Fall Formal Dance Planned Saturday iroraouTii Tfce a4t an- school forrail daaee of ttu year at Oregea College f KJecatloa U ecnea'aled for Korea her It Is womortl by tk Ir din. Tlie theme U patriotic, to be werke" eat ta a rotor acaeme of eeeoratloas la red. wkfte ana bin. . UtKaa Dakl of - lieanaeent la president of the rises. 3rlvta Claggetl. Balera. and Harry Wo jabs, IlIHiboro. are co-general cbalrwtea; Dorothy Smttb, En gene, program' cbAirm: Doro thy Brawn. Portia a. tavitstions; Ylrgtala Crarea, ! Monntoath. dec orations; Hetty MnlVey. Knappa, rauaV and Alma Penred. Klam ath Fall, paslletty. Am eH-glrts orchestra from Portland baa been engaged- ' - "'. . .. - - , . . Patrons aci- fatrene"es - are: Dr. and Mr. Charles A. Howard, Mr; aad Mrs, John E. Kwk, ls JVwa Srbeffskey and tr. ewd Mr. W. A. kferrlaBB. iMoiimontli Man 5 Votes Since Days1 Of General Grant MONMOUTH II. X. (D4 Siekarooee. bora Feb. H. lIM.at Soela Whitley. Indiana, and res ident of Moamonth atnee II T. baa been voting for prealdente of the Baited States alaee Ulysses SL Ornate second tana ta If T. Tata ad da ap to IS praaldeata or pre deatlal candidate for who at lick- afooaa baa eaat bia ballot. Ifa baa been aa Odd Follow for S5 years, aad ta ltZC oajoyad a trip ta Philadelphia aa a state rep resentative of tba Grand lodge, Me also at leaded tba 8esa.l-cen taaalal eelebratloa, aad while vts ltla ta tba eaat was presented to President CooUdco la the White Hesue. '- ' . Ilia birthday each year ta aaada a valentine party at the local high acbool which ba oarred aa Janitor foe aaoro thaa 2 a yeara. Wesley Guild Has r Christmas Plans UOLAIAJk. Wesley Oaild held tu ragalar meeting at tba bona of Agnaa M. CUflord with lira. Yf'. la. XaaUMi actleg aa boaleoa wijtli her. Dorotloaala were led by lira. Oliver Baxtoa aad tao pro gram waa given by a groap. of Camp Fire girls, Marilyn BnUon. Margaret Ann Brede. La a or o Srhatamaaa. Shirley Miller. Ratb Blotabford. Joaa Daatoa aad Jeaa Peterkln. who gave a akoteb of aoaga. readlaga and a boantlfal eeremoay bonorlng Amtatlce day. It waa decided to bare oaly oae oieetlnR in both November and December end to have a Carl St raus party on tba night of le eeiaber i. Material left by tba Red Croaa wai diatribe ted for making ap by the tnembera. Re fcfshmonta, were oerred to SS member. " Methodist Church Clnh Has. Meeting DALL..43 A meeting of Circle One a( tha First Methodist chore b waa held recently at the bono of aire. Tbeo Faring ton with Mrs. Christina Bennett aa assistant ho toss. Attractive arrangements of cbryaanthemama and roaebuda were used aboat the rooma. .A abort busineu moating waa beld with tbo remainder of the time apant la aewing. A pleasant tea hour followed. - Mra. Phoebe Petereoa waa a gaeat and members present In cluded Mra. Cecil Rlgga. Mrs. C- E. Jepaea, Mrs. O. E. llolmea, Mra. Miriam Murray. Mra. Walter Wil lis ma. Mra. Arthur Davis, Mrs. H. F. Pemberton. Mr. K. II. Low, Mrs. C W. Low aad tie two host oasea, Mra. Bennett aad Mrs.' Far lngtoa. Eire Department Acquires Ground : TURNKR The Turner fire de partment has leased a plot of trooad from tba Son them Pacific railroad company across tba street north of tha old creamery hand ing tor a b eliding site for a fire station. '. .. . At meeting Tuesday aigbt Chief Albert Jensen . waa ; voted ehairman of tba cosstractlon com mittee and plana and ' specif ica tteas of tbo station worn decided apon. It will- ba of frame atrae tara. SI by It feat, two-story, with fall concrete floor. It waa hoped to begin work soon. , PDHES U OaTlosi U. Liitis3y:;S2p cr LnTcQd':S::p.'l' 3 a li I3C, Kilcica Qzcca FLOVR 4t Iba. SFI2Y-: a-lb. ORDER YOUa THANKSGIVING TURKEY, NOW. We Win Hare No. 1 Birds . . . Both liens nd Toms. H ASIS, tenderized Half or ! whole, lb. -J2 Y c BEEF ROAST, yocnr, tcaitr beef, lb. . 