The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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I- ' I
Tbm OREGON STATESMAN. Saltan, Orocjorv Sunday Morning. Januaxy 23. 1S41 v
.Violinist : to
: Piay: Here'
Announced recently by the Sa-
lem " Junior ' Chamber ' of Com
merce; was the news that Rubin-1
off. famous conductor, .composer;
"and violinist, and his Stradivarius
iolln.' will offer, a concert of'
popular and classical music at the'
' high school auditorium on Feb--
Tuary 11. r ' " . Z
. Breaking a precedent of seven ,
years, during .which time he was
featured ' on. 'nationwide radio.
''broadcasts as conductor, Rubinoff
" la now, touring, the country, offer
.lng a concert-presentation of the.
modern classics.
Talented as an instrumentalist,.
' composer and conductor, Rubin
off leaped into national promin-
ence as the result of the inBpira-
tlonal quality of his - music. His
': program will include music from -'his
famed broadcasts, original
compositions, tunes from his mo-
lon pictures and familiar classics. -
.;. Reserred seat tickets may now
- be purchased 'at the Starr-Fender
h. Music .store and general admls
i slon tickets from any music store
or member of the Junior chamber
of commerce.
"Hearts, Flowers"
Skate Theme
. Of . outstanding Interest to Sa
rt lem skating groups will be the
'Hearts and. Flowers formal Val
entine party for advanced skaters
which' the Salem Skating club is
firing during the Valentine week,
t will be held at the Mellow
Moon rink on February 11, from
to 11 p.m.
: ' A program skate has been
worked "out" which will consist
entirely of waltz numbers. A
committee is working on unusual
lighting effects to form tn it
L tractive background for the col
orful formal d regies and dark
' suits of the waltzing couples. Ad-
mission will be by invitation. AH
guests will be able to skate both
; the open and closed waltses.
Advanced skaters who wish to
attend this formal skating party
may make reservations by calling
?04. 734 or 8179 before Feb-
- ruary 8.
; This Is the first formal skate
' In Salem and all skating fans are
' looking forward to the event.
Daughters of Union Veterans
of the Civil War are planning the
-annual Lincoln's day tea to be
held at the Woman's clubhouse
"to February 12.
-Corporal James F. Teed of
Camp Clatsop is spending the
weekend in Salem as the guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James I. Teed.
A rean't-do-withotft" style for
Spring is the shlrtwaister! In Pat
tern 4489, Anne Adams has de
Signed a new shirtfrock that will
be equally becoming to matronly
forty-two and slim fourteen."
That schoolgirl collar and bow-tie
lend such a Jaunty air! , See" the
, mice up-and-down effect given by
the front panels. The In-one yokes
and bodice panels may be bias-cat
- or straight. Gathers below . the
yokes and above the waist scire
to hold la the softly bloused side-
B bodice sections.' Tour sleeves may
fee long, though short sleeves with
novelty buttoned cuffs are nice
for this time of .year. For a gay
touch, try the collar, optional tie
ends and cuffs In a bright con
trasting hue, , - j.;
- Pattern 44 9 Is available in
misses an4 women's sixes 14, 16,
18. JO, 32. J4. 31, 38. 40 and 42.
Cize 16 takes 3 54 yards 85 Inch
" ,' SB(I niTEZX CENTS (X5) ia :
. caias for tkia Anna Aaaaia pattara.
Write pJalaly SIZE, NAME, ADr
Th bw 1941 Pattern Book "by
' Ann Adams ia finiated I So let - Mr.
- iiUnB briax tho -wurld of fashion -
jtobf doorstep t --- This colorful
. took brim , over with esiy-to-clitek, '
V eoifiU ' ior OTory rei - ovary boar. . '
It how orizinal,- dUUaeiiTO dtijna '
in uits. onsemblea, . portswr, af
i..1 trnQos sod eTcaiag freeka sad homo '
T stylea ' . It brings mava of f abriea ; :
ni aeporiea. A valuable book to
keep at homo for easy reference, and t
i a low eoa is Fifteen CenU I Tha
Pattern U Fifteen Coats too, and tfco .
Book and Paera together coot just
twenty TiTO Coats. - . -
Snd yoar order to Tha Oregoa
Pttman. Pattr draartmpnt.
SCHEDULED to appear In Salem on February 11, Rubinoff
will appear in a -violin concert sponsored by fee Salem junior
chamber of commerce at Salem high . school auditorium.
Organization of Bundles, for Britain
Being Completed; Benefit Planned
First of the benefits for Bun
dles for Britain is being given on
Tuesday by Mrs. Lloyd Smith and
her daughter, Miss Barbara Jane
Smith, at their home, 260 West
Lefelle street. The benefit is
scheduled for 11 to 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Mortimer Hartwell of Port
land will read "Mamba's Daugh
ters," a negro play.
Seating capacity for the house
is 125, and reservations have
been made for 70. Others wish
ing to go are being asked to tele
phone Mrs. Smith at 7479 for res
ervations. Coffee willSe served following
the reading. Presiding at the
urns will be Mrs. Charles A.
