Tkf OZTODn STATIT2-1AIZ. EaLtm. Orqoa. Thmadar 1-fonOao. January 23. 1941 ,- PACS ELEVHI 7- BUY, O , Statesman' Classified Ads y Three Insertions per lis 25c Six Insertions per llns , 40e On month per lino .., f 1.H Minimum chars 25ej. U. min imum tier U. mla. iSe, No .. refunds. . , , Copy tor this par accepted un til :S9 the evening before publica tion for clas-rifk-atlon. Copy, r eelvad aft or this Urn will be run Sudor too has ning "To Lot to laestry.- - Tbo Smtsso-aa assumes ae finan cial responsibility for orrora which mar appear to advertisements pub lished la Its eolnmns a ad la eases where this paper to at fault will re print that part of an adrortloomo la which too typographical mil tax occurs. . Tho Btatoanaa reserve the tlghl to roject questionable advertising. It furthor reserves- tbo right to else all sdvertlsing under tho proper classification, A -Blind Ad an ad eentstatng a Statesman box. number tor an ad dress is tor tho protection of tho advertiser and must therefore bo answered by letter. Tho Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to tho Identity of an advsr User using a -Blind5 ad. Livestock t.T OAT IT Tli i OivM ST WSt. W4VOUT S fc.V VTf IIVOU BSW larapbeu. m. , Box til. crolsai . Rd. . - ' .- ;. c i . ATTENTION! r Wo pay for dead ft worthless stock. lALKM FERTILIZER ft BT-PRO- jUCTS Ph. (00. (No other phone . WE PAT too prices for dead and rorthless horses and rows. Free " rlck- t anywhere la Willamette - Valley. LOp prices paid tor fox feed horses. ill collect 411. Montgomery Render- worsa, Baiem. FOR"' SALE Weaner Diss. good nee. H. C Hammer, Rt, i, Bi. "6. aleca. 4 mL oast out Center 8c Auctions SPECIAL HI (GRADE Sir. J.'R. Workman of 1. 18th street Is moving- to Southern California and ess Instructed us to sell without re serve his entire household furniture And f umiahlnra this Saturday. Jan. 25 ft 1 p.m. This on tire list of goods Is early now. Example: Luxurious Bur gundy : velour davenport suite, cost iw 1163.69 fxii Axrauuster rug id. 2 matching throw rugs. Frlgl- aire 7 ft deluxe refrigerator, like new. otpoint electric range, late model asv Ironer & cnair. 7-olece walnut Lnins set. nearly new $60-clrculator. 1 : crop-leal sewing machine. 4 Mere bedroom suite, coll spring ft Liners win mattress. I.E.S. lamp. Ma l9tic cabinet radio, portable electric swing macnine, Aiwaier-&tni taoie radio, Wiiite Rotary sewing machine. VOgsweii monair cnair, z walnut occa iionai : rockers, : nearly new daveno, liild's ' swing, linoleum, occasional Lbles, Ivory dresser, dishes, large lot r choice canned fruits, jellies ft Jama, tan's bicycle ft many other valuable items too numerous to list, notice : I If you are looking for good furniture At a real bargain, attend this sale. We , fill sell anything- for you including Eultry ft livestocks r, N. WOODRT AUCTION MART 810 N. SUMMER ST.. SALEM. PH Ii. FOR BEW RESULTS WHEN rlltf'-WIMH. TO BUY OR KEfJ. KKK Hjt?, ivr ri - tvt i Xi i". UL VjrtCIlIl HUUUtJ AUCTIONEERS Help Wanted Female CIRL between 23 and 20 for aren- rai nouseworK. call im GIRL or mlddle-ared woman for BCHisework ft cleaning. Must know how won. per wees, meaia, uox it. itatesnian. jUderly hskpr. Box 14 2 8, Statesman H3KPR, 1142 N. Capitol. Ph. 8175. Salesmen Wanted .APPLIANCE ft FURNITURE sales ton. Will pay 1160 to S125 guarantee. ius commission, no transportation eededJ Must be experienced. Inquire uogg Bros Zi state St. Situations Wanted " WANTED, ANT kln3L of carpenter MIDDLE AGED lady will care for laerly couple in their home. 1434 N. W05L1N WTS. hr. work. P. XH81. " CAPABLE WOMAN, hr. wrk. S8C0 l.tLKSLADT, exper. In t ready-to-year ft millinery desires position at - ; OTZRTISINO Western Adrertlslnx 1 RepreienUtlTee ' - Georm D. Close.' Ina. Francisco. ' Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Adrertisls. - RepresentstlTes- Bryant, Griffith ft Branson,' Ine. Chicago, New Tork, Detroit. Boston, Atlanta' ' Bmtartd t (X Post off let mi BaUm Oregon. Second Class Uatttr. pts tithed evcrtf tnornfHO ercevt itaniav. Buittt olfici tu South Commercial mtrttu. i - - - - : ST7BSCRIPT10N RATES: " Wn SubscrtBtfea Rates la Advance Kitirtn Oregon : Dally and Sunday. Mo. cents: S Mos. 81.89 : S MosT82.60: i year 15.00. Elsewhere 10 cenU per Ilo. or 18.00 for i year In sdrance. Per ory 9 cent. Newsstands f cent a . Br Cltr Carrier. 