Th. OBEGOH STATESMAN. Solam. Orajon. Yttanaat Morning, imcmmw i. Roberts Gives Yule Playle Program get for School on Thursday Night; 411 dub Makes Improvement .. ROBERTS The. Roberts school Will hold Its Christmas program tomorrow nignt at a ocioea m the grange halL . Thft nroirr'am folio we: - Music, "Roberts orchestra; wel-r come, James Petersen. -at Earth Children. Robert Howland and Opal Howland. chil dren' of Topsy-Turvy Lana; bceia. JLeu .jean rsruce, unci, uwiso 7.n Hinder: "Mom. Darlene Clary; Dad, "-Jerry Kleen: Marg (grand mother) Zelda iiaray; spanaiy utrnn nmrf Risteen: teacher. Donald Dreea: Clantr Sauce. Eve lyn Hanson; Gother Moose, Dora .Bohanan;, fairy. Sadie Wiegienda; a fa a !" ww - a a. greenies, Aioeri nan son, iiayum Ornhorn and -Melford Hoar. Chorns"Star ot t h e East;" niam Tli Tina,! " fifth mil Play. "Too Much Christmas. Cast: Johnnie Rossman. Daryl 'Ross: T h e o Rossman, Joyce Shame: Phil Rossman. Steve Zur ' Under: Mother Rossman, Lena Hanson; Father, Donald Graves; Aunt Letty. Jo Ann cater; ur Warn. Clifford Sharpe; Gwen dolm. Mary Sharpe. Song, "Lnlla bv Lane." Plavlett. "Wanted. A Grand son." Cast: Grandpa, Harry Zur- linder; Lize, Donald Drees; Fred, Henry Hanson; eight other grand Ani. Albert Hanson. Melford Hoar, Daryl . Ross, Bill Bohanan, George Zurllnden, Robert How land. Robert Risteen. Jerrv Kleen. Play, "Interrupted Wedding." r?at: Mr. T. Eenv Weenr Richard Ross; book keeper, Robert Ris- Oldest Postmaster Retires i k " ' I J" Garden Qub Has Qoverdale Meet Members Hold Exchange of Gifts; Missionary Sings Japanese Songs CLOVERDALE The Better homes and Garden club- met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Robert Hunsaker for its regular monthly meeting. After the business session, members had an exchange of gifts which - were vases or sometning pertaining to flowers. ' Later Mrs. Madden, iormeny a missionary in Japan, sang sev eral ' Japanese songs, inciuaing the Japanese national anthem, ' a lullaby and a 'hymn. - Two camellia -shrubs were pre sented to , Mrs. Katie Abrens. former president, and to -Mrs. Rohert Hnniaker for 'her new home. The baaaar eemmlttee report ed , that the Garden elub made ll A9 kt'tko Vect laxiaTi The vice . president, Mrs. kisio nmis aker.. presided due to the Illness of Mrs. -Walter. Miller., ... Refreshment! .were eerTed to Mrs. Roy Stender, Mrs. Art Rob ertson, Mrs. Joe Morris, Miss Helen Reeta. Mrs. ' Nellie Hamil ton, Mrs. Fred cbifferer, Mrs. John Schlfferer, Mrs; Ted White head, Jr., Miss Ratio Ahrras, Mrs. George Crame, Mrs. -High Webb. Mrs. L. K. Henaleo. Mrs. Joe MeKlaaey. Mis Vabel Walk er, Mr Tom Webb, Mrs. A. H. Hennles; Mrs. Fay Webb, Mrs. Mary Ball. Mrs. Merle O. Pearson, Mrs. Warren" Pohle, Mrs." Emir Ban, Mrav: Alice Chance Miss Ross Ahrens, Mrs. Louis Henntes Mrs. Stanley Rlrbea, rt.'