2 :dmwa .pairnoM TubauS jdoptO 1mIx2 ,MAM23TAT2 M002SO dT 'AG3 ii-.rf Til OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. SandayMomino. Drtm AJl f?o tn&kP ELY, C BUY, QUIG TT2 la r Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified AdverttslBK Three insertions per line 26c Blx Insertions per line 40c One month per line 1.15 Minimum charge 25c: 2 tU mla- lmnm SSe: U. min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this PC accepted an W 8:38 the evening before publics Uon for classlflrstlon, Copy rs eelved after this Ume rtn be run under the h dins "Too Lata to Classify." To Statesman aaauraa no finan cial responsibility for arrora which may appear in sdvertisements pub lished tn Its columns and In eases when thla paper la at fault will re print that part of an sverUseme-r In which, the typographical mistake oceura , . . The 8 ta teaman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the rlxht to place all advertising: under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressla for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by tetter The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind'1 ad. Livestock HORSES MAP.E9 MOLES LARGE ASSORTMENT of gentle, chunky, well broken horses and mules on hand at all times. Lots of mated tama. DISCOUNT for cash. CREDIT riven. No carrying; charge. ALL. 9TOCK PRICED TO SELL. Guaran teed aa represented. Free delivery. Bar K Stock Ranch, Harry Kuehne. Carl ton, Ore. C ml. E. of Carlton, T mi. W. f Newberg in west cnenaiem vauey, picked up at once. Wa buy fox feed Worses. Phone 7J30. Salens collect. nvin ivn nrihlu hnrsea and cows picked up free of charge any where in the Willamette valley. Top prices paid for fox feed horses. Phone 411, Salem, collect, iter, ta ornery Rendering- Works. DEAD AND WORTHLESS animals picked up at once Montgomery Ken asrlng worka Ph. T3J9 ooUect- Salem. Help Wanted Female WOMAN FOR housework. $15.00 a month. .Box 1417, Statesman. WANTED WOMAN between 30 A $9 for light housework. Room, board, small wages. Ph. 6753. HSEKPrL, P. 173, 1J4I N. Capitol 000000000000T0000000MM00 HSKPR for S adults. Must drive car. Ph. 4341. Situations Wanted CARPENTER WORK wanted. A. L Mason. Phone 9-1445. Capable woman-hr. wrk. P. S8C0 TJLTi.ii. i . i ' i. ri i (i i ii i 1 1 1 1 i - i i ' i ' HSEWRK. by hour. Ph. 4489 evea. For Sale -Miscellaneous OIL HEATERS $77.00 Kresky with built In fan $39.95 kUl SS rnleraaiL heats 9.375 CU. ft. $83.09 SI4.se Coleman, automatic con trol I $$3.00 379 SO Coleman, heats 7.000 CU. ft. I $49.60 WOOD CIRCULATORS 9S4.ES Olympic room alse .-$63.60 854.95 Olympic, I room else $38.50 . Royal 4 room else $24.00 WAS HERS $99.69 Fairbanks-Morse. Urge -$73.00 109.5 Blackstone aplnner 878.00 $99.69 Blackstone spinner $72.00 GEO. E. ALLEN HARDWARE 32$ N. Commercial TJNTVEX t m. m. movie cam., unus. Reaa Good Xmas present. Ph. 9333. WALXUTS, MAYETTS, 13 lbs., tl.Oe. Also apples. E. Anderson, Orch. Hta. Rd.. 1 ml. off Wal. Rd. P. 17F31. FACTORY BLT. trailer. Ph. $208. ejMayWwVwVwVwVWM 409 WHITE LEGHORN hens. 60c ea 14 ft. house trailer, vacuum brakes. Don Metheny. Rt 1, Box 122. is mu in. waiiace tta. BALDWIN PIANO SALE $ miles from high prices. We'll make you aa Xmaa present of downtown overhead. Spinets, Grands, Uprights. James C. Stone, Factory Distributor, Park Lane on Portland Highway, 1.2 miles north of underpass. Phone 8817. 859 ELECTRIC rnjre. Excel, cond. $20 cash. 1518 Chemeketa St 00000001000000000000000000000000 USED RADIOS. $4.95. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO. Rummaaa sale todav-341 N. Com' I. SPE. XMAS prices on rebldg. dav. as cuitr cunning acuowui, rn. wwii. HOOVER vac beautifully rblt. $13. Slv Pta. rpr. all makes. Vlnces. fits. WRECimia lirn hotiM. 