The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1940, Page 15, Image 15

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    v:? axU& W ..v.-j'iS iUO
Scio Council'
To Act Jan. 2
BIcDonald Pleads Innocent
to Charge of
8CIO rinnl acUea ea a
posed city ordinance
city water mains to the
city limits will be taken Jaaaary
s. .1941, at the seat taeniae
lng ot the present conneO.
Councilman- J. A. "Withers,
member ot the tlrev Ural and
water committee, ana mayor
elect, presented tentative araf t f
the ordinance at the Deeei
meeting of the eoaaeJl tn
sponse to an October petition ot
Joe Weseljr and otheca residing
outside the city limits. Petition
ers agree to extend the aaalna at
their own expense to their resi
dences, and' to pay ensessmeata
to the city tor use ot water,
Max Weeely - and Gay rank
were granted renewals oc
licenses, payment tn each
feeing I.
report was made by Mayor
P. . W. .8chmns: that Harold
"Spud- UeDonald alleged that he
was not guilty ot damaglag n
city (Ire hydrant nt MM atreet
and Pentland arenas, and there
fore did net owe the etty tor
damages claimed- The etty paid
$1 to hare the hydrant repaired.
Grabbing ot brash and repair
ot sereral city streets waa dis
cussed and the former author
ised. Labor and salary contract
bills were allowed.
At the Jaaaary meeting the
following city - officers, elected
concurrently with the . national
election Norembor E. are expect
ed to file oaths ot Office - and
assume duties:
Mayor, J. A. Withers; council
men. Merle Cyras, Mylo Bartn.
R. M. Cain, W. A. Kwtag and
Max Wesely. X. D. Myoro
Joe Lytle were reelected city
treasurer and recorder,
Technioue for
Cookinqr Fiqrs
It seems that there are better
ways to cook dried Qga these
days. And Incidentally, they aaake
a favorite breaktaet fxmlt wfcen
erred with cream. Hero's the
dried flf Institute's rery best ap-
nrored directions.
Cook dried figs without soak
ing, for better flavor- an firmer
texture. Merely rinse and drain
the figs, corer generously with
water and boil briskly U to SO
minutes, depend lag on softness.
If sweetening ta desired, allow
one tablespoon sugar tor each
cup of figs and add for last IS
minutes' cooking. Add more wat
er as and If needed. For rarlety.
stick cinnamon, whole eleres,
orange or lemon slices may be
added while cooking.
Dried figs do not require cook
ing for eating out of hand; how
ever, if softened trait la prefer
red, corer the figs wits, boiling
water n few satantee. or steam
orer hot water. This simple pro
cessing also prepares dried tigs
for use In salads, candles, breads,
cookies, cakes and frostlags.
Slice with scissors for a clean-
cut appearance.
v e ;e e
Oven Stew for
Family Meal
Stew becomes n family oren
meal when ifs prepared from
this recipe:
1 slices salt pork
1 pounds diced beef chuck
1 large onion
2 tablespoons flour
1 eups water
1 can condensed tomato soup
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon paprika
C small onions
medium carrots
medium potttoes
Cube pork and brown with
beet chuck in frying pan. Re
move to baking dish. Brown
chopped onion in fat' remaining In
frying pan. Add flour, mix well
and add water, tomato soup, salt,
pepper and -paprika. - Cook three
minutes, stirring constantly. Pour
over meat. Add whole onions, ear
rets and potatoes. Cover and bake
In a moderate ore. (ITS degrees)
for 1 ft hours, or cook slowly on
top ot range for the same length
of time.
Ladieo Aid Holds
Officer Election
RICTn?rTJr Tho Blckreett
Ladiee Aid held .its election of
officers Wednesday for the com-
( year. .
Elected were Mrs. S. J. Yam
Dyke, reelected president; Urn.
Barton Bell, vice-president; Mrs.
hire. n, B. rtndley. ti
and, an exchange of gifts fol
lower. , .
It was decided to held n new
their families, an Mrs. Ton
Brainier told many things about
ntr family rn iTolTaad.
Hostesses tor the January meet-
is nro Mm. B r. Korea. Mrs. X
O, Price. Mrs. D. Priee.
County PTARIcct
Set for January
Aumsrille to Be Hoots for
Execatire Committee;
Ltmch Is Planned
PRATTJM The execative com
mittee of the Marlon County
Pares t-Teexher aasoctatlon met
for n noon luncheon at the Argo
hotel dining room last Saturday.
Plans were made for the next
regular meeting to be held at
Aumsvtlle, Saturday, January 11.
