The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    r?ACZ TWO
Taranto Again i
Suffers Raids
Nazis -Say Assault Upon
Capital Fails Though
Some Damage Done
' (Continued trow page D
at Norderney; the docks at Calais
and WOhelmshaTen, - , i"
Is this German phase of the
campaign, the British acknowl
edged the loss of two planes.
In Albania and along the des
ert front: the rital Albanian port
f Dnrasxo ponnded once; more in
a long series of attacks and far
ther damage left amid the flames
still BurtrfngTrora prerloui reids.
: Valoiuu another Albanian port
to the south, bombed bearHy; an
ammunition . dump, and ,nb tor
transport concentration suits hit.
8Idf Barranf and Berna-ln the
western desert raided, along with
Bardie and Bengasi in Italian Lib
ya ;' more fires started :ahlpa in
Bengasi harbor bombed,
live Battleships
Added. Is Report - .
; As the world prestige of . the
British nary- and air fleets cor
respondingly rose, it was under
stood that fire new; 3 (.090 ton
battleships of JO knots, -of the
King George V class, now hare
tone, into serriee. ; ' ,T
If they are' in 'fact' In serrice
Britain's total, of. capital- ships
1fstaads at 10 against an axis cap
ital strength; as fig n red here, of
nine.--. -;--;r: '
To 'many here, the action at Ta
ranio was the greatest rictory for
Britain since i the defeat of the
; massed squadrons , of Oerman
! bombers which sought control of
British air in the late summer and
! early autumn. .
They suggested that it would
i have a tremendous diplomatic and
propaganda ralne heartening the
Greeks and Tnrks, sobering Spain
and perhaps Russia, and perhaps
even leading to Bach a decline in
Italian morale that quick rietories
would be needed to
possible popular
against Mussolini.
Student Council
The ASB council of Leslie Jun-
lor. high school held an Important
meeting in the council room Wed- 1
riah junior high has inrited a
delegation of students from Les appear at a program at their !
school. Plans were mad as to ;
, transportation,' speeches, and the
number of pupils to go. Both '
schools enjoy these "peace par-:
leya and find them an; Interesting
pari or tne "little citjj war se
ries." . - it .
n All necessary preparations to
is foj,
Ute game at Sweetland field
been made end ererrone ia
tag forward to the last came.
The council has been planning r
te;make sv trip to a Vancouver ;
school for some time and definite '
, plans as to time and. transporta
tion, hare been-madeu Those mak-
lag the trip will be the regular
eonnclL . the Girls league presi
dent an dthe Broadcaster editor.
A treasurer's report disclosed
that tbe ASB treasury and pro
jector fund la growing rapidly.
That council has also been as
signed to take charge of the scho
lastic awards giren ont at the
end of semesters. .
Salem Elks Give
e Flags for
New State Poles
- Xh Salem Elks lodge yesterday
presented to the. state two large
American flags for use on the new
Vt3ag poles now under 'construction
e , the. statehouse grounds here.
The flags are by IS feet in di
mensions. The presentation was made by
ML- T.1 Headriek. exalted ruler of
the local Elks lodge. wlUr Secre
tary of State Earl Snetl accepting
tha flags on behalf of the state
heard of control, c
A. number of lodge members
vltneaeed the ceremony. . .
:fKV -
Hull 7 0ll7
Ton still hare time to send '
-la your entry on "Why Tri
angle Rolled Oats la my fa
rorite breakfast cereal. All
It takes Is a box top from a
r ackage of - Triangle Oa ts.
i end . In your entry tod&y.
Von may win a bicyela.
ash your cr.ocrm
BE,.. 9
rri''"'1"'-"' .'-"l:;'-..,:J""". . , :, " i ... ..M.U i. , i ., , ., ...
, 'i - : -
II II - -- I I I I -I - .. . . .. .
f irst picture received la tbe limited States of damage cawed by a typhooai m the Island ef Gum. aarai
station and mid-Pacific base of Pa America Airways. Property daaaage wee henry ud tire smtlrea
lost their lires AP Telemat. - .
