The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OZTGON STATESMAN. Sdem. Orerrw Vydneday Morning. January-15.- 1MX
r, -
Wives Will
Be Feted V
i With the arrival let a number
f the legislators' wives in the
capitals plans are being formulat
ed for several parties to be given
tn their honor.
Members of the Town and Gown
elnb will have invitations In the
mall this week for a tea for which
they will be hostesses on Thurs
day afternoonj January 23 at
Lausanne hall.
J Calling hours will be from 3 to
I o'clock with the legislators
wives as honor guests. Mrs. VWil-,
Ham C. Jones, president of the
Cltb, will assist in receiving and
Mrs. Paul B. Wallace heads the
tea directorate. ? i
The Salem Woman's club will
entertain with'lta biennial tea for
the -legislative contingent on Sat
urday afternoon, January 25. The
affair will be held at the Wom
an's clubhouse.
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead is
chairman Of the tea committee in
charge of the ' affair. Invitations
will be in the mail by this week
end. - r
VFW Auxiliary
Has Session
The no-host dinner for the
Veterans of Foreign Wars aux
iliary and the post at the Veter
Mi nf Forefsrn Wars hall Mon
day night was well attended. Mr.
J. A. Canfield, state commander
of the Veterans of Foreign wars,
was a special guest. The com
mittee in charge was Mrs. Frank
Neiswander, Mrs. Bernlce Walters,
Mrsi Ona Cady, Miss Margaret
Clare, Mrs. Lola Dumas, Mrs. Ed
Following - the dinner a busi
ness meeting was held. Mrs, Ger
trude Beal was accepted into the
auxiliary transfering her mem
bership here from Bin gen, Wash.,
where she was a past president.
Mrs. Onas Olson will entertain
the. auxiliary and friends at her
homev l 10 South Church street,
Thursday, January 16, at 1:30
with a dessert luncheon. Mrs.
David Furlough will be Joint
A benefit card party is being
planned for February 12 at the
Veterans of Foreign wars hall
with Mrs. Cyril Nad on in charge
of the tickets, Mrs. William Clare
refreshments, Mrs. William Bush,
Dorothy McCullough Lee, sena
tor from Multnomah county,. Is
state legislative chairman for the
Veterans of Foreign Wars aux
iliary. An invitation was extended
her to attend the next meeting
which will be held January 27.
.uards in Hay on
FOE auxiliary entertained with
a "card-PtrtyisTuesdayj afternoon.
Prizes went to Miss Lavina Koen
Ig and Mrs.; Dan Cooper.
The guest list included Mrs.
Carroll Robinson, Mrs. E. L.
Klelnke. Mrs. Pearl RIngwald,
Miss Lavina Koenlg, Mrs, F. A.
Smith, Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs.
George Chapman, Mrs. P. W.
Cooper, Mrs. James Tindall, Mrs.
Beatrice Chambers, Mrs. W. E.
Gardiner. Mrs. Schafer, Mrs. F. J.
.Irons, Mrs. Sylvia Sehaupp, Mrs.
L. 8. Cross, Mrs. Carl Fetsch,
Mrs. S. B. Eehleman, Mrs. C. W.
, Beecroft, Mrs. Hugh Wane, vMrs.
Henry Sim, ; Mrs. Frank Witte
more, Mrs.' June Wallace, Mrs.
Maurice Gustafson, Mrs. Ray
Smith, Mrs. - Dan Cooper, Mrs.
, Ray Moore, Mrs. E. E. Gettman,
Mrsv L. M. Propp, Mrs. E. Zim-
, merman. Hostesses w ere Mrs.
Jndson Bressler, Mrs. Max Mil-
' lor, Mrs. Harold Woodbnrn, Mrs.
George Bressler. Another card
party will be held on January 28
with Mrs. P. C. Harland.
, '
Adah Mae Teel
Honor Guest
'; I 4 ., . . i , -
- Mrs. Josenh Teel entertained
-wrin a aeuenuui lniormai nartv
at her South! Liberty street home
Monday night for the pleasure of
: her daughter, Adah Mae, on the
occasion or ner iatn birthday,
v ' A pink and green decorative
scheme was used with a birthday
- cake and candles centering the ta
ble. : Mrs. Teel was assisted by
lira. Chester Goodman of Eugene.
Honoring Adah Mae were Mary
Elizabeth Rlnehart, Barbara Up
john, Fern Ingram, S a s a n n e
Small, Jane Carson. Rena Skaggs.
Velma Davis, Del ores Clement,
Carolyn Davis, Ha Jacobsen, Ro
berta Ross and Edith Wilson.
