P AGS TWENTY IaimfersTJnipif TVIeet MdtLib Safety Measures Sought for? Junction ; IJBERTY--Annual election of officers for 194.1 was held by the Liberty Farmers' Union local at its Tuesday night meeting. ; - - . - ...... : ; . ; ; ; - .. ; -,-. - ', - . :V -Tho OSTGOII STATESMAH. Salem. Oregon. Frldar Morning. December S3. IS - r"irirzrzrzii f. , T Turner News TURNER NIal Dow, who recently began operating the lum er mill here," report rapid -pro-gvarn and t carload of lumber to aw being loaded to ship east. ' MrsGeorjie. Welborn hat re tarnee - to her home at Toledo following several days visit here vita Mri. Stella Miller. Orlar-Broekyjiv of Wlllamlna visited friends In Turner San day.. Be Is Just recovering from m ier ot pneumonia and -spent week In the McMinnrllle hos pitals ." . ' -: -. Mri and Mn. M. A. Hotchen aad tons, Lewis and Alfred, of Carlton spent the weekend with ku mother. Mrs. N. W. Hntchens fcere. Sunday they drove to Sll Terton and visited at the Frank Kewell home. t. in tenant and Mrs. Kenneth Sehults (Mabel Rankin) of Ham Uton Field, Calif., write Turner friends that they hope to spena the Christmas holidays in Salem and with friends here. Kenneth Hickok. of Long view - has been hired to fill vacancy in the Cottage Grove high school. He is a former com mercial instructor in Turner high school. Spending the weekend at home were Sergeant Del mar Barber, Corporal Elton Ball and Private Earl Boyer. Keith Ball of Camp Clatsop has had a flu relapse and as been returned to the hospital at Fort Stevens. Esther Douglas, registered aurse, has been called to Fort Lewi for a year's training. She to the daughter ot Rev. and Mrs. Willis Douglas and has been em ployed in a Salem llnlc. . "The Prince of Peace," a Chriitmaa pageant, will be pre sented Sunday'night in the Meth odist church under the direction sit Mrs. Fred Dierks. Mrs. Wanda Versteag will be reader. Dr. Edgar Purdy delivered the Canday night sermon and presid es! at the quarterly conference saeetlng. Pictures of the Japan mission were shown Sunday night at the Christian church by Rot. and Mrs. M. B. Madden, miseinarles to Japan for 46 years. Army Transfer Is Reported at Scio mnm tr .nri Mn Willard Miss (the former Eleanor Miller z Scio) hate been transrerrea (front an army -post in Virginia to ithM fat tint - vet announced. Atcosdlng to Word received here Hqr Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Lytic, pub lishers Of the Scio Tribune. -Mia is a lieutenant in the mn? reserve and was recently called to active duty, serving in 4 be Los Angeles area previous to - Mia transfer to Virginia. Treated for Heart Trouble TOEST SALEM Russell Smith. v.. Jeweler at 251 Gerth avenue, a taken reeentlv to the Salem General hospital for treatment for (heart trouble.- Fred - Salahury "was : elected VHtHciit- Rov ? Far rand. - vice- president; Mra. Roy . Farrand. ecrcti a m - worth, conductor; V "A. Ballan- tyne, chaplain ; F. A.; Mcuamey, doorkeeper; H. L. Clark," John Dascb. -J. ' Crabtree. executive committee. ' - ' There wm interestea aiscusr sion concerning drlTing hazards' . tttm n trlanrle Intersection at the Junction of the new high way ana tne jjwnj muwj. The meeting went on record re questing the installation of aafe ty reflectors at that point. John Crabtree and Fred Salsbury wese appointed to see the county court and highway commission about safety measures for the highway i i JUDCUVU. Mrs. L. Shuttle worth reported for the silverware committee, stating