, t , . V : '
' -a i ' i
if :-
5:-:: :v r;- J i i" n I
M " ;
rw r
I mm-md
Ii. v.-llis British aathor,
Hollywood. AP Teleeaat.
Timber Stand Low
In Coquille 'Shed
Only 1.000,000 feet of fir re
main In the Coquille watershed as
a result of logging operations In
that area during the past 28 years,
Frank Heath, Coquille, testified at
a hearing here yesterday on the
application of the Coos Hirer
Boom company for an extension
of Its franchise,:
The hearing, la progress here
for aereral weeks., is being con
ducted by State Utilities Commis
sioner Ormond R. Bean.
, ueorge uutcn, Marshfleld en
gineer, also testified Thursday.
- The application la being opposed
by the Coos Rirer Logging com
pany, the Weyerhaeuser Timber
company and the Blue Ridge Tim
ber company. ; :
If you aare nerer enjoyed
a bowlful of steaming hot
Triangle Oats with sugar
and cream, you're missing
something worthwhile. They
r ; Bot -tha ordinary kind.
process so as to retain
the essential ritamlna
and minerals and pre
serre erery bit of the
energising food raise.
They're easy to pre
pare ready te . serre
in a few salnatee en
Ideal hot breakfast for
children and grown
ups alike pl amp
faU-flarered sad aat-Ufylnct,-'I
n : :
, , . . Illll-Vlll I - - - . i '.J
I t '7
pictured with Paadette Cteddard In
BUly Meyer.
or to dabby Hartaet as
ager of the Chicago Cabs. AP
Morris Speaks at
Chapel, Education
The world needs to mobilise
ideas toward the selring of prob
lems or face rerolutlon, said
Dean Victor P. Morris of the Ual-
reralty of Oregon school ot busi
ness in Willamette anlrerslty
chapel Wednesday. "
Morris said the greatness ef
American education. In honor to
which this week la eet aside,
cornea from being rooted In the
people. In rellaion. from niaefnr
emphasis on the individual and
rrom tne ract that oat of educa
tional tnstltutlona and thir
comee ereatlre hope. .
til if
Live Depth Bomb
; Floats in Strait
SEATTLE. " Nor ' 'l e-ax-rv
gnerd headquartera reported te
nlght the Canadian nary was is
ulna; warnings ta shipping In the
riclnity ot the Straits of Juan de
Fuca. off Victoria. EC. th.t m
lire depth bomb, containing
enough exploatre to sink a battle
ship, failed to explode during re-
eent xoaneurera and was ' float
ing -free.-, V4 . -
Authorities hara. t.i a fnf
bomb usually explodea from water
pressure at a specified depth, and
the staet lacket normal! aiI.4
carry It to the bottom, la ease vOf
non-xplos:c, ." bat some . '.anex-
piainea eueyancy might keep it
xrom reacaing tbe flriag depth.
.1 -
Constance Besuaett, 1 1 1 as actrese.
wae all smile after beiajr
granted diroree frees the
Marquise de 1 Falsi de La
Ooodraye la Rewo. AP Tele
eaat. Sprague Revokes
Rice Commutation
Gorernor Charles A. Sprague
yesterday reroked a conditional
commutation Issued to . Harrey
Rice In May ef thle year , and
ordered his return te the stale
penitentiary. -
Rlce originally was recelred
at the pealteatlary May 11. lilt,
to serre a life term under the
habitual criminal act.
Since hie release from the pri
son Rice was arrested en chargee
of burglary and earryiag con
cealed weapons.
Hoover Speech on
Famine Is Today
-(-Formar President Herbert
Hoorer will address students and
faculty of Vasear college Friday
night oa "America and the fam
ine ta the fire little democracies."
His talk will be broadcast (CBS)
at 7 p.m., PST.
6 m mm m mm
e4 If 40 Oeles Ur1 -
Msssf VtMsWosm dJsTPvsSasfAr'ajfm
ewsj esiesweJs'J SZs4sp 4a4s
aekla e cT1Je
- , ' "'" '- "ln " - ' " T " -- . " - - - - -' ' :- - .-
" - " CtUe.LMnlXnaTMeai
ffitler, Molotoff
Divide tip 7orId
Axis Gets Europe,' Africa,
and Russia Indefinite
Area, Berlin View-,.
