The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    Th -CHIXZOir CTATEdlAir. Salssu Oregon, Trarnday Manrincj. January 23. 1941
Walkers Will
Sunday !
Ratcliff Home
Scene of
KVJJrftoSc.' HaMoa "d Mrs. Walker Is
New President
The home of Mrs. Charles A.
Batellfr on Ratcliff Drive was the
scene of a- benefit bridge party
Wednesday night. Assisting Mrs.
Ratcliff were Mrs. W. E. Hanson
and Mrs. J. R. Pollock.
The affair was tor the benefit
of the Chemawa prize (and; one
ef the main projects of Chemeke
te chapter, DAR thia year. Thle
fund aids the Indian students at
Chemawa. Mrs. Hanson la regent
Of the chapter and Mrs. Ratcliff
As chairman of Indian affairs.
Taking tables at the benefit
were Mrs. Da rid Wright, Mrs. E
A. Karti, Mrs. Ray Yoeom, Mn.
H. O. Smith. Mrs. Fred S. Anun
sen. Mrs. William MeGllchrlat. Jr.,
Mrs. Eric Bntler. Mrs. Leila Black,
airs. G n. Hlekock. Mrs. Elmer
Am important meetiag of the
TC chorsa will be held at the
home of Mrs. T. W. Da vies at S41
Worth Cottage street on Satarday
night at 7:10 o'clock. Election of
officers is scheduled.
Past Noble Grands
At Ericksons
The Past Noble Grands asso
ciation met at the home of Mrs.
Josephine Ericksoa Wednesday
night. Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Ida Traglio, Mrs. Loalee
Loreland and Mrs. Bessie Ed
wards. Those present were: Mrs.
Ellae Cornforth, Mrs. Rom Ham
mer, Mrs. Josephine Erlckson,
Mrs. MelTln. Mrs. Cora Belle
Wiles, Mrs. Clara Shields. Mrs.
Annie Mills. Mrs. Ida Hoc kateller,
Mrs. Bessie Edwards, Mrs. Louise
Loreland. Mrs. Ida Traglio, Miss
Frances Kyle. Mrs. Verda Olm
sted, Mrs. Wilda Siegmund. Mrs.
Coral McNeill. Mrs. Edith MeKl
rey. Mrs. Anna Hnnsaker, Mrs.
Dora Hill, Mrs. Mable Gardner,
Mrs. Lola HcFarlane, Mrs. Chris
tine Cladek, Mrs. Helen McLeod
and Mrs. Lei Ohlsen.
The regular session of the Re
bekah lodge was called to order
by the newly Installed noble
grand, Mrs. Dorothy Hauge, Mon
day Bight. The past noble grand.
Miss Prances Kyle, was presented
with n gift by Mrs, Bessie Ed
wards from the, retiring officers.
Mrs. Jennie L Willis was ap
pointed press correspondent. Rep
resentative and Mrs. H. T. Hess
Of SchoIIs and Mr. Walter Lyna
were visitors. Mrs. Victoria Stiff
Ier is chairman of the birthday
committee and will bare charge
of the entertainment for itit
Monday night.
February 3 the president of the
Rebekah assembly of Oregon,
' Mrs. Versha Newby, will mnke
- Salem lodge an oftldsi visit.
Mrs. Mitchell to
Mrs. Lewis G. Mitchell will he
hostess i tar a 1 o'clock luaea- .
eon this afternoon at her home
on South 17th street for mem
bers of her club and n few ad
ditional guests. Contract will he
in play following the luncheon
. hour.
GnesU will ho Mrs. Floyd Gard
of Portland.. Mrs. Gordon Hall.
; Mrs. Charles Hallnga. Mrs. CP.
Dukson and Mrs. Otho Leo. CI ah
members are Mrs. Gordon Thomp
son, Mrs. Loren Lose. Mrs. O.
t Thursday
HayesTille Woman's club
with Mr a. J. W. Pentney, S
8ewing club of Maccabees No
. with Mrs. Hilda Lynch, CSS
North High street.
Past Presidents club. Ameri
can Legion auxiliary, with Mrs.
J. E. Cannon. 1923 South High
street. 8 p.m.
Brush College Helpers, with
Mrs. Hadespeck, 2 p.m.
Past President of Hal Bib
bard auxiliary with Mrs. John
Bertelson, 110 Lefelle street, z
pjn. .