Spague, Mrs. Clifford Brown and
Miss Elisabeth Lord. Assisting in
formally will be Miss Martha
Sprague, Miss Rovena Eyre, Mrs.
Waldron F. Byers, Mrs. Donald
McCargar, Mrs. Robert Coffey,
Mrs. David W. Eccles and Mrs.
John Logan.
With plans formulated for a
Salem unit of Bundles for Bri
tain, all interested Salem women
Bride-Elect Is
flOnOr VjrUeSt
Miss Pauline Nelson of Tilla
' mook was honor guest on Tues
day evening when the GKP club
entertained with a miscellaneous
shower at the home of Mrs. W. F.
Foster on North Fifth street.
-Baskets of yellow jasmine were
used in the living room and dec
orations for the dining table and
buffet were greenery and pep
pers. Guests were Mrs. K. H. Pickens,
Mrs. K. K. Adams, Mrs. Jack Bil
leter, Mrs. Edwin Bingenheimer,
Mrs. Will Pickens, Mrs. Thomas
-Roen, Mrs. John M. Ritchie, Mrs.
Brewer Mills, Mrs. Walter Nel
son of Tillamook, Mrs. J. D. Tay
lor, Mrs. H. H. Harms, Mrs. Clif
ton Mudd, Mrs. Ben Ramseyer,
Mrs. E. V, Barham, Mrs. Brown
Sisson, Mrs. V. Evanson, Miss
Prudence Foster, Mrs. W. F. Fos
ter and the honor guest Miss
Pauline Nelson.
On February 9, Miss Nelson
will become the bride of Mr. Law
rence Wagner. The marriage will
take place in Tillamook.
The Eastern Star Social After
noon club will meet Tuesday af
ternoon at the Masonic Temple
for a dessert luncheon at 1:30
o'clock. Mrs. Albert Cohen will
read a condensation of "One Foot
in Heaven" by Spence.
College Helpers club was enter
tained Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Margaret Hatespeck.
A group of humorous readings
was given by Mrs. Addie Curtis
of Salem. The following commit
tees were appointed for the year:
hostess, Mrs. Karl Harritt, Mrs.
John Schlndler and Mrs. C. W.
Bartlett; membership, Mrs. Mike
Fecht, Mrs. Vivian Burton, Mrs.
A. E. Utley and Mrs. C. D. Gar
ver; relief, Mrs. Charles McCar
ter and Mrs. F. E. Wilson; devo
tional, Mrs. Fred Olson, Mrs.
Maer and Mrs. Esther Oliver;
program, Mrs. A. W, Andrews,
Mrs. Theodore Lengele, Mrs. A. J,
Mazac and Mrs." Irene Moriarlty;
publicity, Mrs. Charles Glaxe; so
cial, Mrs. Bertha Garrow, Mrs.
Anthony Harris, Mrs. C. McCal
lister and Mrs. Hilda Bartlett.
At the: business session at
which Mrs. Iceland Wendt, newly
elected president, presided " plans
were made for an all day meeting
to sew for the Red Cross Febrn
ary 12 at the home of Mrs. Hilda
Bartlett. A i no-hostess : luncheon
. will be served at noon. The guest
list Included Mrs. Addle Curtis
of Salem and Mrs. Mildred Allen.
Portland, Mrs. Esther Oliver,
Mrs. Theodore Lengele, Mrs. Fer
dinand Singer, Mrs. Hilda Bart
lett Mrs, Leland Wendt, Mrs.
Fred Olson. Mrs. Karl Harritt,
Mrs Antony Harris, Mrs. Anna
Bayer. Mrs. Leo Nelson, Mrs. F,
E. . Wilson. - Miss Lois - Wilson,
Mrs. Roseman, Mrs. A. Lockhart,
Mrs. A. W. Andrews, Mrs.-dL.il4.-McCarty;
, Mrs. John : Schlndler,
Mrs. A. j. Maxac, and the hostess
Mrs Margaret Hatespeck, V
WEST SALEil Mrs. Bert
Meyers entertained guests with a
moon luncheon at her home 'Wed-'
- needay. -'i ; t ; ; ; - v. v-.;-- :-.-:,:.
Those ; invited were : Bonnie
Wodzewoda, i ; Florence Wodxewo
da, Dorothy Schuts, Alvena Ed
lund, Georgia Harris, Waunlta
Bramel. Pauline Slelgrove. Mabel
Jenkins, Mabel Ham el. Norma La
key, and Augusta gcharf.
and those in surrounding commun
ities are Invited to attend an or
ganisation meeting at the cham
ber of commerce Monday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Keith
Powell, chairman, will preside.
Miss Isabelle Gauld of Portland,
organizer of the Portland unit of
Bundles for Britain will discuss
methods of organisation and work
to be done in Marion county In
aiding war-torn Britain.
