The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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i i
Comirrj at you flashln" fashion before taking a artnigbf s
War of absence. It's ihe most In Christmas cheer and 6m best
in the new year feat I'd lite to wish you . . . Your holiday
sports slate locally is the slimmest in years, "with the one main
all: action the "Willamette-Oregon hoop game here next Friday
rMMOWU Ml Ml 111 !,. r
Joe Louis
TnO-n- o that California used;
orthodox ground offensive; not loo sharp on pass defense ...
To somsM-hat belie the "not a great passing team" report the
records show the Huskers have completed 48 per cent of passes
California's quick hitting offensive, which lacked any pass
ing at all, came close to shading the Stanford's ... The Bears
did crack the Indians wide open on one long power march and
almost scored on another .... If Nebraska's passing attack is
good enough to odd a similar sharp hitting ground offensive
just a littl bit, fiie Huskers may have the answer.
Louis Par: Slightly Over Six Rounds
Question Who fought Joe Louis last summer and didn't
so much as touch him with a glove? . . . Ans. It wasn't last
summer, but last spring March 29. to be exact that Louis
kayoed Johnny Paychek, erstwhile Des Moines heavyweight,
in 44 seconds of the second round ... Paychek, back pedaling
from the start tried rust one punch.
Louis' entire prdafessional record now stands: 25 wins in
26 fights. 23 of them by knockouts . . . He has engaged in a
total of 48 fights, amateur and professional, and has scored 40
knockouts . . . Coincidentally. Louis made his worst fight against
McCoy the other night in Boston, scene of his lone amateur loss.
The champ's record since winning the title from James J.
Braddock is: Decision ed Tommy Far in 15 rounds, knocked out
Nathan Mann in three rounds, knocked out Harry Thomas in
five rounds, knocked out Tony Galento in four rounds, knocked
out John Henry Lewis in one round, knocked out Jack Roper
in one round, knocked out Max Schmeling in one round,
knocked out Bob Pastor in 11 rounds, dedsioned Godoy in 15
rounds, knocked out Godoy in eight, knocked out Paychek in
two and knocked out McCoy in six . . . Total: 12 fights, with only
Farr and Godoy staying the route.
Par for the Louis course, on an average basis, would be
slightly over six rounds something you might keep in mind
for future wagers . . . Since becoming champ he has seen
action in a total of 74 rounds, although "action" is probably
a gross exaggeration . . . Divided by the 12 fights, the average
is six and one-sixth.
Zags Almost Certain to Be on WU Shed
Ganzaga is likely to be on Willamette's schedule again
next year, especially in view of the excellent showing the
'Cats made in their 7-6 game with the Zags this- year, but the
site and date are yet to be decided . . . Spec Keene is having
schedule troubles, brought on by the fact four major games
are this year slated for Portland, while a number of other dates
show conflicts with Corvallis and Eugene.
The 19-year age limit rule cost the Salem high Viks but
one footballer this season Fullback Freddie Andrews . . .
Average age of the bays, despite the fact all but three of the
starters were seniors, was between 16 and 17 . . . Two of the
seniors. Guards Lyle White and "Curly" Hofstetter, would be
eligible another year if they were not graduating.
Clark Cinderella Shaughnessy, the Stanford coach, wizzard
or whatever, was a scrub at Minnesota in 1910, varsity end in
1911. tackle and guard in 1912 and fullback in 1913 . . . They
didn't have a roving short In those days . . . The guy is also
credited with completing 35 of 39 passes -in the Illinois-Minnesota
game of 1913.
s Many were the attempts during the past season to play
down the ability of Ucla's Jackie Robinson, but the fined rec
ords show the dusky stepper averaged no less than 1224 yards
per scrimmage play . . . He's also a fine basketball player,
he averaged 20.1 yards on punt returns, bats .400 in college
baseball, broad lumps better than 25 feet shoots in the low
70's in golf and reached the quarterfinals of the 1939 national
negro tennis tournament . . . His ping-pong? Well, I wouldn't
What? WU Tries to Get Shaughnessy?
