The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    The O2LQ0U STATESMAN. Calais, Ors-jon. Tuesday Ilomlnfj, Hoy ember 5.
k -
Local Nevs ; Briefs
lajarod Mrs.' Ralph J.
! iHtr, Lebanon, received bruises
'9a tft knee and Harry Matron.
'Bcle a head cut that necessitated
hospital treatment when' th
' ?rm and Mataon automobiles
ollIde4 at 14th and Court streets
-Sunday. O e a r M. Olson, lis
'INerth 20th street, was charted
"with having so drlver'a license
'after hU ear and one driven hy
"Edward McLaughlin. 2120 Che-
"aeketa street, collided ' at 18th
-and Cheszieketa atresia. Other
minor accidenta oyer the week-
, ad ' involved Ray - C. West. . In
' dependence, and Jack D. Johnson
at Trade and Liberty streets; Ken
"aetk II. Weekly." ,371 'South 21st
street, and Forest E." Brown, 2S9f
terth. Front street, at Front and
'Cuntw streets;1 Frank L.' Teems,
'1212 North Church street, " and
mla O. Bnlltvast. Station A. .at
?eisnont street aad - Broadway;
George H. Watson. Cottage Grove,
. ead John IL. ..Penny; route seven,
"It 8Ut and '23rd streets. '
ts florist: P. 9S92 T2T8 H Lib
'OMpIew'to Wed -Vancouver,
Waah..- marriage . licenses hare
''64ea lasaed to-John H. Frank and
Mary Rebecca Grlffeth. both of
North Liberty street. Salem;
"VlrcU 25. Woodward, McMlnnrllle
7mt Me. and' A a a a B. Hoyt,
T North Winter street Salem;
JIyie H. Wilson. Holley. and Gene
'TieTO: Ambroi. Sweet Home; Gil
bert LeRoy Blrnchard, Dayton,
Jftad ElaJe R, Phillips. Sherwood;
'91ra H. Han and Lenna Lonlae
7 Hall, both t Corrailts. and to
"lidwsrd G. IVGauske. Woodhurn
7 route two. and Irene Leona Fos-
ewt, Portland.'
:WmntwAmm Mow The Bonnie
'Dee Beauty ehep. located at. 10
'North Liberty street for the past
'tea -years, - baa moved into- nod-
emfaed quarters at 4K2 ?o-srt
street, la thesame building with
'the Glvens barber shop.'.Nre.; Al
' lew Given Is the owner of the- lion-.
Dee.- whlcjr employ 1 Oorythy
Jeaanette, Mildred, M atifwon, and
' Lucille Hope. . " '':
.. . . 4 ,. :
J. at. Roofing. Mathls. Hi S.CmL
Clothes Recovered G. S. Ir
'wIb, 748 Hood street, was" ap
parently the victim of a praetlcal-
jokksg friend when a salt and
"overcoat disappeared from- his car
'While It was parked - behind the
Haaelderf apartments on South
' Cottage street. Later the same
'day - Irwin found the mis lag
clothes hanging In the garage -of
his home.
PMChiers Oress Meets -
' Daaghters of the VFW elected Ce
cilia Lamb aa secretary to succeed
Irene Free at the last meeting.
Ann Con ley was . Initiated. ' The
'group will next meet November
'Pottr :;.
George : Potter, jr' late Eu
gene. tala city November 4
Pnaeral annoaacementa later ' by
Walker aal Howtll Faaeral
home. . i. - .t -
Mrs, .Msiy McConnelC at
tier residence, Rt. 1. hoc X7. In
Pelk county, at the age of 11
years. Mother.' ef ' Ben , F. and
George, both of Salem. Jesse E.'
C 'Kansas City. Kama. Arthur
; a. of Laramie, Wyo Mrs. Addie
Samson, -of Sacramento, CaU
Mrs. Kmma Samson. Idaho, Mrs.
