The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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    Rites Are Friday
For Isobel Hall
BILVERTOM-Tuneral services
tor-Mrs... Isobel- Hall, who died
Monday night, hare been set for
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from Trinity church with inter
ment at Evens Valley.
Rer. M. J. K. Fuhr will apeak,
Mrs.'; AlTln Legard will be solo
ist and Mrs. iAlf O. Nelson will
preside at the organ. Grandsons
f Mrs. Hall ; will serve as pall
bearers. '-".
hi : :.i on the - '
O Dress Goods
f Bedding
O linens
Special Terry
iuwrL3, z ior
'White with color- 1 g A
Ced borders. Handy IJJV
.17"x294' sise
. easily laundered.
- Wizard
It's not often we f this bar- TliV
tain! '81"x99"
doable bed sixe. '
Cotton Sheet
Soft, floffy new Q
cotton In pastel
plaids. Firmly w
stitched ends . . . 6"i76".
Cotton Double
Soft pairs to sleep
between en cold
nights! Full 70" x
80" double bed size.
Rayon Taffeta
. Buoyant loveli
ness! 100 duck
down, mothproof
ed! Only a few at this price.
Part Wool
Warm 6 wool 4 ff
pastel plaid .Man- A WW
kets in full 70" x
80" site.
New Value!
Imag i n e ! A
-lb. all wool
fill e.d comfort
with lovely printed sateen
25 Wool
Yes! A lOTely n ff
solid color, deep H WW
nap blanket of
25 wool. 70"x80" size.
Belle Isle
Our famous economy mfmmsj
cases at a new low! M
Stock up now! 42" x'w
36". E.
Colored chenille
designs on white
or solid color
background. Double bed size.
Rayon Satin
Beautiful to look f f f
at and filled with jf W W
soft, pare kapok.
Full size. Ea.
100 white duck
down 1 n lovely
rayon taffeta cov
ering. JP r e v m o
moth-proofed. Ea.
Beautifully ' wot- 1 g
en jacquard de- jLwW
signs In assorted
popular ' bedroom colors.
Doable bed size.
' ,' Bargain Package 1
;To need It dot- e j
b of times 0 J08,
, around the home t n j
or shop. .Stock p JlSlV
Nowt- " aiv-
. . Printed
Colorfal, - cheery p j
designs . stamped fciiS y
, oa heavy cotton -crash:
6l"5r sise.
TOWELS, 7 for
Gay block-print- fl aa
ed pattern on? Jl WW
, part linen crash,'
Colorful - absorbent. 1S"
tl". .
J. C Penney CoV. Inc. .-
Legion Quota
Said Lacking
Increased Membership f I
:; Urged;; Patriotic. 1
; - Program Set ...
MT. ANGEL Reports " on the
Legion and auxiliary district Con
ference held- at Salem last' Sun
day were given at both the post
and unit meeting at the Memorial
hall Tuesday , night.
' Attending from Mt. Angel were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucht, Dr. E.
J. Corcoran, Pete Gores,-, Mrs.
Mae Heggie and Mrs. Anna Len
ners. .
Auxiliary president, Mrs. Anna
Lenners, gave a detailed report of
the conference at which increased
membership, child welfare, veter
ans' hospital work, and Junior
auxiliary were topics stressed.
Units were urged to get back all
old members since the national
membership is lacking thousands
In matching last year's quota. It
was pointed out that the need
for more members In these
troubled times was imperative.
Mrs. Fred Lucht gave an added
report on the work of Mrs. Laura
Smith, department hospital chair
man, as outlined at the conven
Since February has been desig
nated as national defense month,
Mrs. Lucht, who is junior auxil
iary chairman, sugegsted a'patri
otic program by the juniors and 1
special speaker on national de
fense. February 17 was selected
as the night for the program
and it was decided to invite the
public. Plans are underway to
have the motion picture of the
juniors' camp activities shown.
