-1 PAGE TETl The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Ortqoa Wlntda7 Mornlncj. December l, 1340 : 4 i-: or:.. o(J: LEON'S tieFawrite 5ana Caui 'Scuffs The ."hottest" came la Uppers ' . . Chenille . . . -white far aq trim ... colon. 1U "Gammas" ... Is their name oft flannel Gowns and many . . . many 1 QC styles . . . i3J 5 Heavy Gold As entire sample line . whatever you want . . . we hare It . . . and at 1 Price or exactly.. 72 Less la . Robos Of 81Ipper Satin . . . with, tacks ... pleats . . . flares . . . Zippers or "wraparounds" . . . iix a qt colors .. wSl f I M M Slsee Are to Bear- Paws 6t Electrified Lamb's .Wool . Inside and ou t . Flexible leath er soles . . . -n mt 4 colors . . WW ! : Sv7cqtorfl: By "Tissue knit , Eight new styles' v ." Shown; by -Madamoi-selle . . ,1 ; f" f colors J .... I Kriss Kringle to Find Dallas Lighted Yuletide air Is Given City Firemen .to provide Rider for Old Folk, Shut-ins to see Sights DALLAS Arrangements have been made by the Dallas fire de partment to proride transporta tion for elderly people, invalids and shut-ins ia order that they may see the Christmas lights and holiday decorations which are rapidly giving Dallas a festive and Yuletide atmosphere. Streamers of colored lights have been placed across the streets and the Polk county courthou.se Is beautifully decorated. "v Streamers of colored lights out line the courthouse and a large-, orange star has been placed at the very top of the building. The large Christmas tree on the courthouse lawn is trimmed with gayly colored lights, as are the shrubs -around the courthouse. Most of the business houses- have colored lights accoss the front of the buildings and the decorations and displays in the windows are especially attractive this year. As In the past, many homes have again installed attractive outdoor lighting and Christmas displays. The local chamber of commerce has again taken an active part in the Christmas lighting program and as In the past Dallas Is one of the best "decorated cities in the Willamette valley. Jolly Neighbors Plan Yule Party NORTH 8ANTIAM The Jolly Neighbors club's annual Christmas party will be held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jesse Scbleman. Gifts will be exchanged. Mrs. Arden Hammer honored her daughter Lenore with a birth day party December 7. Bidden for an afternoon were Mary Lou Keithley, Jane Hendron, Betty Jo Keithley, Alice Schmidt, Marcel la Jones, Donna Mae Nel son, Ardess Anne Hammer, George Schmidt, Dwight Reeves, Kenneth Van Cleve, Jack Nelson. Tommy Morgan, Calvin Meshelle and Leonard Cramer. The Christmas program given by the school under the direction of Grace Richards and Mrs. Lois Clark will be given Friday night. OCE Professor Asked by Bonneville to Assist in Survey for Industrial Site, Education Board Meets Jan. 27 MONMOUTH Dr. Willis B. Merrlamw. assistant professor of geography at Oregon College of Education, has received word from Ivan Bloch, chief of the market development section of the Bonneville Power administra tion, advising him that be, with perhaps several students from OCE, may be called upon by the Bonneville administration to as sist in an economic and industrial-site survey of the vicinity comprising Monmouth and- Inde pendence. Several similar surveys are un der way, and some have been completed. John F. Durr, resource economist for the administration will be In Monmouth and Inde pendence this week to confer with , Dr. Merriam and chamber of com merce officials of each town, relative to participation in a sur vey, according to Bloch's letter. Dr. Merrian has had experience-In regional survey work, having worked at one time on the King county, Wash., plan ning board. He also did studies on economic and social xonation in Spokane. His Ph. D. thesis was written on a regional and economic sur vey of the Rogue river valley, Oregon. MONMOUTH The next meet ing of the state board of .higher education will be held on the OCE campus January 27-28. Dr. C. A. Howard extended' the in vita tion at the meeting in Portland Tuesday. MONMOUTH A large blue star is shining atop a Sequoia tree on the OCE campus. It has been placed there by the col lege as sr yuletide memorial to the late John Scott, longtime em ploye of the school, who died last month. For many years prior to his death a tall fir on his own lawn was beautifully lighted each Christmas. Club