The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 07, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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Tbm OREGON STATESMAN, j Solem. Orwtjon, Saturday Morning. December 7. 1343
page sn-
Alumnae Are
Entertained '
Mrs. Marrln Brink and Mrs.
lobert Rieder entertained the
elta Phi ilumnae t the Walter
Smith home on Mission itreet
mrsday night. A late tapper
llrwed a business meeting.
A Officer of the alumnae group
ire Mrs. V e r n "Bain, president;
ulss Doris Unrah. vee-presldent ;
Mrs. Robert Rieder, program
lhairman; , Mrs. Jdervin Brinlc.
; The group maAe plans for the
- innual tea to bo held in Febru
: try and the meeting day of the
rroap has been changed from the
ret .Thursday-' to tbe second
rharsday In the month.
i , Present were Mrs. Verne Bain,
Mrs. Leo Margoeian. Mrs. Stere
inderson, Mrs. Roy Ferris, Mrs.
William Thome, Miss Bertha
eabcoek. Miss Marian Brets, Miss
artha Roddy, Miss Doris Unruh.
Miss Marjori Van de Walker. Mrs.
; tfervin Brink and -Mrs, Robert
Maccabees Elect
New Officers
Maccabees of Capital Tent
Hire, No. S4-D, met in the Fra
ternal temple Thursday night and
elected Charles Creasy, Jr.. and
Clive W. Smith to membership.
Elisabeth Foil is, captain of the
-women's team, led Glen New
land's team in the membership
contest held recently. The win
ners will be honored with a ban
quet. A no-host dinner will also
be held Thursday. December 19,
preceding the regular meeting.
Officers elected included past
commander, John Riches; com
mander. Glen Newland; It. com
mander, Mamie Robinett; record
. keeper, Jessie Follis; chaplain.
Laura Douglas; sergeant, Oscar
Deeneer; master - at - arms, Ed
mond Flawn: first lady of guard.
Leota Howe: second lady of
guard. Vera White; sentinel,
- Geogre Howe; picket, Edith
Strang; trustee, third lerm. Oscar
Good Neighbors
Members of the Good Neighbor
club honored the birthday anni
versaries of Mrs. Lyle Castor
and Mrs. Austin Cater when Mrs.
John Olsen was hostess at a 1
o'clock luncheon at her Monroe
avenue home Thursday.
Holly and rea tapers formed
the attractive center piece where
covers were placed for Mrs. Wil
liam McKinney. Mrs. Milton
Steward, Mrs. Ilarrel Dickey.
Mrs. Curtis Odenberg, Mrs. Pearl
Upson, Mrs. Mysta Hendricks,
Mrs. Stuart Johns. Mrs. Lyle
Castor. Mrs. J. C. Courtnier, Mrs.
John St. Clair, Mrs. Austin Cater
and the hostess, Mrs. Olsen. Later
tables were made up for pinochle
with honors going to Mrs. Lyle
Castor and Mrs. Austin Cater.
The Christmas party will be
held at the home of Mrs. John
St. Clslr on December 19th.
Theta Alumnae
Are Feted
Mrs. James Sears, Mrs. Tom
Wood and Mrs. Charles Helttel
entertained the Kappa Alpha
Theta alumnae at the former's
home Thursday night. The group
knitted on a Bundle for Britain
and made plans for the Christ
mas basket.
Members present were Mrs.
George Hug, Mrs. George Hoff
man, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Mrs.
Donald MeCargar, Mrs. Charles
HeltxeL Mrs. James Sears, Mrs.
Tom Wood, Miss Frances Jensen.
Miss Shirley Cronemiller and
Miss Bobbe Shlnn.
Winter Clothes
Left, LaciHe BaS;
f V: ( . (.V : . J M ' (W -7 X
U v--1!. I ' hi
17 )'ir' ) Jr. (tV
' l ' I I i ''Fsi YS
K'::.j y ifi'
I ... " 1 m , . I:
: Kow that winter is here It is hard to tret clothes
that vili be both smart and comfortable ;ln and
cut-cM rs.- The new costumes shown above solve
- that circuity. Left. Lucille Ball has chosen the
perfect dress for a long winter's wear. It is made
- r i aqua wool Jersey, with s yoke embroidered, with
: v-er bugle beads. Silver beads are also used to
the black velvet hat. For the important din
rcr Cut the frock worn by Ann Miller, center, is
jst x!ht- ' It..Is in' black satin with slim skirt
JihL'y t!raped at one side. -A hato hat of black .