The women agreed to spend the
entire day Wednesday in quilting
on the auxiliary quilt and to have
a club luncheon at the Memorial
hall. Mrs. Violet Sibley, newly
arrived in Mt. Angel from Spo
kane was a visitor.
Dr. Corcoran in reporting on
the Legion dances held every two
weeks stated the date for the next
dance is Friday night. Dr. Cor
eoran also gave a report on the
conference as did Peter Gores and
Fred Lucht. All were united in
praise for the help and renewed
enthusiasm such a gathering
gives to all who attend.
The first outdoor shoot on the
club grounds north of town was
announced for sometime in March
Fred Lucht has been appointed to
take charge.
North Santiam
nual telephone meeting was held
January 13 with the following
members elected to the board:
Glenn McClellan, A. F. Keithley
and I. R. Hammer.
The Community club will hold
its January meeting Friday at
the schoolhouse. Mrs. Myrtle
Howard, Mrs. Nida Reeves, Mrs.
Lois Clark and Grace Richards
are arranging a program. Cake
and coffee will be served.
August Schieman is in the
Deaconess hospital. His condition
is critical. J. S. McLaughlin was
discharged from the hospital Fri
day and is convalescing at home.
Miss Ona Maple of Portland
stayed with Mrs. McLaughlin
while her grandfather was In the
Jefferson News
JEFFERSON Mrs. Forrest
Miller entertained with a dinner
Friday at her home northwest of
Jefferson, honoring the ' 74th
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Mil
ler's mother, Mrs. A. C. Miller.
Covjsrs were placed for the honor
guest, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Lydla
Hoyt, Miss Lou Miller, Mrs. E. J.
Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. For
rest Miller.
Visitors calling later at Mrs.
Miller's home were her two sisters,
Mrs. Ross Nelson of Independence
and Mrs. J. C. Siegmund of Salem.
Albert Abbott of Marsbfield vis
ited last week at the home of his
nephew, Raymond Colgan and
family, and also the Lionel Col
gan family. Although 80 years
old, he drives his own car, and en
joys taking long trips.
Leslie Beamish, brother of Mrs.
Raymond Colgan, who has been in
the Salem Deaconess hospital for
the past three weeks, underwent a
major operation January 13. He
is not able as yet to have visitors.
Rev. William Elmer, pastor of
the local Evangelical church left
for Portland Monday where he
will attend the three-day mid-winter
' session of the Oregon-Wash
ington conference. Dora Bellamy
of Marshfield, is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Amity News
The OSSGOn STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon; Tnuxsdoy .Moralng. January 23. HJ
Gets New Post
ISilvertori Lutheran Daughters Hold
region Auxiliary vcriui1 xuulicx v"1" . -:
jy y - - J- :;.Uth-Amersary: and InsUiUatiqn
Junior Girla ' to Assist " in
Ticket Sale at Hobby
Show; Feb. 14
. 1
nine were present. Oriet .i Moen,
Evelyn Torvead and Freda Han
son, the latter of Portland.! Three
S1LVERTON Mrs. C. J. Towe, I n. . residents. Lueila Grace, En-
legislative committee chairman of I nice Fuhr and Evelyn Torvend,
the; American -Legion ;. auxiliary, I were also present.
made a report Monday at the regu-1 communications were read
lar meeting of the group, Mrs.'S. Urom tnjs national president. Miss
Aj. Pitney, presiding. I Mvrtle' Larson f the district presl-
Jnnlnr rirln under direction of I iTnt.' Pearl Boddlng. and ' greet-
Mrs. Clifton Dlckerson, are to aa- ings; were brought by the circuit
slat with sale, of ticket for the president,' Evelyn Tonrend.!
crnn Wnmm'a rimh hohhv At a candlelight ceremony new
snow, arranged by Mrs. Harry officer were Installed by the ont-
Buckley, to be given February 131 going oiiicera. w
at the Eurene Field bulldin as clndea presiaeni, ,-vermcw iww
STT.VFRTON Lutheran Dautrhters of Reformation cb-
; served ita fifth anniversary Tuesday when Mrs. M. G. Gun-
derson, original advisor and organizer, enienainea ior mem.
