i 1 . T Th OUTGOI! STATESMATL' Salma. Oregon, Fridor Morning. Dacambar 29. 1S40 . PAGH !.'! Jill teds Classified Ads Call 9101 " . ' Classified Advertising Three insertions per line 2S Six Insertions per Una .,. , 40c On month per line Mlnlmnm charge 25e; S U. min im am SSc; f tL'mln, 4 So. No refunds. . Copy for tMs past accepted ua tn 4 :1 tb eventng before publica tion for classification. - Copy re ceived after this time will b rue under tha headlna "To Let t Cttaaalfy- r Th Statesman assumes a flnaa etai responsibility for error which aiay appear to advertisement pub--Usbad I IU column and la eaaaa whr tMa paper la at fault will re print that pert of aa dvrtlfn to which tb tTpocrapeJcsi mlstak eoeurs.- - . -!' - Tb 8ttma reserr th rlsM to reject questionable advertlsiaaf It further reserve tb right to place ail advertlslnc a a d r tb proper classification, ' "Blind Ad an ad cantalatns a Statesman box Bumber for aa ad drese Is (or tb protection f the advertiser and must therefor b answered by latter. Tb Stetemnaa la aot at liberty to dlvulf laforma- aa ta tb Identity or aa aaver- Livestock DEAD ' AND worthies animal Joaea UD at once, vre but iqi ireo Sftrsea. Pbone 7110. Salem, collect. DEAD AND worthies horaea aad now picked up free of char" any where la the Wlllamett vaiiey. Top nrtooa paid (or (ox feed bare a. Pbone 411. 8alem, oil et MootaxMaory fteaderlna; Woraa. tDKAD AND WORTHLESS animals lokad up at one. Moatr emery Raa arias Work. Ph. TSS eoUact. Salem. Help Wanted Male WANTED. STEADY, aober maa to da chorea, milk, cut wood. Baparat fcooo. B. Feawlck. a I Ferry. MAN with lorsinjr truck - wltb llsbt 'equipment. Ph.,. 4 .Tuwier. Situations Wanted OARPENTER WORK wanted. A. U ftlaaon. : n. Pboa MHi. Capable womaa-br. wrk. P. H3KWRK. by hour. Ph. 44t area. For Sale Miscellaneous USED RADIOS. M.S, OEVURT2 FURNITURS CO. PROCTOR ELECTRICAL APPLI ANCES, aa adTcrtlaed ta Tb Saturday Ova. Poet. Tha onlr Iron la the world. Fou never lift or tilt. Guaranteed for. rear. Free 10-day trtax Aiao oouom Lutomatle toaater. Will . ecuvke Melba Any article la our wiaaow o awn and SOc per wek. ' NELSON JJKUS-. IHO. S55-SC1 Cbemaketa 1 USED MOHAIR lounx chair aplendld condition, S14.50. - GBVURTZ FCRNITUR CO. Rddiium a-Uej today-341 N. Com! ajtriS inonalal'VrariY1iJb , USED DAVENPORT, reconditioned, flf.5. G KVTJRTZ ' FURNITURE CO. HOOVER rac beautifully rblt, $!.- 19. Pta. rpr. all make, vinoea. azsi. U3ET DRESSINO table ft bench A LP". HAT for aale. Phoa aF. WRECKING lArce bouaa, 11th and Miaatoa- 8ta wlndowa, door, brlcka, floorinc. ate reasonable. Jack a Burt. USED OAK dresser, sood condition. $.5.- 0 KVTJRTZ FURNITURE CO. 1ITH ST. GOLDFISH FARM, lttt f. 11th. Open erea tUl Xmaa. HOLLT WREATHS, !! S. lttb St. USED DAT bed $7.. OKVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 1-USED OAK house dsk, rood con dition f its. .. OKVURTZ FURNITURE : CO. , CHICKENS' ALIVE or dressed, bake, roaata, hens, fryers, phone itSll. te Hatchery. 1 - USED WALNUT baas deak Its. QEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. TNO. chickens. 14c lb. R. t. B. 100. BOrs baL Ur blcycl. 