- Mrs. , R. j H. , Poff entertained
Thursday - night" for the pleasure
of her daughter, Dorothy,- whose
, birthday tt was.- Games were in
play daring the evening and a
late supper was , served. Those,
present were: The Misses Gladys
Quesseth, Paula Tromliti, Marian
Horn. Ruth Reinwald, Shirley
Magnusson, 'Milton Freeman, Gor
don Murdock, Burrell Birch,' Yrjo
Koski, Bob Day, Robert Monroe.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allport, Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Ohmart and Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Poff.
-. ;?- ;
" The Past Noble Grands associa
tion will meet on Wednesday night
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Erick son at 1803 State
street. Assisting the hostess will
be l Mrs. Ida ! Traglio. Mrs. Lonise
Ixrreland, Mrs. Dorothy Edwards.
Committee- appointments will be
made at this meeting.: All. past
noble grands are invited-to. the
xaeetlhg. - ' x
tlrs. Jjco Irmbardt Was elect
ei to the r'eenc of the Na
Iraska club at a meeting on' Fri
day. A Bo-host-supper was served
at KP ball. Mrs.. Bob Chambers
la the new vice-president, Mrs. F,
IX Both well secretary and Mrs. A
I DeMoude treasurer. - .
wza J JU
Court & Wsh Ph. 71B9
f J
Editor .
Matrons Will
Be Honored
At Party
Four new Salem residents are
to be honored guests at a party
given by Mrs. Earl Cooley on Fri
day afternoon at her East Center
street home. The newcomers
are Mrs. M. L. Bullard, Mrs. O. D.
Dearborn, Mrs. Kirby Brumfield
and Mrs. Harold W. Shogren.
After a dessert luncheon, at
which Mrs. Cooley will be assisted
by Mrs. Charles Feike and Mrs.
Gardner Knapp, tables will be
made up for. bridge.
Those invited to greet the
honor guests are: Mrs. Oscar I.
Paulson, Mrs. O. D. Adams, Mrs.
Walter Morse, Mrs. Herman Mil
ler, Mrs. Winston Purvine, Mrs.
Ralph Morgan, Mrs. Charles Feike,
Mrs. H. H Gibson, Mrs. Rex Put
nam and Mrs. Gardner Knapp.
Couples Bidden.
To. Dinner
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Lid
beck, Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Thomp
son and Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Titus
are entertaining in the first of a
series of progressive dinner par
ties tonight at the homes of the
hosts. Ian informal evening will
follow the dinner hour.
Covers will be placed .for Mr.
and Mrs. James Clayton, Dr. and
Mrs. Howard H. Barlow, Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Campbell, Dr. and
Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth McGrath of Wood
burn, Dr. and Mrs. L. Kimball
Page, Dr. and Mrs. Jerald Back
stand and the hosts.
Miss Ida Warnock, who has re
cently returned from Nicaragua
where she was a missionary, is
now residing in Salem at 445
South 25th street.
YWCA membership dinner,
Presbyterian church, 6:15 p. n.
South Clrcleof 1st Christian
church.'with Mrs. D. A. White,
749 South Liberty street, cov
ered dish luncheon, all day
' meeting.
West Central circle, 1st ME
church, with Mrs.. J. H. Baker,
545 Court street, 2:30 p.m.
Salem Writers club, with
Prof, and Mrs. M. E. Pec k,
7:30 p. m., 1552 Court street.
Circle No. -2, First. Presbyter
ian church,' with Mrs. William
Hartley, 3550 East Turner
road, 2 p. m.
Salem Music Teachers asso
ciation, Argo, noon, i
South Central circle, First
Methodist church, with Mrs.
Paul Acton, 40 Hanson avenue,
1:15 p. m.
Mission Study class, Jason
Lee church,, 2 p. m.
AAUW Literature class with
Mrs. Charles Johnson, 362 Jer
ri a avenue, 8 p. m.
Beta Chi alumna with Mrs.
Garlen Simpson, 1750 North
Cottage, 8 p. m.
East Central Circle of First -Methodist
church with Mrs.
Herbert Rahe, 1060 North Win
ter, salad luncheon, 1 p. m.
Hollywood Merry-Go - Round
with Mrs. Irene Hansell, 2 p. m.
Child Welfare committee,
American Legion auxiliary, 8
p. m. with Mrs. Onas Olson,
1(10 South Winter street
Mayflower Guild of Congre
gational church meet with Mrs.
C. K. Logan, 6(0 Jndson street,
2 p. m.
AAUW radio class, Women
Novelists, with Mrs. J. A. Jel
derks, 15(4 Center street, 1:46
p. m.
