V it M i I 1 ! ill r '4 Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Solera. Ora. Tuesday Morning. January 21. 1941 Stock Market Still in Rut dicker' Tape Almost Halts S During President's - . Inaugural - r - NEW YORK, O-i-Tor bt eighth consecutive session the f tock market today" tm unable to crawl out of the rut. While packing company Issues end a handful of industrial fa vorites managed to finish on the Jislng side, leaders generally were own fractions to a point or so. Offerings, however, never were argent. Transfers of 37 7,2 80 shares were the smallest for any f -hour proceedings since October II. They compared with 575,280 last Frtday ;"; - , , I The Associated Press average ft SO stocks was off .1 of a point It 48.7. That was exactly where t started 194L. All the new year Advance had been wiped out. The Em posits has not shown A plus rn since January 10. Narrowness of the day's per formance was exemplified by the fact that, out of 1233 listed Is sues, only S3 3 were traded. The . ticker tape almost came to a standstill during the presi dent's inaugural address in which (he attention of financial offices Iras concentrated. When It was concluded the market resumed Its Indifferent ramble. Big Inventories of packing con kerns, combined with rising meat prices, aided stocks in this group. Another upturn in this week's Steel mill operations to a new record high for' ingot production proughf scant response from the gnetai snapes. us steei enaea witn a gain of but Bethlehem and Voungstown Sheet were .off frac tionally. ; Up as much as a point or more )rere Cudahy, Swift and Armour iommon and preferred. Clinging o modest gains also were General Slectric, Air Reduction, American Tan, Eastman Kodak and Chesa peake A Ohio. Flower Buds now Wake, Come Swift Spring, Lan' Sake BCIO Cursory surrey of wardens . in this Linn county town shewed these unmistak able aift-u of spring in Janu ary t r Fatly -budded daffodils, ca melias, daphne, snowballs and rhododendron and a few flame flowers .completely opened On ejnlnce bashes. , Tightly-rolled leaf clusters Are showing purply on dry and apparently dead hydrangea stocks; leaflets burgeoning on lilacs, azaleas - and several other shrubs. . Violets; roses, heather and - lauruHtinos are among flowers blooming j in the Scio area , throughout the -winter. New Wrinkle in Horsehlde . Mrs. Fannie Branson of 8cio, who has long made model horses ' of wooden framework and papier mac he bodies, some covered with bear cloth, - is covering the little equines with skins of young calves. The natural hair covering Is thought by many vho have seen .. the little, animals to be more attractive than the bear cloth . formerly employed by the Bcio lady. Birthday Slighted Charley Dolezal, Scio sheep- . shearer, has for the past eight years maintained that the whole avatlon celebrated his birthday . along with FDR's. This year it's different Dolezal will be : SO on Thursday, January 80. Scio's observance of the presi dent's ball, however, has been et for Saturday night, Febru ary 1, in; the high school gymnasium. "Strictly Private" 1 By Quinn Hall DEAR MOM.- CAMP KICK. TUB CAXB MDO WGD TOR AAE ViSS A BUS StKPKSE... BUT TWEES MPSHT NO REASON RDR VtXi TO ABOUT HOV4 10 DWIPC IT VflVI THE CWS.