Four charter memoers i me
an afternoon and night f faif; Jun
tors are t be program 44 serv-
fmd: ?vice president. EiisaDetn
Torvend; aecretaryf Joan' 8a tern;
527 JV.t V tb- , nir wIn" Ureasnrer, Eunice Torrind; histor
ice guests of the unit when the "Z , m.n.Khin
fytbSuiMM. JuanlU Moe: reporter.
Irving P. Wixoa, newly appointed
director of immigration at Han
Francisco, took his new post
immediately upon arrival
cently from Washington, DC,
where he formerly served as
more than $20 worth of magaxinea
recently given to the CCC camp
in the Silverton vicinity. Mrs. Del
Barber reported the arrival of
two naval plates. . Mrs. E. A.
deputy commissioner In thejKern reported 11 subscribers to
Immigration . and naturalization 1 National News. Mrs. Lewis Hall
service. San Francisco Is one J entertained the sewing club at her
of the most Important imml-1 country home in January. The
gration posts in. the 18, due to I president named aa her February
increased number of Europeans refreshment committee, Mrs. 8am
who. because of war dangers, Lorenzen, Mrs. AI Lerfald and!
enter this country by way of Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre.
Evelyn Tonrend. Past officers are
-I nraiiint- Evelvn Torvend: Tic
. r -.1 1 . Ti . A 1 . .
president, Eunice Torvend: secre
tary, Lucille Tschants; treasurer.
Oriet Moen; historian, . Althea
Meyer. : - 1
The program was .In charge of
Eunice Fuhr. During the program
hour. Elizabeth Torvend gave
piano solo and Althea Meyer, his
tory resume. During the latter.
Mis Meyer displayed a scrap
book of LDR events which she
had completed for the occasion.
Present were Irene Moseng,
Elaine and " Veraice Tollesfrnd,
Loraine .and Blanche Lund. Jua
nlta - Moe. Evelyn, - Eunice and
Elizabeth Torvend," Oriet Moen,
Lueila Grace, Sylvia Haere. Joan
Satern. Lola Fnnk. Mildred Lar
son. Lucille Tschants. Eunice
Fuhr. Freda ' and Ida Hansoir of
Portland, and Bernice Hanson, of
Wood burn. ... j
4Horse Opera' Is
: Billed, Sublimil
- ... " '
- SDBLIMITT A foar-act eom
dy drama ef th great outh
west "An Arizona' Cowboy." will
be presented by the Toung Peoples
Dramatic dab en Friday Bight.
January SI and- Sunday night
February X at the CF hall. Sub
limity. A dance will follow Fri
day night' performance. -;
The en of the play 1 a cross
road Tillage la Arlxona.- known
a Purple Dog- A ttrong feature
of this play is the abundance of
clean cut western comedy' that
eliminate : dull momenta. ' A
mischievous little cow girl, a bossy
old woman, a fanny .Chinaman,
always in trouble and alwaya look
ing for more,- and the - mggest
liar In ta atat of Arizona will
keep the aadlence In continual
rood knmor. .
Character are Florence Beltel,
Bob RtnckarL Georg BuUer, Leo
Snmhaer..Wimant Frank. Ber-
Kathrya v. Lambrecht, :j Bernice
Rsettger, Camilla Lalar sad as
mere eewbey." sj i. .
W est Salem News
WEST SALEM-rTh grange is
having social meeting Thurs-'
day knight' taf :th city lu.ll ,t S
o'clock. Everyone is asked to
bring sandwiches, cookies or
cake.- Friend of grange members .
are larifedV . ,
, ''Mr. and Mr. L. ?, Wallace'
and son, Bobby, left Saturday for
Astoria and Camp "Clatsop. While
there they Tislted their ion, Larry,
who' was promoted to private first
class: on January 15." (They re
turned to their heme Sunday.