Fidelis class of Jason Lee
church, 2 p.m. fireplace room,
covered dish supper.
ExecntlTe meeting of Coun
cil of Church Women, TWCA,
t pan.
Mrs. -Joseph Felton, Mrs.' Lee
Crawford and Mrs.' Clinton Stand
Is! will be hosts for n 11 o'clock
c brunch on Friday at the former's
' homo on South Church street.
The table centerpiece will carry
out the- ski motif with miniature
figure skiers on a mound of snow.
Daring: the afternoon contract
bridge will ho in play. '
- Corera will be placed for . Mrs.
Roy Mink. Mrs. Maurice Heater.
Mrs. f H. :H-- Frineehoose, Jr.. of
Tsft. MrsvLDelbert Schwabbnnr,
Mrs. Verne Robb. Mrs. Harold
, Basick. Mrs. -C. L. Young. Mrs.
Claire Brown, Mrs. Warren Baker,
Mrs.' Joseph Felton, Mrs. Lee
- Crawford and Mrs. Clinton Stand-
Royal Neighbors sewing club
met at the Fairgrounds cabin on
Wednesday afternoon with 28
members from Sllverton as
guests. A covered dish dinner
was served preceeding Installa
tion of officers by Mrs. Laura
Noyes installing officer and Mrs.
Hazel Elliott, installing marshall.
Mrs. Gertrude Walker is the
new president; Mrs. Claribel
Gortmaker, vice-president: Mrs.
t i ?
Highlight of this weekend wlD
be the Informal buffet aupper for
which Senator ; and Mrs. Dona
Walker .will entertain on Sanday
night , from J to o'clock. The
affair will bo held la the Mirror
room of the Marlon hotel, -t i
. Invitations ? hsve been sent to
over 209 friends of the Walkers
including many from - Portland,
Eugene. Corrallis and aarround
ing cities, f -
Assisting Mrs. Walker win bo
Mrs. Ronald Jones. Mrs. William
H. Steiwer of Fossil, Mrs.; Wil
liam Swindells of Dallas and Mrs.
Daniel, J. Fry, jr.p f v r-:'
During the evening Mr. Brad
ford Collins will play ; a group of
piano numbers. The large room
will' be decorated with ferns and"
palms, - i j -
The sapper table win bo cent
ered with an artistic fan shaped
arrangement of acacia, blue trie,
daffodils, cerise, purple and bine
anemones and a cluster of purple
violets and yellow rosebuds. Tap
ers in the aame shades will flank -the
arrangement, i The centerpiece
on the dessert table will be a
crystal bowl filled with pussy
willows, daffodils, ranunculus,
freoslaa and anemones.
Mrs. Forester
Is Hostess
The Laurel Social Hoar tluh
was entertained by Mrs. Robert L.' TO MARRY SATURDAY Miss Marv Meredith, dauahter ri.r.n,. os " v .1 ill
dsternoon VrT oiiJ T Geow Meredith of Portland, whose marriage to Mr. E. ClelUn. Mm. GUbert Steli. Mrs.
nms had charge of the arternoon's ,f? ljxf' of Dean and Mrs. Edgar W. Loew of Seattle. Lnc Mrs. A. M. Smlther.
entertainment. will be on event of Saturday at Hinson Memorial church. Miss xf r"i, ?, J Mri; G1fB
aJ,hwr,"frm.enU aended Willamette university and is a member of MrI Glen sur". iSteftS:
T u r. ia mi soronry. (Uourtesy Uregon JournaU Us, Mrs. F. J. Toose. Mrs. F. A.
r; : Stnrkey. Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Mrs.
-1" wV'S-.-.-a'-rl
- -r
Hostesses, to
Give -Party-'
Biscuits Take!
On Fancy
i i
! J
. When If 's Be-Klnd-to-the-Pock-;
et-book wjeek, let the blsentti
i dough tara the meat dish Into';
I gain concoction. Leftover - meatj
ground ronnd steak or other lnetzi
i pensive neat, simmering - in , its
vwb ay ' wHj iH'"w .
I topped with crescent shsped bls-j
i enita. makes exciting table talkj .