Orera broadcasts from the Met
ropolitan Opera House will be re
sumed this morning at 10:66 and
featuring "The Marriage of Fig
aro" by Moiart.
In honor of Sibelius' 75th birth
day, the NBC Symphony and the
New Nork Philharmonic symphony
are devoting their programs to the
works of the Finnish composer.
Weed-end radio programs are
as follows:
KEX 10:65 a.m. Metropolitan
Opera. The Marriage of Figaro
by Mosart, conducted by Ettore
Caantaaa A!aati'ra..liabta, Kethbarg
Cherubic 0 .Jamil NoTataa
Suaanna Lieia Albaneaa
Tifaro - Pls
Coaat AlnaviT Joaa BrowilM
Btrtolo (debut.) Barrator Baeealom
KEX :35 p.m. Arturo Toscanlnj
conducts the NBC Symphony
orchestra in an all-Sibelius pro
gram. Second Symphony In D.
Jonpola's Daughter, Swan of
Tuonels, Finlandia.
KEX 9 a.m. Music Hall sym
phony; Poldl Mlldner. pianist.
KOIN U noon Philharmonic
Symphony orchestra conducted
by John Barblrolli; soloist. Git
ta Gradora, piano.
The Betnrn af Lamounkainan, Sym
phony No. 1, ia B mi a or ..Bibcliot
Raapaody on a Thrme of Paraniai
Finlandia Sibcliaa
KEX 3 p.m. Metropolitan opera
KOIN 6 p.m. Ford Sundsy even
ing Hour; Eugene Ormandy,
conductor; Jussl RJoerllng,
OTrtira to "'Roman Carnival". .Bfxlioi
Ch gtliJa manina from "Lm Bo-
krai' ' Puccini
Mr. Bjoerlfag and orchestra
inf of the Apprentieg and Kb
trance of tha Maatcraingeri from
"The Manterainrara" Wagar
Fral Motion 8traoa
A Dreaa Bartlctt
tarantella . Roninl
11 r. Bjoerlinf and orchestra
Valae Blnctt ... . Drifo
t'nicuU, Fualrola Drnia
Mr. Bjoerlinf, choraa and vrrhotra
Firat Rumanian Rhapiody nrsc
l-ad on. O King Eternal Kmart
Mr. Bjoerlinf, chomt, auditor
and ovhratra.
Book Club Meets
At Bennett Home
Mrs. Frank Bennett was hos
tess to the Book-A-Month club
at her home Thursday afternoon.
A dessert luncheon was served
and a book review given by one
of the members. Mrs. Cora Duna
ven was a special guest. The
January meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Fred S. Anun
sen and Mrs. J. P. Smart will
give the book review.
Members present were Mrs.
Fred Annnsen, Mrs. Eric Butler,
Mrs. John Carkin, Mrs. Ira Darby,
Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. O. A.
Macy, Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff, Mrs.
J. P. Smart. Mrs. H. O. White,
Mrs. David A. Wright. Mrs. Ray
A. Yocom and Mrs. Frank Ben
nett. . .
Problem Solved by
center Aid right, Aaa Miller; below,
V Editor .
, felt with gold tUigTee feather trim is worn with- it, v.
- and the accessories are suede. - Right. Ann is wear- ; u
i Inf a three-piece suit.- The top coat is rust wool. ;
and the suit of golden beie fianneL All acces-.. ,
aories are ta rust, to match the topcoat, with a . . ..
' golden, quill to trim the hat. For country Wear t I
Martha CDriacon,. below, inset. Is modeling: a re- .
venrible jackef with a hoooV, the latter. Jinr re-i-movable.
One. side f the coat is beffe, the other 4
jclorful plaW.--A warn,-woolly frock-ef'rutti5l i(
beige plaid It worn undr. the. jacket." - - " .
Pro America, Marion hotel,
a p.m.
Executive' board, American
Legion auxiliary, 7:10 p.m. of
ficers and committee chairmen
at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Walter Zo
sel. Salem Deaconess hospital
auxiliary, at hospital, X p. m.