80 seats a month. f a year la advance la Marlon and adjacent counties. AUCTON ' i ftKasf N-rtAswt Si hi S I S, W . wr r - mm - Money 0 Loan QUICK CASH LOANS ' UAti, writs sr pnons- (sissi m home manared finance lasUtatkm. tsar mnlbs maoe u w pnvMy. sea wui oo givea every soasidsratloa la the re pajrlag at your loaa or granting at sstenstona , i T 1 to 24 Months to Repay Tea ess pay to fan say time to reduce tbo cost, Only Borrower Signs Ka endorsers. Loans 4wsde a furalturo ar aoto. ROT IL SIMMONS. MQTL ut no. M-tss v. General Finance Grporation IIS Mil. Commercial St. Lie.. first door south of Ladd A Bash Beak PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED ts re duce payments Money for now er used No delay or red tape, iou win retain . possession of tho vehicle. TO IS HONTnS rI ROY H. SIMMONS IIS Soata Commercial Street Phons list Uo. No. M-lll Loans Wanted WAN l r-KlVATbi MUM B I TO LOAN on good Salem real as tats, will pay it interest. W, H. RABENHORST CO. REALTORS For SaJe iSIiscellaneous USED oak dining- table. Very good condition. -x,4-' GEVURTSS t'UilNULiKti -U. DORMANT SPRAT time. See D. A. White ft Sons, 281 State St.. Phone 4882, for Bordo, r-ime-buipauri uu Spray, Vitroi and Lime. WWWMWMWWWMjM USED 4-PC. breakfast- set I7.SS GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. HAT. HAT. HAT 88 a tOB. -Sit N. Front or rn. aiitm, uaiera. irinrnTm -prna t .miles east Che. mawa station. Rt. 7, Box 851. 8IJOHTLT USED swlna- rocker, un- holstered in heavy grade velourf 14.85 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. PUPPIES ILB0. PH. 8347. USED WING CHAIR -84.25 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. BALED STRAW. Phone 87F2. WHITE LEGHORN breeding cock erels f 1.60. Mike Focht, Rt. 1, box 225, 3 mL Wallace Kd. TRT OUR HOME DECORATING AND REMODELING SERVICE Twelve months or longer In which to pay. No down payment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractors and decorators do your job. Call Mr.- Eyre at R. L. LFsIRUlt COMFAMI PH. BZZ1 USED ROCKERS $L5 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, HOOVER vac. beautifully rblt; $12.- SO. Pta, rpr. aU makes Vtncea, 8282. Hixh-srade Wilton rug. Teas. 4422. AA)yWWWWlJUMWWAJWWM USED TABLE ft CABINET model radios. 24.85 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. USED ELECTROLUX cleaner. chD. for cash. Inq. 545 S. Commercial. CUT FLOWERS and Dotted Dlants. jay stoma, t lorist. . f none 637 $ DAVENO-BEDS. Iftrse bedding compartment, upholstered in 'tapestry. Vaiues to 84S.50. -.L3$ 28.50 UEVUKri S'UKl'tTJRE CO. - ALFALFA HAT. Ph. 60F4,, - "" '''' tm'uimi'r-v'fjjyj-j ROTTED FERTILIZER, Ph. 8580. RAWLEIGH dealer. 30 Morgan Ave. Trade Miscellaneous -j--w-w-a umiiiia vis wO , v i a va .ui v. a " bin close to Salem. Ph. 4814. Wanted- Miscellaneous WANTED, TO SHARPEN shears, knives, any kind, and clipper plates. Prices right and work guaranteed. See Grant Hyames, at 184 g. Commercial or 6o . zutn. WANT GOOD two-wheeled trailer, 1 wheels. Give price ft description. write no iw, statesman, WALNUT ft filbert meats. Highest price. Klorfein, 460 N. Front. Wanted--- Furniture F. N. ft GLENN WOODRT. Auc tioneers ft furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture ft household goods Wo buy Or sell ev erything. Ph. 51 !. A)WWwMWJMWWWI CASH FOR used farntturs ft house hold goods R. Forgsy. Ph. T44J. jJMwlgWWIWMMWMM BUT OR SELL used furniture at 875 Market St. Ph. 8448. 3Iiscellaneoui Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Maf! Tour plates for Rerwlr DR. HARRT 8EMLER, DENTIST Allsky Bids, 3d ft Morrison. BR $427 For Rent--- Rooms II TD.. COMFORTABLE sleeping rm. ror z, dus. aist. z& center. 1 RM. $1.75 WEEK. Attract, comf. rooms reasonable, 585 N. 14th. 5877. Lmmk0lmmm-mWkmmmm100000m0l IITD. ROOM near capital. 