The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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Visitors in
Salem" for
Guests are already arriving in
the capital to spend the holidays
wlht ' their families, t
' MrsY Arthur B. Smith, Jr and
her -two-month-old son, Terry
Michael, of Walla, Walla, Wash..
, are here until after the holidays
'and are the guests of her mother,
.-jars j lew 1 j s iimuvh.
. 11 be remembered as Gladys Han
, son. Mr. Smith ,will Join his wife
. and son for the Christmas holi
" day.
Arriving in the capital this
weekend was Mrs. Holly Cornell
(Cleo Ritner) of San Francisco
who plans to be here for a month
m u e m uansAii ura w m ii 11
ana win ne i uumo ui ucr
1 father. Mr. Fred C. Ritner. Mr.
Cornell is a reserve officer and
has been called to active duty. He
- Is now attending training camp in
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wright
and their daughter, Sherrill, of
San Francisco hare come north
for the holidays and are the guests
of her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Mlltoaberger.
Mr. Robert Smith of Superior,
Wis., has arrived in Salem to
spend Christmas with his broth,-
- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
- Errin Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lynn
- and son, Tommy Lee, of Wash
ington, DC, are the guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Mar-
.tin, for the holiday season. They
will leave for the east shortly
after the first of the year. Mrs.
Lynn will be remembered as
Thelma Martin.
: Potter-Sundsrude
Rites Read
On 8unday afternoon at one
o'clock Miss Olga Sundsrnde be
came the bride of Mr. Edward 8.
Potter, son of Mrs. Stella Potter.
The ceremony was performed in
the parsonage of the First Baptist
church with Rev. Irving Fox offi
ciating. Members of the Immedi
ate family were present for the
The bride wore an afternoon
frock of blue and a corsage of gar
denias for her wedding. The
couple was attended by Miss Myrle
Potter, sister of the groom, and
Mr. Roland Warnake.
A wedding dinner at the Potter
home' followed the ceremony.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward
S. Potter, Mrs. Stella Potter, Mr.
Elmer Potter, Miss Myrle Potter,
Mr. " Roland Warnake, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence S. Potter, Mr. and
Mrs. -J. -E. Potter, Mrs. Esther
Peterson, Mrs. Gertrude Goodrich
and ' daughter, Haxel, and Mr.
Charles Duncan.
Cards have been received for
an "at home' for which Miss Elea
nor Swift will be hostess at the
home ef her parents. Rev. and
Mrs. George H. Swift, on- Friday
night from 8 to :30 o'clock.
Coart & High Ph. 716S
W To ihe
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'. ft ' By Carrier 60c ' . ' ; - By. Carrier-.-...$70
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If (Outside Salem . City Limits) (Outside cf State SC. 00)
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Matrons Are
Bidden to
Mrs. Charles Campbell has bid
den a group of matrons to a holi
day party on Thursday afternoon
at her home in Kingwood Heights.
A dessert luncheon will be
served by the hostess and guests
will be seated at small tables
centered with altar lights and
holly wreaths. Other greens and
candles will be arranged about
the room. Several hours of con
tract bridge will be in play during
the afternoon.
Guests will be Mrs. Russell
Pratt, Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons, Mrs. John Ramage,
Mrs. Willard N. Thompson, Mrs.
Bruce Titus, Mrs. William L. Lid
beck, Mrs. Robert Evans, Mrs.
Kimball Page, Mrs. A. Terrence
King, Mrs. Irvin Hill. Mrs. B. M.
Donaldson, Mrs. Howard H. . Bar
low, Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Mrs.
Laban Steeves, Mrs. Charles Wood
and Mrs. Campbell.
Adolphsons io
Fete Club
Members of the Bono Tempo
club and their husbands will be
entertained at the D street home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Adolphson
tonight. Several hours of contract
will follow a no-host dinner.
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. B. M. Donaldson, Mr.
and Mrs. Luther L. Jensen, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Olson, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Dr. and Mrs.
Estill Brunk, Dr. and Mrs. H. H.