-. THEY tD O.VC. NDUR SON McsA, wtoxs us in ADU4HC& to I CAN ?VX.tT UP AX THE" - rosroncc-suiSES AWT SO 60OO IK TMfc. ASMV.. Salem Market Quotations (Baying Prior) rrocar ara Indicative at tha daily aaarkst riess paid ta growara fcy Salens aajara bat ara sot guaranteed by Tha Btaiee- maai TIOITUL1I Iniul anraata Cabbage, lb. i . Carrot a Carrots, bulk, craufs box Olerv. rrcen - liar lie, id. I.tttar. a' a Onions. BO lbs.. Onions, boilinC 10 lba... Oaiona, green Paranipa, balk, araafa box PoUtoei, 100 lba- Mo. 1 60 I Da., no. J- Rnuliifu. bulk, oranca bax Tarnipa, aoa. J.00 .09 .46 1.00 5oo .40 a. so 1.10 .IS .40 1.60 1.10 .85 1.00 .40 1.00 Turnipi, bulk, araaga box -------- W beat. Ka. L. recleaned. ba .Tf Oata. Ko. 1 1C0 to 39.00 a.oo read barley, to Clorer bar. ton - Alfalfa bay, toa 19 ta la 00 I muh. ka. 1 (Tide. SO lb. baC 1.80 Dairy leed, 80 lb. bag 1.86 Hen icrateh feed 1-99 Craekad ecr 100 EOOS AID FOUXTBY (Bajrtng Prleea of Andxeaen'i) Qra A iarge, doi .80 Grade A medium, do - . .... .17 Grade B large, dox. .17 Colored bena .18 Colored frya .14 White Leghorn, heaTy .08 ta .00 Whit Leghorn trya . -1 Bntterfat, No. 1, SI He; No. 2, 20c; premium, 83 He. A grade print 84c; B grade 83c; quarters 85c Soil Improvement I Sessions Aire Set Land at Uses to Be Discussed State College, Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 ; NEW YORK, Jan. -10-P)-Todaya closing quoUtlons: Air Reduction- 41 El Power LM 4 Phelps uoie- uenerai - xaecinc ruiuiyi -cuw. General Foods. StH Proctor A Gam. General Motors- 45 Public Ser NJ Goodrich "13 Pullman . Goodvear Tire ' If Radio A three-day annual soil im provement short course at Ore gon Btate college has been set for Thursday, Friday, and Satur day, 'January SO to February 1, announces W. L. Powers, 'head of the soils department. 'While the' program for the course has not been completed, acceptances have been received from a num ber of out-of-state speakers who will join with specialists on the experiment station and extension service staff In handling the lec ture land demonstration work. The first day of the course will be devoted to soli surveys, land classification, and land use. The second day will be confined large ly to! consideration of reclamation problems, Including Irrigation, drainage, and flood and erosion control. The final day will be de voted, to discussion of soil fer tility! and the use of commercial or other fertiliiers. - A considerable amount of new Information has been accumulat ed from research and observation during the past year, said Dr. Powers. The short course will pro vide; an opportunity for growers and agricultural leaders to obtain up-to-the-minute information on the general subject of soil Im provement. The relation of land use adjustment to national de fense will be considered In one or more luncheon meeting discussions. Alaska Juneau- 6 Al Chem. Dye lBf Allis Chalmers-, 33 American Can 11 Am. Cr. Fdy. 31 Am. RadStdStn e Am. Roll Mills.. 13 Am. Smelt A Ref 41 Am. Tel. Tel. lfatt Am. Tobaeco B- 72 Am. Wster Wks. Am. Zinc LAS Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison . Aviation Corp, Baldwin Loco Stocks and Bonds Old rooitert .06 (Baying rrlcts of Maxlaa Creary) Grade A large, dox.. Grade "A medium, dot.. Orada B large, Pulleta, dox. Checks and under gradei Colored heca Colored fryera Leghorn fryera Leghorn bena - Btaga Old rooatera No. 3 poultry .08 leaa. HOPS (Baying Prleea) 1S40 .0 U SO .18 .18 -.00 .00 .18 .12 .11 .10 .OS .03 .14 LIVESTOCK (Baying prices for No. 1 slock, based aa canditions and sales reported ap to 4 p.m.) 1040 spring lambs Yearling lambs . Ewea Hogs, top, loO 200 lbs. Howe Beef cows Bulla Heifera Dairy Type Cows 1 ra Teal Dressed Teal, lb. 8.75 to 9.00 8.60 to 6.00 8.00 ta 4.00 8.76 6.00 to 6.S0 7.00 7.00 to 7.75 6.60 to 7.00 4.60 to 6.00 10.00 .14 Quotations at Portland State Fairgrounds Allotment Is Made An allotment of 18974 to con struct lavatories, first aid sta- - Hons and I a stockman's office at the. Oregon state fairgrounds has been approved by the WPA, Sen ator Rufus C. Holman advised J. D. , Mickle, state agricultural director, Saturday. Construction operations' were f expected to get under way soon. