The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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    Club Meets
Monday at
The Salem Daughters of the Nile
met a Monday at the ' Masonic
Tempi and sewed for the White
Shrine hospital. At noon a lanch
eoa was serred with Mrs, Varney
E. Kabn la charge of arrange
ments. She waa assisted by Mrs.
A. K. Stanley, tfrs. J. S. LocheaV
and Mrs. John Imlah. :
The tables were decorated with
bouquets of chrysanthemums, xln
nlas and other fall blooms.- Mrs.'
p. X. Beechler, president, presided
at the business session. -
Cover, were placed for ilrgr
Dal X. Beechler, Mrs. Adolph,
Bombeck. Miss Elfrleda Bombeck.
Mrs. Walter Dry. Mrs. David Cam
eron, Mrs. George Duatford, Mrs.
Bert B- Flack, Mrs. Charles C Ge
briel, .Mrs. Paul H. Ranser. Mrs.
Arthur O. Bant. Mrs. Jobs Imlah,
Mrs. V. K- Xubn. Mrs. Lloyd Le
Garis. Mrs. Mania Lewis. Mrs.
Lawrence Lister, Mrs. J. 3. Loc
head. Mrs. Claude Marphy. Mrs. ,
Ethel Nile. Mrs. O. A, Olson, Mrs.
r. W. Hans Belts. Mrs. Albert C
Smith. Mrs, A. K. Stanley and Mrs.
Rer Turner.
On Wednesday the Salem
Daughters of the Nile are planning
to attend the homecoming cere-;
monlal of Nydls temple la Port
land at the Masonic temple. Mrs.
David Wright, queen, will preside
and a formal will be held
in the evening.
Exchange Dinner
On Sunday
Members of Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority and Kappa . Gamma Rho
fraternity enjoyed an exchange
dinner on 8unday at their respec
tive houses on Court street. .
The table at the Alpha Phi Al
pha bouse waa centered with an
arrangement of yellow rosea, yel
low button chrysanthemums , and
matching candles.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
William E. Kirk, Miss Laura Lee
Tate, Miss Edith Mohr. Miss Doro
thy Bar ham. Miss Dorothy Tate,
Miss Doris Crabtree, Miss Frances
Tatro and Miss Grace Jackson. -
The Messrs. Edward Cone, Wil
liam Bard well, Oscar Swenson.
Tom Terfeson, Ernest Greenwood,
Morris Krauts and Clifford Stew
At the Kappa Gamma Rho
house the .dining table was cen
tered with a bouquet of chrysan
themums. Places vere marked for Dr. and
Mrs. Richard Uebes, Mlas Gail
Dennisoa. Mary Head, Mary Bac
ker, Maxine Crabtree, Barbara VI
esko, Marian Sanders and Mary
8 wisher. - - -
The Messrs. Al Ferrin. Harry ;
Irvine Wayne Btardevant, Jack
Hedgeeock, Jess Jones, - Ward
Walker and Carroll Hleme.
- e --e. :
Wisteria Dance ::
On Friday
On Friday might's calendar is
the second Wisteria club dance
which will be held at the Vet
eran's hall with Guy Albin and
his orchestra playing for danc
ing. Arranging the dance are Mr.
and Mrs. Claire Brown, chairman,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorens and
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hllle. Sev
eral Informal parties are being
planned to precede the dance.
Mrs. Jeba Beetelsen at 110 East
Lefelle street will be hostess Wed
nesday afternoon to the Woman's
Society of Christian 8ervice of the
Leslie Methodist church. This will
be the monthly study meeting at
which Mrs. C A. Downs will re
view the book "The Genesis of
the Exodus. n study of the mi
grant labor problem." Mrs. Mason
Bishop will giro the ' lesson on
China from the book. "Dangerous
Opportunity. Assisting Mrs. Ber
telson for the tea hour will be
Mesdames S. M. Laws, J. O. Mat
this, Lena Cramer and G. A. Gra
ham. i.
