M ! r I STATESMAN. SoImi. Oregon; Wednesday Morning. January IS. Ml - i PAGE TWO ! ! FDR Angry Flays Critics Outburst I Seen as Direct -Reply to Wheeler I Speech on Sunday (Continued From Page 1) Wheeler Issued the following statement: (j- "Apparently the president lost kit temper.: t "I sincerely hop tint my statement will prove to be un ' true and that no American boys - will be plowed under because of this administration's war-minded "foreign policy. "I can "think of nothing more unpatriotic than to try to fan the passions' of the people of this country to the point that they will aceept a program that will send American boys to be hilled upon foreign battlefields. Sees Intimidation Of People la Remarks j "I am not unmindful that the president has said no American . boys will be sent abroad, but I submit to - the American, people that every speech the president has made since election hat taken , this country one more step closer to the present foreign war. I hope ' his utterance will not Intimidate the people from expressing their opinions." I The exchange b e t w e e n , the president and Wheeler over shadowed developments on the congressional front, which in cluded widening moves to com promise some of the more con- trorersial points of the ald-to- Britain legislation. There was discussion in ad ministration quarters at the cap ital of these possible changes- in the bill: 1. A two-year limitation on the operation of the measure. 2. An . amendment designed to convince the public that Ameri can defenses would not "be Im paired by the transfer of naval vessels or war equipment to other nations. 3. Some restrictions of the power of the president to waive all other laws in carrying out the : "lend-lease" program. 4. Possible limitation of the contemplated aid to Great Britain and her Immediate allies Instead of opening it to any nation the . president might designate. Ship Building Firm To Lease Neic Land PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. U.-(&) -Harry t Morton of Oakland. Calif., attorney for the Oregon Shipbuilding company -which has announced ,; contracts : to build 3 2 ships here, arrived today to han dle leases, deeds and other legal details of the hew company. He said ' the Company, headed by Charles A- Shea, J. A. Mc Eachern, Edgar F., and Henry J. Kaiser, would lease about 57 acres of land in, the vicinity of Municipal Terminal Nol 4. Space for outfitting six to ten ships at a time Is contemplated, the attorney said. , v Motorist Arrested Eldln Cobb. 2027 SE Madison avenue. Portland, was arrested by Salem police Tuesday night on a violation of the basic speed rule charge. U IL-il.r.l' 4 - i i , Last Times Today in GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR CMYCCSPQ-MASUEIXUAUOU CIC1L a. OeMIUE's -noitrn west nOUIITED POLICE' Plus- IMonne Quints and Disney Cartoon Starts Thursday - Two Hits ; ft. N EAGLE 'Tt 'It' (ZtI i f tihssnevak Uttfiat bssfSM Tmnt ttiy fSwt Stnrt I4wm Companion Feature Wystery" Terror Under , . the Sea .. "Phantom Submarine BRUCE BENNETT ANITA LOUISE i - M WHICH DID HE CHOOSE? . f J" yjpC "" BfsnsBnBmsnjssnaaanenws i v -v - lr taWlUasef tTtiV - ; fA LOVE. .fcr IT ' -NJ - : - eaeme ' '" , . fimitf..: 1 , . ; . ; : ' j! 1 Ifl , : ? -., ;..,;.,;r,;::- Michigan Changes Governors .S : -J X ' V .. j i . .... : : ', ' ; . : adchlgan's old and new governora, Icren Dlcklnsan, retiring as chief executive of the state, and Murray XX Van Wagoner, taking office, are shown In Tanslng- after the Inauguration. Dickinson, 80-' year-cld crusader, Is pinning a flower to Van Wagoner's coat lapel la the picture. Van Wagoner Is former stats highway commissioner. f Hit Song Writing Team V- V ilk-. Leah Wohlgemuth Salesgirls now, but Leah Wohlgemuth, left, and Jean Barasch, both of New York, already are on the road to music fame as a song writing team. The girls, 19, are responsible for such BMI hits as "The Old Jalop" and Tve Got a Date With a Gate." Leah goes by the name of Worth and Jean by Barry. Canadaian Officer Will Speak Here An official of the Canadian gov ernments tor be. ch.ief speaker, af thejunior chamber of com merce banquet, set for January 20 at' the Marion hotel, is was announced yesterday by Presi dent Don Black. Black said he had received a wire from George I. Warren, of the Royal Canadian publicity commission for the dominion of British Columbia, stating the identity of the speaker would be revealed . in a following wire. The general public is invited to the banquet, Black said. Junior chamber members are selling tickets under direction of Virgil Esteb. Tickets are also on sale in the senior chamber office. Court Considers Powder Proposal The county court yesterdayl considered the contract proposal of a powder