Tua C uOJ il rAii-SS'riiaai CircaxTYuSSZiTr Karelia. rnrcT? . TTtT' ' "" ( n,v:i a a o i ,.ifr. .. esir aa-ai-4i .w w i- . W'w sLa'aJs g t Si at esman Classified Ads Call 9101 ClaHlfbrd AdrerUstRS Three Insertion per Us I5c Six Insertion per Uae ,, ...40e One month per line . It, 6 Minimum charge 25e; 2 U. mln- tmam 2e: C tt. mlv45e. No refunds. - Copy for thle page accepted b tu : the evening before public tion for classifications Copy re Lived after thle time will be run under the heading Toe ; late, to Classify." . : The Statesman assumes Be finan cial responsibility tor error which mar appear to advertisement pub-. Ushed in He column and la eases where thw paper ta at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occur . - . The Statesman reserve the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserve the right to olaee all advertising under the proper claaalflreMon. A "Blind" Ad a ad containing a Statesman boa number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser end must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the identity of aa adrer User using a "Blind'4 ad. , Livestock FARMERS! DEAD and worthless horses and cows picked up free of charge anywhere within the Willam ette valley. Top r1e for f fox feed horses. Phone ue collect. Mil. SaJem. Montgomery Rendering Work. Auctions Auction Sale! THTJ RSDAT WIGHT. Nor. Tth. T :2 nm. at the f. N.-Woodry Auction A Furniture Market, 1414 N. Summer St In Hollywood. Consisting of house hold furniture at furnishings : ' 7 Cru-. now refrigerator. A-l eleetrlcr range, cabinet radio, davenport suite. 4-piwc Tdroom suite, nprlnga, mattresses, Vds. rockers, lamps, I dining table with chairs. dishes, utensils.;, brlc a brae and many ether Items which space will notpermlt listing. Bee . N or Glenn Woodrjr, auctioneers, to buy. sell or trade for .best results. Phone Ell. Help Wanted 8INGL.B MAN for light chorea on mall place In eeaatrjr, Brd. A rm. A some wages. Ph. 22224 eyes. Help Wanted Female EXPKRT TAILORES3 allk fin isher. Only well-qualified need apply. Writs age, qualifications Ac reference. Bo i 1J44 co Statesman. H3KPER For three adults. -Must drive a car. Ph. 4141. Situations Wanted WANTED Babr to care for. CM. home, references. 242 K. ISthC Homework, day-hour. Ph. 4297. " CHILDREN CARED for. Phi 21S2S. Carrrter work. Box-ttlJC- Rte. I. GIRL wants hsewk. 22SS W. Front. H8KWRK by hour. Ph. S22SS. For Sale Miscellaneous NEW DUO-THERM HKATER! Largs size with exclusive 14 Inch bias halite Dual chamber burner, heats 4 to I rooms, special $51.59. Liberal trade ea your old beater. Good Housekeep ing. Inc.. 452 Court St BIKE, GD. COtuU f- S N. 18th. CHRISTMAS CARDS and gifts. The Apron Shop, 472 N. High. MOI 'HI. IT Wlncn oams It sraure. tlT.5. Howard Ulday. 1244 N. 18th. HK.VVT IROH kali; II and tit: I ft. eitensloa table. !.: rocker, ft; drop leaf table. 21.44; gas coos; store, ti n. Inq, fI N. 14th. . BOTS- BIKE, extras, 44 K. IJborty. ''o,jvssaayjh APPLES T varieties. SSc At up. Er aftst Anderson, on Orchard Heights Rd . 