i . Sport.-.-; parks Bj RON GODIELL Judge J. Stanley Webster, the new "Western Internation al league - president, . has a baseball hobby horse he means to ride with a free rein and without any assistance from club owners, club man agers or fans. The nag: Um pires w ; The Judge, to he told WI boss nen during their recent conclave at Spokane, is going to be sole boss of the men in serge. He's go ing to lilre 'em, fire 'em and make them answerable to him alone. Where heretofore owners and managers hare had a yoice in the election of league ump, from now on', the Judge : made it plain, he wouldn't so much as accept a recommendation on an umpire. - "I don't want any umpire In this leaawe to feel he Is in the least obligated to any one oi 1 yoa gentlemen," said Webster. 'Therefore, r e c ommendations from jroa on umpires not only are not wanted, but will receive absolutely no consideration." The Judge announced no house cleaning ot the holdover staff of even, which Includes such local men aa Dick Welsgerber and Moose Clabaugh,' but he said he Strongly favored young men who wish to make a career of umpir ing. This .corner's reaction: More power to the Judge. not Spectacular, but . Not spectacular, this hungry looking youngster, but he plays a potent game of dunk the casaba er the Willamette Bearcats. Has. fact." for three years now. - -- Name's Howard Kberly. Stands f-foot-4, Is so thin he almost has o doable up to cast ash a d o w lalls from Oregon City, " If the all-time Individual shoot - ineV records of Willamette basket- eers were available, like they are for Jesse James. Kit Carson and Buffalo Bill, they would undoubt edly show that this Eberly fellow Is the deadliest dunker to ever wear the cardinal and gold. Not the most prolific pointster, no, hut he unquestionably cans a higher percentage of his pokes. In his freshman year, Eberly let fly 120 times, tanked 89 and came up with a very good .825 firing record for the season. Ia his sophomore year, Kb angled 103 of 246 shots into the twine, for a phenomenal .451 season's batting average. . Use of the baseball term, bat ting average, is aigh onto correct In Eberly s case, for the lanky lad ets most of his points by nudging ome rebounds. There are taller "toflsers trodding the boards, but this observer never has 'seen a hooper, larger or smaller, with any better timing off the perpen dicular-umber tnan Has jsberiy. Kahut or Peterson? It was seven months ago June t, to be specific that Buddy Pe terson, then of Independence but now of Turner, decisioned Leo "The Lion" Turner for the state middleweight belt. Referee Ralph Gruman handed down the deci sion and gave blonde Buddy the belt, although the hardware would have been his had he been whipped. Reason: Tanner came in over tbe weight limit of 160 pounds, thereby automatically forfeiting the belt to his opponent inas much as it was a titular fight. Peterson, In Gruman's eyes, won that fight not so much on his own merit as upon the demerits f Turner, who. Gruman allegedi misused nis elbows. At least a part of he crowd, plus Promoter Tex Salkeld, also held that belief. On the same card, Terrible Tony Kahnt gave big Slg Bar hind a terrific belting to win a clear-cut decision. There was o doubt In anyone's mind. Now, this Friday night, Peter ton and Kahut meet for the title. Peterson, the gamester who has never risen to any great heights, hut who, on the other hand, has never been knocked out or badly hurt, and Kahut. the powerful Joncher who was once bounced ito the land of dreams by Ted Peterson, Buddy's brother. The popular belief among Salem fight filberts is that Pe terson has a chance to retain his title if tbe bout goes the , limit, but that Kahnt has an even better chance to adminis ter tbe coup de grace Inside six beats. Time will tell. ;- Donka Show, Turner : TURNER The Turner high school .Tigers and the Turner Townies will be featured in a donkey basketball game here Thursday night in the gymnasium with part of tha proceeds going to the student body fund. A rec ord crowd Is . anticipated, as heretofore nothing of that na ture has ever been held at Turner. LADIES FREE LADIES E:3 Lycns vs. t Lower Floor 50c, Dalcony 40c, Reserved Beats 75c (Ko Tax) TickeU: Cliff Parker's and Lytle's Auspices American Legion Stadenta SOe " - . .. , flfb Owens, Matchmaker ' ' .