1177 N. Cora. FREE TOT to each customer today while they last ruffinup aale, S41 N. Commercial. III. s-rade WlltAa nr. disss, till. Prime dreed turkeya Ph. 47FS. 8 PR. XlfAfl rirM m rahlila-. An. chair cushions, McDowell. Ph. OCSS. - -unjnrxrLrjrxfjTajtJ WHILE THET. last 1140 model Copelaad electric refrureratora, 4.7 cu. ft. deluxe, I11S.B0. Fir year guaran tee. EH and FA term NELSON BROS, INC. S3S-S01 Cbemeketa . AOTXIITI8INO Weetera Adrertlalna : BepreeeataUres Oeoia D. Ctoaa. Iao Franclaca, Los An-sla, Seattle Eastern Advertising -. RepretenteUrM. Bryant. Griffith a Brunaoo, la. Chicaxo. New Tork. Detroit. Boston, Atlanta - Entered mt Ike Poele'te at Salem. . Orepoa. Second Clmm if alter. paA ' Itoaed every atoratae aaoest Minda. Bartaesa ic tM Mmth a7ero4al irt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES f " j MaO Subscription Rate la Adraocet Withtn Orecoa : Dally aad Suaday. Mo. 4 cesu; S Mo. 1.: 4 Maa. Le; Lyear $5.00. Elae where ( esaU per . or IC.00 for 1 year 4a adraac. Par opy t cents. Newaataada a oeata. .By City Carrier. 0 caata a esc fT.ie a year la aarue ia ssjscm. coan Money to Loout GASH GAt J- WRITl a hhn. m -) wa ar uvu , r a ve r mm Bf lajtaaT m BHian laaVTaf bom manad rinanc tnstltutlom. Tour financial affair w: loaa mad In trtctt privacy. Ton will be ctvea rery eoni paytBS f year loaa or creatine C alenalona , - ! : h 1 to 24 Months to Repay ' ' . To r b run any ttm t radoe tb . , Unly Borrower Signs v w "e-,Laaa made en raraltar r aot. ROT H. SIMMONS MGR. Uo, Na M-Ut - 1 ' ' . t f Ia flMimuwtal x VTT1', ! i'l." ilrat door south of Ladd a " "wui i mum a-ssn dsu. PRIVATE MONET . AUTO AND 'TRUCK LOANS' - ''CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re- duc aaymenta Mosey fee sew c aaed cars. N delay or red tea Tow will retain possession or tha venlcl. I TO II MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS ' lit Soetb Camrclal Street tltt ; Las. Na M-liS. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN a coed Balsa real a tat. Will pay 0 Intereet. W. H. OR A BENHORST A CO. REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneous XMAS trees, all alaea. 117 1. Com'L Wanted Furniture P. N. A GLENN WOODRT, Ao ttoneers A furniture dealer win pay ru more cash or trade for furniture household good. W buy or aeU t- rrthlns. Ph. til. CASH FOR used furniture a house hold sooda R. Forgwy. Ph. 744a. Wanted Miscellaneous SALEM WATCH SHOP 141 N. Commercial . . Watchea and watch repairing- rea dable, cash paia . r or ota r oia. EQUITY In I -acre tract, house sad trad lor car or truca. (an i seue-- Toe. rnon USED wool mattraa Ph. 1110. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES ' Bring or Man Tour Pia tea for Repair UK. HAKKI SEHLKK, 1 131 Allakr Bids. Sd A Morrison. BR S4I7 For Rent- Rooms Heated fum. mt, reaa ItSO Center. HTD. RM close In. Ph. 440S. FURN. hakp. 141 Court. Ph. 141. mfvATs AT Ulliuana, 050 Marlon. HOTEL SALEM, low mo. rates. Room and Board BOARD-heated room. 101 N. 11th. 481-N. Winter. Warm na. bd. $21. VACANCT NOW. at Ma Bowan'a, 444- N.-tbrty. - MTTATJ AT Ullmans. S Marlon. HEALTH HOME for elderlr and convalescent. 491 S. Commercial. For Rent Apartments - tljbAiO Aria., ii r. vii at Hollywood, low rates, adult. APTS. ft to $11. 2( 8. CommercUL FURN. APTS., Maytag, adults, pr. sp $.