Wedding Day Announced Valentine enTelopes revealed the. news of the forthcoming mar riage of Miss Helen Boardman and Mr. Thome H. Hammond on April 12 at the charmingly ar ranged at-home for which Mrs. ' Arthur G. Upston and her daugh ter, Mrs. Wheeler R. English, were hostesses last night at the former's home on Chemeketa street. .... A large group of young matrons and maids were Invited to call, between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock. Receiving with the host esses , and Miss Boardman were the . bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Samuel H. Boardman, and Mrs. Thome W. Hammond of Portland, mother of the groom-elect. . Miss Maxine Rogers greeted the guests at the door and passed out the announcements. Presiding at the punch bowl during the eve ning were Mrs. Wayne J. Page of Dallas and Mrs. Albert Mefford, . sister of the bride-to-be. Assisting In the serving were Mrs. Joseph E. Harvey, jr., Mrs. Wilson Sieg mund, Mrs. William H. Dashney, Mrs. Jack Carlon of Portland, Mrs. Ruth Cattrall, Mrs. Robert Barnett and Miss Lucile Brainard. 6n' the center of the serving table, which was covered with a handmade lace cloth from Brazil, was a large nosegay of red car nations and paper white narcissus In the shape of a heart and two smaller red and white nosegays with white paper frills on each side. The arrangement was flank ed; with tall red candles in red heart holders. On the mantle was a bouquet of red and white car nations, cala lilies and acacia and two brass candelabras holding matching tapers. Other bouquets of accacia, daisies, godetia and ranunculas were arranged about the rooms. The Marriage of Miss Board man and Mr. Hammond will take place at the First Presbyterian church with Rev. W. Irvin Wil liams officiating. Miss Boardman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Boardman and a graduate of .Willamette university where she was a member of Beta Chi sorority. She is an active mem ber of the Salem Junior Woman's club. Mr. Hammond is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thome W. Hammond of Portland and a graduate of Ore- gon State college and Willamette 5SSl4S?w2dD.C ta Theta Phi, legal fraternity. The couple win reside In Salem follow- lng their marriage. Miss Wilhelm -Honor Guest Miss Helen Jean Wilhelm was honored on her Jl 7th birthday at a party given at Miss June Gooden's home on North 18th street. The Valentine theme was carried out in the decorations. Dancing was enjoyed and later in the evening the guests went on a scavenger hunt. The guests were the Misses June Varnes, Ruthie Thomason, Marraret McBain. Elaine Harmes. Mary Flathers, Dorothy Smalley, Barbara Douglas Jeanne Gooden. aiargie aroer. miss tjeuy .Miner e i""3"' . t ic :i j' . .1 1 . v --l,i assisted the hostess; islators and friends of club mem- 15 miles appeared at the high school auditor Messrs. Bill Pettit, Bob Sulli- bers. ium? Parents were practically trampled under ran, Ronnie Birch. Loran Boston, The affair will be held at the foot, but this year it will be different, the PTA Don McBain, Ian Thompson, Mar- clubhouse with calling hours management is smart When "Jack and the So2brisd.r'S;irwS ;rx,u:.Vno.".". Bers,?!,k;ip;odcedin Mr 'or md Herb Booth. Phil Forester. Loran coming week. Members of the senior high students will go in the alternoon, Vosburg, Don Kimball, Clayton junior club were hostesses for a while mamas and young children will have Peterson and Jim Hatfield. similar affair during the last leg- me evening program to themselves. islature. ... Woman's Club Has Regular Meet Weaving and other handcraft, were shown at the meeting of the Salem Woman's club on Saturday. The exhibit, arranged by mem- hew, American, home commit- tee with Mrs. Oscar- Cutler, in- elided woodcarving as well as needlework, sculpturing, ha n d Xitn aTilr been droneHjv club members. - . Mrs. c. A. RatclUf talked on needlepoint.! Mrs. Agnes Tschopp Ulked on weaving.. Miss Carme, worvS P5S f? 5; . ; s. . i CUftont Mudd played an original eomnosition.