1 P.tH nil Mission Sta, windows, doors, bricks, flooring; etc, reasonable. Jack A Burt. 12TH ST. GOLDFISH FARM. IsSft S. 12th. Open oves till Xmaa - - - " lUVWW HAAJ1 W CHICKENS ALIVE or dressed, hakes, roasts, hens, fry era Phone 22M1. Lee's Hatchery. ADYKRTISINO Weetera AdTertlsIaf; Repressntatlrsg Oeorgo Ol f"lose. Xaa ' Saa Francisco, Loa Ang-eUa, Seattle JEastera Adrertisinf KeprsMnta tires Bryant, Griffith Branson. Too, Chicago. New York, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta ater at IJU Peefofflca f taXmm, Oro. as Sees ad Class Hitter. Pa Haaed aoerw aserwtaa aoapt Afoaday. aws4wM ffiom M ceata Cemmerciai fUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' l(aQ Subsertptloa Rates ta Advance i Wtthla Oregon : Dally and Sunday, Ma etnts:S Moa $1.60: MoaTtLSO: i rar $.$$. Elsewhere 19 can Is par ita. or I8.ee for year la advance. Par aopy S cents. Mewsstanas s aeata By City Carrier. 00 canto a snonth. fT.29 a year la advaaca ta Mart and adJacaat eountiea. CLo:nis $2v (T-Jil "ScaSTS i 3?5y r TW DOLLARS) fJO-MOA (ROOF TWS V OPPWS SHOE AND J we C.ffSCjS yj 1 If . 1 1 A 1 7 I i4oigis,ls5s Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITS or phone (9188) to Salem's oldest largest home owned and home managed finance Institution Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy. Too will be given ovary consideration In the re paying of your loan or granting at a tension a 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too can nay tn full any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers Loans mad oa furniture or oota SEE ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR U& No M 153 General Finance Corporation 138 So. Commercial 81. Lie First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape Ton will retain pcssesslon of the vehicle. I TO 30 MONTHS fO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9189 Lie No M-112 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real oa tate. Will pay 8 Interest. W It GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneous THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY FURNITURE A SAVE UP TO 75. EVERYTHING GOES NOTHING IS RESERVED. Save on : davenports, d a v e n o a. lamps, desks, cedar chests, rugs, wash ers, occasional pieces, bedrm. A din ing rni. sets. WE MUST DISPOSE OF EVERY THING BY JAN. 1st. Open Every Evening 'Til 9 p. m. COHN BROS.. 30 N. Liberty pppp TOV tn uih ruitnmtr todsv while they last rummage sale, 341 N. Commercial. AT.R WAY for sale. Phone 60F4 oni.I TP TTTT Phnn S W V . . .... w . ru-LPLru-u-u-L ir-i-n- ----- - - " Prime dressed turkeya Ph. I7FI. Wanted Furniture F. N. A GLENN WOODRT. Auo tloneers A furniture dealers will pay ou more cash or trade for furniture ; household goods. We buy or sell ev erything. Ph. 5110. sasaWasjes,Mw,aNs,sssssssSaO CASH FOR used furniture A house hold gooda R. Forgey. Ph. T44S. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT good 2 -wheel trailer which will hold 1000 pounds or more. C. P. Verburg, R.1, Bx 143. Turner, Ore. WANTED ACCORDION 48 base or more. R. B. Everly. Phone 8009 days. SALEM . WATCH SHOP 341 N. Commercial Watches and watch repairing rea sonable. Cash paid for old gold. EOT1ITT in 3-acre tract, house and orchard, bldga. at Four Cornera To trade for car or truck. Call 318 BeUe vue. Phone 7874. . USED wool mattressea Ph. 8110. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Places for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Alisky Bldg. 3d A Morrison. BR 2437 For Rent Rooms DOWNTOWN FURNISHED rooms. Hot water, steam heat. 83 per week. Special winter monthly rates. Ph. 8792. HEATED SLEEPING room also apt. 839 N. Liberty St. 00&000000000000000000000S0S0 Heated turn, rmi., reaa. 1880 Center. 00000l000000S000S00S0 HTD. RM.. close In. Ph. 4498. ugtia AT Ullmans, 8S0 Marlon. HOTEL SALEM, low mo. rates Room and Board VACANCY NOW at Ma Bowsn's. $0$ N. Liberty. MEALS AT Ullmans. 850 Marlon. HEALTH HOME for elderly and convalescent. 893 S. Commercial. For Rent Apartments 3 LO. R. furn., basement apt. L, W washer, $15. 790 N. Commercial. 3 R. DN.. Its., w.. rar.. washer. $t. 2 P w. A ht., $18. Phone 7113. 