' Mr.' and Mr.' Donald iKuhn and
children; Donald and: Arlene,
Tislted Mrs. Kuhn's parents, Mr.
and .Mrs. H. F. Deyoe, Sunday.
! Bob Tnrlty has. gone to Alaska
to work. . HI wife will join him
at a I later date. - - :j ,
the Orient and the west coast.
To stimulate Interest In the 1
planned hobby show, Mrs. Glad
wyn Hamre 'displayed more than
8,000 buttons collected by her
daughter, Elaine Hamre, which
are artistically arranged on can
vas in designs.
Log Pond Finished
For Mill Company
IDANHA The Idanha Lumber
Amity Club Gives
To Paralysis Fund
AMITY The Amity Study club
met Friday at the home of Mrs.
J. M. Umphlette with Mrs. How
ard Stephens joint hostess. The
president, Mrs. Roy Freeman presided.
During the business meeting,
the club voted to contribute to company filled its new log pond
the march of dimes to help stamp witn water Saturday. The pond
out infantile pararysis. Mrs. will provide a storage space for
Chase Thomas resigned as club logs which is needed during the
secretary and Mrs. ll. j. Kicnter 1 summer months when the mill
was elected to take ber place. operates two shifts. The pond will
A letter was read, written by hold approximately one-halt mil-
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, national lion feet of logs.
president of woman's clubs, to I John Miler and Ted Phillips
Mrs. Rilla B. Thomas. have properly initiated themselves
Mrs. H. J. RIchter gave an in- to their Jobs aa pond men by fall-
teresting lesson on the 1940 cen- ing in. The dirt work on the pond
sus and Mrs. Margaret Morse gave was done by the Salem Sand and
a lesson on the orijtin and weave Gravel company.
of shawls. Following the lesson ! Mr. and Mrs. August Ullnger
studv a shawl exhibit was held, bave moved from the Haseman
and beautiful shawls were shown
ranging in ages from 50 to over
luu years.
Others present were Mrs. W. S.
Fuller, Mrs. E. Waddell? Mrs. J.
A. Breeding, Mrs. Clara Broad-
well, Mrs. Bruce Groseclose and
Laura Judy, Mrs. Margaret Mor
rison was a guest.
The next meeting will be held
February 21 at the home of Mrs.
Rilla B. Thomas and Mrs. Fuller.
auto court to the Tom Bowers
former home. The Ullnger are
having a new home built at Idan
ha and will move there as soon as
it is completed.
Farmers Union
GERVAISGervals local Farm- near future. Mrs. Fields who
ers union met Monaay nigni wun
visitors present from several
other locals. Three new mem
bers were added to the local
Floyd Bierly and Ross Cuts- tae Deacone8s hospital last week
forth were elected delegates to wIn Br. v. vftm. annn mm
ine aiaie convention i ncia pected due to complications. She
In Salem, February 18 to 20 and
Mrs. C. L. Jorgensen and W. E.
Barnett delegatees. Howard Boost
er was elected representative to
the state warehouse meeting to
be held during the state con
vention and D. R. St. John dele
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead
of Salem showed a reel of pic
tures entitled "Eyes of
AMITY The Baptist Mission
Circle will meet Friday at the
home of Mrs. Mary E. Breeding
at X o'clock. Mrs. Clara Broad
wall Is hostess.
Amity chapter Order Eastern
Star celebrated ita 85 th anni
versary-in the Masonle hall Mon
day night. . .
Mr. and Mrs. George McCnl
loch and "daughter. Thelma left
Saturday for a Tialt at Long
Beacn and other parts of southern
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roth of
Junction City were Amity caller
Saturday. ,
Mrs. Isaac Burns, sr., who fell
in her home in November is seri
ously ill at her home.