Mrs. J. A. Smith, president,
announced that state officers
would be present tor n school
ot Instruction, to start at 10 a. m.
Lunch will be served at noon
by the AnmSville Women's club
for n reasonable price.
Mrs. James Keys, committee
chairman for a county home dem
onstration agent, read a letter
from Mrs. Azalea 8ax dr. OSC,
CorvalUs, stating that Mrs. Mabel
Mack, state food and nutrition
specialist, would represent her
department in giving an interest
ing talk daring the afternoon ses
sion. Those present were Mrs. Smith
of Aumsville. president; Mrs. W.
O. Wlddows, of Salem, vice-president:
Mrs. C A. Lynds. Pratnm.
secretary-treasnrer: Mrs. Leif
Bergsvik. Salem, state vice-presi
dent; Mrs. T. J. Roubal ot 811
rerton, Mrs. T. P. Otto, ot Aums
ville, Mrs. V. M. LnDue ot Swegle.
Mrs. J. w. Anderson of Looney
Butte. Mrs. Keys ot Salem, Mrs.
Ralph Harold and Mrs. B. T.
Huge ot Stayton.
Jefferson Women
Send Home Gifts
Flnlay and Miss Olive Cooper
were hostesses tor the annual
Christmas meeting of the Wom
an's club, held in the city hall.
A one o'clock luncheon was
served in the dining room.
The president, Mrs. Hal Wiley
presided at the business meeting
and the program was in charge
of Mrs. Marion D. Loony. Miss
Eleanor Looney gave the Scrip
ture reading.
An Interesting feature of the
program waa the book review of
"The Nazarene." by Sbolen
Asch, given by Mrs. J. O. Fon
taine. Following the program, a beau
tifully decorated Christmas tree
was enjoyed. The gifts brought
by the club members, will be sent
to the Children's Farm home near
Prune Bread for
Party Fare
Prune nut bread that takes
whole wheat flour has been found
to be excellent party food when
merely spread with butter and
served open-faced sandwich style.
1 cup white flour
cup sugar
X y teaspoons double acting
baking powder
1 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup milk
1 cup chopped, dried prunes
4 cup walnuts
1 tablespoon melted shortening
1 teaspoon salt.
Mix and sift together the white
flour, sugar, salt and baking
powder. Stir in whole wheat flour,
add milk, beat well. Add fruits,
nuts and shortening. Put into n
greased pan, allow to stand 10
minutes to IS minutes In a warm
place, then bake at tit or 37S
for an hour. '
f Leaders Seated
RIolalla OES Installation
Held? Jewel Given Past
Junior ZXstron
IfOLALLA Orchid chapter
OS3. No. ISP Installed the fol
lowing officers Tuesday might la
an tmpresalve Installation car
Margaret Wallace, worthy ma
tron; Alfred Shaver, worthy pa
tron; Olive Boolmko, associate
matron Otis G. Fogleeong. as
sociate patron; Nell Henriksen.
secretary; Flora Gregory, treas
urer; Dorothy- Del Ridings, con
ductress; ' Golds Kdistoeeeee. as
sociate conductress; Benin Fogle
song. chaplain; Esther Borton.
marshal ; Edith Raid, organist:
Rao McGraw, Ada; Margaret
Steers. Rath; - Gladys B. Oleen.
Esther; Verne Bunko, Martha;
Dorothy Ltndlnnd. Electa; -Min
nie Shaver. Warder; WIlHa Dan
ton, sentinel.
Installing officers were: Vera
Buxton. instalttag matron; Oli
ver Buxton, installing patron;
Lois Connett, Installing Marshal;
Zelma Ridings, assistant Install
ing marshal ; Louella Holmes, in
stalling chaplain; Ruth Chind
gren, installing organist; Francis
Russel. Ruth Echerd. Ethel Brede,
Lois Connett. Theo Helplo and
Paris Slyter, escort girls.
Ben Chlndgren sang during in
stallation. The worthy matron
waa presented with sereral gifts.
Vera Buxton, as Junior past ma
tron, waa presented with n Jewel
by Lotta Bowlln. president of the
past matrons club and the Install
ing officers were presented with
corsages by the new worthy ma
tron. .
Several guests from Portland
were present and about S0 local
members. Refreshments were
served at beautifully decorated
tables honoring the occasion.
Laurel Hour Club
Holds Yule Party
Hour social club enjoyed a Christ
mas party at the home ot Mrs.
Glen Adams Tuesday.
Following luncheon a program
was held. Christmas carols were
sung. Readings were given on
"Christmas in Other Lands. Mrs.