Barlow, Dr. and Mrs. Carl W.
Emmons, Dr. and Mrs. George
Hoffman - and Mr. and Mrs.
: t y
Mrs. Panton to
Mrs. James J. Panton will pre
side at a smartly arranged lunch
eon on Thursday afternoon at
her Stats street home tor the
pleasure of Mrs. George A. White,
who has recently moved to Port
land. A buffet luncheon will be serv
ed with guests seated at small
tables. The holiday motif will
be used in the table appointments
and decorations about, the rooms.
Covers iftll be placed for 24
guests. Contract will be in play
during the afternoon.
Just think what it will mean to them to get the local
news While far away from home. Arrange for your
gift suhscriptionof Tne. Oregon Statesman Today
and he assured that it is the gift that will more than
please each day of the year
Salem friends of David Smith,
18 year old piano pupil of Dr.
Karol Llsznlewskl of the Artist
Faculty of the Cincinnati Con
servatory of Music, will be In
terested to learn that he will
appear on the Cincinnati Con
servatory of Music program of
the Columbia network on Satur
day, December 21, 8:05 a. xn.
Pacific standard time. - He will
play the Chopin Concerto In E
minor with the Conservatory
Symphony orchestra under the
direction of Alexander von Kreis
ler. Leoion Auxiliary
Holds Initiation
American Legion auxiliary
Capital unit No. 9 met Monday
night at Fraternal temple with
Mrs. Frank Marshall presiding.
Cleverly arranged boughs and
sprays of Christmas greenery ac
centuated by candelabra of red
tapers decorated the assembly
After the regular business
meeting the Past Presidents club
officiated at an Impressive initia
tion ceremony. Mrs. Frank Wat
ers presided.
New members Initiated were:
Mrs. M. T. Brooks, Mrs. Paul J.
Hamilton, Mrs. J. H. Holt, Min
nie Jenks, Mrs. Otto Mehlhoff,
Mrs. G. A. Ostrin, Pearl Owen,
Mrs. Charles E. Low, Jessie Rod
man and Mrs. John TeSelle.
Past presidents presiding were:
President, Mrs. Frank Waters;
vice president, Mrs. Leon Brown;
second vice president, Mrs. Onas
Olson; chaplain, Mrs. Jennie
Bartlstt; musician, Mrs. Art
Johnson; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs.
Mem Pearce, Mrs. Earl Andresen;
lights and tapers, Mrs. O. E. Pal
mateer, Bess Walklns.
The services closed with. "In
Flanders Field" sung by Bess
The unit joined Capital post
for a Christmas party of musical
numbers by the American Legion
auxiliary quartet and American
Legion Glee club and Christmas
carols by the assembly. After the
program there was dancing, and
refreshments were served by the
rehabilitation committee.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Pound re
turned on Tuesday from a motor
trip to Vallejo, Calif., where they
visited with the Curtis H. John
sons. Dr. Pound went south to
visit the dental department at San
Quentln prison. Mr. Johnson, a
former resident of Salem, is as
sociate naval architect at Mare is
land. I
v To Ihe
02EG0N STATESMAN, - Satan.
Dinners' Will
Honor, ,Club
The holiday season Is-always a
festive occasion tor entertaining
and several clubs, will be enter
tained this week with Christmas
parties to .which their husbands
have been, invited.
Dinner and Bridge
Members ef the, Friday Bridge
club will entertain; their husbands
at dinner tonight at the Golden
Pheasant with a Christmas party
and evening of cards following at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Daue on Saginaw street. The
house will be festive with seasonal
decorations and a large Christmas
tree will be at one end of the liv
ing room. The members will en
Joy an exchange of gifts.
Guests will be Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
O. White, Mr and Mrs. David
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue,
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gleason, Mr.
and Mrs. Mose Adams, Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. DeLano, Mr. and Mrs.
Elijah Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Tocom, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Vib
bert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8. Anun
sen and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson.
Club at Patterson's
Mrs. J. Deane Patterson has bid
den members of her club and their
husbands to a turkey dinner Fri
day night at her South Church
street home.
