PAGE EIGHT Th OEEGON STATESMAN Salem Oregon. Wednesday Morning, Horembe 2D. 1843 I Stoclts Steady - After Sell-Off Dividends Paid by Santa Fe Are First in Three Year's Time NEW YORK, Not. l--Stocks steadied Id today's market atter an early sell-off centering oo steels and other recent Indus trial faTorites. In fairly actve dealings declines ranged from fractions to more than a point around mid-day. A little support then arriced and extreme setbacks were reduced or cancelled in many Instances at the close. A number of pleasing dividends, some unexpected in Wall Street, helped the, list to regain part of Its equilibrium. At that, many traders - refused to work up any real buying enthusiasm because of fears new shocks from the European war might be in the of fing. . The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .1 of a point st 45.4. Transfers of 7 2 0.8 8 0 shares compared with 570,050 the day before. Financial circles were given a pleasant surprise by Santa Fe directors who voted a payment of 1 on the. common. It was the first disbursement of this issue since September, 1937, when $2 was declared. The junior stock climbed 1 points to 18 and the preferred issue was up 3 at 58, a new top for the year. The Republic Steel board an nounced regular quarterly divi dends of $1.50 onNJts two preferred-stocks which rose 1 and 3 points, respectively. The com mon finished higher. U. S. Steel was unchanged, Bethlehem down and Youngs town Sheet up On the offside were Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, Du Pont, Johns-Man-Tille, Anaconda, Kennecott, Doug las Aircraft, Eastern Air Lines, and N. Y. Central. Among Gainers were Certain teed and International Paper pre ferreds, Texas Corp., Standard Oil of N. J., General Motors, Chrys ler, U. S. Rubber, Great Northern, American Telephone and General Electric. Paulus Approached On Federal Job Robert C. Paulus, president of the Paulus Brothers Packing com pany, in a recent letter to his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Paulus. from New York informed her that he had been approached concern ing the position of liaison officer between the government and the canning industry. Paulus reported that he had discouraged the idea la the belief that someone nearer Washington should serve. Paulus had been called east to attend a meeting with the defense council's coordinator of foods. The communication, coming from the Waldorf-Astoria, where he was stopping, said that he was return ing to Washington, DC for a sec end conference with canners and army and navy officials. Salem Market Quotations '(Barlnf Prices) Tt prices below supplied by s locsl grocer are indicative of the daily merket rices pid to (rowers by Sslem buyers bat sre not fusrsnteed by The States- VEGETABLES apples, loose peck, box. .75 .30 1.00 .01 .30 1.00 3.75 1.25 1.15 .65 .20 1.50 .90 .10 .2 5 1.30 .45 .80 .75 .65 .01 .40 .75 BeeU. os. Braseel sprouts Cebbece, 1B7 Carrots Cauliflower Craaberries, box Celery, white Celery, fTpn Celery kearts, dot. GarUe, lb. liettace Onioas. SO lbs. Oateas, boilinf. 10 lbs.. OlNit, Ta. dry fetatoee, 100 lbs.. No. 1. 