. Eddie Ahrens, . Mrs. Jim Bones, Mrs. Don Neal. Mrs. Frank Ensor and Mrs. Madden. . ; -r The" Jaa nary ineetiag - will : b held, at the homo of - Mrs.. Nellie Hamilton. , : r Ham zaui Anniversarr RICKEY Mr, and Mrs. Adolph celebrated their 26th weddlnf an niversary Sunday. Philco Badio RXCl.I8IviB DEALER Leonard D. Redflekl, who believes his 44 years 'or service as postmas ter or Benson, Ariz., Is longer than that of any other postmaster la MAar rotlrinir nnnn Temchlnir the aire or 70. He went J f ... " - 1 " . to Arizona a a child of seven in a covered wagon and carried the mail on horseback on a 218-mile round trip twice a week through Indian-infected country when he was only 12 years old. AP Tele- mat. Silverton Auxiliary Prepares Gift . - -r Box for INeedy; Aid Oiven Veterans ctt vPRTftV Mrs fs A Pitnpv nresided at a brief Ross; hook Keeper, Kooen k- u..w. , 7 i -m- n teen; Tippy Twinkle, Jean Car- business meeting of the American legion auxiliary jno. , run, ouiMitii. uuu.iu n..Wvj I loilOwing xne viirisuiuB ivuoj 6'"" -. -Edward Petersen, Virgil Herrick, Heldengtrom is secretary and Mrs. I nuuvik " ' I Del Barber treasurer. Raymond Orsborn; bride doll, ... hae Sharon Bewley; groom doll. Fred- aa hni,kpt for erick Bruce; maid of honor doll, f, 'd " Sn tar thl Gladys Howland; bishop doll, a needy 1 made up by the , v memDers. .naienai nuuum jacK vaier. i v. n tv, naw nlto "A Christmas Exercise." Cast: " " UD ' . 1 . V.ndker Jerald Grave.,' Frank Papenfus, has Lb een o J." Myron Hoar, Vance HenKei, oy VV-k". A r.nni1(1 Bohanan, Robert Clary, Robert Pr"' Mr- " renort of Bohanan. Loren Sharpe. ot Portland, with the report or Closing recitation, Stanley Bew- the membership. iev Mrs. Dewey Allen told of Zelma The 4H club Sentinels put up Dale being- in ai me ohychu.. ' -w-l X -. l.nV In I t..r,!lol MrD A 1 I.Prfald. hOSDital new lUCtTCB BUU i;vav li no u I - - - cloak room, adding greatly to its chairman, reported on gifts lor I . - tl2m tn ilia T)Mfr two veteran lamium iu . land gift shop and of the past presidents' club's holiday ozona tions. Mrs. Lewis Han, reunug president of th Marion county council, told of .the meeting at Stayton and the Mt, Angei visi tation. Mrs. A. J. Titui, welfare chair man, told of Thanksgiving bas- 1 .11 nr n f.mtHai bot, r nin I k lur lbu i.iiiiiilu, OTlVTrtW fitavtnn'n T.lttlA . .. ' . rk' .Ii, ui.w- . I dOllS Sent lOr 1Uloiuino vuo.,, TUn.t.A l!.Ann la nrffontTlnr fln I . ... i . . i , A H aViIIaii A IkrOLtC VKWUf I QOSPHai gill SUUWer 1U1 1,JIU1L1 old-fashioned Christmas caroling and numerous other aids where Stayton Children Are Guests, Club Lions to Give Youngsters Party ; Christmas Light Committee Named annearance. A 4H skating party was held Thursday at Capitola. Stayt on Theatre Group Plans Play in idVa nlaf Christmas Eve. The Little Theatre Group have presented their first play, "Night Must Fall," and are planning to give -another play in a month or tha need was evident Mrs. Clifton Dickerson, report-Jno- for th Junior Girls, told of installing officers to? the Salem group, tneir preparing nuiu i w w i- - basaev ior urisi.uii" . "Night Must Pall," which was callyf Bending 20 pairs of stock- a melodrama, was directed by lnB and three dressed dolls for J - T . n .nnn.n.Ofl tlV .... . . 