The OREGON STATESMAN,- Satenu Oregon. Thursday Morning January 23. 134 1 - Help list k ; Ample at Mill . ;. ..... x ... s .... Lebanon Plywood " Plant Strangers to Refrain .. . From Seeking "Work . 5-- - - i , " . . .. ' ; LEBANON More than 0O. lo cal men hare applied for work Jn the new - plywood mill, 217 men - are said to be employed there now and If more are put on they will probably b chosen from the list . of . those ' who have already ap plied. . -vjSome departments of the plant re running three shifts, others two or eren Just one. This : cause some machines are not yet Installed. The two knives, al ready set np, can cut enough to keep the drying- rooms, glue ma chines and sanders in operation, ' busy more than . the one shift which the lathes run. An effort is being made to dis courage people from coming; here from other places looking for work. Enough have come here already to make it a hardship on them and on others. L E B A N O N Seventeen were present at the first Episcopal ..,settife j J held In Lebanon last ; Sunday. Rev. M. A. Norton, rector of St. Peter's' Episcopal church " In Albany conducted the service. If -Interest continues the ! -meetings will be held the third .Sunday of each month. Last Sun I'day the, meeting, was in the borne MCfMrs. Loula Bennett. The next i.-February -If, will be with Mr. i and Mrs. R. E. Dunn on Second street between Grant and Maple. Lebanon guardsmen who have : been promoted include Sergant . Jonn J, scnenk to staff sergeant; corporal Willard W sergeant: private, first class. John R. Turner to corporal and Private Donald Sanders to corporal. LEBANON -Arthur Kelly, con tractor, began work Monday on tne new. Downing building on the southwest corner . of . Main and Ash streets.- The structure which will be of reinforced concrete with all. fireproof . features . is; to.: be 151 by 44 and to have' one store fronting Main street and three 'on Ash.--. v : ; if i ... u Slat Scheduled By Brooks Club BROOK S A skit . . entitled "Knights of the Road", will be presented at the Townsend club meeting Thursday night. atv the scboolhouse. The play ia by lo cal talent an I coached by Mrs. Kay DeRoche. Officers for the coming year will be installed by rTea u. Delano, of Salem at this meeting. The Townsend club council met at tne home of Mrs. Mae Asoin wall, president, and submitted the following to serve on the vari one committees: Luther J. Chapln. vlce-nresl dent; Jonn Hunt, second vice president; Anna M. Dunlavy, sec retary; M. f. Day, treasurer: Mrs, Mary Ashbaugh, program: Robert Diem, youth; Clyde Phillips, so cial; Alfred waiters, membership: J. S. Coomler, finance: Mrs. Ed na Ramp, publicity. Galla-Rini Heard NORTH HOWELL Mrs. Hen ry Dick and guests, Ruth Duval and Mildred Damm of Silverton attended the piano accordion con cert Tuesday night at the Bush school in Salem. The concert was presented by the world famous Summers to musician, Galla-Rini. vm 'W SEOrXU YJ. not $sxes pt! con nr m orjn Mo. Of m .. cost A turn .... "-TODAY I Siale Ilolors, Inc. 340 N. High Street Salem, Oregon s7 call yon " .J from, we snow COh 1 ( V Y " ITS WISH to telephone ahead for accommo- . ' - . ' ' f ..... .' v dations. And it's thoughtful to remember those at home. Plan now to call homeward -to shire yout fun ! Telephones are handy wher ever you go; Service is speedy, dependable friendly. Rates are low. l "' ' """" Council at Dallas a Co m lttee DALLAS V. O. WilUams was elected councilman from-- ward tour at a ' meetinr of the Dallas city council "Monday; night to re place Earle RIchardaon.-Rlchard son, resigned : recently when he moved to his new, home In a dif-. rerent ward. f - '' ' , z,,' , :A number of appointments were announced by Mayor Lelf S. Fin- set h at the meeting Monday night. : A complete list; of the mayor'! appointments follow: 4 Eugene Hayter.' ambulance committee to serve for three 'year-term; R.; R. van OrsdeL member t of., Dallas public library board to serve for a rour-year term.'i. 5 , To serve for. one -year terms are: Walter Young, fire chief; Dr. W. L Pemberton, city health of fleer; E. J, Page, wiring inspect or and Randall Buell, building in spector. Committee appointments an nounced by Mayor Flnseth In clude, finance committee, V. O Williams, chairman, C. B. Sun- berg and Hollis S. Smith: streets. v. ts. Bunnerg, chairman. Dr. H D. PetCrson and V. O. Williams: ordinance, Hollis S. Smith, chair man, Dr. A. B. Starbuck and Dr. H. D. Peterson; health and police, Dr. A. B. Starbuck. chairman. Dr. W. L. Pemberton and