Country Schools Hold
Health Clinic
TURNER Crawford, Snnny
sld and Cloverdale district
schools Joined with Turner grade
school Monday in an all day school
clinic. Dr. ; Niles. and the health
nurse. Miss Maskle were assisted
by Mr. Vernon Von Osdol and
Mrs. Earl Bear, when 43 children
were given examinations. Snick
tests and diphtheria aaU-tozla.
Zelinski to Build
Modern Structure
WACONDA Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Goffln were dinner guests
last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs: Arthur Broke In Salem.
Robert Zielinski plans to build
a new, modern home on the Zelin
ski property near Waconda In the
cupies the house on this farm
will move to the Aspinwall place.
'Dorothy Lunday of Fairfield,
who underwent an operation at
Is under the care of special nurse.
Detroit News
DETROIT Mr. and Mrs.
George Henderson and family,
who have been living at Marlon
Forks the past few months, have
the moved into the Myron January
World" and av & talk on nriv- resiaence nere.
ileires available from the countv 1Mr- anI Mrs. Edward Tompson
health center. and children Margie' Ann and Bob-
A special meeting will be held De moved from here to silverton
later at which the Juniors, who eunaay. a coverea aien luncneon
are to participate in the oratori- was given in their honor' Sunday
cal contest, will give speeches noon !n the high school basement
and the winners in the county "Mowing aunaay scnooi services.
cfcnxpn Mrs. Tompson has been superin-
tenaent 01 tne local Sunday school
ST LOUIS Fairfield Farmers I0f ine Da" several montns.
Union local met Friday night in A v. nsner returned to bis
the rommnnitv hall. The newlv home here Monday following a
elected secretary-treasurer de
clined the office and Mrs. Al
Manning will replace her,
B. Ware and H. Burdick were
representatives from the Farmers
Union stockyards gave talked on
problems of the stockyards.! Mrs
W. Fitts of the Brooks local
gave an account of the oil meet
weekend trip to northern Wash
ington to visit his aged father.
who is reported ill.
Molalla News
MOLALLA Several cases of
carletina are renorted in thm
mg neia recently at mi. A.ngei. loi tngh 8Chool.
Delegates eiectea to tne state con- Georre A'Farlev. former huf
venuon are Ben au ana a. of police in Molalla, and Mrs.
uoiiins. visitors irom wervaia Farlev todav moved from lha
were Mr. ana jars. osa gnwiorin. Todd house thev have bMn'v.l
xars. jeswe wiuiams state jun- enbvinr and are now lninrrn
ior leader, met with the Junior sawtell farm in the Teasel!
reserve. (creek district south of town.
Jr. and Mrs. Alfred
AUMSVILLE All members and
sociation .ponsorcd by the local 0rcnld cnipter 0ESf Tlslted Qf
rrmr. uu.a ' melia chapter OES in Portland at
present at the annual meeting Sat- I fW ,..
urday night t 8 o'clock. An oy- r,.. ,h,f., ,..,. Tm.
r vvt w l""llalla en Vefcrnarv A.
. 1.1 v.. t
MARION The Marlon Farmer
Union met last Friday when five
new couple were voted. Into the
local. Warren Gray read the obli
gation to them at the last meet
ing. Three others were voted on
but are not yet members.
Turner Nowo
TURNER Earl Bouchie la re
covering from a major operation
last week at th Salem General
hospital, but it will be ten days or
A chicken and noodle uppr h0' to
will be served Saturday niiht at i orougm noma.
the hall at SS cent per person.'
Talbot News
The sum of IS. SO was realised
from the Methodist cooked food
sale .Saturday, with Mrs. Elsie
Whltaker, Mrs. Stella Miller and
Mrs. Elsie Town send In charge.
Harlan Bones of Vancouver bar
rack and Robert Hatfield ' .of
C4mp Murray spent the weekend
In! Turner with Jiome folk.
