The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1940, Page 11, Image 11

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    ' j" " . I .-tl ! i
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Tlx OUSGOII STATEEHAH. Sedan. Orocjoa. Friday MnmTng.
Local News Briefs
Appeal t Appeal wu
filed tm the state supreme court
her yesterday In the cue s ot
William Eds, who U uiir I
t oar-rear penitentiary ? sentence
for larceny ot livestock la Carry
county.: Ede was convicted la
the Carry " county1- circuit court
following a trial which lasted sev
er! days. A large number ot- ex
hibits, including a handle ot
steer hides, were sent to the su
preme court im connection with
the case.; v
Dixoas Injured - Mr. and Mrs.
Y. E. Dixon, 109 Beach arenae,
were injured in an aatomobile
accident about tour miles north
on lam fit&ivic uisunij vmrij jvtr-
terday morning and were takea
to the. Salem General c- hospital,
where they were .released after
treatment. .- first ald? men, 'who
answered the . call. Said Dixoa
suffered head 'injuries and lira.
Dixon ' had several broken ; rtba
: ana laeerauoua. - -a-
Luis florist P S&I XITt K Ltit
for Em To visit his
brother Cart, who 1 a stadeat
at Washington and Lee anlversity
at Lexington. Va, George Me-
Leod, acting dean of the Willam
ette unlveraity school or law. ien
Wednesday. He, will also attend
la Chicago the convention of the
Association of - American Law
Schools, before retaining la time
for the opening of classes oa
January C
Payment - Acknowledged The
Marion county court received ac
knowledgement and thanks for
$150 given the Willamette-River
Basin commission to assist la its
survey of river problems. The let
ter, signed by R. H. Klpp, execu
tive secretary, states that Marion
county will receive all benefits
which accrue from the commis
sion's present researches.
To Bold Assembly The First
Presbyterian , charch school will
hold its annual Christmas assem
bly Saaday morning at t:46. ac
cording to an announcement by
J. J. Fitxslmons, superintendent.
Following the assembly, treats
will be distributed to the chil
dren. All members of the Sunday
school are urged to be present.
Wall paper. Matuls. l4 8. Coml
Over 75,000 Letters Yesterday
more than 78.000 letters were run
through the cancelling machine at
the Salem postoffice. Postmaster
Henry R. Crawford said. Thoa tar
Christmas -mall is running' about
equal with that of a year ago,
Crawford said.
School Closed Because ot illn
the Pratum school has been closed
and will not be opened until after
the holidays. The school program
and community club meeting,
planned tor tonight, will be post
poned until farther notice.
Election Tonight i Townsend
club No. 18 will meet at 7:30
tonight at the home of F. N.
Berry, 714 South 19th street, for
lection ef officers and a social
Bazaar, food sale. 1 3 9 N. rllgh.
At the residence. Salem, route
three. Wednesday, December 18,
Randall 8. Baker, aged 84 years.
Husband of Sarah; father ot
Helen Gresdel of Klamath Falls,
Clarice Baker of Portland, George
Baker ot Forest Grove, Henry,
Murray, Muriel Baker and Mrs.
Lucille Price, all of Salem; broth
er of Leon R. Baker of Portland
and Ethel Rothwel ot Canada.
Tuners! services will be held Sat
urday, December 21, at 1:30 p. m.
in the chapel of the W. T. Bigdoa
company with concluding services
at Belerest Memorial park. Rev.
Deaa C. Polndexter officiating.
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kelly, at
the residence, 790 North Commer
cial street. December 18. Sur
vived by husband. W. F. Kelly,
et Salem: three sisters, Mrs. Ro
berta Wynkoop. Miss Lucille Era
ser and Mrs. Mildred Radellft;
father, Charles Brunner, Los An
geles, aad a brother, Ray Bruaer,
Detroit, Mich. Funeral services
will be held Saturday, December
11. at 2 p.m. at the Portland
Mausoleum, Portland. Clough
Barriek in charge.
; Wordea
S. R. Wordea. at his residence,
route seven. Salem. Tuesday. De
cember IT, at the age of tf years.