50 lbs, Ke. 9 Kadishea, dot. Bpiaaca, box Soaash. Daaish, box - fiqaasa, Hubbard, lb. Taraips. dos. oxanr, hat and seeds Wboat. Ko. 1. recleaBod. bu Oats. Ke. 1 21.00 to 22.00 Teed barley, toa 20.00 to 22.00 S.00 Clever bay, tea Alfalfa bay. toa H i 14.00 Kgg xaaah. Ke. 1 frsde, 80 lb. bat 1.80 Dairy feed. SO-lb. bs( 1.85 Eea scratch feed 10 Cracked cots 2.00 EGOS AVD OUXTKT (Buying Prices of Aadreaen's) Orade A lerfc. dos .31 Orade A medium, dos. .26 Quotations PORTLAND. Ore., Not. lgj (AP) Prodace exchange: Butter x4ri 33:; Standards S2; prime firsts 82c; firsts 0e. , Batterfst First aaalHy, maximum .6 f 1 per cent acidity, delivered Portland. ' S4H-35e lb.; premium quality (maximum f .85 of 1 per cent acidity), 35-36He; valley rentes and- country points 2e lens, r 88 He: second duality 3 under tint, r tlMii. Egge Pertlaad frodaeo Exchange Baying prices : " Large extras 29e; large standards Sac;' medium extras 24c; w.e dium etaadarda I9e; rmall extras 13c; Small ataadards 15c . Cheese felliag price to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 21e lb.: leaf S2 lb. Triplets to wholesalers 19s lb.; loaf, SOe, f-o.b. Tillamook. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Not. 19. (AP) Wheat : Open High Low Close December 77 77 77 - 77 Cask Graia: Oata. No. 2. 38-lb, white, S6.50; barley. No. S. 45 1b. BW, 23.60; corn. No. S. ET shipment. 81.25. Cask Wheat (Bid): Soft white 76; wester white 76; western sod 77. Hard red winter: ordinary 78; 11 per eent Chsa, B.D. Elerbai remedies tor ailments ot stomach, lirer, kidney, skin, blood, glands and urinary sys tem ot men - sad women, 2 5 rears in service. Naturopathic Physicians. Ask yonr neigh bors about CHAN LAifc CHINESE MEDICINE CO, 241 BT. UVertr, apstalra PrUan Oe rai Electrio- Co. Olflc open Tatsday and Batarday only. 1ft am, te 1 pvm, te 7 p.m. CoasalUtioa, kiosa or sad arts testa axe free f ckarga. (5) 7. T. Laav at. D. O. "Strictly Private ! Sua QivumijI:- A A nlw atA Closing Quotation NEW YORK, Nov. 19-jiP)-Today's closing quotataions: Al Chem & Dye..l68 American Can.... 90 Ailis. Chalm .... 36 Am Car & Fdy.. 294 Am Rd Std San.. 7 y Am Roll Mills ... 16 14 Am Smelt & Ref 45 Am Tel & Tel....l66 Am Tobacco B.. 71 V Aviation Corp .. 5 Am Wa Works.... 8 Am Zinc L & S.. 7 li Anaconda 27 Armour 111 5 Atchison 1814 Bald Loco 17 Bendix Aviation 33 Beth Steel 87 Boeing Airplane 19 Borden 20 Borge Warner.... 22 Calif Packing .... 20 Callahan Z-L 1 Canada Dry 14 Canadian Pacific 4 V Caterpillar Trac 48 Celanese 28 Chesa & Ohio ... 43 Chrysler 80 Col Gas A Elec 5 Coml Solvents.. 10 Comlwth Sou 1 Consoll Aircraft 25 Consolid Edison 24 Consolld Oil 6 Cont'l Can 38 Corn Products.. 43 Crown Zellerb .... 16 Curtiss Wright.. 10 Doug Aircraft 82 Du Pont 13 Eastman Kodakl43 El Pow & Light 4 Gen Electric 35 Gen Foods 3 6 Gen Motors 50 Goodrich 15 Goodrich 15 Goodyear Tire.. 18 Great Northern.. 28 Greyhound 11 Illinois Central.. 8 Insp Copper 13 Interna Harvest 65 Intern Nick Can 27 Intern P & Pulp 66 Intern Tel & Tel 2 Johns -Manville.. 64 Kennecott 3 5 Libbey-O-Ford .. 46 Lockheed 30 Loew's : - 29 Long-Bell A 4 Montgom Ward.. 38 Nash Kelvinator 5 Nat Biscuit 1 8 Nat Dairy Prod 14 Nat Dist 23 Nat Lead 19 NY Central 14 N. Am. Aviation 18 North Ameri Co 17 Northern Pacific 7H Ohio Oil 7 Otis Steel 10 Pac Amer Fish 9 Pac Gas & Elec 28 Packard Motor.... 3 Pan-Am Airways 17 Param 9 J C Penney .... 