company in connection with blaating of rock at the Illa hee quarry to supply the county's road stock crusher, but was un able to come to a decision. H. C. Walling. Portland, offer ed the agreement, whereby the blasting would be done by the powder company on a cubic yard basis ready for crushing. The proposal met with partic ular interest on the part of court members, since Ted Vandecoev ering, county blasting expert for a period of years, is now deceased. Waling'a proposal, couched yes terday in general terms, will be made definite today when he meets with the court and an expert of his firm at the quarry. County Judge Hewlett spoke without enthusiasm of the coun ty's portable rock crusher yester day when apprised that necessary new tires tor the trailer on which the crusher is hauled would prob ably cost the county 1100 each Tea Wagener 'if?- Jean Barasea Freezing Weather Slows up Shipping (By The Associated Press) Ice cold weather the weather buresto politely celled it "the told, dry air-flow" continued to freeze easterners Tuesday, the winter's coldest day In half a dosen states. The American-Export liner Ex- calibur reached New York 30 hours late after fighting gales from Lisbon. The American freighter West Kebar, heading for port after fighting towering waves, was due to dock Thursday in Bos ton, and the Otho, another bat tered ship, was scheduled to reach New York Wednesday. Snow flurries were expected in New York, New Jersey and New England. Here were some or the more uncomfortable communities yes terday: The mercury dropped to SO de grees belov zero at Mount Wash- ington. Nil. A few upstate New York read ings: Newton Falls, 32 below zero; Saranac Lake and Pine Camp. 3d below; Owl's Hed, 25 below, and Philadelphia, 24 below, In the mountain country of Pennsylvania it was 19 below. Vermont recorded 1C Jelow; Maine, 11 below; and sections of Connecticut eight below. New York shivered In the cold est day it had experienced this season. The mercury dropped to 10 degrees. Seven Eastern Towns "Blacked Out by Ice Ice knocked out electrical serv ice in at least seven eastern Ore gon towns and made highway tra vel difficult Tuesday. A silver thaw coated wires and tore down poles, disrupting pow er service at Pendleton. Adams, Pilot Rock, Mission, Umstllla. Dinsnam ana uaian. The State Motor association said road conditions were Im proved over Monday, but that highways across the Cascade range were still covered by snow or ice. Temperatures, , except la the mountains, remained moderate. The weather bureau predicted ram ror western Oregon aad snow for mountain areas. Aged Woman Succumbs LEBANON Mrs. Jennie S teen. 80, died at her home her Tues day following a long Illness. Fu neral arrangements are to be an nounced later. T L With Allan Jones, ILartha IUye, Joe rnnr, Itoeemary Lane, Irene uervey, cnaries uattreworth. mmm n 0aulMSjBsa-awsinw muuw ammmmsw 1 Last Times -Today j j And Second Feature- sVsjhwnnien)entamnt - m-S9m wuiw mm Crossings Made Flag Stations (Continued From .Page 1) to schools. Dr. Xj. E. Barrick, a member; of the committee, Is also chairman of the planning program committee on schools. Personnel Adjustments For! Defease Approved : Adjustments In teaching per sonnel to provide defense train ing 1 at 1 1 h e high school shops, which Bennett said may be aug mented j were approved to be made as required. No definite action was taken on a suggestion that the district cooperate with various civic clubs In the furthering of a vocational education plan similar to the "Dutch uncles' program In Port land. ! The board voted to advertise bids for next year's supply of wood, approximately I7 cords. Purchase ot a carload of veneer for ; ass In the NTA and high school shops, If suitable price can be secured, was authorised. State Has 33,859 Aliens Registered WASHINGTON. Jan. 14-vP)-The Justice department aald today 4,741,971 aliens have been reg istered iso tar la continental Unit ed States. The Oregon registra tion was listed at JI.S5I, the Washington at S 2.(44. Washing ton was among the 14 highest states la alien listing. Little Change Noted In Bean $ Condition j No change was recorded la the condition of Justice Henry J. Bean by Deaconess hospital atten dants early this morning. The 87-year-old Justice ot the Oregon su preme 'court wss taken to the hospital for treatment of an in testinal1 aliment 19 days ago. Call Board GRAND Today (-"Arizona" with Jean Ar thur,' William Holdea aad War ren William. Saturday "Angels Over Broad way"! with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., ' iRita Hayworth. Joe. E. Brown in "So Yon Won't Talk.!" ELSINORE Today i-Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll In "Northwest Mounted Police." and "The Dlonne