The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1940, Page 19, Image 19

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    . T ft
S Gvic Qub Meets
Eastern Star Has
Homeconiing Nid
At Mt Angel Home
Organization Made BIinber
of National Body; Topic
Is Inflation
. MT. ANGEL Uembn ot the
Mt. Angel Civic club meeting at
the honieN: of Joeph Schaher
Wednesday Bight heard Prejfldent
Joseph Hansler u(wbc that the
Civic dub had been accepted by
the' Central Yerehi America
with - headquarters la St Louis,
Mo., ud vn a affiliated with
that thoroughly Christian -rr fil
iation. which la foremost " la the
fight , tor eoclat lust!ee In all
form of American Mf. .-
The etah la'- proqg : of this
achievement as the Central Verein
wtll not permit affiliation with
say rganlxattes - unless its fro
stituUon and ala am fanda
saentally sound a5 Christian and
espoused to a worthy cause. -
Alfred Hiber tr a report oa
the pre-electlow public- meeting
sponsored by the Badness Men's
club, at which ha aad Hansler and
ehsecher , represent d tho elnb.
He considered this free discussion
of measures up far the rote of the
people a groat thing If ft were
only were wtdety made use of.
The remainder mt the two-hour
meeting was derated to g dlerus
ston of inflation and tost excerpts
of articlee by Oeosrai Hack John
een on the subject were read. Two
ef the member who had witnessed
the In flat lea fa Francs; Germany,
and Italy cars concrete examples
ef the way ft work and made it
possible for the usual sbatract
Idea to . become understandablo.
The congressional record wae
. made use of to eabetaatlate state
ments. .
Mn. Alfred Hwber. waa accept
ed at a new member. .
It was agreed to begin future
aveetings at ?: p.m. drains: the
winter months. The aext mooting
will bo held at too home- of A. J.
Traesr on Tuesday, November
Qnb Has Meeting
At Spring Valley
alley Comma ally club sponsored
a chicken pie anpper and patriotic
program at the school house last
Friday sight.
At tho business meeting con
ducted by Pete Wtlmert. presi
dent; Elwood Cooper was appoint
ed chairman of tho Christmas tree
eemmlttee. The school wtTl giro
the Chriatmaa program under the
direction of .Helen Ooedknecht.
Appointed for tho Jaauary com
mlttee are Mr. and Mrs. 9. B.
Dodge. Mr. and Mr a. A. I. Clark
sad Mr. aad Mr. Ileary Davidson.
t v
i -
BANANAS BRING BO NAN Z AAsserleaas teste for oaaaaaa Wtec what It Is.
ee owawaeo are aaaeUedl aaanally at New Orleans, where these belte help
- -
Molalla Scouts
liy Court Plan8
UOLJJJLX A reorgaalaatloa
meeting of Bey Sooat troop SSI
was held Meaday alght with the
new acont master. Kalph Iels fa
charge.. Alao preoeat were Xd
Smith of Oregon City, deputy dis
trict commissioner for Clackamaa
county aad Geae Good of Glad
atone, chairman of the ad ran ce
ment committee of the Clackamas
county district
- Tho aew aooat committee. Y. W.
Brodkorh. chairman. Art Lantn.
D. R. Allea aad a. II. Powera were
named oa the charter with Frank
IJicken aad William Werner.
Plana w r o dlscwaaed tor a
court of honor to oe held la the
near future. Ail boys of acont age,
IX or orer. are tavtted to attend
tho seat meetlag Monday at T
p.m. at Melalhs grade school gymnasium.
Promotions Caiateol
At Camp Klorrtiy
LKBANOW Promotloaa of lo
cal mea ataUoaed at Camp Mur
ray hare been aaaoaaeed as fol
lows: Sergeaait Glao. Kohew to
staff aergeaBt; Corporala Stanley
not 22, bot -mmm I
WW--. 'M
whs. : WJ
You're la for a treat
you Uo lots a Darlaa top
coat. Watch tJh cleoa-cat
way ths coUar saa-s p to
your aocfcl The fall, easy
awarp of the coat eodyt Tho
epriasr Ufa la rerf Inch of
the fahrlcl You hot they
Jk aaal frof oayaalra ht
see hour little pw fr at
Wards for aoch equality d
tyla. Raglaca, halm act una la
pattarua or rich ptala colors.