Fidelis class. First Baptist
church, 2 p. m., with, Mrs. El
mer Conn, 220 East Wilson
Liberty Woman's club with
Mrs. Nancy Brooks, Mrs. Marie
Flint McCaU speaker.
Willamette university Faculty-Wives
club at Lausanne hall,
2:30 p. m.
Maccabees, Willamette ten
hive, No. , regular review, KP
hall, ,8 p. m.
Chapter G, PEO, dessert
luncheon with , Mrs. B. E. Sis
" son.'
PLEF club with Mrs. Doro
thy Wilson, (70 Mill street, 8
p. in.
Lions auxiliary luncneon at
Godfrey's, lrl5 p. ra. Meeting
at home of Mrsi Harry Scott.
FL girls, Mrs. Dorothy Hange
at 160 North 18th street. State
president entertained.
, Friday V -
Neighbors of Wood e raft
covered dish supperw 9:30 p. m.
for members and families, Fra-
.tenia! temple.' ; r: -"t
Woman's auxiliary St. Paul's
2?30 p. m. Parish house.
I Unitarian Women with Mrs.
Ray Wasaanv 1045 North Cap
itol street. r
Sigma Tan Mothers -with Mrs.
"1L.E. McWain, 80 Falrview ave
i nue, ,1:80 dessert luncheon. .
Ann Judson Cirele. First Bap
- tlst church, meet at Deaconess
hospital; 7:30 p. m -
' ' Monday
Hal Hibbard auxiliary,' social "
meeting Woman's club's p. m.
Special drill team practice, 7:30
p. m. -;:r' : :j ; . I .
' American f Legion auxiliary, '
Fraternal .temple, covered dish
dinner With post, 6:30 p. za.
Junior auxiliary '4:15 p. m.
Hostesses to
Entertain :
Mrs. A. F. Courter and Mrs. J.
H. Thompson have invited guests
to an informal party on Thursday
night at the former's home on
North 20th street The affair Is
being arranged in eomnlimnt tn
Mrs. Donald Deckebach.
A dessert sapper will be served
by the hostesses with several
hours of contract following. Sea
sonal decorations will be used
about the guest rooms and in the
table appointments.
Bidden to honor Mrs. Decke
bach are Mrs. Robert Ramsden,
Mrs. Robert Morrison, Mrs.
Charles Claggett, Mrs. T. Harold
Tomlinson, Mrs. Glenn Woodry,
Mrs. Loring Grier, Mrs. Max Al
len, Mrs. Sephus W. Starr, Mrs.
Deryl Myers, Mrs. Harry H. Weln
steln, Mrs. Lynn Heise, Mrs. Rich-!
ard Devers, Mrs. Alma Feddern,
Mrs. Frank Deckebach, sr., Mrs.
Homer Egan, Mrs. ' Frederick
Deckebach, Mrs. Frank Decke
bach, jr., Miss Kreta Janz, Mrs.
Glenn Wilbur and Mrs. Donald
Cannon of Valley Junction, Mrs.
Clares Powell of Monmouth and
Mrs. Frank Zaniker of Oregon
Dinner Meeting
The second annual YWCA mem
bership dinner will be an event of
tonight at the First Presbyterian
church at 6:15 o'clock. Mrs. Ira
L. Darby, president, will preside
and new board members and a
nominating committee will be
elected at the business session.
"Triangle Tales" is the theme
of the banquet and a skit will be
given with Mrs. David Bennett
Hill as narrator. Violin numbers
will be given by Miss Marcia Fry
accompanied by Miss Mary Martin.
Miss Mabel Fox will give a group
of vocal selections. Mrs. William
E. Kirl, membership chairman, is
arranging the dinner and program.!
The final board meeting for the
1940 officers was held Tuesday
morning at the YWCA. Annual
reports were given and plans out
lined for the coming year. Retiring
board members are Mrs. Ira LJ
Darby, Mrs. David Bennett Hill'
and Mrs. W. W. Moore. At the
next board meeting on January 29
election of officers will be held.
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the meeting in honor of
the retiring board members.
Tri Deltas Have
An interesting meeting of the
Tri Delta alumnae group was
held at the home of Mrs. Ralph
Campbell Monday night. Mrs.
Campbell shared hostess honors
with Miss Josephine Baumgart
ner, Miss Pauline Marnach and
Mrs. W. J. Braun.
Mrs. Olive Doak Bynon brought
more material for knitting and
presented the Immediate needs of
the British.