- "Progress March" t dedicated tp the Salem Woman s ; club. Miss Lois? Rowland played two piano numbers. - . y The tea committee wsjt headed . hf Mrsi Charles Cole, 'assisted by Kn; ' Hawley, Mrs. J. C. Carey and Mrs. David Wright. Mrs; George Moor-" head and Mrs. Estill Brunk pour- ed at a table decorated with red carnations. Fourth Birthday Celebrated Elaine, daughter of the Hugh Morrows, celebrated her fourth Morrows. . eeieoraiea uer louria : birthday on Saturday afternoon, . with a party ror seven nine ' friends. Pink ana wnue war ub foior scheme. Mrs. E. A. Don nelly assisted Mrs. Morrow. Guests were Mary i Ann Don nelly, Nancy Fox, Marilyn Miller, Coralee Dalton, Lorraine Ellis, Joan- Ellis and fally Eggstaff. - TO GREET YOU THIS VALENTINE'S DAY i DoroYEn9eLfle",c-dau?ht; of M"- Mrs- Adam Lngelr Mary Jane Brabec, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brabec, and Barbara Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keneth Bell. Reception Is Planned by Juniors , Announcement is oeiiiB today by members of the Salem Junior Woman's club that they will -entertain with a large recep- tion on Mda b'"a'J " Mrs. Joseph Felton is president of the club and will receive the guests with her officers. Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer is neaaing me airecioraie mr me affair and assisting her are Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Roy Mink, - Mrs. James Pike, Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Peter Foelkl, Mrs. FrankKrauger, Mrs Craw- ford Miss Nina White, Miss u- la Ames. Miss 1 Evelyn Akers and Miss Maria Dare. Eminent Musician IT r r 1 Tq Kg Tudae ' 1 - The 14th biennial young artists contest and the seventh biennial gtndent mu8iclan contest will take c-. a n K tne direction of Miss Frances Vlr- Meltoni gtate chairman of student musician and student art- ist; contests. Mrs. J. H. Porth of Portland is state president of the National 'Federation .01. music clubs under whose sponsorship the contests are held each year. C As a Judge the committee has secured Mr, Wager . Swayne, : emi-: nent musician who recently came to imrln sftr nun Tpnr vnrk in Vienna and Paris. H is now of San Francisco. Mareh 10 is the final dato for filing applications which may be ,"7. a ""I sent to Miss Melton. ..Lynch, attendant; Mlna Olmstead. ati.. nltnKi.n. in -- on Monaay morning at sua M. . vru" v " r; -m ,V:;muafers; 8ar.h McNeill, corres- - - - - - - discussion. TOPlcs will be taken by Mrs. Oscar Hayter.- Mrs. Hughrbearer ; -Mlna Olmstead. ; senior f be given at the meeting. Refresh- and Mrs. Ralph Campbell on Mon- gon State college where she was who appear on the program must are spending tae weekend at iTim Latham, Mrs. Bert Lundahl, Mrs. guardian, and Sarah McNeill, in- men ts are in charge of Mrs. L. D. day when Dr. Beeman f speaks at a member of Alpha Chi Omega be able to skate both the closed berline Lodge.! They were joined C. W. Fowler, 1 Miss Antoinette stalling officer. Jennie ; Winch- Waterman. Mrs. Enoch Zimmer-r the Salem General hospital staff sorority and is