87 Penna RR 25 Butterfat, Xo. 1, 34c; No. 2, 82c; premium 8.5c. A grade print 36c; B grade 85c; quarters 87c. Grade B large, doi. Pullets, dos. Colored hens .25 .18 .12 .15 .09 .13 .05 Colored frys White Let-bora, heavy .08 to White Leghorn lrys . Old roosters . (Baying Fries s of Marlon Creamery) Grade A large, doi.. 30 Orade A medium, doi .25 Orade B large, dos .25 Pullets, doi. .17 Leghora hena .08 to .09 Colored fryers ... .13 Colored bens w .18 HOPS (Bnylof Prices) 1939 .80 to .40 1940 contracts, lb .80 LIVESTOCK (Baying prices for No. 1 stock, bated on conditions and sales reported np to 4 p.m.) 1940 spring lambs 8.25 Yearling lambs 8.25 Yearling lambs 5.00 to 5.50 Fwes .- 8.00 to 3.50 Hogs, top, 160-220 lbs 6.25 Sows 4.25 to 4.50 Beef cows - 6.00 Bulls 6.75 to 6.25 Heifers 6.00 to 6 60 Dairy type cows 4.00 to 4.75 Live Teal 9.50 Dressed Teal, lb. .13 at Portland 79; 12 per cent 81; 13 per cent 83; 14 per. rent 17. Hard white-Baart: 12 per rent 81; 18 per rest 83. Today's Cor Receipt: Wbeat 20; bar ley 2; flour 8; corn 1; millfeed 7. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Not. 18. (AP) Coaatry meats Selling price to retailers. Country killed hogs best buteners, 125 150 lbs.. 9Uc: Teslers, fsncy 15- 15Hc;; llght-thln, 16- 12c; heavy S- lic; lambs, aprtug, ewes, - 8e; good entter cows, 8Vi-9e; canner cows, 8-8V4c: bulla 11-11 He. LiTe poultry Buying prices t o. 1 grsde Legtorn broilers, 1H-2 lbs., 19c; fryers under S lbs, 15c; fryers, 1H to 4 lbs.. 14e.. roasters oTer 4 lbi., 15e Leghorn bens OTer 3Vs lbs., 12c; Leghorn hens under IH lbs., 10c; eolorvl kens oeer 5 lbs., 14c: colored kens 4 to 5 lbs. 15c. Old roosters Se lb. Dressed turkeys Baying prices I Ksw crop kens 20-llc; toms 14-lSe. Dressed tnrseye Komtnar selling prices : Old crop Sens22-24e; toms, 14 16 lb.; new crop hena 22-24c; toms 1VH-17S 1. On ioaa Oregon DanTera 60-90e; Tak baas 70 80. Potatoes Tskima, 1 OS-1.15; Klamath, 1.30-1.2S- Deaehates. No. 1. 1.10-1.25. Hay Selliss once to retailers : Alfal fa Ke. 1, 14 25 toa; oat-Tetck 10.00 toa; eloTer 10.00 tea; Timothy, oast or a Oregon 17 00 tea: Talley Timothy 14.00- IS.OO toa. Pwrtlaac Wool 1940 aastera Oregon range BOe 83a; cross h red, 84-85; Willamette valley 18 naoatas. se-se. Hope Oregon 1939. 40-dle lbs. 1948 eoatracta 80o ib. 1940 oadJosa 87-40e, miaaL I U21I3TED Walniils and Walniil EJeals Kcllsy Farqriar :Q-:ti Co.. front at Norway SUb, Saksn uss cm for. l rif I WW CAMP NIK. S.I M y x x . n-ao s Pheps Dodge 36 Phillips Petrol.. 39 Proctor A Gamb 684 Pub Serv NJ.... 30 Pullman 26 Radio 6 Rayonier 17 Republic Steel.. 22 Richfield Oil .... 9 Safeway Stores.. 42 Sears Roebuck.. 77 Shell Union 10 Socony Vacuum 9 Sou Cal Edison. .127 14 Sou Pacific 8 Sperry Corp .... 42 Stand Brands ... 6 Stand Oil Calif.. 19 Stand Oil In 27 Stand Oil NJ 36 Stone Webster 7 Studebaker S Sunshine Mining 9 Texas Corp 39 Trans-America.. Union Carbide.. Union Oil Calif Union Pacific... United Airlines.. United Aircraft United Corp .... United Drug 4. United Fruit 72 US Rubber 24 US Rubber Pfd.. 87 US Steel Vanadium Warner Pict Western Union.. Westinghse Woolwoith Domestls flour Eellicg price, city de llTcry, 1 to 25 bbl. lots: Family pstents, 49s. 6.00-6.80: rbskers' hard wheat net 4.60-5.70; bakers' bluestem 5.20-5.50; blended hard wheat flour 5.50-5.60; soft whest 4.70-4.75; grsham 49s, 4.50; wbols whest. 