Thm C7ZZCU STATZCMAIL CaUxa, Oregon, friday r-lsrr.irt?. Ilovessbe IS. ISO fags czvnrnzn Tbe department finance com nlttee of tae American Legion Sxlllary met at the horn of Mr, jueon Brown, oepannest n tsace ehairaas. Present , were Of re. Charles Gunn of Portland, Mrs. Fred Stinnetts, Dallas; Mrs. Hubert Goode; ' Portland, depart cent president, Mrs. Robert TJrle, Portland, department child, vet tare chairman, Mrs. Leona Bar jtaus, department child welfare chairman of 40 et S. Pineapple MCk Sherbet '.. (For muiomatio wmAiJurmtori rap Borden Bad Brand Srt A Cond d MUk " 2 tablMpooas Uaaa juic 2 tablmpoaaa natted twttar v lj cop ptBMppte jvlc cqpcrmbad piaiwapcla, arahi . 2afgwhita- " Mix Eagle Brand Sweeteaad . Condensed Milk. Utnoa Juice, malted buttle. and pineapple, juice. Add pineapple. CbilL Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. FImm in firaaadnc unit of rafirig rator until balMhMsan. Scrap from fraesing tray and beet until smooth, but not melted. Replace in f reexiag wait until froiea. Serve 6. NiWI &iMM, balf-pric. ean eqaals . cap. Mak: RactpaLwtC Ut a bth larga " rr weaari meotreMsoeei' Wechters to Be Hosts Sunday MrJ and Mrs. William Wechter will have their children and f ami lies at borne when they celebrate the 50th , anniversary of their wedding . on Saturday a night and Sunday, i - - The entire famllr. Including IS grandchildren, will vrath.r at th American Legion hall In "West Sa- lem ror a dinner on Satnrdey night. The only additional guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Waters, who bare been the Wech ter'a next-door neighbors for many years.; ; -M- On Snnday afternoon from 3 until 6 Mr. and Mrs. Wechter will be, hosts at a reception in the family home on East Canter street. Their friends are being in vited through the press to attend the reception. Children of the Wechters. all of whom will be present with their families are: Mrs. IL K. Donnelly of Service Creek. Oregon. Mrs. K. P. Mobly; Mrs. E. E. Smith, Mr. Harry Wechter, all of Salem, Mr. Herbert Wechter of Forest Grove. Mrs. ' Walter Illf f of Havana, Cuba. Mr. Kenneth Wechter of Salem, Mrs. Merl McMnllera of Vide, Oregon. .. Mrs. -Gurgurich Clubi Hostess : Mrs. Paul Gargurtch was host ess Wednesday to members of the Prlngle Woman's club with Mrs. W. F. Schendel and Mrs. Ida Trone assisting. A no-host luncheon was served at noon fol lowed by " the business meeting. Guests of the club were' Mrs. O. W. " Schendel, Mrs. . Toney, Mrs. J. Ylasek. Miss Ruth Staple ton, Miss Ilene Bllnston, Mrs. E. Hickman and Mrs. J. W. Baxter. ' Members present were Mrs. P. O. Bowman. Mrs. O. T. Sealey, Mrs. O. EL Hoge. Mrs. O. E. Da- Say Merry! auistmas With These Practical Accessories : cosa, Hot plate mats crocheted in four strands of white and colored string make any table gay.! Use the color of the dinner-set for a harmonious effect. The smallest of the three msts does as a pothol der. too. ' Pattern 2 tit contains directions for making mats; .11- - iuKl rations of them and stitches; materials required. -; Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Statesman. Needle rraft Dept., Salem. