-.--I 7 02ZG0XI STATESMAN. Sedans OroejorL Thursday MornlncL- Otctabtf .28. 1940 FAGS . QUICKLY: CHEAPLY . BUY. CLASSIFIED Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Three iasertlona per tin 2Se Etx Insertions per Un 4e Ob month per Use .., , l.ti Minimum ehargs S5e; S tL min- lmara S5e; tL min. 4Se. No refunds. - Copy for CMe page accepted e tO tdl the evening Mora rubllcn Uoe (or eliMinMUM Copy r eeived after thla time win be ma aAer tba heading "To Late te Cieaetfy- - etaTn rbe 4tateemaa assumes aa nnin. nalbUlty (or errors wnien ir la adrertleetnenta eue Uaba4 la Its eolumne and la fata where thla paper la at fault aril) re print that part af aa advert teem. U wnicS tba typographical mistake Tba St teaman isservae tha tight ta reject qoeatioaable advertlatng. U further reeerrea tha right ta alaea ail advertising isltr tba proper dasetrjcatloa. A "Blind" Ad aa ad containing a tlalssmae boa awn bar for an ad draaa la far tba protection af tha advertiser aad most tharafora ba answered by letter. Tba Stateamaa aa aat at liberty ta amuge tnror tloa aa u tba Identity af aa ad ar natng a mBUa4r ad. Livestock Tvan im i itlm tilatli picked aa at enee. Wa bay (ox (aad borsea. Fheae 1420. Btlwa. ooUact. DXAD AMD worthies horaia .aad eowa picked op free ot ehargo any where la tba Willamette valley. Top trices paid far fox f aad horses, Pboaa 411. Saiaaa, eelleet. aContgomery Psaisrlng Wxfca DEAD AND WORTHLESS animals picked at anea. Montgomery Ren oartng Werka. Pa. Til eeUect. Salem. Help Wanted Female aiRX FOR housework, small fam ily. eaU TieS. . Pb. 17S. 1242 N. Cap. OIBL for general housework, full ehariea pay. Oo borne nights. Situations Wanted ' CARTEKTZR WORK wan tad. A. L. Season. Pboae 1-1145. Capable wemaa-hr. wrk, P. 4240. HIIWRKt by hour. Ph. 4422 eves. For Sale Miscellaneous HAT HAT BALED. Clover, vetch, eata. ! M. Front. Ph. 21742. FACTORT BLT. trailer. Ph. 1108. PK. XMAS orleee aa rablda. dar. eheir cn ah ton a, MeOoweH. Ph. 24S2. UCXJTKit vac. beautifully rblt, fit.. IS. Pta. rpr. all aaakaa. Vlaeaa. Itll fHZCSXKS AXJTa or draeaed. bakaa. roasts, heaa. fryers. Pboae It ML Lae's Hatebary. ALT. HAT for sale. Pboaa MF4. torkeya. Ph. (TFt. Wanted F ornitare F. M. a QLTKT WOODRT. Aae tloaaere a foraitara daalara win pay J on saere eaah ar trade for foraitara houaabold coada, We bay ar sail ar ernhlac Ph. 111. CASH FOR Bead foratrare a boose held sood R. rerray. Pb, T44I. Wanted Miscellaneous USED wool inattresaae. Pb. (11. WANTED Team aad haraeea to winter for use on email aeraaxe. ' Al fiommtr, lit Klnxwood. W. Salem. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVTCa IN MOST CASCST Brfnf ar Van Toar Plates for Repair DR. RARRT SEHLER. DENTIST Allsky Bide d A Morrison. BR S4XT For Rent Rooms HEATED SLEEPING room also epU i K. Liberty 8C HTD. KM. close la. Ph. 4411. MEALS AT UUmans. 5 Marion. Room and Board VACANCT NOWat Ma Bo wen's. 65 NVCIberty. MEALS AT nilmaas. i Marlon. HEALTH HOME - for alderty aad eoaTaJesceat. SS B. Commercial. ' ' "s JLDVEttTlSINO Weatsrn AdTertlsinf RepresaQtatlres Oeotra D. Cloaa, Ino. Saa Francisco. Los Anselcs. Seattla Eastern Ad remains RepreseaUUras j." Brraat. Ortffltb a Branson, Ine. Cbkaa. New Terk. Detroit. Boatoa. Atlanta Sararaa at tm rWfitx at taUm. Orvfon. as Seeoad Clm Matter. Pwe Hhtd everif meralae ereeyt Monday. BuMntia fflc ttf fieatb Cematereial Street. SUBSC&XFTION RATES f Un 8ubacr1brIoa Rataa ta Adreace Witaia Orccoa t Daily aad 8undar. Ma Ala orccoa t uaiiy aaa aunoar. sta ceau; Moa l.l; MoaTlUe: ear fS.fd. Eaeewbara caata per or !. for 1 year ta adraaca. per f e raU ; Ma 1 rear Ma or copy e ceats. newesxaaos a eanca. Br JCUy Carrier, eants a meata T.ie a year ta aaraaee as adjaeeat cat Co!jOO) .111 i I -V . 