now attendinr wil- and nnn waits. Connies onlv are la Portland hy Mr. Rbbert M. White, and Mrs. S. Raynor Smith- leaving Sales next Sunday for an extended trip will be Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson, The- Bensons will sail from San Francisco on February 18 on The America for Panama and through the canal, TP.. ,V V will - iuj v . Havana, tungsten, Jamaica ana s several ooutn American pomis. Enroute home they will come by way of the canal zone, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico. The Ben- son. plan to be gone six weeks. The Bet. Chi Mother, and p.. mi.o. in m.( . T,a !. ter house Tuesday ' itUroon it J 2:30 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. E. W. Peterson Mrs. J. A. Fehler. Mrs. E. H. Probert and . . r. Vi. A. tump. IBB S"t uTO tnxu ikwu w wiw;,ihi ' 7 IT . 1 i 1.- d!v... m. th. fn -a bm th rirls are looking bert Wilson of Willamette uni- Terslty. jbotrt Jloxdz fcut remember last year '.:'--' ; : V- ;l --' - "' 1' M 4" i I -2!"' ' - I ' r-l- J X 'tr progrcrmSj inc brought the "Bumble Bee Prince" here and every child within a radius of Clap Hands ... We concert goers will nave a dandy chance to practice our clapping and step Salem up from the three-encore class to Q four We've been a three-encore town for . .. , . ,-i 1 , . , a long toe, but if ttie audience won tarttoo soon (you know, before the last note dies away) and puts its heart into its hands, WO may get them back for four encores. I've heard about returning for even more encores but of Tj t i course we wouldn t even nope for that DeLuxe accommodations ... Looking over the ads in the Statesman the other day. we ran across something of unusual interest In an ad- verrisement for a Valentine special, just above the picture of a beauteous girl clasped in the anna 0 me man who obviously gave her the Valentine, appeared these intriguing words. , T" free Parkm3. x tt I T MrS. lienSel IS , - , New President A vv A Tne Neighbors of Woodcraft, ., , . ... meetln on Friday night, elected Mrs. Irene Hensel guardian neigh - bor. Other officers elected for the com m ing year are: Patricia Scott, advisor: Eva Craven, banker; UB.. olive Wise, magician; Hallle captain of guards; Alma Dickey, musician: Harrv Foree. and Clara - - - uernae, sentinels; Dr. 0. Scott, muza uarung ana Evelyn visnaw, . , . . voBueui, wvuc """o. i a comb was recommended for clerk, Tliriibr Glass Sweetheart of Salem Hi School Will Be Revealed at Dance nCUUCl B UL MIO UUIUI I.IS9B VI . l. . . w ..... Mfw ..inn., a w ' L 1 - - lug ostein uigu reuuui io uiamus - -.-, .lw I 1 kl plans for their dance on valen- tine's Day at which Ume the .weetbeart of the Junior class be announced. !.!, I ,t t. v-i v U? b?J ;r:r:,"ti.rr.,n vl.r idance ib carried out In the decorations, Member, of the student body haTe been extended an inTlUUon to the affair. I Ten I girls of the Junior class v j , .w- will be held Tuesday and the highest three will again be Toted Aoux.. when Junior Point of view Odd. how we Speaking of Mrs. Rudolph K. Kleiasorge harlnvlted the Kappa Alpha The- ta sorority mothers of Oregon State college to luncheon at her Sllverton home Tuesday after- noon, inDrrpnriooc WOIUGn tO eet The Salem- Deaconess ' hospital t anxiuary wiU hold Its monthly meetlnV Monday at 2 o'clock at Z. " the hospital with Mrs. A. W. Metx- ' ger, presiding. Plans will . be dls- . 