$ mo. and up. Also one with prl. bath, a-ar., ress, 4 N. CapltoL wvr wiTRV ut Wtr. It a. teL furn. $11. IS1 N. list. fkeaatasaaaaajekeaasaaseas tarVe Ta . a, wtr lts. tablaW piwiie 4K wisntr, sx aiui. on. . m . ri .ar ill a A 1 RM. (urn apt. 1115 "D" St. water iurn.. si mo. iny. j''j t rm. tarn. apt. Ls.. wter, prir. ahow. ent. $2.6 wk. 110 Oak. 517 wwnnivrmrii"iVi'i" pnnrrr apt dm arallabta at the swwisrn Flaher Aot. So. Com'l. at Oak. Pbone 70S7. xn-n.ri.ri "nu"ii- - vw iTTRlPTlV mntm hot wa ter sll 'hours, elec refrl. and store. Day. week, month. 1545 N. CapltoL XJTjiU"U"TjIJUai s I 8M clean apt 770 S. Com'l. e, APTS. 1151 8. 11th, fU-fllSO. Ph. 5121. Clean apt. Adult. 11 a Cottag. M ft I R., prL bath, 1115 Center. Mod. t rm. apt. 001 N.' Cottag. MOD. nertlr rum. rm. a DC 015 N. 14th. Inq. 1410 D St. r8MALLFURa" SINGLE APT. kltch, 25 8. Cottage. 4 RM. furn. aoL LLarhta, water, gar. AdulU only. Ill N. Hat. For Rent Houses IIS. 0 rm., partly furs., Knglewood. tlS.i-0 rat, mod. bung.. Enalewood. 110. 4 bedrm. ba. nr. PaTrlaa. 115. 1 bedrm. mod. house, aorta. MONET TO LOAN. H. P. ORANT. 510 Court. Ph. 744. S RM. HOUSE, $15. Call at 515 Lo cust St. or Phone S4I0. RM. MOD ba. N. Sal. P. 4120. SEE US for rental properttea both ta out of dty. , F. H. Weir Realtor. 212 Oreg. Bide Pboa 4411. - GOOD HSE.; all mod. coaTsnleacea. oa Krergreen Are. To rest ; aot listed for eal. H. C. SHIELDS, Oregon Bids, i Phoa III1-4I7I, ere. COMPLETELY FURN. t bdna. he. Ph. 55. 041 N. Liberty. HOUSES. MrM Jehc tilt Gerierial Finance Corporation- Money to Loan ' JIM CLARK. ASST.' MOR w - Pboa tilt - CJnaTsnleeil umifl Itatf IamIIm For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IP TQTJ want to aelL exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Lsrsen or Mr Col lin with Hawklna a Roberta. t A. 4 rm. hse, bath, lights, other bldga. Melrls Johnson, 715 Court. "t"" ii"-sJ1iajyareraf" FURN. t rm. house. Ph. 7445. For Rent HOUSES A APTS. 715 N. Com'L OFFICE ROOMS. Ill Stat Street. Inquire room 100. TeL 1711. Wanted to Rent WANTED By Jan. let or sooner, t to 0 b'rm. hae, all modern. In good area, furn ished or unfurnished. WU1 take leas for year or longer. Best of references given. Any rental from $50 to $75 considered. Call Percy Ullman at 050 Marlon St. For Sale Real Estate . $1500 $100 down. balance' fit month, buya 6-rm.. olaaterd house. $2500 Nice new, 2 -bedroom house. Just out of Salem. , ' - ' $1500 5-rm.., full baaetnenjt, (urn, ace and flrepla. Less for cash. R.-A. FORKNER. 1151 N. CsAPITOL LOTS owned by city. 1125 to 1100. See any real ests man or call $012, 17 8. High SC Pbaaaaawbe NICE i-ROOM home on llrd. 1 bedrooms, sewing room, full bant, furnace, garage, price $2250, $150 down, bL monthly. Money to Loan. P. H. BELL, REALTOR, 01 Oregon Bldg. Phone till. WE HAVE a. few farms for sal In Marlon and Polk counties and In other counties of southwestern Oregon. These farms are priced in keeping with the prlcea of agricultural products. Call at the National Farm Loan office. 210 Oregon Building. Salem., and dis cus these opportunities with our rep resentative there FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SPOKANE. ojTansse BUT THE EZ WAT $150 dwn. 2 rm. modern home, 1 blks. from Englewood school. Lot 5$ by 185. Taxes $18. Cute little home, $1750. $200 dwn. 5 rms. A attic. Hwd. floors, fireplace, oil furnace. Venetian blinds, garden space. Brand new. $2950. $30 mo.. Including taxes. 5 A. walnuts. 5 rm. modern home, furnace, very nice orchard. 