The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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TJaa OZEGOJf STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Mooring,
4, 1943
Local News Briefs
Ram for CThristmae Plans for
the annual Christmas party of
Capital Post .No. f, American Le
gion, war made at the poet meet
lug Monday night. The party will
. be "December 1 and food, and
trait "donations will- be recelved.
Commander Ray 8tumbe will name
a' committee to plan the sending
d extras to Salem men In the
camps. It was announced that
the. new poet glee elnh 'will . ap-
pear- for the tint time this year
at the Marlon county council meet
ing In 8tayton. Friday, December
Bedspreads for Christmas gifts.
Sg.9 and p at the Better Bedding-Store,
11S N. High.
Meeting Tonight The Marlon-Poix-Tamhill
Dental society will
'meet tonight at :! o'clock at the
-Golden Pheasant. County health
physicians and morses will be the
guests. Short tails will be given
by Dr. R. N. Krwtn. Jr.. Dr. H. Q.
Staff el and Dr. Ralph Cooper ef
the North Pacific Dental college.
Dr. T. A. Douglas and Mr. Hokum
; of the welfare commission.
Auction Thurs. nits 7:30 Wood
Homecoming Held At the re
cent ' homecoming of the Arbor
Grove Farmers Union local ex
proaslons of sympathy were ex
tended to Ole Benson, member,
W4oae father died November 29
Salem, andto Iia Fessler, who
a. ail. rnree new meuwri, mr.
Mrs. O. R. Storm of Aurora
and Maxine Schults, were taken
Into the local.
Wall paper. aiathla. lf8. Coml.
Post Body yarned Governor
Charles A. Spragae yesterday ap
pointed the fire members of the
newly-created Port of Umatilla
commission. Members are Circuit
Judge Calvin L. Sweek of Pendle
ton, State Representative Carl
Kngdahl of Pendleton. Glen Storie
ot Pendleton, I r v i n Mann of
Adame. and Bill Switsler of Uma-
Rummage sale Wednesday. 129 N.
High. Townsend Club No. .
Working In Factory Don
Luts, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Luts. Is now In San Diego. Calif.,
working at the Consolidated Air
craft factory, one of the largest
in the world, he wrote his parents.
After a month's work he has been
promoted to die-maker. He went
to work Immediately following his
Salem high school training.
Safety of your savings is insured
at Salem Federal. 1X0 S Liberty
Sub-Station Authorised A post
al sub-station for the Salem
Heights district has been officially
Authorised by the postal depart
ment Postmaster Henry R. Craw
ford said yesterday. It will open
December 10 and will be housed In
the Ronald K. Poyner store. Poy
ner will be the clerk in charge.
Free Health A- Beauty lectures
by Pamela Brenton Hon., Dec. 2,
Wei, Dec. 4, t p. m. (Ladles only
Wed. 2:29 p. m.) Hotel Marion,
em Display A special
booth of photographs of migrant
farm workers, dust bowl farms,
"load" families on the road and in
camp will be shown at the Leslie
Methodist baxaar this afternoon
from to 7 o'clock. A supper will
Also be served.
Lutefiak dinner American Luther
an chureh Thur. nnd Fri., Dec.
f and 0. 11:30 to 1:30 and S to
MeecJbag Changed The first
Thursday in February Instead of
the) first Thursday In December
has been designated as the time
tor the next semi-annual meeting
of the Marion County Veterans
association, officers said yester-
At the residence, route six, Sa
lem, 8unday, December 1, Nellie
X.' Smith, aged S3 years. Mother
of George E. Smith -of Rock Falls,
I4. and Robert H. Smith of Sa
lem; also survived by 13 grand
children and 17 great grandchil
dren. Faneral services will be
held In the chapel of the W. T.
XUgdon company Wednesday, De
eember 4, at 1:30 p. m. Elder
J. M. Comer will officiate. Con
cluding services IOOF cemetery.
At Portland November 19. Ar
thur K. Lindsay, aged Si .years.
Survived by sister, Mrs. Alois
Schonauer, Fir Mountain, Sas
katchewan ; nieces, Mrs. C 22. Ru
pert. Portland. . and Mrs. J. O.
hlcCormlek, Pendleton; nephews,
Clarence R. Lindsay ot Portland
and Leslie J. Lindsay, -Black
Hock. Funeral sei ices will bo
held at the Gable Funeral home.