Naty Line, at Broken Bow, Neb.,
-aad Mrs. Phoebe Habbell, of Al
ilance. Nob.; stater of Da rid Mor
Cn, of Laader. Wyo.. Rube Mor-
gaa. of Waterloo. Neb., aad Loan
Morgan, of Laramie, Wyo. An-
"aotmcemeat of serrlcee later, oy
(Ctowgh-Barrtek Co,
, Don of California's
most: romanUc end
adventurous era!
c kis assrl a
pretty sewsritas ...
' . ii
4 i
i Coming; Erenta
If ovembcr r ft Genera alec
tlojs. - .1 J-;-- . .1
' Ifovember Sa i . Drawing at
Batons for low anto Uccasa
' latea.
Oa Police Blotter Idella Me
Adams, 181 McGllchrat street,
and ! Laarence . Martin, Slrrerton
are charged on tb4 police blotter
wita failure to obserre stop signs.
Leonard Tonnes, . Corrallls, . is
charged with having no driver's li
cense, and James E. Carlson, Cor
vallia, with violation of basic rule.
Charged with drunkenness is Mary
Mnlkey, tt North Capitol street.
Wall fraper. Mathls. 1 U 8. Comi.
. ' Forgery C3arged--Salem poJee
yesterday charged Kathleen Kul
rlch, It, Jefferson with forgery
following her arres;when he al
legedly . at tern pted . to cash A ficti
tious check at the United States
National bank. The check Involved
waa for -110: and police . said she
had previously heen . successful In
cashing a similar check for 1 21.
Rtnard mi Fai WnaK Rabertaon
J. Riuard of the hattleablp Missis
sippi ts visiting at the heme of his
grandmother, Mrs. Mildred Brooks
of Salem Heights avenue. Rinard
was accepted for enlistment from
the local marine recruiting office
la July and haa earned his sharp
shooter's q. salification with f S per
month increase to pay.
Safety of Var aattaaa'l (naured
at Salem Federal. ISO 8 liberty
Car Prowled Theft of a .22
calibre revolver, auto tools "and
two purses containing a total of
$1.45 stolen, from, a car parked
in the 200 block' on Chemeke
ta street. Gail Taylor. Amity,
reported to police yesterdar. Ed
ward Pad, 1147 North .Commer
cial Htreet, reported a red-wool
Jacket stolen from hi car while
it waa parked in the-200 block
on State str.eet.
Hyt la In1 jwred M a r g a r e t
Brink man, 21, 1887 North Front
street, received a cut necessitat
ing t three" atltchea In her eyelid
when her eyelid was cut oa her
glasses fn a fall at the Mellow
Moon skating rink In West. Sa
lem. Treatment was gives by Sa
lem first aid men. '
, .- - .
Golden Top Milk, a pare, clean,
rich and wholesome milk, direct
from' the farm .to you. - Not
skimmed and ao skim milk add
ed ma permitted by law. AH the
milk we sell la produced on our
own farm. We now have a few
quarts to spare for additional cus
tomers. Either morning or eve
ning delivery. One of our drivers
will, call and explain prices and
service If "you will phone 2-2572.
Rheten Farm Dairy.
Permit Graatod Building per
mits were Issued yesterdsy to L.
B. Par-son to rereof dwelling at
140 West Hob Hill atreet. Hi:
L. aV R. Calaba to erect a one
story hull dine at 1471 Stat
atreet. $!: H. S. Edwards to
repair dwllm at 172S -D street,
150. ' ' '. V?. ' ;
' Krtara Frowt Kat Dr. and
Mrs. H. J. ClemeCits have rotarned
from - an eastern trip, daring
which Dr. Clements attended the
Interstate Postgraduate Medical
aasembly in Cleveland. O.
DR. H. J. Clements haa returned
and resumed practice as usual.
October IteceHa Larger Pos
tal receipts for October, 1240,
amounted to which Is
aa tncreaae of $5842.72 ever the
month of October. 122. Post
master Crawford attrlbutea the in
crease to election mall.
serfs et
, .
t :
Oarryl P. ZmwcVs
fit ii
l,ru4rT 'Jew'Pr-' "ici
( p spljZ t : YoBB
Hua "Yesterday's II
AUesul Iaatitate County School
Saperiatoadoat Arae C Booth
and Supervisor Jack B. Kennedy
attended the Lineoln-Benton-Linn
trl-connty teachers Institute In
Albany yesterdsy, preparatory to
htteadl&g the Maiion-Polk-Clack-amas
institute which opens tomor
row at the Salem high' school.