The Salome Dakota dab will
meet for a no-host dinner at the
Mooss hall Wednesday night at
1:10 o'clock. A musical program,
readings and a travelogue will be
presented and election of officers
will be held.
e e e
The AAUTf Literatnre class
will meet Wednesdsy night with
Miss Elsie Miller at her home,
111 North Winter street, at 8
o'clock. Mrs. Elmer Berg will re
view the book, "Madame Doro
thea, by Sfgrld Undset, T -
Miss Kteasor Trlndle will be
hostess to the Beta -Chi alumnae'
at her home on South Commer
cial street Wednesday night. As
sisting hostesses will be Miss
Melva Belle Savage and Miss
Charlotte Kallander. -
XI there's trrita-
11m tm unnar
bronchial tues, cotKftlng. mns- .
cuter i imii or ttetaefiS re
lieve suctx iaiery. XZottur, wlii
aaimpcoved'VapoI ubT.Tn f.
WCht&ls more tiMirotth treats
saent, the noulUce-and-Tapor
action of tc5rs Vfoi;'-J taors
casasres wltsetxttitng raedisis -1
vaporn...tTajiTS a&l
krir iis a r..nir(V rcwu'J.ce or
plaster... trs,iTS mttrr
rfet wsyl Results d&-;Lt cvea .
id triema of VapoRu.
" TO OTT a"Vapcr.uJ Uusaisf ,
wUh bU Its beoeU rifsa r
Vsooltc3 for t minctee on m -Tosezurt
ss3aaA or sack
as witll as throat axU
sprseil a thick Uver nch"
cover wuh a warmti.-. w
nrrs t kiw uiae. V . 4
.. I r
At ; Little Garden Club Show - r
.Members of the Little Garden Alice Edmundson. two best ar
club of Salem Heights were hos- raageraeata. Mra. Vaadeeve. Beet
tosses at an anniversary tea and dining room arrangement, formal,
annual chrysanthemum show oa Mrs. tteWain and Mrs.' Sawyer.
Saturday and Sunday at the com- informal Mrs. VanCleave. and
munity halt. Mrs. Homer MeWaia Mrs. Mc Wain. Living room er
p res Id ant of the club, took sev- rangements, Mrs. MeWaln and
era! awards for flowers and car- Mrs. Judson; Mrs. Wood barn and
rled off the sweepstakes prise for ' Mrs. A. Doran. Monochromatic,
her formal dining room arrange- small, Mrs. MeWaln and Mrs.
ment. : Mr&v Ai A.' Taylor waa show Paul Acton; large, Mrs. MeWaln
chairman. and Mrs. Taylor.
; Mrs. "B. O. Schucklng, Mrs. Thanksgiving arrangements,
Elizabeth Lord .and Miss Edith Mr- Woodbura and -Mrs. R. E.
Schryver Judged j all events. Cartwrlght. First plaee In the
First and second prise winners themes class were won by Mrs.
In each class and division for MeWaln and Mrs. VanCleave.
chrysanthemums - were:
Large disbudded, singles, Mrs.
J. B. VanCleave ot'Stayton and
Mr m winter f km.
Mrs. II. B. Winter of Sclo; best
.m,.m., ... tt . J!..-
:;X"r IZJZZLZr r.
cLisbndded, on single stem, Mrs.
- wMwawrwvw aaaa t MVS
VanCleave and Mrs. MeWaln;
best ! arrangement, Mrs. C W.
rt xtf
Sawyer and Mrs. MeWaln. Large
pompons, small arrangement. Mrs.
MeWaln; large arrangement, Mrs.
A. A. Taylor and Mrs. VanCleave.
Button pompons, small arrange-
ment. Mrs. VanCleave and Mrs.
Taylor; Urge, ftrs. Lewis Judson
and Mrs. a A. Kells. Jspanese
ulvrL Hd Mr h p w!"