Mrs.. Clifford Brown has or
ganized sorority alumnae groups
to work on bundles for Britain.
They Include Gamma Phi Beta.
Mrs. James Daily; Kappa Alpha
Theta, Mrs. Donald McCargar;
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mrs. Bra
zier Small; Pi Beta Phi, Mrs.
James Humphrey; Delta Delta
Delta, Mrs. Ralph Campbell; Del
ta Gamma, Mrs. Silas Gaiser; Al
pha Chi Omega, Miss Dorothea
Steusloff; Alpha Xi Delta, Mrs.
Robin Day; Kappa Delta. Mrs.
Harris Lietz; Chi Omega, Mrs.
Francis Wade; Delta Zeta, Mrs.
Hugh Morrow.
The Three Link club met Fri
day for an all day sewing for the
Red Cross. There was a no-host
luncheon at noon. The president,
Mrs. Eva Martin presided over a
short business meeting. Those
present were Mrs. Carrie Jen
nings; Mrs. Jennie M. Willis;
Mrs. Eva Martin, Mrs. Ida Steele,
Mrs. Bella Carlson, Mrs. Elva
Estes, Mrs. Goldia Kyle, Mrs.
Linnie Simual, Mrs. Coral McNeill,
Mrs. Anna Hunsaker, Mrs. Victo
ria Stiffler, Mrs. Alice Adams,
Mrs. Ida Hocksteller, Mrs. Zulu
Webb, Mrs. Clara Shields and
Mrs. Josephine Erickson.
Farewell Given
For Girls
The Misses Lois Riedesel, Coral
Hamerus and Elaine Flathers who
left this week to enter college at
Nampa, Idaho, were honored with
a farewell party Tuesday night by
a group of friends.
The evening was spent infor
mally at the home of Miss Lois
Riedesel. i
Present to honor the students
were: Miss Alma Merk, Miss Mary
Ross, Miss Doris Strand, Miss Ar
lene Olson, Miss Jo Ann Donald
son, Miss Marguerltte Lehman,
Miss Arlynn Tharpp and Miss
uiaays yuessetn.
Miss Elaine Flathers, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Flathers,
left Thursday for Idaho tn atrant
Nampa college. Accompanying her
was Miss Lois Riedesel. Several
parties were given in their hon
or before their departure.
Scott, bride-elect of Ben J am 8.
Dodge of Riverside, California,
was honored at a pre-nuptlal
shower Friday night with Mrs.
Jack Scott as hostess. The wedding
has been set for Riverside in
early February.
Invited for Friday night were
Miss Scott, Mrs. Robert Scott,
Mrs. Del Bowen, Mrs. Fern El
der, Mrs. Angela Harris, Mrs.
Henry Storlie, Mrs. Arthur J.
Nelson, Mrs. John Seeley, Miss
Helen Seeley, Mrs. Merton Egan,
Mrs. Glen Scott, Mrs. Clarence
Higinbotham, Miss Betty Jean :
Hlginbotham, Mrs. Albert Canoy. i
Mrs. Miles Ottaway. Miss Vera
Ottaway,j Miss Olive Ottaway.;
Mrs. 8. A. Pitney, Mrs. M. C.
Houck, Mrs. Ed Blxanx. Mrs.
Lloyd. Rape, Mrs. Ben Gitford,
Miss Arils Gifford, Mrs. ; Harold
Roop, Miss Olive Roop, Mrs. Amy
Erickson Mrs. Roy Larson, Mrs.
L. Thomas, Miss LaVan Thomas, I
Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman, Miss Marcefl f
: Kaufman, Mrs. C. E. Service, Miss
Yvonne Service, Miss Ardis Wal
ker, Mrs. Marie Hope, Mrs. Syl
vester Bennett of Portland. Mrs..
Clarence Plank ' and - Mre. Lanra
uouingshead. - :
Monday night was glTen , at the
nome or Mrs. James u. uart with
Mrs. M. J.. O'Donnell as co-hostess,
j ': . L . i ;
. Spring; bonquets were used
about the attractive home. ; I f
- The evening was spent playing1
contrWK',: i - .' r
, Places were marked for Mrs.1
Melford M. Nelsont Mrs. Don Bar-!
num. Mrs. Frank Cooper, Mrs.'
Francis Newton," Mrs. W- A. Bar.;
num. Mrs. W a y n e MacGowan,
Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mrs. Cleve
Robinson, 1 Mrs. Ralph Scranton.