- ' : I . J ... " Bearcats IFop Pilots Wilts Ghosts9 Clash Here Tonight Colored Troupe Colorful; Gallagher Pulls Game Out of Fire Tonight's Game WU Reserves vs. Simmons, 7s00 Bearcats vs. Negro Ghosts, 8:16 , PORTLAND, Jaa. lt.-OD-Wlllr amette university defeated Uni versity of Portland, " 45 to 43,J here tonight In a torrid basket ball game In which tree throws were the deciding factor. Sumner Gallagner, husky for ward, was Willamette's man of the hour, sinking three free throws In the final three min utes to assure the Bearcats or victory. The score stood at 42-41 in Willamette's favor when Gallag her went to work at the free throw line, and his three shots wrapped up the game Forward Jack Carlin of Port land potted two gift shots in the final 40 seconds, but the Pilots were unable to catch "up. Eberly High Willamette started out strong, rolling up an 18-10 advantage in the first 10 minutes. Portland spurted, however, and at half- time cut the Bearcat lead to two noints at 25-23. The second half was bitterly contested with the count knotted three times 27-27. 31-31 and 33t33. Portland led only once during the game, 39 to 36 with six minutes left to play. Center Howard Eberly paced the Willamette attack with 12 noints. Center Ted Wall of Port land captured Individual scoring honors, however, with 13 points. Willamette 45 43 Portland Gallagher C Cameron 9 Eberly 12 Robertson Kolb 7 Substitutes: Frledhoff 7 Carlin 13 Wall Scott 5 Hergert Willamette Bar Satter. Portland nick 3, Eggers, Leary 7. Cordes 3. Officials: Referee, Piluso; um pire. Quirk. The Bearcats return to their home court tonight against the colorful Colored Ghosts, several of whom appeared here last sum mer with the traveling softball troupe. Included are Spook Wilkinson. the windmill pitcher, who is said to be Just as tricky with the bas ketball; Fielder Williams, diminu tive outfielder; and Pete Hood, bulky inflelder. The 'Cats meet the Ghosts at 8:15, preceded by a 7 o'clock preliminary between Simmons of the City Major league and the Willamette super-varsity. Neil Morely, Don Brooks, Earl Tool- son, Alan Aietzier ana aoo aiea ley will comprise the all-freshman super-varsity which will take on Simmons. Happy Howard Maple's varsity will be manned by Howard Eber ly, Johnny Kolb, Sum Gallagher, Jimmy Robertsotr; Don Barnick, Johnny Eggers, Russ Satter and Clint Cameron. Dallas Grapplers Win Two Matches D A L L A S The Dallas high wrestling squad, coached by Don Gabbert, started the season With wins over McMlnnville and Al bany. The score . at McMlnnville last Friday night was Dallas 24 points, McMlnnville 17. At Dal las Monday night the Dragons measured Albany in eight bouts by scoring 31 points to Albany's six. Bfeieanvm-Dnsa 118 lbs. Jrey. D, fall or Murray, ity. 124 lb ltinhll, D, fall orer Steck hoff, SieM. 139 lb. Kincaid, HcH, won ovtr Flo, D. 13 lbs. Smull, D, drew with Kabc, MtM. . 141 lbs. Hoorer, MtV, fall Tr Petrrs, D. 151 lbs Fraack. D, decisioa OTer Talmadcr. MeU. 125 lbs Robinscn, McM, fall otct Duerkten, D. Ib3 lbs. Hiabcrt, D. fall OTer Goff, McM. 134 Iba. DsWitt, D, fall OTer Boub dy, McM. Dallas-Albany 11 lba. Frey, D. fall over Shtraw, A: 118 lbs. Minshall, I,-f all over Lr- MB, A. 125 lbs. Dnerksea, D, fan ever Par ker. A. 133 lbs. -Small, D, fall orer Me ClaiB, A 140 lbs. Kinnell, A, fall over Da Witt, D. 145 lbs Smith, I. f sU over 0b Unr A. 149 lbs. Bobler, D, fall erer CVand ler. A. 1S1 lbs rranek, D, drew witk Wool rtdf . A. FREE LADIES FREE Jesse James . Dnlldcj Jaclncn 1 Hoar Tex Eager Dill! HcEdn MiaBtea- EU:a Oweii; 7 Ready for Friday Fistic Mix . . : ..j . i. ' . -' ' ? " f It ' . f ' i - ' . 