MeWaln and Mrs. H. R. Wood-
burn. '
.Anemone, specimen. Mrs. Alvla
Stewart and Mrs. VanCleave? sr-
rangement, -Mrs. VanCleave and
Mrs. .Stewart. Single,', best speci
men,. Mrs. VanCleave and
IWith Salem
Folk at QSC
Pledge presidents of sororities
and : fraternities were dinner
guests of Delta Zeta Tuesday
night. Among those la attendance
'were Charlotte McKee, Alpha XI
Delta; Shirley McKay. Kappa Al
pha Theta; and Walter Bushnell,
Beta Kappa. '
Students pledged last spring
term to phi Kappa Phi, national
scholastic honor society, were ini
tiated formally into the chapter
Tuesday night. Later a banquet
was held la Memorial Union,
Alice Cunningham nn-m bored , . TT
among students receiving this HeiClS Are HOStS
Top social honors go to Phi rPr FVinHc3
Delta for their novelty barn dance
staged last weekend, when mem- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reld of
hers and guests turned out la ap- Salem Heights entertained a group
propriate old-time regalia, of friends Saturday night. A no
Glimpsed dancing among a setting host dinner was served and the
of hay, straw and farm animals evening wss spent dancing and
were Gene Hollstein, Dick Par- staging.
ker. Bin Butte, Harry Carson, Those present were Mr. and
Shirley McKay, Bill 8mlth and Mrs. Ralph Applegate. Mr. and
off-campus guests Bobbe Shlnn Mrs. OrvUls Chestain, Mr. and
and Shirley Huntington. Mrs. George Diets, Mr. and Mrs.
At a luncheon meeting this Bill Hamrlck Mr and Mrs. Joe
week, members of the Memorial HarrU Mr. and Mra. Merki Phil
Union board of directors met with "Jf'-. Ete!J?ai2:
Doug Chambers, student body Mr. Kdd le AppJ f ?
president to discuss new rules and dJ?ar,lt a'urL
regulations for the MU. which J" Hamrtek and Mr. aad Mrs.
has undergone remodeimg auring
- the last few months.
The freshman retreat, spon-
Round Table, the ' WCA-
TMCA counctt, was held last
weekend at Sflver Creek Falls to
discuss spiritual aspects of col-
leee. Ed Yada and Bill 8 h t n n
were on the attendance list for
thfa affair.
Another notable dance of the
weekend was the harvest dance of the parsonage on Wednesday,
the Kappa Bis, with Ray Wood, The Dorcas circle wiU serve lunch
Doug Chambers, Vivian Aspln- on at 12:20. business meetings
walL Chuck Wood. Bob McKee, Uler,
Don Wood and orx-eampus guesi
Faeton amenn nartlclpants.
ont-wMk eamoala-n for col
lection of dues for the Associated
Women students. Is now In prog
ress, with Dorothy Kibbee, AW3
treasurer, heading- the Intensive
dlWlth fraternity pledging UH
In order, it, Is noted that Bob
Ewing. transfer from Willamette
university. Is a pledge of Sigma
Phi Epsilon and Bob King a
pledge of Lambda Chi Alpha.
Odds and ends ... Phil Blake
running for treasurer of the aeur
lor i class . . . BiU Phllmoro and
Jim Smart at the Lambda Chi
fM ' Dorothr Kibbee to
ka intti.tat Sundav late Phi Chi
Theta. national honor society for
women In secretarial science . . .
Martette DePres being quoted In
n campus Questionalre . . . Bill
King. Dick Parker and Ray Wood
In intramural athletic com petition
this week . . . Roe uraoiree -field
trip for the applied farm
management class . . Mary Ellen
Bywater. Eleanor Rosaon, George
Causey. Gordon UUman, Clinton
Wampler and Dorral Binegar la
Salem last weekend. .
DTT venTnif a. Halloween
Vartf.waa glreo .by Mra -I :dwin ;
Ilatteberg ana tuam
berg a the home of the farmer
Thursday nlghU Cards foUowed
bCto wero placed for William ;
Katteberg and Mtes Nettle Kat
teherg of Salem. Mrs. U. J. Mad
sea. Harold Larson. . Miss UM
ruttU. lllss AUce Jensen, MUf
uUH Kiss Althe Mem
and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hatte
berg. C:"'0' mV'-. t -'
fWE3T SALEM -- Mrs.VH.iBD.
