The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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thm 02IG0N STATESMAN. Sakm. Oregon. Thursday Morning, Dejcambar 23. 1S43
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DEEP IN BOOKS NOW ! Out of books as well as
the m do navy men set their training. These students are U.S.
naval reserve midshipmen In New York aboard the naval train
in ship Illinois, before a call to dance came.
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C'MON, LET'S DANC E Book learnin' rets ro-by when tirb appear, to teach danclnc
aboard training ship, Illinois. Men are Chas. Ware (left), Pomona, CaLj Eobt Boss. Robinson, I1L
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BAWL-U P There's prob
ably a better day ahead but richt
now William Holson, 18 months,
doesn't know it which accounts
for his heartbreak. When his
mother didn't return from a
shoppinc trip in Chicago, he was
taken to an orphanage.
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IN KEY WITH KEY S Hildetarde, the former Milwau
kee sinrer who believes in economizing about names, listens to
the 40 different instrumenUl tones added to a piano by a new
device. The vocal effects are entirely Hilderarde's own.
WINE ON THE W I N G Champagne flew hith. wide
and handsome when Mrs. James V. Forrestal, wife of the navy
undersecretary, christened the U.S.S. Vulcan, a $13,997,000 ocean
going- machine shop for the navy, recently at Camden, N. J.
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ALMOST A PUSH O V E R After a windstorm In Oakland. CaL. finished poshing this frama
work for a concrete building around, it looked like the framework for a snip's hnlL
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Marshall (above). Cedar Rapids.
Xa editor, heads "No Foreign
War Committee' newly an
nounced In New York. Commit
tee's aim Is to represent Ameri
cans opposed to "direct physical
Involvement In present war.!
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BAN Princess Hohenlohe
above) of Hungary, friend of
high Nazis, has been ordered by
the Justice department to quit
United States or face deporta
tion proceedinrs.
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BARREL OF TROUBL EBusiness ends of hundreds of
guns make a pleasing pattern at the Springfield, Mass., armory,
but their intentions may be far from pleasant, as Uncle Sam
pushes ahead his huge defense and armament program.
SEASON E D Count among
the old timers In government
Y offices, Daniel D. Caldwell,
office. He's rounding out 47
years with department of Justice,
began as typist In 1894, now
handles legislative work.
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LEAPIN LEN A The bounce test dldnt stump this gun
tractor built for Canada and being put through Its paces before
shipment to England. Even with four wheels off the ground It
seems to be making progress forward.
TilF IUSTICE STEPS OUT Kare erenlnr social en
TH E JL w.. this? for Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, and
nsreraent was tte House reeeptlon for Judiciary.
cSf j2&'nS!ft w named tj, weme eourt in !.
TOR F Uncle Sam takes ever
the training program of W. J. -
'Buddy" Hirsch (above) from M ATTE R O F T I M I N C Fringe was definitely stylish
mow on. A horse trainer himself. trimming back In 1612V as can be seen In the emsme worn by
and sea of Max Hirseh. tsndoj J3Jne Posnrr of Trey, N. T tn New Terk style shew. least
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BACK TO A MORTAL MOTHER No lonrer award of the Royal Fraternity of Master
Metaphysicians which had hoped te attain Immortality for her. baby Jean Gauntt enjoys a romp wlUi ''
brr mother la simple New York borne. The metaphysicians secluded Jean tn a mansion 15 months"'
; ago, planning te rear her ta belief that Clsess and death are caused by destructive thinking.
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