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS.. '' vis. Mrs. C- W. Grabenhorst. Mrs. Ram Emery. Mrs. J. Clark. Mrs. F. C. Wlltsey,.: Mrs. Sadie Kottek. Mrs.- George Adams, Mrs. L. Laigle, Mrs. Ed DImbat,' Mrs. 8. HeUler, Mrs. Lyle Lorenx, .Mrs. William McCarroU, Mrs. H. C. Stapleton, Mrs. Era Falrley. Mrs. John Fabry, sr Mrs. Fred Ra mey. Mrs.' Ray Mohler, Mrs. II. Raaey, Miss Eetta Schendel, Mrs. Sarsh Keyes, Mrs. J. Naalln, Mrs. Ben Miller. Mrs. E. B. Kottek. and the hostesses. Mrs. .Paul Gur gurich. Mrs. W. F. Schendel and Mrs. Ida Trone. On December 4, Mrs. Ed Dim bat will entertain the club mem bers in her home. Mrs. Sarah Keyes and Mrs. J. Clark will be assisting hostesses. (Mas 0 SUCH Ftfff TWXTUUM mTfS CAKE I MAM WITH riit sv-je- cv riut.rtvrintrt dsm than whin n ust& Wk SAUl RECIPE WITH ANOTHER SHORTEM!NC. A4rs. Edward CotSh, 'C Upfxtr Darby, Pow J Hif CAXES TURNED OUT I f 9W77ttmTAS7M0f 1 USHTZR AND HUFFIER X 00-00. MOMMY, THIS CAKE mnt czisco than with '7- tastes mmmyi my, its 1 i MY CSVAl SXORTEMNe.r J ) FLUFFY t " taid Dhnn Day of I AW. front 7. Bcennan, '' J Cofff.-wbose moiht I Crisco and only Crisco ; gives 3 now oxclusivo cako advantages Are yott eoaapbtefy happy about the csJces you make? Do they come out light and fine-tftxturedl So ds UdousthefoUaienjoyeTerycrumbT Well, that's the wonderful kind; of cake you can make with New "Sure-Mix" Cmco as hundreds r !!xmnd who tested Crisco aeainst otter weU-known household aboi FawSas fete 4 te 1 fsr CHsee Here's bow the cake test was mads. Independent in ves toga tors called at random on women all over the country. These women were using other well-known shortenings in cluding the most expensive kind. They were given New "Sure-Mix'' I Cmco and asked to bake cakes with ; their own recipes then compare! Here's what happened. . . The vote was 4 to 1 for Crises) cakes against those made with all other shortenings. Yewben those women reported their choice, four times , as many sail their Crisco cakes were UghUr ... had a smoother texture M .their famGies said they Uuttd more rfWiVioarf , , J And the voU was 4 to 1 far Crisco lor riskier pastry better tasting fried foods, too. . . Bkj Criaee Is efferent "Sure-MaT Crisco is the only home horterdnr w know of which has a patented discovery a secret of combining with other IngmLents. Crisco batters are smoother, can . give cakes up to 15 lighter and higher (depending on type of cake). : Buy Crisco today get marrtl pue cakes, pies and fried foods SPICS CAKG WITH 9419 LlERtNOUW ICW9 1 H eupa browa aucar (ftrmly packed) H cap Crlaeo . H taaapeon aoda 1 taaspooa aaU S taatpoons baking S aas joiks povoer 1 cup mlUc t mTniw timmn SHcops H toaapooo doves flour hi te poon nstmag Bland mgar. Crteo. salt sad a yolks, add atftad dry IngredianM attacaataiy with natOt (3e how araasinly amoota your "Bora-Mix" Griao barter 1st) lor fate a "Cttseoed" V-laea aqoara pan. BiUta la modaratelr ho orrm (37S r.) 30 to S3 mlirataa. or until 4oaa Laavs eaks in pan taan cover it with U f oUowuis nMrlasas- ntcsneugf s est wtltaa. in ipi brown suaar. H cup cnoppae nutoatata Bea egg whttas ua W WstlT. AM nTnTOWTA susar sraduauy. Pus Mixed Chorus Is Novy