4438. CLEAN sleep. R., $2 wk, $45 Mar ion. SLP. rm. nr. stats bldga Ph. 2144$. VACANCT Ullmans, .850 Marion. Room and Board Vac 2. Adj. atsts houso. 188 N. 12th. kumUHfmmm&m BUNGALOW APT., for 1. Brd. 8788 VACANCT NOW At Ma : Bowso's, 80S N. Ubsrty. - - - , . VAnANCT Ullmsna Water In rm..' shower, gd. food. Close to. 850 Marlon. t l Money to Loan Ba lam's oldest largest boms Owned and claaaetaJ affaira win i iima mnA TIM CLARK. ASST UtlR , Na guita 1 Phone ll Con van leu f grouad door. tocatloa - - - 1. - -n- x'.T-ry-j-j-ijnrLnjijxnjTjuuriji Abto Loans ll Willamette Credit Cai BTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICEN8B NO. M-158 i 420 TO JlOOe ON TOUR CAIti CONSUMERS CREDIT CO, II , lit Nsw Bllgh Bids. Ph. 8181 saoney unmedutteiy -ua M-33S. FHA LOANS 1H. alee prlv loans asrtmt m uuis, xnc- sassoais uiog. WAMAMMAAWMMSMWMM i I - WE LOAN en farm, resldeatlal! A business property. Will boy mortgages or contracts HAWKINS ft ROBERTS INC. Realtors, Guardian Building. For Rent Apartments Furn. 2 R, $20. 2 $12.50. Both include It.. W-, gar., wasber. P. 7113 2 RMS. furn. Prlv. toIL ft shower. sis. is rerry. mmm)0m0mjfmm0mfmmmmmjjmjjmlfm1ji00&m, BACHELOR" apartment. Kitchen ette, electric refrigerator. $40 -Union. NICE FURNISHED, close in. I 117 mA V..V. 1 I r PLAIN APTS., reas., 770 S. Com'L )tmmmmymmjmmmmmimmmi00mmmmmmmmm0j ATT. SMAIX. apU 210 N. 14tU t R. FURN. apt. $22. 845 Court, 4 KM. UNFURNISHED pU except olec. range and refrig., near Capitol, automatic hot water heat, oak firs. throughout, sun na, 2 sleeping rms.. garage, a real home, call 145 N. 14th street. Available at once. 2 RM. FURN. apta, 518 N. lTth. MODERN WELL-FURNISHED' 1 room cottage. Edgewater Court, : g a rage. $25.00. Phone 8413. l-JWMWMMWWWWI FURN. APT 458 N. Church, $217. 1 RM. APTS.. 842 N. Liberty. 3 RM. aot- 218. 152 S. 13th. Phone SMALL furn. apt 843 Ferry. t room furnished apartment, . well APTS, $8 and up. 1310 8. 13th St 2 ft 8 R, prL bath, 1825 Center. FTTR V 9. R a lrltrintsk Teit iiriiu wiitr. 153 Dajjinaw, ','m'''''' - -!-- - ,-,---,-----w-v--yv1(J-L1 Mod. furn.. heated. 1580 Center. - - ---ii-rf-irM-ir'i-ir-'M"rvnovMw.- . . K- "--- W1Wm V m weea. ui. x'n.azs. 2 RM. hted apt. 444 S. High. ' --i- ' - -i-aiBV-Vf-rr,atV-,- NICE mod. 8 rm. 858 Center.! For RentHouses t FURNISHED bouses. Ph., 1381 b-si81aa-abj-l- Furn. S R.. 32i. 8 ft 4 R.. can nartlv turn, f. 7111. RMS., lt and $ h. rJ- m. K Trw"vr Kam 1 if c t t iivuov at, a s v i' an muni Hill, will give lease. & Mr. Larivn mmm. 1 m, V. IT 4 Tirilkf C -k A n - -r wr iia rwirs 5 ex i-iuJBll-l 1 , l.t MOD. 7 R. furn. 882 N. 18th.! : ''J- - - - - - hi 1-, pi --tnjL ' .... . u . . . B wJ ITT TTkTT ma a 9 9 ,n -a 11 ...k.... lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col- tins who uawKins S: KODertS. -i--i-.-ii-inrinjvvuin 5 R. mod, hse. 1150 N. Church.! R- nicely turn. 850 Union, j 835. 4 RM. FURN. duolex. Lishta water. rar. Adults only. 398 N. 21st. ! ; HOUSES. Meivln Johnson. Ph 3723 2 A. Sm. Use., close In, $12.50j mo. " -iicux, . ii) . inn. 22 A. fsrfrt A rm list r, . , t iv- erty. $17.60. 10 rm. hse. near new HI school. $2 5. I , IVAN G. MARTIN PH. 4418. Business Cards In this directory ran oa rnonthlj basis oalj, Bate: SlJ pr line per month. ; " Auto Brakes Kike Panek $7$ South Commercial Bicycles BICTCLES. New and reconditioned. BArry W. Scott 14T & Com'cL P. 4518 Carpentering ALL CLASSES work, reas. P. Il$5. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4488. R. SJ. Northness Excavating EXCAVATION 6r sn kinds Bass ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sals Salem Sand GraftveL P $40$ Florists brsithsupt'a 447 Court Pheoe , 0188 Funeral Directors Terwllllger Funeral Boras, n. 822$ Blattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. PbonoiOf. The Lons Woll Money to Loan" LOANS IN v At Jersoria Tou can get tbo cash you need 18 mla- utes after your application Is ap- . provsd. privately, : without embarrass- soont on your signature aiooo, or on your ear or furniture If vou can af- ford the convenient monthly payments Shown below. Just come -In or phs- . EMPLOTERS. FRIENDS OR RELATIVES ARB NOT NOTIFIED. CO-SIGN ERS SELDOM REQUIRED,- -. -- - . ,. ; For a Personal Loaa See THE m PERSONAL: FINANCE CO. . " Orouad floor, JfeW Bllgh Bldg. (Across from Court House) SIS Stats St - . ;:- -i Ucsnso Jos. 8-12$ ft M-186 . Pboos $131 4Sjsbgaaa-saiaJ-itsgaAgaj-g- Lo ..a Is the tlms to coosoUdaU aU of last r s s rs debts, plus holiday expenses Into one account. m - No co-makers aooded. - - This ts a confidential loaa service. ' . - $0t on. furni ture or .