Survived : by wife, also one son,
Ralph Wordea. aad three grand
children, David. Glen aad Beth
Wordea.' all of Salem. Funeral
services will be held Friday. De
cember 20. at 1:30 p. m. from
Clough-Barrick chapel with Eld
er M. C. Erosion officiating; Coa
etudlng services will be in Clag
gett cemetery. ;
! Praltt
Baby Joa Farrel PrnltL at a lo
cal hospital, December IT, Infant
son of Mr. and .Mrs. Harold O.
Pruttt of Portland. Grandparents
Mr. aad Mrs. Samuel Praltt of
Salem aad Mr: and Mrs." CF.
Hummell of ? Toncalia. Ore At
so survived by brother,. Rich
ard Harold, and . slater : Ruth
Ellen, botht of .Portland. Grave
side services wUI be held Thms
day at It a.ra, la Belerest Memor-
:t. tea. a s.
Herbal remedies for altmeata
of stomach. liver, kidaeys.
skin, blood, daad aad urinary
system of men and wesson. 22
years la esrrlcev Natoroaaxam
Phvslclaaa. Ask rour aetghoers
aboat CHAM. LAU. -
E3. conn inn
OMtkt pscussa o w jsS
OfOos even Tvrnff and
niy 10 SJS. a t SJM e ,Q-jr
Coming Erects
day far
.at postoffice.
public schools
Jam. , WiRaaeetto aal
Gifts Donated Gifts to be distributed-
to the needy were
brought by Miller'a store em
ployes Tuesday night when they
held their aanual Christmas party
at the store. . : Decorations were
centered around the yule motif
using Christmas trees, candles
and green and red colors. Carols
were sang by the group, B. EL
Sisaon. manager, presided over
tb SO In attendance. .
r ijWeadet Rpaasned Harold
Wendef, connected wil the Llp-mau-Wolfe
; ccttnpaay. Portland,
yesterday k waa reappointed by
Governor Charges A. jSprague' a
member rf the state sanitary
authority.; He ; will serve for - a
tour year term. - WcbdeFa re-
appotntmeut la subject to eon
ftrmatloa by the state board ot
safety of roar savtngs is Insured
at Salem Federal. 1X 3 Liberty
Is Bed Cross Nurse Miss Es
ther Douglas. RN, is leaving today
for Fort Lewis where ahe will be
come aa army nurse. For the past
six years Miss Douglas has been
associated with the offices of Dr
Frank Brown ot the Salem clinic
She Is one of the first army
nurses to leave from Salem.
Justice Appointed Governor
Charles A. Sprague yesterday ap
pointed Alta King, Cottage Grove,
Justice of the peace of the Cot
tage Grove district. He will suc
ceed J. E. Toung, who died re
cently. Charges Listed W. J. Kirk.
985 South High street, is charged
on the police blotter with reck
less driving. Charged with vio
lation of basic rule are John C,
Stulti, Cloverdaie, and Earl R.
Strausbough. route five.
Next Cootie club dance Friday.
VFW halL
Won't Take Doctors Stale
selective service headquarters an
nounced yesterday It . would not
draft doctors and dentists until
after they have been given, a
chaaee to accept commissions in
the of fleers reserve.
Ambulance Called Mrs. Mary
Messing of the Keizer district was
taken by ambulance Thursday
morning to the Salem General
hospital where her condition was
reported as "fair" last night.
Mrs. Proffitt 111 Mrs. J. E.
Proffitt. prominent member of
the Eastern 8 tar lodge, is reported
to be quite ill at her Dayton home.
J C Penney Co. will remain open
until 8:50 this evening and Satur
day evening for your convenience.
Club Meets The Middle Grove
community club will meet tonight
as scheduled at t p.m.
lal park under the direction of
Clough-Barrick company. Rev.
R. A. Hutchinson will officiate.
At the residence Salem route
one. Tuesday, December 17, Mrs.
Jennie Jones, age 90 years. Moth
er ot Mrs. H. M. (Grace) Baell of
Salem; grandmother ot Mrs. Jes
sie E. Smith and Mrs. Bessie E.
8mith, both of Salem. Arthur M.
Buell of Olympia, Wash.. Scire D.
Baell ot Portland and Nathan D.