Over 1S00 teachers are expected
to attend tho Salem institute.
lajarrd Idiprove- Condition -of
Don .Scheeler, 871 North Cottage
street, was reported as Jairly good
at the Salem General hospital last
night, though having a . possible
skull fracture. He and his father;
Lawrence Scbeelar. were lajured
In an auto aeddeat on the Silver
ton road near - Salem Saturday
The Bonnie Dee. Beauty Shop pe
and , personnel nsw'la new loca
tion. 482 -Court St. Ph. tSi9.
Salem fcJtaUftg-' -Sleetal-MMakert
of the Salem Skating
cf ah will meet at the Capitola
rink toatght at 7;10-for the regu
lar, skate. Following the evsnlag's
skating, club members will gather
at the hoaie of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Dotirls, 1428 S. Commercial
street for refreshments : andV an'
Informal business meeting. - .. (
- Chambers Speaker Dr. O. R.
Chambers, profeaaor of payehol
ogr at Oregon State callage.- will
speak to the Salem Kiwania club
at tta regular luncheon today on
an Armistice dsy. subject or on
the subject of "Let's Go Fishing."
The exact topic was not an
nounced. J- ';
.Oot Karllr Election coant
Ing boAra In Salem will begin
their work today at 9 a.m., an
honr " earlier than vaaal. County
Clerk V. i. ' Bojrer reported yes
terday. - Karlir start of the count
Is a result of heavier votea cast la
recent elections.
For rent: Mod. . 4-rm dwelling.
Homer H. 8ntltb. Ph. ll.
Clotlies Ktolca -r- Merele " John
son, route one. Lyons, reoted to
city, police yeaterday that a zip
per bag containing - hia work
clothes waa atolen from his ear
while it waa parked between Com
mercial and Front streets on Che
mekets. .Voters Want Rli? If any
voter in precinct a u tuber 18, Sa
lem, wishes transportation to the
polls, he or she may get it by dial
ing 2378, declared Mr. Bertha
Ray yesterday.
Willi Home Leltoy Willig Is
home from McChord fi-ld. Wash.,
on a 15 day furlough. Wlilig
driven a crash wagon at the lead
ing field.
Auction Thur. night. Woodry's.
SicgwiuiMl Away- County Judge
Slegtnund was in Albany yester
day, where he appeared as a wit
ness in a probate proceeding.
Directors to Meet Tho Salem
TMCA board ef directors will
meet Tburada? uooa at the T for
the Noreraber aeasloa.
Call Board
Today Shirley Temple., Jack Oa
kle in "The Toung People.
. Jean Rogers in "Yesterdsy's
Wednesday Tyrone Power, Linda
Darnell in "The Mark ot Zor
ro.M 8TATK
Today Mickey R o o n e y, Judy
Garland, Lewis Stone in "Andy
Hardy Meets Debutante." Lena
Turner, John Sheltoa In "We
Who Are Toung."
Thursday Anne 8hirley, J o h a
Garfield In "Saturday's Chil
dren." William Boyd la "Stage
coach War." -
Saturday midnight ahow Mar
garet Sullavan, James Stewart
in "Mortal Storm." -HOLLYWOOD
Today Barbara Stanwyck, Fred
MacMurray la "Remember the
Night." ""Dr. Cyclops" ia techni
color. - '
Thursday -i- George O'Brien in
- "Bullet Code." Jean Hersholt
la "Dr. Christian Meets the
Today Deanna Durbin. Robert
Cummlna. Mliekt Aaer in
"Spring Parade." Ralph Bel-
- lamjr. Margaret Lindsay la
"Meet the Wildcat."
Wednesday Bing Crosby. , Mary
Martin -Basil Rathbone . la
"Rhythm on the River." Wayne
Morris, Virginia Dale In "The
' Quarterback." "
Today Aaa Sothern. Ian Haater
la "Daley." Dead Ead Kids la
"That Gang of Mine."
