PAC3 mnm the Basis will launch a ftisantie attack on England within months. Prime Minister Churchill Bounded a eignif leant note .to parliament, i He made it abundantly clear that Britain la being geared ' for an offensive of her own in 1141; not merely for defense. He radi ated supreme confidence In Eng land's ability to withstand any blow Germany may strike by land, sea or air. and to hit back effec- mely. . ! . Churchill confirmed the im pression of this' writer that the British expect an early offensive against England because ' they figure that Hitler's need is des perate. The disasters suffered-; by wielding it . In -a -ruthleaa van. 4-18 IS, coming to Oregon in 1102 Wallgren Sworn .r-;In,:New Senator WASHINGTON, Dec. li-yfy-Rep.'Moa' C. Wallgren of - Erer ett, Wash. became Senator Wall gren" today. - " .. - ' , The four-term democratic con gressman was sworn in -as a senator 'by Senator King CD Utah), president . pro-tem, ratter presentation by Majority Leader Alben Bark ley of Kentucky. Yaeated by Lewis B. Scwelle bach, who became a federal pudgi at Spokane. his Italian axis. mate In. Albania where he made his home up to the time of death. Ha was married ' to Clara E. Gritton January I, 1102. In addition to his wife, sur TiTors are three sons and one daughter, Albert W., Earl R. and Frances M.. all of Salem, and John G. of Sard is, BC. He is also surrlTed by, four grand 'children, two brother an 4 one sister la Virginia and one brother in In diana, v I; f ,.. He had, been a member of the First Christian ' church for 4 years. -;' ' . : and Kmt and tha saneeze of the I Therefore the British war Jead- er warned, that. Tthe mortal dan- Service Is Held For Offensive Hitler. Invasion if Begun now Means Desperate; Gamble, Is Belief - t By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Amid a hubbub of predictions n both sides of the Atlantic that Brltish blockade 'are forcing him Ann Lindbergh to Talk -: On Radio Christmas Ev6 to a final supreme effort. Indfca- deadlock" 5were not passed. Yet tlons that American policy of ;to- tne mtiin theme of his address to tal aid for Britain short of war parliament, keyed to erer-growing will beeome effective in 1941 is British Tie tor y over Italy in another factor bearing: heavily on Ee-rot and Libra, was nrenaraUon Memorial serrices for John P, Blankenshlp, who passed away at his -residence,1 Salem route three: NEW "YORK. Dec. lt-(flV-An4 Morrow Lindbergh, wife of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, will make a Christmas Ere broadcast on "Re ' lief in Europe, the National Broadcasting company announced today. She will -speak from New. York at 3:45 p.m. (PST) orer the Red network. . .. Tuesday, December I, were held Berlin, according to the British I foP attack, not defense. Friday. December ff, at 2:30 p. m. lew.' t - . Churchill recalled having said from the Ladd Funeral home. In terment was at Belcrest Memorial park,' Rer. Gay L. Drill officiat Desperation Seem ' I to rrllament recentlv that Brit- He (Hitler) Is in gret need .ln. .ffort was reared for a of doing, something now, or, at .trns-rla that mlrht last in to 143 ing. - " : ' 'A any rate, within two months, or Is 44. He corrected that to deny John Preston Blankenshlp was ChurchUl said. "Hitler . . . wieias tnat he expected the war .to last gigantic power and is capable of tnt longt addlnc tnat ue meant born at Salem. Va., February 14, Wallgren took, the senate seat merely that the effort must be great enough to meet any eventu ality., The Churchill address also con firmed anew- the Impression that tfie British offensive In Egypt and Libya was planned months ago, as far back as July. Although slsw in Good Eats England was then la far greater I danger of a nasi blitzkrieg inva sion than she is now, she began to snip troops, tanks and guns eastward, he said. The OEEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. December 23. 