PAC2 nrvzrx Hbm OXtZGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oreaon. Sunday Morning, .,22. ISO .Mr. Carkin To Marry Today Of interest to their many Sa- w .- .Tr . lem friends I tne weaarag 01 Miss Mary Ann McKenxIe. daugh- tsr of Mrs. Neva McKenxte of CorTallls, to Mr. Earje T. Carkia. f Mr. and Mrs. John H. Car- kln of Salem, which will be sol- . - .1 emnuea uw murum u. biip U. The couple will exchange their rows in the 11th street Metho- dist church at 1 o'clock" with Rer. Daniel Stevens officiating. Before the ceremony the groom's sUter. Miss Jean Alice Carkia. will sing "When Song Is Sweet" accompanied by - Miss Margaret Wonderilck who will also play the weddinr marches. Only mem- hers of the Immediate family wUl witness the ceremony. The bride will be attended dt MIm MeanoJohMoi S Salem Jonnson oi ofJem and Mr. Bruce W. Carkia will be f.i. brother's beat man AnrAn TT alaA tfan14 Wil. 1T v . IsmetU nnlrerslty where he was g member of Sigma Tau fratern- lty. Miss McKensie attended Ore- aon SUte eolleflte and - Oregon College or Education at Mm- mOUlU. BO. WBSUl SCUOOi IB Klanjath Falls last eyar and now teaching near Eugene. - Date Set for Wedding ts Sunday. January 21 has been set for the date of the marriage of Miss Oeraldins Frances Rlnker ana str. uoraon uiess macs ot nt u mr, a Un rinr Baiem, SOB or nr. ana Mrs. U or- don Black. The ceremony will i?kt PJ?S JlZrV OT Methodist ehnrch with Dr. Jesse w. Bunca oinciaung. Miss Jeaxmette Sims of Cor- rams win be the maid or nonor. -Un. Talbot Bennett of Hlllsboro ana miss ixis Armstrong or wane Bad Ulaa T Ala A Mti m sn mP Wh I lak Walla, .wasn.. will be aitenaanu. Mr. ueorge uausey oi saiem win be best man. Miss Rlnker is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley Rlnker of lrreewater and has at- fendsd P.7 gon SlatT college. She has been with E. V Burllnrham A Sons fM several sns Mr Black I mdViiuwtSvM P.mT.fl 2?fs?v.B w.!: aii.uiaiaia aa. ass aJiAuiM aaatw pa and XI Sigma Pi forestry hon orsry fraternity.. hliss Margaret French ad Mr. Felix French motored to Portland on Friday, to attend the meeting of the Oregon 8oclety of Com- posers at Rouen Faith's studio. Miss French sang a group of Mr. French's songs. Baldwin Piano Sale S sties from high prices. Well make yon a Christmas present of downtown over head! Spinets Graads Uprights James C. Stone - Factory Distributer Park Lane on Portland Highway l.t Miles North of Underpass a trip in U. north. " Oregon Stlt T'wtLTng". ch? bath. .... Two of the highlight, of Portland, formerly of Salem. 5tooby KreUler wUh Ruth Bed- Mf. Carkin wiU take his bride . tL nSS windmiAini were the benefit party they attend- win be ushers. ford 0KanUt of 8L Paur, EpU. to Eugene to reside where he Kre?UW SicVKruh aK l"2 64 at the e8i.ate. th?,.Utt W.Ul h The 7 nT?e wi eoptl church, accompanying, ts attending the Unlversltv ot ZtW' ,l2L5nrun "'k" nI Er Carroll's thestre home in Kugene after the New Dur aB lnterml8.loil ln whlch 4 . fr-- pi ! ..6 I Salem - SUrertoa Mbany, ; Seen By JKRTME ENGLISH , CANDLELIGHT AT BOMI M Friday ; at the George H. 8wlft residence . . . Jean Claire Swift w" door and passed out cards mririnn In a, Rmt rl ana r,7. r . " . wuung 01 me oemoinai ; of her; sister, Eleanor, to Roger "nwam . . .Eleanor was radiant in a white chiffon frock with red relvet trim . . . Mrs. Swift received Informally with her daughter . . . t.a.i KniM.. ,..,..-.. -w... , -. L,"; "!.,trance w5m. , !i,V eterplece ot 7 , c "" nnev-n tree mede of white ;woP"" Bd b.lBe ooirel ""fT.01 ,u ' reino:eer, trees and white can- a1? -A large, group of the : net Just home from school y "51 w c me home -! 