49s, 4 45 bbl. Mobsir 1940, 12 months 80s lb, Cascara 1940 peel 8e lb. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Not. 19. (AP) (USDA) Hogs: Salable 860, total 600; market slow. Barrows tnd gilts, gd-ch. 160 lb do gd-ch, do gd rh, do gd-ch, do gd rh, do gd-ch, do cd rh. 160-1S0 180-200 200-220 220-240 240-270 270-300 lbs lbs. lbs. lbs lbs lbs Feeder pigs gd-eh, 70-120.. Cattle: Salable and total 35; market steady with Monday or mostly 25 lower for two dsys. Steers, gd, 900-1100 lbs... 8 do medium, 750-1100 do comiron, 750-1100 Heifers, gd, 750-900 do medium, 600-900 do common, 600-900 Cows, good, all weights do medium, all wts do eut-cim, all wts do csnner. all weight Bolls (ylgs. exelud.). beef. good, all weights do sausage, gd, all wts..-. do medium, all wts do cu'.-rnm, all wts.-. Vealers, gd-ch. all wts. do com-med, all wts do call, all wts Sheep: Salable and total about stesdy. Spring- lambs, gd-ch. f LBS B.7S 7.600 1.15 S.7S 7.26 3.50(o 4 86 3 00 8.60 do medium and good do common . Ewes (shorn), good-choice- do common and mediam- Wool in Boston BOSTON, Not. 19 (AP) (C8DA) The market for domestic wools In Bos ton wss not Tory active today., Small quantities ot original bag aTerage to gtod Frencb combing length fine territory wools sold at 81-08 to 81.05, seourea basis. Original bag half-blood territory wool! sf average to good French combing length brought mostly 97 cents to Sl.OO, scoured basis. Original twelTe months Texas wools hsd some call at 81-00 to 81-05, scoured basis. Stocks and Bonds NoTember 18 BOVD AVERAGES Compiled by Tb 20 Ralls Net change. Lara Taeaday 60.1 Previous day 60.1 Month ago 60.3 Tear ago 00.3 1940 high 61.3 1940 low 48.3 New highs. Press S.60 8.S5 10 10 10 Indus TJtil lorrn A .1 D .1 D .3 105.5 100.3 38.4 105.4 100.9 88.7 164.7 99 4 S7.4 101.1 96.S S0.4 105.5 100.T S3.S 98.9 90S S5.1 STOCK ATZSAQE8 SO 15 15 SO Indus Bail Ctil Stocks Net change J .3 TJnch D .1 li .1 Tuesday 64 S 17.S 85 8 45.4 Prerioas day 64.7 17.S 85.9 45.6 Tear ago 73.6 31.4 89 8 61.9 1940 high 74.3 30.5 40 6 63.3 1940 low 53.8 13.0 80 9 17.0 WANTED WMIIDTS j FILBERTS and NUT MEATS : ' Cash ob DeliTery IL mcrkinl , PACKING COMPANT 60 N. Front ; Ph. 7633 Wheat Gain Small After Uncertainty CHICAGO, Not. 19HP)-Wheat futures ended the day with alight gains after fluctuating uncertain ly over a range of about a cent a bushel today. The bread cereal started low er, influenced by declining securi ties markets and soybean quota tions. The leader dropped aa much as 3 cents. Final prices for wheat were unchanged to eent higher than the previous close, December 89- 88, May 88-. The wheat market undertone was nervous. After a Lower start, wheat rallied to cents at times, only to back down partially under the weight of selling. Trade was generally light. The May con tract advanced from 87 to 88 cents at times but failed to retain much of the gain at the close. Mary Beard to Be Buried at Lebanon LEBANON Mary Prances Beard, 86, died at her home Sun day and will be buried from the Lowe Mortuary this afternoon with Interment in the Masonic cemetery. She was born in Eugene and lived there until In 1892 when she was married to John R. Beard of Leb anon. She had been married be fore to Captain Oliver Hildeburn who died soon after their mar riage. Mr. Beard died in 1827. She had