4 ml. S. of city on pavement. Worth twice the price. $2000, $875 dwn. , Ph. ART MA US EN at 5580 SEVERAL NEW FHA homes re. eently completed. Others nearlng com pleUon. Phone 1745 -Ed Forgard. MOVE IbT TODAY and make this your most cheerful CHRISTMAS SEA SON with aruaranteed Income 4 rooms A bath, newly decorated, modern home, woodshed, garage, barn, poultry house witn w oeautirui acres or gooa soil. lull bearing filbert grove, family frult-- Just outside Wood burn city limits, low taxea. trice reduced to sell this week. Easy terms. OREGON LAND CO. Highway. Wood bum, Oregon NEW MODERN 5-rootn house A Oarage. Make your family a Christmas present. Easy term. Owner. 550. 1 RMS. Lts. A wter. $(00 $25 dn, $1 per mo. Inq. 1140 N. 6th. BEAUTIFUL SCENIC home tract. KIngwood Heights. Cascade Terraces. 1275 00 tn ttSA AA Small mmthl. w w ww -v.ww. vaui su was wssr raa mentA Call owner, $41$. SEVERAL NEW FHA honM re cently completed. Others nearlng com pletion, rnone I7t forgard. Exchange Real Estate RM. HOUSE. Tacoma for Salem. 00 acres. Alberta, Canada, for vaHey. Weslowakt. 11$ S. High St, Salem. Business Card ta this directory rma on ax monthly bast oaly. Rate: . Si. 23 per tlae per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek 1TI South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 & Com'cL P. 4114 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4414. R. E. Norton see Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sals Salem Sand A GraAveL P 140$ Florists Brelthaupfa 447 Court. Pboa lilt Funeral Directors Tarwllllger Funeral Horn. Ph. till House Trailers AND FARM TRAILERS. One-third down. We finance. Ph. 11741. Mr. King. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO, Pbon40t: Money to Loan LOANS IN At Personal finance Company Tou can get tb cash yon nead IS rain- ute after your application I ap- ' to : proved, privately, without embarrass- Too. ment on your aignature alone, ar oa 4 75 i j your car or furniture if you caa af- - 215 : ford the convenient monthly payments - '. 40 ahown below. Just come la or phone. 144 EMPLOYERS, FRIENDS OR RELATIVES ARE ERS SELDOM REQUIRED. . For a Personal Loan ae PERSONAL FINANCE CO. nrnunl floAT. New BHah Blda. f Across from Cnrrrt TTrmiuO - 512 State St. License Not CASH for XMAS Needs to-mt amounts. Get cash loan from ua .aad pay all xDnea Spend the rest for holiday need. - No eo makers needed. - This la a confidential loaa service. - - $109 on furn I ture or livestock. $500 on cars. Repay not hlng ror 10 day long' r if you choose men sxnaii e a a y- L Monthly payments In eluding all charges Cash to you $50.00 100.00 100.00 too. 00 I mo. 7.11 14.21 11.41 41.74 II mo. 20 mo. 1.02 01 I t.l 4 J 4.7 01 J 11.4 10 1 10 1 II 10. 20. 10. 71 Other Amount In Pronortlon Do not fel obligated we are bar to serve you. Phone, writ or com In. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem Personal Loan Center" Rm. 20L lad (L First National Bank Salem. Oregon Pbone 4440 i Stat Lie. No's M-271 A 8-121 - -Aato Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD INQ LICENSE NO. M-lit FHA LflANa IUa elan nrtv lnsas Abrams A B3U . iaa, Maaoal Blda. WE LOAN on farm, residential a business property. Will buy mortgage or contracts hawbuns kobskts. INC, Realtor. Guardian BuUdlog. Exchange Real Estate MOD. 5 ROOM he, full basement, fruit trees, good gar, will trade for home A small acreage close to Salem. 