An attempt was made by Willamette U to bring Shaugh
nessy here to head a coaching school this winter ... It was no
soap, but think of the attendance and the nationwide publicity
such would have broughtl ... It was Spec Keene's brainchild,
and Prof. Les Sparks dropped off at Palo Alto on the way back
from Whittier to see if the Stanford medicos would deliver it . . .
No soap.
"As I see the trend" said Pop Warner recently, "football
20 years from now will make even greater use of the forward
pass than we do now and some of us think the pass is being
overworked as it is. In 1960 you'll see many spread formations
and men in motion. The spread and the pass are the coming
mings" Huh, guess Willamette is going into action 20 years
too soon.
Salem's Butch Nelson will get competition for the fullback
spot on Tex Oliver's 1941 Oregon outfit from an unexpected
(to most of us) source, reveals Dick Strife of Eugene . . . Bill
Dunlap, a fullback from Menlo junior college, who was in
eligible last season, ts rated the best cruncher prospect since
Mike Mikulak, according to Strife.
Now that the San Francisco Seals have such ancients as
Tony Lazzerl and Jake Powell, why not, Dizzy Dean, too?
Incidentally, the Seals are calling in young Al Steele from
Salt Lake City of the Pioneer hub to understudy Lazzerl . . .
Thought Could Oscar Vitt be interested in Eddie Wilson?
That's all for two weeks, folks . . . See ya January 7.
J( )) Seller
Caiaaaa raaiaaUaa. Amaxlaf 817 O
Ka auttr with oka athaaa i yao
ara AITLICTI elaaraara. .
Mltia. kart. hit. H. kUy.
. tlMiMk, na, omttlpatiM. mjrm,
AUIwti. (Tr. skim. UmU m-
ChtaeM Bcre.Cfc
Office Hmt Omlyj
at. b. WL4 aa4 V
mm. m4 Wii, . J
a, tm !: a. m..
t3 n.ComtBU
Sparks .
night . . , Its a grand chanco
to see both clubs before they
go Into action in their respect
ive conferences.
Both the Ducks and 'Cats
have lost some close ones on
their current barnstorming
cruises wife Oregon's largest
margin ol defeat the seven
point loss to Long Island U and
Willamette's the 12-point loss
to Washington State ... Happy
Howard Maple's mob may
bake the Webfoots waddle.
Hither and thither reports on
Nebraska, Stanford's Rose
Bowl opponent: Two full teams,
one -as tough as the other; not
a great passing team; quick
hitting, power grinding offense
excellent defensive against any
Simmons Wins Y
Tourney Openejr
Th Srmmoni Independent hoop
taai of Salem, pced hj PranUe
Pac and Red O'Connell. defeated
Ui EnrlBeera of Fort- VaacouTer
41 to zrtn the opening- round f
the Portland TMCA hoUdaf hoop
tournament Friday nlghU
Pace and O'Connell each col
lected ntne points,' while Tommy
Medley hooped eiiht and Barrell
tanked seren.
Blmmoas (44) (20)
Pace t . . -Barrell-
7 - " '
O'Connell t
14 Rasaell
C Brtttoa
S Hickox
S Bchrtrener
McRae 4
Hobba S
Sabs for Slmmoaa;
Parker 4.
Medley S.
Orange Wivm
k Co.
Eastern Squad Arrires in
San Francisco; Tommy
Has No Plans
-All-America Tommy Harass
aad 21 team mates vhe cemprlae
thm ajMterm atm arrived
today to fcealai pradtoo fa
ICta amaaai Kaat-Weal
charity football claaaie. New
Tear day. t
Tha aateraers. headed by ce-
eoachea Aady Karr of Celaata aad
Bermle Biermaa of Mlmaaootaf de-
tralaed la a steady drtzato oC rata.