4 r
1M N. Ubrty
Anderllk and Franklin Cray to
sergeants; Prirate Allea Hender
son to aergeaBt: Privates first
class Bohert Petersen. WUlard
Summera aad Pearl Wallhorg to
corporals; Privates James Pgr
rlsh. Alvln Jenner. George -Ceaa-ler.
Roland Waters. WSUam Iee.
Lynn Blackwall. Cecil Satter and
Melria Brady to privates fir at
TV ins Born to Dauera
TJanONYALlV T w t a a. a
Donald Rex. weighing t peuads
and a daughter. Cherry Jo, weigh
ing g peuada wero bora at tho
Portland saalUrtam Korember T
to Mr. aad Mrs. Rax Bauer. Mrs.
Bauer, formerly Mar J arte Kerr,
raalded hero before her marriage.
Fred Bauer, aquatic gardner of
tfcia area, la a graadfather.
ing was oheerred by Adah chap
ter No.; 34 Order of tho Eastern
1 Star' on Tuesday night, , ...
The degreea of tho order "were
exemplified. aad Mrs. Nellie How
ard and Mra. Laura Riddel were
initiated into tho chapter
.". Mrs. William . C - Wood aa
noanced the next meeting Novem
ber 1 would beFrloadahlp
aigbtt and all officers and mem
bers were asked to Invite a spe
cial friend from" another chapter
to ait with them. . -, "
Announcemeata were made that
Patience Cooper Kraft. Adah's
only llrlng charter member, would
be taken to the Masonic and East
era Star home at Forest Grove
within tho month.
Those fining, station for ab
sent officers wero Mrs. Richard
Van Den Bosh, organist; Mrs. Paul
K. Robinson, warder; aad Mrs. M.
E. Branch. Esther.
' A beautiful memorial , degree
waa exemplified la memory at two
members who had pease d away.
Program Is Given
By Swegle School
SWEGLE Friday at teraeea sa
Armistice day program was gtraa
la the school auditorium by tho
eehool children, all grades taking
The program was Sac salute,
led by Alice Blaachard; singing
of "Star Bpaugied Banner. by
school; recitation, "Flags. Mary
Keeimaa; rial la solo. Aaa Beck
er; recitation. Oar Flag For
ever. Charles; song, "Flag of
tho Free. Mildred Sheets sad
Joaa Lake recitation, D e 1 m a
Lake; piano solo. Norman Coak
11a; recitation. Eleanor Smith;
solo. Ruth Tanner; recitation.
SHAKI WELL BEFOftC USINC-Sories of shakedown fllrhts waa etrea the I'-SL et
tdggust sTyuag Tenet abort?, an Unarmed counterpart ef aarys latest rBT patrol
Were, Cat. The craft has a range estimated at soeno CAM aaUca. will be ward art
Bearer tor rescas vara. This to as omclat roost guard paoto.
tattoa, "Flag Our Flag Merttao
Con rat; aoag, "America. Joaa
Stark aad Mark Baker; rectts
Uoa,"What the Flag Sara." ZUh
ard Dalka; recitation. "Our Flag,"
Art one Feasko aad LaVoaas Yost.
Viaiu Linn Schools
aum. Instructor aad upper grade
suporeiaor at Oregon College of
Edasatloa. Is a visiter la Ltna.
county ochooU this week to as tat
hogtaalg teach era. or those who
hare had only one or two years
of experience with ecaeolreeaa
srebleata. This la part 'of the
schooTs "la-oerrleo program di
rected by H. C lalow. Mrs,
Baraam to ta Lisa county at tho
InviUtioa of James M. Boaaott.
"Our Flag," Donald Schultt; reel- county school superiBteadeat.
Consideration la .
Given Civic Oiib
- LEBANON Whether or aot U
organ tee a jaaior ctrie dab was
discussed at tho last faceting ot
tho Woman's Clrie dub. afro.
Clair FordV the preaddont. has
left tho matter tor a couple of
weeks. At the ead erf that time
there will bo a special meeting to
take action.