no children but is sur vived by a step daughter, Mrs. Nita Russell in Los Angeles, and by two brothers and two sisters, M. D. Sherrard of San Diego, Lin coln Sherrard of Redmond, Mrs. Thomas Lane of Coquille and Mrs. Hattle Lane of Lenore, Idaho. Makes First Trip BRUSH CREEK Karen Ar- leen Meyer, three-week-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig A. Meyer of Silverton made her first trip to her grandfather's home here Sunday. The infant is the only grandchild of L. H. Meyer, who has lived on Paradise road for the past 40 years. She is also the only niece of Althea Meyer, who lives here with her father, but is employed at the water de partment office at Silverton. POLLY AND HER PALS TOOTS AND CASPER i 1 j- i fin i i i l n4.M' v injj ir'L, till. .... u ji ji . i, , n k nr. wivi'.i ) I . 1 - 6 quite a istteuecuai triwi S x WW W JMX AP m wm?' 'S ( TALK I HAD WITH VER J ( 1 THOUGHT M I LIKES DEEP XT cJ ( MlSS WWffMJ&K OHSHE ). 15 V FRIEND. I SORTA GOT " tXJ WOULD f. DlSCUSSONS i JCoL Jxl VATES ) J mOWf ifFY OURTK Wxj. -K A FEW NEW ANGLES V mn mi DOES 7QfrZ? ? V M lbUt (ASSISTANT ) j?t mmwmi mm mmmte MICKEY MOUSE Commencement Exercises By WALT DISNEY I 1 1 f sul?E SEEMS PUNMV. V TES. . A, MOST "I I I OO HOPE OUC SEPVCE PtESES I I ONLY I'M NOT 1 v H NP lg DEDUCTIONS ) -S-fT MA.VIN' ANOTHER 6UEST 1 STttKNOE CONCl- -"1 HIM, HE'S SO VE17Y PiNiCKY' Vk. GOlN' TO BED Xrv : C WOSK OUT jsjO-'i - TAKE THE SAME r.PP;. Ln s - ir- wv VET1 THESE a1" ISiBS'H TWKtE POOHS THAT Xfrl lYEH .HE'S ALWAYS HARPlN' V JY BACK STAJSS -P T - ' &. ' Tt'Jl'C s3s n rn:w ua "vfer- ca ieess r-rAA r-a 6.400 o oo .-..r.i , . i raj L-f JiTIV I Ai f 1 0 M I t jti T m Jtl PWV flJTJ r- J 9 50010 00 I I W I I I T I A I ZJTi'ri yrefSiT I S.75 8 50 tnnr aararrr orsi-rcnr Tl, T m4 V Faall BRANDON WALSH S.75 S.75 UtlLb Vtsisxb nwuiil v.w - ; dist - as WfWZZ ( hey wmtuTi J 3EE,rraujCKyTH5CHAwroeHrr-rc: ) 1 I r comeokzebo-we N-- I f gee (putf) th truck's gohkcpitt) aj J.TsS 4 7S WXrt K OU LOST I GDHCRtt-W TT Alr?TATAa. T- GOTTA HUCtAKfGTVt THE A Te AAAM DOeTKWObV HE LOSTACWAjR 1 Al7 t-7 vrs a-rar-eX--. Ire ,S I I "V1 S ON He5 TRUCK T lZ GUAROTHE CHAlt? UKTT1L.THE MAM J 6 p s jo iT X?l' JS$TbSs sPf, .8WTy SAY. T THOUGHT V X WAS, BUT I VbU'RE POOU9H DONT rvORRYH j HETJ KlEVEE? $ JVZZS.! f 92? VWVVtREOlN HAVE A BETTER TO TAKE A V CASPER JT JUSfr KNOW ME NOW- ) VO-TRE EACTLV.' AND ( , WSAVEMS, TO LEAVE 4 PLAN TO OUTWIT CHANCE STAYING f REMEMBERED 1VE CHAMEP J jONTO HERE'S MYSTANO-1 V YOU CANT TCNCOL. VJ" -MAN-KILLER HERE." THERE'S VtHAT IT'S YEARS A LOT CINCH T HAVE SOME- IN VVAmN ON USE HIM! jit-io : THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Forty Winks VAsrmn ZRKT THE FAMOUS DETE-CTIVE Y I DO MOT R&COCUTE j KMrSTER AUXR I ,A Y JuSr A IKIUTE. j W WELL, TVE 4CTT TO LrET 1 CHtSlWK. j AY OUR lERVkCE 23'A HOLR At FROX OR RELATIVES,, REPEAT. XV K NCTf SAID '"rOURE ON DUTV ) 3LEEP sOMETSMe, j: . OVLi , s j i j DAVt I AM VrORKsNsf NECESSARY TO KNOCK Zi'k HOLR6 A ttMJ TXXsTT 1 f 5 "Escape9 Comes to Elsinore rr; ' He! "V. 4- 7 IV"'- Norm Shearer, Robert Taylor and Conrad Veldt in scene from "Escape," startiHg today at the Elsinore, pins Baby Handy and Stuart Erwln in "Sandy Oeta Her Man. Funeral Service Set For Jacob Haury SILVERTON Funeral services for Jacob Haury, 74, who died Sunday