Rehearsing A mixed chorus, which com bines the two well, known sing ing groups, tbe Salem Civic Male chorus and tbe Ladles Madrigal clab has been organised and will be directed by. Prof. B. W. Hob son. The new Salem Civic chorus members are planning to sing several concerts daring the ses son. The personnel of the orgsniza-, tion. comprised of weH known Sa lem .vocalists, is made up of the following members: Hasel Shutt, Mrs. Delia HJort, Mrs. J. A. 8hol seth, Dorothy Jayes. Mrs. Howard Fleming. Marie M. Patton. Fran ces Nelson, Mabel Lundqnist, Zel ma Lewis, Mrs. Virginia Bernard, Mrs. Gr-ce Dellarport. Marlon Wilbur, Josephine Bross, Mr. 1 Al Scherraan. Mr. Garland Uollowell, Mr. j Fred E. Kruse, Mr. Bernard. Mr. 1 Mark Wilbur, Mr. Lawrence Winkenwerder and Mr. Don Robinson. Anyone interested in becoming a member la invited to contact Prof. K. W. Hobson. director. Rath Bedford, accompanist.- or Mr. Garland Hollowell, president. The chorus rehearsal Is held ev ery Tuecdsy night at 8 o'clock at the chamber of commerce. Tea Is Given at Skewis Home Barbara Frietcbie Tent No. X. Daughters of Veterans, entertain ed on Thursday with an inform al tea at the home of Mrs. A. L. Skewla on Center street. Honor guests were widows of Union Vet erans of the Civil War. Those at tending were: - Mrs. Mary Jane Alderman, -Mrs. Nancy Ballard, Mrs. Sophia Mather, Mrs. Mag gie Lloyd. . Mrs. Jennla F. B. Jones. Mrs. Cordelia La Bare, and Mrs. Fannie E. Fisher. The tea table was covered with an Ivory lace cloth and an ar rangement of chrysanthemums In autumn, colors with matching tap ers centered the table. Mrs. Jo seph Bach, president of the Tent and Mrs. Jsek . Cutler presided at the table. Music daring the tea hour was a group of old fa vorites by Miss Patricia Meisin ger, accord lanlst. The committee In charge of the tea were Mrs. Karsel 8 tow. Mrs. Donald Ringle, Mrs. A. L. Skewis, Mrs. Kenneth Henry, Mrs. W. H. Gardner and Mrs. Charles Gar rett. Guests calling during the afternoon were Mrs. George 8e- hon, Mrs. Harry Hlday, Mrs. Jo seph Bach, Mrs. Elton Bumgard- ner, Mrs. Jack Cutler, Mrs. Wil liam J. Entress, Miss Ethel Craw ford, and Miss Harriet Hlday. Banquet Given by Music Society On Wednesday night. Phi Lambda chapter, Mu Phi Spsll oa Willamette university, held a banquet at the Marlon hotel hon oring the founders' of the national organisation. The program of toasts was centered on the word "Music" carried out skillfully by the toast mistress. Miss Helen MaeHlrron. The soft candle light of white tapers east delicate shadows on the banquet table centered with a gorgeous bouquet of chrysanthemums and tails In the eocletys colors, purple and white. Those responding to toasts were Bishop Bruce Baxter, Dean Mel via Gelst and Elaine Douglas. Miss Belle Brown Elmer, presi dent of the chapter, gave an ac count of her trip to the biennial national convention at Cincinnati, and Miss Clara En ess as alumni secretary, presented . interesting letters from the chapter's alumni. Miss Betty Starr alumna, now teaching la the Dallas high echooL accompanied by Miss Eneas, sang most appropriately the- song, "Friends, by MalUotte, preceding the program of toasts. . ' Those present were:' Bishop and Mrs. Brace Baxter, Dean and Mrs. Melvls Gelst, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace. Professor and Mrs. T. 8. Roberts, Mrs. Walter Den ton, Mrs. William Elmer, Mrs. A. N. Duncan, lira,' Carle Flnlsy, Miss Helen UacHlrroa, Miss Clara Knees, Mist Betty 8tarr, Miss Mar ian Chase. Miss Gertrude CannelL Miss MaybeUe Lllbura sad Ills Elaine Dosglass. ' " .'