SIS Northeast 80th street, Port
land. Wednesday. December 4, at
3A a. m. Concluding services will
bo held at Belcrest Memorial park
Wednesday at 1 p. sa.
. Mrs. Belle Fletcher, lata resi
. dent of 140C North Liberty street.
' city. Monday, December z, at a
local hospital, at the age of Tl
' years. Survived by (wo daughters.
Urn. Eunice Toole ot Portland.
Urn. Rita F. Abbott of Parma,
3dahe; won, Silas Fletcher ot Sa
lem; sisters, Mrs. Grace Thurston
--pt Jefferson and Miss Esther Reed
' of Scio; brother, William D. Road
' p Sde; 11 grandchildren and one
vreat grandchild. Funeral an--souncementa
later from Clougb
2Sarrlck Co. -
At hie late residence, route
three, Tuesday. December I, John
JX..Iankenshlp, aged 71 yearn.
Ilusband of Clara E.; father of Al
Hrt W.. Earl JU and Francea M.
r Slim! uJ Jskm O. ex ftaiTlas
1 C Also surrlrad by fr grand-.
cMldren. Arrangements In ear ot
Ladd Funeral home. Annoence-
Coming Events
No. 1.
IOOF hall. S:SO p. raw
Dec S. Bonne riTIo current
turned cm by city of Menmaotn
at 8 p-m. Celebration .win fel
low ta school ajmnasiuas .
a, T Older Boys
T Toeeg . Repwb
CJoatentJoov MaHosi
hotel. .
December 0) DeMolay dny in
Bey Veterinary Hop4tl Dr.
C R. Howarth. former member of
the Oregon State college experi
ment station staff, has bought the
Salem Veterinary hospital from
Dr. W. B. Snodgrass. who was recently-called
to active army duty.
Dr. .Howarth, a graduate of the
Colorado graduate school of vet
erinary medicine, - also has prac
ticed privately and in federal ser
vice. He plans to remodel the hos
pital here in the near future, he
i.uts florist P 9193 lift N Lib
IJcensee Get Okeh The Mar
ten county court has approved the
following retail liquor licenses
during the last two days: Vernon
Smith and Floyd Washburn. Me
himt; W. L. and A. E. Miller
and Miller Brothers. Monitor;
Clare and Laura Byrne, route
two. Salem, end Norman Dele
Pfaffinger, located five miles
east of Woodburn.
Now Is the time for weatherstrip.
We have it. Ray L. Farmer Hdwy
Co.. 11S S. Comml.
Plays Sponsored A threo act
play. "Pa's New Housekeeper,"
and "Moon Signs" will be present
ed at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night
at Liberty hall by the Santlam
Central Junior farmers union lo
cal. The play is being sponsored
by the Liberty Juniors local. Pro
ceeds will be divided between the
two Junior groups. A small admis
sion fee will be charged.
Fine Hardman piano for sale at
bargain. Owner called touth.
Phone 33433.
Permits lasned Building per
mits were issued yesterday ti Ray
Rhoteu to erect one story dwelling
snd garage at 1490 Fir street,
$3300; Mrs. Charles Bort to re
pair apartment house at 1130
North Liberty street. $110; Wil
liam McCilchrlst. Jr.. to repair
warehouse at 380 South Liberty
street. $500.
Girl for general housework. 910
Howard. Ph. 71CS to 9, after .
Bulletin Is Reealnder Notice
that the Rotary club committee
has accumulated several ceremo
nies and presentations was listed
on the recent bulletin with the
suggestion that a good time to
spring them on the membership
would be at one of the forthcom
ing Wednesday noon luncheon
Toy nnd Gift Land, Captal Variety
Store. 1X01 State SIT Open eve
nings until Christmas. Ask. for
your S and H Green Stamps.
Visit Eleven
members of the Eugene Toast
masters club paid a visit to. the
Salem club at its meeting at the
Marion hotel last night end pro
Tided two of the evening's speech
es. W. E. Hanson of the Salem
club was toas tin aster of the eve
ning. Persons desiring to list rooms or
apartments for rent to members
and clerks of 1941 legislaUve
session (la Jan. and Feb.) pi esse
notify Secretary of 8tate not later
than Dec. 7. Phone 4171, exten
sion 4S0.
Wosws Miasiec Herman Sta
ler, route two. reported to police
yesterday that his wife, Phyllis.
11, and their three -year -old
daughter are missing from home.
