13 Forensic Squad Is; California-Bound Dad-Son Banquet : SetbyWUMen Affair in Church Tonight Before Pacific Game; ; t Bennett to Speak U 1 : Willamette unlrerslty. men will eatertain their dsda tonight at the annual Clue 'Key banquet la tha First aietnodlat chorea at 1:15. Frank B- Bennett. ' city aaperln teadeat of schools and alnmnui, will be the principal speaker, on tha topic 'The Greatest Game la the -PTorldV " . Those vhoM fathers will be anable to attend the event, prior te the Wlllamette-Paelflc football ame. will bring , 8alem business men. ' V Walter Erlckaon. anlYerelty registrar and aloranue, will : also peak. Mrk Walla win alog.' Ed Cone, president of the honorary. Special Gift Week Noted by Hospital Thaakasivlac week, beginning Norember IT 1 designated . as special gift week for the Salem Deaconess hospital, hospital aa- thoriliea announced ; yesterday. The donations are essential to the Institution's charity work, of which $23,089 was done daring istt. Now baring 11 S beds, the hos pital rendered aerrtce last -year to 3881 patient. It has grown from the erfglaal IS beds In 23 years. Aathorltlea said espoeially wel come are gifts of money,' trait, presenres, linen, towels, layettes and clothing. - " Oakdale School Hold Program MEHAMA rA s sort program was presented by the Oakdale school last Friday night,- followed by a pie social. Proceeds from the pie social will go for Christ mas benefits at the school. The sound of timber falling and "eat logging can be plainly heard la, town. . Jack Alloway sold a tract of standing Umber one-bait mile from Mehama 'to the Frank and Etzet saw mill and Erctll Wilson la doing the logging. r - 1 wlU b toastmaster. Lores - Hicks is la general charge of the dinner. and; John Hathaway directed publicity. Tha CTZZQU CTATEC3.IA2J, Sclera. Qrtqoa. rldcry llonsiag, Ifiresabc 1S1J 2S Casamsr II Cream ' For Longer Shaving Smile-Age : Sffainlsss Svodish SiJccI Cooper Ulazor Blades . Fred Meyer a. 3 ' -. r-i-: - ''it.--': jf..' Alt debaters, mmd some to take part In other speaking contests at a western states tonraey In Los Angeles text week, are Ute WffiaawKte university foreasic team aliown above. Left to right, seated, are Zeral Brown. Clarence Widka, Knaogene RoaeeU. Marjorle Waters, AacU Payne; ataadiag. Myron Pegae Glenn Olds Wee MeWata aad Dr. Herbert K. Rahr, coach. - j No Appeal in Picket Action llehearing la not Asked by State; Mandate Given Multnomah Court The; recent declaloa of taef state supreme court holding Oregon's so-called anM-p!cketing law un constitutional, will not bo ap pealed r to the United States su preme court, official announced yesterday. There can be no appeal from the decisloa for the reason that the state did not ask for a re hearing of the case. The supreme court mandate was sent to the Multnomah county circuit court Thursday. Three circuit court judges, sit ting In, Multnomah cooaty. held the law unconstitutional, but this ' decision was appealed to the state supreme court. : . In snother case, la which the M arlon county circuit court or dered sponsors of the law, passed by the roters two years ago. to disc lMe the names of th persons and the amount they contributed la support of the measure, sn appeal will be taken to the state supreme court. This suit was filed by D. E. Nlckerson, executive secretary of the state federation of labor. The sponsors of the -measure Included the Oregon Business Council, Associated Farmers of Oregon," and East era Oregon Wheat League. Willamette Debaters to Leave Today5 For Western Tourney at Los Angeles Nine debaters will leave Willamette university thia morn ing with Dr. Herbert E. Rahe, forenaics coach, to participate in the western association speech tournament at George Pep perdine college. Los Angeles, be ginning Monday. ; In the group axe Glenn