The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ti CnSOTI CTATTLTJI. Ccltn. Oioqca, Cctarday I-Ionag.' I i u--j j 4, 1S41
rea sosa ejsesa eases
t. ;
Local Newo Briefs
Autoe Ctwh Vehicles driven
ty Mrs. Wiliaa P. Wagers, roots
eerea, and sua Fitt. tSO 8ouU
Cottage street, collided yesterday
at H e r t h Liberty aad Shipping
streets, causing some damage to
lota. Fltts was charged br police
vita baring ao operator's license
I m person. Bota autoe were dam-
sdLla ' eoMnloa at Market aad
f "Lnarch betweea ears operated by
lira, Krelya L. Crawford. 1041
f Court street, aad Eugene M. Ler
k sea. 2004 Market street- Another
U incident la the tUm block oa
I.'orth ' Treat Involved i vehicles
S operated by i- William Bowdea,
14 OS Bnoadway street, aad Seag
0. K. Kin, mate two.
fuats florist P Ofttl till H U
! Xla Coart Signs Commi
J closer J. E. Smith aad Engineer
k.lL C.Hubbs of Matfoa county
I yesterdsy traveled to Albany to
' order to present contract for the
t construction of the inter-county
V bridge at Gates to the Linn eoun-
court xor signing. . xae eon
tracts, already signed by the Mar-
4aa eonaty court, are betweea the
Conns ton compaay " f-Newberg,
A.- contractors, and the two county
courts, ntnon cgin mrawn
. : t
J-ued the docament a aamber of
days age. .
' Station Going ap Preliminary
eonstractloa of a new serrlce sta-
tioa was started yesterday at 485
CeuU Commercial street by Henry
Thlelsen. Permit Issued by the city
.... building department gare the ee
4lmated cost as 82800. Other per
cuts were glTen to Lincoln Olson
te repair dwelling at 811 South
itta street. ISO; V. J. Beli to re
fair dwelling at ttt North tlst
Street. Stf ; Enid Hamman to re
rtir dwelling at ttt North ttrd
Street. $2 99, .and Emll Lawson to
erect one story dwelling and ga
rage at lilt Royal street. $1800.
Recorer Article lire trarel
ers cheeks aad some other papers
etolea from the apartment of
Leona Dariaon, t48 Union street,
I were reported reeorered by city
rollce, Charles Sonth, SSS North
i- Sammer street, a city employe,
r found the papers In an alley run
ning aorta from Union street be
Wtweea Church and Cottage. Two
life Insurance policies and about
fit cash are still missing.
I : Wall paper. Mathla. 114 8 Coml
Licenses Restored 141 li
cense plates stolen Wednesday
eight from R. M. Needham. 48 S
1 Btate street, were found yesterday
CfT by E. B. MllUrd. 181 D street,
ZTIeaalng against a telephoae pole
li t 18th and D streets. They were
f restored to Needham through the
'state motor rehlcle license depart-
fi snent.
i: " ObatiaaaBoe Ordered Circuit
' Jadge L. H. MeMahaa yesterday
signed aa order continuing all
; criminal matters now pending to
?' the Jan nary term of court, which
opens next Monday. The order
tfatates that aa unusual press of
'trial matters has made the con
tinuance necessary.
Plea to Wed Walter M. Nel
son, West Stayton. and Amanda
B, ( 8mlth. ' 811rerton and Robert
L. DaTla, Tigard. and Dorothy H.
Hamilton. Monmouth, hare been
-issued marriage licenses at Van
coarer. Safety of your sa flags is Ins area
at Salem Federal. 180 8 Liberty
t : : Theft Reported Wood catting
,lools, including a saw, axe, maal
mad wedges, were stolen from his
3 heme. X4t North Snmmr atrr&t.
William Smith told police.
,f Earls Van McMechaa. at a lo-
Vcal hospital oa January t at the
J age of SO years. Late resident of
wlit East Lincoln street. Sur
fFVired by the wife. Lola A. MC
; - Uechan. of Salem, and father,
- John S. McMechaa, of Takima,
Wash. Serrlcee will be held Sat-
arday. January 4, at 1:80 p.m atJ
Cloagh-Banick chapel, with Rer.