1 mL off Wallace Rd. Brine; boxea - NEW HERCULES Speedster bicycle u8t itke new. Half price. Saiem Fire CUT FLOWERS and flowertn' Im" Jr ,ltol, 1rl . JPh WESTS OR A PICA ara nnw rata.1v on the GarJen RoeAJBring eoys.lner,-r m WALNUT SHELLS, Se sack, ft ton. Bring sacks Klorfeia Packing - Co, T-r, ??LnnrnrriiJ- VACUUM CLEANERS, new A used ORDER CHRISTMAS - cards now from The Apron Shop, 479 N. High. - ADVERTISINO . ' Westora Adrertlains; Representatlres George D. Close, Ins.' F ranctsco, Los Angeles, . Seattle Baa eastern Adrertlslns; , . RepretentntlTM-. 1 ,r , Bryant Griffith A Branson, In a Chicago, New Tork, Detroit. . ' ooston. auaau Zntrre4 ef lh PotoffU Bt MaUmt. 'to. oe AeoetHf Clese Jfefterr Pee ed every mining imeep Monday. juinei, ifficm tu geeth Cew4wtereal SUBSCRIPTION RATE31 Mail Subscription Rates In Advance: f ithin Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo. cenu: I hfos. tt.M; Mos. 1A8; I year IS.44. Elsewhere 44 easts per Mo or t.0 for 1 yeAr in. -advance. Per copy S cents. Newsstands 4 cents. By City Carrier. 44 cents a month. f i -0 a vn 9 In mAmmmm tt UaHaii and ujacent countlea. , MotakoTS AlwoTS Lor cocotmuu DLunuu ; - . ; .; , . -.; , ; .. I IVl -rT y:..77. 1 tfV-7.' . y-z. : v-v .. w bt sl sa a -wsssnw--' a sr r n, s t w . mm hw. awe ar -, mm r -gm w m n r . . ma'w. r uv r - 1 1 - mi 1 1 w i i it cw9UICK CASH LOANS ! : -:: 1 to,24 Months to Hcpaf ; -; ; : j Ten OM par ta fun any time te reduce h ooet. : " i , s Only Borrower Sims ; ' rBr. Loans trad oa furaUar or aota. " " LtaTNe MON Ma- M CLARK. ASST. Ma General Finance Corporation llVed Buah V&JL tLJZK"" - J-u-tnjxr)J - Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. th rLonn nuAftotAN BUitDtNa LICENSB NO M ill wi,.WiM,,i)t(VW(,lt(IMM,jrWWMM(i PRIVATE MOMY contracts refinanced unv ue payment Money for new of used ears. No delay er red tape Toe will retain pease Ion of the vehicle. I to te months ro pat ROY SIMMONS 134 Seats Oemmercfat Street Phoaeti4A -t-y Lie. No M-l . HA LOANS at pt-iv loaaa Abrama A Eli is. Inc. Masonls Bldg wk LOAN en fnrm. residential Saatneas property Will buy mortgages or contracts HAWKINS at ROBERTS INCL. Realtors, Guardian Building '"" 1 -.r.nrj-nj- 24 to sieoe on rouR car. IIT New Bllgh Bidg. - Ph.. list Money; Immediately Llo, Ml It. Loaxta Wanted , WANTED SMALL. LOAN on good country home. Box Hit. co States man. - - wantko ntifATi: sonei TO LOAN oe good fialea real es tate. Win pay 4 interest. . W, H. GRABENHORST CO. ' j REALTORS Wanted Furniture r. N.- A I GLENN WOODRT. Aao tloneers A furniture dealers will pay you more ensh or trade for furniture 4k house hM goods. We boy or sell ev erthlnv Ph. silt. "r rs iirerorsrnjnjnjTjutri CASH fOR used furniture A house hold goods.; R, Forgey. Ph. 7444. Miscellaneo a s Dental, Plate Repair TWO-HOUR : 8GRVTCB IN MOST CASES Bring er Malt Tour Plates for Repair DR. HARRT SEMLER, DENTIST AJisky Bld&. 44 A Merrlsoa. BR S417 For! Rent -Rooms CHEERFUL front rn., prlv. ant.; bath, gar. Inq. ItlS N. Summer. LARGE lovely rm. 9(4 Center. 8LPNO. or It. hskp. 2 N. Cot. HOTEL MARION -Rooms. Special weekly and monthly rates te perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals st low prices. eaieajsagnsaasaasaaoehes DOWNTOWN FURNISHED . room. Hot water, r eteaas neat. $S eei week. 8pecial winter moMbly rate. Ph. 7S. aaaaaeaeaeesehsa4nass1aas NICE ROOM for man. Ph. 7771. jtirLrxi'xru"u'Vsrersf,s,s,"v ia""! HOTEL 8ALKM. low me. rates. ehassssaeeasheehensehsshen S WELL FURN. rarva. Plenty ef heat and not water. Ph. . WARM ROOMS. 