1 - Eunice Jordan and sponsored by the Stavton Lions club for the children's Christmas tree benefit The following were on the cast Lord Chief Justice, Hubert Saal- nettIn 5 85 fi. Un Ttrimmn Mrs. Minnie t n . tha. hiirirn of veterans nomei, sending color boobs and stuffed toys to the Fairvie whome at Sa lem and putting on a candy sale Honored guests at the meeting . m m worn Mn. KmMt liimiD, SHI B. Betty Heidenstrom Morgan. taA' Mn. Rramson Mrs. Minnie nvjcr, uiumi ww. were Mrs. trne-i dunu, dan; Hubert Laurie, Boyd Edi- jfred Lunde, Thelma Lockwood, son: Nurse Libby, Mrs. Marcelle nptf- Heidenstrom and Maxine Rrrer: Mrs. Terrence. Miss Pad dy Mechen; Dora Parkoe, Lavene Marking; Inspector Belslze, Clem Crane; Dan, Clyde Boyer. A full house witnessed the play and much was realized for the benefit of the Christmas party. Bible Teacher Is Hospital Patient ctt X T T" T v XT PlariflM Rm V- Diuiiiniun t Tne next meeung ui uw ui ger, who has been instructor of club wllj be a Christmas party to the bible classes in Silverton's !o.h. th. home of Mrs. Matt publie school will submit to a ma- Geston. Each woman Is asked to Jor operation at Portland toaay. brlng a Bman glft to be exchanged She had planned on entering u Jn a gral, basket nospiui jwi. -- vented from doing so by an attack of influenza. xt -a naivnr Rrokke i Clara Lar win take over the bible iiui when school opens the t first of the year and will continue until Miss Bragger is a Die to re ' turn. Detroit Schools Closed, Epidemic niPTnoiT Detroit schools closed Friday due to the flu epi demic. Otis White ana lvan lcaes of the teaching staff are in, as are a great number of the children The next meeting of the laaies Grangers' News STAYTON The annual Christ mas party for children, . sponsor ed by the Stayton Lions club. will be held December 21. The following committees have been appointed: Matinee, L. E. Spraker, Gilbert Schachtsick and Hub Saalfeld; candy distribution. V. R. Tuel, L. H. Wright and Santa Claus. The band will fur nish music for the occasion. The Lions are also sponsoring an outdoor cnristmas ngniing contest again this year. Mer chants are donating cash and other prizes for the winners. Classifications for the contest are commercial, civic and residential. Th club has erected a large tree at the intersection of Third and Ida streets and is lighting it with varl-colored lights with a large star in the top. The outdoor lighting commit tee is headed by R. P. Grady. assisted by Clifford Likes and Laurance Siegmund. Judges will be selected later. Last year ten rnm m erclal and 17 residential entries entered the lighting con test. An address written by E. B. McNaurhton. president of the First National bank of Portland, was read by L. H. Wright at the business meeting recently. The secretary was directed to write a letter expressing the ap preciation of the fire depart ment's efforts in combatting the fire which destroyed one of the business buildings recently. A gift exchange will be held at the next meeting which will be December 23. wnnnmmN Woodburn grange accepted an invitation to visit Buttevllle grange ana num Joint installation of officers at a meeting Saturday nignt, Decem ber 21. Mrs. George Sweaney is the newly-elected master of the Woodburn grange. Plans were discussed at the last meeting for the building of a woodshed and porcn on i n e haoh- nf the arance hall and If a -m ik. Chavtha h Am ivin a naw nlcrnnm and Thursday, shortly after noon when I porch on the front of the bulld- - - . 