Delta Phi Mothers club v at
sorority. 1510 Court street. X
p. m. -
Macleay 4M club luncheon
with Mrs. Homer Harrison,
1:16 p.m.
Alpha Phi Alpha, dessert
luncheon, 1 p. m. at Chapter
Rainbow Girls meet at Ma
' sonic temple, 7:30 p.m.
Nebraska club, KP hall, 7:30
MIA of Latter Day Saints
church box social, Cottage and
Chemeketa street, 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Spaulding
Is Hostess
Mrs. Walter Spaulding enter
tained members of her club and a
few additional guests at her home
on Court street Friday afternoon.
A one o'clock luncheon was fol
lowed by several hours of contract
and the Christmas motif was used
in the table appointments and dec
orations. Special guests were Mrs. C. W,
Parker, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs.
Frank Brown, Mrs. Robert W.
Craig, Mrs. Leona Johnson and
Mrs. Fred Anunsen. Members are
Mrs. L. C. McLeod, Mrs. J. M.
Devers, Mrs. H. S. Swart. Mrs.
Charles Cole. Mrs. Oscar Cutler,
Mrs. John Carkin and Mrs. Spaul
ding. a
PEP Teachers
Have Party
The PEP Teachers' club enter
tained with a dinner party at
the Quelle Wednesday night
with Mrs. Agnes Booth and Mrs.
Carmallte Weddle as hostesses.
A gayly decorated Christmas
tree graced the table and gifts
were exchanged by members and
Guests Included Mrs. Lucille
Kennedy, Miss Mathilda Gllles
and Marie Schulke. Members
present included Thelma Mac
Donald, Caremlita Barquist, Mar
garet Barquist, Clara Jones, Edna
Grant, Charlotte Jones, Willow
Evans, Lauretta Martin, Grace
Craig, Jessie Rains, Grace Sehon,
Elsie Carpenter, Agnes Booth,
Elizabeth Smith and Carmallte
The next meeting will be held
Wednesday, January 8 th, with
Mrs. Lauretta Martin and Mrs.
Willow Evans as hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ecclea are
entertaining as their weekend
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Ec
cles of Portland. The visitors will
be here for the Young Republican
convention today.
New Costumes
Iartha 0;DrbcoU
1 1
Card Parties
Are Events
Of Week
A large' group of Salem1 matrons
nave been attending bridge bene
fit parties this week for the
Philharmonic orchestra. - -
On Friday afternoon Mrs. Irl
McSherry entertained . at a des
sert bridge at her home on State
street. Honors In cards went to
' Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde and Mrs.
Charles Fonlger. Bouquets rot
chrysanthemums and v carnations
were used about the guest rooms.
Playing at the affair, were Mrs.
8. Dietrich. Mrs, George Stephens,
Mrs. Fred Keller, Mrs. Gene Van
deneynde, Mrs. L. T. G raves, Mrs
Paul Morse, Mrs. Sidney A. King,
Mrs. J. H. Merrill. Mrs. A. M, Hoi-"
comb, Mrs." Jule C. Llndley, Mrs,
Herman Miller, -Mrs. J.-Deane Pat
terson, Mrs. E. C. Mennls, Mrs. W
A. Cladek, Mrs. B. TV Reld, Mrs.
E. M. Papensas, Mrs. S.I W. Mor
gan, Mrs. H. Kaiser, Mrs. Glenn
Seeley, Mrs. Frank Prime, -Mrs.
Merle D. Travis, Mrs. Gordon Bar
ker, Mrs. L. D. Howell, Mrs.
Charles Foulger, Mrs. Etham
Grant. Mrs. Millard Pekar, Mrs.
Don Patton, Mrs. Harry Craln,
Mrs. C. K. Logan, Mrs., William
H. Burghardt, Mrs. O. J. Myers,
Mrs. R. C. Blaxall, Mrs. II. F.
Beanchamp, Mrs. Loretta Rosheim
and MiJ McSherry.
Evening Parties
Thursday night Dr. and Mrs.
W. Wells Baum were hosts for a
benefit party at their home in
Ben Lomond park. A dessert sup
per was served with an evening
of csyds following.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Max
Page, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Titus,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lamport,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald C Roberts and
Dr. and Mrs. Baum.