W. Irrin Williams officiating.
Concluding serrices will be held
la Belcrest Memorial park.
r KeQer
Mrs. Nellie Keller, late resident
f-' et. lltt South 11th street, at a
focal hospital January 1. 8urrlred
0y - widower; William A. Keller;
daughter, Marris Keller; mother,
llrs. Anna Johasoa. Serrices will
r be held from the Walker ft How
ell chapel Saturday, January 4. at
t m. m. with Rer. W. Harold Ly-
tnan of flclatlng. Interment I OOF
Cemetery at Turner.
Ous Anderson, formerly of Sa
lem. In Chicago. Wednesday, Jaa
eary 1, at the age of 4 1 years.
Sanrlred by mother. Mrs. L M.
Anderson of Salem; three sisters.
Mrs. 'Olire , Beardsley of ' Salem.
Mrs. Hasd Parka of Chicago aad
lira, Esther James of Saa Fran
cisco; two brothers. Charles of
Chicago, aad Oscar of California;
also sereral alecee aad nephews,
tacladlng ' Orrille, Rtusell aad
f!hrlM RMrdilnv. all of Ri!m
11 funeral serrices will be held at
' lrtt Taesday afteraooa. January
V:-". from Clongh-Barrick chapeL
Herman Lleta, in this city Jan-
wary 1. Sarrired by two sons.
Sale Used Sewing Machines
OrerhauL guaranteed perfect,
j. . treadles, 1 portable
electric . . . Cheap for cash.
f-;rAl Sew. Mach. Serrlce';:!
leSw Itarlosi - Sat, Aft. Only
Comlnc Brents
at Red
Hills Grange fcaU.
Jan. ;" Wdaaeette ouUret
alt rlaMN open.
Janw IS Orecoa tetelatmre
at Wttfesaette suUrersJty.
ThLeiAto proceedings U Jadge U
Wanted Tair-tr? nuha
ty clerk-typists or steaographers etreelt coart.: t T'
are to be recraltedfor the Ore- f the easea oridnally ached,
goa recrattlag district to be as- te come ap at the aaaaeclean
algaed to Ue Portland recralUng in proceedings, about If hare
and Indsctlon station. Sergeant been disposed of either by rein-Joseph-
Scarpa, Salem recruiting statement or by dismissal,
officer for the regular army said Next Tuesday Circuit Jadge
Friday. The enlistment is to be L. G. Lewelllag will hold similar
for a three year period aad appll- proceedings for St equity cases,
cants must be United States eltl- la both departments of the court,
seas between the age of It aad suits which have not been sroee
SS iadaslTC , Scarpa reports. . rated during aa, entire year erf
iJ.. " '. . , ' i : ,UbU to lsmlsaal by order of thb
CalL tor Oragoa Mutual calendar beach unless showing -fa made of
at Scellfrs aad Foley. the reason for their.eocitoeaace.
Announces Programs -rt " Circuit Coort- T
Snell, secretary of state, will be- suta Ta Wallace Cooperf or-
Tuesdays chapel speaker at Wil- der of dj.,
lamette aalrerslty. Dr. W. C. Credit Bureaus, Inc. rs. iu F.
Jones announced yesterday. Wed- Elklas and others: order of
aesday President Lot! T. Pea- change of Tense to Polk county
alagtoa of Pacific college. New- OB petition of defendant.'
berg, will speak, aad Taarsaay.
tsisnop Brace k. uaxw. mil
programs are broadcast orer I
KSLM at 11:80 a.m. I
Fires Pat out Members of the j
CUT lire ospiruDniv jwwru "- I
swered cans to exunguisn iiue
fires at one of tne s tair resi-
aences ac ue uregon u peni- i
tentUry and at 885 North sum-
mer streeu rnuriatj aifm mvm i
damage was caused oy a wau lire
at 1SD North 24th street, v
. i
Franklla Thompson of Wfllam-I
ette unlrerslty left Ust night for j
rasaaena. uaui wnere uo mm i
attend the meeting of the Associ
ation of Schools and Colleges of I
the Methodist Church. Dr. Thomp- I
son will return oa January 11. I
retiring aad the aew couactls of J
nobles will meet at the Salem I
chamber of commerce at 8 1
o'clock Monaay nigm ai we cau i
of Kenneth Perry and Frank
Doerfler, King Bings of 1140 and
it 41, respeetlreiy.
- ... a a I
r r reui isu. xc iuwwi i i 1
house. nicely fura. Adults only.
""f?! ?0?"
ponce ue men or a wree-menine-
ine or a Dime inu w r
spaniel ana a rea mn cwmr,
dovu reiuvercu.
t. t , v.