the committee bad made investigations and had done dome shopping with view of purchase of the silverware when funds are available. . Oscar Meyer was given the membership obligation. The county quarterly conven tion was announced to meet-here January 4. Host locals are Bethel, Roberts, Kelser, Red Hills, Lib erty. These locals are in charge of serving the no-host noon luncheon. Ijui convention committee ap pointed includes John Crabtree, Frank Meuauiey, mtb. w. u. Olden and Mrs. John Van Loh. 4H Qubs Formed At Grand Island cniNn ISLAND A group of the younger girls met recently af ter school at tne nome oi xar. Charles A. Ferguson to organize a 4H sewing club. Tne gins cnose 'Sew and Sewior tne name i their club. - . nfftrom elected were ueioris vinnirrim. o resident: Phyllis Fln- nlcum, vice-president; Donna Lee Flnnicum, secretary, inner mem bers of the club are Lola May Pal mer and Lois RockhllL On Saturday afternoon the old er girls met at the Ferguson home to organise their club for the new yr- . . . Officers elected were jean jam gee, president; Muriel Ferguson, vice-president ;.Verna-May Culp, secretary. Other members of the club In clude Myrtle and Iva Rockhlll and Nellie Ferguson. Mrs. Ferguson will lead both clubs. Cooking Cookster Officers Elected RICKEY At the first meet ing of the 4H Cooking Cooksters club held at the home of the club leader, Mrs. . Ralph Mercer, the following officers were elect ed: President, Nellie Holman; vice president, Verlaine Walker; secretary, Beverly Roberts; re porter, Dorothea Evans. Other members are Evelyn Bens. Dorothy James. Mary Jane Lusch, Beulah Fuller and Lois Ostrom. 8 iff f I ft I? si 5? V 1 ft 8 am ..m I f I; i it it 1 I If rir :B i i 8 a Do Ynnr Jlmas Shonnina S al the Q ,&raiy & Ifavy Sflore p UVEB5I UlUhU li Is K Gills for Hen g Forced to Sell g Limited Number of 5 if p M w w m I' H i 1 I; i i Vt V1 ,n ,r i i .a Both White and Patterns mtSai Req. $2.00. tT fl Cd Limit While they last plLm4mVJ 3 Shirts and Shorts 19c Gaherdine Shirts ,l45 $1.88 4 Green, .Tan, Wine Colors Jf Cooper's Hcse J2r.?2iUS1.00 V, I I ft 1? i I P i $4 and 95 values 7. L Douglas Shoes M .!! Om lot lien s urc5s axuru S2.77 ft it f 19 for A Small - Down PcryBMnt ' Holds Any - Purchas Unl Xmas P n I I I ni Jcc!ic!s S2eS5 Jaman Shoes Recj. $70 Now j .... j . Now- $3.44 While f V Arw I - . Good P I ft p p W 1 Frco Dclivcryi at Dnsich's " bo (C, 4' 1 r I Knnrl Sircal - t J XI! : I I Lil..ill nn mfw: mm . - -r - ' I e fwra lhe finesl gardens, j tWv nls and fcdsHesVThcyrre f. V'v;f5 the foods yon want -They're Ticrc nrchards1. vineviirds. bsclnrri xlds priced lhai allxia enjoy ihei besli There's noiiislalie ctsal Smiidd' ; foods; we- ncsl sanilary zzi heallhfnl foods yon can hny. Try Snnkisl! Yon. loo, wiU i a Snnkisl hoosler. Price low ibo al Bnsick's. Here afe some nice Snnkisl Foods lhal will help a lot in selling a nicer table for yonr Christinas dinner. Early Garden Green Tip sf&Su CUlly US Large square tin 270 Sankist Cat Early Garden SlringlessBeans2 can. 22.0 Sankist Cut Stringless Early Garden Beans No. 2 cans 2 cans 25 0 Sunkist Blend Whole Young Siringless Beans 2 N2 250 Del Monte Asparagus Style Beans can 150 2 for 29 0 Sunkist Green Lima Beans no. 2 cans 150 Sunkist Early Garden Peas 303 size can . aai cans 250 Sunkist Tiny Sweet Peas No. 2 cans aSsi cans 350 Standard Peas 3 cans 25 0 Standard Cut Beans 3 cans aa2sW Standard Corn .. .... 3 cans 25 0 Standard Tomatoes 3 cans 25 0 Sunkist Fancy Pie Pumpkin. 