i . K . .. f"" CZZZCZl CTATILRXVCJUtn. CrecW.WsxLiaadaY l&alacL January 13. tSil" Suit Outcome Is Local Talk Cuius of City Official ' U Dependent Upon Court Decision SILVEKTON Street talk : at fillmto. this week Is setUed Chiefly on the pending suit be twee.' the city of SUverton and tha former water cum""- :-..-.. week. .V,nt wffl teat the legality of Silverton'a new city cnane r , br tb people last may. hich has been questioned because no provision was made lor Sit partisan voters. Conjecture aa to what will happen if even the soft Is settled this week has bees of principal interest. Should the new charter be proved Illegal it is reported that Reber Allen, who waa made may or by the city council on January C would again retire to the side line a a councilman. He was elected aucli under both the old nd new charter. Lowell Brown, who waa elected mayor under the old charter and councilman un der the new would serve as mayor In Allen's place. Elgin MsCleary. designated as city manager and recorder pro tern would continue it is said, aa recorder. No recorder was elected Under the old charter and none eouid be elected under the new unaer (us vu . - baa the privilege of filling such a Tacancy. In such a manner. George Hubba became reoorder at the death of Recorder George Cusitor four years ago. Two years ago he was elected to that position bat declined his friends' urgent re quest that he seek reelection In 1940 It is expected that a large portion of Silrerton's population -ir til attend Friday's hearing at gal em. Polk Draft Board Calls Volunteers DALLAS The first group to be called in Polk county by the local draft board has been asked to report Monday morning. Jan nary 20, at 7:3 at tha Dallas armory. All needed for the group are Tolunteers. Those to report Monday mora ine are Elmer Lee Perkins. In dependence; Ralph Wood Chaff in. Alrlie; Robert Spong Dalton, Dai las; George Joe Todd, McCoy; Herbert Lawrence Chriatenson, Rlckreall; Jack Willard Robinson. Dallas: Charles !ilot"-o H-rTev. Falls City: Willie Harold Crow- der. Fannin ston. Utah. The gToup will leave by bus from Dallas at 8:15 Monday morn ing for Salem. At Salem they will board a special Greyhound bus along with a group from Marlon county. Should any of this first group from Polk county fail to pass the physical eiaminations which will be given in Portland volun teers in the following order, will be taken- Darrel Grant Sexton, Monmouth; Joseph Marion Vaughn. Grand Ronde; Norman Edward Brown. Independence; Thomas Clay Irwin, Ballston, The Polk county draft board has already seat out 750 ques tlonaires la the county and is now busy classifying them. Bald Eagle "Dive Bombs" Flock of Pedee Poultryman PEDEK Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Burbank of Pedee have Ions; been loiag chicken from the family flock at the hands of souse wnkaowa marauder. Re cently ft was discovered that the thief wa a large bald eag le, and that It (or she) was evidently the mate to the old eagle which had been carrytng ea depcrdatioas last, sprhta oa lambs belaagiaa; to a neighbor's flock. The old eagle met aw untimely demise. While tWwbank Is not quite snre at to the lettering of the law regard? swotecUow, for eagles, be is owes that His pool, try flock weeds mm protection frpaa svrb aerial invasions. West Scdom News WEST SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pattison and son. Bobby, made a trio, to Timber line lodge Sunday. They stopped en route to visit Mr. sad Mrs. MIlo Jensen and Mr., and Mrs. Horace Psttl son. . '"Vi"- Mrs. Art Hathaway and daugh ter. Marjorie and Wanda, and Mrs. Hathaway a sister, Mrs. C. E. Ferbia. and niece. Versa Brook shire of Salem Heights, spent the weekend In Rldgefield. Wash. They visited Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brookshire. who are the parents sf Mrs. Hathaway and Mrs. For- sis. The yonng adult class of the Methodist church is having a pot Meg dinner at the Leighton Dash Sell home at 190 Rosemont ave nue Thursday night at C:30 o'clock. The dinner will be tol lowed by Bible study, ; A whist party was giren Sat urday night at the home of Mr, had Mrs. Julian Hangen, 1049 Sixth street. Players were - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris, Mr. and Mrs waiter Johnson and ' Mr.' and Mrs. Haugea. Prises were wen by Walter Johnson and Harry Harris Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway nad daughters. Delores and Bon ale Belle, visited the past week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weathers at saedd. Mrs. R. Reece Is visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thom as. Mrai Beece is the mother of Mrs. Thomas."