Tha weather caaaed a switch ta
Initial practice plana aad the stars
from tha east took their workomt
tadoora la Kesar basb-ethaTI paTll
loa. Despite wet weather, tha east-
era delegation receired roastas
reeeptloaa from the time their
trala axrtred la Oaklaad.
Players of both the East aad
West aqaads Joiaed forces for a
rislt ta tha crippled chlldrea'a
hospital. Harmon was the bit at
tracUoa for the yoaasatera. The
hslfbaca: waa flsaked by
three other layers of all-America
atatns. Francis Rearan of the
UnlTerstty of Penarrtraala.
backfield raaalns mate of Har-
aoi; aad two westerm lamlaartes,
Paul Chrtstmaa. Ualreraity of
Mlssoart pass thrower aad Rady
Mocha, husky center from the
DnlTersity of Washington.
Harmon reiterated he Aad made
bo deflalie plaas aa ta a career.
He baa recelTd offers to play
professional football bat is mere
attracted by a propoattlom to ea
ter the radio field.
Players of both squads were
nests at a lancheoa
slated to ram the baa t net clrcait
toalcht aad tomorrow.
The westerm team, coach ad by
Matty Bell of Soathera Methodist
and Orla HoUlaarbery of Waahlax-
toa State, will more to practice
headquarters at Stanford aslrar-
slty tomorrow. The easterners wm
shift orer to Berkley and begin
tralalns; oa the natrerstty of Cal
if orals field Monday.
Hunters, Anglers
Plan for Banquet
Meeting Slated for Monday
Night; Wires, Notables
Are Invited
Final arrangements for the aa-
aaal baaeaet of the Salem Heat
ers snd Anglers dab. to be held
January 1 at the Marloa hotel
will be made when the dab offi
cers and directors meet Monday
alght at the chamber of com
This Is the meeting when the
members' wires are larlted, and
also among the honored gaests
expected to be present are Got
ernor Charles A. Spragne, Secre
tary of State Karl SneU. State
Treasarer Leslie Scott aad snesa
bers of the state game commis
sion. President-elect E. J. Church
wilt preside for the first time aad
will announce his new commit-
Last year's baaaaet waa a sell-
oat, so with the p reseat member
ship at 410 tt Is agala expected
that attendance will tax accom
modations. It is suggested to those
planning to attend that tickets
be purchased early, either from
club members or at Cliff Parkers
or the Douahtoa hardware.
Spokane Players
Eye Spring Drill
SPOKANE. Dec ll.-(A)Sktp
Ersrt. utility taflelder with the
Spokane Indians baseball team
last year, said today he would not
return to professional baseball
this spring.
Bob Klnnsmsn. rookie pitcher
who tossed the league's only no
hit, no-ran game last year, has
glren up a Job with a Spokane
dairy to return to Olympia for a
visit at home before headiaa
south in February for sprtaa
training with the Seattle Ralniers
of the Pacific Coast lea rue.
Infielder Ned Stickle and Pitch
er Pete Jonas, now employed la
Spokane stores, also will go to
the Rsinler camp, as will Pitcher
Dake Windsor, who topped the
Spokane monad staff during the
championship season of 140.
Brown to Manage
Vancouver Caps
( Canadian Press) Bob Brown,
gray-haired owner of the Vancou
ver baseball team of the Western
International league, said today
he wonld "likely manage the team
myself daring- the 1941 aeasoa.
Jimmy CrandaU. formerly with
Hollywood, managed the clab last
season bat waa released at tha
end of the schedule.
It's Seventh
PASADENA. Calif.. Dec. Zl-ff)
-Stanford university sends Its col
ors Into the Tonrnament of Roses
gridiron attraction Row Tsar's day
for the ssranta time since tha
present series began In 1111, aad
It may take all the lack the n am
ber seven can give to bring victory
tor th far western team.
Stanford's record .ta this post
season's battle Is three losses two
wins aad one tie, aad it will be np
to the present aggregation from
Palo Alto to torn in ono more tri
umph to giro the nnlverslty an
even standing In the percentage
colntnn. .'