Mrs. Martin FraUke, Mrs.!RoIlan;
Layton, Mrs. Al Schlag, Mrs. John
Holechek, Mrs. i Sherman Foster,
Mrs. Norval Taylor, Mrs. Norman
Baker and: Mrs. Norman Hanna. i
By. the Library Staff
Thert are n.r r,w hook.
are .
cailinst for the Attention of art-
j. . - t m " -
ous members of the family. While
a! personal Inspection of the fol-
Jsfactory, these shorts comments
; will be helpful. .
t Th 6U& flrtfnn KAnlra will Ivttssi--
wvvae " fc -
est .women .readers especially:
' ('VAtii A oil. Oi...ll W
i u"iiunuu owuo .,dj lisn.i
.; Warren; a long historical ro-
roance of old south, it Is excel-. House . and Mrs. Robert 8. : Far
lent story-telling. ; "Adventures ; rell, Jr. . . . Mrs. Farrell wearing
wun a Lamp'', by Ruth Louise
'Partridge. -Is the storr of a bean-
: Uful nurse, "and combines ro-; A group of the press chatting to
mana wfth- mh.ii.ii.u i. m v a. .w . r - m . n .
pital. Smouldering Fire", by D.
Stevenson Is a quiet and satis-
'Sr?. 'omance of the Scottish
- highland district written by one
i T omuiora.
, i Of Interest to all the adult
members of the family are "In-
formation Please, 1941 Edition"
wmcn pasea on tne. radio pro-
eram in,."m name, -rtom
Many Lands by Louis Admic is
L VJ1 Bt0ry. o's-reat human
. experience a found In the liTea
lrTr. tl . " .
"iT. i i aJZ-Z .Tt r . ,
.Prl.Tat.e!: s
r,1,w',""0 ,n"! lOIa..
luthor lnS tT" lnK" 'k".,5
.: - v- .T.i . , . ;
tV Sf .fSul ,fUn in
for" uianas. oi
Hawaii irv. ra,,i.. i....
the Wlnchelf new." br7sdca.t u
wen aa w. r-.A 'kv
rimni f, wi..k.n .it
be esnerlaiw th.
thor, St. Cliir McKelvey, makes
revelations which .r nfii-
in the same intimate tone that
nn . .
Hiwuwt uuBHii - employs in
sneaklnr of victim. fhi. w
hole observations.
D.-t. . .
ut m luuruuiniT nracii.
added to the lbrary lshelres
some recent ones are: "The
Business Man's Practical Guide
m.u i-w compueo Dy i1 . w. Mar-
shall, which la Just what the title
indicates. "Real Estate Prinei-
pies" by Henry E. Hoagland is a
1940 textbook dealing with most
of the complex phases of the real
estate business. "Cost Account
ing" by John G. Blocker la a
new text Which nlacea anrlal
cal ralue are. constantly being l?r uoroAny McCullough Lee chat
added to the ibrarr IsheWes. tIn? wlth hr ,ellow. nator
mphasls on essential relationship Rollin Beaver,
between budgets and cost ac- The following guests were in
counting. Suggestions for pur- vited: Mrs. A. B. Starbuck and
chase of this type of book are daughters, Mary and Myra and
always welcome at the library. Mrs. D. W. Shelton of Dallas; Mrs.
Arthur Beaver of RIckreall, Mrs.
XAT'iL. r 1 Carl Gre of Amity, Mrs. J. P.
Wltn ibaleiTl Smrt na Mr- Winiam Hacker,
T-i n . tt r of Klngwood Heights, Miss Mar-
X OIK OI U Of O ret Smart of Mllwaukie, Miss
wt Betty Xayior of Inaependence.
By HELEN ANGELL Mr"- Jonn Bolln. Mr Henry Mil
Acclaimed the most successful U' Mr J- Cross, Mrs. Cather
dance of the year was the annual ne Mnnlng, Mrs. A. A. Taylor,
.Senior ball on the University of rB- LloTd Ri"y. Mrs. L. L. Ro
Oregon campus last Friday night. b'non tn Misses Lois and Doro
. :. , the collegians the spirit for th M,aB,ln an.d Marjorie Brant,
the first formal of winter term Salem. Miss Lois Manning
. u . . and the great supply of or- fMled the hostess during the
chids was astonishing .... orchid luBcn nour
ones, green ones, white ones,
brown ones, and some very thrilled LINCOLN Mrs. Charles Turn
girls above them. bow entertained with an after-
Everyone was there .... the noon honoring Mrs. Earl King
floor was packed .... and the January 21. Mrs. King was pleas
music especially "approved of" by antly surprised when presented
a critical campus populace. In the with a shower of girts. Mrs. Turn
spotlight: Betty Buchanan, Chi bow was assisted by Mrs. Cecil
Omega, on the arm of an SAE . . . Martin in serving refreshments
Butch Nelson with his "pinned" to the guests including Mrs. Earl
Kappa, Jean Burt, especially lus- King. Mrs. Roy Martin, Nellie
cipus in a sophisticated formal of Jane, Darrel and Merle Martin,
ice blue satin .... Marylee Frye Mrs. Ethel Austen, Mrs." Virginia
and Bill Snell together as usual, Knopf and baby, Mrs. Frank But
with George Alexander down for ler, Mrs. Milton Stephens. Mrs.
the weekend ..... Bud Vande- E. Dorman, Mrs. George W. Marr
nynde with Kappa Jane Gray .... and Glora, Mrs. E. Cook, Veata
Bill Mudd at a "before the dance" Me end Chuckle Turnbow.
pirty at the Anchorage with a'
7itlKil i ' "tV00"118 n,nc? SILVERTON Mrs. L. C. East-
fortable In their penguin-like man and her daughter-in-law.