- livestock. $500 on cars. Repay nothing tor 20 days Ions sr It you choose then small easy-' to-meet a mounts aris $25 to $300 Cash to you Monthly payments In eluding all charges 8 mow T.12 14.25 28.48 42.74 18 mo S.82 , 10.05 20.00 20.14 20 mo. 8J8 8.72 18.44 20.10 $ S0.00 100.00 $00.00 800.00 Other Amounts in Proportion Do not feel obligated we sre here to servs you. Phons, writs or corns to. CALKINS FINANCE CO. Salem's Personal Loan Center" Rm. 201, 2nd fir. First National Bank Salem. Oregon -Phone 4448 State Lie No's, M-278 ft 8-22$ For Rent Farms 25 ACRES 5 room bouse, chicken bouse, small barn. Will give lease un til October 1st. 1841 at $22.50 per month. See Larson with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. $$1 State Street Inquire room $00. TeL $718. For Sale Real Estate FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME This 8 rm. home with basem't., fur nace A flrenUc located on very nice corner lot, 50x150. Lots of shade trees. Price $4200. CaU G. IL Grabenhorst Jr. with W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. Ph. 8488 NEW 6 room house. Call after 3 :. 1887 N. Water. NEW S BR. home, located East Nob Hill, oil furnace, fireplace, utility rm.. garage, excellent construction. 83250. terms $150.00 down, bat $30.00 per month. New 2 B. R. located N. E.. oil fir. furnace, utility rm.. rar $3150.00 terms $150.00 down, bat $30.00 per montn. Several houses for rent Money to loan st 5. N. J. Llndgrea or E. M. Larsen . 27 5 South-High .treat . Phoae lll FOR SALE ? This large 5 rm. mod. home located at 185 South Commercial St. If you are interest! In tula, we will be glad to show it to you. (Jali u. M. urabea horst, Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Ph. 8488 WILL SACRIFICE S room hoase. Urge lot To close sn estste. Ph. 878. SNAP Good mod. 7 rm. house, lot 188x140. All clesr. Close in. Ph. 833. NEW HOME BARGAIN 4 rm. mod. bome located In NE Sa lem on paved t good location, bard wood firs, thru out. very nice built-in kitchen. Price 83850. Terms Call G. H. Grshenhorst. Jr. with W. 11. GRABENHORST ft CO. Ph. 8488 3 B.R., living, dining, hsrdwood floors, nook. bane.. Mv. trays, garsge. Partly furnished. 800 terms Worth your con-irleration. t". If. SANDERS 231 N. High 5$3$. l--r-------r---so. A HOT BUT! 6 rms, basrat. furnace, fireplace, Englewond dist. 32150. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. CapltoL Directory Alattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG ft MATTRESS Co. New Msttresaea. old remade, rug cleaning ft weaving. S. If th A Wilbur. TeL $441. Z wickers Papering-Painting NEAT Work, reas Johnson. Ph. $77$. Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work; Grabsr Bros, 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 8684 Printing FOR STATION ERT. cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of printing,- call Tho Statssmsn Printing De partment $11 S. Commercial. Tela fthftM S101. Transfer FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oIL briquets presto logs Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co. Ph. lllt Vacnnm Cleaner Service FREE Inepectloa rn your home. Au thorised Hoover service. We service all makes cleaner a Hogs. Bros, Ph. 8112. WeR Drilling It A. WEST. Rt S. Bs 448. P. 8-221$ I-; i Money to Loan A HURRY Finance Go. Cash Mo. paymonts ' Including " ALL-charges for 8 -tnos. 1$ mos. 20 mos. $18.88 $ T.53 $ S.04 48.18 : 28.81 ' , 15.18 85.51 , 80.14 $0.18 . to . . Ton i ii 225 : 800 140 30.07 14.08 .14 For Sale Real Estate - REAL BARGAIN