1943 Britain Gears John Blanltenship from Western. Food PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CHRISTMAS lafim Evlix Sandy to Assorted Flavors Assorted Flavors Fancy Hand Dipped 2-li. Box (5)c CO) EilnFEU Del Ilonle Lb. lbs. Fresh Coasted Earned EJuis No Peanuls Pound MJiffl While They Last! Another Lot at . ME DELICIOUS One Lot lbs. at a for While They Last 2 ftS? 350 OLIVES Tall Cans Ripe Tin 19 P Pitted A 9-oz. tin, aCHJy DATES New Crop, Bulk 2 lbs. L. for Whole Slices No. 2 Cans for Lb. POPCOBEI Guaranteed lo Pop AHMAD. 120 3i B Large Junto p ' Dozen ft Ball 1.05 126 Size c IIOnillllG STAB l l , 4 Iba Lb. JLZtQ a for Case Per Case 2.05 nnrr of 200 Each Shopping Dag Fall FRUIT COCiCTA! .2 for 250 m m m i ii wesiern unoice No. 1 . Tall Cans TOBACCO Ask Us About FREE Tobacco , ;-,., Saturday. Only Princd AILcrf, 1L. lins Geo. WasMsjlsa; lb. tins 49 C r . r I h 17:11. Cigh Prices j t )J , . . . . 980 Bed While andBIne Milled of choice blue stem wheat. Sold with a money back guarantee 9 lb. ... . . Ii29 Mfchen Qnecn Fisher's Bltmdibl f(jiiiiDJlJ . M J 1 ll j I-ST) ifc 137 So. Ccsnl'. Ftsao" 7311 ili Actress, Singer Marry HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 19-6!P- The engagement of Olympe Brad n a, screen actress, and Dour las Wood WllhoiL Santa Bar bara, Calif., singer, iras announc ed today at Warner Brothers studio. d d 1 1 1 o o ...In the Nem NEW YORK, Dec. 1 S-VHere is a leiier to oania cians wnicn I turned up at the postoffice today: "Dear Santa Claus: Our father told us that this year you are short of money for presents for all children because of war in En- rope so we tend yon one dollar which we got on our birthday for presents for all children." BROCKTON. Mass.. Dec. 19- (P)-A good-natured police dog, which took ' "one too many, wound ip In i police cell today to "sober off" after firing an un-canlne-like exhibition on Main street that punled eren the dog officer. bnoppers were amaxed to see the big animal leap in the air and then roll orer on his back. When Dog Officer Frank McKay reached the scene, he noticed the dog's eyes were dilated. "Giro me your paw, old boy. said McKay. The dog tried to comply but fell on his face. The source of the jag was some window cleaning fluid, containing denatured alcohol, which had spilled Into the street near where the window washers were at work. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Dec. 19-- Some wives pour water on their husbands to wake them up. But this wife, It was brought out In divorce court, poured wa ter in her spouse's bed to keep him from sleeping-and after a "bard day's work." The divorce was granted. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 19-UPV- The perfect bridegroom has ap peared. Hia handsomely-engraved an nouncements proclaimed: "Frederick Harold Green an nounces his utter astonishment at being accepted in holy matrimony by the most incomparable Evelyn Estes." ANNISTON, Ala., Dec. 19-6ip- The daily information sheet at nearby Fort McClellan today did not lncludetho weather forecast among the official orders "by command of General William Has kell." Yesterday, after it had rained five days In a row, the forecast was removed from the list of things "ordered" by the general. 