17Ue SUCED BAODN. rcry lzn, lb. PRICES POOP FRIDA1V Open Every Day of the Year Tin p. jl Tarheel Leader ' " ' . ' " ''i I ' s ''.a- M i'' .- I " a m iu a l.-a - & - t a a a 1 1 si w bisbi w aw- -m - i . . J. M. Beonghtoo J. Melvilie Broughton. Democrat, of Raleigh, is the nrx governor of Horth Cavretiaa, having defeated Robert H. McNetfl. Repubtlcmn. ear Li' ' stAteTtIU- j Labish Center i i News LABI3H CKNTKS M r. a a d Mrs. Harvey Aker oatortalaed Mr. aad Mrs. P. J. Raaa. , Mr. aad Mra. Joe Bnrr. aad Mr. aad. Mra. Harry Lovre at a card party la their home this last week. The boa era went to Mrs. Raaa. Mr. and Mr. Horace B4 boy aad Irene, aad Mr. and Mrs. Pet Raaa and Barbara Jena wont tlahlag on the fillets river. Bibby retarn od with a good alaod aalmoa. Wlllard Hornachach had to have two atltcbe takea In his apper lip after a piece of wood flew oat of his wood lathe and left a deep cat. Doris and Donna Lovre spent the holidays In. ftalem with their cousin. They attended the Armis tice day football game. Mra. Joe Barr has been III for several days and has aot been abfo to attend her school at Lake lAblsh where aha Is the teacher. Central Howell Has Community' Affair CENTRAL 1IOWKLL Mrs. Clarence Johnson, chairman of tba program committee, assisted by Mrs. Ernest Roth aad Mra. John Tweed, presented the fol lowing numbers at tb community club mooting KrMay night: piano nolo, Allie Vrner; vocal solos with guitar accompaniment, Hu bert Asplnwall; violin aolo. Hi lls Beutler with piano accompani ment by ,.KMa H err; readings. Shirley Kacfmaii; cornet and vo cal solos by Dick Johnson with bis mother at tba piano; songs by Shirley and Jerry Roth. Vernetta aad Dale Ilerr; groap singing. "Ood Blms America," led by Mr. W. A. Roth. Bert Bye, preaident. aiioiuted to tba program committee for De cember Mrs. Ralph Ilerr. Mrs. Perl Bye. Mrs. Walter Ilavereon; food committee. Mra. Janper King and Mr. A. K. Kennsi. : Mrs. F. E. Way ba accepted the Red Croat roll call chairman abip and Is choosing a committee to aeslat bcr In thn drive. Women Have Meet At Talbot Home ; TALBOT T h e Talbot Wom an's . club mat at Mrs. Delmer Davidson's Wedneaday will Mrs. mibert Balknan and Mrs. Ole Jorgenaon aa hostesses, a no-boat dinner was served at noon, Mra. Jane Garllck Joined tha club. 1 This being time ror election 01 office ra tba same officer were rtind - for the coming rear: nrldnt- Mr, nilbert Belknan: vice president. Mrs. Marina 8mlth; saeratary. Mra. Jobs Blaakenbakar; treasurer, m r a. Albert Col. Tha year book -committee ap pointed waa Mra. Delmer David son. Mrs. Ernest Freeraaa and Mrs. Jack Mortea. Visits at Zen v zxrvA Rath fihooard and Dick Ramsey of Oregon -State college and Evangaline McKtnlay of , Sa lem vara weekend gaesta at tha boma of Miss Shepard's parents. Mr. and Mra. Ralph C. Shepard of P v jello , 3L 14 c 1 rimcLEurn? LU2 FLnilES- !. ! i ST7J1I1SE3T7II tarjfo packago BATURDAY. SUXDAT fa Ileaerve ; tba Rlffht to Limit -CoanUtlc j i : j j i1- 1C3 Ik Sack 25 lb. Sad: 10 lb. Sack SJEJE HAD . . . a lot ta say in recent months aboat how ffood oar StmkLst foods really are. Every one using; Sonkist foods are unanimous fa their acclaim for this fine food line. That joa too -may know the real pleasure of aervlnw Sunktst we offer this special on Sonkist Sliced Pineapple, one of the many fine things In this line of good foods. EmliiGt Pmeapp! Large cans Big Golden Slices of Delicious Ripe fruit Friday and Satorday only ... ' HEdC Can 2a for There' a Saving for Yon Sunhisi Tomalo Sonce 3 cons Heff 46-oz. Red WE'RE STILL . s we told yon last week we'U have fleck , of beaatfea for Thaakaglrlng. 