Wedaasday Betta Davis, Charles
.. Boyer in "All This and Heaven
Too." Wayne Morris, Jane Wy-
raaa in "OambUng oa the High
- Seas.' ' ' ..!'
Saturday Jack Loadea'a "Queen
of the Tukoa" with Charles
: Blckford aad Lreae Rich.
Today Mel vyn Douglas. J e a a
Bloadall la "The Amastag Mr.
: Wtlllama." Weaver Bros, aad
rlrlry' ta "Old M I a s e a'r L-
"March of Time." - ' -Wednesday
Otto K racer la
"S ea a d a 1 Sheet." Phftlipe
HotaesL La . "No Raaaoaa." - :
Friday Roy Rogers la "Artaoaa
Klda." Wsrrea William in
"Loae Wolf Strlkee." i i '
' Starts Tmworrw'-'
" nith Otto Kruejtr '
Offices Shut
Oerk's Deputies ; Busied
I hj Election; Licenses
; to Vet Iisaed. 4 :iC
j All Marion county offices. In
cluding departments of the cir
cuit and ousty courts, win ' he
closed today under legal holiday
statutes governing election day. -
Deputies of County Clerk U. G.
Boyer, however, will be. occupied
daring most of the day with elec
tron adminlstraUoa'ln the. election
room -ot the courthouse' - : -,
JJJa Iters . noted, -yesterday in' lo
cal, courts are as follows: T
'h Llrcvit Court ,
Tl . Loren Bouller vs. Bernlce
BouUer-',dlvoree .-complaint C ai
leglsg. crnel and Inhuman 'treat
ment lq which' -plaintiff asks-re-torn
of -defendant's name. Bernlce
McVeigh; . . married ? 'A,aguat .
1222, la Nebraska. . . ' .
. State vs. Clary Campbell; jtraa
script from Sllverton justice court
on charge of threatening to com
mit a felony. '.
, Hawkins and Roberta Building
corporation vs. Kenneth O.
Thompson; plalntlfra notice of
hearing oa motion to strike at 10
a.m. next Friday.'": . - r
Arlo SeRlne Savage 'ys." Gilbert
Savage; divorce complaint' in
which plaintiff charges, cruel and
Inhuman treatment and asks suit
money aad attorney's fees in ad
dition to .1100 monthly, alhnony
until auch time as plaintiff can
prepare self for specialised work;
married- at - Taneouver, - Wash.,
December 20. 1981. .
General Motors-Acceptance cor
poration ,ts. Otto Boetticher. Jr.;
complaint for re possession of au
tomobile or $850" as alternative.
Probate Court
John H. Porter estate; semi
annual report of Kate Porter,
administratrix, shows receipts,
1120.22; disbursements, $1597.
73; deficit. $
Thomas G. Albert estate; ap
praisal of C. L. Bowes. Earl Mae
Laugblin and James 8. Albert at
12100. of which 22000 Is la real
property In .the university addi
tion of Salem.
Thomas T. McCIellan estate;
claim of Rrnest Sellers, . credit
manager of Westlnghouse Electric
company, for 212.02S.20 for elec
trical equipment furnished de
ceased for use In completing con
tract of electrical Installation for
Cow lit i County Cooperative- utili
ty aad others; claimant, states
Glenn E. McCIellan, executor,' has
assigned or will assign, to him
claims against utility districts In
cluding the Cawllts - district.
22455.82; Umatilla Cooperative
Electric association, $2389.85;
B2achley-Lane Cooperative elec
tric. 8152; and Nehalem -Vallev
Cooperative electric, $3 8...
Justice Court
Everett C. Warner, no opera
tor's ; license, fined 21. ' . .
. .Arthur ; L. Kenaey. .fur-. 1J
front seat of automobile, fined 1
- - Marriajre Licenses
Edward C. Goodwin, - legal, in
surance man, 655 North Winter
street, and Alice Moore, legil,
saleswoman, Portland.
Eld red N. Hamilton, legal, cleri
cal, and Blanche Nichols, legal,'
housewife, both San Jose, Calif.
