Tlie OTOll'tfrATESlVi pags keis ELL . . . QUICELY,' .CHEAPLY': P3EB .WAY 1 as t BUY, I Money to Loan - "' ; Money to Loan statesman citified Ad, QUICK CASH LOANS Call 9101 CALL, WRITE or phone ( Ul) te Salem's Oldest largest home owned UA horn managed finance Institution. Tear financial affairs will be discussed and Classified Advertising. I loans mad la strictest privacy Jon will be gives every consideration In the re- ThreilnWtlon. per line T.lRe ' ra"tJ f Six Insertions per Una 40c 1 to MontQS tO ItepaV On month per line 11.15 Tea ean pay la run any time te reduce the cost. Minimum charge 25e; S tl. mln- Onlv Rnrrnwrr 9ima ,;.!.: tL min. 4Sc No J er eote. . reinnaa. sec Copy for thla page accepted an- ROT H BIMMONi Mart. XTst CLARK. ASST. MGR. til :St the evenlr.g before public- Ho. No M-161 tloo for clasaifiratloa. Copy re . . celved after thla time win be run r I L . , f . e bdi. -Toe L.t. to beneral nnance Lomoratioii Tbt Sttttwiw " ftoo- ill so. Commercial St. Lie No. -ll . Phone flit ctal reapooaiblllty for errors which FUat door .outh of Ladd Bush Bank Convenient arouse rioeTlocsUon liahed la Its column! and la cases . ' n where this paper Is at fault will re- AutO LoanS For Rent -HoUSeS priat that part of an advertlsem-?: la which the typographical mistake Willamette Credit Co. . , ocrora WUiamcnC rcuil VJ. r r?KW mod. houee. Everything The Ststesmaa resenree the right- 6 TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUII.PINQ electric New furniture. If a llth. te reject questionable advertising. LICENSE NO M-ll wwa,wwMwwM It further reserves the right to wmxwwo FURN. t ro. bouse. Ph. 744S. place all advertising under the nnix 7 A T'T? tf nMFV w w . . . . jwmoiwdmxmww proper classifies Hon. f ill V A 1 Ci MLIIsEjI Rlf. mod. hss. 1169 N. Church. A "Blind" Ad an ad eeatatnlnS - a rrro AND TRUCK LOANS " a Statesmaa bos number for sn ad- CONTRACTS REFINANCED tore- "5 "AVE THS PR08PECT dress-is for the protection of the dupVna Money for new ei used , TOD want to sell, exchange, advertiser and must therefore be ZZ .Lj tape Tea will lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col answered by letter- The Statesmaa Vj"ion ofe rVhlcJe th Hawkins 4k Roberta Is not at liberty to dlrulse Inform- T n e UDNTH8 TO PAT www..wwi tloa as to ths Identity of aa adTwr- -L a, t rr oi re VrTVTC HOUSES. Mer1n Johnson Ph. 1T1I tteer asiac "Blind ad. JtU I tl 91 AlAlvrii9 nwwwmvwwmw ... " ... , i RMS. 1 bedrma.. sleeplna; rm. la ItS Sooth Cemmerctal Street osmt. 85J or mi. wt 1 nr ' t T? i . ul . Phone 91(1 Uo. Po am-ies. .iii,N),,(,MWMi neip Vt aHIC(l a CmalC mMM0m' PARTLY FURN t rm. hse. Reason- i . FHA LOANS Pjjj able. 104 Chemekita. Ph. 44. uovroD ije w anifAf aiT9 Abrams A Cilia inc. Masonic mag- wawwvvwvwwm an"rwL2i!l-wLn""i"LrLrit.iV " xk " isTi WE LOAN on farm, residential A water Court. Fireplace, oil furnace. a2J!.J.'.!"; bu-lnej. fPrty wn buy mort asses ,2V PK $411? rirtAri nnir w,k h.M A or contracts HAWKINS A RnBERTS. wJPPSv, LNC Realtors. Ouardlaa Bulldtns ; It TO 1 1 tee ON TOUR CAR -ort;n farms C;, TfToTit CONSUMERS CREDIT CO Situations Wanted lJT b,, Bldg PK ltl FARM FOR RENT nr. Dallaa. 4 Money Immediately Lie. M-ltX. A. pasture. 10 A. srala. Good bids. CARPENTER WORK No Job too S Mackay. Arax Hotel. Salem. mail. Reasonable. Parrott. Ph. 708. Wanted PRIVATE CARE fore 'mental case a 1 a-Or "en experienced chauffeur. 19 N. list. WANTED PRIVATE MONET CrTTTTT TO LOAN on good Salem real ee- OARAOE FOR RENT. Phone 7171. CLEAN, WASH., haewrk. hr. Jill. t W(11 y t Internet. 