The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sports Trail j
NEW - YORK, Dec 22-OP)-TheyTl
have a little "T with
their sugar down at New Orleans
New Year's day. :
Wo haven't seen Boston, college
play but we. are reliably informed
that Coach Frank Leahy mixes a
bit of that football primer forma
tion In the baf2!ng, nnorthodoi
attack he haa developed, and that
,tho stalwart Vols of Tennessee
won't be able to find the answer
to all this la one lesson.
Out administration for the BC
team dates back to the George
town game. A Georgetown fol
lower had talked so convincingly
Of the power and glory of the
Boyas that he had convinced as
they were practically unbeatable,
and when! Boston took that one
point margin there was nothing
to do but concede that here -was
V team which could improve on
perfection "-
Oar knowledge of .Tennessee
Isn't just hearsay, however, and
we make haste to explain that
Boston will have to play all its
football in the Sugar bowl if it
hopes to win. I
: We watched the Vols ramble
Over a Duke team that had been
rated one of the best in Blue
Devil history. The Vol attack
Wasn't too spectacular but it was
potent. The defense, however, was
really something. Only once did
Duke get beyond midfield.
. In any event the game is a
natural, and if any of the bowl
games could be-' considered as in
volving any -kind of championship
S all. this is the one. It's the
Only one of the? four bigger bowl
Contests matching two undefeat
ed teams, wltli Boston 4 college
Ctndlsputed eastern champion and
the Vols the only undefeated, un
tied major team tn the.aouth. The
game should settle any - differ
ences between those two sections
At least.
-1 The goal of bowl committees is
to bring together undefeated and
untied teams representing major
schools. Year by year this Is be
coming more difficult as evi
denced by tho fact that only the
Sugar bowl eould do it this year.
. As It is, however, football Is
becoming so standardised, the
quality of the teams on such a
uniform level, that for one team
to go through a representative
eight or Bin or 10-game sched
ule without getting its wings
CllPPd approaches the Impossible.
There are four good bowl
games bidding for the services
of the teams with the best rec
ords now. And whereas at one
time, when the Rose bowl ruled
the roost with a haughty air, the
teams accepted the bid or else,
today the better teams often have
a- choice- of bowls.
Coaching Jobs go
To UO Graduates
EUGENE, Dec 23-(JP)-Dean R.
W. Leighton of the University of
Oregon school of physical educa
tion, announced here over the
weekend the appointment of two
graduate students tq high school
coaching' Jobs at tfebalem and
Burton Boroughs, a former Eu
gene high athlete who has been
assisting Frits Kramer at Eugene
nigh during the last year has
been appointed coach at Nehalem
high and will coach football and
basketball there.
Fred Carlson, former Univer
sity (Eugene) high athlete who
graduated from Oregon last sum
mer, has been named physical
education director at Pendleton
junior high, replacing Del Bjork.
former All-Coast guard at Ore-
Son who has been called to actvie
aty In the army. Carlson will
probably act as assistant football
coach at Pendleton high, a posi
tion Bjork also held. .Carlson
played football at Southern Ore
gen College of Education a few
years ago.
95,000 licenses
Are Mailed, Lag
Approximately 95,009 sets of
1941 motor vehicle license plates
had been sent out by the state de
partment here up to last Saturday
night, secretary of state a r i
Snell reported yesterday.
There were S 99.93 5 sets of 1940
S sense plates Issued up to Novem
ir 1 of this year.
The number of 1941 license
ilstes issued up to Saturday night
s approximately 5000 less than
Issued during the same period a
year ago. .
Saell urged speed oa the part
of motor vehicle owners in tiling
their applications so as to avoid
the 11th hour rush.
Persons operating their cars on
or after January .1 without inew
plates are subject to -arrest. '!
Bolder, Burnett
Draw in Chicago
) ' CHICAGO, Dec 2S.-(iT,)-fate
Bolden. 1S7, Chicago, and George
Burnett, 159, Betroit, fought to a
10-round draw tonight in the main
event at Marigold Gardens.
I Booker Beckwlth. 172. Gary,
,Ind., outpointed Orlando Trotter,
1T4, Chicago. In six rounds;, Jim
my MeCormlck. 144. Detroit, won
a four-round decision over Mat
IfUovlch. 122, Milwaukee; Jimmy
Pierce. 151, Milwaukee, outpoint
ed Tony Reno, 150, Chicago, In
four rounds.