Nice 7 rm. bome. cloae In. N. Salem. Toublo plumbing, large lot with cher ries walnuts. $300. -8 rtna. very modern. In Hollywood. Double plumbing, fireplace, extra rm. in Dssement. Dining; rm. A sinecte, Priced to sell st 84000. . S new I rms. ft attic lust finished. Hwd. floors, fireplace, utility ins. Largs lot E of city. 82350 each. S150 j . . . ' ART MADSEN. Phone 8580 SEVERAL NEW FHA bomes ra lly completed. Others Bearing com pletion, pnons 174i Ed rorgard. "-- ---- jm"i-sii-i rrrn irfrrruxruTjnxru SEVERAL NEW FHA bomes re cently completed. Others Dealing com pletion. Phono 8745 Ed Forgard. Ft change Real Estate EXCHANGE: 2 -family house; close to ousiness district, north. Price $4500, Wsnt small home or acre axe. ALSO: 5 room modern house with large ottlc: beautiful yard with shade trees snd flowering shrubs. For quick saie zve. See Mrs. Ellis, with .. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors $4 4 . State Street i Phono 8281 -AjweiMWWwwwiw-ww) 22 A. unimproved land la Clackamas Co., to exchange for Kingwood Heights property. Ph. 8534. W. Q. GRANT, i rt. LjDerry. mmJ0mmMmJ0mmummfmfmm0tofmmmmmmmmmmjmfi0mfH FOR SALE OR TRADE This new 5 rm. mod. home, located la NK Salem on paved st. WIU take good DMg. lot in as part down pay merit, price $1280. Hare good 5 rm. home that will trade for 8 rm. bome or take good bldg. lot In ss part down payment Price 32850. Call G. II. Grabenhorst, Jr.. with r W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. Ph. 8488 . For Sale- -Farms 80 ACRES. GOOD dark solL good house, barn, family orchard, all fenced. A good buy. Price 888S0. Part terms. 20 acres north, 8 rm. house, barn, garage, good soil, family orchard, paved road, cream route. Price $3000, terms. Rawllnt snd Anderson with FORKNER REAL ESTATE 1SS3 N. Capitol 78 ACRES. OLD buildings. 25 acres in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber. 3Vi miles from Dallas on good road. lit. o on easy terms. 1300 acre farm fair buildings, fen ced snd XaO acres m cull bal. pasture snd timber. Soring. On good road 8 miles from good town. An Meal stock ranch priced st $15.00 per sere terms. 137 seres fair buildings 40 A. un der cult., csn be lrrissted bv creek. Fall line of machinery and stocked for only $200. Some terms t See Larson with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC 188 ' AC-RK DAIRY farm, t big bams, rslf barn, machine shed, milk House. mils cooler, milking mac nine, else, water heater, $ modern houses, 8 snd 5 rooms 60 acres under cultiva tion. Stock and equipment new ma chinery, milk route, truck, bottles and equipment, going bustneaa ; a bargain at 51-.E00. liali cash, bat easy terms See Larsen with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. Acreage LOOK LOOK ! 2$ sc. mod. 7-rm. house. II W floors, dbie. plumbing, pressure system, barn, live stream, naved highway. 5 ac In crop. Stock : 6 cows, chickens and macn. 11 ml. out. Was 8520S, cut to 3 !9(t 1 1500 down snd assume mtg. See Mr. Larsen with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. 1m. ac. nice small home. elec bath. pressure system. Terms or excliange for city home. ac. and fully modern 5 rm. bome, adjoining city limits. Fruit snd nuts nay taxes and fuel bills River at rear with boating possibilities Priced right at 84240. Consider fine city home. 2 ac. new 6 rm. home on paved rd east. Terms or trade for imp. acreage near Gervais. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. We have what you want see us first snd save time. 2. ACRES close to city. 4-rm. bouse. bath, lights, barn, thicken house S2S50 : 21u0 down. 5 arrca, l mile from city, small buildings sll cleared, good soil $1400. 22 1 acres, ml. from Prultland school.. & rm. plastered house,- bath, bsmt.. fireplace, IS- acres cult. AU rear creek, stock ft equip. $4750. MONKT TO LOAN AT 8 MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 715 Court - - Phoso 8722. BARGAIN AT 82700214 - A 3350 dwn.. $20-a mo. Gd. bldgs.