3 (MGmTES J fJTiHo!i G03TOeSUJ& S , J A APStfXI 1 v -3 ( TO IwtV MOUTK YOURS. BASV I (YOUtf&tTXMtVM A ; Trt3CK- j Sol sviie?t?43 auyefTf- RJMPIjnsS ajnoomsX S- that's oJO v6 I rT5"- J f REMEMBER. V"V AUri ; CnKTIfiOUTH I b J V--v JLs . f eJTTON MOLfl 1 I , AtlJ d tOUHOJE . J.; IS AS &G AS . IVC 1 I ' ON OURc3 I " aJ L ---m - L t .... . . ' 1 ltnac fM. Kg - ty m . 1 1 rTnsnn .r - - - " ' v. :. ,, ; ...,. .:'..,::. k . . .. ,,-t ' : , - . , ... . - " .. " - "' -..... ; . ;.'-': ':T''-- . t- ; ; ' e J I ... ..aJ " ' -s " " '; -,.-': , - : " -.:, . - . , , - . ... . . , , ; . " - - : ' 1 r ..... Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE ar phone tllCI) to Salem's oldest tar est noma owned and e ananaaed finance laatitntlon Toar financial affatra will ba diaeueaad and aaane made In etrtctest prtracy. Ton will ba glvaa every conal deration la the re pay In at your loan or creating af estenslons, 1 to 24 Months to Repay sea can pay in run any Only Borrower Signs Ne eadoraera eseda ROT tL SIMMONS. MQR. NO M-lfl General Finance Corooration a. Caeamerelal St. Lla Ka. S-111 Pboae door eeath ef Ladd A Bosh Baak Coaraalaat creoad deer ea It I first . PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re- ica aa rataa ta Moaer for aaw ee oeed ears. No datar ar red tape Tea will retain i naniion ar tna ranicia, I tO II MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SBIMONS 111 Soath Oemmarefal Strset tll Us. Na M-iax Loans Wanted WANTED PR1TATE MONET TO LOAN ea good Salaai real ea WIU par e lataraat. W H. ORABENHORST a CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments BSMT. APTS, empl. cpL only. 141 N. Libarty. . FURN. t RM.. close. 115 S. Winter. V18TrXtTON PTrmapaU abla Jan. lat. phone J84t. APARTMENTS, 155 DIVISION. 2 RMS. NICELT furn.. automatic hot water, prlr. bath. prir. ent, $12 per mo. 1S4 Lee St. OTTDVTCUFri 4k rvr at A A Mill W Aaa.a-av aKi - - w njirtTLri jnjrr'r'VVifri " r"-""""" AFT3. 1 to f 1Z. Zi. a. Lommercievi. CHOICE An now aTsllabla at tba modarn Flabar A pta So Coml at Oak Pbona T4ST eeyarfaaaaaaaapaaeaeeaeeaaaaaeaaaaeaajaai i 4 I K, pri. bath. 11 Center. eaaaeaaaaaae SMALL FURN. apt. (45 Ferry. SINGLE APT. kltch-. lit & Cottaca 4 RM. (urn. apt. Llahta. water, car. Adulta oaly. ! N. list. CLOSE IN 2 rm. furn. apt. Adults. Garage. 1047 S. Commercial. For Rent Houses MODERN 4 ROOM furn. cabin, IS60 8. Commercial. HOUSES Mirtn Johnson Pn STIS WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell, eacbance. lease, rent, sea Mr. Laraen or Mr Col Una with Hawkins A Roberta 2 A. 4 rm. hse.. bath. Ilghta. other Mdcs. Mai via Johneon. 725 Court. FURN. i RMS., bamt.. fumaoajaua dry treys! lag. 1445 Mission. S RM. garage bousa, part furn. Ina, 1227 N. Commercial. For Rent HOUSES A APTS. T2S N. Com'L """OFFICE ROOMS. 221 SUte BtreeC taaulre room IH Tel. 2T12. For Sale Real Estate OWNER SATS 8 ELL! S B. R.. LI VI NO. DINING, hard wood floors, nook, full base (no fur.). My. traya, wood store, garage, north front. Tea air, oaly I254 terms. C. H. SANDERS 221 N. High 5828. WE HAVE a (aw farms for aale In Marion and Polk count lea and in other counties af soathweetern Oregon. These farms are priced In keeping with the prices af agricultural product. Call at tha National Farm Loan office, 214 Oregon Building. Salem, and dis cuss these epportunitiwlah ear rep resentative there FEDERAL LAND BANK OF 8POKANB. BEAUTIFUL SCENIC borne tracts. King wood Heights. Cascade Terraces. 