1 '"'I-:," t y y - -4 , i ' . ' J J , " MslBttsntssnnnnWnnnlBBB Johnny Woods, Dallas scrapper, as he'll appear in the semifinal of the Buddy Peterson-Tony Kahut state middleweight championship fight card at the armory Friday night. Johnny meets Jimmy Davis of Vancouver over the six-round route. SF Tourney Next For Golf Bigwigs SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14.-JPl Golf's winter gold trail leads to the Presidio course tomorrow where the country's professional crackshots. struggling' to earn an honest dollar in a pleasant voca tion, tee off in the 11th annual San Francisco $5000 match play open tournament. The bigwigs, small fry and standout amateurs had an easy jump between tournaments this time. -They merely moved across the bay from Oakland where lean Leonard Dodson, the "oomph" man from the Ozarks, won a tri ple tie play-off from Ben Hogan and E. J. "Dutch" Harrison, in a rain storm to take first money of S1200. Qualifying rounds of 18 holes each will be played Wednesday and Thursday. The 32 low scorers will pair off: in match play rounds Friday with 3 6 hole finals Sun day. Minor Loop Now InThree-Way Tie Craigs, the Bearcubs and Holly wood went Into a three-way tie for leadership of the City Minor basketball circuit last night as a result of a 31-22 defeat sustained by Craigs at the hands of the Bearcubs, plus a 48 to 21 win by Hollywood over Postoffice and a 39 to 12 victory by Alpha Psi over Kelly Farquhar. Hollywood 21 Postoffice Shinn 14 4 Cross Bell 3 Monihan 7 Quesseth 11 Skopil 12 Subs for 2, Weed 4. Strickland 4 Watson S Fetch 2 Lacas Postoffice: Johnson Alpha Psl 89 12 Kellys Walker 6 2 H. Lawson Belcher 12 Gorsline Fravel 4 Gatchel Abbott 2 , 4 Miles Olson 2 . 4 A. Lawson Subs for Alpha Psi: Mything- 4, Baily 3, Stone 4. For Kellys: Baker 2. Bearcubs 31 Kerns 5 Shaad 11 Atwood 7 Stone 2 Davis 6 22 Craigs 2 Miller 2 Tarnell F. Rawlins 3 C. Rawlins 9 J. Rawlins Sub for Craigs: Lowery C. Etzel Rolls Ten Straight Strikes To Post 286 Pins Hillery Etxel, bowling with the US National bank team on the Perfection alleys in the Mercan tile league i last night, rolled 10 straight strikes and pulled down eight pins on his 11th ball to to tal 2 8 C highest league game of the year and second highest In the history of tbe alleys. Etxel left the number S and 10 pins standing after a split with his llth ball. His score has been bettered la league -bowting only by Don Pon lin'a perfect 300 of a year ago. liberty. Divides With Oiurcii Five LIBERT? Court Street Chris tians', first team defeated Liberty 33 to 2 1 here Tuesday : night, while the Liberty second , team scored a S3 to 11 overtime win from the Christian's second quint. R. Priem, with el jht counters, led the Christian first team wis, while Oosser 11 points topped Liberty's second, team victory. , LeGrbw Reappointed , F. 8. LeGrow, Athena, waa re appointed to membership on the Oregon racing commission Mon d a y by Governor : Charles A. Spraguaw ', . - , - Bowling Scores LADIES LEAGUE Coca Cols McCarroll 135 153 1S4 452 Woodfield 11 135 162 458 Gibbons 130 161 179 470 Foreman 133 113 157 403 Lockridge 114 129 129 872 Totals 673 691 791 2155 BUI DaTis 51 57 107 88 .98 117 120 115 114 113 172 154 Handicap Gardner Hebbs Ray Straw Radfern ..... Totals ... 51 159 118 313 128 343 147 382 129 356 125 451 C82 044 698 2004 SojaU Desserts 74 61 Handicap DeMarius ... Trick Har Daniels . Tyler 62 197 129 387 153 413 131394 107 335 98 347 108 145 136 109 ioa 150 115 127 119 146 Totals Paulin ... Citrk Putnam . Xafcr Barnica Totls 675 718 680 2073 Capital Bedding Co. 136 140 143 421 160503 169 503 131 499 142 (48 185 158 171 179 158 176 197 127 .. 829 798 747 2374 Keglettes .a..... 96 Oats 97 155 142 1H5 171 95 288 128 (16 162 475 163 510 176500 Anderson Short Lloyd Meyers 133 171 162 153 Totals 715 750 724 2189 Hubbard Motor Handicap 75 75 75 225 Coolc , sj, 97 . 