Hawa was hostess to the King
wood Homo aad Garden , club.
Members present were Urs. A. .
OetJrir, Mrs. A. Indrey. Mrs.
c! Millar. Mrs. M. - K
J. S. Friessn. Mrs. E. Hoffman
aad tlrs. iliaia. CKft were Mrs.
rati Lee, Urs, Asfrhell and
Mrs. llelbert of Dallas. i
Firsts In ' small arrangement
awards were taken by Mrs. Me-
nv . n
TL flowers took awards for Mrs.
L.w.i- .
MeWaln tor roses and also for
foliage. Mrs. Woodbura for other
fall flowers. Mrs. : McWain ar-
a a . . a
l""" ."."lca" ow
"wnsni . uu jarv. uoren won
1 'nV " 7
f.1"?1 flowenl Bot therwUe
. . : ,
JJrpohv'tori fTTl Cf
fj 1 1 Moot
111 AVAt?t;i
' Circle, of t h Prbyteriaa
ehurch will meet on Wednesday.
,T1 ,. . A, TTWl
- o - -
leaders and meeting places:
No. 1. Mrs. C. B. 8iegmund,
i...-. unhtii
aoeeuws vv ivti mash S4uvwi a vus
1m n street at 1 . m. No. z.
Miss Marv McOowan. leader: with
Mrs. EL R. Wagner, K2S North
20th street at t p. m. No. t, Mrs.
W. W. WtKdmff, leader; with
Mrs. M. MaeDonald, 4X0 North
20th street at 2 p. m. No. 4, Mrs.
Mareus, leader: with Mrs. John
8. Harper, 13 (S Court street at
s p. m.
No. S, Mrs. John Harbison,
leader: with Mrs. L. M. Purvine,
8S2 South 12th street for lunch
eon at 1 p. m. No. , Mrs. Charles
Pratt, leader: with Mrs. W. Irvin
Williams. 84S Chemeketa street
at 1:15 p. m No. 7. Mrs. F. K.
McCracken, leader; with Bertha
Junk Darby, CSS Union street at
t p. m. No. 8, Mrs. Leo C Dean,
leader: with Mrs. Holden, Kelser
district. All who wish transporta
tion meet at the church by 1:11
p. m.
Women's aaxBiary Disabled
. "T " ',u ht..m
u .ponsoring a beaefit card
Moose haU Wednes-
g , m Mrs. gt,art JohM?
ftWntt . . .
The Ladles aid and
society of Knight memorial church
m m. wih uh tt p. ntan
Chadwick Chapter. 023. Ma
sonic temple, regular meeting.
Laurel Social Hour club
j with Mrs. K. J. Jennings, Tues
day at 2 p.m.
American War Mothers, i
American Lutheran church, 2 !
p. m. . .. ,
Women of the Moose meet at
Meoee hall, 8 p.m. :
PEP teacher's club, regular
meeting :20 New Salem hoteL
VFW a Miliary, eard party.
Veteran's hall, g p. m.
: Woman's society of Christian .
service. West Salem . Methodist '.
church, with Mrs. Ora Gilliland,
740 Ferry street, no-host lunch
eon. '
j Busy Neighbors, with Mrs.
F. C Lots. 1171 North Liberty
'" street. 8 p.m. : -
South section, First Congre
gational church, with Sophia
Sykes and Mrs. Reta Lunch.
11 North Church street. - ;
Carnation club, with Mrs. H.
K. Spalding. 12C3 North
Church street. 1 o'clock lunch. :
Salem Dakota club, no-host --
dinner. Moose hall, C:19 TM
AAUW Literature class with
Miss Elate Miller, .1120 North
Winter, t p.m. - -;-; .-,
" - -'. . Ttusrsday '
Baok-a-Month club with Mrs. ;
' J. P. Smart, l:lf Pm, 1 :
Daaghtem Union Veterans, I .
p.m. Woman's clubhouse. :
- Liberty Woman's club with '
Mrs, Lou Sbuttlsworth, 2
Maynesvllle W o a a n's club
with Mrs. T. A. Lewis, 2 p.m." ;
'.Art Center speaker. ;
''A Friday ' ' ' '-'-
, Neighbors of woodcraft. Fra
ternal temple, t p.m.