C, ' ' f lM enlJy1.ns tne Mrs- Norman Eastman were host
whole thing Immensely in new esses this week at charmingly ap
v5rv&Sii 'La eanor Sederstrom, pointed bridge luncheons on
very tailored in a two piece dress Thursday and Friday. Prize wln-
with contrasting sash Doro- ners were Mrs. George Hubbs
thy Koschmider with a Portland and Mrs. C. W. Keene on Thurs-
boy . Shirley Huntington look- day and Mrs. Hugh Range and
Ing on . . . . Molly Maison borrow- Mrs. H. G. Hathaway on Friday
ing an Oregon State Phi Delt .... afternoon. III a a . ... . aaniiiwil
euin-uxe Aaeie say with her Sa
lem romance .... Betty Aunusen
looking thrilled over a giant-size
orchid .... Elizabeth Steed turn
ing swing fan ... . Alice Ann
Wirtx with someone we didn't
know .... Mary Jane Simmons
and Leone Spauldlng. both down
for the weekend from Salem, as
guests at the Delta Gamma
house. ...
j February l Is the date set for
Oregon's annual Sophomore Infor
mal .... and from then on In,
there's not an open date until
spring term and plopped
most Inconsiderately in the- mid
dle of the busy schedule are next
week's mid-term examinations . . . .
sad profs ever so hard during win
ter term. ...
j Hopes for a student union build
ing for Oregon made their winter
term boom last week as activity
minded freshmen turned in their
names for places on the new pro
motion board .... Eleanor Seder
strom and Bud Vandenynde are
both veterans on the committee.
! Down for last weekend from Sa
lem for the Senior ball and Sigma
Chi invitation was Verdi Seder
Btrim, well-known campus activity
man who walked out with-a diplo
ma last spring .... at the dance
with Marge Flnnegan. who also
graduated last year. . j
1 Women's politics take a leading
spoi in campus affairs as election
of new AWS officers approaches
. ! . there's reform tn the elec
tion setup rumored for February's
battle .... out of office will go
President Buchanan and Treasurer
Elizabeth Steed . . . . but we're
willing to wager that the latter
will be 'way up there In the battle
fer the new presidency
I Campus notes: Letters from Jim
Pickett, now at the naval reserve
headquarters at Northwestern, de
clare he's having a grand time . . ; .
Male attention is focused on the
oh-so smart clothes of Maryellen
Mills .... Ricky Grabenhorst, Phi
Delt, still heads Salemward each
Weekend for a romantic Interest.
.. i Beth Slewert at the Episcopal
church last Sunday with an eligible-looking
Phi Gamma Delta
member . . . . Ray Farmer sport
ing a new Beta pin after last
week's initiation.
Seen and
, (Continued Fro re Page lixl
slating Informally,! was In. red
.chiffon with a shirred bodice and
a gold belt. . . . Introducing. the
uw ik i
sail a . v uu jtwamw xaa auuia aaa - s
Slt, SfAJB VI SV i S WV Sfc. , W SA4-
serts of bright red forming revers
from the shoulder to the waist
. . m president of the Senate and
Mrs. Dean; Walker calling- during
.Mliia ' V M
ning in a loor length black vel-
- . a. a . a . a
vec gown ennancea wun a cup at
i the neckline ... Speaker "of the
a black velvet dinner dress with
chiin ia rnllar and Wkaii . . .
Harvey, the Ralph Watsons and
Mr. sad Mrs. C. C. Chapman . . .
the latter In a turquoise blue
silk gown ... On Into the dining
room . . .-a lovely serving table
covered with a pale blue satin
cioth and centered with an all
white bouquet of cala lilies, free-
sus, narcissus and. tall white
candles. ... One who assisted.
Barbara Jane Smith,! a striking
brunette, who wore a deep wins
crepe gown embellished with
fringe and ruby and gold clips.
... A group or represenuuves-
wives Ulking it over . . . Mrs.
Angus Gibson wearing a pale
ee? cbl".?n with beading
on tne Doaice . . . Airs, warren
Erwin of Portland in a chic black
dressmaker suit with white re-
Mrs!. ' Tse&ro'in
r ,nu.r Tafft with a
raspoerry tazieta with a drop
JSmV'o? BakeV Urf'nl
ble of Baker aad Mrs. Ro-
rom Marsh field came Mrs
?.r9 Huggins, smart la all
lIUtE f?f fU"' W
rther "d danter together.
?"tor frank Franciscovich and
Louise of Astoria tha latt.r
. .
P In ate,: Is most at-
tractive and wore a forest green
vetvet afternoon frock Sena.
- -
ana wearing black with a white
lace yolk
Mrs. W, H. Stelwer
of Fossil in
a handsome Amerl-
. - "
cfn Beauty chiffon gown . . .
lso from Marshfield, Mrs. Wll-
Ham Walsh, who wore all black.