1X75.0 to I 5S.ee. Small caoatbly pay. menta. Call owner, 2412. ACT QUICKLY 1 TO CLOSE an estate. 21IO cash burs this 7 room well located home, garage. Investigate thla buy. C. H. SANDERS 221 N. High (228. SEVERAL NEW FHA homea re cently completed. Others nearlng com pletion. Phone 2745 Ed Forgard. NEW MODERN S-room house A garage. Make your family a Christmas present. Easy terms. Owner, 2504. SEVERAL NEW FHA homea re cently completed. Others nearlng com pletion. Phone 2745 Ed Forgard. WantfNl Real Estate WE INVITE rour -for sale" list ings If fslrly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Real tore. Guardian Building. Business Opportunities INCOME PROPERTT located N. E, consisting of 2 bousea about t yra. old, one has 2 BR L. R., D. R- kit, nook, full basement and two houses, have 2 BR.. L K.. kit., nook, utility room, automatic floor furnace, Income 2100 per mo.. 2500.00. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 N. J. Lindgren or E. M. Laraen 175 South High Street Phone 8890 For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Ph. 4700. Bradley. DRY OLD FIR KNOTS. Ph. 7507. DRY WOOD. Ph. 2-1444. DRY ir oak ar fir. Ph. 4275 or 4148. GREEN Old Fir, oak. Pb. 22122. MILL WOOD. fl.(0 load. Ph. 4852 ar 4241 evening Yard at 110 Court. 14-IN. fir wood. $5.24 ed. Ph. T224. WOOD Ph. 4270. Oraen. 412 M list 14- OLD FIR 15; Knots IS: 4 ft. tad 14: ash. maple. Umba Phone 1454, ATTENTION t Why not War the beat? Real aid fir. 28.50. Pb. 7084. Money to Loan time ta raoaee toe ea fare! rare ar aata m CLARE. ASST. MQR 142 Coaveelaat creoad doer loeetioa Aato Loans Willamette Credit Co. 4TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M-140 oeVeJW4jkjaattiVMilA 20 TO tteee ON YOUR CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO 1 27 New Blurb Bldg. Ph. 0221 Money aannediatelr Ua M-222 ------- -i-i-i-ir.-ifv-orirrvirnrm.ruin "Salem's Personal Loaa Canter" Rm. 20L tad fL First National Bank Salem, Oregon Pbona 4444 8tate Lie. Noa M-172 A 8-222 FHA LOANS 4H. also prlr loaaa Aarams A Ellis. Inc. Maaonle Bids, WE LOAN aa faraa. - - a baslnaaa property. Will bay mortgages or contracta HAWKINS A ROBERTS INCL. Realtors. Oaardlaa Batldtsej. Wood Sawing 20 N. Commercial. Ph. 2822. Petrotia LONESOME 7 Serrtng all agaa Club Elite. P. O Bx. Il-Q. Laa Aagelea. CaL Transportation DRIVING TO San Diego. Ph. 4880. Lost and Found FOUND 2 KEYS call Statesman office. Legal Notices ra m COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COVSTX EC PROBATE No. 10305 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE of ERIK A. HEDIN, DE CEASED NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR HEARING ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL REPORT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby siren that on tha lOtn day of December. 1140. the. Final Report of H. E. Hedine. as Administrator of the Estate of Erik A. Hedln, Deceased, was sub mitted to the County Judge, and that an Order was signed, fixing tha tima of hearing- on said Re port, January 10. l4l, at IS o'clock A.M.. la tha office of the County Judge in the Court House, in Salem. Oregon. That at said hearing the Report will ba approved. Administrator's and Attorney's fees will be al lowed, and the Estate will be closed. First publication, Decem ber IX. 1140. H. X. HEDINE Administrator of the Estate of Erik A. Hedln, Deceased. O. W. EMMONS Attorney for the Estate ISO North Com'l Salem, Ore. D. 12-19-28; J. 2-9. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR MARION COUNTY, OREGON la the Matter of tha Estate ot WILLIAM HARRY BOWERS. Deceased. Notice to Creditors Notice) la hereby given that Frank S. Bowers bag been duly apponited by an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, Admin istrator of estate of William Har ry Bowers, deceased. Any and all persons having claims against said estate are "hereby notified to preeent the same, duly verified Business Cards te this directory ran Xf ' oa monthly basis oaly. mattresses SSolVh 9lJa U- ' 8AUCM FLUFF RUG A MATTRESS lnoath- Co. New. Mattresses, eld remade, rug " cleaning jk weaving, a 11th A Wilbur. Anto Brakes TeL "V7 '' Mike Paaak 278 South Commercial Papering-Painting Bicycles NEAT Work, ream Johnson. Ph. 8778 BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Plumbing Harry W. Scott 14T a Com'cL P. 4514 x f-i,; G PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Lbimney OWeep Oraber Broa 154 a Liberty. Ph. 4504 TELEPHONE 4411 R E. Nertbness Printing ExCTTatlng roa STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. trecrama, boo lea or aay kind of prtnt- EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base- inc. call The Statesman Printing De ments due. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt pertinent. 211 a Commercial. Tale tot sala Salem Sand A GrsAveL P 404 phone 14L Florists Transfer Brelthaapfa, 44T Court. Phone 1115 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner oil, briquets, preato- Pnnpral niMofrm UKM- Trucks to Portland dally. Agent runerai UireCIOrS Pierce Auto Freight, including Calif. poiata. Larmer Transfer Co, Pb. tXtr Terwllllger Funeral Home. Pb. 4221 House Trailers Vacuum Cleaner Service "" " " Inspection ta yew heme Aa AND FARM TRAILERS One-third thorlsed Hoover ee trice. We service all down. We finance. Ph. 21742. Mr. King, makes cleaaera Hogg Broa Ph. 4412. Mattresses Well Prilling CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone404. R A. WEST. Rt.4i.Bx 44L P. 2-2214 BIcjlu on tha Button! Money to Loan Loans $25 - Now Is the time to consolidate all of last, year's debts, plus boUday expenses late one account. - No co-makers needed. - - This Is a confidential loan service. - - $200 on furni ture or livestock. S00 on cara. - Repay not bins for 20 days kmc- er If you choose ; then small easy- te-meet. amounts. to $300 Uonthly payments la cludlng all charts Cash to yoa $ 50.00 100.00 toe.ee t mo. f.lt 14.25 24.40 12 mo. 15.02 10.05 20.00 8,H 2 mo. 2.24 4.72 . 12.44 JUL Other Amounts ta Proportion Do not feel obligated' wa are bare te serve you. Pboae, write or come in. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem'a Personal Loan Center" Rm. 201, 2nd fir. First National Bank Salem, Oregon Phone 4444 State Lie. No'a M-278 A S-222 eaaaa"- i iirgvv-srvv'efruLrvi',i For a PERSONAL LOAN Personal Finance Co. Oreuad floor. Now Bllgn Bide. (Across from Court House) 512 State Pbona 21lli Licence Noa S-122 A M-145 Legal Notices as required by law. to ma at the office ot my attorney, Herman E. Lafky, 117 New Bllgh Build ing, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the data ot tba first publication of this notice, which first date Is December 2Ctb, 1949, and date of last publicatloa will be January 23rd, 1941.- FRANK S. BOWERS Administrator ot tha Estate of William Harry Bowers, deceased. HERMAN E. LAFKY. Attorney for Administrator. 