Quintuplets Growing Up." Thursday Anna Neagle, Richard Carlson, Roland Young in "No, No, Nannette." and Anita Lou ise, Bruce Bennett in "The Phantom Submarine." CAPITOL Today -Judy Garland, George Murphy In "Little Nellie . Kelly, and 'tiuxgess Meredith. Irene Harvey In "San Francis eo Docks. Wednesday Bela Lugosl in "White Zombie." and Rochelle Hudson, Glenn Ford In "Babies for Sale." Saturday John Howard, Ellen Drew. Aklm Tamlroff la "Texas Bangers Ride Again." and Paul Kelly. Rochelle Hudson In "Girls Under 21." ! ' STATE Today-i Tyrone Power, Linda Dar nell In "Brlgham Young." and Ronald Reagan, Lya Lys In "Murder in the Air." Thursday Ann Sot hern. Ian Hunter In "Daley." and Aklm , Tamlroff in "The Way of All Flesh." LIBERTY Today- Deanna Durbln, Adolphe : Menjou In "100 Men and a Girl," and "Three Faces West" with John Wayne. Sigrid Gurle Wednesday Tom Brown, Con stance Moore In "Ma He'a Mak ing i Eyes at Me." and "Ghost Valley Raiders." Friday Three Mesouiteers in j "Heroes of the Saddle," and ' Dennis O'Keefe, Leon Errol in Pop Always Pays." HOLLYWOOD Today- Allan Jones. Martha I Raye, Joe Penner in "The Boys . From Syracuse." Edmund Qwenn In "Mad Men of En- rope." Thursday Victor McLaglen, Jon Hall. Frances Farmer la ; "South of Pago Pago." and second feature. j T0XTTE - THT7RS. FRL From the grave I brought her j. . A Zombie I made her . . . am a HUSIAN VULTURE CuiAMiaa IWtnw " What Would Yon Take '-j for Yonr BahTf BABIES FOR SALE -'"With Rochelle Hudson ' ' A Weird . ': kvove Story Soviet-Balkan Mystery Deepens 9 M Lfc; Q HUNGARY! 7 RUMANIA BUCHAREST atU3RAOC;: WANuat ft YUGpSLAVIA: BULGARIA Out of Romania It eosnmsmications cut with the rest of the- worM as 000,000 German troops were reported lining Its borders with Russia, Bulgaria aad Yugoslavia came reports that Russian troops were massed on the Bensarablaa border. At Base (1), It was re ported commnnlsts sabotaged German troop) ass i intents, while nazis were said to be readying the Bncharest-Constanta railway (2), for emergency use. xtumanians were reportea to nave samea the Danube at Galatl (S), no Russians were reported to have seized the Snllna canal (4) AP Telesaat. Lato Sports ORLANDO, Fla., Jan. 14P- National Champion Don McNeil paced the field in the annual Or lando tennis tournament today by advancing through two rounds, but had to yield a set to a spir ited Rollins college youngster In the process. McNeill, top-seeded, r a e s a through his match with George Johnson of Orlando with ease, winning by t-1, 1-2, only to run into tough competition from Bob Davis of Rollins In the second set of their match, which the Oklahoma City star won by -, -. 1-0. Wayne Sabin of Portland, Ore., seeded sixth, defeated Billy Wind ham. Florida boys champion, 7-5. -l. WILMINGTON. Del., Jan. 14.- (jP-Big Ed Oliver headed back to the golf ward today alter nis local draft board placed him on the replacement list. It means that the 24-year-old professional will not be called immediately for a year's military training. The draft board chair man said the replacement group wouldn t be called 'for at least two or three weeks. The golfer stands 11th on the list. Oliver left the recent Oakland, Calif., tournament at the 10th tee when he was notified to re port within fire days to his home draft board. When he arrived home, Oliver found another notice that he was on the reserve list. He sppeared before the board, anyway, and got permission to join other pro fessionals in their annual winter tour. Just no Sunshine WESTON, Ore., Jan. U-JPr- rog visited tnis eastern Oregon town for the 42nd straight dsy today. Sunshine has broken through only occasionally during the six-week period. pWith I i ii VN i, Professor Plans Democracy Talk "American Democracy la the World Crisis' will he dlscussedH by Professor Dan W. Poling et Oregon 8tate college, in a foram meeting at the Grant elementary school Thursday night at t o'clock. Professor Poling conducts classes la current affairs In the political acienee department at Oregon State college. He plans to treat his subject from two points of view: To Inquire whether or not we can aave democracy for ourselves and, secondly, whether or not we shall aave democracy for others. The meeting Is sponsored by the PTA. Officers who made ar rangements for Mr. Polls g's ad dress are Mrs. H. W. Llhby, Mrs. Paul Jaaz. Mrs. Mildred Query and Dr. George Lewis. Prior to the forum discussion a business meeting will be held at 7:30 p. m. Steelhammer Denies Appointments Peeve Representative John F. Steel hammer, Marlon county. Isn't dis pleased with the committee as signments given him, he declared Tuesday In denying reports to the contrary. A supporter of William M. Mc Allister for speaker, Steelhammer received the