1385 Mission St. Call daytime. For Sale Farms 10 A. ALL IN cult, river bottom soil, 0 ml. from Salem, cherries, fruit A nuts. Sell on easy terms or trade for house In Salem. II. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902-697 Eves. Wanted Real Estate WE INVITE your "for sale" list Ings If fairly priced. HAWKINS m ROBERTS. INC, Realtors Guardian Building. Business Opportunities TOUR XMAS PRESENT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HOLIDAY BUSINESS BEER AND LUNCHES A good Daylng buatnea, nice fixtures. good location, steady trad. Living Quarters Owner must sell, due to sickness. $150 and you start pumping beer. Total price GROCERIES AND MEATS Best of equipment, good locatloa Doing $20 per day. You buy only the toes, sievv, and terms oa inau LIVE ON THE COAST Very modern srocery and meat mar ket. First months of this year shows $22,120 sales All equipment of market and store $1000. Invoice about $ls00, cash. Long terms on fix tures. . e e MYRTON MOORE, REAL ESTATE, 110 No. CommercUL Suite 17, WANTED Party to operate ke cream department In large market. Make your own Ice cream. $250 in vestment required. Complete Instruc tion available. Write Box 110 cn Statesman. Directory Mattresses 8ALEM FLUFF RUG A MATTRESS Co. . New Mattresses, old remade, rug cleaning weaving. B. lltb 4k Wilbur TeL I44L Zwlckera Pa pering.Pain ti ng NEAT Work, reas Johnson, ph. I7TI Plumbing PLUMB INO, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 154 & Liberty. Ph. 5 Printing FOR STATION ERT. cards. psmphVsta. programs, books or any kind of print ing, call Tb Statesman Printing De partment. Ill A Commercial. Tele phone I10L Transfer FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oiL briquets, preto loga Truck to Portland dally.- Agent Pierce Auto Freight, Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co. Ph. till. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspectfoa In" your boos. Au thorised Hoover service. W err6e all make claara Hogg Br Pa. 0011. Well Drilling B. A. WEST. Kt 1 Bx 4f. P. 1-2204 Honey to Loan A HURRY - . Cash Mo. payments lacludlas - ni.i. cnarsrea ror 4 mot, . 11 mo. 2 moa, tl0.lt t 7J1 t 54 , 40.11 11.01 i 15.lt 05.51 " 10.14 1 20.10 ,44.7 14.44 V 4.41 NOT NOTIFIED. CO-SIGN. THE ' g-112 M llJ . .pboa114f 420 TO $1000 ON TOUR CAR. , CONSUMERS CREDIT CO. ' 127 New Bllgh Bldg. ph. tltl . Money aumedlawly Ua. M-212. For Sale Wood DRY OLD FIR KNOTS. Ph. 7507. aaMaWBl'areeaajaaasjsasa DRY WOOD, Ph. 1-1440, DRY WOOD, all kinds. 1540. DRT It oak or fir. Ph. 4171 or 4101. erabaaasasaejsasyska GREEN Old Fir. oak. Ph. , 12121. MILL WOOD 11.50 load. Ph. ItSl or 5141 evenings Yard at 110 Court. 10-IN. fir wood. $5.25 cd. Ph. 7115. max. em f - - " s , -M-sTwnjnrw'ijnrxrLn-ri WOOD. Ph. 117. Oraen. 412 N. list avkarftabjjh II" OLD FIR 5: knots 15 : 4 ft. 2nd $4; ash, maple, limbs Pbone 1451. Wood Sawing 110 N. CommercUL Ph. 1511. Personal LONESOME! Serving an age Club Elite. P. O. Bx. Tl-Q. Los Angeles. CaL Wanted Used Cars WILL BUT any make old cars for wreck! g 122 Ptteron. W. Saloa. Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE REAL PROPERTY Notice la hereby siren that by virtue of aa execution and order of tale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of " Oregon tor Marion County on the 3rd day of December, 1940, upon end pur suant to a Decree duly siren and made by said court on the 18th day of November, 1940, In a suit pending therein In which the Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora tion, a corporation, was plaintiff and Robert S, Claxton, a single man; George R. Claxton and Oladys B. Claxton, husband and wife; and United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon, a cor poration, were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to- me directed and commanded m to tell the real property here inafter described to satisfy said Hens and charges in said Decree specified, I will on Saturday, the 4th day of January, 1941, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the west door of the " eonnty court house at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants in said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them, or any of them since the 1st day of March, 1934, In or to' the following described real property, to-wit: Commencing at a point 17.44 ehalns East of the Northwest Corner of the Southwest Quart er of Section Nineteen, Town ship Eight South, Range One, West of the Willamette Merid ian, and running thence Sotrth 28.70 chains, thence East 17.20 chains, thence North 28.70 chains, thence West 17.20 ehains to the place of be ginning; Also, beginning at th Southeast Corner of the above described' tract, thence South 12.92 ehains, thence West 17.42 chains, thence North 12.92 chains, and thence East 17.42 chains to the place of beginning; Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging Or in anywise appertaining; Situated In Marlon County, State of Oregon. Dated December 3rd, 1940. - A. C. BURK, Sheriff. Marlon-County, Oregon First publication December 6, 1149. Last . publication January S, 1941. D. 4. 13, 20. 27. J. 3. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF MARION. TTo. 10-414 In the Matters of the Estate of HARMON SNOOK, Deceased. Notlcw of Hearisux of Object lorn , to Ftatal Aoeoeuit Notice I hereby given that EMMA SNOOK, the duly appelat ed, qualified and acting Execu trix of the Last Will and Testa ment and. Estate of HARMON SNOOK, deceased, has duly ren dered aad presented for settle ment, asd filed . in the County Court of th' County of Marlon, State- ot Oregon, a Final Account of her administration of said tat, mad that Saturday, the eler- For Sale Used Cara Believe It On lery Used Car Sold for $200.00 or More 3 l - Between Now and : -t- (DOUGLAS McKAV tEYROLET CO.) r V: k- 'Will GivYprYour i941 LICENSE, 5 GALLONS OF GASOLINE AND 1 GALLON G. MANTI-FREEZE Z 1938 Ford Fordor Touring Sedan....L $495 - " " RADIO A HEATER. 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan.. $575 VERT CLEAN LOW MILEAGE. 1935 Chevrolet Master Sedan .r..$265 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe BLACK FINISH; RADIO 4k HEATER. AND MANY MQRK SHOP HERE BEFORE YOU BUY McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLM AN LAWRENCE FLATHERS VIRGIL SLOAN lit CENTER. OPEN EVES. PH. tltt. Sksassisaslsnsnsssasissi m m manes i m, ea.aa aa T-,,-,-i - m.m. -rmlljyyVV-rtJTj-UjXr We've Gotta Sell' Em! DOWN 'go Prices 1937 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan s Radio, Heater, A-l Condition $565 1933 Ford 4-Door Sedan Good Rubber, Heater. Run Perfect $165 VALLEY MOTOR CO. OVER 22 TEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE North Lot: Marion & Liberty