-S bedrm. bouse, barn, chicken has., wster sys tem. Outdoor fireplace, fruit Rt 8, tu. ioi-A. 4i mi. t. ot rsa -cor nsrs. r Wanted Real Estate WE INVITE roar "Tor sale" list. tnrs If fsiriy priced. HAWKINS A Roberts, INC. Realtors Guard las Building. Bniiness Opportunities MODERN SERVICE station for ssle st Inventory. ACME StEALTT. $2$ 8Ute Street Phons 81531 For Sale Wood DRT WOOD. R. Wslty Ph. 22544 DRT WOOD. Phons 1582. e8j2ln-8yll- EXTRA DRT slab wood. P. 22827. ' s i wnrrs-- e itMiT MILL WOOD, $a0 load. Ph. S$SS or t lii evenings isrd at no court -WOOD.' Ph. 8178. Orssa. 41$ N. Slot DRT wood, sn kinds Ph. $1448, By cmc YOUIia For Sale Used Cars- SPECIAL 1937 Ford Coupe . 1935 Ford Coupe 1 1934 Tord Coupe, new, rmgsJw:-. 1932 Ford Coach; 1929 DeSoto Roadster VALLEY MOTOR CO. OVER 82 TEARS OF j Used Car Lot: Cor. Wood Sawing 820 N. Commerctat Ph. 352$. Lost and Found LOST A sack of egx laying mash oa So. Com'L St Pboos 2288L REWARD FOR Hers hey 5c vending mach. takes from Capitol Business College. Ina, st Statesman, office. BLACK AND WHITE bulldog strgy- od to my homo. Ph. S2I8, Personal flVESOMEl Serving Sll ages Club Bits, P. a Bx. 71-Q. Los Angeles CsL -jMi-' VACANCT for men Or women. Board or bed patients. Priced accord ingly. UmmM fjonvsiesoaac nom. 2210 If. 4th. WMVWWMWMWWA WA NTED Nursing la my boms. Call 8718. Legal Notice TS THS 4JIRCX IT UllKX Ur THE STATE OF OREGOX FOR THE COUNTY OF MA1UOX No. 29204 i HOME OWNERS LOAN CORPO RATION, a corporation, Plaintiff, TS. . HERBERT A. MILLER, as ad ministrator of the estate ot HANS MATHIESON. Deceased. ANNA MATHIESON. ALFRED MATHIE SON, EVELYN MATHIESON, his Wife, HENRY MATHItSOM, HELEN MATHIESON, ; fill wue. EARL MATHIESON. ! EVELYN MATHIESON No. 2. IMS wile. EMILIE LOCKE. Hd JOHN DOE LOCKE, her husband. EL MER MATHIESON. unmarried. ANNA BLOCK, unmarried. HANS MATHIESON Jr.. EMMA MATH IESON. his wife. GEORGE MA THIESON, EVIDA MATHIESON, his wife, MARY LARSEN, un married, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming- any tight, title, estate or Interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. SUMMONS TO: Herbert A. Miller.! ss admin istrator ot the estate of Hans Ms thleson. deceased. Anna Mathie son. Alfred Mathieson. Evelyn Mathiescn. Hoary Ms thleson. Helen Mathieson. Esrl Ma thleson. Evelyn Mathieson No. t 2, Entilie rwti. John Doe Locke, timer Mathieson, Anna Block. Hans Mathieson Jr., Emma Mathieson, Oeorn Mathieson. Erida Mathie son. Marr Larsen and also all other persons or parties unknown clalmlnr; any rlht, title, estate or interest in the real estate de scribed In the complaint herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each ot you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint ot Plaintiff on tile in the above en titled suit within four weeks of the date of the first publication ot this summons. The first publi cation will be made on. January 17. 1141. If you taU to so appear Plaintiff will take a decree acalnst you as prayed for in its complaint on file herein. More specifically, in addition to the personal reme dies prayed for. Plalntlft will tske a decree foreclosing the real estate mortgage wherein Hans Mathieson, deceased snd Defendant Anna Mathieson were grantors and Plaintiff was tho grantee, signed and executed un der date ot January S.IIISS. The said decree shall further declare that you and each of you have no further tiUe, right, interest or claim, except an equity ot re demption which Is Inferior In right to the said mortgage, in and to the following described, property: Beginning at a polat where the west boundary ot the-Donation Land Claim ot Eli C Cooloy snd wife Is crossed by the, middle ot the tract ot the former narrow gauge railroad ot the Oregonlan Railroad; thence N. CO degrees 45' W. fire chains and four links; thence N. 29 degrees II' E. seven chains and seventy and one-halt links to the center ot Young Street; thence S. CO degrees 48' E. along the center ot said street, fire chains and seTenty-nre links to the land ot A. A. Fuller and wife; thence S. 2f degrees IS W. seren chains and sixty-one sod one-halt links to the reenter ot said narrow gauge railroad track; thence N. CO degrees 4SW. sev enty links to the place ot begin ning, and containing ii 51100 acres, more or leas, situated tn Marios County, State ot Oregon. Bars snd except land) described In a deed from John Fahey and Kate Fahey. his wit to N. A. Hoffard dated May t, 1114. and recorded August 1. 