140 129 366 Perkins T. lOO 138 161 39 Boyd 154 131 381 Hubbard 106 138 115 359 Crjtthell .. 107 97 95299 Totals .... 580 742 706 2028 Mickey's Sandwich Sno I-efeengocd 98 107 - lOO 305 Mathews 132 93 118 343 WeUy 143 219 130 498 Fealea 110 94 113 817 Warren 106 133 124 362 Tota's 589 64S 591 1825 McKay Obtmla Handicap 9 9 9 37 Walker 114 102 110 326 Evans 149 118 126 393 I Valley 105 116 106327 Fieklia 133 104 104 840 MeElhafccy 158 . 109 10 873 Totals 667 658 S61 1796 Bockman to Head Silverton Izaaks SILVKRTON W. Clark Bock man was elected president of the Silverton chapter of the Izaak Walton league at Its annual meeting held Monday night at the chamber of commerce. As sisting him will be Vice-President Edwin Overlund and Secretary Hj B. Latham. IA membership business meet ing was planned for early in Feb ruary with the big annual dinner party slated for February 10. Wild life pictures will be shown at this time. The proposed bill regarding set nets In coast streams came In for some Informal discussion bat no action was taken regard ing it. Hopsters Defeat Sheridan, 21-16 INDEPENDENCE ' The In dependence Hopsters scored t 11 to 16 Polk-Yamhill league basket ball win over Sheridan here Tues day ntght ; 14 jThe Hopster Bees won the pre liminary also. 2K-17. Iadepesadeskce 21 l Sheridan Byers 3 .... S Bartela Graham ' - f Reinhols Primua S . l Mawhirter Houk J . 3 Mehern Sohn.4 1 . Censky . Saba for " Sheridan; Smith. 1, Peoples 4, Maret Dayton Downs Lafayette DAYTON Dayton high defeat ed: Lafayette here Friday night, 27 to 25. The girls wera victor ious in a volleyball preliminary. i v. - " ' i Lebanon Jnniors Win' LEBANON The Lebanon-junior ' high hoop onlnt defeated Brownsville, IS to 13, Tuesday. Salstrom Tops Game Scorers Tanks 16; Capital Preps Pressed, First Half; Jayvees Win EUGENE, Jan. 14. (Special ) Salem high's Vikings galloped to their third straight1 No Name leaeue ' basketball victory . here tonight. - defeating- ' the Eugene Axemen 44 to 38 behind the 16 point firing of Eddie Salstrom. ' The Axemen battled the Viks to a 10-10 deadlock in the open lng quarter and the capital city, nrenpers had but a two-point. 18-16 half time lead. But the vis itors began booming in the sec ond .canto, moving the score up to 33-25 at the period's expiration after at one time holding an 11 noint. 32-21 margin. Two Vikings. Irish and Sim mons, left the game via the foul out route with, about live min utes remaining in the second half, and Eugene narrowed the gap after their departure. The" Salem Jayvees won the preliminary also, defeating the Eugene Bees 33 to 27. Salem 44 38 Eugene Salstrom 16 8 Blatchley Simmons 7 6 Marshall Irish 8 9 Mold Bower C 8 Deller Coons 4 4 Hodglns Subs for Salem: Bowersox. Cut ler 3. For Eugene: Morrison 2. Referee: Bill Bobbins. Bonney Reelected Golf Club'Prexy Becomes Head of Silverton Club for 6th Season ; Plans Laid SILVERTON C. L. Bonney was reelected president of the Silverton Golf club Monday night for the sixth successive year. George Hubbs was named vice-; president and H. B. Latham, sec retary. Serving on the board of directors with these are R. G Allen, Henry Aim, R. A. Cowden. Bob Duncan, Dr. R. E. Klein- sorge, T. T. Leonard ana utia Legard. The club planned home and home games with Salem, Oregon City and Wood burn, with dates to be set later. Finances, said President Bon ney, were iar Deuer tnan iney. have ever been before and some extensive repairs were planned for the clubhouse. Dinner Planned Following the repairs the an nual club dinner and dance will be given. A number of other club dances were planned as were also some contests to be held during the coming season. The club numbers 31 members.. Mr. and Mrs. William Schafer were retained for anUlher year as caretakers. The board of di rectors expressed themselves as highly pleased with their work. Wesley Williams was made head of tbe greens committee. Other committee members -will be named. Molalla