Mwmmvm uawu I
county court yesterday approred
vw&.BO J
tfvuu-"-. f
mguway areaae. oaiem. ml miun-1
lar parmn was Kraniea iwj ran-
UpL Mehama merchant.
, ...
rt7: 77 "
,r., x f"; . 1
Rae, sr 1155 SUte street, has I
enlisted for the cooks' and baker
school of the United SUte. army
ai oan francisco, oerseani joaepn
Scarpa said yesUrday.
No Death, la Industry-There
....ii.i.. 1- t-A...
trtU .eeld.u 1. One 4rlM
v-v. .T-V.- iTlV-1
iwii rcyvi ibu u v
were hi inausinai tcciueuu re
ported to the commission.
Harris Llets. Halem and Rot E.
Uets. Portland. Memorial -rv-1
ices rrom tne waiaer as noweii
.rr r nT- t T.2.'lort(i yesterday that sereral
, at i p. m.. Rer. j. F. Lawson iiPht rinh wm kMw.
offlcUUng. Interment at Lee Mis-
Marrrtia RrhBAt& ! rna(.
dent of Crawfordsrine. Ore., at a
local hnanttAi Tiiaraav Jmnirr
X. at the age ot tl years. 8urrlred
by two sisters. Mrs. Sarah O. Mc-1
DoweU aad Mrs. Ana N. Simmons.
Cary. Crawfordarflie. Serrices
Rer. Gay L. Drill officiating. Prt-
rate Interment at itatcmit mmha.
rial park.
at tne residence, tog Jefferson
street. Corrallls. Thursday. Jan a
ary t. Quentin Frederick Garn
Jobst. aged 28 years. Soa ot Dr.
and Mra Henry Garajobst of Cor
rallls aad brother of Richard Neal
Garajobst of Seattle, Henry Garn
jobst of Chicago aad William
Martin Garnjobst ef Corrallls.
Funeral serrices will be held un
der the direction ef the W. T. Rig
doa compaay ta the chapel of
the Belcrest Memorial park Sat
urday, January 4, at It a.m. Con
cluding serrices in Belcrest Me
morial park.
Earl O. Axelson. late resident
of est Oerth areaae. West Salem,
at a loeal aaanltal Srtdar. Jana.
bm sp 0S rtrvu svw wuoi . uv sVSe
Axelsoa. Funeral announcements
later br Clonrh-Barrick.
B Xtt" Jmr7 MorT
Thomas Coteman at the ge of
tr Zrmr!!: WOTTatTM r"1? 9 1 "
lwr m ""w
rors uclude the parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Joha Cdemasw Funeral aa -
noaacements later by the W. T.
Rlgdoa company. ,
un3n::23s eztd
7 Tl
tt- m Tvrrr m n
For Dismissal
H&Xfthsa to Decide To&sj
ca Suits to Be Carried
Eighty nix law -case win be
dealt with today la- aaaaal house-
A. R. Mathey as Pacific DIs-
count compaay rs. Bernard H.
Knenstlng aad Fae L. Knenstiag;
default judgmeat for SBee
7i torney fee: affidarlt as to
non-military serrlce of defendants
also filed.
otto F. Durant rs. Roy Rains:
appllcUon for place on trial dock-
Roy Darldsoa rs. Virgil Klin-
ger; similar application.
i United States National bank
Irs. Jacob George Dye and oth-
ers; judgment for 1147.60 aad
t w nr im t?. nim....
motlon for hearing o amotion to
Probate Court -
Margaret O. McFaddea estate;
final order granted Alicia MeFad-
. J??- "ctrt?.- receipts filed by
uai as. wodis and Agnes Alicia
McFaddea for distributee shares,
and by Cecelia McFaddea for a-old
ring, constituting full distributee
snare or estate.
John P. Blankenshlo estate:
Earl Blankenshlp appointed ad
minutrator and G. 8. Higgles,
RoT Rice aad Lawrence N.
Krowii unrt un r titt I.
SOB&I and 81100 in real property.
iw uuien. estate; re-
IksMMt Wfw laV.ilv. a..
Uessi; V. Shlnn. Dort. M. ofitoa!
and erim- t,.--.- A '
Agnes K. Tergea esUte; final
aiscnarge granted Ray Tergea
i ana jonn tester, executors.