to Be Guest Of Bethel School BETHEL Pauline Reinsche and the pupils of Bethel school will present the annual school program and Christmas entertain ment on Friday night, December 20. The Community club has been invited to advance Its meeting date one week and hold Its meet ing just before the opening of the school entertainment, and remain as the guests of the school for the program. The public, and especially all new-comers are invited to be pres ent. There are no charges. Salem Woman Is Speaker at Club STAYTON Mrs. Chester Cox of Salem will be the main speaker at the meeting of the Stayton Garden club which will meeet at the home of Mrs. E. A. Dltter, Friday at 7:30 p. m. She will speak on "Christmas Decora tions." Mrs. Fred Hottlnger will pre sent a -vocal number, and a gift exchange will follow. Wrapped gifts will be judged and ribbon awards made. So many men like Arrow Shirts that Santa has to save room for a big load of them I Men like them because the exclusive "Mitoga" figure-fit makes Arrow Shirts fit so well I They're Sanforized-Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1). Give him Arrow White Shirts, or the handsome new Arrow pattern shirts ... or both! They have perfect looking Arrow 'collars In a variety of styles. Get his collar size and sleeve length from poe of his old shirts 92 up nnnoniin Three Links Glib Plans Yule Party STAYTON The Three Links club will hold its annual Christ mas party at the home of Mrs Edna Sloper with Mrs. H. J Rowe assisting, Thursday at 8 P. m. At this time gifts will be ex changed and the silent sisters will be made known when the gifts are received. New officers for the coming year will be elected. Retiring officers are Mrs. D George Cole, president; Mrs. Ezra Hilton, vice president; Mrs. B. H. Chamberlain, secretary-treas urer. Mrs. B. A. Shaeffer entertain ed and after games and sewing refreshments were served to Mrs. Floyd Fair, a guest; Mrs. H. J Rowe, Mrs. R. G. Wood, Mrs Ralph Harold, Mrs. Grant Mur phy, Mrs. Darrel Wright, Mrs. D. George Cole, Mrs. Edna Slop er, Mrs. L. H. Wright, Mrs. Edgar Hamlin, Mrs. B. H. Chamberlain, Mrs. Etta Brewer, Mrs. Charles Burmester, Mrs. A. C. VanNuys, Mrs. Ezra Hilton, Mrs. Ellen Reynolds, and the hostess, Mrs B. A. Shaeffer. Kings Valley Men Run Into Freight KINGS VALLEY A car, driven by Roy Abernathy, crashed Into a passing Valley-Slleti leg train at the Kings Valley crossing Friday night about 7 o'clock, painfully Injuring both the driver and his companion, Cecil Elder. They were taken to the Corvallls hos pltal. Abernathy failed to see the freight train and drove squarely into it, striking in such a way that the car was thrown to one side about 30 feet. Apparently no one on the train saw the accident for the freight failed to stop. Abernathy Is owner of a gro cery and confectionary store near the high school and Elder Is a teacher In the high school. IS90 "Your 'Arrow' Gift Headquarters Ow r3r f- , Star Mail Route Is Discontinued 8HELBURN The star mall carrier who has been delivering mall at the Shelburn postoffice twice dally will be discontinued after the first of the year. The mail will be brought In a locked bag from the Sclo office and will be distributed from the Shelburn office as was done for merly. The regular rural carrier will deliver the pouches once dally. Idanba Girl Is Given Operation IDANHA Louise, oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Phillips, was rushed to the Portland Gen eral hospital Sunday night where she underwent an appendectomy. Pharalee, the youngest child, just returned from Salem last week where she had 'a tonsiloc-tomy. Detroit News DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Miller and Marilyn are spend ing a few days in Eugene. Miller ia the mechanic at Marys Creek CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hay, who have been living In Wanda Berg land's house have left for their home at Silver ton. The Bud Harris logging com pany has closed down operations here for the winter. Mrs. Henry Beard Is still- In Salem at the bedside of her two and a half year old son. De Wayne, who was taken to a hospital two weeka ago suferlng with a rap tured appendix. - Dallas Schools Closed Monday System Shut Down After First Closing; New Band Stand Built DALLAS Dallas city schools closed Monday afternoon due to the large number of students and teachers absent on account of colds