WEST SALEM Mrs. Robert
E. Pattison entertained at her
home Monday night with a mis-
ritlinMii ihnw.r t.nt.n.
Little Gardners
Conduct Meeting
Acton entertained the Little Gar
den club of Salem Heights Thurs
day with a dessert luncheon.
Twenty members were present.
After the business hour several
Interesting talks were given, Mrs.
R. D. Cooper on "Birds in the Gar
den," Mrs. D. D. Dotson, color;
and. a representative from Swift
and Co. lectured on plant food.
Mrs. William Neimeyer will en
tertain the club at the next meet
ing. Attends Soil Meeting
RICKREALL Robert D. Pence
spent four days In Corrallis the
past week attending a state agri
culture conference of count cam.
mlttee men. Pence la Pn TV-
county's chairman.
Lyons Nbwo
LTONSMr. and Mrs. Fred
Dallls ' from Knappton, Wazh.,
have moved into the house where
the Charlie Johnson family form
erly lived. Dallas Is the new su
perintendent for the ML Jeffer
son Lumber company,! taking the
place of Hugo Hallln. who will
leave for Mareolla soon.
At the resmlar meetlnr f tha
Lyons Women's club Thursday
afternoon; plans we're made and
a committee appointed to co-operate
with : other organizations of
the community and i sponsor a
benefit party, proceeds to ra tn
the Infantile paralysis fund.
Mr. and . Mrs.1 Amoi Wni
and daughters. Barbara and Rath, I
ten ior meir nome in Darnngton, '
wasn rnaay morning, after
spending several days at tha home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo
tiauin. . ; l
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen maJa
a business trip to Salem and Mon
mouth Thursday. j
SUverton People
. . " A -
Visits ' Made, Classes Are
- Attended ; Some Folks -
. m
Are ITU v
SILVERTON Louisa PrMx-ht' f.
registered," at St. Helens hall at
I'ortltnd wnere sne Is be rlnn la
zier . work toward - becoming
nurse.' .
Raymond Davis, son of Mr. and
jJrs Kay Davis of B-street,. en
jsiea mis. week m tne navy.- . -
; The condition of Mrs. L. V.
.Volgamor . remains about the
ame. Mrs. , Ben Craven Is carina
for her." Mrs. - V'olramore ha
been -111 for several weeks.
v Ray Schauta, who was in in red
tlx" months asro tn an automabu
accident near Woodburn.'Is able
to sit no a few minutes each da
bow. He Is at the veterans' hos-
rtal at Portland.
The American Iiat ion class eon
ducted by Mrs. O. J. Slrnrdson of
Salem met - for a no-host dinner
at the Sllrerton chamber of com
mere rooms Thursday nltht
Mr. and .Mrs. - Joe Nllaon of
woquuie are guests or their son
ana aaugnter-ln-Iaw. Dr. and Mrs.
H. E." Johnson on' Collldge street.
Alias inra Thorklldson tolned
her sisters. Miss Alice Thorklldson
of Portland and Miss Hlldur
Thorklldson of Salem and the
three motored to Corrania sri.
day night where they formed a
vocal trio for a weddlnt? there.
The Sewlnc society of SL Panl'a
church snet Friday afternoon at
tne nome, or Mrs. E. a. Domo-
galls. The afternoon was scent
in sewinr for the Red Cross.
Robert " Leonard, son of T. T.
Leonard, left Friday for Portland,
where he enrolled la the radio
department of the Oregon Instl
tute of Technology.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reynolds
eft Friday afternoon for Astoria
to make their home and Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Hands moved into the
Reynolds house which they recent
ly purenased, Friday and Satur
day. Mrs. Ben Zollner is at St. Vin
cent's hospital at Portland for
medical treatment.
Mrs. Peter Sorenson frit at hoi-
home Thursday and fractured a
bone in her wrist.
Polk Association
Has Health Meet
DALLAS The annual naatlnr
of the Polk County Public Health
association was held here Wednes
day night at the chamber of com
merce rooms with Raw ion Chapln
of Perrydale, county president,
presiding. Dr. G. C. Bellinger.
head of the Krat T1X TaTn Isvatt a
hospital was the principal speak
The IBMllllr nntn mA -mrlttt
piano solos by Helen MeFetridge
oi uauas. miss Margaret Gllils,
Polk county public health nurse,
gave her annual report. Mrs. Wil
liam E, Kaower of the Oak Grove
community, county chairman of
the Christmas seal sale rom mlt
tee, reported a successful sale dur
ing the past year with some re
turns sun noi in.
Dr. A. B. Starbuck of Dallaa
gave a talk on public health
work In Polk county and told of
the need for mora dnratinni
work, especially in regard to
me sain tests for tuberculosis.
i Dr. G. C. Bellinrer talk
the cause, prevention and treat
ment of tuberculosis.