1945 So. Hurh. rrT,C TTTI TT w. h. Srabenhorst ca CarpenUr work. Boa 14IA. Rte. . REALTORS OFFICE ROOMS. St! State Street. . ' i ' Inquire room 160. TeL IT It. For SaleMiscellaneous MisceUaneous For SaleReal Estate LAST CALL! Dental Plate Repa ir MODERN HOME . , -rxxm nnnp srftVTPIE IN MOST EXCELLENT VIEW. ( r. modern New and Used Furniture TW-HODR scaseF" withbam.nt fur fireplace o.k nr(n. nr Men Tour Pu.(ea for Repair floors, garage. Price 350. $1100 ., Final Sale Prices! 8 Large Round Oak Dining Table w- 'Af2rt CO' perfect condition and w-wi -A r: ; r? P. 7-?r uBlbv-Bukgy- "TIoo For Rent Rooms -Z'lTrrr: iT!ji Sf,r 'onrlnBi AMattress' " IlO OO living rm.. kitchen, bdrm. A bath. Lot IT 2wln.PRocke? .M"!:J,7:5t FURNISHED ROOMS, close in. rea- with tree. t.J Urn q garden space. .Walnut Ubrary Extension Table $10.00 aonablc. Ph. 4736. N K-ilf k tJ a Tttr ? riisV. hwd fSnengthlrl "adLtS HSKPO rma $10. 677 S.Cml. nJorT tllbu .hakT'TSasalow vtnttv mirror on wlth large lot. E. of city. Taxes about P!cVVkT87 MEALS AT Ullmana. 50 Marion. ,u. 5()--$S0O dwn 111.50 Walnut 8-P.ece D.ning - - R - - Su" JL.S22!!Z. New Valour Matching HOTEL MARION 5 RM MOD.nonef aSelVlH yrs. - ; rr"Hb7netts Rooms Special weekly and monthly old. Hardware floors thruout, break- t, fiatner ata 119 5 P- u'8t- Marlon Coffee fast nook, unfln. atUc. Price $2 800. AU I Mercnan'lise Muat Be bispo'sVd Shop delicious meal, at low prices. 1250 down . $25 per mo. Call G. H. or lmmeaiateiy DOWNTOWN FURNISHED rooma W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. P. 6418. BUT NOW AND SAVE 2a to 75 Hot water, Bteam heat $S per week. -ww Special winter monthly rates Ph. 6791. 30 ACRF:S. Coast Highway 101, 4 TTnotoim TTtiraitni-o Qrkr 1 miles north of North Bend. About 15 Upstairs rurniiurc OlOrc NICE ROOM for man. Ph. 7772. acres clear: some very good land for at ruir Rt fITnita!ra1 ,-,'' berries A garden truck. Lots of spring WunJ-urLTunr HOTEL SALEM, low mo. rates, water on place. Buildings fair. Price USED LUMBER for sale, cheap, at Boxe0i861600dStatesmanmOnthly ' '" I1.". .8ta!'j ,h- n n n n n n -, n n - n Room and Board Jl ruuvnflWljw.wjmnnAnfvuuuvvvv, HOME BARGAIN CUT FLOWERS and flowering BOARD, ROOM, rea. 669 N. Liberty. withbMemeiit. bfurnace flreDlacenA rants. Jay Morris Florist. Phone ms ? It" Dasemeni, rumace, nrepiace ex it otto wnupw . " " in rvirt hardwood flora Irge lot A shade - -,. -BPS: wo.ME?J' home prlr. 1410 Court treelL t500 down 4 baL $3J r mo BrtaKEon,CpTcn., Cat MEALS AT Ullmana. 650 Marlon. qbIIoT AJcb.Wph48. yS- P ,- :--r----- StSnt. 'SJtfatent ffl. LOTS O W NED by city , $ 125 o $80 0. -Lruvrcrunui-wu--LrLn-uar-, wnwlcent. .Tn'1' See any real estate man or call 8631. CHRISTMAS CARDS and gifts. !l..!iJKu2SS!! 167 a High St. Tl,e Apron Shop, 679 N. High. APTS.f board-room. 430 N. Liberty. " DRIVE BY this nice " 5-rm. bunga- HEAVY HENS, bakes, roaiters ; " low. 220 E Myers St .. A ask for ap- roung. fat and tehder. Alive or dressed. For Rent Apartments EJ.'"?!1- C H Sander8. il N Ph. 12861. Lee's Hatchery. r Ph. S .838. NICE FURN. apts. Adults ; washer. MY EQUITY In large 6 R. modern - SECOND CUTTING ALFALFA $9.70 mo. A up. Also one with prly, house, $50. Balance like rent. See own bailed hay. Also potatoes. H. H. bath, gar., reas. 624 N. Capitol. er 1810 N. 17th. Schmltt. Aumsville Oe.. Bo. No. 332. R RM. furn. lights, wster, Maytag, BUILD A HOME, payments less ' ONE AUTOMATIC Ink A feed elec- $11. Call after p.m. 1620 Ferry. than rent, down payment to suit your trie mimeograph with stand, and two pocketbook. Complete service, plans, late model L. C. Smith typewriters, t 1-RM furn. apta., one ground floor, financing, construction. Thrifty Home all la first claas condition. 1215 South private entrance. 675 S. 12th. Builders. 