L. Wayne A. Van Court estate;
final llrmial if T.IIII. T ir
Coartt admlnl.tratrlx. shows re-
ceipts 01 SZ000 and full payment
01 an claims and charges by ad'
minlatratrlx personally; final
bearing set for February t.
Jostict Court
Ro" w. Powell, ae PUC 11-
cense; pleaded guilty and fined
ti a s.m aJaZ. -
gnllty plea to ch&rK. f UUure to
haTe truck license and fined
J2 50
Wesley O. Cheftings. Jr., speed
7ltCife"ii W; B "
cense plates, fined St.
ct'" ' "d.S 'it
inat placed on six months
I probation.
Booked by Police City police
yesterday charged rlolatioa of
basic rule to Harry C. Myers.
1848 Ferry street; Ted D. Schnee.
uanoy; Henry Oreross, Sllrerton;
IfS?" route seren. ana
vlrnu Sweauger, Portland.
i TJrh. nv r-i- -.u
al,ht m tne 8afeway baIMlnf ttB
siaraet streets.
I Name Certified Ralph
1 1 net Hrol. SUyton.
I bare filed certificate of assumed
LD"""T nam Ior trton Auc-
uon ua oppnes witn me Marion
I eounty ciera
bicTcleensa. arrl t-r.t
"ZZU ",8 r l
I A5OBr'. police matron, in charge
I , a.
Board to Meet The regalar
1 meeting of the Salem T Junior
I board of directors will be a plan
ning session at 7:11 Tuesday
Skatinx Club to Meet The
saiein figure skating club will
meet tonight at the Salem Ice
arena from 10 to It o'clock.
Hodgkln To Mr. and Mrs. Mer
till D. HodgUa. 1844 Lee street.
a son, Roy Dale, bora December
tt, Salem General hospital.
Downer To Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph
1 Downer, Mehama. a daazhter.
I Loaaa Kathleen, bora December
I tt, Salem General hospital,
1 .
I McKshff Teb lfft. sVffr IrVml
1 " w
I C MeNeff. 1100 Chemeketa street,
I daughter, Jaae Orleae, bora De-
awr j. saiem ueaerat aos-
i r
I Haelebecbar -Te Mr. sad Mrs.
I pter 8. Haslebacher, rente seren.
I a soa. Gary MaUley. bora Deeem-
it. Salem General hospital,
1 ,
l Mobr Te Mr. and Mrs. Barry
JJ. Mohr, Jr lttt North tOth
street, a daughter, Judith Ann,
December S, Salem Genera
II hospital. ;i
BedJent To Mr. nad Mrs.
George E. Bedleat. t0t Breymaa
areaae. a daughter, Jeyee Elaine.
bora December tl. Salem General
BaapItaL'!' -.y-'f -r " r '-s
casta: SOenlgatlaaLasv
I rrrrrr
Title Troubles on TaxJToreclosures
I-Coiisidei-bSdein Realty Board
Efforts to rmtaririrthe tltlrdifctUes riampcrln? sals
of j taxoredosed properUgg' la
were Inltuted at the Salem Iieaity Dosrd s Cist raetunjf cl
the year Friday at me-
Qaelle, whea newly-installed
President W. G Krueger brought
ap .the matter aad was empowered
to appoint a committee to eoasalt
city aad county officials aad ab
stractors to disease a possible so
Some members oX the . board
were Inclined to the belief' that
new legislation would be neces
sary while others reported .that
similar problems had been eolred
la Portland and Eugene so that
title insurance was obtainable.
Reports oa the opera tloa of
sabdirlsloa laws la other states
were read as a sequel to recent
dlsCussloa of a proposed sabdirl
sloa law for- Oregoa It was re
reeled! that a committee of the
Portland 'Realty board was , re
drafting the proposed bOLt ; f '
President Krueger oatllaed 1a
part his plans for the year's ae
tmues and announced - commit
tees as foUews, chsirmea belag
named first: .
Appraisal. J. F. Ulrich. K. B.
Grabenhorst. J. D. Sears.
Arbitration. O. XL Raa. William
BUren F. H. Weir.
Board meetings. Dorees Baker.
Winnie Pettyjohn. C. V. Johasoa.
Commissions aad fees. Rich L.
Relmana. N. J. Llndgren, P. B.
Ethics. F. H. Weir. William E.
Moses, Rao.
Finances. Motrin Johnson. E.
