PAGZ FOURTEEN Thm OHTGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning. December S3. ISO 5J J .4- 1 - . 'i 3 ' ' if 1--- E i M b I Mrs. Panton ... Presides at Luncheon ' Mrs. James 1. Panton was hos tess for a smartly appointed bridge luncheon on Thursday af ternoon at her East State street home for the : pleasure of Mrs. George A. White, who Is now 1 residing in Portland. The house was f estlre with holiday decorations and over the fireplace were Delia Robbia wreaths and on - the mantle Christmas greens and altar can dles. The serving table in the dining room was all silver and bine with a centerpiece of blue balls, tinsel and silver cellophane resembling a fountain and silver candles in crystal holders. Guests were seated at small tables with holly marking places for the guests. Cedar boughs were ar ranged in the dining and living rooms. Mrs. George Alexander assisted the hostess in receiving the guests. Winning prizes for con tract were Mrs. Homer V. Car penter, Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr., and Mrs. U. G. Shipley. ' Guests bidden were Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. Charles A. Srague, Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs. John L. Rand, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. George Otten, Mrs. Richard Williams, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Frank Healy, Mrs. Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Burton Myers, Mrs. Charles McCargar, Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. T, O. Russell, Mrs. .Homer V. Carpenter, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, sr., Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr., Mrs. David Eccles, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. Donald Young, Mrs. Mar garet LaFurgy. Mrs. J. B. Conmy, Mrs. Sanderson Reed, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. Walter Pearson, Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Mrs. James Panton. LaDous Leave For South Mr. and Mrs. Harry LaDou, ac companied by their children, Leah and Joseph, are leaving by car to day for California where they will spend the next six weeks. The La Dous will spend Christmas in San Diego at a reunion of the LaDou family and will witness the Rose Bowl game on New Year's. The LaDous will visit for a week in Long Beach with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry But ler. Before returning north around the first of February they will travel in Arizona. Miss Jeanne DcWitt, accom panied by her sister, Mrs. James J. Richardson of Portland, has returned from a month's trip In the east and south. They left by train for Detroit where they pick ed up a new car and went to Chi cago and Iowa where they visited with friends. In Denver theywere met by Mr. Richardson and from there went ' south to Del.. Monte and San Francisco. Going to have during the Mary 3Iilb' quantity recipes will give you a better idea of how much food is required! Remember, you can rely on Fuher'$ Blend Flour for every baking uae! TIow many biscuits will 25 peo- rood for cakes and Dies as for pie eat? What's a quick, easy dessert for a crowd? Mary Mills free quantity recipe fold er answers these questions and many more. Write for it today. It win prove helpful very fre quently. But whether you're cooking for your family or for a large number of people, always use Fisher's Blend Floor. This very-purpose family flour is as APPLE Yield: SO 12 pounds cooking- apples 2 pounds granulated surar 6 cups Fisher's Blend Flour , s Vi cups batter 2 tablespoons cinnamon MAX IKE BUKEN Editor Parties Will Precede Dance An anticipated event of Satur day ' night will be the . annual Spinster charity ball which will be held at the Marion hotel. Both' the Mirror and Marine rooms will be used for dancing with tables arranged cabaret style. Rogers Miller's orchestra will play for dancing between 10 and 1 o'clock. A number of out-of-town guests are expected to be in the capital for the affair. Christmas greens, lighted trees and candles will provide the dec orative note. Several parties are being arranged to precede the dance. Miss Mary Ellen Hammond and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cronin (Betty Hammond) of Portland, will be hosts for an informal party at the Hammond home in Klngwood Heights before the dance. Miss Hamimond' is president of the Spinsters. Their guests