The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1940, Page 8, Image 8

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    CIS I ydaivzLZ:
Kay Kyser Is
Bogey Hunter
, " Karlof f, : Lorre, Lugisi
" Proyidc Thrills in
1 Kay Kyser, the 01 Professor,
surrounds himself with three of
the screen's foremost bogeymen
- and big cast of film and radio
'.- talent In supplying the novelty
entertainment of his new picture.
"You'll Find Out," starting to
day at the Elsinore theatre and
running- through Christmas.
. In this musical mystery melo
dyrama Peter Lorre; . Boris . Kar
lof f and Bela Lugosi supply the
menace that upset the romance
of - Helen Parrlsh and Dennis
! O'Keefe and terrorizes Alma Kru-
'' ger and JCyser'a entire band, par
ticularly by Glnny Slmmi, Harry
Babbit, Ish Kabibble and Sully
Between broadcasts of the Col
lege of Musical Knowledge m a
radio studio, Kay Kyser and his
band fill an engagement to en
tertaln at a big weekend birth
clay party In an old mansion in
- a deserted location. Seldom did
gaiety hare a more eerie setting
than the frantic edifice built by
a now dead archaeologist and
occupied by his splritualistlcally
Inclined sister and his pretty
young daughter.
Kyser and his pals are affected
by the gloomy atmosphere and by
the grim personalities of Saliano,
a fake medium, and of Judge
Main waring, the family lawyer,
They are even more effected when
they learn that several mysterious
attempts hare been made on the
life of the daughter. One of
these attempts nearly kills Glnny
Kyser and the band decide to
leave the spooky place, but a bolt
f lightning blows up the bridge
which Is the only exit from the
estate. They pin their hopes on
Professor Fennlnger to solve the
mysteries they meet around every
eornr. Fennlnger has been en-
gagd by the heroine to expose
Faliano's crookedness to her aunt.
Unfortunately, the Professor is
an im poster also, and is in league
with the Judge and Saliano to
kill the girl and thus assure them
selves of continued income
through their elderly victim, the
How the three Bad Humor Men
endeavor again and again to get
rid of the girl, how Kyser
tumbles across the secrets of
fiallano's mediumlstic tricks, and
how the band leader manages to
save the whole party from an
nihilation after a series of fan
tastic adventures with "black
magic," lead to a happy conclu
sion for the romance, and a mo
. sical climax with Kay Kyser and
his band back before the radio
Rosemary ... Wayne
Lane Morris
Lap Reading
Box Asscrinenls 25c lo SI
; Also Counter .Card for.
GIXXY, KAY AXD HELEN" find time for laaghter between thrills to
"You'll Find Out," the new Kay Kyser starrer for RKO Radio la
which Glnny Simms, star soloist of Kay Kyser's band, plays a lead
ing role, and Helen Parrish, seventeen-year-old ingenue, plays the
heroine against whom the three boo-boo-bogeymen, Peter Lorre,
Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi, plot. The film starts today and
.runs through Christmas at the Elslnore. "Behind the News" with
Doris Davenport and Lloyd Nolan is the companion feature.
Uyi :f ' r ,
EXPLANATIONS seem In order when husband number one meets up
with husband number two, or In other words when Melvyn Douglas
and Fred MacMurray have words over Jean Arthur in "Too Many
Husbands" starting today at the Liberty theatre. "Tower of Lon
don" ia the second hit at the Liberty.
England Is Place
For Bit of Rest
HOLLWOOD, Dec. 21-JP-An-
other "letter from England's
Actress Anna Neagle received
five-page epistle the other day
from an aunt living 10 miles from
the heart of London. It expressed
a fear that the actress was work
ing too hard "and now you write
that you are to play a circus bare
back rider in 'Sunny. Please be
careful, dear. It sound fearfully
hasardous. I do wish that before
you begin your next picture you
might come back here for a little
rest and quiet."
Only mention of the air war
was the observation:
"Tram schedules are sometimes
d a 1 a y d the air raids, you
Kiddies9 Educa-
tional Books
and Games
Individual Selections
-: -r
jdook stoee
PHONE 4534
Call Board
Today Myrna Loy, "Warner
Baxter in "Broadway Bill," and
Johnny Downs in "First Of
fender." Wednesday Dorothy Lamour,
Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell
in "Chad Hanna," In techni
Today Walt Disney Festival,
Including "Snow White," "Fer
dinand the Bull," "Donald's
Lucky Day" and others.