4S4 Cbemekets. Room and Board RM. A BBOU gar, fit. 1444 N. IT. ehAekaeBaessaaiSetaafcAsaaeAsSssae" TACANCT. SIS N. CHURCH. EX. BD. A Ivly. raw. S14 N. Summer. Xn.ri.n.-i.-11-i i - ROOM A BOARD. 4S4 N. Liberty. trwrij nir TV - tiUJI rsna. with brd. Adjoining Stats hse. N. ltth. Ph. 4414. nrrawwoo wnUIM W.wlv film DUOililWtf ww ... . . - - . spacious rooms, large closet. Two blocks State Office Mdg. 141 Court Bt. evr oasci with tjl " - nrleaa. m ! dose to State bldg. 11S7 Court St. TJ-LT.-LT.-I.- I' . .--.W NICE HTKD rm. Dble. er single nr. bath.: with board. 444 Union. For Rent Apartments FOfOt. MODERN 4 . roeea, wuter. garbage. gar aamts. . wtvt-. irrrRM Aosrnatalj apt. 11 union. oar kiumMi act. Nicely furn. Prir. bath., 1114 Oak St. . , - - . v -.1-. eta. Tilt. - . . n . cis f!iter. x m a na. iurn. - - " . SINGLE APT;' hitch 144 a Cottage. BASEMENT . APT. JJZUT.1f ' ' JEM Ceil L comrorxaoMi " : , VV i i 144 N. ltB moas ----- .MU'tf-Tri-H"'Ti -i - - wr irrTTlN. ant.- 145 a CotnT. . n.t jiu nira. ants. Lights.- wood, watery 414 1 14. Ph. 11441 1744 Market. ' ! u rn m. ele&- washer, 2S4 Lee. Tei 444. Adults. ? " - - - T II tori R. lower, y I'lUI. WHBPtcwij ..m.. - iVn run rwt-w wniti.' t rm- reasonable Hiwthoras Court, Ph. aur oras wvi . - . r . a, twm a w waw.. " . . m vrmv bj, 1,1, nil main. " ' 'lL"'alt. f7l H CM'l. U. .r unmrn an SSt BeUvwe. AT A S KM. FTJRM. svpt-, bath, hot water, washer, 11J4 S. Ceeaaaorclal. : sawaeheehssas) nsins - - - ; APTa, 44 A UP. 1114 8. 11th St. nrneT ApS Oak. Phone 1047- : " - "i:Zl Mill I- II. - 111 M ' HI l-l XI J I IH i " " 1 " " rU2W. CLEAN epts, doss In, nM.ii.iiweiWw . . ,h 1 KM. nleely furn. spU refrlg, bath. ft lady, see mi- - A liar latiy nyww www w - Clone? to Loaa - twwi naasWas For. Rent Apartments ? RM .JT"- shower A entrance. 41.4 wk. 11 Oak. Ph. H74. " iswsasieaanaaae, . "7 e e v AA1 LOT 0tTCV ly mod. Suitable for two. For. RentHouses -.4 ROOM house, funk, close In. Call - v v V. . V V. and fruit. In country. Ph. 4-1444 er Sale. i . i i ...... ....... . -. j-j-i.arL-LrLiu-Li- IH ACRES, 4 rm. house at LAblsh Gardens. Inq. 114 Union. -THE WILLOWS" new house strict ly mod. N. en High. Close la. Ph. 4111. SshassShgaaeajsersSeaaaes- B ROOleff hlMieut gall MMfaen UTaxn-ttn Summer. Istauir t& BelJetnMC sxhsnhesassjaiseaaShaeaeiaoga 4 RM. furn. hjw lilt Kansas Ave. Call 4411 after 4. 55. . T ROOM modern house, fl replace, basement, furnace. 78 Stewart. Ph. 4284. , . . 4 ' RM. mod. fura. duplex. S bed rmsL. gmrsge. 147S N. Cooa'L NEW S room mod. house, 414. Inq, 1114 Ird St West Salem. . R. fura. bouse near high school. PERRINE at MAR3TER3-H. . 7 ROOM HOUSE, $14. PK. 4417. 4 RM. mod. hse. 1144 N. Church. MOD. 7 R. TORN. Ph. 4112.: a. m. WE .HAVE THE PROSPECT IP TOU want to sell, exchange, leaae, rent, see Mr. Lersen or Mr. Col Una with Hawkins A Roberts. IISE3-. Estep, tT Center. Ph. t44k. HOUSES Meivtn Johnson. Ph 1T11 114. 1 ACRES. 4 RMS. Will sell, easy term. Call or writ Bi 115. Rt 7. 1 Ft at. furn. house, lisrhta, sink, tot lot MKLVIN JOHNSON. 715 Court. MOD. I RM. hse.' I A. 4 mL X. of Salem. Cash rente Ph. 21274. R. FURN. bouse. 4S. Ph. 472. BEAUTIFUL 4 Rm. home", oil heat, lovely location, close In. Fur, or n furn. C. H. Sanders. Ph. 4414. ST7 Willow. 