chairmanship of the house committee ea elections. vlee-ehalrmanahlp of the commit tee on labor and Industry and membership on 'two others. Ecgeno Gleencn High School Auditorium Thun. ft: 15 P. M. A dm.: 55c, 35c, 25c ClfATtAi OAUlTlir-cnsSUUNA TP 9 a:- - 1 : I If you can buy tho suit and hat you wanted Emerging all unruffled from tho fray While others shufflo homeward empty-handed - : X From tramping miles and miles of aisles all day; N j If you aro always 'lucky" in your bargains. And never have regrets o'er what you spend. It's evident ; you're a canny buyer, AND, WHAT IS MORE. YOU READ apologies to Mr. Kipling ' Nuisance Char ged As Raid's Result (Continued From Page 1) liquor commission, said' yesterday that he would resist the motion te remove the evidence confiscat ed on general grounds, until such time as Boyd might appear la of ficial capacity. " Hearing on the notion. Is set for 1:30 pjn. today before Jus tice of the Peace Feltoa." " - Raid ea the club, which has been operating for over a year in Its preseat location, was made by Carl Glenn, Bert GorrelL George Tarabult aad R. L Lawrence, who signed the complaint. .." ' . - Although the charge against Mayaard and hla co-workers was that of conducting; a nuisance, U was revealed - yesterday .that a warrant , was Issued several days aro tmtof the Justice -court by Clyde Doe charging Illegal sale ot intoxicating liquor at Mayaard's establishment, and at the same time a search warrant was Issued. District Attorney Haydea aald yesterday that he assumed the search et the club's premises was made oa the strength of .this warrant. Mayaard aad Hawkins aad Ro berts Bnlldtng corporation, own ers ot tho building, have been the defendants for some time In aa actloa ta abatement, in which the liquor commission has sought to have the establishment declare ed a aulsance by court order. Martin Endorses Six-Day of Work WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-P-Glena L. Martin, pioneer airplane builder, told congress today . It should keep fa mind a "bigger show than the current arms pro gram aad delegate emergency au thority to draft labor -as wall aa Industry for defease production. Testifying before the house naval committee. Martin also said he thought a six-day week wss "by all means necessary la all defense plants. He added that the government v should have Immedi ate power to "draft Idle machine tools whenever they could be util ised for armament work. Martin, whose testimony pro voked a barrage -of questions by committee members, said that such broad powers- as he recom mended should be resorted to Lonly If the emergency required. "If you want Just the present program. I believe the army and navy could obtain the present number et planes desired with out confusion." he said, "hut we don't know the future and we must look ahead te the bigger show." mm MS iuiii lit. i frwwinmmi THE ADS, MY FRIEND1 i -Pad Uauier9 Column (Continued. Front Page t) ; day (October li; 14. to be ex act) we devoured a newspaper ar ticle about how Dr. Noah D, Fab rleaat of Chicago said that aa acid Hoee was a protection against the common cold. We believe Implicit ly la Dr. fabricant, who is a paid-up member : In the American Academy otj Ophthamology a a d Otolaryngology- f ana y a - can't get those Tford for two-bits a ticket), but; we can never tell whea our apse ts add. Hag any body got a piece of litmus paper handy t f f Is there ai doctor in the house? - sir. C CV Chapman's -Who's Who" informs i ma that there are two doctors ta the house, Dr. C T. i Uockett (R-Enter-prise) and ;Dr. 7. F. Hosch CD Bend), hut along with, not knowing whether ear common cold la add et base we don't even knowj whether Its repub lican or democratic. j ! LA TRTVjtATA Senator Coe McKenna carves a Beat turkey aad builds saadiiehes that put Dag wood Bumsteadi to shame. . . . House reading clerk Jack Xakln has a memqry too good. . . He keeps remembering last year's roll call and calling representa tives who jdon live here say more. . . For the first time In the memory of the oldest, inhabit ant Senator. Etrayer was not tke first legislator io appear at the capltol the dayf preceding Open ing. 8enato Dunn beat him this time. j , '! 1 ? -ms lS iMikn la aa ra can la ktk kMN i Om SB Is linttr sffOslleerS 1m tf : Miltntnis ceanty. . j -Capital Jmrl How does sh make It, roller skstes? If i I f i 1 I 8P0RT3 NOTE i The Senators are In town again. Sporu enthusiasts should observe that these aire Sot the same Sen ators that . inhabit .Waters j park aad rest easy, j i SALEM'S NEWST THEATRE TODAY jandl THURSDAY Tom Brown in : Pins Second1 Hit ! .li H f .r if v IOenaUS l"'5J tARRIfl 5Tpi . V ltauaSM-tHW f , , i atsai -tbs tssjsi . j I Pins -News 15C , Novelty j . 1 TT7"T7T?1