1114 In Vol. 1SS. sags 207, Marlon County Deed Records snd mora particu larly described as follows: Begin ning nt s point which Is N. CO de grees 41' W. firs chains snd tour links from the Intersection ot the west boundary Use ot the EU C Cooler and wife Donation Land Claim with Us center ot the track of the former narrow gangs ot the Oregonlan- Ralroad. running thence N. SS degrees' 15' E. 7 chains and 70 H links is the cen ter ot Young Street; thence 8. CO degrees 45 E. along the center of Young Street; niaety tost; thence "S. 20 degrees II' W. seren chains ' snd sixty-one f and - one halt links to the center ot the said narrow gauge railroad track; thence N. CO degrees 45' W. nlne- ty ffot ts the sites ot; beginning. For SaleUsed Cars BARGAINS ..$350 L-S160 -$145 FRIENDLT SERVICE Marion & Liberty AN unusual bargain. "40 Olds 5-ossa. Cpo. 11,000 mL Pert. cond. 1882 Court '21 FORD CPEL. excel, cond. Very closa. good paint 201S Hsset Ave. f mmmmm0mm0mmmmmmmmmm&m0mm0mm100mmmmmm)m- $4 CHEV. 1-dr. sdn. $185. Perfect shape. Stevens Used Cars. 818 8. ltta. Legal Notice and containing about one aero ot land In Marios County and Slate ot Oregon. i Also; x Sara and except land de scribed In a deed from Hans Mathlaen and wife to the Pheas ant Fruit Juice Company dated May 31, 1917 and recorded June 9. 1917. In roL 143. page 211. Marlon County Deed Records and more particularly described ats follows: Beginning at a point In the North line ot the right-owsy ot the narrow gauge. ' Oregonlan Railroad, also, known as Wood-barn-Springfleld Branch Railroad. which said point la Intersected try the East line ot a tract ot land deeded to tho Pheasant Fruit Juice Company May 10. 1910. aatd deed being recorded In Book of Deeds 139, Page 117 Marlon County Records; thence along the East line of said tract N. 29 de grees 15 E. 144 feet; thence S, CO degrees 45 E. 70 teet; thence S. 29 degrees 15' W. parallel with said E. line ot said tract 144 feet to the N. line of said R. R. right of-way; thence N. CO degrees 45 W. along said North line ot aatd right-of-way 70 feet to the place of beginning and being situated In "Vfoodburn. Marion County, State ot Oregon. i Also, Sara and except land de scribed in a deed from Hans' Math ieson and Anna Mathieson. hus band and wife to William Ledtke and Agnes Ledtke, husband aqd wife dated March 20. 1932 and recorded March 30. 1932 in Val. 212. Page C27. Marion County Deed Records and more particu larly described as follows: Be ginning at a point on the Sou therly side of Young Street tn the City ot Wood burn, Oregon, sold point being the N. W." corner f that certain tract ot land conveyed by E. Courgnd and Marie Courand to William Ledtke and Agues Ledtke, by deed recorded in Book 192 oa Page 20 ot the Msrtcm County Deed Records; thence S. 29 degrees 17' W. along th'e Westerly line ot said tract 225.0C feet to the S. W. corner of aatd tract; thence N. CO degrees SO minutes W. 23 feet; thence N. 23 degrees 17' E. 2 2 5.0 C feet to th.e Southerly line of Young Street; thence Easterly along the Souther ly line of Young Street 23 feet to the place ot beginning. ; Sare and except all streets and right ot ways. The decree shall further specify that the said property be sold by Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon and that the proceeds ot the said sale be applied to the payment ot the sums asked for in the pray er of Plaintiffs complaint, and will specify such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. i ; This summons is served upon yon by virtue ot an order of the; above entitled Court under date, ot January 10, 1941 directing the publication thereof for four weeks commencing with JinaarV 1C, 1941. f , - AVERT THOMPSON ) j Attorney for Plaintiff, ji Residence snd Post Office Address: Salem, Oregon. Date ot first publication: January 1C. 1941. M Date of last publication: Febru ary 13. 