Lebanon Finishes
Strong WiffiWin
' LEBANON -With only a Slim
margin in their favor until the
fourth quarter of the game. Leb
anon defeated Springfield M 2-2 3.
At the end of the first quarter
the score was f-cV At the end of
. the third It was Lebanon's game
by only 2 2-1 1. Then a couple of
long snots gave Lebanon a com
manding lead,: .
Lebanon (S2) . 83) Springfield
Killer 4 1 iFrye
Bauman t . . -V T J"?
Standley t . ' f Ogttrie
Simpson 4. . " ,
Bearcats Knot
It up Near End
Tight One Winds up Road
Sked; Maplemen Will
Await Webfoots
BAKER, Ore., Dec. 23-(-Oregon
State staved off a late
.Willamette university rally to
night to turn back the Bearcats
basketball team, 47 to 43.
Behind 14 points midway
through the final half. Willam
ette spurted to knot the count at
43-43 with two and a half min
utes to play.
John Mandlc of Oregon State
was the game's high scorer with
14 points. Eberly chalked up 9
points to lead Willamette scorers.
The colorful University of Ore
gon basketball club will make its
first Salem ' appearance in three
seasons Friday night when they
oppose the Willamette Bearcats
on the Methodist campus court.
The Webfoots, picked generally
as favorites to cop the 1941 nor
thern division hoop crown of the
Pacific Coast conference, will be
making their final bid of an ex
tended barnstorming swing which
took them to Madison Square Gar
den in New York City.
Howard Maple will bring- his
Willamette squad home tonight
from a seven-game tour of Wash
ington. Idaho, eastern Oregon and
Montana where the Bearcats play
ed hot and cold basketball. Maple
expects his squat to make a
strong showing against the highly
regarded Qregoniana, mainly be
cause the Salem t collegians . will
be minus any illness within their
The WlUamettes suffered on
their eastern swing when three
men, Russ' Salter, Orvllle Rags
dale and Ken Lilly, were Inca
pacitated by, "flu."
Performing in their first sea
son of collegiate basketball for
Willamette, are two Salem favor
ites, Don Barnlck and Russ Sat
ter, members of last year's state
high school champions. Setter,
handicapped by early season ill
ness, is expected to make a serious
bid for starting honors against
the travelling Ducks.
Maple plans to hold a short
workout Thursday afternoon, de
signed primarily to rid his Cardi
nal and Gold clan of train rested
Galento Bids for
Crack at J. Lewis
ORANGE. NJ, Dec. 23.
Sny Galento, apologizing for his
owing against Max Baer, todsy
"dared" Joe Louis to give him
another crack at the world's
heavyweight boxing champion
ship. Two-ton Tony, who has been
the forgotten fistic man since
Baer stopped him in eight rounds
en July 2, complains that Louis
is meeting a "lot of setups" and
dodging ''real competition."
"They call Goe a 'great cham
pion. M Galento continued. "Then
why is he meeting McCoys. Bur
mans, Simons and Dorasios?"
Education Budget
Up 15 Per Cent
The budget of the state board
of higher education tor general
Instructional purposes In 1941
43 calls for an Increase of only
1117,823 a year, or 4.5 per cent,
despite an increase of 13 per cent
in student population, a report of
the board filed with Governor
Charles A. Sprague here yesterday
The board said much of the in
crease in requested funds was oc
casioned by accumulated deficien
cies in building repairs and equip
ment replacements.
Restaurant Has
Free Dinner for
Anyone in Boise
BOISE, Idaho, Dec it-iJpy-Vo
one need go hungry in Boise
Christmas day.
For 20 years George Cordes.
Boise restaurant man, has served
Christmas dinner to everyone who
came to his place. He made pre
parations to serve 350 persons
this. Last Christmas there were
His biggest year wa sin 1937,
when the relief program was cur
tailed, and he fed 885.
One Christmas day 25 years
ago, Cordes explained, he was
stranded in Kemmerer, Wyo. He
went hungry but he made op his
mind that, it he ever was able to
do so, he'd see that others didn't
have that same experience.
Vacation League
Postponed at Y
The Vacation league at the
TMCA will be postponed until
Thursday, it was announced yes
terday by Carl Grieder, physical
The rosters of but five teams
have ! been turned in, however.
Following Christmas more boys
are expected to turn out for
league play.
Basketball Scores
Indiana 42, California 29.
; . Temple 32, Oklahoma 28.