Brown the meat In fat first theut
f combine the heated, cooked veg-
I etables aid seaspn well. Put la:
f casserole land top with biscalt
i dongh cui In fanr shapes. If the
f meat is kncooked. simmer eov4
ered . for hn hour before biscuits
ore added. Cook at 425 degrees
i CAPTIVATING wdt05erfiro
hep ensemble Islhis dating J,, Interest to casserole diahi
irii wyra uy xuciit cuu, niww Trjr leiiorer veaj, onion, canned
nqcuo Biar. rcir-reacning pneas- mosnroom soup ana iimn beans
ant auilla pierce lis shallow "; ? ;-
crown of very ' dark brown
The Ann Jndson missionary clr-1 faced with the tweed of Lu-: 111 X ICTVOr
Missionary Group
do of the First Baptist church met
Friday evening for their regular
meeting at the Deaconess .hospital.
Mrs. Henry Schmidt wave the de
votions, and Mrs. Joseph Teel was
program chairman. A solo was
sung by Mrs. P. L Doddridge.
Those present were: Mrs. J. O.
Nash. Mrs. Dolores Bailey. Mrs.
Norma Lovely; Mrs. J. P. Selta,
Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mrs. Jack Gib
son, Mrs. D. F. Davis, Mrs. Joseph
Teel. Mrs. Albert Ramsey er, Mrs.
Homer Blum, Mrs. P. D. Van Asa-
dell, Mrs. P. L. Doddridge, Mrs.
i dlle'8 fitted coat of browns and
Today's Menu j
Avocado will have a tart lemon
French dressing for today's salad.;
Avocado, grapefruit salad
Lemon French dressing :
Braised beef heart ' '
Red cabbage
Battered potatoes
Plum cobbler
lee cream
. Nobody should know better
now to make chocolate frosting,
than the im a k o r a of
Here'a anl official recipe from one
or menu j
- S , cabs sugar :
1 teaspoon light corn ay i np
1 1 cup boiling kater
S egg whites, 'Stiffly beaten
squares unsweetened ehoco
- lato.1 melted and eooied j ; j
Combine sugar, corn syrup and
i water. Bring aaickly to n bbil,
stirring only until -sugar la 'dht
; solved. Boil rapidly, without stir
cut ring, nntll a small amount I of
syrup forma a soft ball in cold
and Mrs. Monte! Jones. Members
present were Mrs. Virgil Whits.
Mrs. Olea L. Adams, Mrs. Albert
Beckman, Mrs. Bernard Benson,
Mrs. C. H. Brown, Mrs. H. J.
Clements, Mrs. Arnold Coffel, Mrs.
K. w. Kmmett, Mrs. Robert For
ester. Mrs. Dnvid Frlesen. Mrs.
Nettie Jackson. Mrs. Carrie Jen
nings, Mrs. Monte Jones, Mrs.
Eugene Krebs, Mrs. Clara Smith,
Mrs. O. E. Vosbargh, Mrs. Lillian
Williams and Mrs. Jennie M.
Willis. A guest was Mrs. O. c.
Dora Pratt, treasurer and Mrs. oeBOI,eia OI ipauaaii. Mich.
Bertha Loreland, secretary.
War Mothers at
Tollman Home
The American War Mothers
held their social meeting at the
home of Mrs. Maude Tallman on
State street Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. A. A. Lee read a paper on
"Americanization." A group of the
mothers gave a skit, "Lie Detec
tor;" IT .
Mrs Dorman Has
90th Birthday
phreys. Refreshments were served
by the committee which Included
Mrs. Flora Abbott, Mrs. Susie
Botts, Mrs. Carrie Beechler and
Mrs. Addie Curtis.
Members present were Mrs. Car
rie Beechler, Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn.
Mrs. Frank Perkett, Mrs. H. Al
Birthdays celebrated Included
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. Mettle
Large Attendance SK? tJll
At OES Meeting
Members of Chad wick chapter.
Order of the Eastern Star met on
Tuesday night at Masonic torn,
pie for the regular session. They
heard a report of the Rainbow
board for 1I4Q and one from
members of the new project com
mittee, on plans If or the coming
year. Quests were here from as
far south as Marshfleld and north
as Seattle. Mrs. Bessie Lewis be
en mo a member by affiliation
from the CoquUle chapter.
An Invitation to attend the
celebration of MeMtnnville OES'
50th anniversary Ion February 6
was accepted. Following the meet
ing, last year's officers were hosts
at a reception for new officers.
Carolyn Brown sang and was ac-
v Eye. Sister Anna Duerksen. Mrs.