Arnold M. Kuper, 28, paper
mill worker, route five, and Mar
garet Relschke, 23. domestic,
752 North Winter street. .
Vera Nydegger, 27. Lyons, aad
Thelma Thomas, 18, housekeeper,
Municipal Court
Frank E. Chastalns. drunk;
committed to serve $10 fine.
Charles W. Pursely. disorderly
conduct; 20 daya la Jail.
Spraguc Says No
Request Received
Governor Charles A: Sprague
declared yesterday he had not re
ceived a letter from Frank H.
Hilton. Portland, candidate for
mayor, asking the governor to ap
point the attorney general as spe
cial prosecutor la a proposed In
vestigation involving . an alleged
"scandaloua and libelous attack"
on Earl Riley, Hilton's opponent
fn today's election. "
"I do not propose to have the
executive department - dragged
Into this controversy". Governor
Sprague said. "It fa purely ,a lo
cal affair aad If aa investigation
Is conducted -ft should be han
dled by the proper authorities la
Multnomah county.1
Pamphlets containing the alleg
ed attack were aald ta have been
circulated throughout Multnomah
Pearson Witt. Address '
Treasurers ConvenUon
" . "' - - - - . -
' State Treasurer ".Walter E.
Pearson will leave later this, week
for SaA Aatoalo, Tex., where he
wCl attend the national meeting
of the state treasurers aad state
a editors asaociatloa. Pearson Is
scheduled to - give aa address at
the convention which will open
November 12. . : -;-
Practice ToaJU Regular re
hearsal of the Salem T Gleemea
Is tonight a 7:29 o'clock.
?.!inKCY- JUDY :
Salem Students 7m Have Holiday
, ilonday. Assembly Prbgims Friday
' A holiday for all Salem students on Monday, November
11, and. observance of Armistice day through programs this
Friday was announced yesterday by Superintendent Frank
B. -Bennett. No school will be
held Wednesday this week be
cause ot the MarionPolk-Claeka-mas
teachers institute la the Sa
lem hlah school bnllding, - ; '
Tods y, elementary principals
will meet at 10 o'clock la the ad
ministration office. - The Girls
League will ' meet at , the aenlor
high school at 12:50. At Garfield
school the first grade haa charge
of an assembly at 1 O'clock.'
Assemblies will he at 9 o'clock
Thursday : morning , at , McKinley
school - fa, charge ; of Mrs. For
sythe'a room and1 ar Englewood
school In charge of Miss Geibel's
room. : .' .
All city schools wltb the excep
tion of Garfield .elementary aad
Leslie , Junior high: will have
Armistice' assemblies Friday. En
glewood, McKinley," Grant and
Highland- meetings1 will -bo at:
a.m.r Richmond, with Mrs. Irl
McSherry as speaker,- Buah and
Washington at 1 p.m.; the senior
high school at 12: SO and Par
risk at 2:20 p.m., with Miller B.
Hayden as the speaker.
The Parrlsh Pioneers will tackle
the sophomore Green a la a foot
ball fracas at 2:20 Friday after
noon oa Ollnger field. At 8 that
night-the senior high school stu
dent body will dance.
Recnutihg Mark ,
Broken in Oregon
The Oregon recruiting' district
sent local records toppling again
last month with the 'enlistment
of 454 young men for the regu
lar army, according to Lieutenant
Colonel B. H. Hensley,- new dis
trict recruiting -officer. The dis
trict also enlisted 18 Oregonlans
as flying cadets who will train
for military flying, had 12. were
enlisted for - the army ot the
United States to take part la a
one-year training coarse. .
The 454 Joining the ranks of
the regular army were enlisted
for the usual three-year period.
Only once in the history of the
Oregon district have local re
cruiting sergeants come close to
the new record, that whea 447
enlistments were credited to the
Oregon district last July. The col
onel explained, however, that the
district had twice the present
personnel on duty at that time,
and It was also Credited with the
enlistments from part of the state
of Idaho for July.