He believes they may be headed
for Marysvllle or Los Angeles,
Roof repairing, Mathis. Ph. 4(41.
Directors Named D I r e e tors
elected for the Vista Heights wa
ter board are A. A. Taylor for the
one year term replacing Virgil T.
Golden; Walt Barkus. three year
period replacing W. R. Newmyer;
Dr. D. H. Schulse, holdover.
In Council Meet Now attend
ing n council of Methodist bishops
at Atlantic City. NJ. da -Bishop
Bruce R. Baxter, president ot Wil
lamette university.
Robe Stole Helen M. Spring.
1109 Center street, reported to po
lice yesterday thnt an -Indian robe
wan stolen from her car while it
was In her.garage.
Study Clsos Moots "Right
Thinking la the topic for the
Truth Study class tonight at IBS
South Liberty street. Miss Alice
Stevens is the leader.
club No. 4 wfil meet tonight at
Hlghtnnd school at 7:30 o'clock.
Officers will bo nomlated during
the buafaesa meeting.
Wewbetg Man Killed
i NEWBESQ Due KF)--An au
tomobile struck nnd billed W. B.
AlRson, Tf. Newberg. nere Sunday.
bsA:Cs drx
Jap Gold Zandad Lflj
CagaSa ISj fkShm
. Otot 100 Variation ,
Motion Day Is
Held in Court
Dawes Vs. Henderson Case
Set for Hewing on
December 9
Judicial activity Nat the Marion
county' courthouse, yesterday in-
eluded motion day proceedings
before Circuit Judge L. O. Lewet
ling. and hearings on divorce mat
ters by Circuit Judge L. H. Me
Mahan. Judge LeweUing set the eases
of Charles O. Dawes vs. W. H.
Henderson, a mortgage foreclos
ure matter, for hearing on De
cember 9. and the case of Childs
vs. Neuman tor January it.
arcnit Court
A. R. Mathey as. Pacific Dis
count company vs. C. G. Hilti
brnnd: order of dismissal with
prejudice to plaintiff; attachment
- Otto Deal vs. Albln C Johnson:
default Judgment for $341 and
$33.71 coats.
Ben Kantelberg vs. Prudential
Insurance company; order on mo
tion to strike approving.
Ben W. Bunn vs. William Utley
and A. E. Utley; order for plain
tiff to amend complaint.
Earl Fehl vs. State board ot
control; order allowing plaintiff
to February 1 to file transcript on
appeal la habeas corpus proceed
ing. Dorothy Glpson vs. Ben Glp
son; divorce decree awarding cus
tody of child to plaintiff and $11
monthly support money.
Jane L. Thomas vs. Harvey A.
Thomas; divorce decree returning
name ot Jane Lowry Thompson
to plaintiff.
Helen R. Lee vs. Paul and Mar
cel Bloch; motion to strike parts
of complaint
Marian Schmtedecke vs. Carl F.
Schmiedecke; summons and no
tice of change of attorneys.
Cecil Clark vs. Lillian Davis as
administratrix of John Dooley
estate; motion to strike of de
fendant. Josephine Tankauskas vs. Stev
en Yankauskaa; divorce decree in
cluding stipulated property set
tlement. G. W. Bedieat and Albert Hunt
vs. Charles A. Anderson and W.
F. Barnes; order overruling de
fendant's motion for wage exemp
tion; county treasurer ordered to
pay all moneys attached to plain
tiffs attorney.
Martha F. Moffenbier vs. Clar
ence P. Moffenbier; defendant's
demurrer overruled.
R. A. Blevlns vs. MaUlda Blev
Ins; demurrer overruled.
Mayro McKlnney vs. Birdens
Raw lings end Mary McKlnney;
demurrer overruled.
Probate Court
William F. Kelly estate; Lena
M. Hewitt named administratrix.
Myrton Moore, Robert Fallon and
John Hobeon. appraisers, of
$474.13 tn reeal and personal
Lena Bidders estate; James
Vincent appointed gaardlan ad li
tem of Georgia Josephine. Marie
Evelyn nnd Roeella Maxine Vin
cent; demurrer of WiUard L.
Marks, executor, and others to
contest ot H. T., John R.. B. J..
and Frederick Bidders entered in
circuit court.
James Lester Leighty estate;
report of Vernle Lei xh ton, admin
istratrix, showing sale of personal
property for $1880.13; confirmed
by court.