Legton -auailiary past presK-
dent's membership tea." with
Mrs. James Turn bull, lttf
North list street, 1 to 1:1
Hostesses to
Entertain .
Several hostesses are entertain
lag for the pleasure of their bridge
clubs this week. v
Rotuul Vp Club
Mrs- John L. Read will preside
at a one o'clock luncheon this
afternooa at her Court street
horns tn cotaptiment to nembert
of the Round-Up club,
i Her additional guests will be
Mrs. Russell Cattin and Mrs. Ed
ward Burke. Contract bridge will
be la play during the ettarnoo
aad autumn flowers win provide
the decorative note.
Members are Mrs. Reuben P..
Boise. Mrs. Max O. Baron. Mrs.
Frank Saedeeor. Mrs. Jens L.
Rand, Mrs. Joseph. Albert. Mrs.
John Griffith, Mrs. J. T. Whit
tig. Mrs. Charles HL Robertson.
Mrs. Thomas B. Kay end Mrs.
Percy Kelly and Mrs. Rand.
Drama - Class
Mrs. J. B. Law has ' bidden
members of her drama class to
a dessert luncheon at her Center
street residence this afternoon.
Mrs. William Everett Anderson Is
leader of the grounhnd the after
noon will be spetft la study.
The 'club group includes Mrs.
Herbert Rahe, Mra. Robert Bra
dy. Mrs. Kan Becke Mrs. W. KU
Anderson. Mrs. Edgar Pierce,
Mrs. Verne Melntyre, Mrs. H. O.
Maison. Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs.
Cart Nelson, Mrs. Merrill Ohling,
Mrs. Robert M. Gatke and Mrs.
Mrs. Hawkins Hostess
Mrs. Taylor Hawkins was a
luncheon hostess Monday after
noon at her home on West Lin
coln street in compliment to mem
bers of her club.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
James Linn and Mrs. T. A. Lives
ley, special guests. Mrs. Paul Hen
dricks, Mrs. Arthur Rahn. Mrs.
Keith Powell, Mrs. Ereel Kay,
Mrs. Frank H. 8pears, Mrs. Frits
Slade of Portland. Mrs. W. C. Dy
er, Mrs. Hollls Huntington. Mrs.
T. A. Roberts, Mrs. John Carson,
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Jr.. Mrs. James
B. Toung and Mrs. Hawkins.
T i v r
T-YitrTrvi naH
'a a s a v a a s .
The Beta Chi sorority maids
entertained with an informal par
ty at their State street chapter
house Friday night in compliment
to members of the Willamette Law
school student body. Dancing was
enjoyed during the evening with
late refreshments served by the
coeds. Mrs. Charles Mc Car gar,
house mother, was the chaperons.
The honor guests were Dean
George McLeod. Messrs. George
Slbbald. Robert Smith, William
Spiers, Boots . Donaldson. Roger
Foster, Tom Gabriel, Cecil Ques
seth, Gordon Wilson, Melton Bell,
Jack Bohamon, Verne Larson,
William Lewis, Warren Lease g,
Vernon MeCullum. Jay Moynlhan,
Harry Chadbourne, Bill Thomas,
Joe Wilson, Robert Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. Mervln Brink and Mr.
aad Mrs. Steve Anderson.
Acting as - hostesses were the
Misses Beryl Seacat.' Frances
Harris. Patricia Schramm, Marje
rle Waters. Phyllis Fisher, Shirley
Cautield. Naaey Ann Boles. Phyl
lis San nd era. Miriam Jensen. Bar
bara Holllngworth. Jewell Mlnler,
Lois Gladden. Genevieve Doud.