Bridge will be in play during
the evening with an exchange of
gifts enjoyed by the guests. Holi
day greens and candles will deco
rate the tables and guest rooms.
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Hllle&Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. La
Verne Young. Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. Patter
son. Rebekahs Hold
The Salem Rebekah lodge met
Monday night with Miss Frances
Kyle in the chair.
Thursday. Mrs. Eva Martin will
be hostess for a birthday party at
her hqme honoring Mrs. Serena
Anderson. All Rebekahs are in
vited. Next Monday night the
lodge will hold a Christmas party.
. Thursday evening the FL girls
will meet with Miss Frances Kyle
for a Christmas party.
Pringle Woman's club, with
Mrs. Homer Ramey. Christmas
Sonth Circle, 1st Christian
church, with Mrs. Ora Ladd.
2650 South Commercial street,
all day. Covered dish luncheon,
Christmas party.
Nebraska club, with Mrs.
Lura Tandy, 478 Gerth street.
West Salem. Covered dish tur
key dinner.
Royal Neighbors, all day '
meeting and covered dish
lunch. Fairgrounds cabin.
West Central circle, First
Methodist church, with Mrs.
Ronald Glover, CSS North
Commercial street, 2:S0 p. m.
FOE social . club party with
Mrs. F. A. Smith, 1325 North
17th street.
AAUW radio class, with Mrs.
Guy. Hlckock, Royal Court,
apartments, 1:45 p.m.
Hazel Green Sunshine sewing
club, 2 p.m. with Mrs. Ralph
FOE social club. Christmas
party with Mrs. F. A. Smith,
1325North 17th street.
Women's Union, First Con
gregational church, with Mrs.
S. J. Butler, 432 South High
street, 2:30 election.
Westminster Guild, First
Presbyterian church, meet in
fireplace room, 2 p.m.
South Central circle. 1st
Methodist church, with Mrs.
V. D. Bain, 35 Hansln avenue,
1:15 p.m.
Liberty Woman's club, with
Mrs. Mason Bishop, Polly anna
party and covered dish lunch
eon. Maccabees, Willamette tent
hive No. 6, KP hall, 7:16 P. m.
Christmas party later.
Keiser sewing club, with
Mrs. Harold Tanner, 1:30 p.m.
dessert lunch and Christmas
Hollywood Merry-Go-Round
with Mrs. Harold Holler, route
7, 8 p.m. Christmas party.
Engiewood Women's club,
with Mrs. J. A. Wonderlick,
2382 State street, 2 p.m.
Daughters of Union Veterans,
8 p.m. with Mrs. Joseph Bach,
520 South 25th, Christmas
party, gift exchange.
Brush College home econom
ics club with Mrs. C. L. Blod
gett and Mrs. Arthur Utley,
1 o'clock no-host luncheon.
PLE and F with Mrs. W. J.
Peck, 1460 D street, 8 p. m.
Christmas party.
Hayesville Woman's club,
Christmas luncheon, Quelle,
12:15 p. m.
Past presidents of American
Legion auxiliary, with Mrs. O.
E. Palmateer, 8 p. m., Christ
mas party. :
Woman's alliance, with Mrs.
Albert Dewey, 1577 Chemeketa
street. 2:15 p.m.
Ann Judson circle of 1st
Baptist church, 7:30 at church.
Woman's auxiliary of St.
Paul's Episcopal church Silver
tea with Mrs. U. O. Shipley,
, 771 North Cottage street, S
to 5 p. m.
Tomarco (Christmas party,
at Roberts home, 605 North
Summer street, t p. m.
Ladies Dakota club,' 2 p. m.
with Mrs, O. Cotterman. 1073..
; Highland avenue exchange of
gifts. -' - - , .