Mrs. Jane A. Dorman celebrated ? r Mr" .3 BtVr?y
her 80th birthday on Tuesday. J"a"e W' J?; Mr T
with a dinner in her honor, at the Jj 5i,iabeh edei,
home of her daughter. Mrs. Lucy wfLi n,7. eler- t Jinn
Qtllee. Wedel, Dr. and Mrs. Irving Foz.
Mrs. Dorman came to Oregon g ' .
from Kansas in 1895 and has re- MOOSe VVOmeil tO
aided In Liberty district and in , . , r ,
Salem since that time. Air? AAfTr Roiiof
I Clean the beef heart and
into one-Inch slices. Brown 1
sliced onion and 1 cup sliced eel- water, or spins a long thread
"7" ,a. Ublespoons fat. Season when dropped! from tip i of
,ws kw , .1 , i Poon (142 degrees). Pour syrup
?t b7T!B the fat7 Add Stream lover egg whites.
:JLBP, w' ' 1 tbIe8po? vinegar beating eonstanUy. Continue beat-
and 1 teaspoon mustard. Cover, in iihii.rai. k..
James Williams, Mrs. Dorothy Simmer S hours. Serve with mus- minutes. I Use wooden spoon when
iu w emu aauce ana cooked too stiff ffor beater. Stir in choco
aaaerkraut or red cabbage. ute lightly. Do? not beat. Makes
! 0 , enough frosting to cover tops
; , m.uM. biucs ui iwv i-uca layers, er
Pears Make Salad llLli? 1 VL?v
sf wseij va savn, UUaVst
F. Wedel. Mrs. Martin Geiser.
Mra. Cecil Lantx. Mrs. Marlon
Curry, Mrs. Robert Hurtburt. Mrs.
Walling, Mrs. Emma See ley, Mra.
Anna Brown. Mrs. Irma Boyd,
Mrs. Frank Hrubets, Mrs. Oscar
Dencer. Mr. end Mrs. Kldon Dor
man. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Dorman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dorman, Mrs.
Lucy Golles, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Addie. Rev. and Mrs. Ouy L. Drill,
all of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hal lot t McMurphy and Mine Jaa-
Smart, Mrs. Susie Botts. Mrs.
Mary Simms, Mrs. Caroline Hixon. Dorman of Dallas.
Mrs. Amanda Mollencop, Mrs. A.
A. Lee, Mrs. Flora Abbott, Mrs.
J. W. DeLapp, Mrs. Mary Ranch, AllimnrT to
Mrs. Mary Mann, Mrs. C. H. Peter- rilU"UiUt? IU JiV&
son, Mrs, Minnie Humphreys. Mrs. PnofUo
R. J. Hendricks. Mrs. Pearl Tay- i-C?Iit?ll lo
tor, Mrs. rr. w. Davies, Mrs. Effie
uuniap. Mrs. E. R. Cook, Mrs. D.
D. Socolofsky, Mrs. Esther O liven.
Mrs. A. I Humphreys, Mrs. Addle
Curtis, Mrs. Maude Tallman and
Mrs. Mettle Schram.
The Women of the Moose held
their regular meeting Tuesday
night nt the hall. At the meeting
Tbeda Daly, senior regent, named
Mrs. Scott McClellan as chairman
of the war relief committee to be
assisted by Margaret Ellis. Ther
will cooperate with the local war
relief organisation. Mrs. Naomi
Warman, associate dean from Cor
rallis, paid a visit to the Salem
Mrs. Millie Ripley will be host
ess to the Women of the Moose
Birthday club honoring members
whose birthdays -are In January,
Friday night at her home at 493
N. 19th street. All Women of the
Moose and their friends are In
vited. The next regular meeting of
th chapter will be held Febru
ary 4.
cup cakes. ' j j
j H
Pnstryj Is tedder If Use dongh
is handled little! and rolled light
ly. The toughness caused by over
handlingj Is most often caused; by
using top much water. Add (the
water, a few drops at a time, toss
ing the mixture with n fork until
the flouif barely! holds together. 1
j I ' ! j
Macaroni goes to set. See how
good it Is wltbt the contents bt a
1 can of shrimp emptied Into
Some two hundred guests were KcfX AJOrMrrtion
present. Tables were appointed In AJUU tAvlUUOn
colors of the fire! star points and Dinner TonirVhr
as hostess st each were: Mrs. G. Onigfit
& Pazson, Mrs. C. A. HartweU.