' The game ts ragged NebraakVs
first la the big Pasadena bowl, and
CrrlaTrn. Otregoa. Saadoj Hotnlno, 2eosssber 22, 1919
Sords Review of the Year
Here's Blocking Back's
Story of
COLLEGE STATION, Tex., Dec. 21 (AP) "Old Per
eheron," the warped4eged lad who operated the traffic
lights on the Texas Aggies crunching drive to football glory,
wouldn't have it any other way.
No, air, Jim Thoxnason wouldn't trade one ripping body
block "that you can just feel," for a 60-yard touchdown
canter. Unless, he grtaa. the -As
sies needed tha toachdown.
Retiring and centoel off the
field. Jim Thomaeoa la the Im
pregnable shield for an offense
that baa carried the Aggies Into
the Cotton Bowl against Fordbam
oa New Tear's day. The tireless
bload boy has been blocking oat
front of Jarrin' John Kimbronga
and other Aggie backs tor three
Twice all conference back, Jim
finally got bis highest rocoguitioa
tha other day. He was placed oa
the third Associated Press all
America tease abont aa high aa
blocking backs climb In a game
too crowded with stunning ball
carriers who bog beadliaea.
Rates Klmbroagh Tops
Jim Is tha "atop-and-co" boy
of the Aglo offense. His block
Ins to the dlfferanca between
gam e woa aad loases.
"I got a tremendoaa kick oat
of blocking more than I wonld
oat of carrying the balL I really
eajoy hitting- 'en.
"Aad aay, did yon erer atop to
talak they're aot looking mm np
that I'm ont looking them apt
"Too mnch has been said a boat
ma 'making John Klmbrongn. It
laa't true. That boy can ran.
blocking or no blocking. If Iro
helped him along in spots fine.
Bat he Is sort of a oae-man gang
himself, yon know."
Tommie wont tall yon. bat
yon know what Klmhrough aays
a boat Thoxnason?" asked Tommie
Vaughn, center, who haa been
playing football with Thomaaoa
since jnnlor nigh school days.
"That he's the greatest foot
ball player in the world today."
May Defend Championship
SPOKANE, Doc ll.-P-DaTe
Freeman of Pasadena, national
singles champion, la expected to
return to Spokane next month to
defend at least oao of his three
Inland Empire badminton cham
pionships. Warroa I. Williams,
chairman of aa tries, said today.
Trek Into Rose
Jadging by the roaslng enthusiasm
for tha team back in its boms
state, Stanford's ao. seven may be
Just another count from one to
A Stanford oltrsa first playsd
In the Tournament of Rotes back
In lfoz and took a 4t-a walloping
from Michigan, but the game is
seldom included la the records be
cause football was abandoned af
ter one exhibition In the affair and
aot resumed until it 11.
Stanford's next sppearaaco was
ta ltzS. It was aa aahappy re
turn. '-Notra Dame, la Its oaly bowl
appearance, handed tha Stan fords
a ir-ll liekiag. In m? Alabama
came west and held Stanford to a
7-7 deadlock, and It was aot satU
Aggies' Rise
Neutral Officials
Asked, BC Coach
Is Satisfied TTith Those
Named for Sugar Bowl;
Practice Starts
A proposal max aeatrals orudate
ta the Now Teara day Sugar Bowl
football claaaie bore between Ten
nessee aad Boston collage was
eoarartod today Into n aenta and
oast selection which woa general
The aaggastlons of .neatrals waa
made by Head Coach Prank Lea
hy of Boston College who said ha
thought a post aeaaoa game
"might bo handled batter by fonr
officials who had worked together
aa a team In an oatstdo conference.
Leahy made It clear thaa his
plan was oaly a suggestion and
said tha officials selected ware
"absolutely satisfactory" to Urn.
The officials announced by A.
N. Goldberg, president of the New
Orleans hCld-Wlnter Sports associ
ation which sponsors the game, as
Referee, James "Back" Chares
Umpire, rred J . U array
Hoad linesman, G. If. "Pap"
Pnmipa (Oa. Tech).