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 20. (AP) Produce exchange: Butter Extraa 81; standards 30 Vi; prime firsts 80; firsts 29e . Butterfat Tirst quality, maximum .38 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Portland, 32-32 He lb.; premium quality (maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity), 33 33e; alley routes and country pointa 3e fleas, or 31 e; second quality 2e under first, or 30H-31e. Eggs Portland Produce Exchange Buying prices : Large extraa 21; large standards 21; medium extraa 20c; me dium standards 20c; small extras, 21c; smalt standards 17c. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailera: Tillamook tripleta 21c lb.; loaf 22e lb. Triplets to wholesalers 19e lb.; loaf, 20s lb- f.o.b. Tillamook. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 20. (API Country meate Selling price to retailers'. Country killed bogs, best butchers, 125 140 lbs. 11-llHc; vealera, fcy, 16H-17e; light-thin. ll-14e; heavy, 1113c; lam ba, spring, 16H-17e; ewes 5-e; good cut ter cows, lie; canner cows, 10c; bulls, 12-12 He. Lira poultry Baying prices! No. 1 grade Leghorn broiler, 1V4-2 lbs., 13c; fryers unuer 3 lbs.. 13e; fryers, 2H to 4 lbs.. 13c; ; roasters over 4 lbs., 15c; Leghorn bens over 3H lbs., 13-lStte; Leghorn bens under 3 lbs. 13e; colored hens over 5 lbs., 16 16He; colored hens, 1 it 6 lbs., 16e. Old roosters 6e lb. Dressed turkeys Buying prices t Nsw crop hers 18-18He; toms 16He. Dressed turkeys IComfnal s e I I t a g prices: Hens 18(4 19c; toms 17-18c. Onioos Oregon Dsnrers, 1.10-1.25; Takimas, 1.00; Idaho large Spsnish, 1.20-1.25 sack. Potatoes Deschntes. No. 1, 1.001.10; Yakima. 1.00-1.05 cwt. ; Klamath 1.15 1 20 centaL - Hay Selling price to reUlles Alfal fa No 1, 14.25 toa; oat-retch 10.00 ton; clorer 10.00 ton; Timothy, eastern Ore gon 17.00 ton; Talley Timothy 14.00 15.00 ton, Portland. Wool 1940 eastern Oregon ranga SO 33e; crossbred. 84-35e; WlllametU Talley 12 months. 84-35e. Domestic flour Selling price, city de livery, 1 ta 25 bbl. lota: Family patents, 40a, 6.00-6 80; bakers' hard wheat net 4.60-5.80; bakers' blueeteaa 5.20-5.50; blended hard wheat flour 5 .-30-5.60 ; soft wheat 4.70-4.75; graham 49a, 4.00; wbola wheat 49s. 4.45 bbl. Mohair 1940, 12 moatha 80s lb. Cascsra 1940 peel 6s lb. Hops Oregon) 1940, seedless, 80s lb.; seed. 23 25a lb. . Rivals in Lease-Lend Dispute Portland Grain PORTLAND? Ore., Jan. 20. (API Wheat Open High Low Close May 76 76 76 7 Cash Grain: Oata. No. 2. 38 lb. white, 25.75. Barley, No. 2, 45-lb. BW, 24.75. No. 1 flax, 1.80ft. Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft white 75H; western white 76: white club 76; weat ern red 76. Hard red winter: ordinary 76; 11 per cent 79; 12 per cent 82; 13 per cent 84; 14 per cent 86H. Bard white-Baart: 12 per cent 83; 19 1 per cent 85. Todty'a Car Receipts: Wheat 55; bar ley 2; flour 23; corn 4; hay 1; mill feed 3. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 20. (AP) (U8DA) Hogs: Salable, 8O00, total 3500; market opened ateady Barrows and gilts, good- choice 140-180 lbs .-8 8.00 8.60 i gd-ch, 160-180 lbs 8.50 9.00 do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs 8.75 9.00 do gd-ch, 200-220 lbs 8.50a 9.00 do gd-ch, 220-240 lbs 8.25(3 8.75 do a-d eh. 240-270 lbs 8.100 8.60 do gd-ch. 270-300 lbs 8.00 8.50 Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120. 