3 RMS. NICELY furn., automatic hot water, priv. bath, prir. enL, $12 per mo. 1340 Lee St. NICELY FURN. I rmSL. 1U.. ht. wtr. elec. re frig, gas mg.. clrc, gar. Ph. $288. Adults. ilO Judson at South High. FURN. 2 R. A kitchenette. Heat, light A water, 988 8aglnaw. 2 RM. APT- couDlo preferred. Walk. diet. $13. S2S Union. Ph. T01S. SMALL 2 ROOM furn. cot teas, wa ter. lights, phono. $14. 841 MUL 0000000000000000000000000f00S0 VTTRrMrT9H1CTI ant si 4 ft lfllV ejassjsmsssiaaadejamads CLEAN APT8 3949 N. Capitol St, at Hollywood, low rates, adulta APTS. $8 to $13. 88$ & Commercial. f RM. furn apt. 1399 "D St. CHOICE APt now avalUbU at the modem Fisher Apta 8a Com'L at Oak. Phono 70JT 8M. clean apt. T70 a Com'L APTS. 13SS 8. IStiL, $18-818.80. Pa. 8333.. IstlLpn. bath. 3985 Center. Mod. S rm. apt. 891 N. Cottage. MOD, partly furn. t rm. apt. 185 N. 14th. Ino. 1430 D St. SMALL FURN. apt, 843 Ferry. SINGLE APT. kitch, ISO U. Cottage. 4 RM. fura. apt. Llghta water, gar. Adults only. 898 N. 31st Bloney to Loan No 8-138 Phone 9188 Convenient ground floor location For RentIIouses NEW DWELLING S RMS. MODERN. Vacant $i0 down. $22.50 monthly. H. P. GRANT 529 Court. Ph. 874 4. $18 rms. partly furn., Englewood. $30 i bedrm. hse. near Parriah. $3S 3 bedrm. miKl. house, north. MONEY TO LOAN, H. P. GRANT 59 Court. Ph. 8744. 5 RM. FURN. hse., gar., close In. Inq. 710 N. High. 00S00S0l000f00000000k FOR RENTALS, see LOUIS BECH TEL for rentals see MABEL NEED HAM. 311 State St.. Room 4. MODERN 4 ROOM furn. cabin. 2S60 S. Commercial. S RM. MOD. hse., 875 N. 15th. Ph. 3349. 3 BDRM. MOD. home. N. E.. 835 C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838. 6 ROOM HOUSE with basement and furnace, located In So. Salem, $25.00. Modern 4 room furnished duplex apt., elec. refrlg., range, basement A fireplace, $27.50. 8. M. EARLE or VICK BROS. 208 N. High Phone 9878 or 2885 7 RM.. 1831 FAIRGROUNDS Road, partly furnished, $20.00. 5 RM., 830 Electric. $20.00. 4 BDRM, 1545 Trade St., sawdust burner, $20.00. Mod. 6 rm., completely furnished, $50.0. N. J. Llndgren or E. M. Larsen 175 South High St Phone 8190. 2 A. TRACT WITH bldsrs MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Street GOOD HSE.. all mod. conveniences, on Evergreen Ave. To rent ; not listed for sale. H. C. SHIELDS. Oregon Bldg. Phone 8902-6979. eves. 8 RM. MOD. hse.. N. Salem. P. 4320. HOUSES. Meivln Johnson Ph 8733 WF! HA VP! THR PROS PIT r-r IF YOU want to selL oxchanga lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta 3 A. 4 rm. hse.. bath, liehta other bldga Meivln Johnson. 725 Court FURN. 8 RMS., bsmt.. furnace.laun drj: trays. Inq. 1465 Mission. -- -- 1 r,rrrVMli furn. A quiet suburban home with ev ery apt convenience. Includes lighta heat gas, hot water, laundry A gar. Bus by door. Nod-Away-Motel, 8 blks. north of Underpass. FURN. 8 rm. house. Ph. 7445. 5 R. all modern. Double plumbing, oil heat Inq. 950 Belmont. For Sale Real Estate NEW HOMES S RMS., HDW. flra. fully plastered, 1 acre In cherries. $2850. FHA terms, 10 down, $17.34 mo.. Inc. taxes A In surance. 4 rms. with unfinished upstairs, only $50.00 down, $22.50 per mo. on baL, full price $2850. 5 large rms. near high A grade schools. Full basement, 2 fireplaces. Large auto, oil furnace. $4500. FHA term. Monthly payments less than $30.00 per month. 6 large rms. on hill, beautiful view Of whole valley. Panel walls. This Is a real home. Only $4500 with FHA terms. RICH L. REIMANN 167 8. High Phone 8622. Salem's Largest Home Builder" PRICES REDUCED ! $27758300 DOWN, $30 MO., less for cash, $ B. R. mod. home, full base, (no fur.) Large llv. A din. room. Ira ni ed. poss. Only 8 blocks south. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838. GOOD ROnf hnnu on 7 1 m bedrooms, bsmt, garage, price $2109, terms. MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121. Business Cards ta this directory raa oa a monthly basis tmly. Rate: 91.