529 Court St. Ph. 6744 for 12th street. s- ippointment. awwwwvwwMsw STORE ROOM and apt., also furn. v..vw,vwv.. EQUITY in slightly used small pi- spt. 1725 Center. Inq. Nobel's Conf. TWO MOST beautiful creek lots la ano. cheap. 1395 Jefferson. Salem East front Close In. Smartly 1-ROOM basement apt. Nicely fur- built neighborhood. A matchleas build Spec, until Dec. 10. Your vse. clean- nishea. private bath. 1118 Oak. .,n?.pP.t-. .T?'. -r" A 1A1. or. A95?, , er rebuilt. $1.50. plus parts Guaran- ------ irvjTilIV2;""ul"L ""Y"" """L teed. Free estimates. Vince's. 6292. t R. FURN. Steam ht. Frig., bath, BY OWNER, coxy mod t apt. house. v.-.mvwwvsvmwwwwwwvwmvmi garage. 2005 N. Capitol. Income $145 mo. Consider car part OR TRADE for wood or trailer, down pymt Phone 672. "Wyandotte pullets ready to lay. J586. RM. APT. 165 8. Com'L wCTrTr,w ft-nnn i-i.. tnrij-j- j-u-- n. -ij-unj-Lrui-u-iri.njTj-uTru-ij-u-Lr vwwvw.vw.vwwwsw EIGHT ROOM residence, lit W. HSEHLD FURN. cheap 155 Bellevue 1-RM. Furn. apt. steam ht, frig.. Lincoln. Fairmount hill. Owner, A. mJZ 1180 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 7532. Matthews. 194 3. Cottage. Ph. 8874. FOSTERS Flavora 1100 N. ComL m.'AVr: Atofc Ul n Libert. BEAUTIFUL SCENIC home" tracts." ' wwwmwwwwxxwxn KInrwood Heights. Cascade Terraces Wanted Furniture 1 A 1 RM. furn. apta 645 Ferry. S275.00 to $650.00. Small monthly pay- ' -s menu Call owner. 1411. iT . m SINGLE APT. kltch.. 250 S. Cottage. : --- F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Aue- swvvwi MODERN HOME Englewood dls- tloneers A furniture dealers will pay 1 or 3 R. lower. 1915 Center. trlct. Terms to suit. Phone owner 6689. ru more cash or trade for furniture w.wwwvwvvvwva household goods We buy or sell ee- APTS., $6 A UP. 1110 S. 13th St. PL Y IT-.. er'thing. Ph. (no Jus Exchange Real Estate wVrMAMrArrAArVMrVwVWwV J JS g AXH. f UTO I Iffh t S, Wal twT mmsLssmmm CASH FOR used furniture A house- heat, $16.00. 1440 WaUer. T R Ar. old goods R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. w ..X.i' tkauk MOD. 3 RM. furn. apt. Garage. , 6 J04- OD. home located close In . Adult a. 991 N rntta.. for 6-rm. house or improved acreage. "Wanted Miscellaneous tSJSLLSSSS: f- 5o. can g. ft. orabenhorst. RM, APT. Adults. 770 S. Com'L u A Bu-vHnpaT a, rn v cut WANTED: 5 CDS. old fir, hauling w trrmv ii iht v fnm'i wwwMwMMrwwww distance of Salem. Box 1365 Statesman. uJSlrJX J"" GOOD, MOD. home, clear of encum- 'TTTCZTXT rTTT CHOICE APT now avallsbl. at the France. Will trsds for- small farm. WANTED Wheel chair. Ph. 8630. modarn Flaher Apta So. Com'L at P TJ WUTR , Oak. Pbone TtBT. r W Full! Realtor, 113 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 1411. 4-at-n n ft aVs et $T..m- 1 ROOM unfurnished. Roberta Apta. nv-ow Cm CJirP.0nWSl3.u5ul2lIl A NEW rive-room house at Multno- 21 LQE. 4 rm. furn. Prlv. ent. In back, mah Station near Portland for x- . Clone in. Inq. 694 N. High. change for home In Salem. Price $260. ADVERTISING. ' If Interested we can pass on your Sa- ' Western AdvertialBX . r? r nAn.. lem property and will accompany you "J RepresenutlTe. For Rent House. to -mT- a. rrS Tngifet StU. 1 RM. "fa wit piano. Ph" Eastern Adrertlalos -. For Salr Fjir-nia Representatives mod torn. 4-m. court bunpiow. oaie srarms . . . Newly decor., spec wntr rates. P. 8281. ' BrZmft Ortfnth A Brunson. Ino. SACRIFICE IN DAIRY FARM Chicago. New York. Detroit. j BDRM. hse, fireplace, part furn. Stocked A equipped, also ail house Boston. Atlanta or unfurn., gar. IneHlS Claude 8t. contents go. which Is completely furn. A complete set-up ready to go. Price Katered at tke Pottaffia at Salem. ONE ACRE, S-rm. hse, fruit, view. $8400 for 84 scree with about 64 A. Oreeoa, oe Second CIsjs Matter. fne- Rent $17.