Mrs. H. R. Woodburn gave a
detailed report of the apprecia
tion of those assisted) at Christ
mas. Mrs. George Welter, Mrs. Wal
lace Bonesteele, Mrs. Walter Soc
ollfsky, Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Mrs.
G. Edward Bissell, Miss Bertha
Kohlhagen, Mrs. Madge MacLean,
Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. H. 8.
Strawn, Mrs. Loretta Miller Ros
helm. Miss Zelma Busche, Mrs.
Frank Lilburn, Mrs. H. R. Wood
burn, Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs.
W. J. . Braun, Miss Josephine
Baumgartner and Miss Pauline
Marnach were present.
Miss Meredith to
Wed Mr. Loew
Of interest to university circles
is announcement of the betrothal
and forthcoming marriage of Miss
Mary Meredith, daughter of Mrs.
George Meredith of Portland, to
Mr. E. Allen Loew, son of Dean
and Mrs. Edgar W. Loew of the.
University of Washington In Se
attle. . The wedding will be an event of
Saturday, January 25 at Hlnson
'Memorial church. .The news was
told at an informal bridge party
for which Mrs. Meredith was host
ess on Saturday for the pleasure
of her daughter, r -i' is
" Miss Meredith attended Wil
lamette .university where she was
affiliated with Delta Phi sorority
and George . Washington " unlver
sity where- , she was a member of
Alpha -Delta Pi.-Mr.-Loew is grad
uate of the University of Wash
ington' and a member of Tan Kap
pa Epailon, i- .
- --'- r
The Daughters of Union Vet
erans auxiliary will hold public
Installation at the Salem Woman's
clubhouse on Thursday at - 3
o'clock. Mrs. Kenneth Henry win
be .installed as tent president by
Mrs. Esta Bier of Venlta. depart
ment president. ' All patriotic or
ders are Invited to attend; . i
... - . ... , - v
Mrs. Richard 'A. Meyer will be
hostess to members of the Adol
ynk club this afternoon at her
home on Belmont street. A luncb
eon will be followed by several
hours of contract, v
Dinner . Held
At' Downs'
.The, home of Dr. and Mrs.
Chester A. Downs, on South High
street; was the scene of the month
ly Tri-connty Medical auxiliary
dinnef meeting last night. Assist
ing Mrs. Downs were Mrs. R. Lee
Wood and Mrs. J. Kay Pemberton.
Guests were seated : at small
tables I and spring flowers provid
ed i the decorative note. Mrs. W.
Wells I Baum, the new president.
. presided at the business session.
' The guest speaker was Profes
sor Emmett . Galley, recently ' of
Cuba, who talked on nls work in
: feeding the children In Spain dur
ing the Spanish war. He had
charge of the distribution of food
: and supplies In the refugee camps
under the auspices of the Ameri
can Friends Service committee.
Attending the dinner were Mrs.
W. Wells Baum, Mrs. Howard H.
Barlow, Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger,
Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs. H. J.
Clements, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs.
Vernon A. Douglas, Mrs. Hugh
Dowd.i Mrs. M. C. Findlef, Mrs.
'Verdei E. Hockett, Mrs. Howard
Kurtx,! Mrs. Terrence King, Mrs.
Stuart! Lancefleld. Mrs. Conrad
Loehner, Mrs. William. L. Lid
beck, Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mrs.
Horace G. Miller, Mrs. James J.
Panton, Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton,
Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. John
Ram age, Mrs. Laban A. Steevee,
Mrs. Bruce Titus, Mrs. W. N.
Thompson, Mrs. . B. Williams,
Mrs. R. Lee Wood, Mrs. J. O.
Matthjs, Miss Loretta Matthis and
Mrs. Robert P. Andersen of Stay
ton, j
Mothers Plan
Fori Benefit
The ) Alpha Phi Alpha mothers
were entertained at the chapter
house ion Court street Tuesday
afternoon. Hostesses were the
president, Mrs. Edwin VIesko, and
Mrs. Ernest Barker. At the busi
ness meeting plans were made for
the benefit card party to be given
this spring with the sorority
Those present were Irfrs. James
W. Taylor, Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaugh,
Mrs. C. W. Noble, Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, Mrs. Frank Earnest, Mrs.
C. W.i Herr. Mrs. R. O. Lewis,
Mrs. J. T. Bucnrench, Mrs. Er
nest Barker and Mrs. Edwin VIe
sko. I
Beta Chi Mothers
Members of the Beta Chi Moth
ers club met at the State street
chapter house on Tuesday after
noon, j Mrs. J. H. Turnbull re
viewed the book, "Chloe Dusts
Her Mantle." Plans were made for
the spring activities Of the group.
Hostesses were Mrs. George
Otteni Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs.