Baell of Long Beach. Calif. Ten
great grandchildren survive. Fun
eral services will be held Friday,
December 28 at 1:30 p.m. In the
W. T. Rigdon chapel with con
cluding services at the City View
cemetery. Dr. Irving A. Fox will
Margaret E. Bosley. 58, at her
late residence, Salem route six,
after a short Illness. Came to Sa
lem 35 years ago. residing here
since. Surviving are her husband.
George Bosley; three sons. Floyd
and Roy, Salem, and Earl ot lone.
Ore.; one danghter, Martha. Sa
lem; one sister, E f f i e Eaton.
Olympia, Wash., and one grand
daughter. Funeral announcements
later by the Terwilllger-Ed wards
Faaeral home.
' Russell R. Smith.' late resident
of 351 Oerth avenue. West Sa
lem, at a local hospital Thursday.
December 19, at the ago ot 54
years? Survivors are a son. Bus
sett Smith.- Jr. Salem, and a sis
ter. Mrs. Ralph Scharf. Portland.
Faaeral aervlcea will bo held Sat-
aday, December 21. at 19 a. m.
from the W. T. Rigdon company
chapel. Rev. Gay L. Drill offi
ciating. Interment XOOF
Balpa O. Browa of, . Cottage
Grove, passed away, near . DeLake
Timit. DMsmW.1T. at the naw
of 2 yearav 8orvlved . by widow,
lira. I Opal 4 Brown, ' and father.
Grant C, Browa. bath of Cottage
Grovdr soa. Roy ot Clatsop:
daaghtera, Loraa. Esther, aad
Looao, all ; .or ' cottage urove;
bmthera. Pat ef Rainbow. Ornwt
rwtthM - of ! Gardiner. Ore'-aad
Howard of Cottage Grove. Ship
ment has been made to Cottage
Oreeo for services aad ntersaoat.
; : nvls
VAha rnvtor. late of 14T North
CJommercial street, Thursday, De
cember 19. at the age ot S yean.
Survived by daughter, Mrs. -Ger
trade Thompson of Wichita.
Kan.; also two sons, ueorge aaa
Charles Taylor, both la Alaska.
Annsmaeemoat Ot serviees to be
esade later by Ctough-Baxrlck
compaay. 4 .
We wish: to thank. onr many
frieada. for-4 their heartfelt sym
pathy aad beautiful floral offer
lagav la behalf of " oar- beloved
hasbaad and father. Mrs; Babel
Rarroav Aloa aad jlSra. : Harry
Hirers. . :a-:v-
program planned tor the Swegle
school tonight wm mot bo held
because ot the flu epidemic and
the small attendance ot pupils at
school. The community club pro-
will not be held aatll Janu
ary II. School closes today aad
win eoaveae .December St.
Realtors Bring Gifts The an
nual Christmas party ot the 8alam
Realty board Is ached sled tor to
day moos at the Quelle. Members
are to bring inexpensive gifts
which are to bo auctioned off. the
proceeds being turned " over to
Christmas Cheer funds ot local
welfare agencies.
J C Penney Co. win remain opea
until 8:39 this evening aad Satur
day evening tor your convenience.
From Jail to Hospital- L.' H.
Townsend, West Salem. - waa re
moved yesterday fro m the city
jail to the Deaconess hospital. La
ter la t h e., day, Townsend was
takea to hm home by; ambulance.
v 8etle TueyaUj. A Holt of the
Turner district reperti that Jte has
sold. 1400; turkeys f rbm nls flock
ot 23 0 0 at ; a- price,- considerably
bettor than quotations .r arouad
Thanksgiving time. -
to Party Primary
classes of the First Methodist
church will hold their Christmas
party Saturday from 2 to 4 pja.
Mrs. B. C. Miller is la charge.
Now is the time tor weatherstrip.
We have it, Ray L. Farmer Hdwy.
Co. Hi S. CommL
Club to Meet Central Town
send club No. will meet at f
tonight at the courthouse. The
Towasead Tenth association will
furnish the entertainment.
Advanced The ore-
gram originally scheduled bv the
Rickey school for 8 o'clock to-
nignt will be held Instead at 2
Beer License Granted Roy
Newport and Edna Streff, Detroit,
were granted a beer and package
store license yesterday by the
Marlon county court.