Lewis C. Mathes estate; Bert
Smith. Jessie Shlnn and Vivian
Hendricks appointed appraisers.
Ross E. Moore estate; confir
mation of sals of property for
$3300 to Oregon Farmers Union
cooperative association by Pio
neer Trust company, executor.
Jostle Court
Fred E. Mahhnke. reckless
driving, bearing set for 2 p.m.
George E. Bedlent, speeding
with truck, fined $.
William Phillip Sheridan. Jr..
speeding with truck, fined f 2.(0.
Robert Earl Strandqatst. fail
ure to stop at arterial highway,
fined $1.
BiaxriAir Licenses
Vera DalselL 11. farmer. Con
don, 'nnd Francea Inskeep, 19,
housekeeper, Hardman, Ore.
Mrmieipal Court
William Sexton, drunk; com
mitted to serve $10 tine..
Elka' Show Begins
Here on Tuesday
Salem Civic Players for the
fifth consecutive year will pre
sent the Elks charity show, be
ginning Tuesday night, December
10. for a three night stand.
Chosen this year la Tou Cotta
Hare a Chaperon.' directed by
Miss Beulah Graham. Included in
the cast of characters are Ruth
Versteeg. Victor Wlsrahe, Jr..
Dorothy Wlnsgar. Maurice Bun
ton. Mrs. Alta Cannon, Beulah
Curtis, Hugh Zenor. Waldo Miller
and Ray ptason.
Wo wlah to stead our thanks
and appreclntlouY for the acta of
Undneee. -m esse gee, ot sympathy,
and beautiful floral offerings
from our many friends ta the loan
of Cass A. Nichols.
Mrs. Cass A. Nichols and
children. Mrs. Lacy Haln.
J. M. Nichols.
1 of J&Cads
McLeod Urges Furtlier Aid to Britain,
Keeping of US on Domestic Balance
, George L. McLeod, acting1 dean of the Willamette uni
versity school of law and prominent graduate of the univer
sity, yesterday discussed the subject of "The American Task'
before the members or tne tsaiem
Klwanls 'dub at their .regular
noon luncheon meeting.
Old Tliird Oregon
Schedules Reunion
Company M From Salem Is
Indnded; Fete la
23rd Amdvet-sary
rormer members of the OlSH
Third. Oregon, later the IS 2nd
Infantry, who sorted in Mexico
In 1 tit and went into the World
war la 101T, will meet for their
annual banquet and reunion Sat
urday. December 14. at the East
Side Woodmen, hall la Portland.
Company M of Salem will be in
cluded. The reunion will be the 23rd
anniTersnry of the regiment's
sailing tor France. In addition
to sereral Portland companies are
others from MeMinnTllle. Oregon
City, Woodburn. Corrallls and
Special guests invited include
Governor Charles A. 8prague.
General George A. White. Colonel
Harry C. Brumbaugh of the pres
ent Kind infantry, nnd two for
mer regimental colonels, elenard
C. McLaughlin and General
Charles H. Martin.
Teachers Attend
Reading Session
Three hundred Marion county
teachers attended a meeting de
voted to remedying defects in
reading ability among school pu
pils last night at the Bush school.
Topic of the meeting was diag
nosis of reading difficultlea, with
discussion divided among a gen
eral assembly, led by Dr. Elisabeth
Montgomery, assistant professor
ot education at the state univer-ltT-
rronn discussions, and a con
cluding general assembly In which
Dr. Montgomery sougni 10 answer
Questions arising In group discus
sion. The meeting was the first of a
series organised by county teach
ers as a method of Improving in
struction in reading In the public
Father Passes in
Calif ornia Friday
Death came Friday In Los An
geles to Cary Mendenhall. father
ot Mrs. R. S. Keene of Saleea. it
was learned yesterday. Menden
hall. who died at the family apart
ment, had been ill for several
weeks. He was' SO -years of age
and be and his wife would hare
celebrated their 42nd wedding an
niversary December t4.
Journeying south with the Wil
lamette football team last week.
Coach Keene arrived In Los Ange
les shortly after the death of his
father-in-law. Funeral services
were held Saturday.
Survivors. In addition to the
widow, include three daughters.
Mrs. R. 8. Keene. 8alem: Mrs.
Clifford Baker. Berkeley. Calif.,
and Mrs. C. A. Wintermute, Los
w "to
1. ziuser
1 ; n.
low FAtiinr
QllG C15.C3
In foreign policy, the " speaker
said, the first duty of the astloa
is to provide all possible aid for
Great Britain la her fight against
the Germany of Adolf Hitler.