4. "p iT w w , . Mrs. C. W. Stacey has prepared an : interesting travelogue of her a w v v. recent trip around the country to man and Mrs, Frank Jirak. a h T'nivranaw I i m . i 11 ii ri hiu aaui. - . - II, . . . . . ... w. -I 4 reveaieo. H II 1X1 ua uun. ... Th te ,lrig i tne sweetheart. t,,i,i. walk- race are the. Misses Phyllis Walk- er, Patricia Lamb, Helen Wil- h-im Helen Fanton. Dorothy 5." MaW -Elisabeth Sisson. tt, Moxlev. RoberU Jean Yo- VI A l rj m - Helen Zielinshi "riM iorie Hill. Roger WMner . chmuo the dance t committee a n L Miss - Muriel Wilson is the class ad- rtsor. The boys haTe more or less .w ,. fho reanonsiDlllues OI. after the aweetheart end of the affair. Photo by Jester Miller . Flowers by Breithaupt James Thurlow Adorns. s 1 weU known historian, Usts only one truly west- em woman among those important in building the nation. In an article for Good Housekeeping he wrote that Sacajawea, a "Uttle knoW' Shoshone woman, led Lewis and Clark to the northwest thus aiding in building Oregon, think of her as a "well known" RhriQVinno urrvmrm Rflrmieo ctVio mo-m enma. thing to this country and is probably the only Shoshone tribesman whose name we do know, Indians . . . Three men, walking uuwn vouri street me ouier aay, provea xnai there are still noble survivors of the redman's race. They were here for the fish hearing prob- obly. Long black braids showed beneath huge white hats, ornamented with brightly colored feathers. Thev each carried a brief case. Oh my goodness . . . Out at Leslie they are having a feud, a necktie war. Monday two boys, seeking to start a fad. wore big bow Zri V j i -1 j . tea. Tuesday a group of girls appeared in down the front of their blouses. A few girls even wore pigtails to go the'boys one better. All Leslie teachers are wondering what the favored costumes will be on Monday . . . MAXINE BUREN. rii TT OilOWGr OOnOrS r t-ti MrS. l" lynn A shower was given by the women of the WPA sewing room at the home of Mrs. P. R. Or- chard. Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. SUnley Flynn. Mary Far- rell assisted the hostess. . . "l.r Tnose present were Monta f '"r.1! mr7 JWNcy Lea and Jean. Mrs. MacU Farrell and Frank. Mrs. Lydia Wuest, Mrs. Llllle Brovles. Mrs. Jan ie Weathers, Urs. Flynn mnA ni xrr. o t? or.t,. ZZ2 T" ' T V . - . - . Ms kw. mxuiaa Beeman of Portland will be guests of Dr, M. aa. i n c .. . r uivuu t ---....,.....-,. - - iSSrraMrm Frey. daughter of Mra. ElsaFrey of the Hayesville district, to Mr. Harvev Bruce Christenson of Murray, n of Mr. and ar.r.ii?v.'s.S: l - mii tst 1r mr A I.HXI1U ALU 1 1 ftJi - w YertOtt dmr wm take place on March t t Christ Lutheran church of Sa- Christ Lutneran caurcn ot . Mra. Karl G." Becke wm pre- side at the regular moniniy ooaro ' J, , 'S J S inSto ' year wUl be maae at tnr meeung. . - tin. uuu-ies uowe i jwwi . tj.t . lUrer is rislting in tne with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. wooo. - Couple Will Marry in Spokane Of interest to their many friends in the capital is the announcement of hVronhVomInV marriago Mi rathrinA rnnRArM.r f o of the forthcoming marriage, of Miss Catharine vonGortler of Sa lem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. vonGortler of Seattle, formerly of Spokane, to Mr. Frederick Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Howard of Spokane. The wedding ruary 16 at St. Johns Cathedral in Spokane. Miss vonGortler has made her home in Salem for the past year with her grandparents, Mr. and a"ended state college where she majored In secretarial science. She is a member of Chi Omega sorority "J m airs ?te indust?i!i accident eimmf. sion in Salem. Mr. Howard also attended Washington State COlleee and SJm ber of kJddJ si' t t nity and is now with the Partesa " - - - Ssw wffl riwItoitoiS iueir marriage, For her wedding the bride has ?8e hlack sheer wool ensem- me ZriueTico will be of black and white and sn will wear a gardenia camn The couDle will m nnrth tn B.4 hih Columbia on their wedding tr,?;t Mv8 TonGrtler wi this week for Spokane where she will be Joined by her mother. tit . .