(Continued from page 1)
reported It Oerman planes were
hot down la the days fightinr.
Including 15 Stnka dire-bombers.
: Premier MaasDJlal'S high com
mand described the British claim
of damage Inflicted at Taranto as
"faatasUe. denying that half of
tUly'a capital ahty strength had
been- oisabieo.
t QffVM qermaa twnmwt en
the Uitler-MoletotX conreraations
wad couched la regno- terras, de
claring merely: -.
"As exchange ' of riews . .wan
carried ont . . . and led te mutual
accord en all Important vuea-
dona." ' v
UnoffJeial but reliable aourcee.
left no doubt they were finnry
eonrinced 'Russia ts ranging' her
self en the aide of the Rome-
Berlin-Tokyo axis.
In general terms, they added.
the Russian groaaraum or
rest. area tf domination lies be
tween Japan's far-eastern sosae of
Semlnance'and Europe and Alri-
ea.- whleh the Rome-Berlin axis
has allotted to ltaeix.
Two days of talks In Berlin,
Including long hours with Fueh
rer Hitler, sufficed . -to bring
agreement on what reliable In
formants said , was a basis ot
strictly buslnesa gire-and-take.
Meanwhile a- speech by the
fuehrer himself pictured Germany
in the post-war role ot a model
sociallsUe atata." St la tnls so-
elallstle state," he told munitions
workers and army labor groups.
which Is fighting "a plutocratic
capitalistic England."
En ine Ear . .
Paul Hauser Column
(Continued from page 1)
d 1 a g acres a recreational
At -the foot of Court street we
Inspect the black ruins of what
once the 8alem Narigalton
company dock, a company which
now harlng neither dock nor
boata has less claim than erer
to be a narlgation company,
So musing, we pass the remains
of the old gaa works and suffer
nostalgic pang as we go shuf
fling past the building that once
housed bright red street care. On
ly reminder of those halcyon days
now is the one block stretch of
nncorered track oa Chemeketa
street on whleh the cars used to
awing from the main Commercial
street line into the bams.
On to the Intersection whose
nam4 la a military command.
Front aad Center, and down
through Marlon square, where the
Daa&staad, rarely used, ts n per
fect example of the type from
which Fourth of July orations
used te be made In erery small
town la America.
- Tired and weary from our
peregrlnatlona we atop for cof
fee at the building- whleh Is half
public market and half pablie
utllltlee commissi on.
Oa again, thinking sad thoughts
ef Mr. Ztssle. past automobile
row. where the new models are
displayed In an their ahiny glory.
Up Liberty street we search
till oar protases Is stopped by
the notable dieeerery that a
least one bwildteg project, the
Stemsleff beildiaa;. is aet f eaced
cm aS fear sides. From
alley erne cam w atch
watch the bwJDdere at
forget, we
amd ea she deer la a alga say
ta "Keep this door dosed.
Threading eur way late the
basaar section of Liberty street
we pass through the portals of
Pefeney'a new store and find er-
erytking swank, hut are eurprtsed
to note that the Penney male
clerks hare abandoaed aa old vol
ley and. perhaps awed by their
polished surroundings, are work
ing with their coats oa.
, So, nosing ea this aad that.
we find oar way to ConuaercUI
street and "co-do wa the Bees-ma
Road te
For Salem Lions
Guest speaker at the Wednes
day aoon - lencheoa.. meeting ef
the galeae Uons cine, held la
the senior , high school cafeteria.
was Dr. W. J. Erereoa. president
or Llnlleld college. . -
Speaking ea the theme of ed
ucation weelt- Dr. Erereoa de
plored the porerty of leadership
throughout the United 8tates and.
the world , today and rolced
plea -tor sr- thorough educational
program te bring eaCJthe needed
leaders. ' -
Dr. Krersoa stressed- the -. fact
that instructors should betid men
and women with character as
well as degrees. -
Taxpayers Group
In Conclave Here
The exeeutfre committee ef the
Oregon Taxpayers league, meet
ing hers Wednesday spent more
than aa hour . conferring with
Gorernor Charles A. Sprague la
connection with tax matters.