St. Legal Notices enth day of January, 1941, at the hour of ten -o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court room of aaid Court in the Marion County Court House in the City of Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections to said Final Account and the settlement there of. Dated and first published th 13th day of December, 1940. Date of last publication to be the 10th day mt January, 1940. LAWRENCE N. BROWN, Attorney for Executrix. LAWRENCE N. BROWN Attorney at Law 214 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon. D.13-20-27 J. 3-10 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that th undersigned hare filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, their duly verified final account, as Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Jennie A. Jones, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 24th day of December, 1940, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion Cbun ty, Oregon, as the place for bear ing said final account and all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 22nd day of November, 1940. VERA HILL and MERLE JONES, Executors of the last will and testament and estate of Jennie A. Jones, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorneys tor Executors, Salem, Oregon. N.22-29 D. 6-13-20. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT In th County Court of th State of Oregon for the County of Marlon. In the matter of the Estate of A. E. Allen, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the final account of Rosalie Allen, administrator of the Estate of A. E. Allen, deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, and that the 20th day of January, 1941; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been appointed by said Court for hearing objections to said final account, at which time any per sons interested In aaid estate may appear and file objections there to in writing and contest same. ROSALIE ALLEN. Executor. ELMER D. COOK. City Hall. West Salem, Attorney for Estate. D.13-20-27 Jan.3-14. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FI- . HAJj ACCOUNT UT THE COUNTT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION : IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JOHN DAVIS, deceased. Nbtie la herebr riven that the final account of Tillie Davis, ad ministratrix of the Estate ot John Davis, deceased, has been filed la tha Coantv Court of Marlon Coun ty. Oregon and that the 20th day of January, 1941. at the hour, of 10:00 o'clock A. M., has seen ap mtntsMt fcv aaid Court for hearine objections to said final account, at which time any persons mteresiea in ssld astAte mir aDoear and file- objections thereto In writing and contest. Ane same. - . TILLIE DAVIS. . : KETE3 A PAGE Attorneys for Administratrix : SOS Pioneer Trust Building : Salem, Oregon. ' - D. 20-27; J. .-10-1T For Sale Used Cars or Not Is aStiiita Glaus ! Christmasv Santa Claus Coupe $545 Former Rickreall Man Dies, Coast RICKREALL Walter Hill, who was called north -by the death of his brother, Hrry,Hill, at New port, Sunday, left Tuesday night for his home in Berkeley. ' Harry Hill, 51, who died from a heart attack Sunday morning when looking after -hla boat dur ing a high wind, lived here for many years. He Is survived by his widow, Delia; son, .Marlon at Newport: two brothers, W. C. Hill, Rlck-4 reallr Walter Hill. Berkeley, Calif. Cross Word Puzzle 13 Id 16 n IT 20 21 23 2H 21 30 31 3 1 3S 36 37 HO HI t2 21 H6 HI IS I t S2 'A S7 'A 61 61T 63 HORIZONTAL 1 IF A terete "Lycido 7 To caper 13 Lover of Amadis H Wkmt sea t onncfea! ttntA (A Son Mmrmorm bt th Dmrdv- tullwt 15 Proposed international langnaga IS -Animals 18 Trap 19 Unit 21 Leave out 22 4 would (contr.) 