."-" .-r-' - ' - : Mr. E. S. Foster, 130 McNary avenue, had as guests . Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Leach nnd Mr. and Mrs. Bensel Brawn of ' Neosho, ' Mo. lira. Foster and Mrs. Leach art sisters who had been separated Hoyte Returns to US Ship for Another; j "Hitch" After 15 Years of Continuous Service; Flu Reappears at Silverton SnlvERTONWeff Hoyt has returned to the USS Whit ney after a brief visit with his mother, Mrs. Nettie' Hoyt. Hoyt has just signed for another four years of service after 15 years of constant service in the navy; , j F02 and chilly weather brousrht forth a lanre. number of new cases of influenza. A few victims are reporting that Jefferson Go-op Action Is Taken Cannery Plans Are Shaped ; Farmers to Build Warehouse JEFFERSON The committee in charge of starting a coopers tive cannery la Jefferson, is pro gressing toward definite plans. Most of the 0 or 70 persons at the recent meeting held at the school house were in, favor of a cannery. Forty or SO farmers present signed up for shares of common stock at $250. Plans are being made to contact every farmer In the district. Preferred stock amounting to $10,000 will also be sold. George Keech, who was in charge of starting the Stayton cannery, gave a talk on the ad vantage of a cannery to a com munity and stressed Jefferson's ideal location for one. Definite information is prom lsed as plans must be carried out Quickly for the cannery to be completed in time to take care of this summer's crop. The farmers in this community are also completing plans for warehosse to be built near the depot, and have named a tem porary board of directors to be in charge an til the first annual meeting. ' The board comprised of C. H. Wilcox, Harry Muller and Robert Marsh, Linn county, snd Jake Gllmour and Carl Booth, will have power to incorporate, pur chase the site and erect the building. Wilcox and George Potts, jr., - are on the location committee. Funds for building and ma chinery will be raised by selling certificates of interest In $50 denominations to be purchased by farmers who will use the facili ties of the warehouse. Member ship fee will cost $10. Alice V. Riches Rites Conducted TURNER Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at ClougB-Barriek chapel in Salem for Mlas Alice V. Riches, 81, who died January 19 in Portland fol lowing several months Illness. She was born March 4, 1859, at Turner on the Riches donation land claim, the daughter or pio neer parents. Charles and Har riet Riches, who Iocs ted here in 1852 from Canada. The deceased had been a resident of Turner for more than 19 years, going to Portland In 1938 to reside with her only sister. Erma A. Riches Rev. W. Irvin Williams offi ciated. Pall-bearers were nephews Stanley A. Riches. Leiand W. Riches, Donald 8. Riches. Wal lace T. Riches of Turner; Oliver D. Knight. Stayton; Wayne T. Simeral, Silverton. Concluding services were held at Twin Oaks cemetery here. Be sides the sister, and nephews. Mrs. Lucille McKInney, a niece of Turner, survives. Sale Sponsored By Keizer Club KEIZER The Kelzer Sewing club Is sponsoring a mmmage sale at the new school auditorium for the purchase of chairs for the auditorium Thursday from iu a.m. to S p.m. , The committee Includes Mrs. Albert MInturn. Mrs. Roy Mel- son. Mrs. IL W. Irvine. Mrs. Joe Bsrtrnff: Mrs. O. H. Laidiaw ana Mrs. Sam Richard. Tea will bo served by the com Ittee in charge. Lois Keefer. Mr. J. E- Putnam. Mrs. W. is. Savare. Mrs. W. G. Earle, Mrs Arthur Holdes. Members and friends are reenested to bring .nvthina- that is aalable either Wednesday afternoon or early Thursday morning. Heart Attack Is , Suffered by King SILVERTON H. E. K 1 n g. prominent retired farmer. Is re ported as seriously 111 at his home here. He collapsed