Mrs. Iran Stewart, Mra. Gordon
Barker and Mrs. Oral Lemmon.
to be
the members
Members of the Marion rountv February with proceeds to so to
Bar association will hold a ban- the Bundles for Britain fund. Two
,: Mrs. Don Grilley and Mrs. Ken
neth McGrsth entertained the
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae at
the former's home In Woodburn
Tuesdsy night. Mrs. Estill Brnnk
and Mra Jimai Tnmlmii
named members of the executive OfVlrolrrri C Wrnro
council of the nrrnn .inn.... J-'VX&.V-llail UUVe
Plans were made for a
of benefit bridge parties
given by
Or Dessert
Ton can nse canned pears for
either salad or dessert when
molded this wsy:
1 package strawberry-flavored
1 pint hot water
Canned pears, sliced
Dissolve aelatiae In hot water.
Turn Into mold. Chill until firm.
Unmold. Garnish with slices of
pears and red and green cherries.
Serves 4 to C.
I Special occasions can feature
biscuit shapes appropriate . to the
day. For an engagement dinner,
ase heart-shaped biscuits or pie
crust. For Washington's birthday
cut tiny hatchets. :
1 Other dishes beside meat pies 0, by Minnie! Ruiter, a whistling
will take on added attractiveness number by Doris Hanna and an
with the nse of fsncy shaped bis- accordion solo by Gladys Swlhney.
Cults.' Make your own hambur- Refreshments were served tin
ger bans with biscuit dough cut-te afternoon to Mrs. Stanford
in diamond shapes. Cut biscuits In Norrla, Ttfrs. J. E. S winner. - Mrs.
Ready Qub!
Schedules Meet
PEDEE The Ever Ready club
was entertained at the Rittie Ber
ber home Thursday afternoon.
Members were! favored by n piano
Tha 1 wm
durinn .f . "omM
.A I cluo "ei at tne no
e of Mrs.
Rose ReUly on Friday. Lovely re-
aet at S:se o'clock tonight st the alumnae members will set as host- re"nmenU. were served by the
Hostesses Will
Honor Clubs
Entertaining tenters
warion not el. The affair fa tn esses at each Mrtr.
informal,! members of the Bar as- Alamnae present were Mrs.
aociation. the legislature, supreme Francis Smith, Mrs. Robert Nel-
bridge clubs these days with sev
eral matrons- andj maids honoring
members of their jelnbs.
Mrs. Joseph Beveridge has in
vited members of the O. T. dsb
to s 1 o'clock luncheon on Fri
day afternoon at :the U. O. Ship
ley home on North Cottage street.
Mrs. Palmer Macdonald of Port
land, formerly of Salem has bid-
court and state officials and their
laaies are Invited to attend.
Judge j George Rossman will
around oni Famous Legs! Person
son. Mrs. Frank Lathrop. Mrs.
Carl Cover. Mrs. Estill Brnnk.
Mrs. Herman Jochlmsem. if rx
nostese ana co-aostess. The next
meeting Is scheduled ' for Febru
ary 21 at the home of Mrs. II. D.
Kortemeyer In the country.
Miss Esther Preston. Mra.
Lonlse Klelnke., Mrs. Lena V. Ro-
oina, Mrs, L. K. GUkey. Mrs. Gil-
diamond, heart, club and spsde
shapes to hold creamed chicken at
the next bridge luncheon,
j '
j Variation on rice padding; let
half the liquid be coffee, freshly
asade and .doeble-strengtn. Good
trick, no trick to do!
Ivan Bjlankenbaker, Mrs.' pete
Hanna. I Mrs. Everett Nelson. JMrs.
Glen MattisoU. Mrs. C. Ruiter.
Mrs. Ri Dodge. Mrs. Phy Simp
son, Mr. MIIo Gage, Mrs. F. SbSy
the, Gladys Sirlnney and the host
ess. Mrs. Rittie Kerber.
The next meeting will be held
at the hjome of Mrs. Rufna Dodge.