J. R. All good; fire and water, William C Retxer, chairman, Dr. W. L. Pem berton and John J. Rick: special city hail building committee, Wil liam C. Retser, chairman. J. R. Allgood and John J. Wick; park board, J. R. Allgood. chairman. Erie Fulgham andT. C. Stock- well; boxing commission, Bruce Spaulding, Dr. E. B. Bossattl and T. B. Hooker. Sublimity Man Is Sergeant on Lost US Bombing Plane SUBLIMITY Sergeant L. H. Nettling, who is among the crew lost in the US army bomber, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nettling of Sublimity. Leo, as he was better known among - his friends and associates enlisted in the army service in August 1934 at March Field. Calif. Finishing his three-year term. he returned home and helped bis parents on the farm. He reenllst- ed the second time in the service in September 1939, this time in the air corps. The- past six months or more he has been lo cated at McChord Field, Wash Sergeant Neitling is 28 years of age, and received his education In the little country school ! of Mt. Pleasant In Linn county. Polk Station News I POl i. h. POLK STATION Mr. and Mrs. Wlens visited at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Quiring Sunday.; .. r - - . V: Henry voth Installed .-a new door In the schoolhouse Friday. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duff and small daughter . w r "overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dunn Friday. Duff is pastor of the Ken nelworth church In Portland while he is attending the seminary. ' Mr. and Mrs.-Vern Hughes and Aon of West Fir were dinner guests at the . home of Wilbur Hughes Sunday. . '. I - Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Dunn were dinner guests Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- C. Hlneberg of WUlamlna Sunday. . . . ; j. ' Committee Named 4H Date Slated Program Is Held 1 At Grand Island GRAND ISLAND A large crowd attended the Improvement club meeting at the schoolhouse Saturday night. i The program was given by the Amity chamber of commerce and included musical selections by the high school girls' quartet. Bettv Rosenbalm, Ruth and Esther Ab raham and Opal Richter; girls trio, uetty Rosenbalm, Lorraine Walling and Ruth Abraham with accompaniments played by Julian Abraham; solo. Noma Glahn: duet. Noma Glahn and Betty Al lison; song, grade school rirlaf quia on Yamhill county conducted oy Mr. Tor bet of the Amitv bank. and a one-act play. "Jealous, Cer- lainiy wot." Kay Reed. Harriet Brush. Vernetta Wiley and Leslie woraen, characters. Roy Nolan of the grade school acted as chairman. Grocery Purchased By Dallas Pair SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Martin Knittel of Dallas have purchased the E. H. White gro cery store at 111 West Main street and have taken possession. Knlttels have been, at Dallas for four years where they oper ated a meat market which they disposed f this week. Prior to that they lived at Silverton. They have taken up their residence at 231 Cool id ge street. Returns From Hospital ST. LOUIS Curtis La Bansky returned to his home recently after havng been In the Doern becher hospital, with pneumonia and whooping cough. He is get ting along nicely. Lyons News LYONS A special Epworth league service was held at the Lyons Methodist church Sunday night. The topic "Getting Closer to God' was led by Pauline Clip fell. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Keith ley and Mike Walderham of Sa lem were present . and showed scenic pictures of this territory. The January meeting of the Lyons Parent-Teachers club was held at ! the community club house Monday night The busi ness meeting was in charge of Mrs. O. Paul Johnston, president. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison and Gerald and Levi Garrison pent the last of the week visit ing friends and relatives at Alsea. Mr. and Mrs. William Fethers- ton, jr.. from , Gresham have moved Into the apartments located in the old Ransom store building. retherston is employed at the Mt. Jefferson lumber mill. li Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christen- aon are the narenta of a b&bv arlrl born to them at their home Friday night', l - ;J4 - Mrs. Amos Wheeler and daugh ter. ' Barbara and Rnth tram ! furingion, wassu. are visiting at, the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Hallin. t M PRATUM The Pratum Com munity club met at the school house Friday night with Herman Kleen, president presiding. f Following a community sing led by Mrs. James Wilson, a spell ing bee was the feature of the program. Musical numbers In cluded, a piano solo by Frances Schmidt nd a duet by Junior andMary Hamrick of Bethel. The program was arranged by Rev. James Wilson and Mr. W. E. Branch. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Martin Rehm, Mary Schaap and Mrs. A. E. Mantle. For the February meeting those appointed were program, Carl Vogt, Adolph Krehbiel. Willis Goeble. and Frank Schaap; re freshments, Elsie Rolf, Betty Badley and Winona Dillard. Attending the county 4H lead- era conference in Salem Saturday, were Mrs. Chester Lynds and Mrs. Clyde Rodgers. Members of the 4H Cooking One club meeting Saturday at the home of the local leader for check ing In reports were Fay Clymer, Marjorie Smith, Ann Marie and Margaret Keller. Fay Clymer leads In the number of reports handed in to date. A Joint meeting of all Pratum IH clubs is called for Saturday, February 1, when -Wayne D. Hard ing, county 4H club leader, and Carmel Weddle, assistant, will meet with the groups and show 4H pictures. Qub Organized At-Grand Island . GRAND ISLAND The ' older group of girls, who have organ lxed a 4H ; sewing club. . met Saturday afternoon at the home of ..Mrs. Charles ' Al . Ferguson They have chosen as a club name TThe Fashionette.V : j V -t Members r are .- Jean f Magee, Myrtle Rockhill. Verna Mar Culo Muriel nd. Nellie. Ferguson, Iva Rockhill and Doris CulD. Myrtle Rockhill was elected social chair man and . Nellie Ferguson, news reporter. ; ' - ' . .y-i " President Jean Magee, present ed an outline of the' year's work which - will include the testing of materials, study in line ana dress. color harmony And becoming ma terials, care of clothing, good grooming, common health rules and. good posture, courtesy; Judg ing of clothing and practice in modeling. t i Following the business meeting Muriel Ferguson gave a . demon- stratlon. on the burning of ma terials to determine their kind. Plaiining Council Hears Civic Talk SILVERTON In absence of the president Dr. P. A. Loar, I. B. Alfred, vice-president presided at the Tuesday night meeting of the Silverton Planning council. No definite action was taken, al though the group voted; after con siaerabie discussion to 'have, a committee to work on the possi bilities of a civic center at Sil verton. The appolnment of the committee was left to Dr. Loar.. A civie center has been under discussion at Silverton for some time. The Women's club dis cussed the matter and voted fa vorably upon It Ita committee. headed by Mrs. Tom A. Anderson later voted to turn the matter of the Planning council as, Mrs. An derson reported. It was more in its Jurisdiction. The matter will be discussed further at future Plan ning council meetings. Wyoming Couple Visits Valley View VALLEY VIEW Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Carpenter recently enjoyed a . weeks YiBit from -their ... sons, Donald A." Carpenter ;i and ! wife of Cody,' Wyo.. and Oral Car penter with his wife- and email daughter' of Palm Springs, Calif. ; E. L . Charlesworth . prominent farmer of this district la report ed as improving at the Silverton hospital, where he was taken two weeks ago for. treatment H.ri; 4 Pqo, i Dies Committee ' SILVERTON Both v the post and unit of Delbert Reeves No7 American Legion went : on record Monday, as favoring the continua tion of the work ox the Die com. mittee, house resolution No. 35. . George Alanolis, legislative chairman, told of the work of the citizenship training class of 20 members, gave a report of the district conference at Salem Sun day ; afternoon and reviewed the bills before legislature that are of interest to the Legion program The chamber of commerce as sured the post that the flags used for downtown display would here after be kept in good condition with Individual merchants co operating. Commander F. M. Powell is calling a meeting of his executive committee Friday night at 8 o'clock a tthe Starr hardware store. COTdOubs:Slate Monday Meetmgs " INtpEPENDENCE--Twb -bridge clubai will meet Monday night of next Week. Mrs. i D. . Collins nd Mrs. B. Kirkendal will entertain tie "Owl" r whist crab at their home west . of town. nit ; v ! Places, will be marked for, Mr. san Mrs, Kaipn K.ietung, - Mr. ana Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mr, and Mrs. Claude G Skinner, Mr. and -Mrs. Clarence ' Charbonean, D r. , a n d .Mrs. M.L J. ButlerMrs. Oy P. But ler, Mrs. G. G. Walker, Mr. and MrsMC. Williams, and the host eases. r V.