Senator and Mrs. Ronald Jones
entertained with a card party at
their suburban home for the bene
fit of the orchestra on Thursday
night. A late supper was served
after an evening of contract.
Prixes went to Mrs. Allan Carson
and Mr. Ralph Campbell.
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Carson. Mr. and Mrs. George
Alexander, Senator and Mrs.
Douglas McKay, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Campbell snd Senator and
Mrs. Jones.
Exchange Dinner
On Thursday
The Delta Phi and Alpha Phi
Alpha sorority girls enjoyed an
exchange dinner on Thursday
night at their respective houses
on Court street.
At the Delta Phi house covers
were placed for Mrs. Frank
James, the Misses Grace Jackson,
Barbara Vlesko, Mary Swisher,
Josephine Miller, Maxine Good
enough. Frances Tatro, Mary
Barker, Rowena Upjohn, Dorothy
Ann Paddock, Barbara Ferguson,
Betty Keller, Betty Ann Kellar,
and Doris Harrold.
Guests at the Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority were Mrs. William E.
Kirk, the Misses Esther Gunnes
dal, Mary Jane Smith, Helen
Dean, Chloe Anderson, Jean
Geddes, Gwen Griffith, Dorothy
Tate, Marian Sanders, . Charlotte
Ellingworth, Hilda Crawford,
Helen Davis, Laura Lee Tate and
Gayle Dennison.
Miss Hayden Is
The P. L. E. and F. met with
Miss Daisy Hayden, Thursday
night. Members present were
Mrs. p. Andresen, Mrs. Sylvia
Kelly Furlough. Mrs L. B. Hlx
on, Mrs. W. J. Peck, Mrs. Laura
Johnson, Mrs. Earl Burk, Mrs.
Dorthy Wilson, Mrs. Charles
Kinser and the hostess, Daisy
After a short business session
cards were in play, prizes going
to Mrs. Sylvia Furlough and Mrs.
L. B. Hixon. Refreshments were
served at ajate hour.'after which
the group adjourned, to meet
with Mrs. Peck on December 1 9
for the Christmas party.
Congratulation are beins' eent
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Chapin In
Palo Alto, Calif., on the birth of
a son. November 20, at the Palo
Alto hospital. The baby has been
named Norman MacPherson
Chapin. Mr. Chapin Is professor
of speech at Stanford university
and a former Willamette univer
sity faculty member.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Noble
Dutton (Oma Davis) of-Vernonla'
will be. interested to .learn, that
they are the parents of a aon,
David Matlock, born December X
at the Wilcox Memorial hospital
in Portland. The Duttons are
former Salem residents.
Miss Mabelle LUbur-a, Miss
Maxine Goodenough and Mr. Rob-
ert Mealy were among those mo
toring to Portland last night to
the Frits Kreisler concert . ; ; 1
j ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Winston
(Melba Riopelle) of Portland,
have been visiting In the capital
for several days. J .-
Aumsville Women
Attend Quilting
AUMSVILLE A group . of; lo
cal women atended the all day
quilting of the Tillicum club
Wednesday.. 'Quilts r were com
pleted . for Mrs. Gu Harris and
Mrs. Gullifprd. A covered 1 dish
luncheon was served at.the jioon"
hour, and -a social , hoar planned"
for next - Wednesday's meeting. ; ) 1
Dayton Ovic ; ti -iV
dob Bleeu . h ,.;. -4,-
' ' '...-;:;' " - " i-Z'st' S
DAYTON There were 14 mem
bers of the' DaytonTclvic club at
tended the -December meeting
Tuesdav afternoon. Tuberculosis..
Ita start,, srmptoms-and-eoatrol'
and. a description .of 4ke.tbreu
losts bosplUl twaa jtfven. ly.i.Mrs.
Ear Coburn.-ir 'e ...
i Mrs." Earl Coburn an.tMr;T
W. uurae were nostess. , ,
Laura Wheeler Doll Is Fun to
Make and Dress ? .
i ew sm . 4"
Doll-making is always fun. Start
now on this easily sewn doU with
i. M..t.i
yarn curls. It takes little material
for her and her clothes. Her old-
fashioned costume will make her
equally popular as decoration or
toy at Xmas. Pattern 2B78 Con-
Final Card Party
Held Wednesday
The card party held Wednesday
night at the Veterans of Foreign
Wars hall was the last of the
series sponsored by the Veterans
of Foreign Wars auxiliary.