117 New Bllgh Bide. Salem, Oregon. D.I43 J.2-9-1C-2S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an or der of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, duly made and en tared on the 24th day of Decem ber, 1940. was appointed Admin istrator with Will Annexed of the Estate ot Jeasie Dean Melvill, de ceased, sad has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Administrator with Will Annexed, at Room 207, Pio neer Trust Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date ot the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made tha Ifta day ot De cember, 1949. FRANK H. SPEARS Administrator with Will An nexed of the Estate of Jessie Dean Melvill, Deceased. DONALD A. YOUNG, Attorney for said Estate. First Publication: December 26. 1940. Last Publication: January 23, 1941. (D. 29 Jan. 2, 9. II. 23.) Youth Project Is Reinstated SILVERTON A national youth project has again been reinstated at the Sllverton public library. Minnie Mires and Virginia Lan ham are employed there now. Many of the WPA crew laid off recently have been rehired on s road project in . the Pratum die trict. Directory For Sale Used Cars FORDS FORDS Too Many on Hand Going At WhoIescJe 1936 V-8 DeLuxe Sedan 1935 2-Door DeLuxe 1934 4-Door DeLuxe 1932 2-Door DeLuxe Hatfield's Used Gar Mkt 351 N. LIBERTY ST. TRADE EQUITY la '27 Ford coach for cheaper car. 1885 Berry St, Cookery Club Given Honors West Salem Girls Receive Certificate Inscribed by Celebrities WEST SALEM The West Sa lem 4H Cookery club recently re ceived s Certificate of Achieve ment because 100 per cent of its enrolled members completed their club project work for the year 1939-40, and because each girl sent her nasi report to the Ore gon State collele and prepared an exhibit. The girls whose names, appear on the certificate are Betty Ardell White, Ardell Mltchel, Lois Jeans Crump, Marine Davenport, Delores Ann Kling, Donna Jean Handley, Wllma Combs, Melva June Kling, Charlotte Llghtfoot, Esther Wal lace and Wanda Hathaway. - The certificate is personally aigned by M. L. Wilson, Charles A. Spragae, Frederick M. Hunter, George W. Peavy, Rex Putnam, William A. Schoenfeld, H. C. Sey mour, Joslah Wills, W. C. Lets, and Mrs. L. A. Dashiell, wfo was the local leader. Plays Are Given At Labish. Center LABISH CENTER The school had its Christmas program Fri day night. Three plays and a dia logue were on the program. The first number wag "Silent Night" sung by the entire school. The "Tangled Telephone" was a play given by boys of the upper grades. Characters were Bob, Clyde Jefferson; John, Laurence Zinser; Billy, Gerald Dowe; Ted dy, Bobby Bloom; Hal, Dean Lowery; Jimmy. Roy Pearsal. Children ot the primary grades were in "The Toy Shop." Bobby Lowery was Jack-in-the-box; Ronald Rents, Captain Snap; Donald Zenger, Eddie Lowery, Bobby Bloom, oeroia dows, at ev en Resniscek and Albert Haste bacher, soldiers; Frankle Walton and Buddy Cosad, jumping jacks; Edna Bloom and Margaret Eliot, Punches; Irene BIbby, Fairy Bright Eyes; Rojean B o e h m, Gretchen; Juanita Burr, Hortense a la mode; Nora and Rose Reznis cek. Betty and Jean Dowe and Lu cille Meyers, dolls; Dean Lowery was Timothy Taekhammer and sang a solo. Theresa Roosa gave a recita tion, "Christmas in a Shoe." The upper grades presented "Christ mas with the Mulligans." Parts were taken by Luella Klampe, Widow Mulligan; her ten child ren, Elmer Christenson. Billy Hasblebacker; Marjorle Meyers; Donna Jefferson; Steven Resnis cek; Doris Rents. Mary Zinger, Norene Coins, Mary Lee Cosad, Bobby Lowery, Eva Pearsall and Donna Lovre. A dialogue "Going Home for