Wins in Overtime, 30-28 MOLALL A In an overtime game, in which Molalla's Jack Pederson counted three baskets, the Molalla Bucks nosed out Park rose 30 to 28 here Tuesday night. The Big Nine league game saw the score knotted at 26-26 at the expiration of the regular playing time. The Parkrose opener, 26-10. Parkrose 28 Porter 3 E. Van Atta 4 McLaughlin 2 Parten 3 Bees took the 80 Molalla 2 Larson 2 Robbins 6 Pederson 3 Hampton 2 Quist Hopper A Subs for Parkrose: B. Van Atta 8, Finch 5. For Molalla: Laiserns 14, Hilton 1. Referee: Hunt Clark, Salem. Woodburn Defeats Corbett 22 to 19 WOODBURN Led by Tony Pavlicek, who scored 11, points, the Woodburn Bulldogs took a 22 to 19 basketball victory from Corbett here Tuesday night. . - The Bullpups overwhelmed the Oorbett Beea in the preliminary, 39 -to 6. Corbett 10 23 Woodburn Kuvneeky Pierson Fornnelt i Garnero Frle 12 1 Dunton Kerslake . i Bovee O'Neil 13 Pavlicek Snb for Woodburn; -Hammond Referee: Bud Reynolds, Wil lamette. UO Frosh Billed . By Dallas Quint DALLAS The big game of the week for Dallas basketball fan N comes Wednesday night when the Oregon Frosh team, coached by Honest John Warren, plays a return engagement with the Dragons. ' , The Frosh dropped Dallas at Eugene last Saturday by a score of 54-23 but the smaller court may make a little difference when the teams meet Wednesday. Coach Merrill Bagan la laying plana to accommodate a large crowd. " 'j : - - .' f ' -' ... " -.. - . ... .". ..- .- ... ... . 1 -: .- -i " . 7 Sctlexn, Orecon, Wtrdnesdcry Jesse James, Meets Bulldo It's GentJemkn Jesse Jarries against Bulldog Jackson in the top battle,-as the musclemen move, back into Salem's ar mory arena tonight following a two weeks layoff over the holidav neriod. ' ' . ' ' Th beautifully built, smooth'-working James has an nounced he is out to get Jackson, homely. ,veteran oi more Parrish, Giants Stay Undefeated Leslie Breaks into Win Columnj Greens, Reds Absorb Beatings City Intrsmnrsl Lsagas w L Pet. Pf Ps Parrish .3 S O 1.000 59 3S Giants 0 1.000 54 43 1 . .500 73 . 40 1 .SOO 38 43 Leali 1 -0 0 Yankees frte OS . 3 .000 30 35 Reds S .000 85 S3 Parrish and the soph Giants of Salem high maintained their un defeated status in the City Intra mural hoop! loop yesterday, the northend Juniors shading the Greens 17 to 13 and . the Giants tripping the Yankees 26 to 20. Leslie, meantime, broke into the win column with an impres sive 61 to 12 victory over the Reds. Duval; a newcomer, led the Leslie onslaught with 14 points, followed closely by Morris, husky center, who tanked 13. Big Jim Wenger wended eight points home to lead the Parrish victory, while Hough shoved home 10 for the victorious Giants. Leslie 01 12 Reds Brown 3 3 Hancock Duval 14 4 Sheldon Morris 13 I 4 Saunders KurtS 1 1 Wolf Dowd Herring Sub for Leslie: McLoughlin 2, Merk 2. Smith 2, Garren 6, Carver 2, Clark 6. ; Parrish 17 Wenger 8 Warren 2 Brandle 3 Chapman 13 Greens 4 Summerville 3 Upjohn 2 Hilfiker 1 Patton Farlow 2 1 Palmateer Sub for Parrish: Cross J2. For Greens: Graham 2 Giants 2d Svarverud 4 20 Yankees 3 J. Johnson 5 Whlttemore 2 Li. Johnson Clark 6 Priem Hough 10 Kent 7 Simmons 2 Mack 3 Sub for Yankees: Hudson 4. Time for a rest? . ... :. pause and vTj T ' I'll, -S: , ; -V' M - At-y-y , ' ' 'A t - sjbssss - . . t - YOU TASTE ITS CUAUTY BOTTUD TJNDE AUnXOSIIY Of TBI COCA-COLA C0MPASTY BY c il C O C A - CO LA BOTTLING CO MP AN Y O F S A t E 11 . ! SALEM OREGON 1 . " Morxuzig, January 15. 