Henry! V. Compton and Mrs. Earl
Fisher. The tea table was cen
tered with a spring bouquet of
heather, freeslas and red carna
tions, i Mrs. F. A. Elliott presided
at the; tea urn.
Attending the affair were Mrs.
F. C. DeLong, Mtb. Robert W.
Craig, Mrs. 8. B. Gillette, Mrs.
F.-A. Elliott, Mrs. Charles Eyre,
Mrs. Charles McCargar, Mrs. Wel
ter B.i Mlnier, Mrs. Frank Power,
Mrs. S. H. Probert. Mrs. M. Wil
son Savage, Mrs. B. H. White,
Mrs. fWalter Pugh, Mrs. B. A.
Ramp; Mrs. Quay Wassam, Mrs.
Edna! Nelson, Mrs. C. E. Sieg
mund, Mrs. Arthur Upston, Mrs.
Homer Gonlet, sr., Mrs. O. A.
Macy,! Mrs. George Otten, Mrs.
Henry V. Compton and Mrs.
Frank H. Spears.
Wedding Plans
Miss Theresa WItham, daugh
ter of Mrs. Tillie Welty. will
marry Mr. Joseph Hemann, son
of Mrs. Mary Hemann, at a cere
mony; in St. Joseph's Catholic
church on St. Valentine's day.
Miss Anna Karst and Miss Vir
ginia ! Kestell of. Spokane will at
tend the bride, Mr. L. B. Hemann
.of Yakima will be best man and
ushers will be Mr. George He
mann! and Mr. Cyril Meusey.
Girl Reserves
Meet Monday
A general .meeting of the Trl-Y
Girl Reserves was held at the Sa
lem high school on Monday after
noon.) The president, Dorothy
Eley, : announced that the mid
winter Girl Reserve conference is
to be held at Reed college, Port
land, Ion February 7 and 8. Salem
will be represented by 15 girls.
The: following program was pre
sented under the direction of Lil
lle Ypehlkai:
Recitation, Ming Toy, Deivon i
Long, and piano solo, "The Call!
of the Canyon," Elaine Evans.
The program concluded with a
. short j play concerning mid-winter
conference. .--Those participating
were! Shirley Ann Bailey, Doris
Berwick, Dolores Brown, Lillian
Oliver and Carmen Campbell,
- a . - -;; '
Mrs Herbert Rahe win . open
her home on North Winter street
to . members of the East Central
Circle of the First Methodist
church for 1 1 o'clock salad lunch
eon this afternoon. . Those wish
ing reservations are asked to call
01601 - . -
i , . ":- " ....
-Hp" 'v -
Mrf! and Mrs. Homer XL Smith,
sr. and Mrs. . Margaret LeFurgy
left '. j on . Tuesday for" sV several
week's stay in California. Mr Wil
liam Walton also left on Tuesday
for a. holiday In the south. Mr.
and Mrs.' Lowell Kern are among
other. Salem folk vacationing - i
California, yi y :,;
: r i f -.,ia. e .-, :
V. i iKj: -y-i"-- rf--'l---y .- -v.- '
Miaa Ann Caraom celebrated her
lOthr birthday with a dinner party
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Carson on-South
Commercial stxeet. - -
a j
Mra. Willard H. Wirt la vfclt
iag la Prlnevllle with, her mother,
Mrs. EL Dobbs.- -.
Auxiliary Activities
National Delegate;
Mrs. James Turnbull, who was
appointed national chairman con
stitution f and by-laws of the
American : Legion auxiliary by
Mrs. L o n Is Lemstra, national
president will leave for Indian
apolis Sunday to attend the na
tional executive board meeting. : '
. All national chairman will pre
sent their plans and programs for
the fiscal year to the executive
board members for their approval.
This board Is composed of all
national officers and national ;
committee women from the fifty
two departments.' "v
Mrs. -Tsrnbull expects to stop:
over in Chicago, where she. will
be the guest of Mrs. William Klet
ser, a former Portland woman,'
who - is national president of the
parent-teachers association
Portland matrons, who recently
conferred in Salem with Mrs.
Onas Olson, ' child welfare ehalv-.
man of Capital unit American
Legion auxiliary, were Mrs. Viv
ian Urie, state child welfare chair
Wedding to
Be Held
At a 4 o'clock ceremony Sun
day afternoon, Miss Irene Purnel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
.Purnel of Council, Idaho, will be
come the bride of Mr. Glen Hus
ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Huston of Salem.