Wednesday Freddie Bartholo
mew, Sir Cedric Hardwlcke in
"Tom Brown's School Days."
Hlgglos Family in "Earl of
Friday Robert Young, Mau
reen O'Sulllvan in ."Sporting
Blood." and Charles Starrett
in "Texas Stagecoach."
Today Bette Davis, Charles
Boyer In "All This and Heaven
Too," and Rosemary Lane,
Wayne Morris in "Angel from
Wednesday Richard Dlx in
"Cherokee Strip." Jane With
ers in "Girl from Avenue A."
Today Kay Kyser and his band
in "You'll Find Out," and
Lloyd Nolan, Doris Davenport
in "Behind the News."
Friday Robert Taylor in "Flight
Command," and Mary Lee,
Rufe Davis in "Barnyard Fol
lies." CAPITOL
Today Marlene Dietrich. John
Wayne in "Seven Sinners," and
Jack Holt in "Fugitive From a
Prison Camp."
Wednesday Lum and Abner In
"Dreaming Out Loud," and
Marjorie Rambeau, Alan Hale,
in "Tugboat Annie Sails
Saturday John Garfield, Brenda
Marshall In "East of the
River," and Roy Rogers in
"Robin' Hood of 'the Peeos."
Today Jean Arthur, Fred Mac
Murray in "Too Many Hus
bands," and Basil Rathbons In
"Tower of London."
Wednesday Walt Disney's
"Plnoechio," and Boris Kar
loff, Bela Lugosi In "Black
Friday Charles Starrett in "Bias
ing Six Shooters," and Lola
Lane, James Craig In "Zanzi
bar." Dividend Checks
On Hand at Bank
SILVERTON Dividend ehecks
for amounts totaling $16,602.69
are now ready for payment at the
office of the trustees for the de
positors of the Coolidge and Me-1
uiame Dana according to an
nouncement made Friday.
This represents five per cent
dividend on waived claims. The
sum of 1107,876. SI has already
been paid in seven previous pay
ments. Visit at Tillamook
TURNER Mrs. Wallace Rich
es and daughter recently accom
panied her brother, George Arm
entrout of Albany, to Tillamook
to visit their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Armentrout and Mrs.
George Armentrout.
Today - Monday - Tuesday "
Continuous Today 1 -11 P. M.
A i - X
Wacky Holiday
For Hollywood
Film Stars Send Friends
Old Horses, Worn out
School Busses
. HOLLYWOOD, . Dec. 2l-JPf
Capricious, madcap movie-land
, . . well known for Its head
lined social hi-jinks the other
364 days of the .year . . . ias
pulled on the false whiskers .
dragged tinsel and spangles from
the mothballs . . . and is all set
for a howling, . super-colossal
Ynletide. soiree .. to romp,
make merry and otherwise frolic
ueing an unusual place, you
wouldn't expect Hollywood to ob
serve its Christmas celebration in
anything but a unique way . .
there probably Isn't another com
munlty in the country today that
resembles a veritable fairyland
quite as much as does this stor
ied land of make-believe. . .
Miles or decorated streets are
gaily lighted . . . flowered and
green-shrubbed wards, bathed in
sunshine from one season to an
other, are covered with artificial
snow . . . Imitation Santa Clauses
and dummy reindeers are mount
ed on lawns and rooftops . . ,
and myriad lights sparkle bright
ly from festooned trees. ...
Christmas is the one holi
day la the year when every
movie camera stops ... studio
gates remain closed ... bo
visiting president or foreign
notable can match Kris Krin
gle's feat In doing that . . .
It Is a day for much wining
and dining ... numerous
freak gifts and cards will be
exchanged ... some voluptuous
blonde or redhead is sore to
get her picture In the papers
after a dip in the ocean ...
others will decide to get mar
ried. ...
Some screen starlets will en
tertain a bus-load of friends . .
their parents will drive them to
nearby mountain, desert or sea
side resorts ... or they will
spend the day quietly at home.
But, although Jolly good times
are enjoyed by all film colonists,
they nevertheless see to it that
the less fortunate also are made
happy . . . they will do their bit
for organized charities ... or
as Individuals will play Santa
Claus to the poor. . . .