Sunday morn ing st the breakfast table, surrer lng from a heart stuck. King is chairman oi we Agri cultural soil conservation com mittee In the Silverton district. Salem FamUy Visited By Pioneer Friends PIONEER -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox . were dinner guests st the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fox of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Fox - were accompanied home by their grandsons, Donald and Kenneth, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Cleave, also of Salem. . . , Van Cleave, who had an ap pendectomy, will ret urn home from: the hospital this week. Mrai SnRinger Improved PinWKER -Mrs." Charles Sol- tt.Vr vka 'has' been' UL Is !m proving and able to he np part of the time now. Mrs. Blodgett hss been j helping Mrs. 8ElIinger. - ' Brooks Garden Club Meets ' BROOKSThe Garden elnb will meet for an all day meeting at the heme of Mrs. Evelyn McFar laae Thuraday. MrsJ Elva Aspln wall and Mrs. Mary Ashtanga are on the program committee. they are now on the second siege. ' Fred McEwen la up and about after a severe heart attack a week KO. : ! . ; r"! O. A. Llndflat, Ions time real- dent of Silverton is reported quite ill at his East Hill .home. Mr. Llndflat is past SO years. Mr. and Mrs. William Elder hare returned from Pullman, Washington, where they Were called at the death of her father. William Irwin, on December 131. Mr. Irwin had lived at Pullman for 49 years. j Helga Rue' continues seriously ill at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Hans O 1 s e n. on Madison street. Mr. Rne suffered a stroke last autumn and hn been 111 since. Faith Fletcher has succeeded Rettv Man aa wwtirr in ; tho law office of Rex Albright. Miss Maue has moved with her family to California. ; Mrs. Ed Lambert Is substitut ing for Mrs. Peggy Scott in the of fices of Dr. C W. Keene. Mrs Scott is out of town for a brief va cation following a heavy siege of influenza. i Mrs. H. E. Steen has received word of the death of her only bro ther, Ludvig Johnson, at Ed burg. Canada. A special service has been plan ned at the Christian and Mission ary Alliance church, for Wednes day night, when Rev. -Peter Pleshko, Russian evangelist, will speak. Monmouth Grange Installs Officers Pomona Master Adams Acts in Ritualistic Capacity; Visiting Night Held MONMOUTH - Installation of Monmouth grange officers i was held Saturday. Glenn Adams. Po mona grange master of Polk county, was the installing officer. He was assisted by Mrs. Adams as marshall; by Mrs. W. J. Stock holm snd Mrs. J. V.1 Johnson as emblem and regalia bearers.-: snd by Ross Ewlng of Brush College as musician. Installed were: master, W. H. Stockholm; overseer, Ed Rogers; lecturer, Mrs. W. R. Smith; stew ard, Wilmer Powell; assistant steward, L. V. Seeley; chaplain. Mrs. Adeline Calbreath; treasur er, J. L. Van Loan; secretary. Mrs. C. O. Allen; gatekeeper. C. J. Selbel; Ceres. Mrs. Anna Her- ren; Flora. Mrs. L. V. Seeley; Pomona. Koneta Nowowtejskl; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Har rison Brant; executive committee R. B. Swenson, William Rlddell Mrs. Swenson. The regular, ; noontime dinner ! was held, following the business session in the morning. Work was suspended early in the afternoon permitting friends to attend fu neral services for E. J. Sivier. The afternoon session wss ; con tinued sbout 3 o'clock. Saturday night was visiting night for all Polk county granges here. A large cr- rd was la at tendance, representing Rlckreall, Brush College. Fort Hill. West Salem, Oak Grove and Monmouth granges. The program feature was a motion picture presentation of syphilis in its several stages, followed by a talk by Dr. Ueorge C. Knott of Independence which furnished additional information on social diseases. Two measures relating to syphilis control are said to be docketed for the (com ing legislative session.; Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead of Salem presented the motion picture feature. Sewing Qub Has Brooks Meeting BROOKS The sewing clsss met at the borne of Mrs. polite Ramp for its regnlsr weekly meet- Ing. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Ramn served refreshments to Mrs. Wills Vinyard, Mrs. jNellte McNelf. Mrs. Nora wesiiing. sir. Mary Ashbaugh. Mrs. Harry Sla- gleterry. Mrs. Martha Cottewt Mrs. Bertha Streeter. Mrs. William Schafer, Miss Cleo Ramp and the instructor. Mrs. Hanson. This club . will meet Friday afternoon from 1:1 until 4:3 Every woman is welcome to Join these free classes." Poor Health Reported At Surer Homes SUVER Mrs. Harold Wl throw is suffering with a bad case of pink eye. As thisis the only case in these parts, she thinks she got it la Klamath Falls while hfr hus band was 111 there.' Little Sharon Ramey I took down with the chicken pog Sun day. I Billy and Bobby StockhOfl are slightly better. They have been suffering from rheumatic j fever. Earlene Conkey Is also belter. Photographer Is Dinner Guest BRUSH CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boychuk of Oswego were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. M. J. Madsen and Miss LllHe fJadsen at their home here Sunday;. Mr. Boychuk has a studio at Portland and his ! phonograph of the state cspitol was nsediss the frontispiece in the newly pub lished geography of ; Oregon.. Had Lived at Turner TURNER -Carl C. Owsley, who met death Saturday la ah auto mobile accident near Eugebe. wss a former resident of Turner and omlte veil known la lis com. ransity. - -- - - - Endres Is Elected By ML Angel Qub Retiring President Reports I Invitation Received From Cherrians MT. ANGEL In spite of his declining the nomination, the ML I Angel Business Men's clab nnsnf- mously elected T. B. Ed res presKl dent of the organisation for the! ;, coming six months at the lunch eon at. ML Angel hotel. Monday noon. He succeeds A. W. Holmes, I who held the office for the past two terms. Peter Gores was elected as I vice-president., replacing Frank Hettwer, while Douglas Harris was again reelected to the Job oil secretary-treasurer. Holmes, before resigning the chair, announced that the Salem Cherrians had sent, over s com mittee of one to invite the out- coinc snd new president of the club snd O.L. Withers, past presi dent, to the banq.net and Installa tion of of Hcers last Monday nigni. Father Alcuin gave a ahort talk congratulating new officers snd commending the club for its fore sight in having both the farm and business element represented by its officers, as it made for better uderstandlng and cooperation. A rising vote of thanks was riven all the officers for their work durinr the past year. J. T. Bauman. legislative chair man, advised members to stop in at the legislature, now in session, snd famllarixe themselves with the laws introduced and discuss ed. N. G. Mlckel ' called the atten tion of the club to the fact that no road signs in Mt. Angel show ed the way to Portland and sug gested remedying the deficiency, and Leonard Fisher submitted a report on the cost of the Christ mas program. Otto Oswald, sick committee chairman, listed the following as having been on the sick list: Fred J. Schwab. Walter Smith. Nick Mlckel. Bernard Traviss, Ed Ua- rer and Mrs. Unger. William Bean, new proprietor of the Hotel Fountain, was lntro- A ii rtA and resoonded with a lew words. Club members were served a special treat with the compli ments of R. J. Berning. president of the ML Anrel creamery. a token of appreciation for their work as waiters at the Creamery Patrons' dinners. He was assured by the president that the club considered it an honor to thus serve the creamery. Ticket sellers for the next meet in are Paul Schwab and Peter Gore. Meyer Appointed By Church Board j BRUSH CREEK L. H. Meyer of this district has been appointed a member of the 60th anniversary committee of Trinity congregation Meyer as a young man came here with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Meyer, and has been a member of Trinity congregation since. Mrs. Anna K. Jensen, also of this community has been a member of the con gregation for 48 years, and Mrs. Ole Hatteberg for 45 years. Mrs. Mable Thomas or portiana was a recent guest at the Walter C. Larson home. Carrol Aashlem, who has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J- Aashtem, is pre paring to return to his work at Fort Lewis. Silverton Boys Work for Boeing SILVERTON Eight more Sil verton boys have been called