The wedding will be solemnized
in the First Church of the Naza
rene with Rev. L. W. Collar of
ficiating. Preceding the cere
mony the Misses Coramae and
Carmogene Hoffer will sing
"Until" and Mr. Neil Cashion will
play a violin solo. Mr. Lowell
Loveall will sing "The Lords
Prayer" before the wedding party
enters. Miss Pollyanna Shlnkle
will be the accompanist and play
the wedding marches.
Miss Jeanie Baxter and Miss
Isabel Huston will be bridesmaids.
The bride's twin sisters, the
Misses Doris and Dorothy Purnel,
will light the candles.
Mr. Paul Robbins and Mr. Mil
ford Stull will stand with Mr.
Huston and ushers will be Mr.
Gerald Aylett and Mr. Clifford
A reception will be held Im
mediately after the ceremony at
the Huston home on South High
Following a wedding trip to
California and ' Mexico Mr. and
Mrs. Huston will make their home
in Salem.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
the Samaritan hospital and North
west Nazarene College of Nampa,
Idaho. Mr. Huston received his
education in the Salem schools
and Willamette university.
Guild Plans for
Members of the Junior Guild of
St Paul's Episcopal church were
entertained at luncheon Tuesday
afternoon in the parish hall. The
hostesses were Mrs. Lee War
nick, Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mrs.
Rue Drager, Mrs. Frank Patter
son and Mrs. I. M. Schannep.
The luncheon tables were deco
rated with Oregon grape and red
tapers. Special guests were Mrs.
Talbot Bennett and Rev. George
H. Swift.
Plans were outlined for the
SOth anniversary celebration of
the Junior Guild which was or
ganised March 18, 1891. Mrs.
Henry W. Meyers was the first
president and Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith has been named chairman
of the committee to plan the
anniversary party.
Present at the luncheon were
Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs. Donald J.
Roberts, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs.
William H. Burghardt; Mrs.
Henry W. Meyers, Mrs. Louis
Lachmund, Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith, Mrs. Homer Gonlet, sr.,
Mrs. U. J. Shipley. Mrs. George
. H. Swift, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs.
Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Charles
Jory, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs.
T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Jesse Camp
bell, Mrs. C. B. McCullough, Mrs.
Russell . Catlin, Mrs. Cornelia
Thomas, Mrs. Robert Brennan,
Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. I. M.
Schannep, Mrs. Lee Warnlck, Mrs.
R. H. Baldock, Mrs. Rue Drager
and Mrs. Frank Patterson.
Mrs. George Rhoten entertained
members of chapter BC, PEO and
unaffiliated members of PEO as
guests at her South Chnrch street
home Tuesday afternoon. A des
sert luncheon was served and Mrs.
Rhoten was assisted by Mrs. Vera
Bain, Mrs. Claire Lee, Mrs. Oscar
Paulson and Mrs. Lester Wilcox.
Daffodils and daisies were arran
ged about the rooms. The theme
of the program was "Teaching of
the Deaf." '
YOUR child
ssm expert care used when
At the ftrst sHrs ef a ehest eold the
'Quintuplets' threats and chests are
rubbed with Children's MOd MastereU
a product made t promptly relieve
the DISTRESS f children1 colda anr
r Itingbr rbial aaderwrpy ighs.
' Belief asaaTIy eomca qvictty tccaaae
vMaatareleis MO&S tkaav aa eraiaary
Wve." It helps break up .local eoa
' restien; As Mcrterols Is used ea the
' Qainia yon may be sore you are using
jnst about the BEST prodaet made.
Also i Btfokr and Extra Stren fth fer
those pref rring a stronger product.
A fiTTT. r. i t "il73 1 ?
Include. Sending
Calling Meeting
man of the American Legion aux
iliary, Mrs. -Leonk BarkusT state
child welfare chairman of Rome
unit : and Mrs. Anno Stewart of
Federal unit.
After, visiting
the - Fairview
Home and the Oregon State Blind
school, they were . invited . to tea
at the home of Mrs. Leon Brown.
Mrs. Harold Perkins, president of
Capital unit, . was an . additional
guest.' : !
.During: 'the' Christmas season
the,, local child welfare . commit
tee furnished and wrapped ninety
presents, supplied forty institu
tions, and : baskets of food and
clothing. were given to local fam
ilies. This service Is continued
throughout the entire year, and
last year 4 4 5,0 0 0 children were
given 'assistance by the American
Legion auxiliaries. ; .
Mrs. Onas Olson announces
plans are. being; formulated to
organize a class, to study child
Mrs. Orville MeN'eff and Infant
daughter, Jane Orlene, are again
at their home in the Royal Court
apartments. The newcomer ar
rived December-J 8 th, at the Sa
lem General hospital.