'f1? New Tork. came in mJ nd matching 2 ,," ' V. I K . k Eastman ot Mn.8,t' "Tf ",be ? studying and has little time for hc ' ' V 1 I J. V .. . popular young maia wearing ner new diamond and receiving con- gratulatlons .... Dorothy Klbbe whose engagement to Frederick Eley has been announced .... Two Oregon coeds chatUng with ifP Tatnr Carter (Rnlh Hill- man) who was in all black .... Betty Buchanan ln a clever tweed suit and. Jean Kneass ln a vino- jacket of red velveteen which but- Salem Altruist club held ln the xt 4:30 Salem high school sta red Jersey frock .... Sending toned down the front . . . Ruth music salon of the T. H. Roberts dents under the direction of Lena congratulations by telegram to and Dick will be leaving around home on Monday night. Mrs. T. Belle Tartar will present a pro- siesnor were ner sister ana orotn- er-in-law. Alice and Seth Smith, who were married lust months ago. three CHRISTMAS MUSICALS on Wednesday with the AAUW mem- for as - hostesses m. T 7. . . .V . first time in several years the af- fair was held In the C.rrier room which was colorful with holiday decorations ... At each window and on the mantel were doxens of re1 altar candlea Interspersed with tall white tapers In gold csndle- ,Uck. . . . loU of KrMns snd holly Wl Ull. IIIFOI 9 1U IVIU IIUUIV . - - were used about the room ... A simple but striking serving table ... a honanet of re1 nrnillnnt Hanked by four rerv tall white ndies in Mrli n7l7er, The mB,lc4l Dromn vi climiied twK-. ThJfl Sad? in 7ffwtlve ! , ' I L th. i -itVil! !ni S-Jn3 JTdiJ-in hrl hoiiifiH if h0.lde T1"1 a ltremer ot h y - vakvuutug si vui uv bwafa aa w t an n i ts w vrriTii v n aW w na v rniaia carols were lovely as they sang seated at a table with candlelight casting a soft glow over the room . . Two who presided at the hot punch urns . . . Miss Beryl Holt, t1 president, wesring a vintage rd crepe gown and Mrs. J. Lyman Steed ln a blue brocaded frock . . . Assisting informally . . . Shir ley Cronemiller ln an attractive promenade green frock with wide gold belt Mtas Lorena Jack ia black with a chle read flannel tea and handkerchief shower Jacket enhanced with gold . . . given by Miss Ruth Buche honor Mrs. James Dailey wearing cream ing Miss Beulah Schobert. grade satin hair in compliment to her black . . Mrs. George Allen, who is a busy woman these days at- Ing were Miss Else Smith and tending to last minute details ot Mrs. Nelson. her new home, wore brown velve- It was also Miss Buche's birth teen and a pillbox hat of mink . . . day. Those present were Mrs. Clay Two past presidents talking it over E n g 1 e , Miss Agnes M. Clifford, . . . Mrs. Phillip Barrett ln black Principal and Mrs. R. 8. Grettle, velvet and Mrs. Mllo Rasmussen ln Ben Luethe, Irene Robinson, Miss black with red velvet turban .... Else Smith, Miss Meryl Corbett, Amidst the crowd noted a large Miss Elsa Smith, Miss Ruth Buche number of men ln tuxedos and and Mrs. Nelson snd the honor their wives in formal dress. . . . guest. Miss Schobert. -T? mmK rmtrmmk. if a i Mrs. Melrla Gelat, who accompan- 1,4 k,r husband when he Mag, looked chic In a fall skirted black velvet frock with a pink bodice. . ch,mn - th, nn.h . ... . . o.t Mr mt uN niri. n.tMiff - - - LT.7 T. d Dr. and Mrs. WlUUm C. Jones, -,n . v pitprv ..J!? WROM aneahtekiv TUD? are Dr. end Mrs. Robert Joseph ... Dr. Joseph studied tor . . - . . it several weeas in eacn city mey stopped en route and Peggy took In all the sights during the dsy- time ... In Mnwaukie they vis- !te4 wittt Peter and Josephine Buck ... Peggy reports that Jose- phiae Is Tory domestic and has a dmrtlBt; apartment .... While In New York the Josephs dined and danced -t the Waldorf-Astoris to Kay Kyser's music . . . They en- . 