Oregon. Vfedneedaj Morning,
SILVJCRTON ; - Mrs. Charles
Hoyt was hostess-to the Junior, a vj. yv ,
Women's club members at tssir,S 1 1 Ji-,:.-. . f
annual Christmas party MondarA JVlOnaay , ,-..--
night. The members exchanged. : ---.-- -
gifts among themselves and. The, Christmas party of Hal Hlb
spent the remainder of the even- bard auxiliary and camp was held
ing wrapping other gifts for at the Woman's, clubhouse Mon
their party for underpriviledged day afternoon and evening.
children which will be Saturday ' A gift ' exchange was enjoyed
at the Methodist church. - and -November and December.
At a short business meeting birthdays celebrated. pr t
Monday.-nlght plans were dia- At : 30 dinner was served, to
cussed for the annual holiday, the .veterans and their families,
dance to be held December 26 During, the short business session
at Hasel Green. Mrs. Mllo Grace that followed. Auxiliary President
was . elected treasurer upon the Dorothy Wilson ordered the pur
resignaUon of Maxine Hagen. chase . of ' tools and material for
manual tralninr and home eco
AAUW Musicale
Calendared for tonight is the r, I fp w p iiriMii Mr
fifth annual Christmas musicale Mr- 'J? - Chur chil 1, Mr.,
of the Salem branch. American f f f ?uc' M.r-
Association of University Women ffiLSdVr. filr
which will b held in the Carrier JohnQh aign ot, Mr. an d Mrs. Sher-
room of the First Methodist maa Nelson. Mr. Charles O W -church
tonight at 8:15 o'clock: "t11' ?r!! i5
Each member may bring a guest. 3 iSSthr C wn
Miss Frances Virginie Melttm Cmb- Mr. C" Ji!'
and Mrs. Gladys Mclntyre Thomas n; Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyner Wool-
are arranging the musical pro- Mr- Cl7d McClung
-m - v Mr, and Mrs. Hegh Craig. Mrs.
A reception will follow the pro- i" "SaSiTvr anfl SJ
gram and Mrs. George Allen is in JJKfin ' vl' rS iJ"
charge of the decoration, and Miss S5rSf wr In Mr, Art'r
Lorena Jack ' the refreshments. "rar ,Glr1od' M'- Mrs" Arthur
Presiding at the serving table will Yni Arnbleu "kSuSJ Mrl
l"rTC' R' BaXtef "d M1" WmiaBaneTMA. SSS
The program is a. follows: Kittj Bumgartner. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Berry, Mrs. Henry O.
A Chritm Kareh Merkcl Miller. Mis Joanne Klupenger,
T. 8. Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Wood. Mr.
wtrTer To Wslk H.d.l d, Mr- Jme Pkr.
im Zittwnden Mondiicht Wifn....HiU Walcher, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
o, ublick wnrn Brshms Greene, Mr. Carl Gillis, Mr. and
PUno Jerry Desart. Miss Iola Desart.
Jcin, Joy ef lUa'i Deiirinf Bick Hm Mrs. Frank Miller, Miss Sana Mil-
Veise, g Jtinor Chopin lett M! Sue Elfston, Mrs. T. C.
Nocturne, F ihsrp Msjor Chopin '.., - T ' (n
ifinttreis Dtbuny Harrington, Miss Jean Harrlng-
B.iiy Potter Heed ton, Mr. Donald -R. Wilson, Miss
J"? TJf'SZ.j . , Gertrude Schiefs, Mr. Fred Kuhn.
Mry Schnltt Duncan, iolin Mr- and Mrs. Carle Abrams.
Wry Tnlmdc Udrick, viol "
,"!sSttb,1,," Letioa A"ilUry Press" Club Meets
Mildred Wyntt, ArUna Brown -i i f-N :-r
Vide, 1m 8trr, em Zoeel h f)T I jpCCprt
Lenn Bell T.rt.r, director X KJl 1
J hh Hobeon .Rich, necompeniit
Preceeeiomei Mrs. . Hunt Clark entertained
ol ef the ghcph.rdt. .Frencs the galem Woman's Pre88 cluo at
Kow Let an the Henvenn Adore Tnee her home on Market street Tues-
Bh day afternon. A dessert luncheon
Sib0"" f 0!!!!,,!!L H"Bieh w" served and the table ap-
Iiiiit CnYfinito 1". '."prnetorin pointments were holly and can-
O Jet Sweet Bsc dies. The afternoon was spent in-
bv v.j. na '.. i m formally and the group enjoyed
Ehepberd CbrUtmae Sons SwiUerlnnd v '
Sleep. Bby sleep Cieeh n exchange of gifts.