-i j W OJC1K-WOOd " rArc, k -p , v O W S ITQ Head The marriage of EmArn W.oodi.dusbr of Mr- nd Mrs., erle Wood of North Howell and ""lBM" waiter wo j elk of Fort will reside in Salem at the Glen Lewis Was a QUiet event Of Snn- rinra Mi4mnli A flnmhcr of day afternoon in Tacoma. Mr. and Mr. Mom. Lee of SeatUe at- me bride wore a traveling Jcket dress of royal blue with mtching accessories and a cor- .g . attended Oregon State college and has since been employed in oaiem. w JU. - .. . ".V" " m State college, enlisted in the US army and is now an artillery Mbhcuucu trs- officer stationed itloned at Fort Lewis. They will live in Tacoma. The Spinsters are announcing Miss Alice Unruh. daughter of Mr, and Mrs." Lea M. TTnrnh new member of their orranlza. aw mcDHr oi tneir ornniu. tion - vi i?nmh .tt.n n. i . . . . i .. . Miueiio noiTcniir. . Salem rtOSieSSSS ;woiiyF Luncheons- and Teds . For Coming : , The comink week will be rf0 events with wives of JesIators sharin Jn much cf the entertainment. L rrritir.-. tr. .w,nifnb Will - j - JV" ':iU"ua' JZ "''YA tuatruiis wuucu w ; " ' . . . . Tl T-Ti O -ll Tiyr .1-. -KaM LVlllXitJJ. J Highlight of - -. - - . he Phillips home on -West One of the most bril iant and ft the gP .f - 3 . q : colorful affairs of the winter sea- Mra Frederick Hill Thompson son will be the el Khth annual entertain with two large des Military ball to be given by the sert mneheonsf at her snburbsn Marion chapter Reserve Officers home on Schumian road on Mon assoclatlon on Saturday, February fl ud Tuesday afternoons. Con 22. The ball will climax national tract Drlige win be In play 4ur defense week and will be the only lng tne afternoon. ! military ball In Oregon this year. . Tne serving kable will he cen The affair will be held at the tered with a heart-shaped ar armory from 9 to 12 o'clock. Lt. rangemeat of red anemones And Homer L. Goulet has announced tall red candles.' In the center: of that Jim Hannam and his twelve each table will be heart nosegay piece orchestra -from- Portland .of red carnations encircled with has been engaged to play for danc- white doilies. - Mixed bouquets; of ing. Featured with the orchestra spring flowers .fwill be osed bout will be Miss Doris Price, a radio the guest rooms. t and specialty artist from the Guests Bidden to Luncheon south. Intermission entertainment Guests on Monday will be Mrs. will be a musical interlude of Miller B. Hayden. Mrs. 1 David vocal, piano and orchestra num- Wright,' Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Mrs. bers Jerrold Owen. I Mrs. Ci Si Pratt, Colorful decorations are being Mrs. George R4ssman. Mrs, CJ W. .onM ttw t 9 hfMa Parker, Mrs. Albert A. Siewert, with Hags of naUons suspended from the celling. The balconies will be faced with full, fan flag drapes of the patriotic colors. The side walls will be decorated with butterfly drapes interspersed with fan and semi-fan flag drapes. The orchestra stand will be banked with palms and flowers. Several hundred balloons will be released from the celling during the evening in keeping with the annual tradition of the military ban. The ball Is strictly Invitational and all those attending will ap