4 room.. ,.43S.0 144 N. Cap.. 4 rma. furn.S50.44 47 S Belmont, 4 rooma.444.44 7ZI Wilbur, rooms $2.4 . Money to Loan P. H. BELL. Realtor 424 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 4121 FOR RENT MODERN t r. furnished home, ex cellent location near ail schools. W. H. Grabenhorat A Co. Phone 4444. per month. 2 BDRM. mod. home. $24. 144 N. 12th. Ij. living ran., with dining rm. Newly decor. Ph. 1-196 or ttHS. 7 RM. FURNISHED home, modern, near er. high, $44, strictly modern 4 rm. new euburbaa. automatic beat, $14. rm. N. Fifth, modern. $14. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. 477 Court 4 ROOM FURNISHED house and garage. T1S N. High St. II A, I RM. HOUSE, elec, bath, ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN, 4TT Court For Rent Farms 1 FARM FOR RENT nr. Dallas. 141 A. pasture, 14 A. grain. Good bldg. See Maekay. Argo Hotel. Salem. For Rent 14 A. with mod. hse. Ph. Till. Omca ROOMS, til State Street. Inquire room 184. Tel. 2714. FOR LEASE LARGS business room, one story brick building, downtown location. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 S. Liberty St. For Sale Real Estate 4 R. ENO. type mod. house ra N. Sa lem. Shrubbery, fruit trees, alee yard. By owner. Term. Ph. 4124. NEW 4 R-. BATH, net quite finished. 24-14 garage, well, nice location oast of city limits, priced right, $144 down, baL like rent C J. Jackson. S41 State St.-Salem A REAL INVESTMENT - GOOD TWO story brick building, Ominiod br rood steady tenants. The price 1 right $214 monthly Income For part leu l ars, see , . wVh. oraVenhorst, A Oe. Realtors 121 S. Liberty St Phone 4441 TjLr'L i i - .. - . ' NEW it rwo. noma: sanaii uowm payment Easy terms. W. A. Ctadek, 1424 N. 14th, Ph. 4177. Sjjrj-tjsstaxosrnri rrirrhfsjrsonrTni KIOHT ROOM reei . 114 . W. V ..l. W. 1. Mill Owsr A Matthews. 412 Feciry St. Koona 1IL BT OWNER, cosy seed. 4 apt house, Income $144 me. Consider car part own pymt Phone 4724. SA. close In n down payment If r, build on It IS . n' FOLEr I 4 B Bank Bldg. Eats. 1 Center. Ph. 2442. Exchange -Ileal Estate SS ACRES NEAR htetser. . room heeum, hath. eler (treplace. large barn, - - -. wrmwtr fimm tar eulMllvulaa or hoeeeA $4444. WU1 consider city prop- arfw WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 4T7 Court Street njitjrtorsr'iiir" rii " GOOD 144 A. FARM, $74(4; take Portland or Saiem rtm. for part - Portland net, $1402. wanU farm. S a. N. h, hew modern house A bam, take part or Salem part , ' C 4. 4 season, in isutse ov, ws WOU WAS tlcney to Lo&a FOR A PERSONAL LOAN; Come to 512 State St. ; Opposite County Court House . . .'THAT'S THE ADDRESS OF THE PERSONAL FINANCE CO where wo prefer to make loans ef $24 te 4244 or nor TOUR WAY em lust rear atg- aatur. Our SHORTER APPLICATION up aervtce r ir you need ease, some ta tocay. or. . , . - PHONB 11L . . Ak for Mr Miller PERSONAL FINANCE . CO. . Nea, S4s1hafhAikBg2hBShhaasja LOANS A popular loan service with all fam ilies and individuals in need ef $44, $14. 42e, or more. You pick your wa terms. Monthly payment In cluding all charge Cash te you $. 144.44 iee.ee ee.ee 4 mo. 7.12 14.24 22.44 41.74 IS mo. mo. S4 me, 42 I S.24 44 1 4.72 02 I 11.44 14 f t.H e.es 14 24. te. . Other amounts la proportion. Tour inquiry does not obligate you in any way. Confidential, as friend, relative or employer are not notified. Phone, write or oeme ta. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's - Personal Loan Center Rm. 241, 2nd ft First National Bank Salens. Oregon Phone 4444 State Lie. No's. M-ltS 4k aVStS For Sale Farms WANT A DAIRY FARM 7 Here Is n dandy et-up of 12 acres with fine barn, electria water system, large house, being offered at $4744. Borne terms or take part trade. See Mr. Bartlett with -CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS Phone 4241 FARMS. TROTS. Estop. 447 Center. DAIRT FARM STOCKED and equipped. bold contents. A complete est up ready te go. Price $244. 44 acres, about 44 a. under plow, baL pasture with some timber. W. H. GRABENHORST gt CO. 124 S. Liberty 8t Acreage 1 A, RM. mod. home: S large poultry house, nut trees and shrubs. For quick sale, $1404. T. U Reedy. H. P. GRANT. 424 Court St SS A, SS A. of aloe eaa: tlaaber: 12 mL from Salona. 1 naL from paved road, easy to get out ; fenced ; no waste land. ie. z a. is oil eon in oi Portland on good road, good soil, meet ly brash and stumps, $4S per a. Trade for Salem property. - Money to Loan at $ MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR : 724 Court St Phone 4712 Wanted Real Estate Wl INTTTS your for eel list ings If fairly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Realtor. Guardian Building. WILL, PAT cash for bouses In need of repair. Box 114L Statesman. Business Opportunities CAMERA SHOP A Portrait 8tudfo. town I2,0e. Eastman Agfa. WTLFLET P.O. Box 111. Medford. Ore. 8ERT. ST A. for lease. 1T1 N Cosa. For Sale Wood BOX A PLANER Wood for Immedi ate delivery. Salem Box Ce. Ph. 4142. DRY WOOD all kinds. Ph. 21444. MTXX, WOOD. 12.44 load. Ph. 1212 er 424L evealnga. Yard at 114 Court DRY WOOD. TeL 4444. DRT MILL blav, saw. D. Ph. Stta. WOOD. Ph. 4274. Oraen, 41S N. list 14 OLD FTR $4, knots 25, 4 ft 2nd. $4. ash, maple, limb, Ph. 4444. Business CWds he Hals eUnctorr em m naowthlx bast semi, -Ratot ai.23 per Auto Orakea Mike Pane 171 South Commercial Bieyeles- BICYCLES, New and Yeoerulltloned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'oL P. 4114 Chimney' Sweep TELEPHONE 441. Norths. EngineettirTey or X H. Meet 444 Guardian 2HAv F. SUA Feafting mrrcATATioN of an tdnd. meats dug. Dirt hauled er moved- Dirt for eal. galem Sang a, GraAvel. P 4444 HoTists BreRhaupra 44T Court 414S Funeral Directors TerwtBhrer Funeral . 4224 nonse Trailers BaTTTXR BUYS and terms. See King's Trailer! Exchange. 414 M. ; Freat. , Magazine Subscriptions Sare. Paul H. Haueer. Phone . 721L DO YOU KSKDW WVUT t DO45 r 1T5 A SCOJTTFeS CAMT S2 AROUNPGK ? a i il !1 I Money to Lorn Pick Yocur Ownr Pajinents Cash Me. paySsents ladudlng to- A nut. aaarges - tor Ten 4 mos. 12 -eaee, 24 I 44 J 1.22 CSS - S.4S "if I4.T4- F.44 MS. ' 144 j-447 14.44 - 4.41 . 114' 44.24. SUA 14.12 24r Sf.Sl 14.14 . 24.14 FORM cute questions la halt saves time. S-122 M-14S For Sale Wood DRT WOOD. Ph. 4S44. . ; 4stahsShsShAsjsnas I4-IN. fir. 15 24 cord, Peareon'e Cash Store, rn. Tiss. .. Wood Sawing 1244 HOWARD. PHONE 21114. , fnatejssehsShyaasgajaea 424 N. Commercial. Ph. 2512. Lost and -Fonnd LOST. BH.LFOLD containing S Padfle Co. annoal peas ta favor of Wm. Weiss. Hsturn t Southern Pa cific agent Salem. Reward. weeeewewweWMWMMWWM LOST Small white poodle dog. Re- wara. rn. nix or vtiz. LOST Brown hnifohL Driver'a 11 cense, some money. Reward. 144 Ruge. Peronaii DETECTIVE BUREAU GLOBE INTERNATIONAL, Phone 21III. LONESOME! 