Baptists Meet
The Ruth Teasdale guild of the
First Baptist church held its
monthly meeting Saturday after
noon at the home of Dorothy Star
key. Devotions were led by Leola
Huddleston, Carolyn Davis had
charge of the program.
Those present were Carolyn
Davis. LaVelle Cross, Leola Hud
dleston, Jean Hatfield, Esther
Herbert, S e 1 m a Hansen, Flora
Bond, Adah Mae Teel, Beverly
Wooldiidge, Arlene Fromm, Mary
Page and Isobel Herbert; advis
ers, Mrs. Dewey Da via and Miss
Florence Wallace. Guests were
Donna Starkey, Mrs. Floyd Star
key and Mrs. Floyd White.
Surprise 'Party
Is Given'
Miss Pat Chapman was sur
prised on her 16 th birthday, Sun
day with a scavenger hunt, arran
ged by her mother, Mrs. Glade
Follis. A late supper was served
followed by dancing.
Guests were the Misses Janice
Patterson, Carolyn Brady, Lucille
Carver, Eileen Teel, Alma Tantls,
Pat Chapman, James Bacon, War
ren Wolf, Cameron McDonald,'
John Carlson, Robert Schlegel
and Tom Williams.
Hospital Group
Has Meeting
The Salem Deaconess hospital
auxiliary met Monday afternoon
at the hospital. Devotions were
lead by Mrs. A. W. Metzger, presi
dent. Mrs. Lee Doerkson sang,
accompanied by Miss Mary Doerk
son. The committee in charge of
the room furnished by the group
last year will be Mrs. A. H. Wil
son, Sister Anna Doerkson and
Mrs. Leif Bergsvik.
The project the auxiliary will
undertake this year is to pur
chase an electric dishwasher for
the hospital. Mrs. Jack Henning
sea - will lead "the . membership
committee assisted by Mrs. John
A. Olson and Mrs. A. H. Wilson.
Sewing was done for the hospital.
Goiag to Engen on Monday to
install officers of the auxiliary to
the Sons of Union' Veterans were
department officers from Salem.
Mrs. Alice Adams, department In
stalling officer, was assisted by
Mrs. Edna Waterman, guide. Mrs.
Susie Botts, assistant guide, Mrs.
Bertha Ray and Mrs. Rose Garrett
guards, and Mrs.' Mary L 1 k e 1,
chaplain. The Eugene, camp Sons
of Union Veterans and their aux
iliary entertained at a banquet
and v program.
! Breakfast .'
SO cesrts
SS ceats
Danater .
' . - i -..
. served to thoaa tza-vllag hy Coeeh
and Pmllmam-Toesist oam oa . ; .
Tho Portland Roso
Daily from PorOaad . 0:33 p. sa.
'JL Other famous tralnm
1- , from Portland v
dllyia.. Streesa.
eaten Ti
i Visit Son Valley, Idaho,' where
wiatar sports, brilliant n.
aatae aad spleadid aeoom-
'- r - i '. : t -
. aeataen rcm , or evtte
J. C Oaanataa. . .
'"l9tm. ru, At ---nttoek
Block. rorUaad
I Round-Trip to I
V $390 y
awoej AassmaSSM aeeefte
Plays:Role -In
Menu -
The soup's : Important, bat the
accompaniment plays almost aa
vital s place on the mens. Here
are two Items of Interest to the.
soup maker.. Try them; on your -
next two soups. ' . '
1 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
' 1 .egg ' , - ,
1 tablespoon melted shortening .
cup bran cereal
cap milk.'
Sift flour, salt and baking pow-.
der together. Beat egg until Ught;
add. melted and cooled shorten
ing, all-bran and milk. Add liquid
mixture to sifted dry ingredients
and stir only until flous disap
pears. Drop batter by teaspoon
f ula on top -of hot soup in kettle;
cover-tightly and let. simmer 20
minutes without' removing cover.
Serve hot. Makes 8-12 dumplings.
White bread
Soft American cheese
Cut bread into K-inch slices.
Put together with soft American
cheese. Remove crusts; cut into
H-inch strips or cubes; place on
baking sheet which has been
oiled with maxola. Toast In mod
erate oven br under slow broiler
until bread Is a light golden color
and thoroughly dried out. Drop
onto pea, or onion soup or con
somme. Supper Dishes
Are Favored
Canned or fresh clams come to
the rescue of the cook for family
supper specials. Here's one fine
winter dish.