'Ton really alioaKI order early. We can give so nsach tetter acrvlee and of coatwe the aelecttoa is the beet. If yowr. stot rsMntag ta tho store, phosM the boy at the snestt oewater. rhey'II be glad to pick awt mice oae for yo. Tbo price . . . beteti It woat be' any higher maybe lowvVn yoa erpect. PAIICMIE Flour Demonstration Pillsbury'a Iancakc Flour Sample Hot Cakes made with this famous floor at our Court Street Store Saturday. 171 " ' Kitchen Queen Ji" lOlir 4Wb, saek . Also a Good Hard wheat Flour 49-lb. sack limzzx't IliEx Crc?Micl:I Cbccss '4b. ioi ilnncIa LaT botti It Meana Pure : Cane Scsar! . C4.79 0 aal a23 3 AwoOter H.nkist Apeclel for ThH Week Tonato Jalco can "150 Rip . . TALiail' TURKEY" PiUsbury's Best S-lb, sack .. 51.35 Wheat, 4Mb. sack .51.25 ,031.29 32217c Aad 10 Old,, Golden CowpoM ' lira. Btewarfa -- " : . - C -Irff also . .,, aa for tW W . 4 for 23c and to ;kcopthocoh ors is the qocd Buci Markets are striving for. Wo know tho foods must bo thb best and tio prices s low or Jow would expect to pay for that quality. Nor do wo under estimate the valuo of service to our customors. With that in xnind, o very one connected with these markets is con-. stantly striving to give you the most for your monoyl -v:;' MORTOM'S SALT 4S-25c GDRfJ STARCH 4T 25c JELL-WELL 3-r 10c RlARGARifJE 25c SHORTENING 25c ROLLED OATS ssL: 29c FIG BARS jf 15c faojaaasswaiaaaaBisBsssaaBapapaaaBaBaBBSBS I J Bakery Department featuring aa exceptionally nice variety of freshly baked goodies for this week thrifty shoppers ... Spiced Nut Cakes with creamy, spicy frosting. Two sizes. j Yi cake .Op Whole Cake 49c Lady Baltimore Cakes. Boiled Fudge icing . . 490 and Delicious Pound Cake 20c Cream Puf fa with real whipped I wM r Cream . 0 forl2.2P Fresh Frczca Cherry Ilinco, Jippla tzl Pcnpkia Pica 2Sc Our special loaf for this week is an tmasuaS good tasting distinctly different Joaf made with latter mHk and Wheatena and what arer else is used ia making a good loaf our taker failed ta teH cut just what. Any way ifa a peachy looking loaf for only V.. . . r,;i ... aUoV V Of course yoa kaowoa get SOEg Ieea Vhf of freshly baked Golden Crest Bread forsWVs Or the Big Loaf af ' ; - Goldea Crust Sliced f or.. Here's a new Doughnut made the Sanitary Way by our new Automatic -Doughnut lUchine "Whole Wheat try soma of these .-. - (Tri with the" plain - " ,r.i : ; V s. ezii -. ... I Apple Cheese Luncheon Rolls. They're C.L good, too. Doz. Butter Rolls, Hard Rolls, Maple Bars fl u Dozen J.D(? Fresh cold pack Cherry , Turnovera ... 3 forWC Also mince and apple turnorers. butter horns and bear claws ... 3 for W0 Pica . , - 7 i. u- . 100 Plain Cicrod ' 0bO 0 .Dozen -; - - - i ; And speaking of coffee the freshest and tbe most delidoas in the ap vt stH! say a Jo hundreds of ether people that Oli Golden Thermo i Rcast jast abotit lakes the cake when , ft comes to real nffew sattsfartitm. O , Ground At T1m . t : Purchase mi TRY IT TODAY YcaU Find . . . , regular erery day low prices that really saTe you money on swdt Items ... 3-Pound i Cans also -- . 6-Pound Cans ... Note our regular low price for Lux Flakes, Lifebuoy and Lux Toilet Soap. Rinso too, yoaH find prices low regularly at these markets. Small, large aad giant sizes. 504b. Sack Morton's Fine Dairy or Table Salt L Q P Sime6'stfL;250- Large Size ... Golden Ucsi Reg. or Drip Grind 1 Pound Cans Folger's Coffeo Drip or Reg. Grind Per lb. USE vim niARVc! TlJn Jj. fal Carnation 25c pkg. nkTVf iPCTirV Reoa Ai FT Dolled Uh2ai;S,S20 r7?v4V T7A; SperrjTa 2cV-oz. Grap3 Jd:o QuS Jcll-O .Pti 2fci Steamiag aoteskea with tMj ?ipYefnn. tn.p!. .rl.MMit . V' !fcr a -nerfect Gczil SL Hiin i J 1 r V, C HA: . w an 450 L800 49e Coileo 220 Vor daaallng white eletb.ee wtthowt blcoch tnf awe White fa fwar erasher. Visij . . 7c iC:L.23s Quarts vC : v pkg. 00 me PkCt. -1 .S Teakft. :: r ceil -men ay c-a v. r t 1 lV0 '