Olds of Sherwood. Emogene Russell and Zeral Brown of Salem, who will enter the extempore speaking con test. Myron Pogue of Salem in im promptu, and Was MeWain In af ter dinner speaking. All, plus Ralph May of Denver, Colo, Ancil Payne of . The Dalles, Clarence Wicks of Albany aad Marjorle Waters of Salem, will compete in debate. More than 30 colleges from nine states participate in the tourney, to which Willamette has sent en tries each year, tn 193 winning its dirlsion in debate. .In 1939 Marjorle Waters Helen Newlsnd and Beverly McMillea tied for sec ond la -women's debste and Al Klassen and Will am Thomas won third In men's debate. Dr. Rahe and the students in his car will remain In Los Angeles following the completion of the Western Association of Teachers of Speech. Farmers Union News Union Hill Grange Has Meet Slated UNION HILL The Union Hill graags wlU saeet tonight at 8:30 f. m. k for Its regalar monthly business meeting. The yearly elec tion of officers will take place at the meeting. During the lecture hour Mr. tfflea of Salem win tell about his experiences In the Hawaiian is lands as a soldier. The lunch com mittee Is Mr. and Mrs. Theodore fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox aad Mr. aad Mrs. M. M. Qllmour. ROBERTS Roberta Farmers Union agatn added to its mem- i bershlp by the addition of Mr. i and Mrs. George Fowver, who were given the obligation. Discussion centered around a report of Secretary Johnston, on methods to Improve interest in monthly meetings. President Zieke announced the annual election of officers to be held December It at wbfch time a full house la expected. The refreshment committee for December 10 win be Mesdsmes Zielke. Bressler and Jungworth. Log Angeles Folk Visit at Talbot TALBOT Mr. aad Mrs. George Potts had Gary hare had as their guests C M. Da Tie of Los Angeles. The " Safety Valve From Statesman Readers (Continued from psge t) - limit and raising rates to meet the increase In cot. Of course it must be admitted that we hare low rates here now, rates which are hard to beat, but we bare no assurance that they are permanent, we all know that the electric company was not jus tified in lowering the rates as It went bankrupt twice In the last few years with the higher rates, but we appreciate it as long as It lasts. -.'' Another comical point tn this campaign was the comparison made by the press, in order to dis credit the new deal, of the recov ery from the depression, between the countries of northern Europe and the United States. Those northern European coun tries that recovered so qiuckly from the depression hare had for a long time what we were sup posed to be fighting in this count try. namely state ownership of utilities, and to a great extent co operative ownership of business. There electric power Is cheap as water In the nearby brook, and and their economy Is not under the domination of speculators. So instead of dierediting the new deal by such a comparison It rather convinced some of us that the new deal is on the right track. I wish the editors of tha news papers would take their readers more Into their confidence and fraakly discuss the facts In their possession about our ptfitllag problems. L. K. 8WENW0LD Rt. 1. 8ajenu . Jake and Nelson Gilmore. Al bert Wledeak ehr and Gilbert Bil- kaap hare returned from an elk hunting trip. They report good luck. 5 - YOU SIGN TIE ' ORDER FOQ A EESEES NEW OR USED CAR... on a time payment plan Co mo in... lot us explain the advantages of financ ing YOUR AUTOMOBILE through this bank. : ? Lor Cost... Con venonf Payments : ' v GUY N. K1CKQX, AUmagr X . F. at. lOTAEX, AasJstomr Manager , : -QQMIQ DGQQBD OF POtTTLAUD ; . " - - '" - '. . , ' ) .. -"; -.' , ' I y " Cta fOltAl OIO0lt lHWAHCi COlO A HON I c I -- - i. m jr w j t r m . am f i 5 Cloi h Pof Holders. 