(0 per mo. C. H. Sanders, under plow. BaL pasture A some tim- hhd every memfse es-cept Moaday. 211 N. High. Ph. 6888. ber. A real buy. To see this, call G. H. t?seiaes eriee tt South CeatmereiaJ -- Grabenhorst. Jr., with W. H. Graben- Atreet. $15 1 A. 4-rm. hse., elec A wster. horst A Co. 114 S. Liberty St. Ph. (418. $256 rail., mod., oil heat, south. " wfw $357 roil, mod, oil heat. Suburb. . SSS0 $35 5 rms.. mod, oil heat, close In. Acreage - $0 S rooma furn. N. Capitol St. - BUBSCRIPTIONJtATES: ... f;..G.."ii!..... A. N.E. of town. Good land. Old Van Subscription Rates In Advance: NEW. MOD. S-r, autom. heat. Ph. Mdga. Needa repair. Price la right. Within Oregon : Bally and Sunday. Mo. 6128. Inquire 110 N. 19th St. F TT Wfir at cents; 3 Moa $1.(6 ; 6 Moa, $1.(6 1 mwvwvwmwvwwwwww a aa, TV ZLL year $(.00. Elsewhere 60 cents per ( RM. house, W. Salem, $12.50. Realtor. 118 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 1411 Afo. or $6.00 for 1 year In advance. Per 6 rm. dwelling, S. 16th. $17.60. Large -. wwwwww. copy 1 cents Neweataada 4 eenta. It rm. bouse, near new. HS, $26. NICK BODY of piling timber. Price By City Carrier. 60 cents a month. IVAN G. MARTIN. PH. 4419. reasonable. Road built lata timber. tT l year la advance la Marion and adjacent counties. . MODERN HOME. Inq. 1430 P. ROT J. RICE, 111 Qreg. Bldg. ELONDIE Men About Town 3EE.she,saX ' DoesrrsAy ) VS ( n savs sues I wwatsa I 1 kA,5Lr?iE,sj - jmo lJ Money to Loan Need a CASH LOAN? Come in and See I. L. ("Irv") Miller He will show " you how employed men and women can get $2( te $250 or mora at "Parson!" 5 . . . on furniture er cars, also on your signature ... without employer being noti fied. PERSONAL Ground floor. New Bllgh Bide 111 8taU St. . License Noa waejaajsssajajaetsssa LOANS A popular loan service with all fam ilies and individuals la need of. $50, 1100. $200, or mora. You pick your awa tertna. Monthly payments la cludlng sll charges Cash to you mo. 11 mo. 10 mo. $50.00 7.11 I lit 100.00 10.0$ I t.71 100.00 18.49 I 11.44 loe.QQ 41.74 10.14 I 19.16 Other amounts In proportion. Tour Inquiry does not obligate you la any way. Confidential, aa friends, relatives or employers are aot notified. Phone, write or came in. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" Rm. 201, tnd fL First National Bank Salem, Oregon Phone 4446 State Lie No's M-171 A 8-128 Acreage NEW COUNTRY HOME 2Jtt ACRES with new 4-r. home, fireplace, electric water system with drilled well, utility r, two-car gar age. Price $1950. Terms. Immediate possession. W. 11. GRABENHORST A CO. Phone 64 6 t 11400 CASH WILL. BUY this 1U acres located In the Salem Hlghts section ; nice view. Bearing fruit -and nut trees: 4-r. house with cement basement, city water. Immeriate possession. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 S. Liberty St. Wanted Real Estate WANT CASH price on good home In south Salem. F. H. Weir Resltor, 111 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 9411. WE INVITE your "for sale" list Inga If falrlv priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Realtor Guardian Building. BRING IN TOUR real estate list ings. We have the buyers. C. H. SANDERS 111 N. High (838 Rusiness Opportunities BEAUTY SHOP for aale. Box 1364, Statesman. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Bradley. Ph. 6700. FOR BEST DRY WOOD Ph. 7054. ra i gfi TflJjTanllr"IJLiJtJ 16-IN. fir wood, $5.16 cd. Ph. 7316. DRY WOOD. All kinds. Ph. 1-1446. DRY OLD fir. Ph. 7507. It-IN. old fir. 4 ft 2nd growth. 1451. DRY 1 f-ln Oak or fir Phnn 417K or 4103. MILL WOOD. $1.50 load, Ph. ($(1 or (341. evenings. Yard at 110 Court. WOOD. Ph. (370. Green. 