23 Flesh of an animal 26 Morsel dipped in liquid 29 Counterfeit SI Part of the eye S3 Greek letter 34 Towards , S5 Pronona 38 Watering plac Sir Indian madder 40 Mystic ejacnlation 41 Part of a plant 43 Stumbled 45 Very small AT Waal vVlag e Btngal wm teen CZi' fmmut victory of 17S7t .. SO Not of the scale ' 62 Medley x fS Greek letter 66U.Imitated 18 Dissolves ' SO Hebrew month - 61 Road (Sp.) 1 ' fJ-lFaat ipm tko firtt am tko anther f -LitUo Wvmtn"t 65 Son f Poseidon . 66neaks . ' . : 3 VERTICAL 1 Member of a warlike Uooanv . medan tribe . . 2 Metal . , 8 Chinese measure 4 Fiber of the peJarjrra pafaa ' K Kdibla bnlb Wae wm tko motkortdw of s s s teuthr I Ministers For Sale Used Cars Xmas Presentf You Can Buy Plenty with' the Money: You Saye on These Values! ; llt Plymouth DeL. 1-door 84. . Original paint, ale ' ctoaa ' 5 car . V-V : i i$47T 114 Nuii Fordor Tr. S d a a. l.oe mile : I744 1124 Chevrolet Tudor Tr. Sedan. ' Ton may ehoo your color U you. hurry i . . ,- ,-, .... .4244 ; 3Iechanics Special . lilt LINCOLN ZEPHYR . Fordor Sedan tltl We defy yoej to compare price and condition with . Ilk make and asedet anywhere T TERMS a TRADES ' LOT: Corner Chemeketa A Ctrarch. Pbone 1411. . HERRALL-OWENS CO. PONTIAC SALES A SERVICE IIS 8. Conunerclsl Phoa tltt. 111 HUDSON Tour Sedsn. till down, a modern la a new 1041 ear. la perfect condition. It month mar- ant ee. Stat Motors. 24 N. High. ph. 1171. saseasssse . f SninjnjnjnjITULl'i. 'IfLT. BUICK coe- 111. Jnnctlnn- Auto Camp. Cabin 10, aft. 1:10 p.m. '40 ChamDton 8tdbaker 4-dr svsr driv A heater. 1(10 N. Liberty. t TValii Ysb T'AjNf MMirva aTwse : jAirt i& Court St Phontj ss - j m i r'w'sT'Vni'syVsAAAAA ii mnn vi rtmA .. - ' w uwtA wsiw W W W -V W VW license. Terms. 1140 8. High. Recruiting Champ ..... I North America's champion racrnit-' r is Elaine Basse tt, whose f see oa Canada's Join-the-Army posters is said to have influenced marry a man to join the army. Uncle Sam has selected her face for the U. 8. army recruiting potters. Sheu'tai the daughter of a Baptist minister i rom : DnVtit. Texasi ","t'' Lodges -' a . PaeUie L jk 8tted si! W "i PseUie Lodce Ne. SO, AT A AM, muif, oee. sots, stars sicht, :M diaaer. Merrtott, W. M. TT iO II IH id 22 IT 25 3 33 3 $1 H3 HH H& H9 S3 DO ; 2 i3r H 66 8 Concerning 9 Vedie rod af altar ftra s1 10 Requires 11 Domestic animal 12 Half ema 17 Unless . i 20 Feminine name 24 Turkish officer 25 Pinch 27 Precious a ton 28 Pellet 29 Stor compactly SO Residenc . 82 Unhurt i 4aw ST What king of Iormol wmo mutkot T part ta book frovorbol 42 Story 44 Sense ergaa 48 Olaorasin 48 Thresholds 4 Yweeainr plant 81 Min entrance 64 Chore 65 Sleeveless rarmenta 68 Perform . r 67 Established vain 69 Chinese dynasty , , -. -j -62 Negative answer - i 64 Wlthia te yaaardays ROT mN fEVg Ate E a t oyvitejL er a ub P G A PIE AJXh CWHr E LlOHiGrl 1 11 sh Hn OTtm. t-t M-. Wfc e. j , m... m I"" ' imiii -i.ii in i in, I 1 l ." " ' ' . - - , . ' -.. . .