ficerkea to Me . Csech Plans were made for a no-host
ntf JTii tTv. t ... t .v-n." w v dinner to be held on January 2C
Bring a, Torcb, JeennetU, IibeHrreneli , tv v , w -
Joy to the Wwrld. To be iaoC by eudience at home Of Mr. and Mrs.
Directed by Gladye Mclntyre Thomee Ralph Curtis.
Those present were Mrs. Phil
PArmor Qz-rlrv Gllstrap. Mrs. Paul Harvey, Mrs.
x wixiAx jiaiciu
Girl Married
In an Impressive home cere-
mony before the chrysanthemum
decked open fireplace of the Uni-
versity Place, Seattle, home of
her parents, Miss Cathryn An-
gelia Snapp and Mr. Paul D.
Walling were married Decem
ber 1.
Close friends and relatives of
the couple were present for the
rites solemnised by Dr. James
Brett Kenne of the 'University
Temple Methodist ehureh.
The former Miss Snapp Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
P. Snapp of Seattle, formerly of
Salem. Mr. Walling is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Walling of
Port Orchard, Wash. Following a
short wedding trip they will
mate tneir home in Bremerton, Texas, with Mrs. A. H. Fortner,
Wash. mother, of Dr. Edgar S. Fortner.
Mrs. Walling worked In the Dr. Lucille Fortner received
Salem Sears Roebuck company her degree In June from the
store and was transferred to the University of Oregon Medical
newly opened branch in Bremer- school where she was a member
ton. she attended the University of Alpha Epsilon Iota, women's
of Oregon where she was a mem- medical fraternity,
ber of Phi Beta, national music '
and professional honorary. In
Salem she was a member of the UnprniOOC Will
Business and Professional Worn- lViUUCUJJfc?t?b Will
en's club and the McDowell club. TT 7 "K T J.
Mr. Walling is a prominent lieip INeeGy
field engineer and a charter
member of the Kitsap Mineral
and Gem society.
AURORA Miss Lois Genevieve in the Fraternal temple Thurs
Manock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. day night.
N. E. Manock, and Werner Din- The program will begin at S
tlman of Fort Stephens, were o'clock. In charge of arrange
married Sunday, December 15, at ments are Alena Freisen, Han
2:30 by the Rev. Rosco W. Hohn nah Martin, Leota Howe, Cora
at the home of the bride's par- Rafferty, Leona Russell, Vera
ents. Preceding the ceremony White, Emma Dencer and James
Mrs. Fred Hines of Portland sang Weir. Olie Haxelwood and Oscar
and Miss Lucy Case, also of Port- Dencer.
land, played wedding marches. There will be exchange of
The bride wore white satin with gifts. Needy Maccabees will be
veil falling from a crown of seed remembered with clothing and
pearls. She carried a bouquet of food,
calls Illlles.
Mrs. Ivan Arneson of Canby, Mrs. Ralph Cboley has invited
cousin of the bride, was matron guests to dinner tonight at the
of honor. Albert Kraft of Canby Golden Pheasant in compliment to
was beet man. the birthday anniversary of Mr.
A reception followed during Cooley. Later the group will en
which Mrs. Fred Hines sang a Joy an evening of cards at the
group of songs, Mrs. F. C. Cooley home on North Bummer
Schwartz, aunt of the bride, pre- street,
sided at thhe punch bowl. Mrs.
T. B. Van Nortwlck, the grand- Mrs. Floyd Bowers entertained
mother, poured. . members of her sewing club last
Assisting the hostess were Mrs. night at her home on North 15th
E. J. Snyder, Mrs. Charlotte Tay- street. A late supper was served
lor and Mrs. Leon Van Nortwlck. by the hostess.
s r - U : 7 ,' - ' . - v .