1 pint clam meat
1 pint clam Juice
1 tablespoon minced parsley
Lemon sauce
Sifted breadcrumbs
H cup oil or melted shorten
ing H cup flour
Salt, pepper, garlic
Heat clam Juice. Heat shorten
ing or oil and fry clove of garlic
in it until colorless. Stir in flour,
cook together then add to boiling
dam Juice,- whisking it as It thick
ens. Add clams, season, spread out
and cool. Shape into chops, dip in
crumbs. Fry for 10 minutes and
serve with tartar sauce.
Mr. and Mrs. James PiersOn of
Portland are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a son, Ste
phen Wright, on Tuesday morn
ing at the Emanuel hospital in
Portland. Mrs. Plerson is the for
mer Eloise Wright and the little
boy Is the grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. David Wright of Salem.
The AAUW Radio clasa, Wo
men Novelists, conducted by Dr.
Helen Pearce will meet this after
noon at 1:45 o'clock with Mrs. J.
A. Jelderks. 1S64 Center street.
Phyllis Bentley is the 'novelist to
be discussed. The meeting was
previously scheduled for the home
of Mrs. Russell Beutler.
Save $10
i L t
Ortglnmtty Sjojqg But
with complete set ef attachments!
Long life, powerful 14 tup. motor
does net need oiling. New nozzle
with swivel connection and float
las brush. Improved, dusting and
radiator tools, ether Improvements. -
KENMORE OE LUXE with motor
driven brush; has powerful, easy
running ball bearing motor, rug
adjustment, wide furniture guard,
nearfHght and ether great features.
$5495 (enmorec
PrisciIIa Elec.
lAmlttd Quantity to Sell at
$4 Down SPlLsirB
' Every feature ef machines selling "
taewhere. up to $70. Air eeoled
bronze bearing motor, knee control, j
Desk type walnut veneer cabinet
Complete set ef attachments.
, Phene new for FREE heme trial.'
Late Model Singer V -notary
Sewing Blaehine
Other Models
f . . . .
- ;
484- State Street . "
- . SALEiL
's Menu!
- Staffed lamb shanka will ;;fce
the day's Jnain, dish and the feat
ured reelp fo the dinner. ; -
Ehreddedj carrot and beet salad
: J ' Stafed.lamb shanks
1 " Hash brown potatoes ')
' Battejed Brussels sprouts
Mincemeat turnovers
- S lamb ( shanks , j
ltt tablespoons fat
1 eapa water , i
teaspoon pepper "
Scant teaspoon salt
' U:poo4a barley
Brown phanks in hot fat. Add
water and; season with salt and
pepper. Cover -and simmer nntll
tender. ahoatSltt hours: Remove
meat from froth. When cooL
cuuugu jjajiuie, nrunjTd oonea,
Cook barley in broth, adding wa
ter - aa neeeesary. Stuff boned
shanks with cooked barley. Place
In kettle.! Add gravy made iby
thickening remaining lamb broth.
Cover and heat thoroughly, t
1 ! i -
oom&read hne
There arenas many cornbread
recipes as there are good South
ern cooks, fiere is one of the
many distinct types of cornbread,
this one bordering on the custard,
as it has S soft top.
1 cups jcornmeal 1
A cup sugar
H cup flour
H teaspoon! ealt T
1 oup sour? milk .
1 teaspoon!- soda
3 cups jsweet milk -1M
tablespoons fat "
2 eggs I i
j ;
Sift cofnmeal and flour, add
sour milk and soda mixed. Mix
beaten eggs kand 1 cup of the
sweet milk, sugar and salt. Hat
frying pan or spider, add butter
and when melted put In mixture.
Add remaining milk to the ' top
and bake! for: 60 minutes at 350
degrees. 1 '4 I
Austrjicfii Style I
Beef jGpod
Pot roait is every country's fav
orite. Here's one recipe for pre
paring this inexpensive beef cut.
it: J
Insert slivers of garlic into pot
roast with rosemary leaves. Smear
with allspice! H teaspoon mixed
with olive oil to a 4 pound roast.
Put in a ut$h oven with fat and
brown meat. Remove and put); in
2 chopped onions, 1 clove garlic
and cook, until dear. Add 1 table
spoon chopped parsley, H cup to
mato saute and add meat. Season
with salt and pepper and 1 Cup
boiling water. Cover tightly and
simmer slowly for 2 H hours. Add
water as heeded. Half hour before
ready' to serve, boll spaghetti and
arrange In. 4 serving dish with
parmesanj cheese and the gravy.
Cinnamon may be added. 4
Worth $50Umiltd Stocht
and j
old 1
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. 1?aoal Carrylas' Oiarge f
I ' :.
Phone Today fe
FREE Home Tril
from (IMud ip ;
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