A. Miller, E. B. Grabenhorst.
House, Winnie Pettyjohn. Llnd
gren, Sears, George Alderla, Le
laee EUla,
LeglsUUon. E. A. Miller, a T.
Johnson, George Grabenhorst. Ul-
ncn, xran Martin. William MeGU-
cnrlst. Relmaaa.
Membership. W. O. Rardr. Leo
N. Chllds. P. H. BelL
Planning aad maalclnal affairs.
William McGllchrlst, Jr Ulrich.
BliTen, Chllds. Relmann.
Fabllelty. William Bliren. Walr.
ueorge u. Bell, . D. Potter, E.
M. Larsea. Mosee. P. H BelL
Resolutions. Georse Graben
horst. C. V. Johnson. H. P. Grant.
Taxation, Leo N. Chllds. T. M.
Hicks, w. E. Hanson, Llndgren,
uuicn, oears. Wler.
4H CJub Schedules
ii - xvt 1 i
rany yeanesaay
Marion county 4H dab mem
bers, who dsrote mach ef their
time to the serious business of
raising- llrestock for show aad
working on home economies ero-
Jscts for competltioa. will enjoy
two parties . during January.
Wayne D. Harding, county club
agent announced yesterday.
The adranced club, which was
cheated out of a Christmas party
In December because et the prev
alence of lafluensa, will make an
other attempt to enjoy itself next
Wednesday night at 7:t0 pja. at
the Cherry City auditorium.
Local club leaders will asset
ble for a party at Kelser school,
three miles north ef Salem, next
Friday night. The program will
include card games aad Chinese
checkers, and refreshments win
later be serred.
i T
Annex Elevator
Refused to Cons
By Control Board
Conricts housed at the state
penitentiary annex will eon tins e
to walk up and down stairs.
The board of control yesterday
refused a request for a fttOt pas
senger elevator at the annex and
also rejected a proposed tlt.OOt
building tor women conricts. The
women are aow housed oa the sec
ond 'floor of the administration
-I kicked out the elorator this
blennlum and I'm kicking It out
agala," SUte Budget Director
Darid Eccles declared. "It woat
hurt the cons to walk ap and down
Gorsrnor Charles A, Spragae
said he could aot see any argent
aeed tor a women's building at
the prison at this time. There are
only seven women Inmates.
Geography Course
pet by Extension
A ' course In the geography of
South America, to be taught by
Dr. W. B. Merrlam of the Oregon
College of Education, is oae of
the offerings ot the general ex
tension dlrlslen of this term la its
Salem classes.
This class will meet in room SH
in the old high school baildiag
Wedaeeday eights beginning Jan
uary; t. Enrollment Is at the of
fice of the city superintendent of
schools or at the first meeting ef
tne Class. The fee Is ft for the
Farrell Visits
j Capital Friday
Robert 8. Tarrell. jr.. Portlaad.
candidate for speaker ot the bease
of representatives at the It 41 leg
islature, was bore yesterday call-
lag oa state officials.
Parrell told friends that be has
tl pledged rotes for the s
ship ! which Is cumdent to elect.
William McAllister. Uedford. Is
Farrmira opponent. - -
McAllister was elated to arrive
la Salem today. -
Farrell said his rlslt to Salem
bad ao connection with his
didagy for speaker.
1 The) S tnesralteere ta
"Covered Wagoa Days.
I Was '
- Wildcat
- with Fny.Wray
Also iNewa, Cartoow
nasi Cbapv.of Serial
Oa Oh State at 1:S9 P. 1L
Sethf Jayae and tbe Hollywood
JSoCkaroo IVosnum Zrtodast :
' Salem Ilarion comity J
sY: w
Is No Deterrent
Rsports iere darint? the past
few-days that fajlare of the aew
1940 Oregoa codes to arrive la Sa
lem by Monday. January It, might
delay operations ot the 1141 lr
islatare, were braaded as-taee-tlQBSble
by Attorney General L H.
Tan Winkle aad other officials
yesterday. ? ; ;S-:.' ;i
The argnment was 'adraaced
that the leglslatare; with oat the
aew lttt codes available, weald
aot be able to make proper efer-
to'present laws aad sectloag
for which- smead meats were of
fered, r . ,
Tea Wlakle said there were two
or three "ways to orercome such a
sltaatlosw - -v' '
At ta opening et the It SI leg-
lsUtire eeesloa when-the lttt
codes bad aot arrived, all amend
ments to? laws of that time re
ferred to Olsens laws .anaotated
la lttt.; Later, when ithe. lttt
codes arrived, retereace . la the
ameadmeata was changed to. the
ltto code in committee. -
This same procedure could be
foUewed at the 1041 leglslatlre
sessloa, efSclals said.