Jessie May Ruhndorf, Lucy Fisher,
Jean Moore, Lois Herman. Jean
Jackson, Jsne Sisson and Mildred
Mr. Arden Reed has rotnraed
from a two-month trip which took
her from coast to coast. She went
north from here and visited at her
old home in eastern Canada aad
they toured along the eastern sea
board. New York, Washington and
Maryland. She returned via the
southern route stopping tn Los
Angeles and San Francisco.
Friends of Mrs. F. A. EUlott
will be interested to learn that
she has returned to 8alem after
a summer's stay In Portland aad
will be . at home at the Ambassa
dor apartments after November
Mrs. jraanes Nicholson will en
tertain members of her club at
bridge and tea on Wednesday af
ternoon at her North 8ummer.
street home.
Grant PTA wfll meet today at
1:20 In the so hoot study club
building. Mrs. Nat Kutaets and
Mrs. W. L. Waiser are- to be
e e e
Kr. and lira, Lsvwreneo Hef er
of Lake Oswego were the week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Toung.
t A
H . Ih :-
S- Makes j . '
: . Hard I "s - ;.
: . ;; Water .'
v Soft as
. : t -
IToreisbeT 5, 1843
e .
The first of a series of educa
tional films to be shewn free to
the public at the Caloa Art Cen
ter, will be presented tonight at
o'clock. This film is on the life
and work of Rembrandt, and waa
released through the cooperation
Of the government of - Holland.
The films are being brought. hero
through the offart of Mrs. Ma
rian B. Fields, director of the lo
cal Center aad are from the In
ternational film bureau.
Mrs." Agnes Tschopp, state su
pervisor of weaving, and instruc
tor hero, returned Saturday after
a week's stay in the LaQraade
A group of students from the
weaving classes at Chemawa vis
ited the Art Center last week In
company with lira. Floy Pepper,
Instructor. Tho arts and crafts de
partments of Chemawa are being
reorganised under Mrs. Pepper's
Marion Baum Will
Be Honor Guest
Mrs. W. Wells Baum Is arrang
ing a delightful Informal party
for this afternoon at her Ben Lo
rn and Park home for the pleas
are of her daughter, Marlon, on
her fourth birthday. '
The afternoon will he' spent In
formally and refreshments will be
served with the birthday-motif
carried out in tho table appoint
ments. Honoring Marlon will be Jan
ana Miller. Geraldine Keens,
Janle Barlow, Barbara Jean Jack
son. Astrld Severtn, Wayne Er
lcksen. Bill Donaldson, Mary
. Douglas, Jean and Nancy Lldbeck,
B r n e e and Jackie Titus, Jimmy
Knapp and Ann Berger.
Mothers who will accompany
their youngsters are Mrs. Vern
Miller, Mrs. Roy S. Keene, Mrs.
H. H. Barlow, Mrs. Ralph Jack
son, Mrs. Richard 8everin, Mrs.
BJarne Erlcksen, Mrs. B. J. Don
aldson. Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas,
Mrs. William L. - Lldbeck. Mrs.
Bruce Titus, Mrs. Gardner Knapp
and Mrs. Arm la Berger.
; ''
Federation Music
Club Luncheon
A joint luncheon of . tho Ore
gon Federation of Musis clubs
and the Salem Musle Teachers
club will bo held on Wednesday
at the Argo hotel at noon. The
music teachers clubs from Port
land have also been Invited to at
tend. Mrs. J. H. Porth. state presi
dent of the Oregon Federation of
Musle elubs, will be the guest
speaker. Other honor guests will
be Miss Jean Williams, state pres
ident of the Oregon Mnsio Teach
er's association, and Dean Mel
vtn deist of Willamette univer
sity. Mrs. T. 8. Roberts, president of
the Salem Musle Teachers, will
preside at the meeting. Arrang
ing the luncheon are Mrs. Walter
Denton. Mrs. Berts Kirk Barker
and Miss Frances Virginia Mel
ton. ssoeg those snotortns; to tho
Paul Robeson concert In Portland
Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Smart, Miss Gail Curry,
Miss Leila Johnson. Miss Bernlce
Orwig. Miss Marlon M orange.