One of the better known series
of freak gift exchanges is that
practiced by MGM Director W. 8
Van Dyke and Actor John Mlljan
. . . It started years ago when
Mlljan sent Van Dyke an an
cient "flivver" from a Junk shop
. . . Next year, Mlljan received
an equally dilapidated school bus
which he In turn filled with
guests, towed back to Van Dyke's
house and left there . . . Next
year Mlljan sent Van Dyke an
assortment of dogs ... and the
following Christmas Van Dyke
sent Mlljan a hundred pounds of
frankfurters . . . with the mes
sage: "Here are your dogs back.
with the bark taken out." . . .
What the exchange this year will
be is still a secret. ...
Someone Is sure to wake ap
Christmas morning and find
an old broken down, sway
back horse parked in his par
lor and nibbling away at the
Christmas tree foliage, a
stunt that has been going the
rounds of actors homes for lO
years . . . What Actress Carole
Lombard will send Hubby
Clark Gable this year Is
mystery ... Before their mar
riage, she sent him an old rat
tie-trap flivver ... not to be
outdone. Gable secretly had
the ancient Jalopy rebuilt, super-charged,
and painted and
then proudly called upon Miss
Lombard in It, one of the
smartest looking cars on the
road. . . Later he sold it at
an attractive figure. ...
Mary Beth Hughes, aided by
the ingenuity of 20th Century
Fox prop-men, is sending a unique
gift, a big doll with empty slots
in its head, cheeks, chin and
above the upper lips In which
earth and grass seeds are plant
ed .. . Shortly they will sprout
luxurious crops of green hail1,
sideburns, moustaches, whiskers
and eyebrows . . . Two years ago
Cesser Romero sent Sonja Henis
a book entitled "Skating for be
ginners." ...
Cowboy Gene Autry will send
a big derrick to Herbert Yates,
Republic sstudlos head in New
York, with a notation it is to be
used in "lifting options" of his
Instead of mailing expensive
greeting cards, some stars con
tribute their cost to relief or
ganizations, which sent their own
cards for them and apply the
differential to charities . . . Few
players buy cards ... They start
months ahead to create one that
not only will be amusing and
smart, hut which tops anything
any other fellow can design. . . .
Last year one director mailed
friends a photo of himself in
prison garb . . . James Dunn sent
a mailing piece which, when ful
ly opened, overlapped a 9x12 rug
. . . Dramatist Richard Whorff
Starts Today
Contin. from 1 pan.
v TWO l '
Ux - 'I
- ;
: v
WARNER BAXTER and Myrna Loy are seen again at the Grand in
"Broadway Bill," a hit picture of several years ago which the
Grand is including in Its series of pre-hollday revivals. Companion
feature Is Johnny Downs In "First Offenders.
JOHN WAYNE ( (L), Miseha Auer,
Crawford in one of the exciting cafe scenes In Unlversal's romantic
saga of the Tropics, "Seven Sinners, now playing at the Capitol
theatre. Jack Holt In "Fugitive From a Prison Camp" Is also billed.
was so impressed witn a xo
snapshot of Tyrone Power.which
the latter mailed him, that he
asked Power to send him an
8x10 enlargment of It for Christ
mas . . . Power did, out it meas
ured 8x10 feet, not Inches. . . .
Actors who are natives of
other countries usually cele
brate Christmas in their own
traditional style ... at the
homes of Felix Bressart and
Jean Hersholt, for instance,
shoes are placed before the
fireplace, Instead of stockings
. . . Greer Garson observes the
day with an English dinner of
roast beef and Yorkshire pud
ding ... Producer Walter
Wanger and his actress-wife,
Joan Bennett, prefer goose. .
Bogart Can't Buy
Off Scene Rival
Actor Humphrey Bogart tried to
"buy off" a rival for 1600.
The rival was Pard, a little
mixed-breed terrier. After attend
ing a preview of "High Sierra,
Bogart decided the pup had stol
en every scene In which the two
appeared. He offered Owner Ren-
nie Renfro 1600.
"Pard is such a good little actor
now," said Kenrro, " nis price nas
gone up to 15000.
There was, no saie.
2 Year Old Tot
Is Operated on
SCIO Shirley Bolman, 1, was
operated at a Corvallls hospital
this week for a ruptured appen
dix. The tot is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Bolman, former
ly of Sclo, and a granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Bolman oz
the Gilkey neighborhood went of
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Burmester : Blanche Veverka) are
the parents of an 8-pound daugh
ter born In Sclo December IB.
They live on a farm two miles
southwest of this city.
Illness Reported
In West Salem
WEST SALEM Fred Gibson
is confined to his home with in
fluenza. Beverly and Caroline Abbott
are seriously 111 at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Abbott.