Illinois 41, Notre Dame 29 (ov
ertime). "zr '
Tale university 44.. Washington
university 41. r ; v -i
Iowa 4f; Michigan Stste 84. '
' Brown SO, Rutgers .48 (overtime)."''-"'
-- f j
Pittsburgh 41, Butler 40.
Crelghton 37, Minnesota 32.
West Unairaid oi East's Great Galaxy ot Stars
. "'''',ii ..hi m m-yj'"!!1 .j? 'Hni,i)i .u.ii n. mm .... inj.i i..m. ,, ,, 1.1
v- '- t's--- , ,
' . . .. .
,. .. . ; i, j i . 1 ;-
1 : ' - A
.t J . v
" T fir'
a... r T . irr-) irrrTrnT f tmm tp,,, nni rr -ai - rn-i-i-rsn "r - y- -nr smruiu i
Top gridders of the west's All-Stars Shrine team, which will tangle with the oast's best New Tear's day in
Sam Francisco's aawl charity emgagemeat, - -mt pictured la battle formation during first serim
maa;ea. The wall (above) coMsista of Boa People (left), IXSCs Jim KlaselbwgH-v Ongom State aad
Elmer Gentry of Tolas U. They do the blockimg for McAdasu of Washiagtom (with ball). Led
by Michigan's great Tom Harmon, the east was rated to 1 favorites. -UN photo.
Shrine Contest Already Is "Sellout"
With Greatest Collection of Stars
Ever; East Is Favorite (Has Harmon)
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 23 (AP) Football stars
from the east and west, training for the annual Charity
game for crippled children here New Year's day, went
through swift workouts today at their camps in Berkeley
and Palo Alto respectively.
The Easterners, coached by Bernie Bierman of Minne
sota and Andy Kerr of Colgate,
chalked up a two-hour grind,
which included running through
several plays. Tommy Harmon,
All-America halfback star from
Mlchigsn, was the principal ball
The East's main attack will
center around the 1940 college
gridiron hero. Coach Bierman de
scribed the Michigan ace as "one
of the finest young men I've run
across." He said Harmon reacted
to various coaching methods so
easily it seemed to be second na
ture to him.
The Western squad, under
Coaches Matty Beal of Southern
Methodist and Orin "Babe Hol
Ungbery of Washington State
knocked off two brisk practices
and gave evidence of being much
farther advanced than the East
ern delegation, which Incidental
ly, has been established as a 2Vs
to 1 favorite.
The 16th annual game, boast
ing the finest talent ever assem
bled tor the all-star attraction, be
came an official sell-out todays
With temporary seats on the field,
the crowd will reach 62.000.
It is the second time in the his
tory of the game a sellout has
been recorded in advance. The
1939 classic, which Included such
name players as Marshall Gold
berg of Pittsburgh, was sold out
two days In advance.
Coach Dies From
Bite by Own Dog
NEW YORK, Dec. II. -JPf-Joseph
T. Harrigan. 50, physical
training teacher and sports coach
at Manual Training high school,
Brooklyn, refused to undergo the
Pasteur treatment two months
ago when he was bitten by his
He died today in Brooklyn hos
pital of hydrophobia.
Sords' Review of the Year
Yitt xy i'K
V5i D T Vv tro "tt aMToJai.
Bear Gridmen Are
Bothered by 'Flu'
BERKELEY, Calif.. Dec. ZS-(JP)
-Nearly half of the 34 University
of California football players en
route to Atlanta, Oa., for a post
season gridiron encounter with
Georgia Tech Saturday were re
ported down with influenza to
day. Coach Stub Allison. Assistant
Coach Frank Wickhorst, and
Charles Donohoe, first string
guard, were reported the worst
hit. Most of the other squad mem
bers were believed to have only
slight touches of the flu, and were
almost certain to play against the
The Bears plan to work out
Thursday in New Orleans, on the
Tulane university gridiron.
Columbus Bullies
Beat West Stars
PORTLAND, Dec. M-(ff)-Mud
faUed to halt an aerial attack, and
the Columbus bullies defeated a
west coast all-star eleven before
SO 00 persons here yesterday, 27
to 14.
The all-stars scored both of
their touchdowns In the second
quarter. The spurt brought them
within striking distance of the
champions of the American pro
fessional football league, and they
were behind only by a 17-14 count
at half-time.