Miss Constance Cart mill. Miss
June 8peer, Miss Lnetlle Vttte
teau and Mrs. Barilla Vltteteau.
gueets honored Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Hannaa (Janet Mulkey)
Thursday night at the 8iiverton
Hills community hall In a post
nuptial reception.
Receiving were Mr. and Mrs.
Hannan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mulkey, parents of the recent
bride. Assisting a b o t tho hall
rooms wero Mlas Luclls Mulkey,
Miss Bernlce Hannan. Mrs. Clif
ton Hadley. Mlas Marsnret Smith
of The Dalles and Mlas Jean Ve
nohr of Portland.
Autumn foliage, colorful chry
santhemums and pumpkins form
ed the decorative scheme where
dancing waa enjoyed. Mr. and
Mrs. Hannan were married two
weeks ago and are making their
home at Stlverton where Mr. Han
nan Is one of the proprietors of
the MAE grocery store.
Find on, Jar
hoaao what ai
work-Uh tester
tie Borate soap
Safe o n n sj h for- yesxr
filmiest garments " (and
tor yonr hands) . , i
yet thorough and effort
less for heavy-duty clean- f
lag . . . that's CORKXB! :
Try Ml
.V i
Recommended by Your Grocer
A.-Columbia Empire Product : .
lit. XXood Soon Co. Portland, Oregon
Parties Are
Slated for ,
Several ''Informal election par
ties are on the calendar tor' to-
night, with hosts Inviting groups
of friends la to hear tho returns.
Mrs. Paul W. Harvey, Jr.. has
bidden' n group of matrons to an
election party and evening of
bridge at her home on Garnet t
street tonight. A late supper wiii
be served by the hostess and ben
eaets of autumn flowers will be
used about the rooms.
Bar guests will be Mrs, Paal
Bale, Mrs. Howard Maple, Mrs.
Vernon 'G time re. Mrs. R. Franklin
.Thompson, . H r a . James dough,
Mrs. William H. Hammond and
Mrs. Iaea McAuley. . . :
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cootey wfil
bo hosts tor. an informal election
party at their North Summer
street home tonight, 8upper will
be served late in the evening.
Guests will be Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam McGilahrlst, Jr.. Mr. and
Mrs. W. L Need ham, Mr. aad Mrs.
U. Scott Pago, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Bcellars, Mrs. Flora Thomas aad
Mrs. Harry V. Collins.
- nv '
SUSos , . 7
. , mttm nr
berorw -
Yos, Now Sura-Mix Crisco gives you 3 now exclusfvo
cako advantagbs no other shortening can give you
Do you want your cakes to be
lighter, smoother-textured and
better-tasting than ever before?
Well then read tho amarlng
cake results gotten by hundreds o
women who tested "Sure-Mix"
Crisco in their regular cako
recipes .
Independent lovestiestocs chose
these honsswUis at random in 20
cities from Coast to Coast gave
theraure4lix" Crisco and asked
them to bake cakes and compere
results with then usual shorten
ings. Tho -rote was 4 to 1 for "Sure.
Mix" Crisco cakes compared with
all the other shortenings. Yes.
actually, when these women re
ported which shortening they pre
ferred. they said: "1 rot tighter
cakes with CAco" Sinoother-".
textured cakes!" "My family
Uttd my Crisco esact bttttrT
caisco Ptss
IriiJlTA-, aek la roaf Soa.
I s
I Tl
1 O
f - .Tj'i M t fee
TWl war Sf vo-a ZZTmm
Today's Menu
. Tho meal will begin today with
Jellied celery and nut aalad. and'
end with baked apples rwith an
extra good sauce.
. Jellied celery with not salad
t Rlaktum Dlddy
, Beans and corn saute
i Hot graham muffins
Baked apples with
Spiced cider sauce
' -'"V----
- The dessert sauce begins, with
cider, to which are added a little
sugar, some cornstarch to slightly
thicken, a piece of batter and
enough cinnamon and nutmeg -to
season well. Cook until boiling. '
and thickening begins, pour over ,
baked apples and serve hot.