8.50 9.00 Cattle: Salable 2300, total 2500; ealvea salable and total 130; market active. Steers, gocd. 900-1100 lbs.S10.25 11 00 do medium, 750-1100 lbs 8.75 10.25 Heifers, good, 750-900 lbs. 7.50 9.25 do med. 500-900 lbs 7.50 9.00 do common, 600-900 lbs- 6.25 7.60 Cows, good, all wts- ... ... 7.25 7.85 do medium, all wta 6.25 7.25 do cut-ccm. all wta 5.25 6.25 do canner, all wta - 4.25 5.25 Bulla (vearlinra excluded) beef. good, all wta. 7.25 7.75 do sausage, good, all wts 7.00 7.75 do medium, all wta 6.50 7.25 do cot-com. all wta... .... 5.25 6.50 Vealers. gd-ch, all wts 10.50011.50 do com-med. all wts 7.50 10.50 do -ull, all wts,, 5.00 7.60 Sheep: Salable 2000. total 2600$ mar ket opened 50-0 higher. Lambs, good and choices?. do medium and good do common Ewes, good-choice do common-medium 9.258 9.85 8.60tt 9.00 7.50 8.25 5.00 5.50 8.50 5.00 Wool in Boston BOSTON, Jan. 20 AP) (TJSDA) Domestic wools wero-qntet on the Boston market today. Graded combing three eighths and also quarter-blood bright f leeea wools . were offered at, 44 to 46 cents, in tha grease, but buyers were not showing any interest. A good demand wss being received for' foreign wools but this demand was largely for fin and half-blood grades. Prices were steady to lira on eaiea ol foreign wools. Despite their rivalry over the lease-lend bin for aiding Britain, Rep. resentatives Andrew J. May of Kentucky, left, and Sol Bloom of Kew Ycrk, prove they are still friend by shaking' hands for the cameraman in Washington, May, chairman of the-house military af&irs committee,, led a fight to have tha bill assigned to the house rtary committee, but. the house -voted to refer the. measure to - the foreign affairs committee, headed by Bloom. .. Telephone Meet Set UNION HILL. An a n n u al meeting of . the Sublimity Tele phone company Will be held at the Union Hill grange hall on Wednes day at 8 p. mj Election of offi cers and a director will take place ? Sillier W W Any WHSH OTHZXS FAIL! Use onr , Chines remedies: Amaslag BCC CE88 for 5000 -years in CHINA. No matter with what ailment yon are AFFLICTED 4 ia orders, ai smsitia, haart, lasg, liver, kidney, rtomacBL na. easatlnktloB diabetis. fever, skin, female earn- CLarlis Chan Chinese Herb Co Of fie - H re Only Taos, and 8t.. m. to sjs. ' and Baa. and Wad., a. ss. to 10:80 a.m. . 122 K. ComT St Salem, Ore, V I January 20 BOOT) ATZ1AQKS Compiled by The Associated Press 20 10 Kalla Inline Xet change D .1 Unch Monday 63. 8 104.9 Previous dsy 63.4 104.9 Month sgo 59.9 104.1 rear ago 57.4 102.2 940-41 hisrh 64.1 105.9 1840-41 low.. 48.8 98.9 10 Util D .1 101.0 101.1 99.7 96.4 101.8 90.8 10 Forgn D .5 89.6 40.0 87.8 50.9 - 5S.6 85.1 STOCK AYXBAOES 80 15 15 60 Indus Rails Util Stocks Vet things D .2 D 3 D .1 D .1 Monday 61.6 17.0 35.1 43.7 Previojs day 61.8 17.2 35.2 43.8 Month ago 61.8 15.5 84.4 43.0 Tear ago 70 6 18.6 89.4 4. 6 1940-41 high 74.2 20.5 40.6 '92. 2 1940-41 low.. 52.8 18.0 80.9 87.0 Closing Quotations Great Northern 17 U Rayonler Greyhound ! Illinois CeatralJ Insp Copper. ......j Int Harvester C t Int Nickel CanJ 7 H Int P ft P Pfd- 15 Int Tel ft Tel i 5 Johns Manville J 224 "Kennecott 38 B7U 2S4 2f 4H 15H 28Vi 204 7 10 Rondlv Aviation SI Bethlehem Steel 83 Boeing Airplane 18 Borden L 18 r11ahan ZL 1 Canada Dry.. 13 Nat mnndlan Pacific 3T4 Nat Cat. Tractor. 474 Celanese 38 Chesa. ft Ohio 43 Chrysler 84 Col. Gas ft Elee 4 Com'l Solvent 10 Consol Aircraft- 28 Consol Edlson 22 Contl Can 37 Corn Products 8 . Cortiss Wright- 8 Douglas Aircraft 75 Du Pont De N 167 Eastman Kodak 138 4 LJbbey-O-Ford .4 18 Lockhead J... Loew's Mont Wrd.Jl Nash-Kelviaator Nat Biscuit. 11 Rayonler Pfd 7 Republic Steel 11 Richfield Oil 80 Sears Roebuck. 