The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1940, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tbe '.08EGOH STATESMAIL Salem. Oregon. Tuamdar Morolag. Deceanber 17. ISO
School Closed
In West Salem
115 Pupils Absent Monday;
Classes to Convene
ohoole wr closed yesterday
flllBliMd classes Monday morn
ing upon ascertaining lit of an
tnrollment of 250 pupils were
Absences hy grades Indicated
that 14 children were missing
trsm the Brat grade. It from the
ieeond. IT from the third, S from
the fourth, is from the tilth. 19
from i the sixth, if from the
eventh and IS from the eighth.
Deshlll said that school would
Be resumed Wednesday . morning,
tf also reported that many Ka
bila who appeared Monday with
pad eolds should have been kept
at home.
TaBflwwi Annovnteed
WEST 8ALKM The Laarel
Hour social ciuo will sold a
iuneheoa program at the Glen
Adams home at noon today. It la
to be the annual gift exchange.
If embers are asked to bring
some article of food which can
be packed into gift boxes for
some needy families. Members
Ira also asked to bring their own
table service. ,.'..
Arrangements for the luncheon
art under the direction of Mrs.
Myrtle Emmett, Mrs. Albert Bock
man and Mrs. C. I Jackson. In
barge of the program, are Mrs.
Jenaee Willis and Mrs. Muriel
Ton Galled off
WKST SALEM Ths silver tea
rhlch was to ' hare been held
rednesday afternoon by the
rest Salem Woman's , Society of
christian Serriee has- been post
poned for an indefinite period
Jhls action was necessary because
or tne many cases oi urn.
Hay esville Chefs
Hosts to Mothers
lng club, "HayesTllle Chefs,- en
tertained their mother at the
homo of Mrs. Chester Doolittle
Friday night.
After the business session,
games and contests were held. A
ift exchange among members and
surprise gift for each guest was
the bigs, lignt or tne meeting.
A lunch with Individual lighted
Christmas candles was served
Guests were Mrs. K. B. Bond,
Mrs. Ronald Hall, Mrs. Albert
Stettler, Mrs. W. Wooldridge, Mrs.
Chester Doolittle, Jean Stettler.
Dorothy Hartxell, Lola Hall and
Pauline TJnruh.
Club members present wore
Wanda and Beverley Wooldridge,
Elsie Stettler, Jean Doolittle, Shir
ley Hall, Margaret Unruh, Kitty
Mowry and Flora Bond.
Couple Pay Visit
To Salem JFolk
WEST SALEM Recent visitors
at the Preston Faught heme on
Magnolia street were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Alello of Portland.
Mrs. Alello is the former Elisa
Petrasso, who lived here for many
Mr. and Mrs. Alello were re
cently married and went to Los
Angeles for their wedding trip.
He is employed by a railroad
company In Portland.
Last Times Today
t T- , j'
- Companion Feature I
'She Couldn't Say Wo
Roger Pry - Cliff Edwards I
Last Times Toaita
Miriam Hopkins
Companion Featnre
- Gene Aatry
Jiiamle Dnranto in
First Film errymaklng of
The Air-Ware j Sensations of
"I'm a baaad boy" fame! ,
L ,, .
Starring This Atl-Star Cast
' Companion Featnro
TTho Three) Meaydtoesw
in . .
Big Monitions Liner Torpedoed
: ' '.'.-: . :
The Western Prince, 0820-ton British reftageo liner laden with n
boemd for England, was torpedoed in the AtUatlc December 14.
j tack, bo addltiosMil word on Its
trees to Mew York. UN photo.
Circle Club Meets
At Rockhill Home
er's Circle club met this week at
the home of Mrs. C. A. Rockhill
with Mrs. Giles Rockhill assisting
hostess. Twenty members and
three guests, Mrs. Carl Wood of
the Falrview district, Mrs, Henry
Yersteeg and Mrs. V. M. Wright
ot the Union vale community were
Dr. H. M. Stolte. ot the Yamhill
county health unit, was present
and outlined an educational health
program. Four reels of moving
pictures were shown, "Man
Against Microbe," "The Conquest
of Diphtheria" and a two reel film
on "Syphilis, Its Cause, Preven
tion and Cure."
The club will hold its annual
Christmas party and exchange of
gifts Friday night at the home of
Mrs. Charles Sergeant, with Mrs.
Clarence Badger assisting hostess,"
Sewing Class Has
Meeting, Brooks
BROOKS The sewing class
met at the home ot Mrs. Dollie
Ramp Friday afternoon. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess
after the meeting.
Those present were Mrs. M. F.