I A business meetlnr foiinwaA
The group voted to organise a
cnapier or tne infantile Paralysis
foundation la Polk county. Elec
tion of officers of the Cauntv PnK.
lie Health association followed
wnn Dr. A. B. Starbuck named
Sresident ant Ti C A
of Independence, vice-president.
Mrs. David Bland
To Head Auxiliary
ALBANY XTra rtavli tt.-.i
was Installed nrealdnt n'r iv
Junior chamber of commerce aux-
uary xouowing a banquet at the
Greyhound Tirim WoAn...-
nlght. Members of the Junior
chamber were also mat. v
- v . uig
Other auxiliary officers install
ed included Vra rari c. .i
vice-president and Mrs. Orval Dow
cv.iclx -treasurer. The officers
were installed by Mrs. HoUU Hull
past president.
A arm ii n f onrmi
- w - - - wwy.v. m.m.
hers of the Salem Junior chamber
and auxiliary were complimented
Scharback Recover
From Measles
- wi.Mii ocnar
back is lmnroTlw r fmm .
case of meaalesv Mrs. Tom Martin
vvuuahv quite ui at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kaberness
were eallera thi .w rTl
Conrad Dahl Home. They bow
own the Oak Knowl Service aU
uon on the Salem-Dallas high-
L.N11UEH mentlJy parasontsi no
renewal sxpeaaei no torreasa in
fmereat rate, A Prmdantial 20-Year
Uactgage is the as way to fineace
Available in selected
FHA fiaandag eptiaaal
BAwaxsa a aoasaya ia.
Aatkartaaa Uarlfui . Laaa SoUdtar
fat Taa rraaaauai laaaraaee O. a
if i ni Tti m
West Salem Cliurcli Dinner Feeds 165
- Friday. Night;" Mo tion K
- : WEST SAIMbne hdndred sixty live" people atten-
the turkey dinner sponsored lryith' Woman's iSociety cf
ristian Service in the Methodistl church basemjsnt Friday:
Following the dinner a "pro
gram ,was" presented In the church
auditorium. Community singing
was followed' by a humorous pan
tomime given , by the Intermedi
ate boys under , the direction, of
Everett Lisle. Mrs. L. -.wendt of
Brush College gave' several read
- Fred . DeVries.-. a horticulturist
from Pratum.' showed motion pic
tures and a few colored pictures
taken on Ms travels la the United
States- snd, In Europe.
Polk county Representative
Lyle D. ThOmaa and Mrs. Thorn--as
. were' among: .those who at
tended the reception at the home
of Governor and Mrs. Charles- A.
Sprague Thursday night.
Mr. aad Mrs. H. . W. Voth. of
Polk station, visited at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. , L.
DashlelL and her family Friday
Mr. aad Mrs. . Earl Taulk. of
Olympla, visited at the homes of
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Phillips. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Phillips over
Thursday night.
Major John Allen and family
are moving to Los Angeles. Ma
jor Allen was connected with the
Salvation Army in Salem ana
has now received a promotion to
the Salvation Army work In Los
Angeles. Mary Log was a student
In the second grade In the local
school aad David was In the sixth
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . Helndrick
and children. Ardean and La re a.
recently moved to this city. They
came from Henderson. Neb.
Entertainment Is
Given Ross Hills
TURNER Mr. and. Mrs. M. A.
Hill entertained Sunday for their
son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa
Hill of Portland, and a brother
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hill
of Gervals. Ross Hill who was in
jured in an auto accident a few
weeks ago, resulting In injured
vertebrae, still wears a cast.
C. C Mitchell, long time resH
dent of dear Turner, is making
his home In the suburbs of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mickey have
moved to the house a mile east of
Turner recently vacated by the
Hugh Webb family. Mickey is
school janitor.
Mrs. Margaret Riches, accom
panied by Mrs. Nellie Riches,
drove to Jefferson Wednesday to
see her sister-in-law, Mrs. George
Armentrout. who is convalescing
from a recent illness.
Mrs. Ethel Gttlvin. Crawford-
dale teacher, took her smaller pu-
pui w tne neaitn clinic held at
Turner Monday.
The older pupils were enter-
tained at the home of Mrs. Com
yn Tracy, listening to the inaugu
ration of President Rooseevlt.
Madellene Collier and Jack Met
calfe ef Crawford district, carried
leaning parts la Turner high
school play Thursday night, with
special number bv Miss Met
Red. Cross Aided
By Sewing Club
UNION HILL Members of tha
Union Hill Woman's club mt
at the home of Mrs. Dolph Heat
er Thursday afternoon to sew on
"ea cross dresses.
A covered dish dinner was held
at the noon hour.
Present were Mrs. C. E. Heater.
Miss Florence Pottorff. Mrs. Da
vid Pottorff. Mrs. Mary Tate.
Mrs. w. M. Tate. Mrs. Aaolph
Heater. Mrs. C. C Carter. Un
Dick Enyart and Jerry, Mrs.