25 Shell Union KS4 Soeonv Vacuo m 2 Sou Cal Edison- 27 81 Southern Pacific 3 3 4 S perry Corp 38 Stan- Brands 25 SUn Oil Calif 31 Stan Oil Ind 37 Stan Oil NJ 4 Stone Webster- 17 Stndebaker Nat Dairy Prod- ! Dlsuilers Lead ,, ; NT Central North Am -Av' North Am Co ' Northern Paclfle Ohio 1 Oil OUs ! Steele Pae Am Fish Par? flu A Elee 28 US Pac Tel ft TeL123 US Rubber Pfd.. Packard Motor, f 3 US Steel Pan Am Alrwy-S 14 Warner Pictures Paramount Pic! 11 Western Union. JC Penney 84 Westing Elee 101 Penna RR 23Woolworth 82 13 Sunshine Mining 23 Texas Corp 17 Trans-America 13 Union Carbide 18 Union OU Calif. 18 Union Pacifle 8 United Airlines. 7 United Aircraft. 8 United Corp . 8 United Fruit Rubber. 38 13 27 34 7 7 8 37 4 83 14 31 14 41 1 88 22 87 88 3 21 Program Is Given By Future Farmers H AYESVILLE Future Farm ers had charge of the Hayesville Community club Friday night with Paul Andresen In charge, and the Hayesville orchestra made its first public appearance under the direction of Glenn Starr of the Starr and Welmer music store. The program included Chapter forum, Monte Chrlstofferson; so phomore project, Norman Alex ander; Junior project, Chet Mer rick; senior project, Bud Ram seyer; vocal solo, Kitty 3Wow ry; explanation of. plaque. Vernon Johnston; tool chest demonstra tion, Don Meyers and Herbert Smith; parliamentary procedure, Monte Chrlstofferson; accordian solo, Charles Mow ry. Mrs. Charjes Andresen, Mrs. H. Robertson and Mrs. F. Martin served on the refreshment com mittee. The program-for the next meeting will be given by the Boy Perrydalo News PERRY DALE The MeMlnn ville Elks lodge will put on the program at community club here Wednesday night at the school auditorium. ' Miss Elsie Suhur and Max Duncan, boj.h employed at the C. L. Gllson home, were married at Vancouver last week. They will continue to stay with the Gllsons. Robert Mltchel spent from Wednesday until Saturday eve ning in Corvallls with other mem bers of the county soils conserva tion committee where they met with members of other couhty committees. The Young Woman's club met with Mrs. Percy Zumwalt Thurs day night. It Is a newly organised club which meets twice a month while the husbands meet at the home of another one of the group and- play pinochle. Scouts, and the Junior Woman's club. Mrs. Mark Saucy will have charge of the refreshments. Wheat Price Has Drop of 1 Cent CHICAGO. Jan.- 20-(V-Wheat prices drifted almost a cent row er today, Jaly and September eon tracts, representing the .new crop which will be harvested to about five months, sinking to the low est level since late la December, i At around 8 1 cents a bashel these deliveries", while only 2 cents below the new year's best level, were 18 to 17 cents lower than a year ago. I Traders blamed tha market's weakness largely on forecast of fresh moisture over the belt, lag ging flour demand, the drifting trend of securities and uncertain ty about tha war and farm pro gram revisions. i Wheat closed - lower than Saturday. May 88-. Jaly 80-. I Much of the trade la wheat, at least earlier In tha session, re flected professional activity In placing or covering "short" sales. There was soma hedging but most- of tha 65 cars received hire went direct to mills or shippers.,' i - ; I Ladies sNight Is lions Club Plan 1 INDEPENDENCE Ladies night night will be observed at the next regular meeting of the Indepen dence Lions club, Monday. Jann ary 27. at which Ume the birth day of Melvin Jones, secretary general and organiser of Uonlsm will be honored. Paul E. Sterling appointed George Tram bo. Gerald H. Fow ler and E. D. Alger to make plans and arrangements for the