Little Victuals May Prdve to Be
alltles" and Louis Rselone will
sing. Mr. Roy Harland Is presi
dent of the Bar association and
Mr. Otto K. Paulas is chairman
of the program committee. The
banquet and program will be oyer
m time tor those present to nt- "P 1 1 .J
tend the reception at the home of I-IiieriaiIiea
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Snrars
Donl Grilley. Mrs. Kenneth Me- rm K- "Ukey. Mrs. GU- hn. j-s . i i
orsth. mS- Sooemsnyr &MiB P1CT Doings on Small Scale
and Miss Cleo Saueressig. wf. w' ""'J"1'
a. aiaiium SJfSm U al HI .
Cdmpfire Girls
The one Indispensable style In
Edward BlsselL Mrs. Connie Frt- any . wardrobe Is n shirtwaiater!
gaard. Mrs. Darrell Gilchrist,
Mrs. Vernon Gllmere. Mrs. Lowell
White snd Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. '
den members of her elab to p. ,.4 T. , -
luncheon on Friday St her Port- Delta Phi Mothers
land home. Planning to attend Z, w tiiCJl
are Mrs. James B. Toung, Mrs. Tn Civ Ron of if
Wsyne Loder. Mrs. T. A. Live- V1V,? 'LWilil
Mrl O 2Sn mTs The Delta Phi Mother, clnb
S.0: wlU apior a bridge benefit at
- v.- - - uu.vtk . in. Knna. on . .
on rrtday. January 31, in the af-
, ternoon and evening. Mrs.
snd Mrs. Arch
Mrs. H. H.
Birthday J Dinner
On Friday.
.ui. entertained tnttmhmra nt hr ilnh " .. o"J5- naipu
w a vuu - VYirm. wno beads thm mm
good-looking frock right now! It's t luncheon and cards Wedaes- will take reservations a e!
an Anne Adams design. Pattern day afternoon. Mrs. John Flekltn phone lata -
450. and ontstanding for 1U slm- "mJ 't!?.0Il.1llt at On Mrs. Wtrth's committee are
pie . quick sewing and 1U trim, be-. heLmB0,r19tl1 . B. jE. Cooper. Mrs. Don Up-
wmms nun. . iui . iraBl-DllUW- "vjnuu wummw wiu John Mra. L. -C RlnhnM Mm o, j . . . . .
lng gives a wonderful tallnd- members of her club tonight at w.?tV. s,7 isll f.J.S?a2 L? Uml
Uer North Chnreh itrNt hnmi. . " iw axrmm oi
The Sabaaleo Camptlre girls
met at the home of Miss Betty
Jean Sellard Wednesdsy after
noon. The groap were given In
structions on knitting and refresh
ments were served by the host
ess. Attending the meeting were
Mrs. Jean Graves, the guardian,
the Misses Elva May Lnmmls,
Peggy Sears. Nancy Bare. Doro
thy Bergsvlk, Doris Waltxer.
Peggy Frantx. Beverly MeCabe,
Mary Relman, Rose Bargees and
Betty Sellard.
The Woman's clnb Pan Ameri-
airs. uo pen barer. Mrs. Lanrs
roIS..Mr- W- K- DeLong. Mm.
I. W. Herbert, Mrs. H.-D. Korte
meyer, Mrs. Shinn, Mrs. R. H.
Poff, Mrs. E. W. Kennedy. Mrs.
O. Cattermaa, Margie Jsnsen.
ower, airs. Joy Cook.
Mrs. Llxxie Salter, Mrs. Roy
Riggs. Mrs. Annie Hinton and
Mrs. Ferrol Gibson.
Poets' Monthly
Meeting Held
verse-Builders, poetry study
group, held their regular monthly
business meeting on Tuesday even
ing at tne chamber of commerce.
Poems submitted by the members
were rend and discussed. A book
report on the Ufe and writings of
r-sui Laurence Dunbar, famed ne
gro poet, was given by Miss Eve-
i They're little, but oh my!
i Good things, they any. come in
Small packages aad edibles are
certainly no exception. Take Brus
sels sprouts for instance, they are
Snst extra good -cabbages, put up
In email packages, bet others are
made that way on purpose.
individual servings n s n n 1 1 j
M teaspoon pepper
1 cap bread crumbs
cup mashed bananas
tejxspood dry mustard.
Use illghtlK green-tipped
anas. Mix meat, onion, salti
par and bread crumbs. Combine
oaannas and mustard and i mix.