Bancroft-Whitney, Saa Francis
co, publishers et the It 4 code.
contracted to make initial deliv
ery December 1, bat It may be
January It or later before the
first complete assigameat Is re
ceived. -
The state has ordered 1000 sets
of these codes at a price ot ap
proximately Xf l.IQV.
Truth Centmr Presents
Lectures on Psychology
The Ualted Truth Seekers will
preseat Oordoa Fleming, PSD, sa-
tnor aaa teacner of psychology
saa aameroiogy. in a series ef
lectures oa applied psychology
and pyramid symbolism at Us
Truth esater. Ill South Liberty
street, starting Sunday at I p
Opening subject Is "Man's Mhv
uoa la Life. Questions answered
louowiag lecture. Meetings are
epea te the geaeral aablle and
ae aa mission will be charged.
Club Notes
Another new rear is here.
la here. Mice.
aad another aew aeries ot Mickey
Mease shows. Other t b a a the
show today which la entitled
-Road to Memories,- we will pro
seat something etlrely aew aad
different te the Mickey Mouse
club members. I know yea will
like It,' aad it will make oar Sat
urday meetings uvea more inter
Last week's show, which wes
the finish (French, meaning end)
ot lttt programs, contained nov
elty as well as good entertain
ment. The first part of tne snow
was scent listening to three re
cord In rs by Leontlne Lebold, Roa
aad Ramoaa 8 pence aad Booby
Hagedora. Everyone including the
entertainers seemed te be ex
tremely interested In Bearing
these roiees over the screen. Le
ontlne was blushing all the while
hers was being played; an In all.
thoash. they were really swell.
As a special added attraction, we
were honored la having Bill Hage
dora back with as. aad we cer
talnlr enjoyed his part in the pro
gram. The contest announced last
Saturday. Mice, is sun oa. u
there are aot enough entries by
shew time we will supplement by
having part of the contest on the
I've been going te announce for
a long time. Mice, that the clab's
address cards are gradually be
coming complete, aad sooa we
will hare everyone s correct ad
dress. Remember, however. If yea
do more be sure to tell the Mickey
Mouse secretary your aew ad
dress as sooa as possible.
Today's show is called The
Read to Memories. bringing
back old songs of 1040, old Mick
ey Mouse favorites aad many oth
er things which caa be foaad ta
the memories of each of you. Jack
Halseth will once agala be back
with" bis drams, Jean Brown will
be here staging There's a Lore
Knot In My Lariat. All the gaag
will be here; Leontlne. Roa. Ra
moaa. Bob, Betty. Lea (both of
taem), ana many otners. we wiu
bare a few community songs ;
songs that erery oae knows, like
Three Little Flshies. A Ticket
A TasksC ate. If yea're ta lor a
let of fun. Mice, be sure aad come
today tor this -Road to Memo
ries' show. It's really going to
be swen.
. MMO '
Not oaly are we going to bare
a swell stage shew, bat look at
ear ecreea fare. The special Mick
ey Mouse feature will be Too
Many Girls starring LaelUs Ball
and Richard Carlson. The mala
'eaters will-be Errol Flyaa aad
OUrto DeHartnaad ta "Santa Fa
Trail. Also, there wd be e car
toon, a come fly and another chap
ter at The? Green Hornet Strikes
Again." So. aatll 1.
" Toar MMCVWZ3.
' Sad nu -
Bob tSarsar Vmm Sierkel
-"-r Aflded
v for VC6C0,C00- Each
. v SYemr, Period . i . f
state baildiag
laretriag , the expeaaltare
ot approximately f StMtf a year.
approred by the state beard
ot control here yesterday.'
The program weald be eoaflaed
largely to aew baOdlag at state
lastitutloas. -.
Dr. j. C. Brans, sapertateadeat
ot the Oregoa state hospftaL aald
the proposed baHdiag program
weald giro the state sosnotslag
definite to work toward. Approx
lmaiely ftlMOt weald be ex
peaded at the hospital darlag the
six-year period.