0 ' d ;n alrplaDe Hde OTer the , namerous plays and Cor- M otl Sklnn the lso Dame- Army game .... Coming home 7imw fBnL i- o ritl. Mo they stopped in St. uuis. no., and visited with Mrs. Reynolds restaurant, HOLIDAY TEA in compliment to Mrs. Richard. Kriesel. who is here from Bolivia, a week ago with Mrs. Thomas J. Drynan as hostess . . . For the occasion Mrs. wni-. . tnimlnr trnt-V nt black and white plaid taffeta with a full skirt and a tight fitting the sixth of January for Bolivia, . . . The hostess received her guests in a royal blue velvet gown . . . It was very Christmasy In the din- ing room with bright colored bails, holly and candles on the table and - -. i k.. rr.. mcuo uw x oucdci oi rea worn oj in o") w no t fiVtrt rtTrTK white dress Urt RaTph T'C ;:JS,SS a rfrdie Mr. Kenneth iJrt.VJ,1! .VJ,?. , .J Bell dashing ln which crepe and . . A. I .! A ZtZ V":i .T JT . -V.;: " w w wa v - m wu. bunny jacket and red gloves .... Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee In blsek c "v """,7'" "l feen panel down the front of the frock ' hnor6d '"f?.1 twl aunU- M,M w Ma nd Ml8 Hf" fie Smith, wearing deep red crepe and ,11?r!1 grejr BtlB ' U ' ' TwT ,omM tea . . . Margaret Wagner wearing a good-looking coat of santan with with beige fur collar and brow hat . . . Mrs. How- . . ... srd Adams ln a black coat with matching fur collar ana net . . . Mrs. Earl Cooley and Mrs. Ralph Wlrth smart ln all black . . . Mrs. L. V. Benson, who has been a hoi- laay nostess. wore Diack with a fach,ia chiffon blouse and tricky wool tUrban of fuchsia. MOLALLA Thursday after- noon the home of Mrs. Carl Nel- aon was the scene of a delightful school teacher who Is leaving Mo- lalla to teach in PortUnd. Assist- ; K9I " aStK I I "PHUCO i RADIO-PHONOGRAPH The greatest improvement in record reproduction since the invention of the phonograph. Startling! Thrilling! Come in see how the Philco Photo Electric Radio-Phonograph . . . PLAYS ANY RECORD ON A BEAM OF LIGHT I No Needles lo Change! A" Retards Last 10 Times looser! Yotf 8 AIL the Beauty In the L - Record! EASY TERHS ThU llomt Escorting Unit riUU ms 0fUmst tftvmemt tt modirmtt ext-rm toil. M 7t T Salem Man. Will Wed Sunday WBuauis iuic"rni iu people will take place In Portland this afternoon at Saint PhUlp Nerl church, when Miss Saverina Gra- wm tne brlde of Mr Robert Leonard Smith. Miss Gra- xlano is a teacher of art at the .t. i. - tamnuf . Mr. Smith Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Judson Smith of PortUnd Road. Salem. He Is a grsduste of Salem high school and for two years attended Willam- ette unirersity. where he was a member of Sigma Tau fraternity, For the past three years he has been in the employ of the Mont- fomery Ward eompsny. working n their Salem. Corrallls and Eu- gene stores He Is now attending the UnWeru' of Oregon. Miss Graxiano wUl be attended by her sister. Miss Margaret Gra- atano and her conaln Miss Terese siano, ana ner cousin, mus xerese or Portland, ur. noriyn Stevens or " Music Entertains Club Members One of the beautiful pre-Chrlst- mas festivities was that of the u. Kooerts ana sirs, ismma uur- phy Brown were the hostesses. . The long mantle was beautifully .imniA with tali whit taners flanking a marble madonna, re- fleeted in a long mirror. The long ..... . . laote was cemerea wiin an bibi- creen tree surrounaed by unnst- 8,wu . .. . " . olac JIm? 2d. Mrs. Ida in- al mlXcL ILtZ ..V.