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes aflks Panes 178 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. Now and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott t4T a Com'cL P. 451$ Chimney Sweep TELEPHONK 448$. B. B. Northnsss Excavating SJXCAVATTON OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt bsuled or moved. Dirt for sola Salem Band GraAveL P $498 Florists Brelthaupfa 44T Court Phono $191 Funeral Directors TorwlUlgor Funeral Borne. Ph. 831$ Honse Trailers AND FARM TRAILERS. Ooe-third down. Wo finance. Ph. 3176$. Mr. King. Blattreases CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phooo4961. Moybs ThsrsH Bs a Wsdrftael Money to Loan LOANS IN A HURRY At Personal Finance Company You can get the cash you -need 15 mln- Cash utes after your application Is sp- to proved, privately, without embarrass- , You ment on your signature alone, or on $ 78 your car or furniture if you can at-- 225 ford the convenient monthly payments 809 shown below. Just come In or phone. 149 EMPLOYERS. FRIENDS OR RELATIVES ARE ERS SELDOM REQUIRED. ' For a Personal Xjo me PERSONAL FINANCE CO Ground floor. New Bllgh Bldg. (Across from Court House 512 State St. License Nos. 8-122 A M-145 Phone 3191 CASH for XMAS Needs to-meet araounta - - Get a cash loan from us and pay all expensea Spend the rest for holiday needs - No co - makers needed. Thla la a confidential loan service. $300 on furni ture or livestock. 8500 on cara Repay not htng for 30 days long er If you choose then small e a s y- L Monthly payments In eluding sll chsraes Cash to you $50.00 100.00 800.00 $ mo. 13 mo. 30 rao. T.13 8.02 8.36 14.35 10.05 6.73 28.49 20.09 13.44 42 74 30 14 20 14 Other Amounts tn Proportion Do not feel obligated wo are hero to serve you. Phone, write or come In. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" Rm. 201, 2nd fL First National Bank 8alem, Oregon Phone 4448 8 tate Lie No'a M-378 A 8-228 FHA LOANS H. also priv loans Abrams A ElUa Inc Masonlo Bids, WE LOAN on farm, residential A business property. Will buy mortgages or contracta HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC, Realtora Guardian Building For Sale Real Estate SO ACRES. ABOUT 20 acres In cul tivation, river bottom land, 6 room house and barn, family orchard, creek and pasture. Price 33000. Will trade. We have a fine, new, modem 7 room home, price 34500, clear, will trade for a farm about the same value. 9 room house with 3 apartments, close in, price $3000. Will trade equi ty of $1500 for small house or acre age. 7 acres, 8 miles north, fair set of buildings, family orchard. Will trade for house and lot at the edge of city limits, south. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. 110H N. Commercial St. NEARLY NEW t bedroom plas tered house on corner lot streets all paved, located in West Salem, price only $1750.00, very easy terms. 24 acres 7 miles east of Salem. 8 room house with basement and fur nace, several good springs, landscaped, also sprinkler system. A real buy at $2150.00, easy terms. S. M. KARLE or VICK BROS. 208 N. High Phone 9678. $3500. NEW SUBURBAN home, close in north, 4 bedrm s., bath, lights, laundry rm.. garage, $250 down. 82950, new suburban home, close tn east, 5 rms. A unfinished upstairs, bath, lighta fireplace, furnace, garage, laundry rm., $259 down. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 2723 WE HAVE a few farms for sale In Marion and Polk counties and in other counties of southwestern Oregon. These farms are priced in keeping with the prices of agricultural products. Call at the National Farm Loan office. 216 Oregon Building. Salem, and dis cuss these opportunities with our rep resentative there FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SPOKANE. 2.2 ACRES TRACT on state high way 6 miles from city center. New 7 -room bungalow in beautiful setting of fir treea Elec. water system In large spring. This property will compare fa vorably with any $3000 suburban home near Salem, but because the owner is leaving, it Is offered at ONLY $2100. See Mr. Collins. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE FINE LOTS In restricted district on paved st, many nice new homes now being buHt. Price $500. SEE US FOR BAROAIN. Make your own terms. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 S. Liberty Street Directory Mattressea 8ALEM FLUFF RUG A MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remede, rug cleaning A weaving, a 13th A Wilbur. TaL 8441. Z wicks ra Papering-Painting NXAT Work, reaa Johnson. Ph. 8778 Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Qraber Bros, 154 a Liberty. Ph. 6594 Printing FOR STATIONERY, carda pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 818 & ConunarclaL Tele phone 919L Transfer FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oU, briquets, presto loga Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, polnta. Larmar Transfer Co. Pb. 318L Vacuum Cleaner Service PRE B tnspoctloa ta your homo. Aa thorlssd Hoovor sorvtco. Wo service all os e loa nor a Hogg- Bros, Ps. 8983. WeR Drilling ft. A, WEST. Bt 6, Bl 448. P. 8-3390 - . ! Money to Loan Mo. payments Including ALL charges for S moa 13 moa 29 moa $18.38 : $ T.SS $ 8.04 49.18 13.81 18.13 43 61 80.14 39.18 80.57 14.06 9.41 NOT NOTIFIED. CO-SIGN- THE V- Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 3TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINO LICENSE NO. M-159 sasmsasssasssasjsassasagassssasssssaassassjsaa 820 TO 91000 ON TOUR- CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO 127 New Bllgh Bldg Ph. 9391 Money Immediately Lie M-233 For Rent HOUSES A APTS. 735 N. Com'L OFFICE ROOMS. 881 State Street Inquire room 300. TeL 871 A Wanted to Rent WANTED Mod. house to rent un furn, 5 rms, bath, basement, garage. Close In. Navy Recruiting officer, 229 Postoffice Bldg, Salem. WANTED By Jan. 1st or sooner, 3 to 4 b'rm. hse, all modern, in good area, furn ished or unfurnished. WU1 take lease for year or longer. Best of references given. Any rental from 850 to $76 considered. Call Percy LTllman at 850 Marion St For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL NEW 2 B. R. home, Falrmount Hill, excellent construction, two oak trees with corner lot, Venetian blinds, only $5609.09 complete. Very liberal terms. Bargain, 6 rm. house. 1 year old. east only $3800.00, terms $300.00 down, baL $35.00 per month. New 2 B. R. under construction, N. E, automatic oil floor furnace, utility rm, garage. $3150.00. terms, $150.00 down, baL $25.00 per month, small deposit will hold this house un til completed. 6 RM. house with bath, located 1530 Bellvue St, $1050.00, terma $100.09 down, bal. $15.00 per month. 57 A. near Turner on Pringle Rd, some timber, city water, spring, no bldgs. $2000.00, terms $200.00 down, baL to suit. MONET TO LOAN AT 5 N. J. Llndgren or E. M. Larsen 175 South High St Phone 8890. 6 R, $15. 7 R. N. E, $37.60. New 4 R, rnge, $18.50, w. paid. Ph. 7113. SEE ESTEP at once If you want to own 830 N. Winter, the nice 5 R. white hse. on the creek lot about 130 ft by 160. Terms or cash. ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 164 S. Com'L Phone 4842. HOME BARGAINS A INVESTMENTS NEW 6 RM. mod. home located In new dist. In N. Salem. Auto, oil heat double garage A large lot Price $6300. $1700 cash will buy this 3 rm. mod. home. Now rented for $20 per mo. A real Investment To see these homes, call O. H. Orabenhorst, Jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Ph. 6468. RESPONSIBLE BUYER WILL GIVE a corner lot clear title as down payment on mod. home. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. H. P. GRANT. Realtor, 829 Court SEVERAL NEW FHA homes re cently completed. Others nesting com pletion. Phone 3745 Ed Forge rd. NEW MODERN 6 -room house A garage. Make your family a Christmas present. Easy terma Owner. 6506. 8 RMS. Lts. A wter. $609 $2$ dn, $19 per mo. Inq. 3160 N. 6th. BEAUTIFUL SCENIC home tracts. Kingwood Helghta Cascade Torracea $275.00 to $650.00. Small monthly pay ments Call owner. 