-v'-: J
( from the lusty, y t i
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22. 1843
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Blarlene Dietrich and Broderick
Installation Set
At Rebekah Lodge
f CIO Mrs. Marie Patrny was
elected noble grand of the Scio
Rebekah lodge for the first six
months of 1941 at a recent regu
lar meeting of the order.
Other officers Include vice
grand, Mrs. Wilms Crow; record
lng secretary, re-elected, Mrs.
Eunice Bartu; financial secretary.
Mrs. Leone Ray; treasurer, Mrs
Nell Donahue. Appointive offi
cers will be announced at the In
stallation meeting early in Janu
Virgil Crow was chosen noble
grand of Dierdorff lodge, Sclo
Odd Fellows, at a regular meet
ing of the order here. Vice grand
Is Leslie Flnegan; recording sec
retary, F. G. Cary; financial sec
retary, J. F. Oupor; treasurer, N.
I. Morrison. All officers, Includ
ing appointive yet to be named,
will be Installed January 4.
Oregon Climate
Delights Woman
Chester of 8eneca, S. D., arrived
last week for an extended stay
with her daughter, Mrs. Myron
Van Eaton and family. She is de
lighted with the mild climate of
Oregon and can hardly believe
seeing flowers In bloom at this
time of year.
Due to Illness In the 0. A. Kells
family, Mrs. A. A. .Taylor enter
tained the Little Garden club
with the Christmas party Instead
of Mrs! Kells. Hostesses serving
were Mrs. Taylor, - Mrs. Homer
McWsin and Mrs. William Nel
meyer. Aid Given Vancouver
Sunday School
day school council meeting at the
home of Mrs. Emma Whealdon
Wednesday it was voted to send
the used picture rolls and left
over cards to a needy Sunday
school near Vancouver.
And "First Offemdcrs" with Walter
1 : I
Ths Grscttest
. 1 - Romantic Coxnady
; ; ' u 01 m Tbn1
U j
rV"- A " Vt: .
Disnevs Festival
On Ho
Snow White' Tops Rerun
of Famed Cartoon
A symposium of the art of
Walt Disney
can' be..
seen this
week at the Hollywood theatre
when the Great Walt Pisney Fes
tival opens for a complete-per
formanee revel of classical, humor
and charm
Topping the
Festival is "Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs,'
brinrinr back to the screen In
this feature-length production
those delightful characters Show
White. Prince Charming, Dopey
and the six other dwarfs. Ever
since ; Snow White" was with
drawn from circulation last year
people have been writing to Dis
ney studio asking for It.
In" addition to -Snow White,'
four outstanding Walt Disney
hits "Ferdinand the Bull,"
the Three Little Pigs In "The
Practical Pig," "The Ugly Duck
ling" and "Donald's Lucky Day
are on the Festival program
Of the millions who saw "Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs," an
RKO Radio release, j thousands
have written to the studio ex
plaining that each time they saw
it again they discovered new and
more enhancing elements.
Altruistic Cliib
To Donate
DALLAS Members of the Al
truistic club held their annual
Christmas party at the home of
Mrs. Irene Lynn Wednesday
night. Mrs. John Frlesen was co-
Two Christmas trees I were ar
ranged, one for gifts, exchanged
by members and the other for the
dolls which were dressed for the
Dallas fire department for dis
tribution to needy children at
Christmas time. j
Several tables of 500 were In
piay. witn prizes presented Mrs
Ed C. Dunn and Mrs. Joe Dodge
A pleasant supper hour fol
lowed with clever Christmas ap
Present were Mrs. A. J. Krach
er, Mrs. L. R. Erickson, Mrs.
George R. Eberting, Mrs. C. P
Helgerson, Mrs. Arthur May, Mrs,
Florence Hunter, Mrs. Merlam
Murray, Mrs. E. A. Wagner, Mrs
De- Plaster, Mrs. T. B. Hooker,
Mrs. L. H. Rowell, Mrs. John R
Sibley, Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mrs,
A. Z. Brown, Mrs. Ruth Hyde,
Mrs. Harvey Carpenter Mrs. Hu
bert Dunn, Mrs. Raleigh Middle-
ton, Mrs; Joe Dodge, Mrs. Ed C.
Dunn, Mrs. W. C. Hefner, Mrs,
Merrltt Hart, Miss Hazel Butler
and the hostesses, Mrs. Frlesen
and Mrs. Lynn.