The Rrttlsh need is now for mon
ey," McLeod said, -and I favor
giving them credits la this coun
try at once with which to. con
tinue their battle.'
In addition the United States
must perfect its own national de
fense, he said, as a positive guar
antee against the evil effects ot a
German victory.'
In spite ot the war. however,
the United. States must be kept a
"going concern from he point of
lew art its domestic otalllbrtnm.
"There are two threats -'to the
continuity ot the American enter
prise. : .. ,
. One of -these la la the misuse
of national labor leglslatio by
labor groups, who have abused
the privilege granted them-by
congress. Aa example Is Harry
Bridges, whose- philosophy calls
for no rest tor employers. J
"The other la the great nation
al debt, which must Inevitably
lead to repudiation or a no loss!
destructive levy on capital hold
ings unless measure are taken at
once to halt Its growth and to
meet Its current obligations.
Lange Is Launched
For 2030 Leader
Key Removal Project la
Accepted by District '
for Campaign
The northwest district of 24
24 clubs adopted hero Sunday the
project ot a campaign tor removal
of keys from cars In an effort to
reduce Juvenile crime. The pro
posal was made by the Salem club,
which also started a movement to
make its president, Robert E.
Lange, district governor
Wes Davis of Portland, sub-district
governor, succeeded to the
post of district governor, vacated
by William Redeman of Bead,
who resigned. Bend was given
the Juno convention of the clubs.
All dubs in the area but Se
attle and Marsh ft eld were repre
anted in the approximately IS per
sons attending. Even jthe Eagone
club, proposed but not yet organ
ised, sent delegates.
Frank Hunt, publicity mana
ger, stated following a meeting ot
officers that the convention was
financially successful.
Kah-ne-ta. fun organisation ex
clusive to the northwest, initiated
24 new members under the direc
tion of Big Chief Runs Gardner of
Gilliam Services
Set forThiirsday
DALLAS Funeral services for
Mrs. W. D. Gilliam. 77, who
passed away at the family home
southeast of Dallas Monday night
will be held Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at the Hankie nnd
Bollman ehaoel. Dr. Hart of the
Corrallls Baptist church will of-!
Aetata. Interment will be la the
Dallas cemetery.
Mrs. Gilliam was born Norem-1
bar 17, 18S3.
mn i
f e Lmvu four fslaMol cat
sa fat gangs and save the
nd tsar of a lone, win-
take si easy wfaOa me
dchus yum swifdy
eua ay a lassj
I 2 Boats! a warns, coxy
liefsira Fsdfc trnes. lalaa :
meCemnS blwse-
Benefits Case
-. ". . ---..-"-. '. -
Supreme Court Agrees to
Reconsider Decision
on Former Agent
Reconsideration of the June 15
decision la ' which, it held that
John B. Stradf erd ot Oregon City
was entitled to Jobless benefits
was agreed yesterday by.; the Ore
gon state rsupreme court. . "
The decision, that agents of
com pen tea are not independent
merchants aad are- entitled to
benefits under the state unem
ployment compensation law, af
fected Stradf ord. a former agent
of the 81nger Sewing' Machine
company. "
The company, who petitioned
the rehearing, contends that
Stradf ord w a a' aa Independent
contractor and not aa employe
aad that he la not entitled to
- Other . decisions- by t h e high
court today were:
Affirmed a $12,122 judgment
la favor of A. J. Ellen berger, who
sued the Fremont Land Co.. Snev-lla-Hixoa
Co.. Gilchrist. Timber
Co.; Gilchrist aad Co.. and Walk
er Range paifoL Kllenberger was
Injured la the city of Bend when
struck by a car driven by L. A.W.
Nixon, agent of -the companies.
The- decision by Justice Belt af
firmed Judge. T. E. J. Duffy of
Affirmed a $27S4 Wasco coun
ty Judgment in favor of O. L.
Babcock. administrator of the es
tate ot Bin Jim. Indian. Babcock
aued Lloyd Gray, administrator
of the estate of Carl Gray. Jim
and Gray were hilled la an auto
mobile accident near The Dalles.
The decision by Justice Bailey up
held Judge Fred W. Wilson of
The Dalles.