8412. SEVERAL NEW FHA homes re cently completed. Others Bearing com pletion. Phone 8745 Ed Forgard. NEW-5 ROOM house, 194 N. 13th. Open for Inspection Sunday. Mr. Sea grove, Ph. SS06. ACT QUICKLY! TO CLOSE an estate. 81200 rash buys this 7 room well located home, garage. Investigate this C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High. 583$. LOTS OWNED by city. $125 to $800. See any real estate man or call $632, 1(7 a High St. COMPLETELY MODERN 6 room house. Fine location. North east land scaped. Nothing left to do but move In. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Exchange Real Estate XMAS SPECIAL: 3 family apart ment house renting for $76.00 per month. Will accept small house in exchange. Price with two apart ments nicely furnished $7500.00. Call for appointment SPECIAL: We offer you two good . modern houses for the price of one, $4509.00 closing Loan Co. holdings. Ask us about It Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILD S A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281. EXTRA GOOD TRADES Priced Right; What Have You Bechtel-Needham. 341 State, R. 4 S3 A, SI1S9 GOOD farm, service st coast 34 A, $3809, Howell Prairie for smaller acreage. 36 A. Howell Prairie for $7090, for store or service sta. 10 acres, $1809. 8 R. house for 4 or S R house. 49 A $3399 good soU. oa 99 highway, for small acreage. House A lot in Portland way under priced, $1009; trade for Salem. $1790-. bouse. S lots la Dallas for Salem. $3. 600 bungalow, 0 R, base, furnace, for Albany. For trades, see LOUIS BE CHTEL or MABEL NEED HAM. FOR EXCHANGE 839 ACRES. LOTS of good timber, acres tillable land, cood sarins: wa 89 acres tillable spring wa- ter. Will orchange for city property. W. H ORABENHORST A CO. .134 a Liberty Street I CLEAR HOUSES, stock of mdse. A soma money. Waat a valley farm to $7880. ft. C SHIELDS 813 Ore- B14c Ph. 8993 or S9T9. By CHIC YOUNG) For SaleUsed Ckrs Believe It or Not There Is a Santa Claus! On Every Used Car Sold for 200"or Jlor Between Now. and Christmas, Santa Claus . (DOUGLAS r Will Gr Yoii Vour ; ;", f 1941 UCENSE, 5 GALLONS OF GASOLINE AND 1 GALLON G. M;.ANTI;FREEZE '39 Ford Convertible Coupe.. : $595 RADIO tt HEATER. VERT CLEAN. '38 Ford Sedan, radio and heater $495 A PERFECT CAR IN EVERY WAY. '37 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan $445 SEDAN HEATER RECONDITIONED '35 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan $295 THIS CAR HAS HAD EXCELLENT CARE. '34 Chevrolet Master Sedan $195 '34 Plymouth Coupe ; $95 '30 DeSoto Sedan $50 SHOP HERE BEFORE YOU BUY McKay Chevrolet Co.. WALT HOLMAN LAWRENCE FLATHERS VIRGIL SLOAN 333 CENTER OPEN 1939 CHEV. 4-DOOR Sedan In per fect condition. Must sell to close es tate owner. Ph. 6888. 39 CHEV. Cpe new tires, bat. Mo tor per. Meredith Cot.. 7199 Port. Rd. 1938 DeLUXE FORD Sedan, $300. See at 3115 Chemeketa, Ph. 7233. '40 Packard 6 Sedan JUST LIKE new heater, radio, $SS9 down. State Motors. 349 N. High, Ph. 91T1. 31 BUICK CPE., make offer, must sell. Also good used batteries. $1.00, exch. Cabin 10, Junction Auto Camp. MUST SELL TODAY 1940 DeSOTO CUSTOM Sedan, overdrive, deluxe radio, all weather heater, life guard tubes Run only 19,900 miles. -Will take small car In trade. Terms on balance to suit you. 93S Columbia St. Phone 8679 '37 FORD COUPE. 13.009 mL, $300. 3028 S. Cottage, Phone 6013. OR TRADE, '29 coach, also trailer, trade for radio. 1390 Third. W. Salem. 36 FORD VS. Oood cond.. 3330. New license. Terma 1840 8. High. Exchange Real Estate WILL TRADE TEN ACRES of land clear of debt located In the Liberty district. Will sssume some. Wsnt good small borne In Salem. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone 6448. TRADE 10 acres oak timber for lot or car. 1399 Third St.. W. Salem. MOD. 8 ROOM hse, full 'basement, fruit, treea good gar., will trade for ."horns A small acreage close to Salem. 1315 Mission St. Call daytime. For Sale Farms FARM SACRIFICE COMPLETELY STOCKED and equipped including sll household con tents. A complete set up resdy to go. 84 A, with about 64 A. under plow. 19 A. of walnuts with H bearing. BaL pasture A some timber. 