Those present were: Mrs. Edna
M. Nelson, Mrs. Amy Mariels,
Mrs. Bob Tusslng, Mrs. David
Furlough, Mrsf Barbara Cameron,
Mr. and Mrt. Clyde Crawford,
Miss Margaret Prince, Mrs. Frank
Whltamore, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mudd, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Irons,
Mrs. Hasel Schrunk, Miss Mary
R. Staley, Mr. and Mrs. L. V.
Perkins, Mr. C. R. James, Mrs.
Cyril Nadon, Mr. Clara Veeves,
Mr. Ive Stirminan, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Hans Hofstet
ter, Mrs. E. R. Owens, Mrs. Chris
Free, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rlngwald,
Mrs. E. A. Goodrich, Mrs. George
Bressler, Mr. and Mrs". Onas Ol
son, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wolfe.
The committee in charge was:
Mrs. Onas Olson, Mrs. Clyde
Crawford, Mrs. Barbara Cameron,
Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Miss Margaret
Prince. The regular meeting of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliary will be held Monday
night at the Veterans of Foreign
Wars ball.
Meyers Will Be
Hosts Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Meyer will
be hosts to members of their
club at supper on Sunday night.
An evening of cards will be In
play following the supper hour.
Members of the group are Mr.
and Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Dr. and
Mrs. Frank Prime, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Newman, Mr. and Mrs. B.
E. Owens and Mr. and, Mrs. Meyer.
m joss
. . jT - aBiL tt i i - i-t
tains a pattern and directions for
making; the u . Inch doll and
clothes; materials required,
gend Ua cenU ,n coln for thU
pattern to The Oregon Statesman,
Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly
Mehama Woman's
Club Meets
The Mehama Woman's club
met at the home of Mrs. Keith
Phillips, Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Dake was assistant
a Twenty members and three
guests, Mrs. Jack Rylant, Miss
Bernlce Black and Mrs. Phillips
were present.
The business session perfected
plans for the bazaar December 14
to be held at the school house
at 8 o'clock. There will be a
program, games, refreshments
and fancywork.
The club will meet with Mrs.
Ercill Wilson on December 18.
Sewing Group
The sewing group of the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary met at the
country home of Mrs. Klony
Smith, Thursday. Articles for
the bazaar to be held December
20-21 were completed.
Refreshments were served and
a social hour was enjoyed. Pres
ent were Mrs. J. A. Garson, Ella
Voves, Addle Wilks, Jessie Rod
man, Mrs. Lloyd Perkins and the
hostess, Mrs. Smith.
The next meeting of the group
will be at the home of Jessie
Rodman, 1028 Winter street, De
cember 12, at 2:00 o'clock.
The Child Welfare committee
of the American Legion auxiliary
met at the home of Mrs. Onas
Olson, Thursday night. Plans
were developed for Christmas ac
tlvitles connected with child wel
fare. Refreshments were served
by the hostess. Present were
Mrs. J. H. TurnbulL Mrs. Austin
Wilson, Mrs. William J. Hardy
and Mrs. Olson.
Actually, It's just that easy! A comfortable chair, a few minutes
of freedom . and the advertising pages of this paper can, save
you money every day in the week!
T 'At this Christmas season the stores are crowded with people.
There's so much going on, that it's sometimes hard to find the
best values and the right articles on their counters.
l' t
' Stores and manufacturers everywhere are, telling yoii about
more products than at any other time of the year. It's easy to
find the things'you want ... at favorable prices . . ,;in The
Statesman. " ' - ,: 4
Sweet Bread
Popular on
Sweet ttreada take their place
among the "must goes' In holi
day baking. Foreign breads . are
usually those that are best suit
ed to Christmastime., , .-
Capnchaen bread is ft rich
cbocolatey affair, supposed to
have originally been made by the
Capuchen monks. It Is really a
cake and goes well in. Christmas
boxes. Toull find the batter
rather thin.
1 cup sugar
7 eggs
2 ounces bitter chocolate
Mi ounce grated peel
cup flour
hi teaspoon cinnamon
hi teaspoon . cloves i -,
H cup almonds (or filberts)
Beat sugar with eggs as for
sponge cake, add chocolate and
coarsely cut nuts, peel, splees
and flour. Pour Into greased
10x12 pans and bake SO to 45
minutes at 376 degrees. Cut in
strips or sqnares.