Ana to meat
mtiu. ufuatuu "U usaes me I rue a uautbu ucn vun Mrs. R.i D. Rnturrl Mra T. w tt.m. r. In BH.V. ! j .
r. nrfwt fn, ,"hr,rrw, i., A Ute suDDcr will be served bv i t 7 "1 . rr" JZzr.T?m Jrjr- ".f'miiDy i
VWBU, HftlBkCr a w T . " " -;- . ' A J (VI , .Mi Mm
Miss Marian
of Representative nnd Mm. Allan
Carson, win . celebrate- her tenth
without mussing your curls. The the hostess.
skirt has panels at both front !
kls4k4aw as aa m. anl KaitV sllmwilii m &A.A.a. .
Ue home of her parents on South fullness. Notice the darting n, ' Chic? M?a.LaM
Church street Friday night ow the yokes and the gathering jelfaiidrn
O.esu have been invited to a above the walst-hesm which keeps -nweitY fSfiV
dessert dinner and later the gre.o he softness of the bodice In place. -.5? .7
Will make up n line party at the You may use either n collar or iTnrSrTSEi2. i? i"?
theatre. ; rounded Terera, and have short or JfiSoTsanTsiVrS
Covers will be placed for the taree-ouarter sleeves on this asa. .fSfJLI "
Misses Prudsace Cratg, Beverly , smart style! OI tM Mle-. . f
Onetaf son. Jean Lee. Ann Car- ' Pattern 4SS0 la available tn - f i
Carole Coffer. Joan Fits- women's sixes 4. as. as. 40. 4X.
anriee, Joan Hoereth. Frances 44, 41 and 48. Slxe SI Ukes Sfc
yards 39 inch fabric
J. 8. Murray. Mrs. North Caoital street. The annfer E. Farley, reported the scMntniM
BseriMcKee. Mrs. John Sohrt, will ho the geography, history, f three of her most recent poems
Mm. C. M. Byrd and Mrs. Gor- family life and music of Argea- F the poetry magaxlne, "Beat of
-- una. . - - wings." -; .
: i - The
i -
Let Laura Wheeler Kittens Add
Interest to Your Kitchen Towels
Hem are n few suggestions for
"precions Utiles': -
For instsnce. there are tiny
meat balls, individual meat loaves,
small Icebox cakes, (made with
water a, yon remember 1 and
blUy aandwiehes.
There are Individual f roses
strawberry shortcakes, Uny. tart-
ietn or caramel pecan filling, in
dividual lemon or even apple pies
wiu piease about everybody.
ess whites 1
. 4 teaspoons flour t .
Cayenne , . . ,
1 caps grated cheese
1 ennV fine dry bread crumbs, i
present were Dolor..!. ag wnitee until stiff, add
Bradbury. J. Kring. Ruth NarH. H0 4 enyenn 4 and grated
Evelyn Kiickson. Fleta Helm host 1. thoroaghly, form
and Ruby E. Farley. I UM halls and
make ait mA .i.. - "c"l mixiure ana; mix
Into well greased baking pap, not
too , close together. Bake i In a
moderate oveft (J5 degrees) ;50
10 minutes, or nntll done. Serves
Baum. Jean King. Cynthia Need
ataas. Shirley Webber. Alice Lou
ise Ohllng, Ann Marie Rolling
and Marian Carson.
The Woman's Elble daan of tOso
First Methodist church will meet
en Friday at eeleck with Mrs.
J. C Harrlaosi at f St State street.
Assisting her WIU he Mrs. OHvo
If. Jewett, JOm Ml Schrerrer and,
Mrs. E. C. MUler, Mrs. J. K. Bed
4erd will he In charge er devo
tieae and Miss Rath Bedford will
mug. : ViiH-? --
8aS PirrXClf CXTS (1S) m
tor (Us Ass assas psUsre,
lily Bigg, MAVi; AX
OBK33 sad STTLg gOsLSgi.
Ars yss tse IsBt Tse sheet t Tm
Sjmsipt Tse liait U yes ate Imr
Thsu f irsss rsTters is rui j3
s43at4 te yser exact msm.u
t tiassst taaa est sat is atiHi far
ni raaars. riar nw dr
i Jiil
M i a s w
S3 to S3 years old. TTamen
cress, twt-s.rrS70WJ-whosttf.
far i sas. Cms"
n m J &i9 :4 i , m
1 take Lra TL jT-rhsnrn Ti
H Campoaxtd.Rs&ham'bls
I relvinx Csm2s$ sysiptstuedaa
9 this rusettsnal dXstuzhanee.