Christmas" was given by Wallace Bloom and Donald Klampe. The program was closed by the entire school singing "Joy to the World." Santa Claui then visited the children. The program was directed by the Hwo teachers, Mrs. Glen Fix and Jack Power. Piano accompan iments were by Mrs. W 1 1 a r d Hornsqhuch. , Schobl has been dismissed un til Janiary . abish Center News LABISH CENTER The Ladies Aid has been postponed until January SI because of the holi days. They will meet then with Mrs. Jay Leedy at her borne. Mrs. Minnie Voegelino has re turned from an extended visit In several of the midwestern states. Sbahas been gone for lire and a half months and cam home throngs California where she vis ited friends and relatives. Stockholders in tha Mutual Telephone company held their an nual meeting last week. Onions are moving faster now and are $1.10 for US No. 1. The outlook is fairly good for this time of year. By CHIC YOUNG For SaleUsed Car. .....r.$275 ...-3145 ...$100 a e a ai4eeee m e f .$85 Veilley View Qub Has Good Meeting SUVER At one of Us larg est meetings of the year, tha Val ley View club met at the home of Mrs. Irvine Peterson with Mrs. T. P. Ogles bee as co-hostess Thursday afternoon. Unknown friends were revealed and new ones drawn. Roll call was answered with the idea of a perfect Christmas. Mrs. Stockhoff resigned as pre sident and was elected rice pre sident and Mrs. Harold WIthrow, president. Christmas gifts were exchang ed and refreshments in keeping with the occasion were served. Guests present were Mrs. Emma Anderson and Mrs. Herbert Thurston ot Buena Vista. Mem bers present were Mesdames Folks, Earl Anderson, Atkinson, Go bat. Conger. Withrow, Stock hoff, Voss. Benedict. Bolter, Stew art, - Conkey, Valentine, Scbana man, Tom, DeArmond and' the hostesses. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Withrow. It was decided to give Mrs. Ray Maady a shower January 9 at the home of Mrs. Peterson. Mill City News MILL CITY Charles Cline from the U of O is visiting his parents here this week. Bud Collins has moved to La comb where he has a Job In the Hammond Lumber company's logging commissary. William Savey has accepted a job of filing saws tor the Mill City Manufacturing company. Vlck Wltherow of Salem visit ed in M1U City Friday. Mrs. R. B. Sather Is visiting hers this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Bud Gregory of Portland is visiting his mother this week. Robert Hill from the OSC Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill this week. Daisy Hendrickson left Wed nesday for Berkeley, California, to visit relatives. W. S Crocket left Sunday for Camas to visit with his son-in-law, H. C. Poppee. Jefferson News JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Olen Aerni are the parents ot an eight-pound boy, born December SI at the home of Mrs. Aernl's mother, Mrs. Charles Jenness. This is their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuqua of Portland, came to Jefferson Sun day to visit until after Christmas, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Emery. Mrs. Fuqua Is the daugh ter ot Mr. Emery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith left Monday tor Long Beach. Wash., for a visit at the home of Smith's sister, Mrs. Florence Gilbreath. Mrs. Marlon D. Looney and daughtre, Eleanor ot Jefferson, and Mrs. Mildred Allen and daugh ter. Marion, left Sunday by mo tor for San Francisco. Mrs. Loon ey will visit her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guild and Mrs. Allen will visit her