Day, Mrs. Nellie McNeff. Mrs.
Mary Ashbaugh, Mrs. Bertha
Bonn, Mrs. Willa Vinyard, Mrs.
Anna M. Dunlary, Ruth Sldebot
tom, Cleo Ramp, the instructor.
Mrs, Hanson, and the hostess,
Mrs. Dollie Ramp.
Another meeting will be held
Friday, to which all women are
extended an Invitation. Lessons
are free in basket weaving, knit
ting, crocheting and weaving.
Fanners Union
TALBOT Sidner TsJbot Farm
ers Union met Frldav nixht in the
Talbot school. B. B. Hennlngsen.
president or the local, was in
charge. About seventy members
were present. .
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Brown. Mrr
and Mrs. Dave Burnett, Mr. and
Mrs. r. D. BnrselL Mr. and Mrs.
John Calavan and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Chase were appointed on
the refreshment committee tor
the next meeting.
Georra Potts. lr.. made a report
fnr th rood of the order and
Gilbert Belknap gave a livestock
report. It was decided to omit
the December 26 meeting and
Januarav 10 will be the next
regular meeting. Plans are being
made to put on an oyster reea at
that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry EUaaon
were given the obligation and
made members ot Sidney Taioot
union. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dieriek and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrery were visit
ors of the vlocaL
Delegates appotntea 10 tne Mar
ion county Farmers Union con
vention to be held January 4 at
Liberty are E. B. Hennlngsen,
Hinrr HoeksDier. Oscar Hoven,
Sam Iungen, C. F. Johnston, John
Jai)l rhrls Jorrenson. Fred
Jorgensott. Richard King and W.
R. McAllister.
Alternates are Mrs. E. B. Hen
nlngsen, Mrs. Henry Hockspler.
Mrs. Oscar Hoven. Mrs. Sam Inn-
gen, Mrs. C. F. Johnston, Mrs.
John Jones. Mrs. Fred Jorgenson.
and Mrs. Richard King.
niMini windarkehr and Donna
Zehner furnished accordlan mu-
sie 'and David Tnrnidge snowea
moving pictures. Lunch was served
after the meeting.
txmrkrmrrRnr- Tna Wood bur a
local of the Farmers union will
hold their regular meeting on
Wednesday night la the grange
haiu . .
All members are urged to be
muh tia each one is reauested
to bring a new member.
Election 1 or new omcers
If 41 will be held. Refreshments
will be served at the close of the
meeting, c : - r ' v":- : --
iiast Times -xwoar
' Jnrfv ' Cnnora la
: ''Scailcrtriua
-- witn
fate wae received, Sbo Is pictured
Pierre Laval
pr- 1.,1J,,..,J1,,, L w, , ,, lu,.,
I ', c w.-:7 :,w rrKSr-. ;
:nit -inr - 1'
ftlnrshal Philippe PetaJn has ou&ted Pierre Laval (right) from all coav
" nectkm with the tcovenuneat of France and has disclosed that For
mer Premier Pierre Etienne-Flandln (left) has replaced Laval as
foreign minister.
Monmouth Civic Club Turns Project
For Park Upkeep Over to Gty Dads
MONMOUTH Members of the Civic club, Thursday
concurred that the park project be considered completed,
inasmuch as the club has worked actively toward its consist
ent improvement with final con
struction last summer of a con
crete fountain.
The club has asked that city of
ficials take over the future ad
ministration of the park, and that
a park board of three members be
appointed to function in coopera
tion with the city.
It is believed that this will leave
the club free to direct its energies
into other channels. Mayor F. R.
Bowersoz has indicated the city's
willingness for coalition of park
The Simpson house project also
came In for discussion. The Civic
club has accepted responsibility
for acting as a "guardian" for the
house which was recently donated
for a community house by J. E.
Simpson of Boise.
The club hopes to have the house
utilized in future by as many oth
er groups as possible, thus secur
ing financial and general partic
ipation in the project, in a shared
community cooperation.
Suggestions have been made
that this house, centrally located,
would offer convenient club house
facilities for social gatherings,
thus becoming an income produc
ing project. If sufficient funds
could be made available to reno
vate and furnish it.
Another suggestion has been
that a portion of the house might
be adapted for use of the city li
brary, now housed in the city hall.
Mrs. C. O. Sloper of Indepen
dence gave a talk on The Home
in Yuletlde Dress.
Hostesses were Mrs. F. K. Cham
bers, Mrs. Ira Powell and Miss
Hilda Swenson. Mrs. F. R. Bow
ersox presided at the urns.