8errlng all age. Club Elite. P. O. Be Tl-Q. Loe Angeles. CaL For Sale Used Cars '27 LINCOLN ZEPHYR. Fine oond. eatras. cheap. Ph. 7222. '24 CHEV. long whL base, dual trweK. XXft. K4M trade. 1ZZ9 HOTt. 122T V4 4S coupe. Ftne coaditlon. win trsae. lisi uiemeaea, '14 BUICK Century sedan. Sell or traee. ra. kx. . uei sis. '24 V-4 4-dr. Deluxe sed fit. Very clean. Trade. Terms, sis it 22nd. '24 PLY. 21r. sed. Only 2144. Re- eoeMMtlsnsa.- Xrade. Tima SIS S. ZSnSL 24 OLDS sed, $4.44. Lik new, ex tras, Trade. Terms. 4 11 S. Had. One FORCED TO sea er trade burned I- ately '21 model car. 2227 Haaet Ave. Wanted Used Cars WTLX, PAT cash for Feed Mod. A - 114ft noes. Transportation Drlrina- te Nebraska No. 14 A ret Take 4. Each, ret Bx 1244 ee Statee- Leal Notice HOTICS TO CRED1TOR8 Notice) to hereby girea. that the undersigned hag been appointed Administrator of th Estate of ReatbA 8ellx. deceAsed, by th Coantr Court of lfAiioa Cosatj, Oregon, nnd 401 persons tmrtas claims against said estats are hereby notified to nrnsoat th sazaa to th Administrator, nader slraed, at 11 North 14 th St. S lem. Oregon, with proper Tonch- rs annexed within atz months from th data of this notice. Dated this list day ot October, lilt. NATHAN 8SXXQ. Oct. SS-SSj N. S-ll-ll. Directory SlatLresaes CAPITOL BEDDINO CO. Phon4tt2. SALEM FLUFF RUO MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, eld remade, rug cleaning A weaving, a 12th A Wilbur. TeL S44L. Starickers. Papering-Painting MEAT Work. reas. Johnson. Ph, S77S Hnrnhing PLUMB INO, GENERAL repair work. Omher Brea, 144 S. Liberty. Ph. 444 Pirintlng FOR ATATIONERT, cards, pamphlets, nroaprama. beak er any kind of print- il The Si rrtnung ve 21 phone 414L Sawdust SLS4 FES UNIT. SUIT. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant traaefer. age. burner ell, call 211 1 Larmer TresaKer Ca Truck te rurtiang naiiy t agent ror Pierce Ante FreigM latciadlng CalUerala petata, Vacuum" Cleaner Service FREE Inapeetloa ta your home. Au therlnsd Hoover ei ilce. We sei i tee all Megg Bros, Ph. 4412. WeU Drilling St A. WEST. RLlBi 442. P. S-2211 By cmc Yourra ' "'T - scopes SAV3H w . ; : C A TViAJCAKS: . an - aw . a s j m u UUNIORf MOTHER'S WORK IS NEVER DONE Tet. thert' siwhys thing; to be done about a house. agreed these three as they previewed seeneef the stew toys that Santa Clans with a bumper 124. 90S, 4 44 pack saay haTe for U. 8. ehlldrem. 2ft to right ta New Torfu SUia Sekaefer, Carbari Griffin (wiping- dishes), Buars Strimnia. wao's Tsmsy wtUi aa m-lteater. Auiiisville Women Conduct Meeting ATJMSYILLK Th Woman's elnb met Thursdsr afternooa at the home of Mrs. A. B. Ham. Pressnt were Mlnals Peterson. Mrs. r. W. Potter. Mr. T. P. Otto, Mrs. Dl W. Lamb. Mrs. Charles Martin. Mrs. T. Y. Me Clellsn, Mrs. Elmer Klein, Mrs. William Forgey, Mrs. Ernest Towle, Mrs. 'Lata Fuson, Mrs. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CRFOnTORS IN THE COUNTY COURT or TUS STATS Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Or MARION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th aadrsirnod hag been Appointed executrix of the ostat of Q. C. Jones, deceased, by the Cosnty Coart of the State of Oresoa for Marlon County, and has o. a alined. All persons harlDC claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerlfled aa by law re quired, to the undersigned at 247 United states National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon or nt ISO! Porter BaUdlng, Portland, Oresoa, within six months Item the date hereof. Dated aad first published Oc tober 24 th. 144. Last pabUcatloa Norembsr 21th. Itlt. BXRNICS CARRIE JONKS Kxecatrig Arthar D. Jones Attorney for executrix ISO! Porter Bid. Portland. Oresoa O 21 N 4-11-11-21 ATBaTNlSTRATOR8 NOTICE OF APPODrrMKNT Notice Is heresy glrea that Ue Coanty Court of the State of Ore gon for tho Gouty of Marlon did on th list day of October. 1940. by Order daly made and entered of record la tho Matter of the Es tate of Mao Johnsosu Deceased. appoint r. O. Johnson Adminis trator of said Estate: that said ad ministrator has daly . Qualified therein and hereby notifies all persons turina claims against kid estate te present nam to him at his residence at Sal ess. Oregon. BJD. No. T. Box SSI. with proper anchors, within atz months from tho date of this notice, to wit, Oc tober lid. 1149. r. O. JOHNSON. Administrator. CULUta M. XNMAN. Attorney for Eatat. O. 21-1 1; K. NOTICE TO CRKDTTOSIS NOTICE L9 HEREBY QIYEN That the County Coart of tho State of Oregon, tor Marlon Coanty, has appelated the under signed. A. JX. MeClaln. Adminis trator of tho estate of Martha Al ice MeClaln, deceased, and that ho ha daly tnsllflod as inch Ad ministrator. NOW THEREFORE, all per- sons baring claims axainst said estate of Martha AUeo MeClaln. deceased, are hereby notified nnd required to present tho name daly rifled, to tho undersigned Ad ministrator at 919 Garnet Street. In Salem, Oregon, within six months from the dato of tho first peMSeattoa of this notice, which date of first pabllcaUon la 'Octo ber 12. 1919. Dated October lad. 1949. A. D. McCLAIN. - Administrator of tho Estate of Martha AUeo MeClaln, De- ceased.' - R. A. McCOURRT. McMlnnTtlle, Oregon. Attorney for said Estate. ' O. 12-29; N. S-12-19. ESTATE OF ANNA SC. JENSEN XOTYCE TO CIHEDITORS NO. 10370 Ef THE COUNTY COURT OF TII35 STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF MARION ! No tic la hare by girea that tho nadersigned has been appointed administratrix of tho estats of Anna 21. Jensen, deceased, by tho Coanty Court of the State of Ore gon tor Marlon County, aad has qualified. All persona harlng claims against said estate ar hereby notified' to . present th same, daly rerlfled as by law re enlred. te the nnderslgnld at 214- 21T . South ' Commercial Street, Sal Jin, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. '-- : Dated and first published Ne- Tesaber S. 1949.'. Last publication December 4, 1149. A. B. Ham and Mrs. Madden. Th rooms were decorated with large bowls of fall flower and Halloween motifs for the tables. The hostess" was assisted by Mrs. Potter . and Miss Peterson. Mrs.' Madden of Turner say aa interesting talk on missionary work ln Japan, disc laying many articles of that coaatry. Tilliciim Club Has Meeting AUMSVILLE The Tlllicam elnb met Wednesday at the club rooms with IS women attending. Th beautiful Scotty dog onilt being made for a small grandsosi of Mrs. Ceorg Whit was com pleted and work on th butterfly design' cullt of Mrs. Charles Mar tin was continued. Sewing for an invalid mother was a third pro ject which was done by Mrs. T. P. Otto and Mrs. O. A. Leseley. The women