But Columbus whipped a pass
for a third touchdown and kieked
its second field goal of the game
in the second half to win handily.
tfitJO (A0lVcH
1 a srl I ri am bw ; -
- iwnMlltV i t -,sa
Mat Bill Presents
Cowboy Tex Hager
"After your Christmas dinner,
come down to the armory and en
joy a three-hour, action-filled ras
slln program," is ths invitation of
Promoter Herb Owen, who is stag
ing his show Wednesday night.
Heading the bill is a newcomer
Cowboy Tex Hager of Amarlllo,
Texas. This m state r, said to be a
swift working cleanle, goes on
against the old xeteran. Bulldog
Back of the top tussle are two
other one-hour matches. The semi
final pits Jack Klser, long a Sa
lem farorlte, against Ace Freeman,
New York Jew, while the opener
bUls Elton Owen, promoter's son,
against big George KltxmUler.
Each woman accompanied by a
paid admission will be sdmttted
free of charge, Owen declares.
Guardsmen Lose
, To Berrypickers
LEBANON. Dec. 23. Coach
Jack Woodard's Lebanon Berry
pickers hung up their fifth con
secutive victory by knocking over
the soldier boys of company H of
Camp Murray to the tune of 43
12. Chet Simpson and Hal Mich
els starred for the winners while
Bob fetor ton showed real class
for the losers.
The Berrypickers led all the
way, using fire reserves in a
great part of the game. Leba
non's fast break and accurate ball
handling kept the soldiers on the
run from the start.
Lebanon (48) (IS) Company H
Trom 2
Bruman 4
Standley 4
2 Miller
2 Summers
2 Gessler
f B. Simpson
C. Simpson IS
Michels IS
Lemons 2
Number 13 Lucky
For Nebraska Fan
MORRILL. Neb.. Dec. 22.-(ff)-John
R. Jlrdon. feed and grain
dealer, thinks 13 is a plenty lucky
He ordered his tickets for the
Rose Bowl football game be
tween Stanford and Nebraska on
Friday the 12th.
When he geU to the bowl he'll
sit In row 12, seat 13, after enter
ing through tunnel 13.
And he'll be watching his fa
vorite quarterback, Roy Petsch
of Nebraska, who sports No. 13
on his Jersey, as does Frank Al
bert, Stanford quarterback.
Collegians Defeat
Molalla Cagemen
MOLALLA Molalla Creme
Frese basketball team lost to the
Ny Octa Roe college quintet on
the Molalla floor Friday night
47 to 30
C Frese (SO) (47) N. Octa Roe
10 Heino
Reed 11
Thronson 4
Waller t
Referee: Slyter.
10 Shafer
12 Woods
t Harvey
Rickenbacker Says
US WiU Be in War
MEXICO CITYr Dec 22-jp-Capt.
Eddie Rickenbacker. World
wsr ace, said today on his arrival
here for a vacation that he be
lieved the United States would bo
st war against Germany by next
summer .
' Rickenbacker, president of East
ern Air Lines, said that In his
opinion, with the cooperation of
America's Spanish-speaking ' na
tions, the United " 8tates would
coon be the greatest military
power in the world. " T"
Both Scrimmage, Nebraska
Against 'Scout Troops
and "T Formation -
PALO' ALTO. 'Caiif Dec. 22-Vty-More
scrimmage was ordered
for Stanford's Rose bowl football
team after Coach Clark Shaugh
nessy watched the Indians go
through a long, hard-hitting drill
Rain and Influenza have cost
the Indians half a dosen outdoor
practice sessions, putting ' them
far behind in their practice sched
ule. Spectacular pass catching by
End Fred Meyer featured today's
scrimmage, which concentrated
on-new pass plsys trom. the T!
formation to be used against Ne
braska in the Rose bowl Jan
nary 1.
The scrimmage tomorrow will
be the last on the Stanford prac
tice field. The first contingent of
IS - Indian footballers, southern
California boys going home for
Christmas, will more southward
Tuesday night. The remainder of
the squad will leave Stanford
Christmas night.
PHOENIX, Arts.. Dec 22
Coach Biff Jones sent his Ne
braska varsity today against the
"scout troops who patterned sft
er Stanford's tricky forma
tion. In the only practice session of
the day, behind locked gates, the
Cornhuskers got a taste of the
big threat which Stanford Is ex
pected Co unfold in the Rose bowl
on New Tear's day.
The "scout troops' tutored by
observers of the r" formation
are fire and six-year students at
Nebraska who did not play during
their sophomore year to conserve
their eligibility.