Soma discuaaien of tho matter
ot building a clubhouse wen also
Inconclusive. The club has a com
mittee to confer with other or
ganlaatloaa who might like to co
operate ha bunding a community
ceo tar sad tale committee was
authorised to continue aach ae-
gotlatlonx. Tho Clrie dub
several hundred dollars
for this purpose. ' . '
. Mra. Harold Peterson 'of Dallas,
prooldeat of tho state federatlea,
was at tho meetlag sad told about
tho aatienal coareatlea la Wis
consin last summer sad of tho
aesd for gaardtag against sebrer.
srro sctlTttles.
Boffet Dinner Circa
LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Roy
W. Hammer oatortalsed with a
buffet turkey dinner aad SS
aad plaeehlo Satardsy alght.
Guests taeludod Mr. and Mrs..
J. C Jeeeup. Mr. aad Mrs. Kss
per Nelgor. Mr. aad Mra. Cart
KrehMeL Mr. 'aad Mrs. Cliftord
WosTor. Mr. sad Mrs. J. S. Bewae.
Mr. aad Mrs. Loo Johssoa aad
has Mr. sad Mrs. Joe HacketL
te.. ' H
w "k.
. snlsF M 9
Bl Ktftlsal
Woojt for yaarsl
Here's real rslas, for aaaay
tores ssU this quality for
tl aad sasrsf Thsy're
esnooth. saow whits, sad
wash 234 times (equal to
4f years of ordlaarjr home
LoYtwwaar Caaoui . , lSg
ahos- roowear 4f c arkof
Be sterHac rich this Win
ter I Bay oodlos of those
dall-cloiah stlhs . . . with
rayoa welt aad rayea-rsla-ferced
feet for extra wear.
f r.
9 I
gaotfer eien oeel rVoau
12-20 Jf-4-t 44S2I
tare aew ea cost, aippot,
oad other aew Fall stylesl
This Is tho first Case we're
0Ttr asd syyers at ths
pricrf Fancy pockets aad
cellars t Finest percales sad
other taVfast cottons la
stripes, dots, chocks, pais
leys, florals 1
Sakt ISc Aproas lfe
Sale! Blen'o
Fine Sliirto
- -
f&Q JaaByfc
War da scoop tho town with
these smsslae; shirt ralaast
Krery pattera Is bread assf
and ceorsst Whites hare
gaaraatfeed ofara, XwsrF
sis Is hody shaped, full cat.
1 '- " " --' '
aeferAsgt VJUf '
J?ts&a ZZhlrta
Hesetor sons Catmet softly
raped laatds sad out. Brighter
oalors, weroa lAreaga.
Shmteato-lhemousaf isdal
ljnSwiwiSiui ray? ;
oosl Kerisos. plalla, docks I .
1 -Tfv '
- WtJ$ ft FmkHt VmUtl
Bright as a oileer dOar
thafa tho way thess Coiomal
pciat colors look. Compare
with ordinary percales. New,
tuhlast, aaver btra prsttlsr
ottoraat SC.
- rj
e?oo'voW frmm i$LM
uievdsf r c3 :
They wuje huraloo at their
regular price. tiOXf tiryrs
wonder Vtysl Srery yard ef
the ahri U AWjjJ aad
watwr-eeeUtxa. Tjuos-f ao
tened froat. Cport hick.
i I hi in - iir i ii i . 1 1
" ' I ii ii m m I
T?lzi Chilis
Tor leys o to
Ctuxy eettoa flirmat. softly
sca-jpad txaiia for sdied waxusth.
Booauy sisos. Saesl
A chaacs ta sars satrat Csurt
slacks sal two-teas hrewus far
ache si. dress, play t t;J wt
r" : '
-r f
'.1 y , -
iiVisi oa
foarsa COttwa fliaasTi uot
srhea yoa need thomt Pretty
newer prists that launder
beautifully. SI raw aagf
CPe X-atoa Oooas TTe
may bo used oa any purchase s totaZay $10 or
morel tnfry &s tSs yow want m pay later!
piicm: rift
. Tbrbs yosj fhovsaods cl Cevs not earned is
- a m. a f a
, tf ovors..'3 yow sees an ort
155 Noirrii LiBEimr