Fire Department
Answers Call
LEBANON Saturday ahorUy
before noon, the fire department
answered a call to the tire shop
of O. C. Mobley on East Grant
The fire which started from an
overheated, flue was confined to
the attic and roof and damage
was smalL
'Strilio Up lio
2nd Hit
'Tier 13
in Atlantic
henry cargo of n
Honrs after Im
i ac
abOTO as she
and Successor
Call Board
Today Don Ameche, Andrea
Leeds, Al Jolson in "8 wanes
River, and Tony Martin in
"Winner Take All."
Thursday Henry Fonda in
"Young Mr. Lincoln." and
Brian Donlevy in "Sharpshoot
Today Judy Canova in "Scatter
brain." and Victor McLaglen.
Jackie Cooper in "The Big
Wednesday Edmund Lowe tn
"The Witness Vanishes." and
Bill Elliott la "Lons Star
Friday Gene Autry In "Carolina
Moon. and Anita Louise la
"Hero for a Day."
Today Vivien Leigh, Robert Tay
lor la "Waterloo Bridge." Leon
Errol. Dennis O'Keefe In "Pop
Always Pays."
Thursday "Goldwyn Follies"
with Edgar Bergen. Charlie
McCarthy and the Rita Broth
ers, and Hopalong Caasldy In
"Stagecoach War."
Today Mickey Rooney, Judy
Garland in "Strike Up the
Band." and Lynn Barl Lloyd
Nolan in "Pier 1 J.
Thursday Bob ' Hope, Martha
Raye in "Never Say Die." and
John Payne. Gloria Dickson in
"King of the Lumberjacks."
Today Jeanette MacDonald. Nel
son Eddy In "Bitter Sweet" and
Roy Pryor, Eve Arden in "She
Couldn't Say No."
Wednesday The Marx Brothers
in "The Marx Brothers Go
West." and Sigrid Gurle, Ralph
Byrd la "The Dark Streets of
Today Miriam Hopkins, Claudei
V a a are a- a JW
nains in 4 tie uoy wica (tea
Hair," and Gene Autry, Jimmy
Durante in "Melody Ranch.
Wednesday Allan Jones, Naaey
Kelly in "One Night In the
. Tropica," and The Three Mes
qulteers In Trail Blasers. r
Saturday Marlene Dietrich la
: "Seven Sinners,". and Jack Holt
in "A Fugitive From .'a Prie
. on Caarp." . .
Wed. ' :t
Vivien Leigh
R. Taylor in
. fSHdjce-
"Pop Al
ways Fays
Dallas Qiamber
Elects Directors
Home fighting Contest Is
not Sponsored 1 Members
Ask for Old Toy
DALLAS The regular lunch
eon meeting of the Dallas cham
ber of commerce was held Friday
noon. Oramel 8h reeve, president,
presided at the meeting.
Three directors were elected
for n three year period. These
are E. J. Page. Frank Gay and
Walter Mulr. -
A letter was read by the presi
dent from H. C Seymour. 8 tats
4H club leader, expressing his ap
preciation to the chamber ot com
merce for the excellent program
arranged for the annual 4H
Achievement day held here re
C. B. Saaberg, chairman of
the Christmas street lighting com
mlttee. and Fred West, who was
la charge ot the work, received a
vote ot thanks from group for
their work In this matter.
Following a brief discussion.
the members voted not to sponsor
a Christmas home lighting contest
this year.
It was announced that a toy
shower would be held at the meet
ing on Friday, December 20. Toys
received will be turned over to
the Dallas tire department for dis
tribution to needy children of the
community at Christmas time.
A budget committee composed
of E. J. Page, Philip Hayter and
Maurice Dalton were appointed to
draw up a budget for 1941 and to
submit the tentative budget to the
chamber of commerce at the first
meeting in January.
W. C Carroll ot Greaham was a
special guest at the luncheon.
A special fun feature was a
quia program with E. J. Page and
O. B. Sunberg as winners.
A ' directors meeting was held
and Philip Hayter was elected
president of the chamber of com
merce for th new year; Laird V.
Woods, vice-president; William
Bleckley, secretary sad August
Rlsser, treasurer.
WilLert Chilcote
Buried, Shelburn
ALBANY Funeral services for
Wllbert P. Chicolte. 73. who died
at the family home Tuesday af
ternoon, were held from the Free
Methodist church Friday with
Rev. J. R. Milton. Rev. V. M. Ab
bott and Rev. M. Starkey In
charge. Burial was made la the
Shelburn cemetery. Mr. Chilcote
had been In poor health for the
past several years.