Opea Saturday nights until Christ
mas. Cooke Stationery Co. 270
Board to Meet The state board
of agriculture will hold its semi
annual meeting hero Saturday to
draft proposed laws it will sub
mit to the 1941 leguleian.
Pipe Permit Given The Marlon
county court yesterday authorised
Ralph Schuett to lay aa etght-laea
concrete pipe across a county road
to facilitate watering ot stock.
Loyalty Class to Meet The
Loyalty class of the First Baptist
charch will meet tonight at the
charch for a dinner and social.
Spec rummage sale, Frl A Sat..
Dec 20-21. 433 Ferry, upstairs.
Beyers Betavas James Beyers
of the T. A. Liresley company re
turned Wednesday from a busia
trip to San Francisco.
Russell R. Smith
Dies, 'Flu' Victim
Russell R 8mlth, 54. 8alem
building contractor, died at Sal
em General Hospital at noon ye
terday, the victim ot a heart
ailment brought on by lnfluens
He had been in the hospital tor
a week.
Smith was bora at Walla Wal
la. Wash., oa September 10.
1886. He came to Salem with
his parents when he was 12 years
old and had resided here since
that time, attending the pnbUe
schools and the Capital Business
college before embarking oa his
career as contractor. Ha resided
at 591 North Wlater street la
recent years.
Distinction of being the young
est member of the Salem Elks
lodge, when he was Initiated dar
ing the tenure of Senator Charles
L. McNary as exalted ruler, wi
Smith's. He also was a member
of the Masonic lodge, and of
sportsmen's organisations.
Funeral serviees will be held
at 10 a. m. Saturday from the
W. T: Rigdon company chapel.
Interment will be la the Odd Fel
lows cemetery.
Bethany Reformed
Presents Program
The Christmas pageant "A 8 tar
in the 8ky-' will be presented by
the young people ot Bethany Evan
gelical aad Reformed church at
7:30 p-m. Sunday. Approppriaie
settings, colorful eostnmes, col
ored lighting effects, carols aad
Instrumental music win eahaaco
the story as it oaf olds la four
beautiful scenes.
Enoch Maers will play the part
of the singing wlsemaa. Mrs. A
F. E. 8chierbaam win serve as
No Chances
Arthur JX. Jekasea Injects
antityphoid serum, fate CoUeaa
aa BeeXtester. N. T fights a
epidemic arising from pel
of the city's wal
Sac aa2ieu gallons ef rivar-
clnated - late the cfrjns
caused the pollutloa,
Suit op To day
Jode Hldricksv ' to : D
on CSrciilt Dcxtefa
in Test Case -
Circuit Jadga Carl Hendricks
ot Fossa wW preside here today
at the hearing of the case et A. W.
Sliamoaa vs. City of 811vertoa In
which the point at Issue la the va
lidity ot the amendments to the
Silvortoa city charter changing
the city administration from a
mayor-council type to a city man
agers hip, ; V ::
The suit was recently - brought
by Sltamoas aad other members
of the snvertoa water commjssloa
as a-testease to determine the le
gal' status- of the charter nmead-
Iaelnded In the complaint' la a
petition for the return of the wa
ter system ot the-ctty to the haads
ot the eommlssloav Operation of
the system Is avow fa, the city
ager office
Circuit Court
Home Owners Loan corpora
tion vs. Walter C Larson aad
others; sale ot real property to
plaintiff approved.
Flremen'a Insurance compaay
ot Newark vs. J. J. Kleeman; mo
ttons to strike aad to make more
definite and certain.
Applications to set for trial
mod In following cases: Ed OJ
Erlcksoa vs. Track Insurance ex
change; J. E. Parrlah vs. Cherry
City Milling compaay; George A.
Ranoutis vs. Mrs. H. B. Oil more;
J. E. Parrlsh vs. Swift aad com
pany; Mrs. L. E. Shepherd va. Earl
B. Hatfield; George Zarliadea va.
Rich L. Relmann; daade R. Bird
vs. Central Manutaeturers Mutual
insurance company; James MeOee
Groves vs. Russell F. McLaagalla.