Reversed and ordered a new
trial In the case ot the New Am
sterdam Casualty- Co.. against
L. 2L Terrell and W. B. Davis. The
company- sued In Union county
for $1041 due on an insurance
contract. The company won in the
court of Circuit Judge Calvin L.
Sweek. but today's decision by
Chief Justice Rand reversed the
Huntley Funeral
services tor Charles K, Huntley,
79. will be held from the Smlth
Baua chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday
afternoon. Rer. William B. Ma
hon officiating.
Charles Huntley died Monday
at his home oae mile west of
Independence. Survivors are two
sons. Lynn and Irwin; throe bro
thers. Wallace of Independence,
George of Portland and James of
Dallas. His wife preceded him la
death ta 1922.
He was a member of the Valley
lodge IOOF tor 49 years.
. ...
a. J
" 'ft for W
t.0SE C?S
n2g a
isnma 2V7
High in Navy
: . -, ' .- -
' F. L. PEARSON . - '
Church to Support
COs, not Evaders
. PORTLAND. Dec 2-iCfy-Dr.
Mtltoa A. Marcy, Methodist
chureh district superintendent,
today lasned a statement, pledging
church support for conscientious
objectors' to the draft, but none
for evaders of registration.
The statement said: "We ask
aad stalm exemption from all
forma of military preparation or
service for all conscientious objec
tors who may be members of the
Methodist church. The preseat
federal sel active itrries law
makes provision for the exercise
of this right by an individual
but this does not sanction evasion
of the law. . . . The church teaches
respect for 'properly constituted
civil authority ... and recognises
when law baa been enacted ...
that law should bo applied to
clergy and laymen alike.
Rer. Paul R. Ackermaa. Meth
odist minister here. - recently
pleaded guilty to failure to regis
ter, saying he was a conscientious
A new coverage siring complete protection for all legal lia
bility tor anything yea do or on anything you own. year
property, your business, your ears or tracks, your personal
aad sports liability aad that ot your family, anywhere, anytime.
ft Automatic tt BUmket
The cost is little more thaa yea are aew paying. Phone or
call we will euote your exact cost. .
suaasxrs-roiumAEDT czk agency
123 XL rimmiTliil Fbona 4SS9
UtJUrvOXOaptt.. ....... ...t for ZiAi
Viiomla A BDG CepseUt, ICtt ....... ...I for Mi
Pea Gealc ........ i .... . . . . . . .2 f cr Sf t
PuJTA!Jesuofstf). ...... ...... . ......8(srKt
-sVsnfsnM VtlflU) S3eun ClsjcfsmV.. .. .S torSIS
KUaeralO. ......... ........ .2pgfrTI
Salem Man Makes
Good in US Navy
Holds Iliglieat Rating for
' Enlisted ZLXen; Is Son
. .1 of Atibtrrn Family
F. L. Pearson, chief watertender.
US navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. WtW
Usa Pearson who lire ta the Au
burn district, has recently grad
uated 'rrosa the US naval recruit
tat; training school at the US aavaX
training ttatloa. Norfolk. Va.
Pearson was 'selected for this,
training by recem m end atione by
hia commanding officer and the
bareaa of navigation. ':
Pearson enlisted In the navy at,
thomala recruiting station. Port
land. October 12, 1927. He was.
transferred to US naval training
station. San Diego, where hs re-:
ceived recruit training. Upon com-,
pletlon of this traininjr he was as
signed en board the USS Che
mout, a navy transport, tor fur
ther transfer to the Asiatic fleet. -
While serving with the AslatiQ
fleet, Pearson was stationed
aboard the USS H albert, a de
stroyer of the 11S9 tea class..
After serving 22 months la the,
orieat, Pearson returned to the.
Uaitad SUtee U serve with the
battle fleet.
During Pearson'a 12 years la
the aarr he has advanced front
apprentice sesmsn to the rating
of chief petty officer permanent
appointment. Only S per coat of
the men In the navy are chief pet
ty officers, the highest rating of
an enlisted man la the nary.
Pursuant to orders Issued by the
navy department. Pearson will be.
assigned to recruiting duty at the.'
recruiting station. Cleveland. O.
'0 ViCHrrT
foul ts sea llsa Ma Peoslar
t Sola CrgvSary Ctfing
Irvncracls of sscep
1 fee tS
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fienta later.' -.'.''Jv:;'i -f
2om, Oododaadrona
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c a. T.i7rsr.7f '
Csmdemmmv eftr0uHeva
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