of the Tlllicam dab are doing friendly acts tor the things needed In this com- imnnlty. Mrs. Mabel Ouliiford 1 th president. Ik Hunters sLeare For Eastern Oregon FAIR VIEW J. W. Morley of this district and Ersel Gnbaer of TJnioarale left Wednesday mornv. lag for out hnntlnx near La Grande. Clyde M. LaFolletU of Wheat land and Clarence Martin of Hope well left early Wednesday morn ing for eastern Oregon to hunt elk. Reports Sales 81LVERT0N The Homeseek ers agency this week sold the Ed Campbell residence on Church street to Carrie Larson, the Cliff Kelly home on West Mala street to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fardo of Loe Angeles, aad the J. E. Fied ler acreage on South Water street to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shoffar of Alaska. Cross Word Puzzle i& i la i-ii" Hind" 3& . . yZ&t tp I mA 1 irwn nOEZZONTAL , 1 ouuthern ' . cooataUa - tJoa 4inn . . 9 that giH llwelrat ef ZndiA . shaped II Yesitncry - bine- - grass IS - scratchad 17 corers -. 4 . 19 see dack r search out 21-HrwtU H-aaalyse - grammatt- ISeed. 1 ? grecps of pcrsen) ' 22 cnpolas 2 ecanarad 41 ef eaci : (Pharm.1 44 before ASadult 11 furnace " 24 ra.:es a y BnvvaP 33 arrsbof fer . rhodium 17 color 23 extended - ' area f rrrli . exprMaioa tZLlX tO - f rrrs - - , -. .j!jt-fi '. n i;ra. -:: 1J riyer fa . ' ITOSiA ; . Cri v T- o, L 1 v O O v!Uf i Lrnmanuel Church Announces Sleet WOODBURN The Ladies Aid of tho lrnmanuel Lutheran church will hold its next regular meet lag Norember T. The hosts for the day will be: Mrs. Merle Freeman. Mrs. O. McClure and . . Mrs, Theodore Thompson. . Mrs. William Olson of Port land was a weekead visitor at the home of her auat, Mrs. Katharine Olson. Tho Methodist . Woman's so ciety for Christian Berries has changed Its next meeting time , from Tuesday to Thursday of next week, Norember T. ? Arrangement Made) For Power Poles MONMOUTH H. Y. Co Ulna, Salem district manager of Pa clflo Telephone and Tlgraph company, and B. J. Carpenter. Portland representative of the corny any, ' reached aa agreement with city official this, week by whleh th telephone company will take a half, Interest. In the new electric power poles recently aet by the city. By using on set of poles for the two atllitieaan ob rfoa street Impreremoat will bo achlsTed. The company plana to increase Its installation of cables In town to reduce wire totals also. Commnnily Data Set EYEN3 Y ALLEY The Breas t Yaliey community club ta announcing- Us regular meeting night for Norember f. Arramrlaf for the program are GenerieT Pedereou. Albert Funrue. Mrs. Oral Egaa aad Floyd LAngser. Lodges PastfU Isift ss.t4.lf4 AM. SLM O agree Wed, re. . Y:0 9m. Wm. A. Msn4et, WK. ..time dT-ixpea'. TpTICAl, f 1 beajt of rj twrdsn X-Attjuira 2 reached 4desires ' - ; t--nried 16 rarity 11 Orient IS ArsHan- -.v., eesport ;.-". IS periods of time SJ compel 21 laaraias; 12 laments . . a -abor -fr ttia eoajune 'tion.. Se in this places to eAtsrdf y pbsa, t1JfS L rtaaes, as i -: , a: ' : O ( 1 43 -i;r3.rr ti tLrt4 ri y t - : ii rr. rt ... it t: .-.. . . -: . . . Ji i,iwtr 1 CLrrt t :i L.rore tT f crtil!r j ta f K.r. " tia f 3 eoaI ." 1L ii J ' AdmlalJtTatrtn. ; .v' . ' as 42 eF3.;!x . rafFmTT 'Picrsrrr; ; -" - . ' - 42 oerterai Attorzcrs.. N. S-ll-19-tl; D. S. ,,,, .i -e 1, . ...I. ii . i . " '."-"'