-V tv,.7. ww wAned "feU madt br Mr"' Ro1" arts. wv . --: A,Vf l-.A" L sic ana reaainc louewea xne an- nual custom. After dessert Pro- feasor T. H. Roberts clayed "Si- wnt" in mutea tones ana accompanied Mr. Nell RoberU RnP ringing in the dUUnce. Pro- tor Roberts then played "Ador- .Uon" from the Holy City, by Oaul. and the "Fugue to O minor- by Bach. Other very numbers on the program were' readings by Mrs. Roberts: "It Sounds Once Again" by Margaret E. Sangster. x ear. . .... and "Christmas Message from America's Scrooge." by Frank Taylor. The central feature of the program was the reading of a Christmas story by Miss Elisabeth Carey, of the Salem public library staff, 'she read the old Irish folk- tale "The Little Red Can " Mrs . " .iv vuu v.y. a.. Ramp sang two carols. "Jesu Bsm- blue ' and "What Child Is This?" . . ", rS.7".. ""I.-"" 1" " . . J. . ' .7.: ... t Yrr..r; .V. r7 Z i?h Vfi ?Hi ftHhn clothing and to bring contrtbu- " 7hJf J iLtll J! IVES. r.7. , v7rr v. . . :rj ..Iw annual New Year's watch night k. k. i,ma. Mrs. Ida Andrews. Special guests were: Mrs. Nellie Ramp, Mrs. Melissa Jsnks and Miss Elisabeth Carey. 1 . If T J Andrews, Mrs. Catherine Carson jjV MaCCODeeS Bsrsch, Miss Mlrpsh Blair, Mra. Emma Murphy Brown. Mrs. La- The Maccabees of Willamette Molne R. Clark, Miss Olive M. Tent-Hive No. $ met Thursday at Dahl. Miss Laura V. Hale. Miss the Knights ot Pythias hall at May Hale. Miss Bertha Kohlha- 7:30 p. m. with Commander Mar gen, Miss Greta Looney, Miss garet Kurth presiding. Nine new Frances Virginia Melton, Dr. Ous- candidates were elected to mem si e A. Niles. Dr. Mary Purvine. bership. Officers elected were: Mrs. Alta Kerschner Rieck, Mrs. P"t commander. Margaret Kurth; T. S. Roberts, Miss Grace Ellxa- commander. Leila Ohlsen; lleuten beth Smith. nt commander, Maxine Fleet; . record keeper, Anna M. Kurth; chaplain. Flora Parkinson; serge BRUSH CREEK Mrs. Anna K. nt. Hilda Lynch; mistress at Jensen will be hostess at a Christ- rms, Ellen Marsclllias; first mas mas Eve dinner Tuesday. Spend- ter?f the Vds' R.obert, M.V" i .v. ,ii.w ' i.k v.. scelllas; second master of the will be her daughter and grand daughter, Mrs. Marie Buness and aa c .li V ' a vnmimii party xoiiowea M of Seattle. Mrs. Hans Jensen and Wlth everyone singing carols, ac jfi Miss Anna Belle Jensen ot SI1- cordlon selections by Virginia jnia. xvajr nocu V IT IB n nuneSJI .onuu. nujut.u oi Asiona, and Miss Thea Jensen, Alice Jen- sen, Alfred Jensen and Andrew Meldsl. L. H. Meyer snd dsughter. Miss Althea Meyer, are entertaining at Sunday night supper in compll- ment to their son and brother. L. A. Meyer, of Silverton on his birthday. Invited are Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Meyer and Karen. Miss Pa tience Moberg of Salem. Harold Larson. Mrs. M. J. Madsen and Miss Lillle Madsen. Mrs. John Goplerud Is expect ing her three children. Misses Inga and Charlotte Goplerud and Present were: Mrs. W. J. En Walter Goplerud home for the tress, Mrs. Kitty Bumgardner. holidays from the Tacoma coun- Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Edith try where they are teaching. Hogg, Mrs. Mary Hllburn, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Baker will J. W. Nash. Mrs. Mae Doll. Mrs. entertain their daughter. Hasel Donald Rlngle. Mrs. Harry Hi Mae Baker who Is a student at day. Mrs. A. K. Skswis. Mrs. J. F. Oregon Stste college. Ulrich. Mrs. C- K. Garrett. Mrs. F. A. Elliott. Mrs. Kenneth Hen ry. Mrs. F. O. Stearns. Mrs. E. L. SILVERTON Local relatives stow. Mrs. J. H. Bach. Miss Mar aud friends will attend the wed- g9ry Umch and MlM Mary Fraces ding Sunday ln Corrallls of Miss Lucille Eckman of Corrallls to EnireM e e e Kenneth Dahl of Albany, eon of Mr. ana Mrs. Otto A. Dahl of Silverton. The ceremony will be read at 'LxtVrl house. Both young people are grade ates of Oregon SUte college. Mr. Dahl Is now connected with the FSA at the