411 N. list Wood Sawing 1940 HOWARD. PHONE 1H1. reA"AAeekssWWaeaWssBeBaB 930 N. Commercial. Ph. Kit. Business Cards in this directory nut oa a monthly basis only. Bate: 1.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek 271 South Commercial Body & Fender' ,9 POP'S SHOP. U wreck 'em. I ftx 'em rea Radiator repairing. P. Hit, Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 14T a Com'cL P.. 4(16 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44(0, R. at, Northneas Engineer-Surveyor J. H. Neet (0( Ouardlaa Bide P. Excavating EXCAVATION OF an kind Base ments dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale, Balam Sand A GraAveL P 9401 Florists Brslthaupf 647 Court. Phene 1191 Funeral Directors aBSBSeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa Tarwinicer Funeral Borne, Ph. (121 Magazine Subscriptions Mrs. Paul H. Hau ser Phone Tilt. Bloney to Loan Cash Mo. payments including to ALL charges for sea e moa, II moa, - to t TI 140 tt.(T 115 49.11 tO 65.(1 $ (.04 14.06 t.41 11.61 30.14 FINANCE CO. (Aeroea from Court Bouse) S-lll A M-16J Phone till Lost and Found LOST: Red female cocker, age t month Ph. 7481. Reward. LOST Smwn mrkw rankl mm Reward. Ph. 6914. Persona PRIVATE investigation, civil A criminal. For appointment, ph. 11(61. '---'-"--- i-i-irinnn.nnn.nriri.rui LONESOME! Serving all agea. Crab Ellta, P. Q. Bx, Tl-Q. Lea Aagelea. CL For Sale Used Caw Ton May Have War You Mar Hare Peace You Can Be Assured YOUR TAXES WILL INCREASE THESE VALUES WILL SAVE TOU MONET r 1939 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1596 1939 Pontine Town Sedan $(6 1935 Pontine Fordor Tr. $89( Two 1916 Pontlae Sedans, your choice of one lft 1917 Pontine Coupe $445 1917 Terra plane Sedan $S6$ 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan $S9$ 1915 Chevrolet Coupe $19( 1937 Buk-k Fordor Tr. $44( MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Terms and Trades See Pontiac's 1941 Torpedo Fleet Now on Display Lot : Corner Chemeketa-Church Phone 3486 HERRALL-OWENS CO. PONTLVC SALES A SERVICE 285 S. Commercial Phone 1119 1940 DODGE Spec sedan. Dual equipment, heater. This car MUST be sold st once. Phone 6294. A REAL BUT "39 Amb. Nash, II. 000 mi., air cond., overdrive. $150. Term Owner. Ph. (909. ' iiiii-a-wafVrlru'lrt 'It BUICK, Century sedan. Sell er trade. Ph. 9453. Rt. 4, Box 376. 17 LINCOLN Zephyr, owner. Fine cond.; low inlg. Cheep. Ph. 7511. Legal Notice NOTICE OP HEARING OX FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the FINAL ACCOUNT of NELLIE P. MYTHINO, adminis tratrix of the Estate of ROGER EDWIN MYTHING, deceased, has been filed In the County Court of Marlon County, State of Oretjon, and that the 7th day of Decem ber, 1940, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., of said day has been duly Directory Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO, Phone4049, SALEM FLUFF RUO A MATTRESS Co. New Matt re see old remade, rug cleaning A weaving. S. 11th A Wilbur. TeL 144 L Z wicker Papering-Painting NEAT Work, reaa, Johnson. Ph. t77l Plumbing PLUMBINO, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 1(4 S. Uberty. Ph. (194 Printing FOR STATIONERY, card pamphlets. Itrograma, books or any kind of print ng. call The Statesman Printing De partment. IIS CL Commercial. Tele phone 810L Trailers RENT. Ph.. 6194 808 N. Liberty. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, burner oil, call 811L Lanner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally ; also agent for Pierce Auto Freight Line including California point Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection In year home. Au thorised Hoover service. We service all makea cleaners. Hogg Bros, Ph. 6011. WeR Drilling R. A. WEST. RLt.Bg 441.' P. 1-1196 By CHIC YOUNG "ft Legal , Notice appointed by such court " as the Urn for hearing of objections to said Final Account and the settle ment thereof. : -All persons Interested In said estate are hereby required to ap pear in said Court at said time and place and show cause, if any they hare, why said Final Account should not be allowed and ap proved, by said court. Dated and first published thla Cta day of November, It 40. NELLIE P. MYTHINO, Administratrix of the Estate of ROGER EDWIN MYTH . ING, deceased. BRAZIER C. SMALL, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. N -l 3-2 0-17 D 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY x In the Matter of the Estate of LEWIS C. MATTHES. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, Administrator of the Es tate of Lewis C. Matthea, de ceased, and haa qualified aa such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the under signed at the office of Paul R. Hendricks, Ladd and Bnsh Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six. months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the twentieth day of November, 1940. F. B., Administrator of the Es tate of Lewis C. Matthes, deceased. Paul R. Hendricks, Attorney for said Estate, Ladd Bush Building, Salem, Oregon. N. 10-17 D. 4-1 1-1 8. Mehama Girl Gets Surprise Shower MEHAMA A surprise bridal shower was given by Mrs. Floyd Monroe and Mrs. Harry Monroe at the home of Mrs. J. Moe Friday afternoon honoring Ruth Moe. Miss Moe is to be married Thanks giving day. Games were played before the opening of gifts. Luncheon was served to Mesdames Frank Dake, Berton Peyres, B. Kirsch, J. Moe, Jim Blum, Ralph Downer, Marion Taylor, Ellwyn Erickson, Pat Mc Carley, Will Scroggin, Mabel Patton, Ira Kirsch, Russell Wil son, Will Carter, Harley Johnson, Alan Splva. Chris McDonald, W. T. Hughes, Giles Wagner, Ed Burgess. Keith Phillips, Roy ippi. Merle Phlllppl, Chet Blum, Arch Kimsey, Tex Kimsey, Rex Klmsey, Harry Monroe, Floyd Monroe, Anna Stout, Esther Blum, Iva Mot and Ara Purser. Stayton Resident Honored at Party STAYTON F. F. Foster was honored on his 8 3rd birthday an niversary when members and friends of his Sunday school class gathered at the Foster home No vember 15. Mr. Foster came to Stayton 55 years ago from Carthage, Mis., and has lived here since. He was born In Bloomlngton, 111. Those present were Mr. and Mr. E. L. Church, Mrs. Susan Gunsaules, Mrs. Lena Silhavy, Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp, Mrs. O. J. Pnrdy, Mrs. Frank tupka, lira. O. L. Hagen, Mrs. Addle Palm a teer, Rer. and Mrs. W. J. Hamil ton and grandson, Joey, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright, Mrs. Katie Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. D. George Cole and Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster. Lincoln People Gather at Marrs LINCOLN Mrs. G. W. Marr of Lincoln had as her guests at dinner Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. James Nolei and David, Jim and Billy, K. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, C. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kline, Mrs. C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turn bow and Vesta May and Chuck, Glora, Lucky, Jerry. Ted and Dale Marr, Mrs. Alice Simpson and Mrs. Lola Crawford. Mrs. Fred McKinney Is a guest thla week at the home of her-son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKinney of Silverton. Party Is Given At Evens Valley EVENS VALLEY Berniee Langsev was the inspiration of a aurprise birthday party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Langsev. Guests were Mrs. Anna Balch, Mrs. Clara Vorseth of Portland, Bertha Loe, Mrs. Oscar Loe, Mrs. Iver Brandon, Mrs. B. Storlie, Mrs. Julia