to work In the Boeing Airplane fac tory, receiving notices during the weekend. This group mciuaesi Allen Semb, Myron DIrickson, Er nest Erickson, Howard Brokke, Charles Cross. Charles Walker, Kmil Rhyne and Clifford Maald-l In. ... The bovi were notified tnrougn the state employment service and were to report Tuesday. They are aaalrned to tail assemblers snd for sheet metal work. Pioneer Is Given Birthday Dinner DAYTON A party waa recently given complimenting the birthday anniversary of John Arms, 82. pioneer real estate dealer oi uay- ton. at the home oi nis son-in- law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Churchman near Newberg. Many letters and cards were received by the honored guest who as a retired farmer and realtor has been for msny years sn authority on horticulture. He is the only surviving charter member of the Dayton Baptist church which was organised 54 years ago. Unionvale Couple Are Honor Guests UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler were Sunday dinner nests of Mr. and sirs. Ssm Cox and family of Broad mead. A drive in the. afternoon throurh the Buell and rural Polk county districts was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler resided in the Fern district In 1914-1915 oa tne farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Blsnchard.' . ' y Dies in Colorado 'i r MONMOUTH Mrs. Hester Sheeon and sisters here hare re Mived word of the death- ox an nt MnL Charles Campbell of Collbran. Colo. Mrs.. Campbell visited In Monmouth 'with her sister, the late Mrs. Eugenia Sny der, some time ago. -Roberta GT Club Meeta ROBERTS The GT clow win meet Thursday afternoon at o'clock at the home of Mrs. Alice Coolidge for a dessert luncheon. Five women members of the T7th congress are shown la Washington. Left to right they are Representatives Jeannette Rankin of Montana, ' - . - i Je CaldweO. HKfSU Margaret Bayes A co-ed at the University of Pennsylvania. Jo CaidwelL left, has been selected as "Miss Fashion Futures of lMi" as tha climax to a U. a. fashion show In New York. Runner-up was Margaret Hayes of Los Angeles, seen at right. 1 1 A 0 V Sir Hugh Dewdmg Talking to reporters in Washing ton. Sir Hugh Dowding, British sir marshal in the U. 8. as a rep resentative of Lord Beaverbrook, British minister of aircraft pro duction, said Britain's Royal Air Force maintains daylight mastery of the air over England and win continue to maintain it to an extent of making Impossible a successful German invasion. A bcreb wa dipped ra' tils sliMt la tat Sandy- j tils crater, core section of DubSa, ta aeutral Ireland, cattstn aer. . ;-. Ft" ONE OF HUNDREDS . . . . . M . a . aemoing raiss. dvm rwaa wwici are iicuj npum j ese crews. This Barms bridge Is one of See spans oa the winding highwsy ever which war supplies far Chiang Kai-shek are sent. T t" t ; Frances P. Bolton of Ohio, Mary Norton of Near Jersey, Margaret Chase Smith of Maine and Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts. J Now this cooldnt be a, ptibtlqtty! stoat, could ttT ' Anyway,1 Binnie Barnes, screen player, objects! to. this film scene wherein her Mack lace undies are exposed to view. The actress nays hef husband. KOto Frankovteh. radio announcer, bbjects also and that the studiosbtt ter cut it or face an tnjuzKtimi salt. - At left la Actresa Gloria D4en son, center is - Oftea the target of Japanese , l . TTsrfcfrs art cleartax away taa brts A- :C'-- - . . t - , f ' ': v M O VES U P-Capt. Dayl4 (above), who was Britain's war sshmlster to Anthony Eden wnea t latter became f srelga snlnlsterw . .. - -I .n Meivyn ixmgiaa, K family scene in England today, Just before the nightly buck out. Dad overhauls the buttons on his Home Guard uniform. Mother starts on another pair of khaki socks. Junior, not; ia ptc tars, reads of the thrilling feats of his R. A. F. heroes. Aad Ve the Nazis come. Former Xmocralie whip of the senate, Xherman Iflnton of In diana baa been named by Irssf dent Beosevelt as aa administra ore assfitant Minion, S3, aria tt fl959 a ytsx salary. . ' v . : L I 1 i 'Sa. -v -.- - s I' t! ! t i i - i t i I ; ''"!.' II o I ' - v 1 : ' ' f .. i- ' - .s - t ,; - -'I :.j : i " '-!'-. -i -" " jr. 'r i- ."' ' ferusa Khtev".v,"- 1 . tor 40