pear in military uniform, tuxedos and formal gowns. A grand march will again feature the ball. Lt. Chester L. Frits heads the Invitation committee and an nounces that the invitations will be in the mail this week. Invi tations may be exchanged for tickets before the ball by contact ing the general chairman of the affair, Lt. Ward R. Davis, 548 Knapp street. Special guests of the associa tion for the ball will be officers of the TJS army, national guard reserves and naval reserves. A number of officers and their wives from Fort Lewis, Fort Ste vens, Camp Clatsop and Vancou ver Barracks are expected to be here for the occasion. Several dinner parties are being arranged to precede the ball. Benefit Bridge On Thursday Slated for Thursday afternoon will be the dessert bridge benefit r hI,C.h emers of he Alpha 01 aiumero uuu wm Be hostess at the Woman's clubhouse at 1 o'clock. A dessert luncheon will be served and will be followed by an Informal talk by Miss Helen Breithaupt. Her subject will be "Arrangements of Flower s." Bridge will be In play during the afternoon. Mrs. William L. Phil- "M??? CmmIee iQChargC ' the affair. Keseryations already have been made by Mesdames R. I. Lovell, Herbert Rahe, D. H. Mosher, Wil- liam Jones, Robert Wilson, M. U..-.1. 1 . n... . ho,dt Uoyd Riches J L Stacer" tr r m.v.. ttt t,..i.. mi. . nuwuuiii, v.. . Dai licit, F. E. Barnlck, O. A. Macey, El- .... J. - Brlbec Walter Erickson Ror la.f, Wir-AC.k!f n gJJ oVlsV'r. b7t. Heut'oien trf "t Smi37! Wm?I S sv v t w tr tot pjmin' Tot WasTam stmhin IZnlluAonVTl Taylor- RDrt. Geor txanderi ITank. Moga LJ "n T-T c.t!. penter, Charles Fowler. Russell Bonesteele. S. Dietrlek. E. C. Bonesteele, S. Dietrlek, E. C. hrlto? Ber.Vn Tnom,80nA,f criers. 3iose Aaams ana v nun BD8n- Wedding Plans Announced On Sunday afternoon, February 18. Misa Pauline Wlnslow will be married to Mr. Harrison W. El- s1" Jr- at ttte Wlnslow home in Tillamook The afternoon cere- mony wiU be. at 2 o'clock with Rev. C. O. Heath officiating. The bride's father, Mr. George P. Wlnslow. will give his daugh- Before the meeting, a formal ter in marriage. Miss Harriette banqoet ln celebration of ChaW Wlnslow wiirbe her sisters only wlck aMembiy, fifteenth hlrtitday attendant and Mr Robert Elgin win beld al wM n t win stand with his brother as offlcer8 win be pre8enu "S-Lw . the banquet, a; regular guests will follow the ceremony. " 1.,, ,r,v .CI After a wedding trip the-couple Salem folk sre planning to mo- tor to Tillamook for the wedding. Korrnrrl Prrrf V frr ZSZZ J SSleiTi Skater The Salem Skating club will rive Its first formal Hearts and HA..r. V.lnllnii skate at Mel- in- n Tnesdar niaht. from l000 7 ?r 8 11 clock v.' .J-l - . . . . m ""r" " ,t etfecta wUl produce added inter- i est and enhance the women's col- orfnl formal rowns. -- --- Th Hearts and Flowers skate i... inritinrai ffalr. and tho .... lnviTen. - T r ' n . Week j lrmrhm vIntfne decorations Will v. nuwi An the luncheon table. Out-of-town Igtiesta Invited r Mrs. George At White, Mrs. Vlc tor R. Grgs. f Mrs. Leslie1 Scott, Mrs. Robert & Farrell, Jr and Mrs. Rex Sanford of Portland and Mrs. Dean Walker of Independ ence. . j . ' - v f - -x " - 5 - :il ; Following the luncheon an Aft ernooa of contract will b to rs. Earl Snell Mrs JFrank Brown, Mrs. Fiank G. Myers. Mrs. Roy Hewitt, Mrs. Lee Warnick, Mrs. James H. Nlcholsoij, Mrs. John Carkin. Mrs. Fred S.' Anun sen, Mrs, Ray iYocom, Mrs. Wal lace Bonesteele, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Fred Ward of Albany, Mrs. Merrill Ohling. Mrai