3 water sys tems. Good bldga consisting of T rm. house, barn, silos, machine sheds A chicken house. A real bargain. See it now! Price 98400. CaU U. H. Oraben horst Jr.. with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO., Ph. 6468. PORTLAND HIGHWAY FARM 118 A. FARM. 100 A. under cult, good soli, well wster. family fruit A bldgs. consisting of house, 1 lge. barn, garage A chicken house. Call O. H. Orabenhorst. Jr with W. H. GRAB ENHORST A CO., Ph. 4443. 1$ A. ALL IN cult, river bottom soU, $ ml. from Salem, cherries, fruit A nuta Sell on easy terms or trade for house In Salem, H. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8903-6979 Evea STOCK RANCH 949 A. LOCATED 1 MILE west of the city limits of Dallaa Two y ear around creeka Some bldga About 1S9 A. under cult. BaL pasture A timber. A REAL BUT. Price $19,609. Call G. H. Orabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Ph. 6448. Acreage 8MALL ACREAGE BARGAINS $169 DN. A BAL $18 per mo. will buy a fine 19 A. new tract with about 3 A. of bearing filberts, some cherries A prunes. Has small t rm. shack, chicken bouse A barn. Well water. Price $1330. $59 dn. $16 per mo. win buy this XV A. of very good sou, located E. of Salem near 8wegls schooL Has 3 rm. unfln. house with welL Price $13(0. $109 dn. A baL $29" per no. will buy 19 A. on good road A light Una. New unfln. rm. house A welL Price $3000. See O. H. Orabenhorst Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Ph. 6468. HERE TOU ARE I U A, SPRING. VIEW. S room house 8 yra old, basement, elec, good road. Only $1660 $169 down $18 mo. C 1L 8 ANDERS 331 N. High 8838. 860 DOWN - $18 PER Ma will buy Ttt acres with old stylo 8 R. bouse, well with pump, electricity, immediate posses sion. Price $1(00. SEE THIS BAR GAIN TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty Street - 1 a, t R, $11(0. K-Z torsos. 7118. t A. CLOSES IN. 4 ra. aungslow. outbuildings, alee young orchard, well A electric pomp. $3678. $400 Aowa, Take car or track. 1W A. oa paved road north. rm. new house, t chicken houses, sxeenent soil, good well, $2499. MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR TtS Coart St. Phono 3733. Suburban FINE SUBURBAN HOME: Being- of fered to does estate at $4008 Well built T room home, full Comsat- baaesoeat.' fins .ana acre . tract with beautiful trees and : ahmbs, oa paved road, close in, Ask to see IL- . v v7 " CaU Mr. Bartfett wtth--' CHILD A MILLER. Realtors : ' 344 Stats Street r ;.-. ' Phone 928L ,Lodg$38; -I-.; SALKBt LODGX He. A AP A AM, Meo Dee. 18, PC Degree, T;te Paetfis Ledge Ve. SO, AT A AM. IsUnaUoa of otficors PrL, Bos. 27. p.w. Wsv A. XsrriaL K, J For Sale-Used Cars EVES. PHONE 8181. ---"-------- -i-i-irii-uT.an.ruTj. 21 DvLincR HTTnartj of.n .aj running condition. Sell cheap. 120 Park Ave, 8 to 10 a. m, Mon, Tues, Wed. Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO bur, 4 rm. hse.. both, garage. Have $S0.00 down, A $130 In advance yearly. Box 1397, Statesman. WANTED TfTj Km. eun -r farm or unimproved s.nd for sale. , t . nr. . . n . . haiiu.1, xtaiawin, wia we iNvrre nn r. tags If fairly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. LN'C. Realtora Guardian Building. Business Opportunities WHO CAN handle this going bus iness Store, service station with res idence A 3 big- logging; trucks ail for lMUi than ttAAi X TK. . . .ovi VWfllf U1UH no to New York ta take over aa 84Alf. F. H. Weir Realtor, Sit Ores. Bid. Ph. fill. essassisisasisisasssfcsi , g-y-vlru"j'xruLrLrLLA COAST INCOME PROPERTY FINE APARTMENT building- with 8 apartments fully furnished, bringing fine income. This property Is In excel lent condition, located right on the ocean and coast highway. Price $00 cash. See R. A, Johnson, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Liberty Street For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Ph. 6700. Bradley. DRY OLD FIR KNOTS. Ph. 7507. DRY WOOD. Ph. 2-1446. 