2 f cr 5 25 Rovelaticn Tootfi PovdV SO Woodiury Shavo Crecm 25 Vclao VVhisk Drocin, 7-in, 50 Hospital Cotton, Save! 50 Woodbury's Heir Gloss 35c Dri-DsT7 Dcdsruni Crcan 35 STEEL TAPES. 6-foot. 19 50 Mcrnicid Spongos, cccli, 50 .MoDo SHAVING CREAM 5 Standard Fuse Plugs, 35 '1.25 ADSORDINE JR., bottle Dntg SfCtiom It ImW 4t Clue Jay Pads Medicaid pad far tcawval g$ el con. Sofc pads that re. crooi 50c Vclaa &cv pttMUfe ea shots. 'AG f s 1 10c VaJee Palmolivc Socp Get s supply el this Lanfag ben. 'WW FIt W w MM 10c Scot Toilet Tissue Soft, Stworbtnt ttMMt at a Fnd O " 0 1 At Mrr Arifty & Rolls 1 price! 83f Lady Esther Four-Purpose Cream NoMrioky. MHrfy om PA. foe awts youthful rpear Q SI .31 Lady Esther Crm. Uc FRSIOc IS! UixcrlfcndCreini With Purchase 55 LllHOr Hand Cream Sattoca, pfntrrwia, Beth f Of crtam foe loh, lore. Mf ir. nof ycuthful iy spOMrina sUn. . m 50 Hopper's Vhite Youth Pccb r p Up (mm yt jaU d- b kk tofc. aU C Qtackly and Mi!f tppticd. S TO DAM5S AND mm ALL WBATlHIl LOTIOH Try the aaw, diftmat, richer U Uea! It's the dalaty, fragraat aauir ef red, roeaa, chapped tlriat See how eae appllcstioa eaW iatt. aeips expeaaa sKje Mrt.c te m"eBsaiBBaies TrLTtruIIci Ortgei Owaed Orego Grows Oregon Opor- 3 air. 17 75 Fitch Dsndrcff Rec3Ter Shampoo ReaKirtt daadniff ie. suady. Ltavts (uir AT aJp dean. - F New Cooper Uades taade from patenttd AEB stainless' SweJ-. ish steeL Keen-edged blades that wiS give tba anarimtga of fine : does shaves that leave the face soft and smooch. Purchase era! padages at tius ecoRomieal price! - :" Drtg JftftM - 60t Value Alka Sclrzcr For relief of acid ity. Pleasant ti take. IS THI MOST OUTSTANDING MAKE-UP DEVELOPMENT IN THI PAST 20 YEARS I Tangee proudly presents, after 8 years', research, Tangee Red-Red... rarest, loveliest red of them oB. Tangee Red-Red's specie! cream base keeps your lips soft . . . swim proof, run-proof, smear-proof. Try It yourself! The Hp stick is 8c Matchla-Rons-e. Compact or 'Creme n. 1.C0 Tcngsc Lipsticks, Red Rod, 09 03 Crcmo Rouge, Red Red, 69 Dri Set i 60c Size T.larins For relief of tired, aching, sore eyes ... Soothes end cleanses. Vduc TekTcotb Orusbcs 2 i 43' Tek Tooth Crush 23 Long handled brashes with sturdy, lasting bristles. Get new brushes for die family. -aa.M f 4 MX w . Schpirs 2inb-Psds 0e Doafl'a Kldnej PiEs Aids in relief l A f Iddney ail-'OP menU. Stock up! Dr. West Sac Yt!se Vray Dentifrice s paste, cream , 049 1 eCC UUy or U H w r -ir n firm 1.1 51 Gay Whirl Teilat Water J00 Each 7 Not a paste, cream or new help keep the teeth cteaa and sparkling white . . 7c!n'$ Ya!ss U AidV fa ; ftlicf el A s t h a. Fnd Meyer thrifty pries. FREE! 25c Gilletto Lai her Cream With PutduM' 10 Dlue Dlados 1 r it ! m pjy of UmUrn et Fnd Mfyer c Pkg. Dr. SehoITs Zino Pads 23o Snow Mist Deodoreat Powdtr Is biadr frt iaw wiA3y top.- 14-Ox. Con 05 2Sc Plat Alcchcl a, tar afeerwdi 9' 15c Box of 12 . 2 Grain Qninino Fills 50 Jergcns' All-Pcrpose Cream 7 90 Box AS FreeeilpUosi mm as i- f f i m it eaif f . CCf. lb. Ccji Ccco-lt!t Helps relieVt mus- 23 cular aches and Sf?Si pab. . . . Get a W,r auppf today! aae for young ml oUL Sa! 25iLthTb!:h 7cAI!A(UfA:iETS Fa poa(K nU. 3m nA SI 41 3 AaocU Tablets TAMPA t N belts, no Pff pau. Gives, JI a prelection SBodena wotncti ptefec - - 1 s IUims t Si) euKy. IScJcr Ymtm HJyeUa T7. -..:.-:-v-r n u sd w lU LOCALLY OVrjEDGPSnfCTED Hera's I . t!-, r -.- r 6.1 DeLdous hoc obtt health dritdc Sor ch3 dree rd aduka, ONE SPOT FLEA POuDER - Vh-et. . Jut plaoa paw aW ee ana apo f 1 a a a euiddy, . wuilf aad nana Wy. 5l 1 kfi M:r C::ifc!J OeaudaM leather Mil Iff) foldi- with compart- aesaW aeats for carrettrr, cards, etc. Asmlty XSlloM fUt H. 17. DAM 5H' -Rift - ttf! DaLJn VTST" moss das mil eoaawilarW ftas ftcfuBf cautad Je jUAuff. wwaat edor ' fcalr v - i. I ' e-, .