son. Bob. They plan to stay until after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKee have been confined to their bed for the past week. 11 with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rehfeld are also con fined to their home with the flu. Clear Lake Folic Visit Midwest CLEAR LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Herrold and son. Donnell, left by automobile for Fort Dodge, Iowa, Saturday morning. They will visit friends and relatives bat went especially to see Mrs. Herrold's sister, who is very 111. They expect to return in about three weeks. Lunelle Chapln returned home from her school at Coo. utile Fri day night to spend the holiday vacation. She will spend part ot the time helping with the book keeping at the Elliott seed snd feed mill at Perrydale, where she worked last summer. Booklet of Verse Enjoyed, Friends SILVERTON Friends of Mrs. Roy Morley are enjoying a charm ing little booklet ot verse, "Ger trude's Gems," printed at the Sll verton Advertiser. A few; of the poems are dedicated to special friends, asdthe booklet bears the signature "Gertrude Estelle Morley."- . Mrs. Morley has long been known for her verse and songs at Sllverton. From time to time she has had . a son published which has gained flattering popularity. Lodges SALEM LODGK Ke. A, AF Iastallaiiea of officers FrL, tV5 pja. JraaUle-Loaga e. (V AT A AM. IaUnUea et efflaars frL, Deo. r5 27, pjn. If m, A. Xarrtat, Wa. Weds Grid Star - - ' V " - - .':::....'.--: . - ..:-f:Wi.:-.i. -.Si .. :.:.. . .' .... - ""y . & ! mmm ,i i ifi i.ima i niini it-nv i Xtrs, Ostrbj Davis Altar their marriag-e at Wllmette, CL, Cbrby Davis, rormar Indiana university football star aad Mar caret Johnston, daughter of a 43xt cago publishing firm bead, dpart ed for a Florida IraiMymooa. Davis, who played pro football tor one year, now is director of ata letics at a midwestern high school. Foster Man Dies At Fiuiiily Home LEBANON William Gumm died at the family home at Foster, December SO and was burled from the Howe Funeral home. December SS. Elder George Si mons officiated and interment was in the Bellinger cemetery. Mr. Gimm who was born near Scio In 1866 spent his entire life in this vicinity. He is survived by his widow and one son, Charles; one bro ther. George Gumm; a alster, Mrs. William Saltmarsb, all liv ing near Lebanon and another sister, Mrs. T. J. Armstrong ot Lamond. Alberta, Canada. He had three grandsons. Early this month Mr. and Mrs. Gumm and bis brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Salt marsh, celebrated their double golden wedding anniversary. CY0 Makes Party Plans for Friday MT. ANGEL A CTO skating party for members of the Toung Men's and Toung Ladies' sodali ties of Mt. Angel. Woodburn, Oer vais and St. Joseph's and St. Vin cent's parishes of Salem has been arranged for Friday night at the Capitola skating rink. The pro gram Is being arranged by the CTO committee of the Holy Name Society of the Willamette Valley! All local boys and girls wishing to attend should hand in their names by Thursday night, the girls reporting to Maxine Bernlng or Mary Elizabeth Wagner and the boys to Aelred Bernlng, Ivo Bau man or Robert Diehl. The num ber going has to be ascertained so that transportation can bo ar ranged. Cars will leave Berchtold's con- i fectlonery at 7:45 Friday night. Cross Word Puzzle 12 15 14V Vj 21 22 'A 26 27 v7a 2r 30 32 33 as 36 V. 3d HO HI H2 45 DO HOUZOXTAL 1 voodlaad S9 unruly ehlli spirit 0 food oriflss I smsHfscssf A speech a gem 4prtefa f jutoa ' plant 4 