J. N. Chambers. Mr. Percy R Kelly, Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff and Mrs. A. E. CUman. On Tuesday Mhe guests will In clude Mrs. Dbnald J. Roberts, Mrs. Harry Crain, Mrs. T. j J. Bra bec, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Duane Gibson, ptfrs. Georg0 R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. Richard i Slater, Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Miss Doro thea Steusloff j Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Gail Jones, Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. George R ho ten, Mrs. Howard H. BaTlow, Miss Loretta Ford, Mrs. R. d-Hunter, Mrs.! Da vid Bennett Hill, Mrs. Theodore Madsen, Mrs. Tl A. McBride, Mrs. W. S. Levens,; Mrs. San Janz, Mrs. Dan Hay,! Mrs. T. A.iWindi shar, Mrs. Cusler Ross and Mrs. E. J. Scellars. ! Tea on Friday One of the larger affairs of the week will be (he tea on Friday for which Mr4. Percy Rl Kelly has issued invitations to the wives of legislators and a grous of Sa lem matrons. The affair iwIU be held at the Kelly home 041 South 17th street an guests have been asked to call 'between 3. and 6 o'clock, i : " i ! Receiving with Mrs. Kelly iwUl be Mrs. ! Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. Leslie Scott of Portland, Mrs4 Dean Walker of Independence and Mrs. Robert S. Farrell, Jr., of 1 Portland. Mrs, W. Parlfnn Smith; will greet the m.t. t o, .,. PrMMin will be wives of supreme court judges including Mrs. John L. Rand Mrs. George Rossman. Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Mrs. J. 0. Bailey and Mrs. Hall S. Lusk of Portland and Mrs. L. G. Lewelliag of Albany ; and Mrs. David T. Honeyman of ort- land. ! I Assisting in ?the serving! witl be Miss Martha Sprague, Miss Mira Belt, Miss Dorothy Cornelius. 3 Hawkins. Mrs. j Daniel J. Fry Jr., Alrs- Jqnn t arson, Mrs. I ChSrles Claggett, Mrsi Wallace ! Carson and Mrs. Allan; Carson. i ! Mingling with the guests about the rOOm Wilt KA XTp rrknT4ir1aa McKay.jMrs. Claude Muhy. Mrs. Miller B. Harden. Mrs. J. N. r.y,.., TT . . ll' sr.. Mrs. Georae A. Whlte;of Port- land' Mr- Howard Jenks and Mrs. L. H. McMahab. 52SSd dlnin room tfble which! will be COTere4: th a cream satin doth, Acacia'l powylllows. daffodils ? SSST "1 I j ! -! , Arr, I rOna . VUlIlCerS ! IO D "p fT.f1T-l-JJ r J LUIlief lainep. 1 i Chadwick assembly. Order of the Rainbow jfor Girls, will be hostess; to thai grand officers of the grand assembly of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls! of Ore gon when they make their offi cial Inspection STuesday night. . Miss Marion Marks of Albany is the rrand worthv advisor land witn her" for this Inspection Swill k. aavi A n.A .rrA . Urn. Mildred l Olliver, supreme deputy sof the I supreme assembly of tDe 0rder tne Rainbow for GIrl8 f Oregon and Mrs. besa Blanchard; mfther adtiso of Raui-i -M.mi,i- nr iiian1 business meetttg with InitUUon of new members to the order! will be carried out! in order it hat the grand officers! from thei-various fLr y? JSi"16 W0k of parts of the state may see j and 1 as sembly.! Miss 'Norma Slodge, worthy ad visor of Chadwick assembly.! will TjrejciliJ init iml In preside; and and Mrs.i Wayne nenry, ; mother: advisor, j will 1st bei - : - s 1 I i i ? Mrs.! Milton Tt. Meyers ester Bieun-w mwuj . uicfuwu il nfr Loan iltms mm "ternoon at her Court street the pleasure of 1 Mra. Leslie iScott of Portland. Sbrlna- r Hower provided the dscorkUvi piaJ a -enInY f I i Mr. and &Irs Robert 6lUn, Mr. Bill Shinn and Mr. EdilfrthiB- . r . . - . - a. err. i . 1 i . 3 - I