Moen. Lillian Rutseh man, Mrs. Kenneth Todd, Mrs, James Rue, Mrs. Nellie Watter son. Mrs. Julius Moenv Mrs. Paul Herlgstad, Mrs. Joseph LeRud. Mrs. Own Todd, Martha snd Lela Todd. Mrs. L. Hansen, Mrs. K. Funrne, Mrs. Albert Fanrue, Mrs, Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Oscar Bentson. Surprise Given At Waldo Hills WALDO HILLS Winifred Riches was honored At a surprise dinner in observance of her birth day. The dinner was given at the Charles Riches home Sunday. Present for ths occasion were Mr, tnd Mrs. J. W. Riches, .Tar man Riches and Doris RIchea of Salem: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Riches Raymond and Jack Riches, Mrs. J. L. Caddy of Silverton, snd Mr. and lln, T. R. Riches, Mary Jans Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riches, C. R.'- Riches, Winifred and Lola Riches. Glenn Wade Talks To Aumsville Folk AUMSVILLE Glenn Wade of the industrial accident commis sion in Salem gare an address here at 'the Christian church Sun day at 11 o'clock choosing for his subject "This I That- or events oeenring in. the historical day of Pentecost. A Ante solo by Patricia Milton with her . mother, Mrs. C. E. Mil ton accompanying at the ; piano was . given at the morning, ser vice aa was a solo by Violet Fin cher playing her own guitar ac companiment. Guests last week at the C. E. Milton home were her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Hancock of Tulare, ' Cat. Hayesville Jitney Supper Nets 32 HAYES VILLE At the Jitney supper held Friday night, and sponsored by the community club, a net of 832 was reported. Mrs. T. A. Lewis. Mrs. Chester Doollttle and Mrs. Vernon Clark were in charge of the affair. During the business meeting Hershall Robertson was appointed chairman of a committee to so lid te funda for the Christmaa treat. The girls of the Junior Woman'a club will assist him. The Boy Scouts under the di rection of their scout leader, J. J. Komyate. will have charge of the Christmaa tree. Mrs. Albert Stettler spoke on the subject of organising an or chestra and introduced Glenn ' B. Starr, of the Starr music house of Salem, who offered his ser- vlcese as director. Stayton Couple Married 40 Years STAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Alex Harold celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a din ner at their home November 12. They have lived In Stayton nine years this month, having moved here from Quinaby, where Harold lived 84 years, and Mrs. Harold 81 years. They are active mem bers ef the Methodist church. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Massey of Quinaby, daughter of the Harolds, and their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harold, and Verel, Melba, Nelta Marie, Nina Eliae, and Darrel Dean of Stayton; An drew Olson, brother of Mrs. Har old and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Booker, sister of Mrs. Harold. Fire Chief Returns To Aumsville AUMSVILLE 8. G. Weiss. Aumsville fire chief, who had been a patient in the Salem Dea coness hospital since August 29, following a major operation was brought to his home Friday. He la convalescing satisfactorily. His sister, Mrs. Sam Sneiele, with her husband of Lodl, Cel., were here for a short visit with the Weiss family last week. Cross Word Puzzle IT 13 'A id 16 Id V1 21 11 21 2Q 32 33 36 37 HO 41 HZ HS 5W ST HORIZONTAL I Free from something obnoxious 4 Consumed 7 Coral island 12 Constellation IS Expire 14 Receiving set 15 What colUg i at Ithaeat 17 Ancient forest of England 18 Species of pier 19 Distributed cards 21 Hoarders 23 Hastened 27 -Ermine 29 -Place SiFeminine name 82 More vociferous Si What ocean it wtiUd U (A Pacific by B$hri