In
UUUcir LUeSIS -A tractive flofal and striped
tJ . ,r " V vers,; Foil oil twH ;
The ideal Val- qft QC . 5 & 60c At WEEK S
entine for her. rHJJj sSSi . I - :
Prices start at 1 -ii -
, '; ' - " - - -riUi -v-v-j v. ih1; 1 :
iirf ir.j. m ji a-' . "
twin sizes. Lim
i ted quantity
i -
Pay Only 50c a Week - llany lo ttocse iFron!
: . f i j L I '
V leal !:, ' " ;jtiJ
': ' IteSS. jmm-?0rl
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f -J - V o , ) L J ll
y L w n V il . i )