4m I a spar aroppea on u ing. m088. " I Members and their families are Mrs. Bheythe was alone at me planning a unristma n"j time but managed to extinguish oyster supper to be held In the the blaze before It had made much grange hall Thursday night at 8 progress. tocioca. Fire Is put Out By Peede Woman PEDEE- Fire caught in the Lutef isk Dinner Set at Woodburn WOODBURN The ladies of the Immanuel Lutheran church have completed plans for their annual lnteflsk dinner to be serv ed this Saturday at the Lutheran hull Maoia will be served from 11:30 to 1:30 o'clock and at 5:30 until ft o'clock. The general chairman for the dinner is Mrs. L. Gordon Souier- holm. Mrs. H. Haroldson is chair man of the dining room commit tee. She will be issa etsdbcmfwy tee. She will be assisted Dy Airs. Mel Johnson and Mrs. Clara Con ner. Mrs. Sig Undseth is chairman of the kitchen committee. X Lutheran Gives Program Sunday SILVERTON The Christmas nroeram at the Immanuel Luther an church will be given Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock altnougn in pins- of carols will begin at 7:10 and continue until the pro gram begins. The "Birth of Christ" will be given at a candle light program with the choir and the Sunday school working together. Jonas Byberg directs the cnoir wnne tne Sunday school work Is under the supervision ot Esther Nordstrom and Hannah Olson. Stayton Woman Is 111 at Deaconess ST A VTflW Mn Felix T. Wrleht of Stavton. who has been seriously 111 at her home for nm time, la critically 111 In 'the Deaconess hospital In Salem. She Is unable to receive visitors at thla time. " - ' : She is the wife of the owner and Atterator of the truck line from Detroit to Salem. He also operates .the Railway Express agency and - Is In the Insurance business in Stayton. They have one son, Loel Beach Wright, who Fred Meyer M t X- 5c COPPER POT CLEANERS. 3 for 5c MY-TE-FINE TOILET SOAP 39c 1 ($1.00 Value! Box 8 Bars) 1 NORWICH NOSE DROPS 25c 35c FRED MEYER NASAL JELLY 9c SEVENTEEN HAND LOTION 49c (75c Value.) 25c NYLON COLD SUDS, EACH 9c (6-Os. Bottle.) ANNE WINDSOR TISSUES, BOX 5c (15c Value! Box 200s. Limit 2.) GILLETTE ELEC SHAVER $3.99 ($10.00 Value!) THROAT LITE and BATTERIES 39c (75c Value! Medico.) ,25c "Forever Yours" Bubble Bath 9c (ll-Oss.) WALDORF CANDID CAMERA 69c ($1.00 Value!) 10c GIFT WRAPPINGS, 15 FEET 4c . ("Everbrlght") Tlvsior Qaat Irtfl Reg. 10c Swecthtart Soap illd, long ja. aa . 7 HanUlaJ, long latting mildl Cashmert Bouquet Ladies' Gift Sets Fiva-pitca sat containing ovaaM, fact powaWr, eaScr Debbie Travel Caco ffv Flnfl ' An inrvtiw travel eaxe she Will cniov and appreciate receiving Christmas morning. Fitted wmS nine famous Elmo cosmetics, including creams, T powder, iipttidc and others. Genuine leather case in British ran, HaA snd rawhide. A gift shell always re you for! . S50 aJBaMaaBMBWaaa. , ' ) lr:'fJtr i. & I i , If f CuJcir Purse Set s: 2.98 Eacluar impmi pum M in gcautM lasdMr. . . . Colon in viae, lizard grain, light blue ad aark blvM color. Corn plat with four Qmc prapw tioM aad tot of fiat mjajr taplcmtnta. Aa ipprtaufd gift. LADY ESTHER FACE POWDER ELMO BATH SET SOTS c y ELMO GIFT SET 