Probate Court-
Haas Mathienen. alias Haas
Mat biases, estate; Herbert A. Mil
ler named administrator aad W
H. Trlndle. HatUe Bratsal aad J,
F. Ulrica, appraisers, of property
vaiea at f 500.
James Lester Lelghty estate:
final aocouat of Terale Lelghty,
administratrix, shows receipts of
11881.82 aad disbursemeats ot
38T1.51, with 81015.33 balance;
nnai nennng set for January 2.
LouJsa Bfi. Krape estate; final
order issued aad receipts ot Keat
8. Krapa aad Lea J. Krape, lega
tees, tued.
8aatine Fortaaa guardlaaklp;
aaaual report of Brasler C Small,
guardian, ahowa receipts of
2475.12 aad disbursements ot 1 80.
J. O. Maithls estate; Mary
Maithia. widow, named axeeatriz.
aad Norman K. Wlaslow. Dr. R.
Lee Wood aad F. J. 8aaaders. ap
praisers, of 88000 and real and
23000 to personal property. A will
leaves lit each to C. Loretia aad
Mary Edaa Matthla. daaghtera,
aad to a son. Claade Matthla. Port
land, la left guns, hunting equip
ment, watch and personal effects
of deceased; residue Is left to
Elsie S. 81meral estate; sale of
real property to Lelaad Riches for
2500 confirmed.
Margareta C Thomas estate:
Ploaeer Trust compaay named ex
ecutor and P. H. BelL R. A. Fork
aer and Tern Newberry, apprais
ers, et 22000 la real aad f 1000 In
personal property.
Justice Court
Wesley Early aad Jack Atkins,
charged with grand larceny of
drier stoves belonging to state
land board, waived preliminary
hearing and were bound over to
the grand Jury. Held in default of
8150 bail each.
llarriage Licenses
Miller DeForest. bowling alley
attendant, and Twila Sereras,
houseworker. both Independence.
John L. Lama, 48. salesman.
008 Academy street, and Daa Ioaa
Euaey. 33, housekeeper, 388 J or
ris arenae.
One-Eye Monster
Faces Crackdown
Superintendent of State Police
Charles P. Pray said Thursday
he has ordered his officers to
"crack down" oa all automobile
drivers who are operating with
one headlight or without a tall
"During bad weather Improper
lights are a menace. Pray said.
"Instead of handing out so many
warnings, now we're going to
start making arrests."
During November, state police
warned 1353 persons and arrest
ed 21 others for having oae
headlight. They warned 15 IS per
sons aad arrested 85 for aavtag
no tail tight.
Swiss Family Buy
filarket at Dallas
From Chaux do Fonda, Switzer
land, come Werner Isell aad fan
fly, who have bought the Berv-Rlta
grocery, and market la Dallas.
Isell was ta the mercantile raa
iness thera,
k. Too bells were forced to go by
way -of South America to reach
Near York. Although he aad
toured the eastera states some
years ago, Isell was Interested la
the northwest as a basin ess loea-
tloB. aad the family motored, wet
The transaction for the aiore
was handled by Myrtoa Moore. 8a
learn real estate broker.
John Taylor Diet of
Heart Attmck ct 65
' John Taylor, 85. died ta a eee-
oad floor room at 14T North
Commercial . street, apparently
from a heart attack, yesterday
? Deputy Coroner Tom . Ooldoa
said ' little' m 'known - aboat the
maa. who has beea living at the
Commercial street address only a
anon u
KcUcy Fsrqcisr a Co.
Film Honeymoon
m Hl r ii n ii r -'i mn imm ifinii i i ' 'i
Hoasjiuooalag. Wesley Ruggies,
film oxrector. Is shown with hat
recant bride, the
Rogea, at Atnuni
Bogns hi the
Senior Choir at'
Pratum to Sing
King' la Musical
Qimag for Elenaooito
PRATUM As a Climax to this
year's singing by the senior choir
aader the direction ot Roy 1
Rutschman, the cantata "Tl
Christmas sOax urOl be presented
ta the newly reflalshed auditorlam
of the Meaaoalta charch at Pra-
8ololsts wm bo O rover Welty.