1 cup grated aged American
cup butter
H cup flour
1 cup hot milk
. 1 eup cooked tomatoes
Vl teaspoon soda
H teaspoon mustard
teaspoon paprika
: teaspoon salt'
Cayenne pepper
Melt the butter la a heavy fry.
pan. Add cheese, cover with flour.
Cover and cook vary alowly until
the cheese Is melted and bubbled
up through tho floor. Stir in tho '
milk. Add the soda mixed with
the tomatoes. Season. Simmer to
fart- a "
of CyonstO, a-
'r - -
. . . .
vote housewives $ to
era Crises Is Cttsreetl An
lng discovery it's patented
makes New Crisco met differently.
Crisco batters are satinorpooth--dont
tend to separate or look
"curdled " the wsy batters made
with other ehortenmgs often do.
Crisco cakes art coosbtectly p
to 15 lighter and higher (de
pending on type of cake) than
cakes made with any other homo
shortening wo know of.
tetter Piss asd
Frloi roods with
Crises la the nation-wide
cooking tests women
voted 4 to lfor
ffeky pies and better
tastmg fried foods
they got with
Buy Criaco today
and get new thrills
in good eating!
YgfTTZS 7e
. i.
pmblkaooa. I
wm IW9rmm- rTTniiT
Don't mils the cooking school.
Yoa'll get : loaidg of grtnd new
cooking ideas for joor family.
See 'a demonstration of what
New "Sore-Mbr Crisco can
do. . Aad try Crisco la your
own czkzt i ; t discover ths
Washing Machine
- A community washing machine
has changed the laundry problem .
for flvo women of Guilford county,
NC. says an Informal - report to
FSA headquarters In Washington.
The Ave farm women bought
this washing machine gas en- '
gino powered model with a com
munity service loan from tho
farm security administration..
They had seen thetr husbands and i
neighbors use tractors, nay balers, ;
harvesters, and other equipment
bought cooperatively, and decided
to follow the example. Now every
day is washday. One woman wash-1
ea Monday, one Tuesday, and se
through Friday. If someone can'
-not keep her date with the ma-';
chine, she trades Umi with a
neighbor or uses tho free day,
. The F3A loan Is repayable over
a five-year period at I per cent V
interest. Bach loans are available
only to low-Income farm families .
who cannot get credit elsewhere.
Groups of needy farm women
have bought other types of equip
ment with the community service
loana particularly pressure cook
ers for canning meats and home
grown produce from gardens and
blend welL Serve em toast or' .
satt. vtaflla
tomtar. AAA eootod
austwra, sot wan. 9ee bw
anaootbtr ail enMibto w4ta tw
ttara-Mis" Oriaool) atfl Soar witJi
baking powdar add alMraateirwf Oi
BttULBsks in tn S4ac "Orbooed-
larr paas for 85 minutes in mod-
ova i.r- w.f. .
csst oeestc-ooiicn cms: cxk
ortr tioiiins water: 1 Vi oh pa aagar.
H cur waiar. s av wmw, naaima
tw vi u KUif aotoa urn i
from ttea: aoa l
boas uh mm. e
tweaa larera aad ever cake. Borore
ictna wa BkMt l etniaro oc onsvoM
cnd cfaoootato and daeorata eaka
etrelM with dot ot cboootata. tboa
a- OravtalosalrtawtmetooUuaek. .
J AS Uaiurmmt$ Lmt -
Boas US until : H m eoeaa. H
orp, H ea vatat.
Taameooi. . . -
K eup Once, leggs '
Ueupsugsr ieaiissUtedeake
I Ha?oa ; floor
ltajawa S SaMpoeas 6ak-
naiUt laa lu dar
Btaed Orteeo. sumr
sad em
spedxl tendemcsj aci. ttsr
eada3 quiilty fist CrLico, tad
do other Loiao siortinic j wt
know c4 caa givet
czizzo rear?