Mr. and Mrs. George Good have
TALBOT Mr. and Mrs. Delmer
Davidson were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Wldman. in Portland
recently, a-: : ,;
. . UTv mrtA Vn K!raa PrAomtn
and aon. Ernest, i : were Sunday I returned to the CotUge Court aX
guests of Mr; and Mrs. Jack Whit-1 ter apendlng ten days at Redmond,
tin r ton at their home In Portland. I their former home.
Ronald Krehs who ha been Ull IMr. Wlnnlfred Kendall 1 plan
with nneumonla ; is : Jmnroving I ning a trip to Oswego to help ear
rapidly, hut is atiil'cohfined to hi to her ister, Mr. John. Hall, who
bedr t : kt . "...-. n' brdke lereral bones in her foot
,;- Fred and Frank Wldman of when heavy wood fell on it, la th
Baker were recent srueata of Mr. I basement oz her home.
and Mrs. Delmer Davidson The I i After spending a week her with
Wldman ' were j former Talbot I Mrs. J. S. McKlnney following the
residents. - ! --;J ;.,.. ;i I death of her, sister.' Inn Rlchea
-A new roof I being put on Mrs. ha returned to her Portland
Mary - Nye's house. Jake QUsaoar I home. For 3S year she ha held
has Mrs. Njr' farm rested; . a, poaltioa la th pestotUct ther.
uoopnys im s.icca'L) specialx
?i srt air 1
ffi SETS:
v - f
Disconlinued ncdeh and floor samples!! Never before such an
opporinniiy io purchase gennine EnOEHLEIl Ilalionally Ad
vertised Sniies at snch savings!! 1
..1 tt. rHr- -
1 Kil
g-5 f ?Wr. '''V ,
This Is Not Sala BIerchaodis bat
They Are Genuine . Kroehkr Saites
& GESfl
These are upholstered in beantif nl TAPES
arry the sensational KROEHLER guarantee.
Many of thee sets
were selling: for as
high as $165.00 bat
we mast clear them
to make room for
new merchandise
for 1941.
A Bay lb Truly Thrill Yon!
Sturdy bedroom suites in beautiful walnut veneer. Beautiful
bed. Round mirror vanity. ? O Big 4 drawer chest to match.
Regular $49.50 Valno
thriHlng aavnKS SO 5Q
In bedroom suites r f
that will warrant Cm I I - - -
yoar Inspection. i LJ
Followln; are m few aample 'of the
outstanding After Inventory Bargains
you'll find In every department of the
three arrent floor at Woodry's.
Quality . Innerspring Mattresses.
, Imported damask ticking. Regular
values to 919.75. ClQ IK
Now L aI0IJ
Alexandrr-8mlth and Mowhawk Rag In
the popular 9x12 ft. she, Inclndln; pop
Lar Axmlnater and fine qmality Wilton
weave. Choice of many color. Regular
value to f 07.50. Now
$29.50 $39.53
On the Used Flcsr
MAJESTIC ha .Fine Condition.
Many Other to Choo Won
All the ahovo ar tn flno
Bsechanlcal condition
539-50 SgSO
if t
to I f ;j
$99-50 iMiy
12a a ft rifT -
i . i - mm
50 Darenporta to dear, $3.00 - $10
Wood Ranges, some f
reconditioned $5X0 - $10.00
' Sereral Beds, thesa must go . 50
A Few Springs, all steel $20
- Oak Extension Tables . . $3.00
J Rockers "l , - ; . $10
'Tow choice of BO Used Ra
dlos. Cabinet mad tablo model.
A beautiful selection of Eastern. made
occasional chairs In rich relours and
others. Many to choose from that sold
mm high as $24.00. Now your choice for
Values to
- L
ru-.r-;-. -. -. i r .
Vlsto- .
mn w w m mm . , m u m a mm a mm a b m mm - m x - t
- crif satciujat Kicrrr mm rrsa