and flu. School will not re open until after the Christmas holidays. - In the high school lis" stu dents out of 380 were absent while about 70 were absent in the junior high and about 70 from the elementary building. Six teachers were absent Monday. Dallas schools closed last Thurs day afternoon but reopened Mon day when it was hoped the epi demic might have abated. With an even larger number of students and teachers out Monday it was thought advisable to close until after the holidays. Work is now in progress on the construction of a new band stand on the lawn of the Polk county courthouse. The new stand win be of stone construction and is a WPA pro ject. Roy Baker of the Oregon Lime stone Products company is donat ing the limestone rock for the walls of the band stand. The stone is the same as that used in the main part of the courthouse. The eight-room modern nurses' home, completed recently adja cent to the Dallas hospital, was open for inspection Monday. Call ing hours were from 2 to K o clock Monday afternoon and from 7 to & o'clock Monday night. The eight-room house Is of co lonial design and was built by Ora Lantx, contractor, of Rick real!. Religi ous Heads" Meet, Monmouth ' , 1 - MONMOUTHBeginnlnf JsnnT ary T and : continuing through January S, the Religious Guid ance committee of Oregon Col lege of " Education will; sponsor a series of discussion assemblies on the generalization and orien tation of religion - In respect to other phases of our culture. Porter Is Named By Dramatic Club SILVERTON HILLS F rank Porter was elected president of the Silverton Hfils Dramatic club at its annual meeting held In con junction with the Christmas party of the club Saturday night. The group were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Virgil Tscbantz. Elected to assist Porter were vice-president, Reta Maulding; secretary-treasurer, Lucile Mul- key; reporter, Bessie Porter. El don Mulkey is the outgoing pres ident. Present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey and Lucile and Morris of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mauldnf and Donald and Darrel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ho- ware, Maurice Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tschantz. Patients Improve At Local Hospital SILVERTON All patients at the Silverton hospital are Improv ing according to reports this week Mrs. Hilman Lovelien and in fant daughter were able to return to their home on Monday. Mrs. Lola Kirtley, J. J. Moe and George Schlechter, who have been at the hospital for medical treatment, are Improving. Mrs. Robert Morton will be able to return to her Waldo Hills home by the middle of the week. Mrs. Zelma Dale, who submitted to a major operation several days ago Is also reported much Im proved and Mrs. Minnie Le Febvre of Woodburn, who was brought here after an accidental gun wound, is reported much im proved. Turkeys Bring Win At Recent Show SHELBURN George Chrisman was awarded second prise on his turkeys at the Oakland showre- cently. Shelburn school will present its Christmas program at the school house Friday night. Silverton News SILVERTON Victor Sather has returned from a two weeks' trip spent In Minneapolis with his sis ter, Mrs. Ben Roisen and her family- Mrs. Maynard Shults of Shang hai arrived In San Diego during the week according to word re ceived by her mother, Mrs. Charles Davis. Shults, Who U in the US marines, is still In China. Mrs. Shults will -visit at Silverton dur ing the troubled conditions In the orient. T. T. Leonard has returned from a month's business trip to Chi cago. He is manager of the Win lock Handle factory here and at tended the manufacturers' con vention in the midwest. Because high school students have been unable to practice for the s t n d e n t body play "The Clutching Claw." which Is to be given under the direction of Guy DeLay, the date of the play has been postponed from January 14 to February 21. To facilitate greater shopping ease during the remainder of the days prior to Christmas, we win remain 3B .Evesy Elite Beginning Thcrsiav, Bcccz&cr llh h. To 1 -r:iT!i-hlU' fT3:-,. W. WC311U0 Ibll. aH ear employee a mksi Christmas, this store will close at CiOO p. wi. ow December 84Ui. - Father Alclun, OSB, from Mt. Angel win lead the discussion January , at a night meeting. Be will be -followed by Rabbi Henry J. Berkowlts of the Congregation Beth