Coach Jones, apprehensive that
an extra week of inactivity might
have slowed up his players be
fore they started west, found his
squad in better form than ex
pected. As a result, workouts on the
canvas-screened practice field
were cut from two to one a day.
Unless there are unforeseen de
velopments, training win continue
oa that basis until the team leaves
Saturday for Pasadena, Calif.
Giant Simon Wins
With 73-Lb. Edge
NEW YORK. Dec. 23-JP)-Abe
Simon, the New York giant who
has been mentioned as a march
opponent for Joe Louis in Detroit
"picked on" little AI Delaney to
night and won a 10-round deci
sion before a crowd of 3000 fans
at the Royal Windsor palace.
Abe won the fight but Lelaaey.
giving away 72 94 pounds, won the
cheers trom the crowd as he
walked in round after round and
befuddled the huge New Yorker
with left hooks.
Slraoa weighed 25H. Delaney
Abe won simply by overpower
ing the game battler from Oab
awa, Canada, and cutting him
down with fearful blows to the
body. Delaney was floored early
in the third when one of these
blows landed smack on his chin.
He took a nine count
Kovacs Is Winner
At Indoor Tennis
Foxy Frank Kovacs of Oakland.
Calif., won the ainglea champion
ship of the annual Oklahoma in
door tennis tournament Sunday
night, defeating Bobby Riggs of
Chicago, the national Indoor
champion, i-4, T-t, t-4.
Returning to the court lees than
three hours after his semi-finals
match which went 23 games, Ko
vacs held the upper hand most of
the way and appeared little the
worse for wear.
On his way to the title. Kovacs
defeated Wayne Sabte of Portland.
Or.: Ed "Lefty" Brown of Waco.
Tex.; Ed Overholser of Oklahoma
City and Wallace Meador of Dal
las. Run One-Two
' - - i ; ; Byrssi Nessosi ajai Cajts
Victorious ta ths f 10.000 IGaml. -Fm, "Opca golf tourney. Byron
Nelson of Toledo, a. left, is shown with Clayton Hsafacr ot LtavCla,
N. C. who finished second to Nelson. The Toledo sharpshooter Shot,
a 271. nine under par. U beat out Seaxner by one strokn. ,
Salem. Orocjosu TussJaj'
Thorpe Denies
Game's Faster
Plenty of Deep Stuff in
His D ay and Blocking
too, Jim Insists
NEW YORK. Dec 23,-;P)-In-dlan
Jim Thorpe, generally ac
counted the greatest all-around
athlete who ever lived, refuses
to concede that football has Im
proved a particle sine the days
when he was carrying the ball
for Carlisle more than 30 years
go. , .
'These bowl teams are not a
bit. better than we were." he in
sists. "Those old Carlisle teams
could play , against them todsy
with exactly the ssme success.
I only wish I was playing now
against some of these fanny de
fenses they rig up flve-maa
lines and that sort of stuff. It
would be a cinch for me."
Jim. after soma hard year out
on the coast. . is doing m. lot1 bet
ter. He has caught on as a lec
turer and -Is troddlng the- boards'
almost nightly, telling the young
sters ot a new generation how
he skinned the world at the
Stockholm Olympics In 1$ II and
other assorted recollections trom
his amaxlng athletic career.
The peerless Thorpe has bal
looned about the middle, but his
arms and legs still are hard and
his thick hair still jet black. He
entered Carlisle in 1904 and
played football for 23 years. He
never was hurt in college, but
the professionals "braised me up
a bit now and then." he admits.
Had Even More Them
Jim dldnt get really warmed
up until it was suggested, mildly,
that present-day football with its
deception and fine blocking must
be quite an eye-opener for a man
who played in the old "bone
crunchlng" days.
"Whadda ya mean?" he de
manded. "They haven't got a
thing we didn't have, and we had
something- they haven't got now
sixty-minute ball players. These
kids now train 'to play about six
minutes st a time. We were lucky
to have one good substitute.
"When I was at Carlisle we
used spinners laterals, huddles
and silent signals. We used this
new-fangled T' formation and
the double wingback. both. The
crowd didn't know where the ball
was half the time until the tackle
was made. Ask any guy who tried
to pmy against us.
And don't think there's any
thing new about this blocking.
They gave me plenty of It. Only
difference is that they block a
little higher nowadays."