Field Jadga, Raymond J. Bar
baU (Syracuse).
Meantime. Leaky gare bis aqaad
a morning and afternoon workout
today at Bay St. Louis, MIbs., east
of Naw Orleans, while Tennesson
was preparing to Jump Into inten
afro practice next week.
Leahy seemed content with the
progress made aiace their arriral
early yesterday on the Mississippi
coast. !
Bowl for Stanford Grid dub
the next year that Stanford gained
its first Rons Bowl rletory a 7-t
decision over Plttsbwxgh.
Come the era of the "Vow boys"
ta its 4-1 1. An underrated Colum
bia team slipped over a 7-0 wis.
Dixie Rowtll and Don Hutson at
Alabama sank the Indians the next
year, st-lS, and finally the Car
dlaal red triumphed, 7-0, over
Southern Methodist. That was tha
year Bobby Grayson, two fins
ads. Ufthk Vloscrlp and Keith
Topping, and large llae backet
named Wes Mailer, throttled
8Mtn timed Robsy ttlltbn. .
Arguments continue as to whetft
or the present Stanford eievaa II
as good or better thaa Ue last
Stanford Rom Bowl tsata, Wheth
1003 See Drill
PHOK&TX, Aria, Zec. 1-AP)
Coach Lawreaco Bffr Jones,
atldctar to bis orlgiaal assertloa
-we're tere strictly oi Vaslnces.
locked the gates oa bis practice
gridiron today as the Nebraska
cornhsk-er vent thranogh their
first -reaT" drill In preparation
for the Boos Bowl emaaceaaent
with Stamford.
It dldat take long tor the Hus
ky S4aad to shake oat tha kinks
or the warm desert
aaylas;. bewerer. that
were progressing on schedule,
Jones was mum.
Oa oaly oave tkias Jones wu
defrmlte Everybody. iaclndlaa;
aewspapei mean, will e barred
from acta it drills. To assure pri
mer. Lao North Phoenix high
school stadiam has been screened.
The Nebraska coach Is taking
no chances, either, on any mem
bers of his squad deciding- to do
the town."" They wfJl remain la
tha eeml-aeclusioa of CameTnack
Inn. nine miles from the down
town section.
Jones wouldn't commit himself
whea asked what he thought of
the 2 to 1 dds being- offered
on Stanford on the west coast.
. "I doat beUere la odds," he
asserted. "A college football team
is a collea-e football team.""
More than 10 OB townspeople
turned out this morning to wel
come the cornhusaers tor their
practice sessions.
Jones said that whea tha aqaad
left Lincoln the maw was about
a foot deep, aad it was necessary
to dear the field to ran signals.
"This sunshine aare looks
ho Bald.
The party of S Xearaskaae
included 41 players. Joaes said
the aqaad was la "tip top shape."
Califoniia Sets
Heavyweight Meet
Commission Ponders Boot
Between Locus, Godoy;
Conn Is Eyed
LOS ANGELES. Dec 2i.-JPy-The
California athletic commis
sion announced today that a
beat f weight boxing tonrnament
will he held here within the next
two months and a challenge from
the winner will be tssned to Billy
Conn of Pittsburgh, light henry
weight champion, who signed to
day to meet Henry-weight Cham
pion Joe Louis.
Chairman Jerry Giesler aald he
saw Conn fight last October and
expressed the belief he wonld be
no match for Al Tnrkey" Thomp
son, lio-ponnd Los Angelea n
Thompson, who stopped Jnnlor
Slnnaell of Oklahoma City ta two
roands hero last night, said he
was wunag to saeet conn or
Louis, and woaid fight "anybody
la the elimination tournament
The commission met today to
consider a proposal tor a match
between Lewis and Artaro Godoy
of Chile. Oiasler and John Rastl-
gaa, a member of the cemmlaaton.
prorionaty exproaed dtsapprownl
of Promoter Mike Jacobs sagges
tloa to stage the fight horn, oa
the gronad that California ana
several heavyweights who deoarva
consideration as a possible op
ponent for LowJe.