Israel In "Portland. Rabbi Berkowlts will speak at the regu lar convocation period Taesday morning. - f Dr. J. H. Ballard, minister of the First Presbyterian church. Portland, will speak the night of January S. " :E. A. Stebblns Is head of the OCE Religious Guidance commit tee, . Graveside Kites Held at'Shelbum SHELBURN, Graveside ser-" rices were held at Shelburn In ! the Miller cemetery for W. P.J Chilcotte, 73. Friday ; afternoon. Interment was beside, his wife' who died In 191 while the fam? tly was living In Shelburn. Chilcotte is survived by two children, Lester of Alsea and : Dorothy .Oliver ef Portland. ; 0r.ML I ,i iiii w m. m I -BSBSSS---- wins RECORD PLAYER With This BEAUTIFUL CONSOLE 2 gifts for the price of one! A $79.90 value. You buy this radio at its regular price and get absolutely free ejae a $9.95 &E. record plrer f Q V PHfS rftXC SIIYI-TtiY with MODERN HOME TOAIT-O-MATIC T0ASTE1 A 13" chrome servi-crsy, worth $2.00, with removable handle is yours free with the pur chase of this automatic toaster. A grand $Q95 present, HAVE YOUR CAR SAFTI-SURED HOLIDAY DRIVING Tircstonc CHAMPION TCZS The ultimate in non-skid safety and protection against blowouts ne gilt of year round safety. Before your trip, replace smooth, danger ously worn tires. emu natsTotw nus AatowlSS fc-OO-IS AMD YOUS OLB TUUC TSBSSJKM i 1 11 w. ..' . i fRIEKnlftSet. with this G.EJ MIXER General III 0k m a . j fi.t Bsctric KBdss CM. ...$.I0 fissjrsl Osetrk llM...$4.9S up Maker $4.tSop lust imaeinei A aennine Electric Mixer sod a FREE set of matched kitchen knives with black ebony handles two gifts for the price of one! A total value of IJUO and you get both these $f floe attractive gifts for only fj JRtt t SIIVIJUKIS wiHi YYtstiashouse ROASTER OVEN Mtesrs Hens Waffle ins... fs.es up I J LI . B. NEW! EFFE2ITI LumHone Table) LAMP RADIO Cream and gold lamp. Indirect and direct reflector type, 3 wsy selective lighting. Has 6 Imbts. No antenna oeeSr4 is mvi 7 1 f ' 1 Nj&V Faj ssJDrhfaif LkWi.ga.3Scm CsmfortaUs Drit CJmi.$t.ooup DtLmAstrf Ratit...$4e.es FJbsrtsrt : S Cmre .$ sVeg up Tnu remarkable roaster-oven easy to ate, attractive economical to operate. Christmas you get-sa gut 2 servi-irsmes free. CAR HEATER A winter driving gift that is always ap preciated. Can dc equipped with Custom-fit .-Defrosters. Has iadividoallf mis foot-warmers. IO Schick ELECTRIC RAZOR The gift to win his heart and whisk on nu Deara with the greatest of ease. SPECIAL VALUE RCA AUTO RADIO Compact, power ful, yet priced is L and g .Before extra 1 1 ftOiiei J lis heart At j beard 7' THE REPORTER Rich, walnut plastic cabinet. S tubes with built-in loop antenna and beam power output tube. $n Real value. 7 vvitte::,i TZ.'k "w. amazingly Itt-r, r?'Sfzr l K Here'e a gift UtAT J A wiUenioyforyeara.bn5:?f5Q' 3 f Amaxing $,-iSl X J r -7 M AY? A I R ?l JSA iJ Z-TV records. Phil, fi 'ifii y 1 1 p I Mtss- I bsrmonic Speaker, rT 113: 4. 1 built-in loop antenna i wstti:.etapr- l css;;.t$ep ijM.,5 ,:it?. .jr .-inur esSwwe fwtVwt I - W... M BtotU&t F I Salsrt..$3.ef up I ess-l-0enf J I TnRt...t ap I TtwChwUwftk 1 THi..$fMfap J K tffod ECIAL VALUE SPEED CHIEF A dream of a bike that is sure to be the eavy of the ncignoornood. This big, sturdy bicvcle I ' nrlroA rm ,- unusuauy low. rite Terns to Fit Yor !k TRICYCLES Three stresmhaed models, strong, sturdy. $ef Priced at Vu As iUustrstedSMJS GILBERT ERECTOR SETS Educational I jj v ' , and great fun I lXE 3Zi for boys. BuUd Jw li wora tog vrtj models. Sets trom 4tm ff t $12.93 WOOPY WOWSER Brighdy colored and lull oj acboa. Makes a ICR i I r -- 1. - JL - m a. AQt V -o.-,. A SKATES fi S K I P P Y ttt D Complete Hat of well built wagons. All $ms ttfUu Our As Illustrated Ill.tl If your boy wsati a sled Set bisa this fiae ssedet. ur to make him Iff! hsppy.. ......... Complete line of hockey aad figure skates for snea aad women, boys aad girls, at low prices. HOLOATE BINSO SO Babies love to poaad tL'fPZZl). the peg s. 98 Other Holgate Toys ep to $. LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN Accurate in detail wha longl!fs motors. . . . . . f . Iqc . A rlA rmsTing isatures sum ai ttectnc cowpuag, tre. fO to 25l2 The perfect Christmas gift for the youngster. $pcialCctrlc Fright Train. i........ $e.f Sioro Uill Do Open Uhfil O P. EL Every Ilighl Eiiccpl nnday Unlil Chrisbaos A AUTO! Y Ccalsr cl Llisrly SUPPLY izi SEDVICE STC2SS Pt:3 OKI t 7 1