Nature ot the tax matters con
sidered et the conference was
not dlmiged.
Preceding the conference with
Gorernor 8prague, the commit
tee completed plans for the an
nual meeting et the tax league
to be held In Portland December
Claude Buchanan. Corrallis, is
president ef the league. -
Public Invited,
Humane Society
The public Is especially tnrlted
to attend a meeting tonight at
the chamber ot commerce ot the
Marion-Polk County Humane so
ciety, by President Leroy Grote.
A plan for a proposed shelter for
homeless dogs and cats will be
Aid ot the society will not be
restricted to smaller animals but
will be extended to horses, cattle
or other animals that are neg
lected. The shelter would eare for
pets until hemes could be found
foe them. A humane officer would
be employed to work between the
society and the public, according
to the plans.
Rennie to Retire
After This Term
A. Ronnie, Corrallis. now eerr-
lag his fourth term as representa-
tire la the state legialatnre from
Benton, county, . announced here
Wedneaday that he would retire
from actlre polities at the close
ef the 1041 leglelatlre session.
Rennie has serred as chairman
ef the house ways aad means com
mittee for serersi leglslatlre ses
28 Counties Turn
In Vote Returns
Twenty S 1 a h t ef Oreroa'a ia
counties hare resorted thatr re.
turns ef the recast e-aeeral 1m.
tloa te the etate department.
Caarasslng et the rote is pro
greasing aad probably will be
completed within the a est ftwe
Multnomah, laxrest eountr ia
the state, usually la the last to re
port. Smokers
Everson Speak
very refreshing icith their
Slate Employes
OT List Slalls
Department Heads Hear
Explanation of
"Oregon's sained - labor : surrey
ter defease parposes was extend
ed te state employes Wednesday
when CO heads ef state institu
tions an4 departments met here
at the call of Gorernor Charles A.
Sprague. , , . - - '
1. C CtoIL secfelarr -ef the
hoard for- mobilisation of labor.
explained tha aeed ot the surrey
itt-hnildJLPLg-np- defense -plants .fa
Oregon and keeping - the state's
skilled "workers near their homes.
- V
D i s ve ir lb d ay
ShnfS-flooi Gearsi '
. I
? - m
Before Yog Boy Any Car
Ihiftia IsS all
sael drirmll AH yea de is stsert
Lead wide lew-tlaag slrtla-
I lieel afere reem lealeal
seestifal eeler
---.aj ll.a 4 a , , A
, ..mai'.i:!, r'-'-mmJB a sea-;
like yourself find
w-i ... '
JCiTcry time vou
ypa know yihj it is called tha' SmoJzr'i
Ggcrcze. Its lecsisc ChesterfieldV riglif
combination of tb finest tobaccos grown
gires yoa CTerrtbing a renl;fr conld csJi
fcr...a cooler.lctter taste that h definitely
inilder. You can't . hzty a tetter ctgartzc
Leon sT. Darts at HUUbora en
plained the methods et filling eat
the questionnaires, which list 170
necessary defense occupations.
Erery stats employe will be ex
pected to list his experience la the
skilled trades. These lists will be
retained by the state until a de
fease emergency reresis the seed
for additional labor.
Tha hoard's surrey, which start
ed last week with the mallinr &r
surrey blanks to If , too prtrate
epteyers, is te ea extended te
small stores, farms and ether
places la aa effort ta list all a rail-
able skilled workers la ease et de
fease contracts being awarded la
this area.
Trash lire Extinguished
Firemen were-railed last sight
to extinguish a hmse ia a trash
heap at 111 South Charch street.
No damage was reported.
STsrcrro me Newest New .
Car ef the reert Dieeerer
whet k's Oca te start, step '
drire an ear wimea aeiftmd 1
er tsemial she emtekl It's a
DeSem'e etnrer 16S
hags the reed rldssi
sad ersalysa sturdy i
Beer bar eEaUeatse side jg
de. Drfre DeSete tedsyl
PUONS 7753
tiehi rm a ChestftrfiftTfl