(iaiaaaS track wiU
fit wits serfacties. DaalgmaA fair
stsse 14 te. Ut S3 tsTeTlSss IS
iMsira. jars. M Let tOric
8S4 VMV mwimr tm. W. -
iPrte 16a.
Our Usual Waves, Complete 75c
Jerm..Oil v-h
Psm Wan At t-
CeniuKte . elw J
Open Thura. Eve.
by Appointment
Pbone SOdS
7 First Natl. Bank Bids:. :
of Mr. Robert Powell, was hon
ored st an Informal party and cry
stal shower Tuesday night when
Mies Len BUan and Mrs. Ger
valse Elliott entertained at- the
home of Mrs. Iiarold Spooaer.
. GERVAIS Adam " P.I ScheQ
and Mies Bertha Attdreaav were
married at Sacred Heart chnreh
at P 'clock Saturday ssernlng.
. Rot. Martin Doherty orflciated.
They vera attended by Miss Doro
thy Andreas, sister of the bride,
and George Schell, brother of the
bridegroom.! - --v . . - .- v
The bride, given in marriage
lj her father, John Ahdreaa, vera-'
a white ' satis dress with beaded :
trimming, a long veil held tn place
; wftb bended band and carried a
, bouquet of orange blossoms and
sweet peas. Her maid wore a pink
taffeta dress, n flower bandeau
ther head and carried . sweet
neas - and ; roses. Following t h e
ceTemoey a wedding - breakfast
and dinner were -served at the
aome or tne bride's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Schell went to Portland
Sunday night, where they will
.. ....
aojea amenean yeterans of the
World War la ssonaorinn benefit
" f5 9mrtL3t Cherry City and
itertam Friday. at a o'clock. PW
nan ee ; will be la alar.
This is the third In the serleVof
earn parues. Mrs. -William RJed
to chairman, and Is asntoted by
Mm. Bemlce Walters. Mrs. Er
nest Moore, Mrs. Fred Jaacer
iwuaa- etuusu sal.ura,
Jona Peterson and Mra.. Hellis
Smyres. -- "
'i ' i : ' -i e e - -Tha
Three Xdahr dab rin
nt t o'clock Frldar nmi..h
roll In the
nmoa. wry In deep hot fat m
fareea until golden brown.
Serve hot, on tooth-picks. Makes
f small balla. i
. cape floar -
l teaspooa salt , " I
: 1 Uhlespooa baking powder ,
- 1 - ; - -; 1
? 1 tablespoon melted fst
H cap bran cereal
, cap ssnk ;
Sift flour, salt and baking
powder together. Beat egg until
light; add melted and cooled fst,
6 ran and milk. .Add liquid mix
tore to sifted dry Ingredients and
stir only uutil flourd lsappears.
the clab room for a. srt . I Drn ""k-4;.:1 " i
no-host luncheon
There will
at noon.
GaSarT art
Galnsrhave announced the mar
riage of their daughter. DorlZ . -Mr,
Allen IlendemoaranWat
solemnised tn .VawnTerTwisS
tagtoii. Thursday, Janna f. tS
bridegroom'a brother und
in-law- were the -tt-.".. ller"!
IttVf ' MP
tlahtry and let , simmer for it
ntinntes without removing cover.
lld; Xl-lt dnmpllngs. - -
V- 7-V-- XOAVES .: : i-.
I pound ground raw beer", 1 f
1 tablespoon chopped anion - t
- M tablespoa salt ..t-.v '-, ,n 4
These ndorable kittens are anen laches; materials reanired: lllas-
fUtt to Stitch OR tttm tnval, mn .. ,l..v. - .
wantjto-do another set tor a Send ten cents la coin for this d Mmer! Un- (P"" $ FY (PiTTl H
friend!! Use gay Colors thst bar. natters to Tha Oreeaa aUalesssae ff?..MJ?r' khand U alaol Vbl- JU U JJ J
... ... . r 11 - - luuoin mi I m m - - - ' ;
" nas toostaTaJ
moolxef with your kitchen. Pat- Meedlocraft DepU alem. Oregoa. d, - P "Ifl ' 9rt
nk I ;! Ta j i
IO I JxWi i
1 i: A
Ycsx12aiator 1)
pall 65T2:
uictr ue
, -. ' .:.-:-,!! : I t ; : .