1941 No Thief, rasslin ruckuses than tne youtn ful James has ever seen. "I can't let. that old codger beat : me," said James, "and still hold up my'" head," Jaekaoni hearing or James re marks, replied: "Huh,' maybe I wasn't born yesterday, but I'll bet you. I make that gmarty wish he never was born. Tex Hager, number two Texan on the program, meets newcomer Bill McEuIn, third Texan, in the semifinal match. Red, Lyons and Elton Owen open the show - at 8:30. AH women are to be guests of the management. CPSAgain Whips Whitman 55 to 52 TACOMA, Jan. 14.4;p)-College of Puget Sound made it two In a row over Whitman In northwest conference play here tonight, 55 to 52. - The Loggers, defending cham pions, were, out In front all the way, but a closing rally by the Whitman quintet made the game considerably closer than the Mon day decision. Captain Bob Roberta and Ken Husby of Whitman shared indi vidual scoring honors with 15 points each. While Norm Walker and Tom Cross of Puget Sound collected 13 apiece. Deaf School Quint Defeats Trainers The state deaf school euint made It two straight - over the state training school five Monday night, winning 33 to. 27. Torge son took scoring honors for the deaf boys, with 14 points, while Thomas, with 12, was high for the Trainers. OSD 33 27 OSTS Torgeson 14 6 Jackson Cleland 6 12 Thomas McKnight 8 Daugherty Blakely 2 2 Marshall Adams 3 7 MUler s Jackson lea-cold Coca-Cola makes 'time) out' time for K" refreshment. You con taste tha quality of ice-cold ; . . Coca-Cola, and feel the after-sense of ct)m-- - - - 3 - v i. i - plete refreshment it arways brings. So when ... - I ' i : t you PQUI3 Ihrcushout thafdoy, tnckd jhi ! - i - t . , i j'! pavf thai rmfrthms with' ice-cold Coca-Cold. Brown Selected Bikcliach " H Rlaaaillon Mentor Replaces Selimidt; Says He! Will S IVams auk Qitttt l i .... , M l ? COLOMBVS. 0.4 Jan. 14--Paul Brown, who was too small to play rith Ohio State; University's freshhian football team 13 years o, 'oday became thet - bigge t gridlfon figure on the Buckete camps S. A Indraft Brown movement which atarted a couple -oii minutes after SFrancIa Schmidt tad resign ed th head coaching j0brDec. 16, swept, the Massillon high school miracle man into the vacant berth today a the athletic and nnlrer sity trustees - stamped i him with their Official, okeh. j j , .u Neltr.in the history Buck eye athletics has a mail Ireceived the State-wide suportf pt fans, alum! and other coacheS as did Browfti whose Massillon - high teami lost-on lv pfht mWim in ) nine clears of scholastfe Imentof ship; hey lost only ojiei in the last m contests. . : f ijSa notion Unanimous : Wifak practically everyone in Ohio on the Brown band-wagohf the' alhletic board's Unanimous sanct today was a mere formal- "r-- fl If.- . i. Brown, informed of his appoint ment F while addressing' a ioitit meeting;' of Columbus liuncheon and spprts clubs, declared: 'I tam' a very happy man. si have been running this football business on a basis of kuerit arid right 4nd wrong. I'll continue o run if j tha way, no matter where the chips may fall. I sky; this in the ' fipeetation and! jconvictkm that-C twill 'receive-the ntrnost -r. operapon from ' the university oi- Ilelall land the youngsters? "I iikve made no c4rhrJiitnifnis relative to my staff J Tha fill take a lotf iof.. serious;. thought, but I expect jto have my assistants lined up in? about three weeki. But you may jifiy this the staff will be my otrh, cf my own choosing. And I alone will anwser for ILj" U U L ft ' f Basketball Scores 11 College ! Duihesne 24, Marquette 18. Washington and Lee S9i Mary- land II. if Colby . 44, University iof! Maine 23. ii IIS OM2i Carolina 66. Wake For est 4$i ill George Washington 9,1 Clem- son 49i Li Vaaderbilt 42, University of South! 8. Georgia Tech 60, University of Mississippi 47. I Manhattan 49, Rider 39. Baylor 3 4, Southern jMethodist University 30. i j Hantline 64, MacAlester 24. : South Carolina 49, ; Davidson 27. M ; 'I Whitman 52, CPS 55. i i! High School j Salem 4 4, Eugene 38. Mollla 30, Parkrosei 28. I Woisdburn 22, Corbett jl9. Mediord 34, Grants Pass 15. Pendleton 33, The Dallea 19. Coryallis 24. Tillamook 1 18. Rosltburg 40, Ashland 36. Wafhington 40, Edisn 22. Roosevelt 31, Benson' 28. Jefferson 44, Commerce 22.1 Lincpln 36, Grant 22L ! .' ' '..-:.':.,....?.. nm , . S . ' t i - -" ' ' ' '. '- "- - '- ' '. : ' - - :-:- - ' ' " : - ..: .. . . ii ; . . . .. . " ii " i '