-:-'..'' ". t Mrs." Rollan Layton has bidden the Monday bridge club to her home on F street-: .. i . . ! Mehibem r Mrs.. Howard Ben pett, . Mrs. Sherman " Foster; - Mi's. Cleve Robinson,Mrs. Norman" Ba uer. Mrs. Norvai xayior, Mrs. Scran ton,' ; Mrs. . John ' Holeehek, Mrs. Way MacGowan, Mrs; Nor man Hanna, Mrs. Martin Fratcke and Mrs. Al Schlag. Agnes Booth Pays Mt Angel Visit MT. ANGEL County School Superintendent Agnes Booth was the guest of the faculty and stu dents Of Mt. Angel normal Tues Mrs. Booth attended classes in the Academy grade school to ob serve the practice-teaching tech nique of senior and normal students. At 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon Superintendent Booth talked be fore an assembly of teachers and second and third year normal school students on the subject 'Reading Readiness." She i sug gested practical devices in teach ing reading and .urged the pros pective teachers to consider; indi vidual differences in dealing with their pupils. Defense Classes Set at Wowlburn WOODBURN Two rural de fense classes hare been approved by the state board for vocational education for Wood barn and sur rounding territory. The board of directors for these projects Will be members of the school board and John Shaw, Rodney Alden and Henry Miller. ' A class in . metal work began Monday In the shop of Woodburn high school under the direction of Joe Sow a. A class in truck, tractor and auto mechanics will begin Monday in -the Sauvain Motor company shop under the direction of Bon ner Stewart. Enrollment in each class may have to be limited to the first IS reporting. Class will be held five night a week beginning' at o'clock. Cleanup Day Is Arranged, Feb. 6 NORTH SANTIAM The Jolly Neighbors club held Its first meet ing in the new club house Janu- LBMdDCIDMS (BirifflHt QQ&nn ' i This January Clearance Sale, taking place in j the midst of rising clothing prices, offers you the choice pt Brooks Quality Suits and Topcoats that may not be duplicated in years. You'll find patterns, models and sizes to suit every purse. $20.00 SUITS anil OVERCOATS Now 1 J O J $25.00 SUITS aM; IMGOmTS Now lQjy ; . Use 530.00 SUITS Now -IP5 330.00 OVERCOATS Nov ! . .". w . Our Convenient Credit Plan $6.50 to $7.50 Odd Suits PAflTS $75 to $120 LEATHER JACKETS C5.9S azi $9A5 tl2JS0 Gabardine. . . nAi;:coAfs $9.45 $12.50 Sport XO ATS $045 PGE JniTJS a -i - ;,.. ary 1. ;Mrs. Walter Ilatea pr- sldejl oter the bslni4 meetlli wher it was decided I to elect orrifers the first 4tln4 'f AvrU said: officers to kako' charge 11 OcWber..;. :; J;r.."r f !i eieannp dajj wU bo held February 4, with Quest dar Febro a 17 1 1. .- Each .member j la urged . to rlng; a guest. .Cookies and te'ft wlll;,be-seryed.- Mrs. Jesse Schle inai and Mrs. . Walter Hatch will be aostesses , f or the meeting. ; 1 vmr I- ; f :" In tho " ! ' ! ; r ," EEII'S DEPT. ;r I (Main Floor-) - ? ir S lien's Pvri VVpoTjJ WEATEPS Slew! $2.77 long-wearmo ! rib! knit ; whh hidden double el bows I Talon front I ' i t . l k l Men's Rcnrbn 1 DRESS S0X E TiC e p t ionaiir 1 Ok good-looking pat- M k terns In all the wanted colors now! Save! Buy plenty Clooo-Oult I OVERCOAl Just a few ileft In I m a 1 1 Bjtes only, 34 to j 37, while they last. 13 T'cwncmft" FINi: TIES 1 : i An ;tie I value because ; a elose-out I from 1 outi finest line! eptional FJI" cause if. XHJJV T -4- Men'a SPORTj NoW 1 sleeved this, low Newest popul stylo SfllRTS ; a 980 Men' TROJJS Built for. j work yet i enobgh for d Assorted patterns on 1 i Drice;. ar colors. a unurr. ERS teas! . J washable. ! Men's AU Wool JACKETS . Warm, service able and good looking! 321-01. all wool melton Zipper front. WORK 249 Closo-OutI Men's SHIRTS Sanforised: (! shrunk) sturdy! weight blue cbam-j bray in sizes to 17 only. Leather-Faced WORK Tough twill with leather Full leati GLOVES thumb and Ongef tips. fWORK SOX Just( the rh( ! fa A amount of wool H y for comfort.! Oxf . , .. ford grey or Natural. 18 It. ':- f Look jrt These '"' 1: ; Barytdnsl In jVIEN'S WARM UNDERWEAR j--rlesi'4 Oo(ton ., - 1 Union Suits Medium w 1 i t e f f "Vgk weight ecru color Y couvd. LiUiijK or i short .leere.' Anltle length. 1 ' Heary Weight . Cotton Unions . With long scores. Grey randon coj- Q Q Y I-;' ! Save! JfTen'si .10 ? . i Vfoo Unions ; Soff, warm! (Long "JfA s 1 e t e t !ankle fl iv ' lentb. ' i j ' f -1 Winter Weight " i Lhirtt, Shorts Mid-length . g n i t shorts; shirts to match. i "E. 250 m ib od MAIN FIOOB 4S3 Sfcla Eden TBI FAC1HC TILIPHON1 AND TELEGRAPH COUfXNY ri f i 740 State Street Telephone 3101 C Penaer Co- Inc. NMBBlVBCiiun.iiaa ssam i i i