Semi-Pros Adopt
Age 17, Minimum
ST. LOUIS. Dec Il-(JP-An nga
mlnimnm of 17 years for yonths
competing nndar the aanctlon of
tha National Semi-Pro Baseball
congress was announced today by
George Slsler, seml-pre coaxals
sloner. Slsler, former star first base
man for the St. Lonis Browns,
said tha ago limit wUl be en
forced to arold conflict with the
American Legion program.
"The American Legion apoa
aorod game has a definite place
in bsseball. It glras the yoath
that competttlro spirit and early
training oo n seers ary if he plana
to contiaae in the game. Oars Is
aaother step In the ladder of bane
ball that saoald be taken ta tta
dao tarn."
Slater oxplalaed that ta recent
years many youngsters had boon
attracted to eemt-pro ranks be
csase of the chance to perform
aad learn from older players,
an a ay vf them former major
leagno players.
or It is or aot, tha fact remains
that the lilt Indian m ths ons
that wUl play Nebraska, aad that
Is tho one that counts.' ' .'
Nsbraaka may dlstOTef, Jast u
Notre Damn, Alabama ta Dlf and
Columbia that ths Km excarsloa
tato the Rosa Bowl lb lucky; or
It might cirry Us 1U ltck that hit
Dak; Pitt Tfenietste aad biker.
Oddly tnottgh, h!lb uulttnt
Ovsr ontent of Tdttahe, tt talght
be hbted that Kta&tord'd hfeps for
a Ibtky tOventh invailbd fsstt to
S great bxteat eh U perforfnahca
of hi eii-Amerlean aaartefback,
rrahkio Albrtsnse Jersey U
A larg rar to read "it."
Bearcats Lose to Southern
X Idaho in Last Few Seconds
DENVER, Dec) 21 (APJ Paul Volenti, s&arp-hoot.
ia&raaxd, led Oregon State to its third straight victory and
the championship of an intercollegiate basketball tournament
here as the Beavers defeated Denver Tmiyersity 2720 tonight,
.Each of the other fire teams in the tmrrriainent was
beaten at least once. Denver had won two games and was
abend for snoot of the gasno ta
airbt ntfl TafestTsi aecarits
pat the none cease
tm (roaA.
mU who oa beea aeortas;
only Ugatty dartns Ores State's
carreat tour, collected 1 potnta,
mostly on long- shots.
With the score 16-15 after six
BBlatoa of play ta te aecoad
avatt. ValeaU bacsed a ; side aaot
and foUowed with n loaar arealac
goal that an re Oregon j State the
lead for the first time.
Tbis was the Oroalaas flftb
rletory orer Bin- Seven oalerew
tea bis compared with two loom
to Colorado, Big- Seres ichaapioa.
earlier this week. !
POCATELLO. Idabo. Dec tl-
SnbatitTite Center Ed Bradley
tipped in a Held coal with Z
seconds left to break a deadlock
and give University of Idaho
Sou therm Braach a 32-30 basket
ball victory orer Willamette nnl-
versiry. of Salem, Orel, tooiglit.
Snoiefa ceat climaxed n
Southern Branch coaaebaek that
started with the aecoad half. At
the tara Willamette led 17 to 14.
The two starting left forwards
set the scoring pace.! Woolaoa
scoring IB points for Willamette,
and Qoiiin 12 for the Pocatelto
The Bearcats move - to Baker
Monday alght for their flaal game
of the carrent holiday : road tria.
They play the Oregon State Beav
ers there and re tarn hero Gariet-
las ore just in time for ono
practice drill before meeting the
UadreraUy of Oregon Ducks here
rriday night.