George Scott, Mrs. V. D. Scott.
Mrs. H. H. Peters and Mrs. Heat
On Thursday afternoon a meet.
ing to finish the dresses, will be
held at the home of Mrs. Verny
O reUrre eosna ache
or palavyoor Docsof seay aad
It aecassary to prescribe sosee
rare, little-aicd strag that
cpoacsfrocahilf s wpcldswmy
It is oat baslaass to sWs tL$t
frarg carefally prottcted to
preserve its full potency on
oar shelves, swaJriaf call, for
sWre. wo pdde cwrscl tts oa
coanpowwiing overyi prcacrip
tioa ss the IXao ptfaa
A UgVprJced serrlot? Kot :
at a!L As a saaocr jof saor av
iUy emit Ua to here a pre
ecriptioa coaapoaoded lterai
" WiUolifs
: ' , - - ' - i
afOj . - a . a.
tworner aetata and Liberty
Hayesville School -Names
Honpr Roll
HAYESVILLE The honor roll
has' been completed with the fol.
lowing names: " .
First grade Richard 'and Rob
ert Baltzer. Glen SlddelL Norman
Henderson, Joanne SJetUer. Don
na Grelgr Sharon Jarms, 1 Walter
Bond. .' Shirley Brown, Edgar.
Brandll. JUIen Flesher. f " ? i
-. Second grade Mary! Newton,
Lois HalL Carl Cooler, Dick Mow
ry, Bernard Thackey.r Laurece
Karsten,? Jerry -Andre-sea. Agnes
Smith, Carol Woodrffe, Dickie
Carey. . . ' - I .(.. ' .
Thbrd grade Irvine Bond. John
lleanlar. Jack Mowryi Philip San.
cy. Joe.TeUl. MarlQm; Baltxer,
XY..UU jo , w cmaii. aroL r lesser.
Alieer Pond. Ann flmnrr VS-afta
Smitfc, Betty Jean Stettler- ,r-
Fofartk grade Edrsf Cnruh.
Jeanette Saucy. Johnny Kennedy,
Marlene Brown. Dartd i Cooler,
Gloria Doerfler, Do a; a a Joan;
Peacf, Jane Bond. Lillian Wool,
dridge. Marlene Pentney, Curtis
Braadlt. I T i
Fifth krade Dori DIerk.
France Komyate. Dorothy Waif
meyer, Virginia Browni Herbert.
Newton, Stanley Clark. Mary
Mo wry. Bobby Carrow.
Sixth grade Earl Bond. BiUIe
Willi. Paul Fahrer, Robert Sau
cy, Ray Carrow. MarylAaa Fisher,
Dale 'Peace; Betty Blame,
Seventh gradeCharles Saacy.
BeTerty Wooldrtdre. i Elsie stet,
tier. Laera Loa Newton, Lloyd
Coolsy. Daren Dierk. Luellei
Paulson, i f 1
Eighth arade Flora! Bob
Wanda Wooldrldge, iDoris Dim
bat. Audrey Flails, i Edna Ms
Thackery. Margaret Unruh. Vfr.
glalaj Komyate, Jack KeUogg. Bet
y aii wiiu. it
I 4 ui-
41 Qiibs Formed
At Labish Center
center school haa organized 4H
claba. The president iot the girll
cooking dab is Donna! Lovre. Ert
a-earsau is Tice-presleat; Dori
Reatx, secretary: LatllA Klamsa
aad Mary Zlnger are: song lead
era. - j Mrs,' Glen Ftr. i Hmar
teacher IS clab advisor. I
Tho hots have formed a wod.
craft! clab. Officers are Billy
Hasselbacker. president; Roy
Pearaall, viee-p resident; Deal
Lowery, secretary; Jack Power,
upper grades teacher, thS advisor.
The claba meet Wednesday after
noons, it
Community club will meet
February 7 and Harry Lovre and
Horace Blbby are on th commit
tea fer the entertainment,- and, Mr.
and Mre. Hasselbacker and Mrs.
Chester KJampo are aa ) the re
freshmen t," committee. j
Ladles Aid will meet! January
29 at the home of Mrf. O. G. Mc
Claughery. I
Sunday; school and iehttreh will
be held as usual under (the pas
torate of Gordon Jaffa. Christian
endeavor has as Its topic "What
My Denomination Stands Fer.
Ermg Hornschueh will 1 be tie
leader. t i-
Mf. and Mrs. Nathan Kurlh
are the parent ef a pound an4
14 ounce baby girl, born January
21 at the SUverton hospital. They;
have- named her Betty Jean.
I ; i i
! i ?
Hopmere Womaq 111
At Deaconess
t 5
Walter Lander of Hepmere is iS
the Deaconess hospital for medi
cal atteatlon and observation; .
Mrs. Lena Fuson of Portland
has spent: the past week with ,her
sister, Mrs. Bert L.j Jokes, . who
is suffering with rheums tism. ;
. ' Phbna 3118
A- . I
,-i L J.
t i i