"' i . - S I ! - -
t I taiii-
I !
December 19, IS43
rx r Pn 4 rxxrciA
nomics at the : Children's Farm
home. Games followed.
Among those present were Mrs.
George A. Litchfield. Mrs. Laura
Robert SDraaue. Mrs. A. L. Lind-
beck. Mrs. W. A. Scott. Mrs. Fred
Zimmerman, Mrs. Ralph Curtis,
Mrs. W. C. Conner, Mrs. Wendell
Willmarth and Mrs. Hunt Clark,
Ti i t
1" OlTtnerS tO LeOVe
r? T
t OT 1 eXQS
Dr. Lucille Fortner, accompan-
led by her mother, Mrs. Edgar
8. Fortner, will leave Thursday
for Texas where Dr. Fortner has
received an lnterneship at 'the
Parkland hospital in Dallas,
Enroute south the travelers
will visit In San Francisco and
Palo Alto where Dr. Fortner took
her pre-medics course at Leland
Stanford. They will spend the
Christmas holidays in Piano,
Maccabees of Capital lodge 84D
will have their annual Christmas
party for members and families
Harwood entertained at he home
Tuesday for tns .pieasare
-sister, - - - ' J7.
married Saturday to Max C. Big
The evening was spent Infor
mally. Those present , were Mary
mA ifnrraret . Jackson. . Delia . TliatTnei 1 AnonbT. - MrS.
Peggy SkUler Mrs. Melvin Block,
Airs. Roy ClaypooU Mrs. Virginia
MeKee, Mrs. Big by and Mrs. Har
wood. ..: .
Meeting Slated
For -Thursday
Salem Council ot Woman's Or
ganizations will hold a meeting
on 'Thursday aiternoon. 'Lieccm
bert. a 2 o'clock. In the Flre
. nii rnnm of the publle li
brary. Mrs. Glen Seeley, who was
elected, president to rm me va
cancy of Mrsv L. CUrk, will- pre
side. Mrs. ' J. Kilder was elected
secretary .to OH s, vacancy
through the resignation of Mrs.
J. Cutler. Other officers are. Mrs.
v x Thdelle. first -vice presi
dent; Mrs. Don Ringle. corre
sponding : secretary,, and Mrs
Knl Janx -treasurer.
Dr. A. T. King will he the
speaker and Mrs. George R.
Moorhead will show moving pic
tures, "Tney Do come uaea.
Etokta Club
Members of the Etokta club met
for luncheon on Tuesday after
noon at Godfrey's with a Christ
mas party following at the home
of Mrs. George Fake. Mrs. H. G.
Carl assisted the hostess. -
The mantle was decorated with
holly and white tapers with red
lights. The serving table was cen
tered with; a yellow cellophane
cornucopia filled with silver, gold,
red and green Christmas balls and
flanked with red candles.
During the afternoon the group
sang Christmas carols and the
members enjoyed a gift exchange
as well as bringing gifts for the
Children's Farm home.
Attending the party were Mrs.
Mason Bishop. Mrs. H. G. Carl,
Mrs. Ray Clark. Mrs. E. J. Don
nell, Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs. W. J.
Entress, Mrs. Richard Erickson,
Mrs. M. A. Estes, Mrs. George
Fake, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs.
8. B. Gillette. Mrs. P. E. Graber.
Mrs. W. T. Grier, Mrs. O. H. Horn
ing, Mrs. Yard Hughes, Mrs. Stu
art Johnson, Mrs. E. A. Lee, Mrs.
Daisy Mclntyre. Mrs. E. M. Me
Kee, Mrs. Clifton Ross, Mrs. A. L.
Skewis, Miss Gertrude Savage,
Mrs. H. O. Taylor, Mrs. Arthur G.
U p s t o n and Miss Antoinette
' e
Mrs. Louie Lac hm and sued Mrs.
William H. Lytle were visitors in
Portland on Monday.