Seahawks Manage
To Score Victory
SEATTLE. Dec. 2l-(f)-enttlo
mowed lata a tie wttb Portland
far third place ia the Pacific
Coast Hockey leagno tonight by
ef eating Taacoarer. Ji to 1. The
rsctory was Seattle's first orer
the Canadisns this year aad the
first over anybody on the h
loe in nearly n month, i
Best of Rookies
Bondrean Named
Best of Rookies
CHICAGO. Doe. tl.-irVLoals
Boadreaa. dorolaavda erUXlaat
yeang ahortstop. was voted aa the
ontstanalag rookie of the saajor
1 saga es for the 1949 nttra today
oy ue anaeago cnapter or the
Baseball Writers ansorlstian of
He win receive the J. Loots
Oomiakey memorial award at tho
chapter'a aaaaal dinner. January
Boadreaa waa aa alsaoot aaaal
saeaa choioa. recerrias: Z9 of SI
first place rotes, the other two
going to Sid Hadsoa, Washington
pitcher. Boaaroaa s point total
was Its and Hudson's 1S.
BrookrynB Pee Wee Reese.
tho a shortstop, finished third in
the balloting with SO; points, fol
lowed by Tern Olson, Chicago
Cabs pitcher. 70; Bob Keaaedy.
Chicago White Sox third lissrsnsn.
SZ, aad Bui joeholsosu Chicago
Cubs outfielder. SO.
Boadreaa. playtag km first tall
ta the leagno mot season.
batted .291 aad knocked ta 101
rens. . I
" Each TToman Acompenled f a raid Aftal!tn Tree
tower Floor 80c, TUtceay dttr. Rmfred Seats 75c (No Tax)
Tickets: Cliff Parker's and Lytle's - Auspices American Legion
- ' ; : : w cttaweMS Stt --
- 1 itero Owens, tatcbmkkrer '
To Appear Here
4', YPi:f:,
..r x
who'U ho ia the
ally of
that faces
UO Ducks Killed
For Cats Friday
We&foot Hoopers to Play
Slapleznen Heret Botlt
Clssba taa Trim
woiasBetto Cs Bearcat basket
ball brigade, which wlada trp It
current barnstorming .itinerary
in n battle with the Oregon State
Bearers at Baker Monday, next
Friday night la their own hoop
hsven hers win attempt to knock
orer tha high-geared Ualrersity
of Oregon Dackn.
Tho 'Cat eoartaters retara here
Christmas ere and are expected
to take bat n abort limbering drill
Thursday before meeting the Web
feets Friday night.
Oregon win hare Jast retara ed
from its third annual cross-country
trek, high potnt of which was
rm appearance tn the opening of
the Madison Sqnare Garden sea-
la New York.
Word receired by The State-
from the touring Bearcats
yesterday Indicated that Ram Sal
ter, who contracted the fin aad
was left tn Caldwell while the
rest of the aqaad r tinned ; tato
Montana, rejoined the dab aad
wUl be set to play against the
Staters at Baker.
Conch Howard maple's local
ceQeaiaas will he giving nway a
decided height advantage to the
Webfoots, wet most of the teams
who hare triumphed orer the
4 Ducks on their current trip were
also much shorter of stature.
Fear saembera of last year's
dab. Gaarda Tie Tewaaead aad
Paul Jackson and Forwards Arch
ie Maraaik aad Hank Anderson,
have been carrying the brant of
the attach tor tho WeTrfoota. Soen
omoros Warrea Taylor aad Wal
lace BerrerBt hare been alternat
ing at the center and forward
posts, along with Frert Mc-Neely.
two-year lettermaa
Ship Arrires Safely
LONDON, Dec II- (AP) - The
l.74-toa Detch tanker Pend
recht, r sported by Mackay radio
tn New York Wednesday as hav
ing radioed that she was torpe
doed by a submarine In the Atlan
tic, ana arrived safely at a British
port, official Dutch circles In Lon
don aald tonight.
ChrrHn Card
Czllirj Ja&ssn
' O TS. ' .
fbi?l37 Tea Utzx
sc3 ; d?aCwMiri