occa sion, i Guest speaker 'at the meeting Monday was Dr. M. J. Bulter. new mayor of the city. He told the members of the project for laying a new sewer on Main street and reversing the. outlet from of town, to north of the city, "He stated Icrvous Restless- 0 l I Cranky f Bettlessf IllrlCI Can't iltspt Tire Ulllua waaUyt Beas) or Wiiiws . distress caused by monthly ftmc tlooal disturbances Tbcn try Lydla K. Pink ham's Vege table Caen pound. Pin ha m's Com pound Is Umous for rel vlng a-uen. rundown, nervous f aellngs of "dl cul t days." Madw eryscvaJ y for wom . WOKTH TH TXNQI iy dmc- that (lans; and papers had been signed for the PWA project and ha expected work ta begin la short ;tlmel . I I ' Dr. Baiter also said a commit tee wis working en improvements of the! clty lights, and he thought tha highway commission 'would work lout a. solution of 1 tha hlg curbs In town. - i . i r i i Stings Slated i Fori Fruits Talks Growers' of small fruits are In vited to attend meetings bn Thnrs day. January 23. and discus in dlvldqal problems on care and management of plantings, pesta and contrfcl. and other -questions la ml ad. states Robert E. RIeder. acting eoanty agent and county horticplturiBt, ' j i Tha meetings ara sc bed sled for 8:38 a. fca- at Forester's hall. Sublimity j and 1:30 pj m. at Woodburtf city hall, Thursday. Jaauayr 24. I . 1 i Colored, slides of certain small fruits; crops will be shown at tha meetings by O. T. MeWhorfer. ex tension horticulturist of- Oregon State college, who will also assist with the discussions. j ; ; All lr small fruits growers ara urged! to ' attend thee meetings and talk over their problems. , r 1,1 i Down! I W12i Old Debts Up! 1 Wlfll ClMB CmcSI I t 1 L0iII Lat Ua Help Toa Fly & j Banner ol Saccaaa Sidle Finance Co. SiiSlcrta Pena) $281 Uc 8-213 M-222 ; POLLY AND HER PALS Off the) Parkins Family Trea By CLUTSTEBBTT DweOKlB XT, DOUDRfeS, I WlSHT VUM VOULprKT KEEP THAT PICTURE VUM TOOK dP- ME ON VER MANTEL ' M-tV NOT I SAKE? rCXSZ X LOOKS UKB A ADO t-ROIWtr 7 APE, THAT'S WHV OU SHOULD HAVE THOlJHT OF THAT BEFORE yOJ Lfc MS TAKE IT T i-1 -TS-. 8 1 MICKEY MOUSE o Nlca Pat ( OOWK BRONTO! 1 ? fTHAX ! X:';'K OPS - ' -f rWrUHaJE THAT HE 1 -V I GENTLE S-tOMOstS- 1 - fOX PETES By WALT DISNEY YXLt ISTKS1 J i II W T UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY HONEST. X Wr3MT I KMCW THC OKiHT WOODS TO THANK VOU for Pvckikt we Ayr zepo ii i OUXATHM. SHOW A-- ' ORCSTTT HAT ' T HANk VOLTeTtUFTU. NOWWCCEFOR HUNDRED AAILES SOUTH OT WHERC WE PICKED YOU UP YOU CAM STOP. i VXJKYKA80UT Jt OOfi-CATCHEOS Choorfa Your Wacrponl rr By BRANDON WALSH SLABS PX3KT KO ALL YOU OTTA WORPy 80UT 0 WHAT YOUTJ. HAVE R3Q UK.WCT: OCSsSstAPUTTMBE rCCO -BAGOM LE95THAMTCN MMUTC9 V. KOU CAM HM AKiyTM&OU UETQ CAT- a- YOU MAPPCM TO UkE BEEP STEW BEAMS OP wAa.ty;ET7a. ro jn i r at attim r a sr" SSJTST m t TOOTS AND CASPER It'a a DtcU WELL. I'M OW. CASPePNCXRS IN COMPLETE CHAR6E WV40s IVI AWAY! SEE VVMAT YOU CAN DO VVTTM TMEiO,OOaS YOU & U746. BOSS. HAVE. A-OOD TIME ANO COrTr WOPPY ABOUT ANYTHING ' THIS rS A AMvi l T ulQOCkj il II IKiTVsaj Y AH . . m . MtLUONAlPS OlLrMAW. K ajW o. ESTEO IM THAT VACANT WARS. r"-rr on twe watepc pont 'Will H:i in "1 II ! ' SAV.TVUS rCTVtB BEMJAVUM V PLUNKHP CO. WEPE W1LLINTO PAY YOU 0.000,2? PO A OPTION ON THAT WARE HOUSE YOU OvwN ! rS TT A DEALT- OtAVI I THIMBLE THEATRE Siarxing Popyaj I By JIMMY MURPHY NOW OLD MAN WEILS WILL HAVE TO BUY THAT PROPERTY K?CM ME. AND- I'M OlN6 TO MAKS HIM PAY A FANCY Wit, 5 J 5. Ia da Noma cl ta Low IS-SC SGLTPE the- L ATALLOPUTHrSH7y ' mr . , NOW TELL LrS AvrER rwNME AFORE f I GIVES VA ME Jk TWKLpigag "- i v v - 1 1