- Included ta the proposst aoa
altai' lmproremeats are a ttlt,
Ot treatment dormitory sad three
cottages totaling 110,000 te be
ceastracted duiiag the two years
beginning July 1 1. a
chapel-comm less ry aad Itttt
remodeling project oa the admlnls
tratlea baildiag daring the ltlt
4t blennlum aad a flOO.Mt ward
baildiag aad 1 80.000 beatlag plaat
daring the blennlum beginning
July 1. 104 1. i .
The entire program Is subject
te leglslatlre approval. SUte Bad
get Director Darid Eccles esti
mated that increased rereaaes
woald finance the program.
Dr. Erans declared that the
proposed improvements at his In
stitution would tend to reduce the
number ef patients.
Oa March tt of this year the
hospital had a popalatloa et 1780
bat this new .has been reduced to
tttt. Dr. Evans said the de
crease was due to paroling pa
tients right and left.
-We have been keeping a close
watch oa paroled patients aad we
have been lucky ae far." Dr. Ev
ans continued.
The board ot control wCl ask
the legislature to appropriate
1800,000 each bleaalum for the
baildiag program instead ef sank
lng the appropriations direct to
the insulations.
Officials said this woald permit
the board to designate the lm
proremeats based oa priority de
Vacation of Road
Refused by Court
The Marioa county coart yee-
terdsy turned thumbs down oa a
petltioa of Roy F. King aad it
other reddeats of the SUrer Falls
district asking that aa old road ta
that, region be race ted by the
eouaty aad retired 'from nee.
The action was taken, it wt
announced, after eight ef the or
iginal 14 signers of the petltioa
had asked the court to hare their
names- removed, aad after J. H.
Mlsslar. -resident oa the-road, also
asked that the petition be disre
garded. The coart continued the petl
tioa of Lillian Barnham and oth
ers oa a road near the Evergreen
school pending action by the new
county court which will take of
flee next week.
Economics Ses
Set for Salem. '42
The 1041 convention of the Pa
cific Coast Economics association
win be held in Salem was the
word brought back by Dr. Wil
liam C. Jones. Willamette uni
versity professor of economics
and msmbers ef the association
executive board, from Ue con
vention held at Stanford univer
sity during Christmas race tloa.
Professor Richard Llebee ef
Willamette was oae ot the prin
cipal speakers at Ue convention.
The 1041 conference will be
oa Ue University ot Southern
California campus. The 184J
meeting will be Its first time bore.
It is composed ef representatives
from economics departments ef
all large colleges aad anlrersi
tlee west ot Ue Reeky ntu
(Cea tinned from page 4)
Una walk into Ue mess ahead of
Lieutenant. His Highness ,Prins
Msx roa Wal leafs la.
The name careful precedence
was observed by Ue cnptslas aad
lastly by the majors, throagh Ua-dsr-Officer
Schwelher eyed two
of Ue tatter aerroasly. It was aa
open secret that, la Ufa matter
ef pisusdsace. there was bed
blood betweea two of the geaUe
men owing to Ue tact Uat, whOe
one andoabtedly coald trace bis
ancestry further back than Ue
other, bis title was Uat ot a mere
Graf to Ue oUcrs Prtna. Tory
swkward. this, aad calculated to
lead noma Usee te a daeL
(To be eoatineed)
foeortisac arnaaess Oerardt
EOT HOG .' 7:1 T3
' " r r
:'..W t '
, f j: J
Klc&ard Ajrlea
Aady Devbne ,
Always '; I - Fine VX
Fatiguo Scfrdb RelieTcda Itrirn:
01 Gusrdi to
ed la throoshssi Yie&nesdxy
tocx OTtr its xicnzil rcstins
ervicc ?
UiU Be Tuesday
Last rites tor Gat
world traveled former
dear, arm be bold at 1:80 Tues
day afteraooa from Goajtb-Bar-
rtck chapel with tntarmeat tn City
view cemetery, the ramllr aald
yesterday. Aaderaoa died at the
of a sister. Mrs. Jean Parks.
la Chicago New Tear's day fol
lowing- a stroke. He was 40 years
old, . : ,n;
Dr. J. C Harrison, pastor l
Ue First Methodist church. Is ex
pected te officiate.'
' roUewlax the arrival at MraT
Joha Parka with the bedr em the
t:tt train Moaday aroraiag. the
body Will tie la state -at Ue
Clomgh-Barrlck chapel aatll Ue
Early Residence
Demolished Here
Interesting feeiaree are revealed
in the reslnr of a heme at ttt
Bellerae street this week, to
make way tor new dtrelopmssta.