Biseottl is1 another sweet bread
to make for Christmas. Below is
published a baking powder re
cipe, although some of the bakers
of this Italian bread use yeast
recipes. The bread la one that's
first baked, then cut and toasted
.and used to dunk in fruit juice.
It is very hard before dunking.
4 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 H cups milk
H teaspoon . salt
1 tablespoon anise seed
X cups sugar
4 eggs
1 or 2 cups almonds
Sift dry ingredients into a'
bowl, stir In nuts, pour milk in
center and drop in eggs. Stir
from center out and when thor
oughly mixed, put into an oil
paper lined pan, 10x12 inches,
and bake at 300 degrees for 46
minutes. Invert on board, re
move from pan and cut In long
strips. When cool, put on a tray
and bake at 300 degrees until
thoroughly dry and toasted light
ly. Today's Menu
Pork roast will be Sunday's
meat dish to go with fresh vege
tables in market.
Apple and celery salad
Meat and vegetable stew
Broccoli . with butter
Boiled potatoes
Fresh fruit
Sugar cookies
Tomato salad
Pork roast with
Apple and raisin sauce '
Browned potatoes
Buttered turnips
Dill pickles
Broiled pears
With chocolate sauce
Lettuce and pickle salad
Beef patties, tomato sauce
Green peas
Baked potato slices .
Lemon chiffon pie
Play to Dc Given
At Silverton Hills
verton Hills .dramatic club will,
present a play, "Down on Abbie's
Farm, a threes act comedy, Sat
urday night. Mrs. Elden Mulkey is
directing and Mrs. Mike Hannan
has charge of the costuming, and
make-up. Dancing will follow the
play. .p-- t:r-;r' ""
The cast of 12 characters in
clude: Abble Bugler, an agricul
tural widow, Rita Maulding; Fie- .
da Carlson, a Swedish maid, Bee- j
sle Porter; Aunt Bessie Adams, a f
resourceful spinster, Mrs. Victor f
Howard; a Marie ; Peyton, Zlna
Tachantx; Grace Monroe, Lucille
Mulkey; Les Tansey, Maurice Ben
son ; Kenneth Boyd, Frank Por
ter; Owen Conley, ; Chester Maul
ding; Sary Bugler, a simple coun
try maid, Elsie Ann Pinson; Yim
my Tuldeson, a Swedish farm
hand, Virgil Tscnaats; Dee Bram
ble, a veterinarian,. Lester BuegU: .
Eph Whittleaby, an old man with
young ideas, Eldon Malkey. -
Bereaii Class Has
Officer Election
SILVERTON 'The Loyal fier
ean class of the Christian church
has chosen Mrs. . Paul Johnsetv
as president, with Mrs.' Carl
Specht and Mrs.' Mac Houck aa
rice presidents; Mrs. Gladwyn
Hamre, secretary;,; and tEmma
Adamson, treasurer. Mrs. John
Hoblltt will be the teacher.
The annual gift exchange party
Is set for December If at night.
Grange Quarterly Set
LIBERTY -The Marion eonnty
grange quarterly conference - will
be held in Liberty grange hall De
cember 18, with ; the Red Hills
grange host for the day. The meet
ing will start at 1 p.m. and. last
until business Is - completed, j Din
ner will be served at p.m. I
t III 11
CtB Often Be Prevented
Hug Improved JVIcki Wix
If throat nickle. Irritation or -mouth
breat&ma' x!ae o a cold
causes night emm ft til 1e chUd-2
a" Vat urn iiliMeiaaaaw-'al M iiniiw,r
WtthlliMiaMBW Watrniiglitreaa
ment, thepolttce-and-vapor
action of Vlcav VapoRub more
paasages with soothing medicinal
vapors ... STSMMJtTES chest and
back like a warming poultice or
plaster. . . STMrrs aoJCVHtt misery
right awayl Results delight even ,
old friends of VapoRub.
TO GET a "VapoRub Massag"
with all its benefits ma sea is
VapoRub for S minutes on ns
aa well as throat and chest
spread a thick layer on chest,
cover with a warmed cloth. BX .
BURK to use genuine, time-tested -TICKS
ii milium 'milium '