19-UP)-A draft board ne- ATLANTA, Dec. gro went to his local I to claim exemption. "On what grounds?" Inquired Chairman O. C. Puckett. "I am overstrained and unavail able," the. negro pleaded. NEW YORK, Dec. 19-(iP)-M8-istrate Charles E. Ramsgate tried to find out today what there was about Mrs. Stanley Koprowski's Jokes that made her husband try to choke her. Koprowakl, charged with as saulting his wife, complaining that she kept him awake every night, "telling Jokes when I want to go to sleep." He added that furthermore, "they're no good." Asked to give a sample, Mrs. Koprowskl willingly complied in Polish. Apparently only the Koprow shis understood.' Stanley frowned, but his wife rocked with laughter. Magistrate Ramsgate dismissed the charges after exacting two promises one from Koprowskl to do no more choking, and one from his wife to tell no more jokes when her husband wants to sleep. HOULTOX, Me Dec. It was so coUl here early today unofficially 85 below aero that It froze out" cold stor age plant.' Electric heaters were called Into play to prevent meat from getting too hard. BALTIMORE, Md.Dee. 19- -Charles M. Veach's petition to "renounce American citisenship" and assume a special title waa dis missed today by Federal Judge W. Calvin Chestnut with : a f 10 charge Imposed for making it. Veach, who said he had dis covered a "new source of energy," wanted to be known as "Conquer or of: the domain of tangible dy namics. on the high seas." Judge Chestnut assessed Veaeh lie for "court". Costa after Veach himself asked that the suit be dis missed. '-' ntFM fvfryS . r'J 'h 4. U- Vhristmrs . (4 , V-J&j- -J USE SEARS' EASY PAYMENT PLAM - Vj5. V i Bll9r ON PURCHASES TOTAUHQ SIS OR - MORE! ' i f X - Bathrobes ) ' p I I ( I ! ' CHARLK8TOX, W. Vsw, Dee. 1 J-P)-IHliccm Dam Prowse go a Chrtstmaa gift twrkey, sad bowl :. - v- - . v He was directing traffic wbea someone tossed a lire turkey with a bright red! bow aroaaMl lta eck omt ot m passing ear, with the baU, "Merry ChrtsU i Prowse grabbed; and tlaag te-t tM gaaguag. Itappiag. uira. Traffic aatarled p ntU be ; round a friend to bold tbe tur key.' ' ;-i.'X Men's HO HAH'S ALLERGIC TO COMFORT! GIVE Uir,1 A UUITTEUTOn ROBE AHD YOU'RE SURE TO VJIH HIS HEART! Give him a robe he'll appreciate ' the whole year 'round! Whit tenton cotton flannels are toa sty -warm without bulklness ... practical for lounging . . . durable for everyday wear. Made in popular single-breasted style with shawl collar, rayon colonel cord and gjrdle. Assorted plaids In s-m-l sizes. Other Robes 2.93 to 5.93 ' "M BOYS' SLIPPERS Brown leather with soft sole, podded heel, and felt lin- Ina. Boys' sizes 1 to 6 BOYS' MOCCASINS Hon- est to goodness Indian styles in luidi finished brawn !otfir podded sole. 1-6. BABY SUPPERS Cute WOMEN'S SLIPPERS "Bunny" styles with Jingle Bells Trim rayon satin DfOrsays with in pink er bl Baby's sizes 1 to 10 7S leather s I e end wedge heel. Sizes' 4 to 8 F9 CHILD'S FUZZIES Like wearing a teddy bear en each foot I Kiddies love Fussy Wuzzles. Blue, red; 6-3 . . . CHILD'S SLIPPERS Felt "high-low" slippers with slide Red or blue; JJ)C MEN'S OPERAS Block, brown or blue soft leathers In men's opera style. g f Sizes from 4 to J&3 VELVET WEDGIES She'd choose these herself. Blue-with wine or block with red. Open ' toe wedge heel. 4-9. . WOMEN'S SLIPPERS Feather soft chenilles in blue or dusty rose th wCTrTrS white fur trim y( Vll lt5 sizes 4 to 9 O QJJ MEN'S ROMEOS Sit-by-the-firt slippers in brown or block with flexible leather soles.. 6 to 12 WARM SUPPERS Men's sheepskins with woof lining and soft, podded soles. Ton only In sizes to 12... I29 MEN'S PELTS Good eld stand-bys in brown felt with soft sole end podded heel. Sizes from 6 , tO 12 - m i . i. ; For Her S Uppers V s-MssMases .- p ' si sr. mm tiji,-tii A 51.00 VALUE! Just whet she wonts to weor with ' her new' housecoat 1 Royal, bur gundy ' or block rayons With leather sole ond militory heel. Sizes 4 to '9. V - i Se Sore to Ton in KSLMToniglii 5:C3 and S:C3