3 cans faaW ia Old New England tlince IIeat .2 ids. 290 Sunkist Vegetables Salad 2 cans 250 -w mm .,.. mm "aw. sr i i y r ait . ' - - jr j- sr v 1 ivl- ;v T A CT f i s a f s . ;.. t - - "rffei : jrs. Oranges! Good, ripe, juicy ones. Loads of 'em. Healthful, and you can eat all you want at so little cost because these markets have made. special: arrangements to have these delicious oranges in abundance at a lovr prices FnllCase 150 Size $).25. $J ilLS xiavei urannes iua - i i ABOUT p (SEbstesSeeicIS Sandies and You'll find a wonderful assortment to sejeci from. Sanitary Sealed Not touched or handled - by hands. Absolutely fresh. Also Box Candies Choc. Covered Cherries 1-lh. box ... . 20 c Miniature Chocolates Box . . Also 2-lb. and 5-lb. Boxes of Fine Chocolate Candies SAIB DATES 2 lbs. 25 c New Crop HALL0T7I DATES . Crop 2 lbs. 29 c Low prices on Filberts, Walnuts, Brazils, Al monds, Pecans, Peanuts and mixed nuts . . See them al these marlxels. California Tangerines Thi-SLi per box 79 C; dozen 23 C Iledium Size Navel Oranges, 52 Oranges for 50 C Seald Sweel S:rapefniii 10c 3 for 29c Arizona Seedless Grapefruit, nice size, dozen 29 C Large Fresh Hawaiian Pineapples, each . . . 39 C For Real Pleasure and Good Health Use Lots of Fresh, Fruit Juice Orer the Holidays For Instance SUIIKIST PEEZIPPLE JUICE st'ot 2f.r:250 ; 230 - ' Individual Size 2 for 15c ' Florida Grapelmit Juice K-1grd 190- SUIIKIST DELICIOUS niPE T0IIAT0 JUICE : ? Can . 19c I Alxnoatt a Gallon 9 0 Snnkisl I Snnkisl Snnkisl Frails lor Salad Frail Cocktail Peaches ST" McSj-' - - Mc J&-2i.2t27c No t Sunkist Banquet N?; 1 tall can . ilC Halves No. 2Yi 13C taU can Ul No 2 Sunkist Blelba. "1CJ No. 22 nOm can uC Halves, No. size can IsWC No. 2 can : 27c Sunkist Sliced 2 for 27c Sunlrist ,siicdCM Sliced or Crushed No. 1 flat cans 3 cans 25'C Sliced or Chunlxlels IIo. II size, 3 cans 29 C Snnkisl Pineapple-Tidbits 3 cans ...... 21c Sunkist Sliced Pineapple Lge. No 21 can 2 cans 35 C Broken Sliced" Pineapple IIo. 2i size can 2 for 29 C fSo& ' Hcrida Grapefmil IIo. 2 cans . . . 3 cans 25 C Snow Flake Sugar Pure Cane pounds 470 25 lbs. 1.17 100-lb. sack 4.65 Kitchen Qneen Flour 1.29 Orbis Flour 1.23 Crown Flour 1.49 Gem Ilargarine 3 lbs. 27 c Snnkisl Sweel Chips CBISC0 3-lb. can 41c The most delicious pickle. Made with pine apple vinegar. Try them, they're different. White Cloud or Vegetole Shortening 7 L 4-lb. carton a CRISCO Ofl X 6-lb. can ..OsSif ARMOUR'S MILK Tall can 60 Pond's Facial Tissue Lge. pkg. 23 C Bel Mont . J)ff L. TISSUES ..mVfG Bel Mont Small l ID X 2 pkgs. iLtyrfV mum (P ToairCey U uu . . . and Prime Toms. As usual youTl find a WonderfuDy nice lot of these birds at these markeU . Also Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits and of n2 v i . j -it n a m .... 2 . - course rrune xxrwaea loung oieer xcei. i r- . - - . 1 - Ilico Varicly Dolls; dozsn . . . . . . SL50 -Golflon trusi Bread' .-SSl-ltSt 3 ht 250 ' AmiDim'S STAB nAIIS. r-r rsd . . .U 27 C ST7IFTrS PIlErnUII DAIIS. p:r pound V. v j V 29c lilKEl arsEaiel Jafie fop G Burnt Suaar lFlavcr Topped Uilhf Chopped Dales . . Large Size . Perhaps Our Most Popular Cake Is Ue're Sure YonH T7anl One cl These. yC (o Big One . . ; v . . . . . Haidn foffea Cnlie 2.252 I Pcaldh - Ilinco bVsbb vsaBevsnsnnlsBl mamw b . Cream Pnlfs, 6L250 Ccoldes il- 3d250 ?5a Frozen. Cherry cxd ilppIe Pici choic ; ' 0 to - mf f 71 UinON STOKE 233 li. Commercial 5U . V fiiiCaiaiab av ' " '" - ' ' w,.V,V.,VV