Albany of nee. SLIPPERS arc the "Comfortable GifC for Men! rr r r it a t . . in i Mrs. Walter Denton, assisted by Med an iaforaal sram of rangea an uiormai program i Mrs. J. A. Wonderilck, has ar musle to b given at the Salem Art Center this afternoon from I to B o'clock In connection with tg annual Christmas exhibit, Many well known local musicians are cooperating In making the program a major event of the holidays. An invitation is" extend- ed to the public by K. W. Aeklln. president of the Art Center board of directors. -Star of the East, by Kennedy, and the traditional caroU -Tb fJf, JmSFiSi by WilUam punvUle. Irish tenor soloist from the First Presbyteri. n church. Floyd Toung is Mr. r,,,-,!..- umliim V--,T-- tiZ, v. ian nw Knriai rn ssasn "jissBa guests msy enjoy the gallery ex hibits and sketches grouped un der the general title "Ecclesiasti cal Architecture," Ruth Bedford will give a group of solos with Al ice Crsry Brown, accompanist, at the piano. Included will he "No Candle Was There by Leman, and "Mary's Manger Song" by 8al- ter cram. Marl one Walker. - nlanist will play Chrlstmss csrols; Ros- etta Trlcker, Jean Barham and Joyce, Ogden will sing solos and appear as a trio In carols. "Th Virgins Slamber Song hv lm.r Rnnn will ha an n w h - , - " fim.A-rm V.Armr Th nrntrim win rol wUwlMni "Te" B-ubi." as I violin iolo Excellent photographs of world- 'mous cathedrals and churches form the main gallery exhibit at the Art Center. Pictures are lent y department of Art and Ar .1.1, .. tt-i-...i Oregon. nXi. r.r..- .... r .t.i. glass cathedral windows, many of them dating from the llth ien- tury. are grouped in the first hall gallery. Several are prlnU ot win- dow, in the C.thedrii of CharTJJ. in France. A Uter lllustrstion is of a stained glass window In "All SainU Church." England and an- other, still l.ter. shows windows in the church of St. John the Di- rine. New Tork and Include Its weu-anown rose window. Ail Prints are from the Portland mu- Mttm- Joseph M. Portal's eccleslastl- u-wiu a cow iiu th "reen Of especial in- terMt r bis original sketches a TamamW . . . Th, .mali 7nr, nt.!n- it rti T?.t ""ZLIV" 1 PorUI's personal collection. Reproductions of 15th and llth century religious paintings and aarlanda of cedar and holly are f. K. (n hk,... .a f,CM- Tbl decorsUons are of na- evergreens, fruits and vege- tsbles. Pictures are from the Itata lihraVw anri fr th. iT ,ute library and from the Art Cent" collection Program Given guards. Eric Price; sentinel, Lyle cl ' An Thomas; plckett, Katherlne a s-iv Makoff of Independence, guitar duet by Harry and Gertrude Snelder, and a skit by the Liberty Junior Farmers Union. FVri irrVltorc3 T-TrTVO LVv-lUy 11 It? I llUVt; TJ1 i 3 Ti x. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil war had their an nual Christmas party at the home of the president, Mrs. Joseph Bach on Thursday night. SCIO Miss Mildred Header shots. Sclo intermediate teacher. whoso home Is In Portland, an- nounTed hsT 7ng7gement to Er- Miss Hendershott attended the University of Oregon, where she was a member of Alpha Delta PL No date has been set for Ue wedding. . - Evans Slippers 337 State Street Satan Ilcmning Party For Families If embers of the women's auxil iary of Disabled American Veter ans of the World war are planning a Christmas party Monday sight at Moose hall. The evening will begin with a dinner at f:St fol lowed by a tree,. program and vis It from Santa Claus. The good cheer committee nnder the chair manship of Mrs- Elmer Byer has been busy wrapping; gifts for the gold - star . and . J nnior mem bers. Mrs. Jessie Croeaan (gold star mother) who has a birthday on Christmas. day will be a