. Baptist church will meat ea Tues day afternoon at 1 o'clock with Mrs, W. Hicks instead of the re gular dsy, Thursday. .Mrs. L. A. Prescott and Mrs. J. B. Welch will assist the hostess. " (Term te page IS) t ; For Oilier -YToxaen' Feslcrej ' . v . n " . . . SEARS SAY tcr a Very Liniicd Tins 7ou lay Pnfchn3 ZlppKaiicGS Uiih Washers - .Vacnam Cleaners Sewing: Blaehines Iron era . tit in JflpJUlCHa, Jl JlfllUJJUJ A'lf - - Elcdric nsd Gas Jaw-Manwn i Mi v "vvw. Weseaawanaasr ' " "' w v , ft ' KWOE ffvl:H fi ft i f t -v vi ill : J Big 8-Sheot Capacity Insulated Turret Type Tub pnr".... 74- Trade-in on Your Old Washer Jx Vaned Agitator rx v i i rs.oo iv lu 5 ; I . - Head Hifl.l rJ nf, Aute Clutch U " I Yon Pay Only ...... NO DOWN PAYMENT Sileat Safety-Sealed Motor S-Poti- tlea Vriager 2V4-Iacfc CcMooa Type Rolls Aftrtomatic Water-Retm loard Safety Dry Feed Rest V H. f. Mofer ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION ON ANY SEARS' WASHER OR IRONERI THERE IS MO OSUOATIONt New Turret Type T ON ALL SEARS ELECtRODAY RANGE SUPER-SPEED TOP COOKING UNITS Only Sears Electroday Range Carry This . ; Full 5-Year- Guarantee FOLLY AUTOMATIC REAL , S2Z0 VALUEI. DILUXR COUIfmi Like nothing you've ever seen, efere si the price! PoresUtn ed top, front ... all steel body,, aaunce earome hardware heavy Glaasweol tneulaOoat Ton save ISOt EXTRA LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 4-Hecrt Switcket PWot UcM S-Of. Thrift Cooker wita i-Heat Switch 3 Chreaetox Siper Speed Uftits Porctlalaed Ovea with Light I Serv ice Drawers Avtoraertic Rebotlner 2 Lastpi 13 - TUBE SILVERTOWE (S(DirQS(D)le 7 DnOADCAST 0AI1DS... PERFECTIOn III IIADIO! uper-Q Super VIT n n f W Ne - ' ' ' ' '. - FnyssesH Irtttamatlc . push buttons, double purpose tube for 14-rube perform rtor 2 rone-control oush buttons. y fame dynamic speoker, - T CK) is atB I 1 Vi Paysaewt - lCU 1 .snaaanssaiaasa , , , j1 ,, Aj "j - ' "N f jpS C4 STATS ST.- - - -- " ; - ' ' i'iiOX, NOW! Amonca's Rnost SOCTIOn UflGDQLl : GLEflCID Sears9 Super Commander "IMPERIAL" Oaf With CvWsr T fpm CUmmmn S 1 1 1 1 1 tm MMFnassttyi p lujl w; "f "r n ' '"" j . ) t3 5 - Down COMPLETELY NEf? I VASTLfUlPROVEDl Qeans Radiators PrevenH Mofhs PoCshet Fbort Cleans Cart , CJeant Drapes For UpSoIrfery. Under Fumlfura fat test advanced Cylinder Tree racaiaa vrtta Ssara attaehtaaaU te eaan aaera afflaUaxtlr taan any ayUa. ae traa Uumt. fcueac ..war varafae TL T. Sail bear ' tas sator . . aavar aaaa auiairt 11' eavMUat tnifhmtnti (or aU kta4s eX neaa alaaaiag ... taeiadee erBaSaa, erarac; Clear sahr and deixe tartar eaaa, Hur ta Saal. Ftratn lta.4 aaaica, fcacaad r ers faaiMkS Caaraau., F:: r n j C 1 31 ! f cr j frc 3 1 1 !i n: 3 Tri:l sL SiIl-Ie'.S 5iiLi:: Ji m v : it J