Snead Wins Over
Cuba Star Easily
HAVANA, Dee. 23.-(A)-Sam
Snead. the West Virginia clouter,
shot rounds of 49-48 1ST, seven
strokes under par, to defeat RuM
no Oonsales of Cuba In a 34-hole
medal play golf match Sunday to
settle a bet of 15000 a side be
tween their backers, Thomas Sher
lln of New York and Thorwald
Sanches of Cuba. Gonsales hsd a
71-71 142.
A steady drissle made the fair
ways and greens soggy and re
stricted the crowd to about 100O,
The weather seemed to hamper
Oonsales, a 22-year-old former
caddy, more than it did Snead.
The Cuban not only was consist
ently outdriven, but he putted er
ratically at times.
Rosenberg May Be Traded
PORTLAND. Dec 22.-A)-Rol-lie
Sehefter. business manager of
the Portland Coast league base
ball team, said this weekend he
intended to trade Harry Rosen
berg, veteran outfielder.
in Miami Goli
Morning, Docombor 24, 1343
Bowling Scores
Nicholson's. Insurance
Ctter 122 172 134
Kerbq .
Gage . .
Jit lit 5t
.1Kb 21t 144
.121 122 ltt
.181 142 171
.7 It 711 S02
Austin i ,
. 34 .-44
152 144
.13 174
.125 13E
.142 202
.202 111
.214 824 tSl
Pittsburgh. Paints
Handicap. 43 78
Peterson i tb no
Hendrle 144
Blatchtord .
Totals' ;
.132 13t
. 128
-132 . .
-14 144 112
-227 352 TT2
Senator Barber Shop
Cherrington : 192 ISO.
Gnstatsoa 13 10
Kitchen 168 ISO-
RichetU 192 200
Dahlbnrf 193 147
.874 S7t 294
Sfcrock's Used Cars
- i I , 8
.no m iti
.144 152 120
.134 189 Its
.158 153 1T1
-141 224 195
.724 IU 111
Swan ,
Friesen's Fwnltnrsv
Fully w-149 ; 184 1&3,
148 17 .147
243 134 ,1
.178 194 ,15C
.234 . 109 IT
,9sl .297' 24
Cooke's. Otflee .Boys
Handicap it , It
Barker ,.,...175 15
White 15t 14t;
Ross 153 117
.134 154
424 153
.744 722: 954).
Garbarino .147 125
Krech 180 124
Burch 120 154
H1U 148 122
Parker 153 147
.747 794 5-9
V-8 Dallas
Handicap 35 IS
P. DeGulre 147 151
C. Calliagsworth107 147
Woodman 138 192
Berg 172 147
Towe ,. 121 187
I &o
.721 82t TTO
State 84. Market
Hauser 141 122
McClary 141 14.
Mapes ...132 145
Scales 158 142
Pugh 137 19t
.709 iz rti
No Doubt About
Bridge Sturdiness
SEATTLE. Dec 23 (3") IT
there were any doubts about the
Lake Watshington floating
bridge's ability to stand thrsa ma
de rf 'a gale like that ot iha week
end. Engineer Charles E. Andrew
said today they should bo dis
patched with haste.
The Washington toll bridgVau
thority consultant said the- storm
didn't oven rate as "an acid test
Heaald the draw span st that east
end quivered momentarily.' bat as
estimated side away ot siissssl
inches In mid-lake was tar assart
of two feet alio wane in brldge
construcaoav - - -; -
Tho only difficulty, ha said,
came trom motorists who halts it
their ears on tho spaa to watch
the lake waves breaking in
over the railing.
Basketball Rules
Confab Scheduled
LAWRENCE. Kasw Dec 23.
-0P-The national basketball rales
committee will meet In : Kansas
City March 30 and 21. Dr. For
rest C Allen.' Kansas coach, seal
Sunday as he packed his bag ftn
preparation, for his team's rsatsni
invasion. .
Tho rules makers will congre
gate on March 29 and witness tho
game between ths eastern and
western playoff chamnioaa for the
aatloaal collegiate title, woa last
year by Indiana uarrerslty.
Bulldogs Defeat
-Hollywood Stars
By the samo margin that . they
lost tho3 last meeting, tho Loe An.
galea Bulldogs nosed out tho Hol
lywood Uars Sunday in a Pacific
Coast pro leaguo game;-14 ts 12.
Tho 8tara tallied twice U the see
ond taarter. but tho . Bulldegs
saxae hack with third and fourth-,
sjuartee touchdowns and. converted .
botbv times. .... , ; ; .