fairies It part 4 -compass AanL hlaek ' directioa wneZ (abbr. title as shoes 17 lees toreataTday 19 -horse's gait SO commanded tl one of tan ," Blade CM EWT EE R I m 5 ppiTR ZOtM Crows coo et lag ' 17 forward fttnctioa SO teeth 51 murmur UzsattoTS 52 lesvs , v 14 abode of tixsdsad A "a li'ailail """ lT-4trs j-u 2'lut f Jiaitlia ' -'. - Services Are Set : For James Cox .r-- :. - - ...... LEBANON Funeral services , will be held Thursday, December , SC, in the Lacomb Baptist church . for James William Cot, who died at the family home. Monday. rv The deceased, who was born tkH Lacomb CI years ago, spent his, entire life la this vicinity. - ' ' He is survived by -his -wldow Edna Rucker Cox to whom he wasj married in Lacomb la 1900; five. sons, Claude of Lebanon and Rr, bert, Harold, Nelson and Billy Cox, of Lacomb; seven- daughters,! Edith Miller. Alice Hyder, Helen' Rataerferd. Crystal Baldwin and f Gweneta Cox of Lacomb. Pearl, Vehrs af Condaa sad Margaret Baldwin et o, Calif.; two. sisters, Mrs. Heater Alley aad Mrs.. Alice Innens 4f Lebasos; SS grandchildren. Rev. John Turnidge will off!-. date at the faaeral and Inter , ment will be ta the Lacomb ceme- . tery. Silverton Folk Spend Holidays SILVERTON Coach and' Mrs. Kea Hewitt are spending tho Christmas holidays' with his par . eats at MeMlnnville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ha aid are spending Christmas in California. Bob Haugs. who u with tha CCC enrollment at Mary's Creek above Detroit, is spending tba holidays with his ta t h a r and grandmother, George Haugs and Mrs. O. S. Hauge on Adams street. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Larson eC Portland are spending the Cartel mas holidays with his father. Walter Larson, and at his sisters. Mrs. Alvln Legards. Mrs. Oscar Broten is spending Christmas st the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Reisteigen at Oswego. Her daughter, Mrs. Cora Graden Is spending the holidays with her daughter's family, the William Holloways st Lakeview. Coquille Native Buried. Lebanon LEBANON William Samuel Morris, the son of Mrs. John T Morris, was born in Coquille, De cember 18, 1024, and died at the family home In Lebanon .Decem ber 19. 1940. after an illness ef a few days. He Is survived by his mother; five brothers, Earl Lawrence. Dean. Robert and Riehard; three sisters. Winifred and Frances . Morris and Mrs. , Beralta Wilson all ot Lebanon. - Funeral services were conduct ed at the Lowe mortuary by Rev. Lawrence Bixler ot the Church or Christ Interment was la the IOOF cemetery. The father of the family died last April. Bethany Family Holds Christmas BETHANY Oscar Satern. who has been suite ill with influents, is reported on the road to recov ery. Mr. and Mrs. Satern enter tained Wednesday night for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ols Satern of Sllverton. his brother-in-law and family. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen and Colleen, Roger and Loretta Bell ot Hillsboro. and his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Satern and sons. ii IT IT 24 20 23 2H 2d IE 4 31 'A 34 37 3t 3 31 fxras 1 tmrata sCstds a?-ll. ll-2nsaasaf t nose opening t -ivJ- ; I SmiltF te nnjti it .jl - wunacae it -aa. uwof . t( ice inasses .i tl Aalr diaeaaa ! S3 .. constellation S3 corn breads ! S4-4osesbsa '! tl loaaa color IJlr.i OjRjg AteK sMiM Wtsmi a!n A QUtK NIA 53 look for 54- lisJr t frt ' ST coarse tXniaed 40 fairy qeea ' .41 trnreaued -j T autal H "H ttttdested J starssUs... i it bora f a- 4T-aihoU . 5 77 k2 77i !