special guest. The Christmas party is under the general chairmanship ot Mrs, Vera Oetrander. Mrs. Frank Cro sier has charge ot the initiation ot new members. Mrs. Milton Stew ard is kitchen chairman, assisted by Mrs.' 8tnart Johns and' Mr. Viola McElroy. Mrs. Harry Giv--ens. Mrs. Osmond Rlnehart, Mrs. Roy Lively. Mrs. Carol Conrtnier. Mrs. Ralph' Secor have the enter tainments and tables. Mrs. Benlar Shields. Mrs. William Noyee and Mrs. George Lewis will do the dee orations. Mrs. Lillian Williams is hostess. e Exhibit Monday At YWCA The third annual Garden club exhibit will be held on Monday at the YWCA on State street from S to t o'clock. This is a non-competitive show and all interested persons are Invited to exhibit as well as attend the show for a small admission charge. All en tries must be at the YWCA by 1 o'clock. Hostesses during the dsy will be the committee. Mrs. Phillip Brandt. Mrs. O. K. DeWitt. Mrs. William .Everett Anderson and Miss Helen Bocker. They will be assisted by Mrs. Allan Hubbard. Mrs. John Krebs, Mrs. W. C. Franklin, Mrs. R. D. Cooper, and Miss Alice Palmer. During the afternoon a trio from the high school will sing and play. The trio includes Frances Shlsler. rolee, Florence 8kaug, violin, and William Putnam, pi ano. In the evening from 7: SO to S o'clock the Girl Reserves will sing Christmas carols. Corsages, made of Christmas greens, will be given the guests. They were made by Mrs. Charles Cole. Mrs. Phillip Brsndt snd Mrs. L. R. Springer. Interview Given By Girls On Monday at 9:30, over KSLM. the American Legion auxiliary will feature for the first time a program on Camp Fire work. Che mawa group of Camp Fire girls will present activities and projects of their work. Mrs. Irl McSherry, a member ot the auxiliary is guar dian of the group and will eon duct the Interview. The following girls, all students of Richmond school, will partici pate: Peggy Burroughs. Beverly Gritton, Joanne Blaxall. Gene vieve Olson. Shirley Shaffer, Mary Margaret Smith. Dolores Beuch ler, Lorraine Poindexter, Barbara Wade. Marie Glsler, Pst Powell and Patsy Long. Floor Lamp Sale! I Values to 17.95 I Hand Tailored X35T 1 Silk Shades! jj i 1 Solid Onyx J - 1 Base! 1 " v , ; T New! J I ) I Special 4r f&k I Piircliase Vjllly just " Jl 70 I VI 111 1 1HJ3 JL-iUL . J ! '"''Cr locise Tomorrowl J I Sale! . I IFloor ajcrt Family Bookshelf (By the Library 8taff) Holiday reading should be the kind-that brings pleasure to the reader. This week there are sev eral new books , which will add real joy to the minutes or hours spent with a good .book., v The - best of odd-moment or bedtime reading is to be found in The Readers Digest Reader" just issued. The .140 articles found. here have been selected aa the cream ot the Readers Di gest's IS years of publication. Everyone who has read this ma gaxine for years will welcome this Catherine together ln book form of the writings ef our best aad most entertaining writers. Read ers who have kept a aerapboek of their favorite articles from the Readers Digest will be interested la comparing their selections with those In this book. If such a tntng is possible, Hornell Hart, ot Duke university ha prod need a practical "Chart for Happiness.