Born in Tescolla. HI., on July
10, 1st 7. Chicote made his home
in that state and in Missouri un
til 1817 when he came to Oregon.
In ltlf he moved to Jefferson.
Later he moved to Shelburn and
to Corvallls before coming to Al
bany where he has made his home
for around 11 yeara. He was a
blacksmith and upholsterer by
While living at Clinton, Mo.,
Chilcote married MatUe M. Curtis
la '1900. Following her death
which occurred at Shelburn. he
married Eleanor Webb of Yachats.
She survives as do two children,
Lester Chilcote of Alset and Mrs.
Dorothy Ollirer of Portland, and
two step children. Gene and Carl
Gregory of Albany.
He Is also survived by three
brothers, William of Corvallls,
Prank of Toledo and Earl of Til
lamook, and a sister In Missouri.
Moen Home Burns
At Evens Valley
pletely destroyed the Julius Moen
home here Monday morning.
Moen got up and built the fire
and had gone back to bed. A fire
call was sent to Silverton and
while the department responded
at once, firemen were unable to
save more than Jast a few pieces
of furnltare.
Last week the Moeas figured
la an accident near Salem.
Note the useless end on
a. S m aww
mo. I I ha post obstruction
destroys half the Ironer's irH&fy.
Now look at Ironer
No. 2 Both ends
are open and unob
structed over the
big feed board.
ONLY the .
rty feature. Why buy half an ironer when you can buy
an IRONR1TE on terms to suit your convenience.
In New Murphy Bid?.
260 Slate Street Phone 6022
"Strictly Private"
rw . 1 'j - - m
It 1. .e .1
Yf rWWtfael0lC. OrWatUJL aTh DUU "MUt. M
I ut UiUoxj k.ikxk.H J
(UtfttttveV ZjUL. RUM'-' .
W&1 Cam.
CbAsM (sta Cam-
Christmas Pageants Are Planned by
Churches at Independence, Dec 19
INDEPENDENCE The Independence churches have
various Christmas programs planned which will be present
ed on December 19 to 22 inclusive.
Two outstanding ones will be
given by the Methodist church.
Thursday night at 8 o'clock a
Christmas concert will be pre
sented: "The Wonderful Story.
choir; reading, "The Christmas
Story;" "The Manger Lullaby."
choir; selections, Willamette uni
versity string trio; "Brightest
and Best of the Sons of the Morn
ing." quartet; "Shine. O Wonder
ful Star," choir; offertory: solo.
O Holy . Night." Mrs. Carolyn
Sullivan; ,T h e Birthday of a
King " choir: benediction and re
sponse by the string trio, choir
and audience.
The concert Is under the direc
tion of Lawrence Guderian, pas
tor and Wendall A. Johnson, mu
sic director.
On Friday night the Methodist
Sunday school program will pre
sent "The Night Before Christ
mas." Mae Mae Ellen Harmon;
cornet solo, "O Holy ,Night." Bet
ty Belle Henry; pageant. -The
First Noel;" poem. "Abiding
Peace," Carol Conover; farce.
Her Christmas Hat." Margaret
Trayler. Dorine Irvine, Bethel
Conover. Llla Kaeale. Colleen
Fox. Mary Trayler, Frances Rose.
Virginia Harmon and Audrey
Rose: song. Max Bullock and Ray
mond Reed.
On Friday night the Presby
terian church Christmas commit
tee haa planned an' extensive pro
gram: "Holy Night in ueinie
hem," a play, presenting Joseph,
Mary, inn-keeper, the shepherds,
townspeople, shopkeeper and the
Wise Men; four songs rrom tne
primary department.
On Sunday morning, uecemoer
If. the choir under the direction
of Henrietta Wolfer, will present
selections from the cantata. "A
King U Born" by Howard Rows
On Friday night the Baptist
Sunday school will present their
Christmas program.
On Sanday night, December St,
the choir will present a cantata
pageant en U tied. "Pilgrims to
Elaborate settings, costumes
and lighting effects are being
Mrs. O. G rover. Mrs. Loyal
Vlckers are directing it.
Golden Wedding Observed
HUBBARD The golden wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Adams will be observed next Sun
day at the Congregational church.
There will be a no-host dinner at
noon, and a wedding ceremony
la the afternoon.
Ironer (
this patented double ut3-
Trraut mt Lam s$
By Qtiinn Hall
-a. . a
6SJt -tIxJU. -
West Salem News
WEST 8ALEM George Willis.
Second street, made a trip to
Washington last week.
Has Operation
Charlotte Lightfoot. daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Lightfoot,
underwent a mastoid operation
Tuesday morning. She Is improv
ing rapidly.