The borne, part of Ue J. T.
Brewa estate, admialstered by
McDonnell Brown. Portlaad at
torney, was said by old timers to
hare stood by Itself south ot MQl
creek for a time.
On one side was a baildiag
which was believed te have been
ased as a church, baring peaked
doors and windows. Onto this was
Ue residence, built later.
Oa Ue wall was found writ
ing dated In 1101 aad under
flooring were copies of The
Statesman et lttT and lttt. j
Sprague to Seek
Guard An&ority
AaUorlty te create a state
guard, to replace Ue aatlossl
guard troops bow la federal serv
ice at Camp Murray and Camp
Clatsop will be requested by Gov
ern ev Charles A. Sprague at Ue
It 41 legislature, he aaaoaaced
Governor 8prague aald he may
have anUortty at the present time
but he is not sure.
I want to make certain that X
hare Uis power." Governor
Spragae declared. There is ae
immediate aeed for a state guard
bat nobody knows when such an
emergency may arise.
The state geard would be
largely of war veterans.
Call Board
Today Pa a I MaaL Gene Tiers ay
la "Hudson's Bay."
Today Fred M self array, Patricia
Morrison la "Rangers of For
tune." Bob Burma. Una Market
in "Comln Round the Moun-
Today Three Mesquiteers ta
Oorered Wagoa Days. Fay
Wray, Charles Lang la "Wild
cat Baa.
Today Errol Flynn. Olivia Do
Hartllaad ta "SanU Fe Trail.'
Lucius Ball, Richard Carlson in
Many Girls.
Today James Cagnsy, Pat
O'Brien in '"Here Comes Ue
Nary. Roger Fryer. Anita
Louise tn "Glamoar tor Sale.
Today Roy Rogers in Toung
-Bsffale Bin. Richard Arlea la
Hot Steel wlU Andy DerUa
Today 1 to lltSO r. SC.
ITUIIRT! Errol FTyna 03tU DeHaTCxBd
TODAY Plna 2nd mt - TOO tlANT GIRLS'
ilffiHli umm
' tLtm,x?,!b ccrd chins ' ; ' ' -
trrd tzzzixa tin ersf fctrxii "i
. .... i
' i 1 1 c f
A -,2LSy-.'
Ta nat?st t!2rr cXrwar
jr-"f Hr-'"sa ft nv" nfrttwaa ssriecri . ,
tilth Lscrf r-iso l - iir-Lt-f -pat., zz I - c : ahltt ,
Km Itsr.1 f 1.-W l! i Si I -'rs
p: Tents DainHrred:
Heinbem cf tHa nosf drift
sight; and tha camp ones axia
and ep-pesranea this xzcrzkiz.
a, sTecau tram areaght some 14 1
from, Klamath -Fane and
there polata il:(l m.
tale meralag, aad-Ue rest et Ue
tOO add saea who were granted
farieaghs It days ago joerneyed
bach: to duty by ban aad aatosae-bOe.-
; r
Orateral for Ue relief the re
turn et Ue furlomrhers wCl af-
terd ware tne ISO men whe re
mained tn came tar Ue kellfxrs
tn order ta carry eat Ue asses
aery duties-et fatlgae and guard
aataOsJ fhsea -saea hare been ta
charge jet Jtrst Sergeant Lorca
r. rtaca. ml Battery T. aad are
looking; forward to rest to eeea.
s far the toag hours ef da tr
Uey bare carried eat while their
fellow members were eaiartar
rislts at heeeco 'ef nareata aad
frteadaj I -i - - . r
So great was the rlolaavea .
wtad sterns' -nleag' the coast dar
rag tne rnnoarh aetiod that
ec caa taat frames hare
mreroed by wooden
tcaay a soldier foaad t h a t kin
abode Was spUatered and gfner
raagec l so sadly that seats time
taken before ha coeld ana stm
heaeea-eeplnvg again.
eaa.lxas to lis) f
The Flewt'a ia Axia
II ir
Hi L B
Cosapflon Feature - J
. . . tae SeTt fag
teoOKR. raroR . I . . . ;
STJKsl tasjcCLOT !
Today at 1 PJ PX. , .
1 ?:
1 :
. -I 3 - . '.t
lsl Ua -.ian-iL .-f- ;
i ? i