- In his book ot that title, based on ' years ot sci entific research,' he has prepared a chart to measure individual happiness in relation to effective living and working. With the aid ot this book you can discover the points of imperfect adjust ment ln your personality and find the means ot correcting them. If you have been speculating on this subject, it is suggested that you try this scientific test. Readers of Ogden Nash's wit ty verse will wsnt to read "The Face Is Familiar." This is for the most part a collection of his best poems, which have won for him the title ot America's leading hu mor poet. If you have never read his sharp jabs of wit. this book is a splendid introduction to Og den Nash. The great modern English nov elist Robert Graves has turned to American history for his new novel "Sergeant Lamb's Ameri ca." In it he tells the adventures a young" British officer who fought in the American Revol ution. This is good historical ro mance by an excellent story tel ler and writer. e Miss Higgins To Entertain Miss Pst Higgins, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Higgins. will be hostess for a dinner party on Monday night at the Center street home of her parents. The evening will be spent informally and the Christmas motif carried out in the table appointments. Covers will be placed for Miss Evelyn Collins. Miss Emma Lou East. Miss Pat Lamb, Miss Carol Toung. Miss Jean Carkin, Miss Elaine Murray. Hiss Sally Mc Clelland, Messrs. Raid Shelton. John Macy, Warren Doolittls. Wil liam Page, Charles Domogalla. Jerry Mulkey, Coe Roberta and Miss Higgins. CLUB CALENDAR 1 Monday VFW auxiliary, Chrlstmss party for children. 1 p. m. Adults' psrty at 8 p. m. Friday Neighbors of Woodcraft. Fra ternal temple, I p.m. Festive Program Is Enjoyed , '.. The Business and Professional Women's club enjoyed a joyous session in the banquet room of the Argo hotel on Friday night. The group brought - contributions of foods to meet the needs of a .leas fortunate Salem family and the cheer and contact committee will see that they are delivered by Christmas. The meeting was preceded by a dinner and the entertainment con sisted of singing by the group and the club chorus and story tellina by Miss Elisabeth Carey, Chil dren's librarian ot the Salem pub lic library. ' She told "The Wee Red Cap" by Ruth Sawyer. Christmas Party Held at jliberty LIBERTY Mrs. 'Mason Bishop and Mrs. Henry Johnson were, hostesses for: the Liberty . Wom an's club Christmas party at the Bishop home on Thursday after noon. Holiday decorations were used on the tables for the no-host lunch. A decorated tree and 'gift ex change were featured for the aft ernoon and the identity of eaeh member's secret Pollyanna for the past year was revealed. ' , Present were Mesdames Jim Cogswell. John Dasch, Vernon De catur, p. G. Judd, R. L. Foster. H. Scofleld, L. 8huttle worth, R. See ger. M. Seeger, A. J; Schslk. F. Kolsky. Joe Wstt. H. Lane, Nancy Brooks, J, M. Rtckman, w. R. Dallas, J." W. Harling. John Mc Connrllle. H. L. Clark, H. B. Staggs. W. H. Nelson. Fred Shaw ver, Patty Watt. Frances Lane; and the hostesses. Date Is Changed ; ters WEST SALEM Mrs. Homer Harrison entertained the Jelly Time Quitters club at her home ln Salem Tuesday afternoon. It was decided to hold their meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdsys of each month. , The Christmas psrty was con cluded with an exchange ef gifts and refreshments. Guests were Mrs. Lee ' White; Mrs. Martha Rlerson and Mrs. Elmer Rlerson. Members enjoying the party were Mesdames W. Welch, C. N. Hathaway, Emmett Dickson, W. D. Phillips, George aLthrop, TC S. - Coates. W. F. Sextoc C. B. Forbes, Phil Hathaway, Harry Pritskau and Homer Harrison. . Kill Kare Klub Meets at Dayton DAYTON Seventeen members and seven children attended the annual Christmas party of the Kill Kare club held Wednesday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Foster. A covered dish luncheon was served. Roll call was answered with a Christmas jingle. A Christmas tree with exchange of gifts wss the afternoon amuse ment. ' The next meeting will be with Mrs. R. W. Waldo. Bv Jollv Ouil