J. B. Smith, of Salem, wrote n pa
per on "Christmas Memories,"
which was read to the group.
Each lady present was asked to
tell about a Christmas experience
In her life.
Guests present were Mrs. C.
McDowell of Salem, Mrs. O. C.
Schofield of Ypsilantl, Mich., Mrs.
E. Sanerandquist, Janice and Mar
ian Coffel.
Members present were: Mrs. Al
bert Beckman, Mrs. Bernard Ben
sen, Mrs. Arnold Coffel, Mrs. C.
H. Brown, Mrs. E. W. Emmett,
Mrs. Ida Forster, Mrs. Muriel
Friesen. Mrs. C. J. Jackson. Mrs.
Monte Jones. Mrs. C. A. Williams,
Mrs. J. M. Six, Mrs. C H. Willi,
Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh, Mrs. R.
White and Mrs. Glen Adams.
Charge Resigned
By Turner Pastor
TURNER Rev. Crelghten
Bickett of the Methodist church
has resigned his pastorate here
this week due to eye trouble, and
with his family. Mrs. Bickett and
sons Raymond nnd Billy, la mov
ing to Portland.
They will return over the week
end and Rev. Bickett will deliver
his last sermon here Bunday
morning. He is an accomplished
musician and will be pianist for
the pageant and Christmas pro
gram Sunday night In the church.
Relatives Surprise
Molalla Resident
MOLALLA Earl Ellis was
pleasantly surprised when n group
ot relatives and friends called on
his birthday. The time was spent
in card playing and he received
many gifts.
Present" were Mr. and Mrs. E.
V. Montle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Al Carl
ton, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Newell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyllo and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Ellis.
Returns to Portland
TURNER Mayro McKlnney
has returned to Portland after
spending n short time at the homo
ot his sister Mrs. Fanny Ball.
I fpnniwn, iviiiw?f??(
laliM U tig) ImIotjUcslIs u
Frco Delivery In tho Piggly Uiggly Sicro Phono 1318
Shcdder Ocas!
Cut with pocket. Fill in
with dressing and roast.
The "Bam What Am Tender"
Half or
&b&McsssiBj& . I1 :i BuTTIS, GEESE, CMCHgllS
Uo 1rs70 Itrbeys fed rigfcl
Riclireall Grange
Inslallalioii Set
RICKREALL The officers ot
Rlckreall grange will be Installed
December 17 at the local hall,
with Glenn Adams, Pomona mast
er Instslltsg offleor. The special
commit too wut
4 taa graagn work that
RICKRBALt- The Borne Eco
nomies club of the local grange
held its annual Christmas party
Thursdsy and exchange ot gifts.
On Friday Mrs. F. C Ponce enter
tained the group compltmenang
Mrs. Mary Back whose birthday
was Christmas day
Royal Neiiboio
Elect Ner Oracle
raYERTON--Electioa of ofn-
at the Royal Neighbors lodge
Tueeday night resulted ta oracle,
Janata Terbeek: rlos oracle, Mary
Qerr: past oracle, Agnes Nae-
gell: recorder. Alios Egaa;
Osrtnids Hooa; marshal, Mario
Thomas; Inner sentinel. Tsgin
Rue; outer sentinel, Ida Dnvis;
manager. Berta Morley; consul
tation. Edgar Wrightman ; dele
gate to state convention, Joale
Hartmaa; alternats, Mary Herr.
Mrs. Cells lathers sad Mrs.
Ellaor Anderson of Portland,
former members, were present.
Dobrinlcs More- -From
Snrcr Honio ;
gUYER M I k o" Jobrlnla and
family are morinx this week to
Kerman. Calif-, where ho has pur
chased n smstl farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Koblor
from Kansas are moving to the
Oobrinin farm. Kobler Is a coasta
ot Jake Rohner. .
m 1
CHRISTMAS DINNER-make sure of its success by getting
everything you need at Safeway. Every item guaranteed!
Produce Prices Are for Friday and Saturday Only
Texas Pink f?
9 for
Grapcfrnil oosue
Calavcs ITJL
Grapes Emperor -
Dales - tMMC7
st2 for 13C
2 f or
71 Spits or Wliessps, extra r
dappieS (aaey wrapped packed 9 lbs.
91419 Box
Orangej Er
Oranges Navels
Lenons S8!.
a dosea E5e
Sweet Polaloes
UJS. No. 1 Smooth, Fancy Qnality
Polaloes 60-lb. sacks
Parsnips Fancy Washed
Bananas SSf.
urtuuj ernes
2os. 35 c
6ib. 23c
No. 1
Tangerine Oranges
79o Box
SoUd Heads
California ,
2 lbs.