will be Miss Mar ine McKillop, Mis Doris Drager, Miss Gertrude Mishler, Miss Shir ley Evenson, Miss Charlotte Mc Clary, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Can non, Mr. Coburn Grabenhorst, Mr. James Nicholson, Mr. Wil liam Patton, Lt. Roy Edgerton of Fort Lewis and Mr. Frank Even eon. Mrs. Lietz Fetes Club Members Mrs. Harris Lietz wag hostess to members of her bridge club last night at her South Liberty street home. A late supper fol lowed several hours of contract and a red and white decorative scheme was used in the table appointments. Special guests were Mrs. Rich ard Russell and Mrs. Louis Lo renz. Club members are Mrs. Mel vin Dustan of Aurora, Mrs. Hal Cuffel of McMinnville, Mrs. Don ald Kelly, Mrs. Tyler Brown, Mrs. Laurence Anderson, Mrs. "Josephine Fisher, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Miss Jessie Blackburn, Miss Honora Reidy, Miss Jean and Miss Pauline Johnson. a (nil house Holidays? good for cakes and pies as for breads or entrees. It's expertly milled from a carefully selected blend of choice wheats in "Americas Finest Flouring Mills' is excellent for every home ue. No matter when or where you buy Fisher's Blend Flour, it's always the same high quality. Try it today. Your gro ceries Fisher's Blend in 5 con venient sues. Thm 49-lb. mark U especially eeomomieaL . CRISP 2 tertingt Grease baking pans. Arrange in them the peeled sliced apples. Work together the flour," sugar, butter and cinnamon with a pas try blender until crumbly. Pack loosely over the apples. If the apples are dry, a little water or lemon fulce may be added. Bake about 1 hour at 350 degrees. - SOCIETY MUSIC M6ME CLUB CALENDAR Woman's alliance, with Mrs. Albert Dewey, 1577 Chemeketa street, 2: IB p.n. - Ann Judson circle of 1st Baptist church, 7:30 at church. Woman's auxiliary of St Paul's Episcopal church Silver tea with Mrs. U. O. Shipley, 771 North Cottage street, S to 5 p. m. Yomarco Christmas party, at Roberts home, SOS North Summer street, 8 p. m. Ladles' Dakota club, 2 p. m. with Mrs. O. Cotterman, 1073 Highland avenue, exchange of gifts. PastMatrons association din ner at Golden Pheasant, 6:45 p. m. . Degree of Honor, KP hall, 8 p. m., business meeting and Christmas party. Royal Neighbors, Modern Woodmen and families, Christ mas party Fraternal temple, 8 p. m. Monday VFW auxiliary, Christmas party for children, 1 p. m. Adults' party at 8 p. m. v.r f rjr WOmen OI MOOSe i t GlVe PartV 1VC Iiy The Moosehaven committee of the Women of the Moose, with Mrs. O. E. Olsson as chairman and assisted by Mrs. M. W. Rip- ley, held their annual Christ- mas pany Tuesday mgnt at the Moose hail for all the members of the chapter and lodge and their families and friends. The program opened by every- Brown, prelate of the lodge, of- fered the prayer. Frieda Wahl and Virginia Makoff each gave accordion solos, Isabel Herbert a recitation, Mr. O. W. Emmons niatu ouuul oiuuBcuaieu, 21 u LI Schuebel gave a violin solo ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. Alderson, Winnifred and Con- stance Newton sang a duet ac- companied by Bertha Kroner, and Mrs. C. R. Ellis closed the pro- gram with a Christmas story. The Moosehaven committee has purchased a large box of gifts to be sent 'to Moosehaven, Fla., the city of the aged Moose members and their wives. The next regular meeting of the chapter will be January 7 Wedding Planned For January Announcement is being made of the engagement and forth- coming marriage of Miss Lor- Ifr'.". w': sT.Vm" SU0.' 0k- ""m" The news was revealed last weekend to the bride-elect's friends. The weddinz is nlanned for Wednesdav. January 8. Tha couple will reside in Tillamook following their marriage. At Home Set For. Sunday Cards have been received for a holiday "at home" for which Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kennedy will be nosis on sunaay aiternoon at their home on West Washington street. A large group of their friends Harold Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Vir have been invited to call. gil Sexton. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Assisting the hosts will be Mr. Mrs. B. E. Owens. Christmas deco- rations will be arranged on the serving table and about the rooms. ,rudcf',r. Miss Lncille University of Washlngtoi ed in Salem Thursday to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Poole. Following the vacation. Miss Poole will enter Harbor- view hospital In Seattle for pest- j j f graduate work in nursing. Simplest Stitchery Makes Linens Smart Says Laura Wheeler COP, wse, NCCOCCCSATr COtVICS. S4C Every smart housewife . has. -His" or "Her" towels today. Here are enough motifs for an entire doien in three different designs. otaiiSSS t 1 w i, .m-mmmw wfc Will Be Honored At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Mem Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Flagg will be hosts for a charmingly arrang ed dinner party on Saturday night when Mrs. Pearce and Mr. Flagg, retiring worthy matron and worthy patron of Chadwlck chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, entertain at the Masonic temple. Guests will be officers and .committee chairmen who have served under Mrs. Pearce . and Mrs. Flagg, and their husbands and wives. The head table' will be cen tered with a large bouquet of red carnations . flanked by red candles In crystal r holders. The other tables will be festive with holly, greens, red tapers and Christmas favors will mark places for the guests. Garlands of greens and holly will be used about the reception and dining rooms. Following the "- dinner cards and dancing will be enjoy ed. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Harold PhlUlppe, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Utley, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hickethier, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reeher, Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Mr. and Mrs. Ells worth Hartwell, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Bocker, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ga briel, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner, sir. ana Mrs. ueorge icawaras, Dr and Mrs. C. L. Bsett, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rock. Mr. 'and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards, James Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. sr., Mr. and Mrs. Mil- - mi. ti D&t1. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bar- rick. Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Darby. Mr- "d HATT7. Mhr i ?rtlan: MI" Constance and MlM LaVerne Kentner Mrs. J A. rown801r Mrs B 6 let ?fown' Mrs- Ida, N11"' Mrs. ' ' r . and Mrs- Mem Pearce ana Mr- and Mrs. Lawrence Flagg. Mrs. Ora Ladd Is tt i flOSteSS The South Circle of the First . ii n s nail ciiurcu uciu lis Vunsi- mas party at the home of Mrs. Ora Ladd. Those present were Mrs. George Dunsford, Mrs. H. F. Haldeman, Mrs. A. M. Hansen, Mrs. O. R. Munkers, Mrs. Fred Bothwell, Mrs. O. Robinson, Mrs. George Henderson, Mrs. W. 8. Birdwell, Mrs. F. E. Birch, Mrs. E. F. Woods, Mrs. E. M. De Hut, Mrs. C. Schweenfurth, Mrs. C. E. Sears, Mrs. Bert Pritchard, Mrs. D. A. White, Mrs. Sylvia Ritcher, Mrs W. H. Garner, Mrs. J. E. Cannon, Mrs. Ada Pfell, Mrs. Ora Ladd, Mrs. Barber. Officers for 1941 are Mrs. W. H. Gardner, president; Mrs. Dean Shomaker, vice-president; Mrs. George Dunsforth, treasurer, and Mrs. J. E. Cannon, secretary. Dinner Tonight At Paxson's Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Paxson on South 12th etreet will be the scene of a de- lUtful Christmas party tonight whinm,enlber1! S her bridf 6 Cl.U? !V?!r 5.U'b"! e.ntertaln wltn uu-uuoi uiuuci fat ir. Th"rmpo?Ru. b. .. ohnnt th. rnnm with K? SSI SES...--7 Covers will be nlaced for Mr. and Mrs. Earl McGuire of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Felke. Mr! and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Starrett. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd The employes of the Portland General Electric company and their husbands and wiv onln. ed a lovely Christmas party last ffif" . mal evening and exchange of gifts. Cuange i The Woman's Benefit assoeia- tion Christmas party, which was scheduled for December 27. has " been postponed. moUfs averaging.SHxIU laches: materials required; Illustration of ucbe8- T. ,JZ Tn" iTS. ml puu ien csnii in coin ior tnw pattern to The Oregon Statesman, S?"", asnr? ' iuair.xi, your riAaici wo AuuKtjo. ;? - ; v : Officers Pattern : Mi T 111 J dmi tnM Pat- tern 4415 has all the smart nor- elty detail, a girl could want. o -a. v . a 1 i ivt. t it'a iimnit tnanrn tot tn ; L-.t.. iT ,Za tm- busiest mother to find time to make. The wide waistband that'a --'. ..w-. .m-m- a-minute look to her waistline, Both the skirt, panel