4TVS2: ELMO MAKE-UP SET YlSTiZr- ELMO MARGO TOILET WATER iJST" K- a 5Sc Yalat 39 Cboic of pop- uUr ahadea Soft, smooth dinging powder. Mildly fragrant. S-laXS 10 Polmolive Soap 3 Mr, 17C Stodc up oa chaat famous bara of Palmoliva aoap. CO Cvtw Caiwpatt W. contains trio! sizes Manicure Preaorotior, 4f Johasoa It JokMoa Cera or laBfoa fo4t 13 Halps raliaw ahoo pMnura. Palmolivo Gift Shave Sot tarns shave mta. takum, akia featbea- Vgrfg r. A uarfol gift! . Calgate TrsveJ Ssmvo Ses 40t Tube Peptodtnt Tooth Past 1- B mm II pTooth Crushes Ivbna -,Ze9 I rmmmr aortea 117111. IJ Loagkaadlad. 1 4 la Berbosel Skin Freshener EL 39 fMahaaa aad tanas Of) akia aftar ahavaag. $1 DNtiftr lottlo Italian Dalm la attractive bottle. Pa Aj. 1st aaaoe aort ana whko rh. ac iSSul aid that belpa krp Mch brilliaodr white. Leree au tube at a aaving. Mil m S0 Mystic Hand Cream Protacta bands giinat cbapnpg. CVU Smooth band fOe, PesaeoW Teath PaweV If at 75c Papeodent AnHaeprie H 35c Dr. Scholl's Foot Balm 2V Far" balsa lor seothisg tired, achiag per ipiriag feet . Made bf Dr. Scholia fa. imwifar for loot Ray-D Yeast Tablets Valuable source of Va amta D the Suaahine 11 1 --at 1 k 1 7U Fitch Dsiadnrff Remover Shampoo Removes dandruff ia atantlv. EaaSr linaid, non-oil jr. Dubarry Cosmetics oarVart$3J0 aJSheose. . . . Coo- . W Sams 7 pmeaa of DuCry "Fttmr Ycsrs" NOVELTY PERFUME Ling-ring fra-$1 ,C0 graalaerfum. for C3caemaa gift. Shell Lta fel ajrand odorl Houbigont Famous Eaa Floral Toilet Water Gardenia . Magnolia OHoocrsuckla Famous Ecu Floral eouet water in three delightful fragraacea in aat. All popular odors for her delight o I ' J --'5' 4 pin ''tell Portumo Choramy Anta Cuaiiiny in flacoa am star. CHERAMtT PERFUME GIFT SET L Wi V t9i April Sbewer Destlag Powder " aa. 10 Voodbury FACIAL SOAP Hard-cxuQad baa of m at A lirl tHih'i i.'iiiV nun roxor sKor? hooea r5 a iTsmsaeH a spssd WWVlfirllaol atNfl rtor. oe ia today qJJpjL SeowW ahaajajaaaamaaaaaa amaaaaa am maaaaaa aaLaaeav4a maaaaaVaa aeamm aaLa ejwBesojfff sjnQTM ej irvfj w99Gmi vvjxsjr ejon ejrFOw aav-j! One-Spot Flea Killer 1-Ox Tl 23 ment tap. pli... Thrift-priced! Placa powder oa on ape. Rid animals of fleaa. $1.00 pMCjala's Hand Cream Net sticky 25c ScheTa ZiM PoeV 21 $4.93 Yclue Signet III" a lll vnsv Amcricaa made. Stainless steel curved east. Wi& leather atrtp- Aocorate. . ami. creaaa tor aj IcWyhends. 2St Sixo Mavis Talcum & . scented jp talcum for efter ' aa aft. f 1 Wlillaa'i Uxuy iSnave sets 09 S0e Jergens AI!-Purpose Cream 43 If A tich, oeemf, H a0-purpoM creaav Eaallf removes , with aoft tmaasa. aon-oily aeeaa. COTV -xs? 1 NEED NOT BE OSTLYl In this charming Gift Sal, Cofy poirs t'AImanl Toilet Wolsr with "Alr-Spw fowdtHa matching frogroM; A luxury gift:::ot very moderote pricoi Va. Usteriee Throot-Ute and Antlstptlc Keep check em strs with Cte. 2.00 na aar m mm vrnmnm m t.wnga- . T-rfc.-. fa swag Om end 5 01.00 CLASTI-CLASS 1DIL1LI1.ILPS. J (1 foccuvo; s y0-mlkg a t 4 17 njjsde. An re -'aaajaa- o-aam- a 1 aw a Featlairw'ight tJastiglaai klolis that an tramportnt, cotrapact, wstabls and stunfl. " --1, -- - - tarda ana cud. Ab ideal gift for m.9 77 Good Wednesday Thru Thursday Is seven years of age. -