The Past Noble Grand associa
tion meeting scheduled for tonight
has been postponed until January;
Fishj to Rescue of
Budget Maker
Here's V a good main supper
dish to dVelight the heart of the
lady In the kitchen, who Is try
ing to reconcile the family bud
get to main .the holiday season:
1 pound canned salmon
1 cup come meal
2 cups witer
1H teaspoons salt
14 cups milk
1 medium onion
1 carrot
Measure meal Into large sauce
pan. Pour water over meal. Add
salt and cook until thickened.
Pour In milk and add salmon
and vegetables hat have been
chopped fine. Season with pep
per. Cook slowly until thick
enough to cling to side of spoon
(as for mush to fry), stirring all
the time. Pour into a bread pan
that has been rinsed with cold
water. When cold, turn from pan,
slice about H Inch thick, dip In
meal and fry to a golden brown.
Serve with chutney or with sweet
pickle relish and wedges ot lem
on. Serves 8.
Sheen for the lady who's plagued with
tudden "pops" and garter runs. Two
knitted-ln areas ef elastic, front and
back, give controlled stretch where the ,
greatest knee strain cosmos. A pearl of
a stocking for business? driving, done
Ing, home activities. Patented Angle'
knit toe for longer wear. Fashion colors.
; U5 3:forc3.25
Last Minute
Some very good last minute
recipes to include in the Christmas
baking schedule woald be the (fol
lowing miscellany: .
Lebkuchen, Is an old world spe
cialty, made in a pan and cat in.
diamond shapes or squares. Pink
frosting the time-honored finish.
4 whole eggs -
1 pound of light brown sugar
- 2 cups of flour -
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 os. citron, cut fine
A pound of almonds, blanched
and cut fine
Beat eggs well with Dover heat
er.: add. so gar gradually and beat
again,-- Mix .flour and cinnamon
with chopped nuts and citron, and
combine the two mixtures. Bake
in 3 flat greased pans, in hot ei
375. degreea. When cool, cut teto
regular strips, inch wide,
inches long. Before taking out"""
of pans, frost with 1 cap confec
tioners sugar, 2 , tablespoons
water, and flavoring to taste. -
(Very simple but excellent candy)
li cakes bitter sweet cake
. 1 can sweetened condensed mtUc
1 teaspoon vanilla
Melt chocolate in top of double
boiler until smooth. As soon sis
thoroughly melted, add milk ad
mix until smooth. Add vanilla
after removed from fire. Pour Into
battered bowl, let stand overnight.
Mold by rolling In balls and then
rolling in chopped nuts or eoeonmt.
May make ovals and press a sVeee
of nut in each.
1 cup sour milk
1 cup chopped suet
cup nut meats
1 cup stoned dates
M teaspoon salt
1 teaapoosj .soda
t tahlToone molasses
1 tafelespoosis brown sugar
teaspeoa nutmeg
2 cups flour
Mix. turn Into well oiled mold"
and steam 2 hours.
Sauce: Flavor hot cream with
sugar and grated nutmeg.
Today's Menu
Fruit -cocktail will begin din
ner tonlght,-and sliced tomatoes
will add Another "something raw."
Fruit cocktail
BusUsd liver sandwich
wttk hot gravy
" SHeed Tomatoes
Baked rke pudding
With Ice cream
laoa Cold
Improved Vich Way
Mothers, you wd welcome the
relief from misery that comes
with a -VapoRuo Massage."
With this more thorough treat
ment, the poultlce-and-vapor
action of Vieks VapoRub more
effectively pacntsTES irritated air
passages with soothing medicinal
vapors... sjzsMUtATO chest and
back -taw s warming poultice or
piaster. . . sua is lOJFVina misery
light a way t Results delight even
old friends of VapoRub.
lOGXTa "VapoRub Massage
with ail its benefits massage
VapoRub for a minutes on XM
as well e throat and chest
spread a thick layer on chest,
cover with a warmed cloth, m
BUM to use genuine, time-tested
.7 " i
0 (f(ci'fl j
HCttar I
" - T '
1 , : : j ; 11