and the Jband look smart on the bias. Bodice softness so essential for a growing-up figure, is held by ?h.ulitiT dT" nd abo.Te- the-walst gathers. The becoming Z rr:?.... " " V-U""""L 4r extra dash- wy not mak oQe with long full sleeves and a col lar; another In gay cotton with a square neck, short .sleeves and Pet0ter?e"4 U .Hah, in i,? ""12 444,95 f TaIla le ,ln i? La VnnLtlA f.'vi0' A2 i take8 Shi ,c ln-h fahH. Send FIFTEEN' CENTS (15c) !n eoint for this Anna Adams pattern. Writ plainly SIZE. NAME, Al DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Are you too tall I Too abort f Too plump f Too alimf If 70a ar irreK nlarl proportioned in any way, let the ANNE ADAMS PERFIT FOUN DATION PATTERN 4114 tako th rnest-work ont of draaamakinff. Thia ''baaie figure" pattern la fitted and adjusted to your exact measurement! in tUanc: then eat oat in moilin for permarent reeord. Pin yoor dreaa patterns to it nuke the necessary changes, and the finished frock will fit with perfection. Designed- for sisea 14 to 20; 82 to SO. Site IS requires 8 yard 86 inch fabric. Price lSe. Bend yonr order to The Oregon Statesman, Pattern department. DTr4-r fiirv JTHl ly VJTlVen OX Paper Mill Women employes of the Oregon Pulp and Paper company held their annual Christmas party at the mill. Presents were exchanged and dinner was served. Present were, Miss Evllan Gu Linnie Williamson. Mrs. Carmalla Hulett. Mrs. Pear Bomey. Mrs. Hallie Lynch. Mrs. Alberta S5 S2: ?.?"';'.' .MJ" :r" urui, K SSiSS SE Van Nora Thompson, Mrs. Bea- trice Chambers, Mrs. Nina Chap Mr AUa vVrt f,V Edith iiEw Hfx J'x !!' rJtlt Edith Perry and Mrs. Mae Weso- lowskl church of Salem wa th .Pttin J dauehter of Mr Vd Mr- w n fj.! fnd Mr IS " JfiS. "-wgSSSL 5ST r fTi .,.. ,5 T, tte an7Jcbanaked1wi?hclSn;h.,te HOV irvln. A TFn-m wam A JS1 "vJTf"' reenJrT nd Pal- The brtde was given away by ner father. The Misses Carma Jean and Cor May Hoffer sang, accom- Panle on tbe organ, by Mrs. Jt r t . .. Fred Broer, Jr., who also played the wedding march. The brtde's dress was of white Martha WeUer. Nancy Buren, Lor saUn, princess style and floor etta Deacon, Joyce Reeves, Bai. length, with a finger tip veil, bara Botts, Jo Anne Lang, Wen She carried a small white Bible dell Curry, Dick Jones, BiU Won with corsage and streamers. Miss derllck, Oeraldine Schmoker, Nel Lanra Gerlg, who was her only He Jane Pearmlne, Eunace Mas attendant, wore a floor length see and Lillian Ben tier, gown of light blue silk; Velma - Donovan, sister of the bride, and n. . Marine Clark lit the tapers and t lOUre OKOterS were ushers. Mrs. Walling, moth- er of the bride, wore black Will Mft crepe with blue trimming. , v . .J" , th. k.o.. nr i trrti Members of the Salem Figure Hams of Roseburg. A reception louowea at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Milton Steward cnt the cake and Mrs. George Penson poured. The couple left at noon for a w.t lltkt blu, 111, crepe ud i . . . match. accessories to They will be at home at Myr- tla PrMlr attar Jinnar 1 A M Patterson Is owner of the Myrtle Crek "MalL" - MILL CITY Jane Henderson and Frank Nicola were married TVkav IS In tYim T .satin Mathnitlaf parsonage with Rev. Dean Poin- dexter off elating; Attending were the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Henderson and a !"HeL few friends. The couple will live ""'"Vl- TWbm uvea most oi tneir uvea in Mill s city, I : 2-Day Kind Of Candy Best iiui Buuuai u wurimf ue hardest for the best thlnrs cer- MW, . tainly work in culinary prepara- uoiu tar iuv auiiuaj. necipes that take a maximum of effort usually produce the best results. Often though the recipe is much simpler than lt looks. Candled orange peel is an in ex- pensive and very nice Christmas with holiday meals. Here's the two-day recipe, that turns out to be moister than the speedier methods.