1941. . J. 1C-22-30-F. C-li; IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR MARION COUNTY. OREGON ii In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM HARRY BOWERS. Deceased. Notice to Creditors j Notice is hereby glren that Frank. 8 Bowers has been duly apponlted by an order of the County Court ot the 8tate ot Ore gon for Marion County, Admin istrator ot estate of William Hari ry Bowers, deceased. Any and aU persons harlng claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerifled as required by law. to me st tho offics ot my attorney. Hennas E. La fry. 117 'New Bllgh Build ing. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date ot the Drat publication ot this notice, which first date is December 20th. 1940. and-data ot last publication wIQ be January 22rd. 1941. I FRANK S. BOWERS I "" Administrator ot th Estate ot William Harry Bowers, deceased. I Bill M fl 4SS1 ' SS A II II MB. KM JV-4 lAmVrXJ, f Attorney: for Administrator, 117 New Bllgh Bldg.. ' Salem. Oregon.- D.3C J.2-9-1C-21. Union HiUScKool ' Has ; Good Record . UNION FULL 'CnJon "IHU school has a good record la at tendance. No' child hag bees ab sent or tardy, since Christmas. Th following children had a perfect score tn, spelling th last week: . . Mar jorie Tate,. Bertha MorleyL Donald ' Patera. 'Leonard Seeley, f Rollia Heater. Charles Morley, Hilda Rosen halm.- Edna Mar ley, Betty Lon MoUet, Guy Scott, . Ann Louise Heater. Law rence Green and R. Y. Hitch a - - . ' m-. s cock. : . . For Sale-TJsed Can 2 FOR 1 i 34 Ford Coach $110 29 Chev. Cch. 32 Ford Conpe s QC ?8 Ford Coups; : y-?. 1 4' 31 Ford Coupe $75 I . $100 28 Ford Coupe i j : 31 Chev. Sedj j -27 Chrysler -ti 1 Sedan . FRIDAY A SATJIiiAY, QXLT USED CARS Ce-iter st Church St tag. To Make I Real Good deAl ON A ew or Used Gai SEE STATE " MOTORS, INC I n7D SON-PACKARD DEALER 340 Nj High ; 1 mmimmmmmS0mm1mmmmtm Here Are (3 . Reah B;argains 1939 Plymouth 4-DooT Touring Sedan Orig. Paint, raMeri80. Ttite eaV fts aa outstanding vaihte. Very fr. clesa Inside aa4 ouC .-Q-Q 1939 DeSoto 4-Door Tourin-f Sedan Radio, heater, spot 4tm anl eveedrt--s. Orig. paint. Thta cat ttas very -Aar low mileage. Our price -OJ 1940 PI)mouth 4-Doo Tourine Sf?dan j Orig. paint, low mileage. Rub- 4- fx ber 80 new. , , 4U Owners' names vfoa request - oa -the shore cars. i . W. L. ANDERSON, INC. 2(0 Marion Open! Eves ph. T70X. -immmm0m00mmmmltl YOU BETTER DEAL BEFORE PRICES RAISE Scd: L$t395 '40 Chev. Tr 9200 mOes: ellerl lady took..' - rert care. 121 Pontine 8-pasS pe. Ra- oia. beater. -Mautim ma wine color: t4K.0e lit: Dodge -dr. Tr." 1228 Nash 4 -dr. Tri 87.0 too 1117 Chev: Tn. SedSa i. !8e Sedaa J1& 0 1I4 PoaUae 4 -dr. Tr. rrr. neasa . . , 111! Pontlac 4-3r. Tr. Radio. neater, lew mBeags - f 11.01 LOT: Corner Cie-neketa-Church Phone j 2(28 HERRALL-OWENS CO. PONTIAC SALES A SERVICE tlS a Commercial i Phene 218. A8San-Sha-i-SS-Sga-- 1937 DeSoto DeLuxe Cpe. Very lew nvEeaxs. perfect ahape 1937 Plymouti Dct. Sed. Xa perfect 'onodTt tea Both carry LlFKTrME t:0AANTESl pay down 810 snd 8322 se snontiv. Including insuraac , end la te reet. i) CALL 1XR. UAVTS" , HUBBARD IVIOTOR CO. 41S fhneketa St.' Phone 8T8T 8SoSs8S THIS WKCX ONLY '39 Ply. Deli Sedan $495 This Is the beat buy la the!vsuy. LOT: Comer Owmeketa-Ctntrca ft-boa; 8888 -. HERRAIX-OWENS CO. PONTIAC 8AUCS A 8ERVTCB I2S 8, Commercial Phone SltS. 1936 Plvmouth DcL. SetL Perfect ceadlUoa. Una 1936 DodgeDeLuxe Se3. This car has e-r-Tee erertaul . Both earrr LSTmlMiZ OUARANTElC - pay Own 21 snd t!8.21 month.. l-tchx4s interest sad ta-vranca. Call six. iiaber-uclat. " HUBBARD MOTOR CO. U Chemeteta " ' - Ptone 2T8T 1 28 insdel A rdat., sew brs'ses, aew Urea, tan with lUr'.t too. motee -aeedS vrk. Aiwry trum-rrmf n la So must sell. CaU 87-S. - ! 20 FORD sdn. Cher. JlJiv EUveas 12ts . . t5. ? ror e Used- Cars. St S. Lodgea ;i Kelfie Ledxe ffej f?, AT A1C F.C. IHgree, tTedaescsy. Jss. ts. 7:80 -MS. Oils J. Hesse. Wlf, ORVAL'S SPEGIAL