Fair at Woodburn
Has $30.95 Profit
WOODBURN The ! financial
report on the Woodburn com
munity fair was read by Wlnton
Hunt at the Woodburn chamber of
commerce meeting j Thursday
night. The fair made a profit for
the first time in its history.
Income was less this year than
the previous year, but expenses
were curtailed. After j bills were
paid $30.95 remained as the bal
ance with which to start next
year's fair.
Appointed as a nominating com
mittee to nominate candidates for
the board of directors were August
Moeding, Wayne Dobson and Wal
lace Jones. j
Terms of three directors, Fred
Hecker, J. A. Lacey and H. M
Austin, have expired.
Turner News
TURNER Perry Baker left
rFiday tor Turlock, Calif., to
spend the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Davis, who formerly
operated the barbershop In Turn
er. Baker plans to be gone sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. J. M. 8tover of Weiser,
Idaho, arrived Wednesday to
spend the holidays here with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. Riches.
Postmaster Archie Rankin has
been ill at his home with the flu
since Wednesday, but is some im
proved. The J. M. Bones and
Peter Frederlckson families are
also sick.
Josephine Gllstrap is expected
home from Columbia, Mb., the last
of tha week to spend the holidays
with her parents. Rev .and Mrs. E.
J. Gllstrap.
Uvwood Bill
- ... --. : -
Molalla Merchant
- Gives Free Show
As Annual Present
MOLALLA J. E. Rlddell,
merchant. Is again tbis year-oa
Tuesday, giving a free show 1st
the local picture show house,
the picture i Is entitled "Three
Cheers for the Irish' and four
performances will be given and
bo admission charged,
. Riddle has made this his an
nual Christmas gift to Molalla
and the outlying , communities
for many years and the show
house usually is packed from
the time it opens until the last
performance, j ' ;
"7 Sinnere - Film
Rlarlene Dietrich Starred
in Role of South Sea :
'i r
tol Offering
Marlene Dietrich Is a heart
throbbing cafe belle of the Tkm'tfc
Seas in "Seven Sinners,'" her new
film which opened yesterday at
the Capitol theatre.
Opposite her in the role of a
young navy officer is John Wayne,
Wayne does a notable job both
in the classic fight that climaxes
the picture and in the spectacle
scenes that precede it.
- Broaderlck Crawford is a ,
beached navy man who attaches
himself to the cafe singer and
follows her as she wanders from
one tropical Isle to another until
she comes to an American naval
Albert Dekker essays a difficult
role with skill, - bringing to HTe
the character of a ship's-surgeon
who Is seeking forgetfulness In the
bottle until he is reformed by his
love for the singer. Also seen
are Mischa Auer as a magician
and Hilly Gilbert as an exasper
ated cafe owner.
500 Is Diversion
At Molalla Party
MOLALLA Mrs. Ernest Smith
entertained a group at her horn
this week with a 500 card party.
The rooms were beautifully deco
rated with trees and Christmas
greens. A dessert course was
served. High score prize went te
Mrs. Claude Henrici with Mrs. A.
B. Gayner receiving the special
prize and eonsulatlon prize going
to Mrs. J. V. Robertson.
Present were Mrs Stanley, Mrs.
C. W. Kendall, Mrs; A. B. Gay
ner, Mrs. E. L. Worley, Mrs. Nor
man Admondson, Mrs. J. C.
Rivenes, Mrs. F. M Henrlksea.
Mrs. V. W. Brodkorb, Mrs. Claude
Henrici, Mrs. P. J. Breen, Mrs.
S. B. Powers, Mrs. Everman Rob
bins, Mrs. J. V. Robertson, Mrs.
Frank Dicken, Mrs. R. S. Grettie,
Mrs. R. L. Holman and the host
ess, Mrs. Smith.
Dairyman Returns
To California
TURNER C. P. Verburg.
dairyman, has sold his small farm
two miles east of Turner, and
Is moving his family back to his
former location in central Cali
fornia. He came here about three
years ago, buying the Tracy Giv
ens place.
W. J. Denhem Is confined to
his home by the flu.
Continuous 1:45 to 11:30
1 J 1
usa MSttfF ussa
ska fASSSI
rtan iuu warn. s
Companion Feature
With Lloyd Nolan
. Dorothy Davenport
Plus Cartoon - News
Todaj Jlon Toes. - 2 Hits
. &
Companion eFature -
w m i w v
m as
t Special
Anytime , :
: Open Evenings Tin Christmas
- c
o casr or thousands
j .