Maryaaaa Leibe aad Hoary Beat
ler; duet by EmUlae Naftxlger aad
BveUne Naftalgsr; uariet eom-
peaed of Edgar NafUlger, Henry
BatKf. Ludile Roth and Eveline
Personnel of the choir taelades
Emilias Naftxlger. Eire Stotfea.
Rath Hilda rant. LaciUe Both,
Mary Roth. Mrs. Daa U a r u h .
Maryaana Leibe, Bma Roth. Tor-
aa Roth. Kate Simmoaa. Christina
Herr, Clara Welty, Aaaa 8tlaer.
Peart 8tlner. BveUne Naftxlger.
G rover Welty, Clarence Herr, Hea
ry Butler; John 8tlaer, Win
Ratsehmaa, Harold Roth. Edgar
Naftxlger. Rev. Daa Uarah. Er-
aest Roth. Meao Dalke. Art Dalke.
"The Christmas King" is a cantata
whose texa aad musle were ar
ranged aad composed by Fred B.
Hoi ton.
Prison Sentences
Commuted for 4
Governor Charles A. 8pragae
yesterday Issued an order com
muting the life sentence of Ray
mond Harvey, convicted of second
degree murder tn Multnomah
eoaaty. to 25 years. Harvey waa
received at the penitentiary here
January 29. 1933.
Three other commutations of
sentence were granted by Gover
nor Sprague Thursday.
Baa Melehor, serving 15 years
In the pentitentiary tor statutory
offense la Multnomah county,
commuted to 11 years. Recalled
at penitentiary January f. 1037.
John Saner, serving 12 years ta
penitentiary for statutory offense
tn Multnomah county, commuted
to 9 years. Received at pealtea
tiary October 12. 1927.
. George WeitxeL serviag 12
years la penitentiary for statu
tory offense ta Multaomah
eoaaty. commuted to 9 years. Re
ceived at penitentiary October 12.
AB ot the commutations of
aentenee were recommended by
the state parole board.
New Cannery for
Silverton Sought
SILVERTON A aew cannery
may be obtained for 8flvertos, tf
steps started Wednesday alght by
the Industrial committee of the
chamber at commerce comes to
anything. The committee was giv
en authority to formulate plans
without delay aad to report back
at a called meeting of the
bar at
01.00 to 31.50 .
- euros tax
ttesVfcw Market 479) If. OsnVL
rnXU Vm mm
1 1 aoo
CSS far
Km atttM
ms m caiaa
Ch fates tterb Cb
oflw bnii OMn
Tern, mm aaa, 0 n
aa. s O p. am, snd
fcN. mm WmU e.
mt. IS-SS m, m
tSS 3een"t St
5SiS m)jmmmmamm. n.
Six-Year Biifliiixig
IToepIIa, ! Frisoa, Olier
23.075.000 and
cess of stx
State Budget Director David
dee. .
Coaatructloa operatloaa daring
the two yearn beglaalay Jaly 1.
1841. woald aggregate 352200.
Aa addmeaal 2 53 5.0 00
dartag the
starting Jary 1. 1842. aad 2STe
088 dartag the two years begtn
alag Jaly L. 1945. Smaller busa
alal axpeadltarau would toUow
The program, aa it Involves the
larger, tnstltatfcseta.. teDews: - .
State aospltal-222&08 treat
sat aoapltal aad three eottaeea
costing 320.000. all dartag 941-
43: f 145.888 chaperommlsssry
aad 8300.000 ward batldlag, nil
ta 1942-45: 9240.800 ward baDd
tag and 360.000 resaodeUag ef
aammlstratloa building, an la
1045-4T; 32.180.000 mala band
ing. 2248.900 ward bunding aad
$50,000 aeattag plant, all to be
constructed later..
Penitentiary 8180.000 ertml
aal taaaaa ward aad 859.909 cell
block, an ta 194S-4T.
Eastera Oregon state hospital
3290.000 aewage disposal plant
la 1941-42: $159,999 admnadoa
hospital. $49,999 sAmlsutaa baa
pital extonsten. and $25,999 tu
berculosis pavtUoa. an to bo bant
after 194T.