Honors Mother
Mrs. H. C Whits entertained
at her home oa Edgewater street
Thursday In honor or her mother,
Mrs. J. W. Buncle. on the occa
sion of her 79th birthday.
Is Bnrwed
Mrs. Florence Van Hess was
badly burned when she fainted
and fell against the stove la her
Xngoree Move
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kilgore and
two children hare moved into a
house in the 1300 block on
Franklin street. They formerly
lived in Salem. Kilgore Is ' a
Goes to Mexico
Ben Felger or Ruge street left
this week on a trip Into Mexico.
Bus Painted
The old city bua la back on the
route again after having been
overhauled -and -repainted. E. P.
Leek is the driver.
Woodbnrn Camp Fire
Girls Get Beads
WOODBURN The Camp Fire
Girls at their last council awarded
honor beads and presented Jean
Bentley with her trail seekers pin.
which she earned by being the
first to attain first rank.
Other girls who have earned
their trail seekers pins are Irene
Monaler and Ethel Budeaa.
mv U hum u
llieraj Kmm Tup
ur. i r - r n w rii wear
JrV l -TL'S df J X
aVwthrrn Pacific eaTca yon wide
- variety of low fates so ell points
For cnatplst
sVeWCsV awtaef ' sMsfCsn' eMttel
iSttU S2SJ50 -
r ICS A."nrS cxl Isd
tzxus " tstzs 4 tHJS
e' awsrsaataw ew"gyaus4 SJV
ShmSr lour tammMf fmtt s
Baiinnig Texts at
Silverton "Asked
list Submitted by Reeves
May Act This Week
8ILVERTON The r e m o Tat
from the Silverton schools of Si
text hooka and magnate on. named
by the Americanism committee of
the Delbert Reeves . post .No. T..
American Legion, as subversive,
was asked by a special resolution,
sent to the school board from the.
post. - . - . - f
Action from the board la ex
pected daring the coming week.'
and. atatee the petition, should:
the removal of the hooks he re-,
fused by the hoard, the poet in
tends to take the matter before'
the court of public opinion. -
The petition bears he eignature,
of F. M. Powell, commander, aneV
Lynn Bragg, adjutant.
Attached aa "substantiating;
evidence" are clippings from taw
November Issue of ScrIbnern
Commentator, in which Harold
Rugg. whose text hooks are par
ticularly attacked, la named a
"the author ot a aeries of plate
text hooka which have found their
way into nearly .(. American,
pubUc schools," and Raymond
Morleys article on "Americanism
in Our Schools." published ra
Newsweek. December IS. IS it.
together with articles which hare
appeared in "The American Le
gion Magaxlae."
Included Is the petition, besides
a large number of books by Pro
fessor H. O. Ragg and a number
of George S. Counts', editor of
"Social Frontier." are "Ctrie Edu
cation Service." Beard A Massy;
"European Civilization and Poli
tics Since ISIS" by Ertck Achorn;
"We the People" by Leo Huber
man; "Leadership In a Changing
World" by. Ruth Wanger and
David Hoffman: "The Mythe of
Rugged Individualism" by Charles
A. Beard; "Russian Primer."
translated by O. S. CouU;
"Handbook of the Soviet Dnton."
America n-Russo chamber of mas'
merce; and "New Russia's Prim.
r" by Marsh ak, translated by
G. S. Counts.
Swegle PTA Holds
Holiday Program
SWEGLE The regular meet
ing of the Parent-Teachers a ss 1 1 1
atioa will be held in the evhool
auditorium tonight.
A Christmas program will he
given with a guest speaker giving
tne unnstmas story.
Mothers of sixth grade Moils
are hostesses. Women are asked
to bring pie for the refreshment
Everyone who has material for
the ram mage sale Is asked Is hi lag
It to the school house.
The sale will be held oa Deensn
ber IS and 10 at 1J North HfrTn.
Call Mrs. V. M. LaDue if wtaavhan
some to call for articles for thin
f e Leave your faixbial car
in the garage and save the
and seer oca long won
2o Board a warm, coxy
Southern Padac trsia, EeUa
and enke k easy while the
engineer drives yon swtfdy
and safety ea your rier? ianrlosy
Arrive seallr ratlai, not wen -.en
by n long tioag drive.
.S (Si Wiar,
I River X-J' Take. I
I with 1 I Air J
I Do" If Tor I
I Amecho If Mar-tbs I
I Andrea f Gloria A
II eVN St fl
I 1 JaarusM I f
Ticket Agewt
rtaetne 4408