night at the home of his daughter, Elma Amstutz, will be held Friday at 1:80 o'clock from the Pratum Menonite church with Larson and Son in charge. Herleys to Entertain At Independence INDEPENDENCE Dr. and Mrs. George D. Herley will enter tain on November 28 at their home with the Thursday night club members as guests. This will be the first meeting of the dub since election of new mem bers. Guests will be Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Fratike, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mort and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson. f Veterans Meeting Set at Silverton SILVERTON Alma Fierst, president, is announcing a meet ing of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary at the armory to night when all past presidents will be special guests. These Include, in order of their term of service, Ruth McPike, Edith Devericks, Gurine Standard, Marie Solle. Clarice Johnson and Esther Long. In charge of arrangements are Margaret Halverson, Lillian Sen ter, Blanche Howell and Alma Fierst. Turkey Record Probable PORTLAND. Nov. 19-yP)-Low prices on the Turkey market to day led to promise of a record Thanksgiving trade. Wholesalers said volume so far has been the greatest in history. Quality of tur keys was declared the best in years. A Language Ash Understands Not a Satisfactory Substitute 1 Lincoln Woman Is Host to Goodwill : LINCOLN Mrs. J. C JessupJ was elected president of the Goodwill club at the November meeting held at the home of Mrs. Martha Neiger. Mrs. E. E. Buck les was elected vice president and Mrs. L. S. Mickey, secretary treasurer. Mrs. .W. R. Edwards presided at the business session. The club was invited by Mrs. Ivan Merrick to her home for the Christmas meeting and gift exchange Decem ber 12. The sum of f 12. 56 was reported in the treasury by Mrs. Merrick. The hostess calendar Includes for January Mrs. W. R. Edwards and Mrs. Lois . Crawford ; Febru ary, Mrs. Victor Utterback, Mrs. Ival Utterback and Mrs. Haw kins; March, Mrs. L. J. Mickey and. Jeannie Smith;, April, Mrs. Kasper Neiger and Mrs. Walter Kline; May, Mrs. J. D. Walling. ' The hostesses, Mrs. Neiger, Mrs. E. E. Buckles and Mrs. L. J. IFfiimsiimee Y mi'iir WISHES O Note Loans O Furniture Loans O Auto Loans State IFnimeimee (Cod. Salem s Home-Owned Finance Company 344 State Lie S-216 M-22 O Ph. 9261 - Mickey, served refreshment at the close of the meeting assisted by Mrs. J. C. Jessup and Mrs. Eva Walling.. Funeral Arranged For Edward Becke AURORA Edward Becke, 76, former resident of Aurora who had been living at Hills bore the past year died Monday morning. He was born irr Missouri, June 22,-1864. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Becke, were members of the Aurora colony. Mr. Becke made his home In Aurora until he moved to Portland where he had lived for the past 20 years. Funeral services will be held today at 2 o'clock at the Miller chapel In Aurora. Interment will be In the family lot In the Aurora cemetery. - Surviving are his daughter. Mrs. N".Kiser ot Hlllsboro; son-Ernest1 Becke of Aurora; brother, Henry Becke of Oregon City; three grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Through Our PERSONAL LOAN Liberal Extensions in Case of Sickness or Unemployment By CLIFF STERRET By JIMMY MURPHY