- , CANDIED ORANGE PEEL Cut peel in pieces convenient for handling and cover with twice the quantity of water. Bring to boll and cook until tender enough to pierce with the fingernalL Drain and measure peel, packing lightly when measuring. Add an equal quantity of sugar but no water. Rvtl until thtoV I. tT.aA wmm. J mm Stir to make sure the peel is well covered with syrup. - Let stand over night and in the morning, bring slowly to a boil, cooking until the syrup is thick enough to harden when cold. (Don't cook long enough for syrup to yellow). Stir gently as cooking, lift from any syrup which remains, and let pieces drain on paper. Of aU the divinities that are good, there is the two-syrup va riety which produces excellent re sults. TWO-SYRCP DIVINITY Boil together 1 cup sugar and . cap water until lt spins a thread. Pour over three stiffly beaten egg-whites. Now boll together 8 cups sugar and 1 cup corn syrup bua -im vu v water UUW&A it. IU1UI m AWft J L- mmmwM. mmwmmmm 14 thr 1 "chea long. Pour over the flrt d b mU1 M Tbn fold in i ht .innt. cLd; Si S?.7SS2 . . . . aimonas ana aaa l teaspoon va- Vnd dron bv snoonsfuT M , a easid plltter. ,pn"fttl 00 Here's an nnnsnaliv rond ni. nut brtttle ii tL 1 Lu neL JJ IkJS 7n ZtmJTm ? av7r! The Jf e,n8ei th m ; froth np ud duce new Q crisper consistency. PEANUT BRITTLE 3 cu pa sugar pound glucose 4 cup butter 4 pound raw peanuts 2 teaspoons vanilla i u. ,. ., 2 teaspoons soda StlT BUar' WateP and lucos together over fire until it boils, wa8n down ot P". -team yup a few minutes with the cov er on and cook to 275 degrees or almost a bard crack. Remove thermometer, add peanuts and butter and stir constantly until peanuts are roasted and syrup is a golden brown. Remove from fire sind add soda rflnnnl-vd In very little water. Stir well. Pour umo greasea iray ana as soon as It hsirtn. tt ... . v.l. jM neath and turn mixture over. wniie sua not take hold of edges and stretch as thin as possible, breaking off as yon pull. Place pieces on greased platter, do sw uim mm vuey wui naraen er firsL Keep in a cool, drr nlace. l Today's Menu Tuna and pimlentos will be the mam aish for today. Lettuce and avocado salad Creamed tuna and pimlentos On hot biscuits Baked potatoes Buttered cauliflower Dried apricot cobbler Cream tuna as usual, adding diced pimlento. Serve very hot on biscuits or potatoes. Mrs. Burrouahs To Entertain Mrs. D. W. Burroughs will fete members of her afternoon club ltb a Christmas party tonight at ner nome on Laurel avenue. A late supper will be served by tne hostess and an exchange of rifts wlll'be en loved h-r th ft Members are Mrs. Stephen m pi'... v.i.r u p I ' , rV Carl StecI' fmmer- W! rs. SiA l!e'f:-I- Vta" u euiu jars, ourrougas. Mrs. Duncan Has Drr4,f. ' rally u. n.,r...n t... ed her Junior Federated Violin club to a Christmas party Satur- day afternoon at her residence . .. studio. Members are Bob Hill, Kenard Adsmi KMrW M.rh Skating club wUl enterUln guests " " IT. ius ducib ice aivna. ibs party ffinSS- ilSlZili ctSmSee baa arranged special skates and Bsutcs mr uio enjoyment ox ine "!!,P,rl".t: CbrUt- maa nartv will h th last Vat for thlm jw nex meUnrllon JJ"T ' Us Marianne Owen, daughter ' Mr. Mrs. Jerrold Owen. wui arrive in saiem today from Eugene wnere sne is attending 3 the ITnlTerattv nf Clrmrnn Wi Wm ImU. Jtmmmtmmim t 4 First Methodist church baa can- U celled the party which was to R have been held tonight. - fj ml Robert : Rawson'a srand opera J study - class wlU meet tonight at fl o'clock to study Hansel and f Gretel - b-Hamperdlnck, i . Y31 ma ij ft j M p M CI C 5 a. m sir r w i s a an a a a ii - m a a ar at a a mm w m m w 'sa. si "v. r s ii a 1 1 ar s i-iv z. -- j i . i Chinese Checkers fl fl 8 Exciting fun for old or young . . . shop Miller's toylarid for the best buys on Chinese checker. Also Chinese checkers sets at only 39a eachl t Gum, Candy Bars 3 for 10c Popular brands of aum and candy bars priced at three for ten at Miller's. Commercial Chocolates, lb. 10c J3uy your Christmas candies now and save! Electric Trains 2.69 Including transformer, engine and four cars. Mechanical Train $3 Complete with track, Sturdy construction. S3 VI CO p, J K Electric Tree Lights . . . 19c ' " ' -ol si String cf eight lights in assorted colors ready to string on tree. Fiesta Pottery (starter set) 495. 20-piece colorful famous quality pottery offered in this specia at a saving cf 20! Facial Tissue (500 sheets) 15c Special for today cnlyl Limited quantity! cu&bm paclnd fit ui uiubfL owl own You will find no lace or fims on tbis box; neither will you . .t.. Ih J l.. ...l:.. w deceptiTe .ire. You will, howerer, find it jammed cram-fall of the finest choeb ment of 45 piece and 34 different flarors A cut for thoae wno appreciate real quality. Ask for oar Standard Assort ment Cocperatire Chocolatea. lSXSSSJ U ' ft in , I 79c . 98c cars and wind-up engine. nam fancy find MSI mmm. jm 1 n to cnrriFT tek I jm ox M I I ' n i