Straitt SS High in the scale 17 Seed vessel v SS Harangue 40 -Exclamations 42 Person of consequence 44 Pincerlike organ 45 Debatable 43 Cornixant St Whs dirtied tie- camfxtiff ' that drove tka Turk from , Palestine in l$17t A Pertaining; te a rounded projection 5S Golf mound 5 Electrified particle 87 Peers 3 Goal E3 Beverage ; . . VERTICAL 1 ceas 2 fetal 3 What eettege ie at Banevert , A American humorist ' , (-Mark used in Spanish - 6 Those who catch certain fish T Inland sea of Eossia , S Cakes Peculiar 1 I Brooks News - BROOKS The Woman'a socie ty met in the church Wednesday with Mrs. H. H. Bosch, president presiding. The society will meet Tuesday afternoons from sow on. The next meeting will be held in two weeks., with Mrs. Harry, Sin gleterry, Mrs. Esta Loy and Mrs. Willa Vinyard as hostesses. Alee Streeter was called - to Stevenson. Mont., by the illness of his brother, George. He -accompanied hia nephew, - Dale Streeter and wife of Eugene. Dais la a son of George Streeter. - Mrs. Clyde Harris accompanied by Mrs. Cecil, Asbbaugh, Mrs. Alec Streeter and Mrs. John Dun levy, drore Ito Stayton recently and were dinner guests at ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. George Cole. The Garden club met in ths club rooms for its regular meet lng with Mr. Alec Streeter pre siding. A no-host luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Roy Reed, to Mrs. Elma Ramp, Mrs. Nora Westllng, Mrs. Bertha Stree ter, Mrs. Mary MeClure, Mrs. Nellie McNeff. Mrs. Anna Dun levy and Mrs. Gertrude Reed. As the next meeting comes on Thanksgiving, the club will not meet again until December 5. Crawford School Has Health Show TURNER The Crawford school and patrons were entertained on Wednesday night by a health pro gram with Dr. David Bennett Hill of Salem showing the film "The Road to Happiness" to an appre ciative audience. Mrs. Esthel Gul vin is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Haynie of Portland, owners of what is known as the Ashenfeldter place, are moving to their property. Mabel LaRonte of Clinton, Mo., who spent nearly two years with her sister, Mrs. John Mickey, and , a graduate of Turner high school has returned to ber home in Au gusta, ana writes she decided to auallfr for telephone exchanre I A l 1 W , ..... Kansas City. Charivari Given At Hazel Green HAZEL GREEN A group of neighbors gave Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Woelke (Hilda Hawkins) an old fashioned charivari. They were given a generous treat and Invited in to spend the night in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seegars, sr., of Nampa, Idaho, were guests of his son, Albert Seegars, Jr., and family. The father and son had not seen each other for tea years. Kate Bruening of Herrlngton, SD, Is guest of her brother, Hen ry Bruening. Miss Bruening will leave for California after Christ mas to spend the winter. Lodges Pacific Ledgs Ho. (0. AT AM, Diatriet aaeetUg. Official visit at WOK Earl Snail. Hn. He-. SS II IH n 20 23 24 2t 26 21 31 3T 36 3"? HT HQ 52 53 55 5T 10 Recline , ItWhat is the mis ting ftrtt name of the former movie etar: Chaneyf IS Nymph 20 On the ocean 22 Pace tiWhat it the toutXernmott part ef the South American eenti nentt 25 Prepare for publication 28 Fish of carp family 27 Thick slice 28 Weight Ja India 30 Believe 33 Dress S5 Law violation 33 Expend 41 Fragment 43 Greek physician 45 Pronoun 47 Ancient Creek sola 48 English river 49 Lofty mountain 50 Misery 51 Short for Abraham 58 Guided t ; Answer to rstterdar'i pnxxlc. ALS 111 TED S JN T5 E E m ED R I OP 77L YA m fejO T p N I o!nM SjWjE Afr S R OjP ML NjERjp R MN ggAsMsT ANfil (TjA L LjA nHG An as state ef eeesaeet II eta Plnriaiii k, kim ham saau