00000000000000000000000, DRY 16' oak or fir. Ph. 4376 or 4108. MILL WOOD. $3.60 load. Ph. 6833 or (341 sveninga Yard at 119 Court. W0000000000000000 16-IN. fir wood. $5.28 cd. Ph. T335. - 1,-, -ij irtrr s WOOD. Ph. 6379. Orasn. 413 N. 31st 16 OLD FIR 35: knots 35: 4 ft. Snd $4 : ash, maple, limbs. Phone 9456. Wood Sawing 939 N. CommerclaL Ph. 3533. Cross Word Puzzle I 12 13 IB 20 21 22 2H 2 26 31 32 33 3S! 36 3f HO M3 47 HA S2 S3 66 HORIZONTAL 1 And faalt ' -4w abbot teaUesrt 12 Secth Airi- ' eaa plant 1 twins 14 fssaals raff IS sme Tsrsed in mat. 47 pubUdsts f 2 manner SS teff 854 trustworthy U-apedesef . beaa 14 rwtinixas -17 weird . I eccentrU retatinw vibratioa 1 29 balance . ;. Z2 yreilz r r z J aalf 2 21 Bulgarlaa . . coins i SI steat . v.'T - 4 lead S-' SS wal award" - J-iB4-ersf Coniedersie . general . 29 require ; . 'I 41-bSlical: c- ' country - - 42 tOToica ' IT, . 48 linen aerapinc - BBBBBJSglBBSgBRgJ H I AasweBf ta issstdaFa pasia " "'''Pi'9' . . ,.j a m W 4. J SSSSSssSSsssAsssssJjAiSStJ3 v - " ,MTMT'T$rMTlViw'r-'sa 5 V SETIQTTI - SfT gjNlTjOR S mUrHi R UjV.icr N T r 4i Ab Wanted- Used Cars LATE MODEL CAR WANTED .WILL- TRADE a good lot la N. Sa lem on pavement for a late model rar. Prefer coope. - Will pay some differ ENCB. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, Pboae 8468 or 7976. '85 or .3f car. Trade 10 acres os timber. 1390 Third. W. Salenx. WILL "BUT say make old cars rar wrecking 121 Patterson. W. Salem. , Pereonai LONESOME? Serving ell agea Clua Etita P. O. Bx. 11-Q. Los A of? lea, CaL ' Lost and Found FOUND. CAR key No. 8999. Call at Statesman. Transportation GOING TO LA. Dec 38. Take 1- Share eip. Ref. Ph. 8819. Funston Funeral -Set for Monday TURNER Thomas Benton Funston. bora February 17, ISO at Proviso, Cook county. III., died at the home f his son, A. Scott Fungtoa of roots elfht, Portland. December It st the are of f 1 years and 10 months. Until he went to lire with his son four rears go he had for many rears been a resident of Marlon county, having- opearted his farm near Turner. To his many friends he was famlUxrly known ss "Uncle Ben." Besides his son he is snrtired by two granddaughters. Mrs. Helge Danlelson of Amber, Wash., snd Mrs. A. N. Drawgoa at 8s lem. snd one grandson. If. E. Funston of Portland and fare great-grandchildren. His sister. Mrs. A. J. D. Cornelias lives la Colfax. Wash. Funeral services will he la charge of W. E. Pecs Fanersl Homo of Beaverton and held from the Turner Methodist church at 1 p. m. Monday, Rer. W. GUIlespie officiating;. Interment will be ia Pleasant Grove cemetery. Scio Residents Recover Health SCIO Bob Wirth of Scio, who underwent an emergency major operation at Salem hosital sev eral weeks ago. is reported vir tually recovered at his heme here. R. I. Jackson underwent re cent major surgery at a Lebanon hospital and is reported getting along well. He lives on a firm a few miles southwest of Scio. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank: Sommer ara la residence at their aowly purehased home ta south ' Scio. the former John Crabtxe place. The Sommers have- -resided at Mashfisld for a number of years. Somemer suffered a suddent Ill ness In Scio since his return here, but Is reported improving slowly. Fairview Holds Gift Exchange 8UVER Mrs. Ed Fleischman was hostess to the Fairview, Wo men's club Thursday afternoon which a gift exchange by those present. Roll call was answered with a Christmas Terse or song. There were fourteen members present. Guests were Elln Rutschmsn. Lois MeBnrney and Maris Fleisch man. Mrs. Hassler has the . next meeting December 2$. to II n i? 23 27 2d 21 30 3 37 3f3 HZ HO W6 HI sn tO former TJ. 8.' Presldetvk H eoAscallae S peia reatag T twice . aeaovst steak etrikeeat hearer am tetaeceds 2 dry (eolleq.) lt4ooe: 20 Judrw 21 - ass a breev 2T fine reek " yartieles 49 rub eat 42 fcoce steps 42 JsTxneje tree , 44 -group of ' thxesj. -42 peowar; fabrie 45 written fioids - 40 ptrceire 50 viscous " substance II Artful I YX L2 I