Cm for lie
Sieliely's cr Scgar Dell
Honey Pcd
Can l,(0)(3
Uo. U
eWunael LumnsI
Jar tOs
U. Colli
orolhy Bncson Ctccobios
Paacy assortment chocolate covered ants, chews.
980 l590
Broken or
Salia llix
CeUe Bags
Cello Bags
l I: 14h.
Cello Bags
Whether It ba poultry for your holiday labia or tha
chexxpsst cct ol moot Zdbmf cSm standx-yottT
back li you're not emfirely ploasodl
Fancy UA No. 1 Birds The Famous "Norbest" Brand
D:d Ceil
12c lb.
HAMS, Armour's Star
skined, Yi or Ose
whole, lb s&eJW
FRYERS Colored,
HENS Fancy zaed.
picked, lb. 219c
Polish Sausage Trl'
Pork Sausage .
by the piece
Swill's Sliced Bacon n. 25c
nnb Links id. 15c
GnOUIID BEEF, lied qnalily
Pork Doasls llic
Pork Sleak . 15c
Fresh Oyric
19c fL
Club Frankfariers 2 25c
Sirloin Sweet and Tender, Ibw 25c
Blade Cat lfl-
if 21
Dee! Boad S
2 Its.
Dec! Ccics
22c IL
uf m
Si 3L90 c2- 370
O Airway Celfea 3 3
O Hob Ilill 2 .33c
Geldea Tied, lb. can . .
Canlerbnry Tea Pekoe I lb. 25c, lb, 49c
Canada Dry
Ginger Ale, Dickey 12 C
Cherub Ililli 3i 19c
f Tcaalces 3
Qershey Large Ban 2 for
Denhey Chcc 2 .25 C
Powdered Sugar .
l Uo 17c
Pink Salmon,
tin 2 tin 25C
Schinimg's Salt, Cel
Uarlle, Oaio, ,
tav.1 Jtj
) rST) .
bottle .
steUoggs Pea
regnlsr pkg.
Quaker Oats, oaicle
15c I (30095132
Cs (3337(7
I I the sons!
w mtmAM MB , m
. . . . 22c I-i 317tf UcA B
I CILDin OAMUU.TO 7""fc. I
Meadow Dew I I
Grade B 1 ' wM
c 5S I II JR. - I
EGGS r-m J
OradeA I C& Ug '
29 c i2e yOr: a5rs?
rTfl $ M '
by the
lirowa Dtrbj
Pins Bottle Deposit
Jolcn, Smmr rXrwn. 45-o can lla
Giupofrcil Jaleev
Town HauM 4S3S. can.
Faracfiss) 8 wool Tlcklosv quart jar15
Crcmbaar Scroca, EtoknlT's 2 303 cans 23a
Campbe&a- Soopn (Ezcspt
Mushroom and Qricken)-3 cans SSe
Aryo Com Starch, 1-Ib. pigs. 1 far ISc
Stronghaarl Dog Food, S cans 15c
Stellar Facial
box of 200 tc
500s 17c
Mazda Hani Glabea, 15-100 watt 10c - 15c
2rer Pofialw Wright's. 8a. jar ISc
3 pkg. 25c
Ze Paper Towels.
23 Med Team Borax. 10-oz. pica.
cleans dirty hands, tin.
Calumet Baking Powder. 1-Ib. tin 15c
Stokelr's Catsup, 12-oz. bottle lis
Gull Best Shrimp. 5-oz. can 10c
Duchess Salad Dressing, quart J ax 23c
JuUa Lea Wright's Fresh Bako Bread
Je&o. assorted flavors.
J& pegs, lis
Pcmplrtn. Dal Monte, S No. 2Vi cans 25c
Mmca Meat None Such. 9-oz. pkg lis
Poors, Harper House. No. 2W can , ,,. 17s
Dales. Imported Bordo, IVi-Ib. pkg25e
Currants. Zante washed. 11-ox. pkg. ma
T!n1t!nt, SeacQafts. 44b. pkg. 11a
V7eSnsU. fancy, lb, collo.
tSxmd ITssa. fancy, lb. collo
ricua loZIt'Tlsia. 10ct can ,, .118
Leg oTorix
& Dressing
2jg 1 CHjlSlili
fcr ?tHi " CSrrirfrrrfi iinaer.
or regmlar,
Ige. pkg.
: " Larjo cr Snail
Half or Whole
foar finest j7.:p:
I' !'