DEPARTURE FOR NEWFOUNDLAN D Capt. William K. Joensen! (right), -commander of army transport ship, Edmund B. Alexander, which is taking the first U.S. soldiers to leased-from-Britain base at Newfoundland, looks on as Col. Morris D. Welty (left) i says goodby to Col.' S. S. Winslow in N. Y. Welty commands unspecified number of men heading for St. John. f"fiii (iIlhhi mm piivin)ma-'' i jMjwmniiMiiiiiiu M NX - if! t s v , V 'v. XI fU - .v.. I f . - - . - - , -, v ;-s - ' - " r - v- - - - pi CSlM iV? 4 x r vjf,;y -- f ' f If i -'"il ! . , i r - r$$ ' I hp LA ' A ;r'"' s '''I t - -i'-. f r 1,1 5 r- - h f BUS Y Even Mrs. Arthur Dean's clothesline had to aerer to nation's defense program. Living in makeshift colony at Indiana's boom city. Charlestown, she uses a fence. Her husband is helpinr build new powder factory at Charlestown. J HOME'S WHERE THE TRAILER I S Scarcity of living- aarters coupled with the tre ?n s boom that construction of a new government powder factory : has created makes trailer , clues, like this one. an everyday sight In Charlestown, Ind. Charlestown a normal population is about t - 1.000; now 11,000 persons are buildinr the factory, working en three eilht-hour shifts. -: :iali-Ua . ;A r i vi M s J) I v -v i-v? ,J?Ot fv V tt Tr BRIGHT AWAKEN I N C After a deep slumber of ill ness that lasted 76 hours. Bobby Lapier (left), 4, awakened in an Albany, N. Y., hospital to which he'd been rushed by his frantic mother. Physicians said he had recovered from acute edema of the brain, which caused the brain cells to swell and brought un consciousness. Bobby's fellow patients are clad he's awake. V KEEPINC A JUMP AHEA DTo give soldiers the "feel" of a parachute this framework and trolley arrangement have been set up at Fort Benninr, Ga.. where the men dangle In the air reru larly. Besides these suspension drills, the soldiers also jump from platforms to the ground, learning how to take the landing impact with least amount of damage to themselves. HEADY That shrubbery growing out of Soldier lladdon Codynah's hat is part of the camouflage used during drill at Fort Benning, Ga. lladdon is an Oklahoma Indian, , - "-' y r .-- f"5 - : f - --. J - -. 1 , i i - s ;'; 1 ' i 1&. s fr- . v . ,-i. J . ... " -1- :-.- mo:-:-.-J'.fj -jit. . ::'...-! I A , s i '. " vj !. j CHANG t By easy stages Yakichiro Suma (above), the new Japanese minister t6 Spain and former spokesman for Japan's foreign office, is making his way to Spain. lie reached San Francisco aboard the liner, Nitta Maru. i, ' ' 1MJ - B L O O MduiioLis trim the somewhat brief costume of Doro thy Yungeberg, who'll head a parade celebrating the harvest of flowers in the gladiofa-grow-Ing Encinitas, CaL f , . Ak. , ''J i"? , ' ! r X " ' - - 1 "f n V,: 1 i." :f" -" .X 1 '' - ' - 'i iT- ' - - : - - i V v . 1 ' , I f- - - - ' - i - j ' $ ' , " -t' I ;- - J i ' ' t- - - -y ' , ' i -'' , I ; - ' - ? ; - ?, v'':"-' - iv-. 7;, V ;m x, ' -',J11 - 1 ' " A i?v - "- Vr- - . x. 4 , J "Sy ;- s . i :. . : : :: v .-t:s , . 1 1 ; -:- ::: :'m:V..': ":. t :::::: ' ..:';' i- .: - w - ' , :!'x. v .! j - , '" v 11 X . , us X V 1 ' ' ' , v X.. j'' s t J t - ; . X V i v. -I RACE. NOT C R A C E What this tableau of iasketball as it is played lacks ia grace it makes up in speed. Chris Hansen (light suit) is on his May up to seore for Bradley Tech. in New v ; York game with St. Francis. Bradley won, 5$t7 , ! .-;.-- 1 '' iV-'"' e" -.'1. , w ! T N --ri, .... X X . -V ; fLV - al 1 VVH .-:' x " V E A S Y - FOR HI M Can yon displace top ball without dis turbing balance of stick? Ossle Delroy can, after years of practice. TWO DOWN, FOUR TO GO Sure, ho'll finish hU six-year term, Pedro Cerda (abote), 62, Chile's president, assures friends as he enters his third year. He has already survived at least two plots to overthrow lilm, and an abortive military revolt. r-f : , L ' , ' ' : 5 " ' l" .i j J . - " ' - . 5 " ' , - y - ' , ' ' ' " ' ' " " . ' ' - v , i s I. 1: "r - -r r-rrTTrir-TBf-WT-iir-rtinini'ii r :"T.Tiirrig.Ti(W.T---"r t-iMiiMliilwrMiiiagiin ' ' ' 5 1 r. .'"I J: . V LIU E S F O R S OATS Patrol torpedo boat lines such as are ok-ed by Uncle Sam for pew navy assault craft are embodied In this new 32-foot cruiser, seen at the National Motor BoatThovr La ?.ew lork, where sailors and landlubbers can check up en the latest In sea craft. Nautical rear is Also on display, tu well as mermaiiU like Mary Jane French (left). Helen and Euth Ingraham. SCOUT HEA Dxt tt,- l)nrn T?aACVlf T - I n.Mf li dent of the newly organized Girl 'York. She directs the vast metre politan Scout .setup. , . " . 1 - ' i . - ' y ' . v: : f - - I - M V u - - -V: ' '! r .$ ....... .5 .' , .::..;. ( ' : ; V ; : : ' - . v :.. ' . "v -J. .. ! '..."(.'- ( ." i . . : r MAYBE A THREE-BAGGER ? George $elklrk, Yan kee outfielder, lets himself go with drive down the fairway at St. Petersburg, Fla where he and Johnny Murphy left), Yankee relief pitcher, are wintering. -Twiakletoes golfs to keep In trim. :-. J ..h i . Hi r 5 , ' 1 :: X . -ia TAKES OVER-FormerSem; 'Ernest W. Gibson (above) of" BraUIeboro, U has succeeded Editor William Allen While as' national chairman of the Com mittee to Defend America by V Alding the Allies. He Is a cap-t tain In the Slfith cavalry-reserve. : .h CAT-wner Frankle Masters gets down io whisper encouragement to his silver Ubby -So.ueak.1 at the Atlantic Cat show In New York. Squeak listens attentively, nose down as II ready to spring at some long-tailed, furred enemy. Best of the' anew honors ta catdom were '1 f 4 , ....--- - . - .: j . i . ! s i -, i ... i