School tor the deaf $125,999
primary bmfldlug ha 1942-45:
8100.000 slris dsrmttorr and
$150.oao school baOding. an aft
er 19 4T.
Blind school 8T999 aaaaHa-
teadeafa reatdaaco ta 1941-42;
$125,999 school building tn 1942-
Fatrvlew aoaae $129,999
ployeeu baOdlag after 194T.
Eeelea aaht fan details of the
program would be placed before
the 1941
Jason Lee Qiurch
Arranges Program
The choir ot 29 voices of the
Jasoa Lea Methodist charch wfll
slag the beautiful Christmas can
tata. "Peace oa Earth" by Hey-
ser. aader the directing of
Klempel. with Miss Elisabeth
Lewis, orgaaist, 8aaday i
at 11 o'clock, la order to make it
possible for a larger asm her to
hear this fine Christmas
the choir has beaa roaaestod to
n reseat this 8aaday morning. The
Christmas m assign by the
wm be oa the theme, "Th
of a Chfld.-
Beeaaee ef the Ba epidemic the
Baaday alght Saaday ecb
gram has beea caacalled, the pas
tor. Bar. 8. Bayaor BmUhkas an
desirlag to help make up
tha rrnrlstntna r benr baskets are
asked to brtng their white gifts
Saaday naoraiag or send them tel
the charch oa Moaday. The pab-
He is invited to share la the serv
ice ef inspiring Christmas music
A9orimted Vetermms ta
Give CkrUtmms Baskets
Contributions may be left atK
the armory tor Christmas baskets
for families of needy war ret-'
Ycuri Tcrdsr
r5 lieu Cxri ,
rl Pca .... !0iiD(D
mi g Mimmi- mm
! : ' . , " , ' ; " .: ' i
ff aBamBannnnaannaaaam
i!s f TTT 7J 1 -
to Geerga Mal-
af a committee
lnsdtatiops Arc
te as rem atala tastltatloaa acre
yeaterday. with saperialeadenls
reporting they expect S to af
fect saaay -mara of their tamates.
. At .tha Oregaa Falrrlew boms
there are 1(9 out of 1028 pa
Ueats who have the disease.. while
14 employee alee are atek Plr-
nren for wther tasrfrsiHowa fanewt
- - StaU hospital .Tweatr-etgkt
sick oat :af; 288b patients; atatt
bBad achaoi 12 eut-ef 001
denf sehoelf-- twatroat ofillS.1
girls" tadantrlal echool two
eat of 2S: penitentiary six
eat of 1944; tnbnrcnlosin hos
pital aaa aat of. 399.
Many employee are also sack.
with the! superintendents report
ing t,her ore hnving diTficalty
runaihg their tastltatloaa.
Dnttod epnnmh. WwTOtaraaa.
Totaraasj of Faratga Wars, Imerl-
caa Totaraaa of the World War.
t - ...
1) iiajX!3(I)(lI9QJu TiOBfBQC-
W T -
jl joiVE A CUtOVA?
04j- H";
f The JEWEL BX U :
h 4C3 STATS if
Open Erefy Evmiay UatH CltrtsUaas
Chdcc Sleals . . 15c
Pd Ezzdi
Eanpfcri "IltGrci j
Cdge 19c Jy l
le, Ej.
-hannw- adl e M . - - i . ' T M - atHnh. W E W
35 Write Exrhs
For City Polies
: Thirty Ova candidates tsr-foar-positlons
ta be open oa the Salsat
police f orca January l a
a etvfl aw i Ice written
ttea iselerdiy at the city ban
der the direction of HermaaX
Learae of Oregon Cities.
. The OTsminstloa started at 9 aw
a, aad son ef the eaadldatas
were through before 12:29. AS
candidates were finger
required ta chrfl
Grading of the enmfuitlonn
wm ba completed before the first
at .the year aad the aoattloaa
be fmed from the eligible
To Make ShaciJea
. . . cJb
rtlad. Ore. was awnremsLa 2xZ
211 ccartract j 8or rt sr tins. : Jthe
' : EXrrtKrVE fMCAXJSSt -
12i4c XJ. i
iff wmnm TT- ' '
. r
4 1I