All but 88, who were enlisted
at Salem, completed their applica
tions and took the enlistment
oath at the district headquarters
in Portland. Klamath Falls, cred
ited with 28 recruits, topped the
list of district substations In the
number recruited. Eugeee aad
Med ford- followed with 24 and
30, respectively.
VFW Cooperates,
'Armistice Plans
Marlon Post 881. Veterans of
Foreign Wars, at Its last regular
meeting unanimously pledged the
membership as being in accord
with the program for the observ
ance of Armistice day la Salem
and to take active part In the
parade aad' all phases ot arrange
ments for the celebration of the
sentiments which the holiday
A special committee, headed by
Commander Frank Mlllett, ' was
instructed to cooperate la every
way toward making the celebra
tion one of which every member,
aad the public should be proud.
Marlon post and Its auxiliary
were hosts to about 40 members
of Over The Top . Post No. 81,
of . Portland, and women of the
auxiliary, who attended the stat
ed meetings of the respective or
ders and were entertained by aa
informal dance, oa the Tennessee
pecsn floor of the new" VFW
building at Hood and Church
streets. music for which was fur
nished by the orchestra of the
Willamette Sea Scouts.
Petitions Okelied
For 2 PUD Areas
The state hydroelectric ' com
mission, meeting here yesterday,
approved preliminary petitions
for the creation ot the West Um
atilla county and Malheur county
peoples utility districts.- ' ' -
The west Umatilla project
would include parte of-Umatilla
and Morrow counties ' The - Mal
heur district woald be confined
to Malheur, county.
Heatings oa the two projects
will be held either December 12
ox 14.. -
la case the . projects are . ap
proved following the hearings the
proposals will probably i be re
ferred to the voters at special
elections early neat year. "
Die in Vay 1aili
three-way - automobile A . crash
claimed the life of James Brea
shears. 8 seven' miles - west of
here yesterday "oa the Green
Sorts gs highway.
: see' iif
-a s ..
.40 MIS
3ier J'Uylng
" "Esasmber ' ,
m. - 1 - i - nw
a t
Hr, Cycior i
- ' as A
68 RIen Recruited
;l At Salem Station
Army; Take V 16 in Last
f iWeek, Aeeording toJ;
Lientenant Ralph
' .The month of October produced
a total of 82 men tor the Salem
aVmy recruiting .office. Tie fact
that conscription Is an . actuality
has' caused the boys of Salem to
think a great deal of what the
army -has jto offer, them that se
lective service does apt. Lieuten
ant C.W. Ralph, recruiting offi
cer, .reports. - f . , :
; The following' yeung men were
enlisted last week at Salem: Ken
neth W." Fischer aad , Frank J;
Kasmerski for ths Panama de
partment; William R. Strawn aad
William H. Joaes for the medical
corps;; "Charley W. - Chapman and
Lawrence T. Coomb for the quar
termaster corps; Kenneth V. Wln
egar. George L. Peabedy, Wllber
H. Bllyeu, EUmer F. Clura, Keith
M. Taylor, Cyril P. Lyons, Allea F.
Colstrod, George H. Hallin aad
Kdwla J. Buslck tor the air corps;
Harry J." Skinner for the Philip
pine department.
- The - following men were en
listed la October:. Albert H. Bel
eher." Lauren R. Mead.' Walter E.
Van Ottiagham, Thomas A. Raf
f ety, Lawrence M. : Allport, Law
rence C' Hunt. Jesse W. Nelson,
Jack W.c Orr, Jo h n. W. Green,
-a U4 a oeuiAi, uwa fj, d vv ssv vi aj
Kotert - w. Morrison. Marold M.
Short, Joseph B. Moullet. Thomas
K. Martindale Pearee E. Kenne
dy, Harold X. Schnell, - William A.
Graak . Clarence - A." De1 Voe,
Lloyd M. Schmidt, Thomai H.
Goodyard, Frank C. ' Gutch. Al
bert R. Bennett, John R. Blan
chard, William J. Vaa Buren,
Marshall W. Hardy, Lloyd S. Pol
lock, Jew 111 F. Cox, Irvin O. Fro
ese, Robert W. McAllister, Erling
J. Endreson. Lloyd G. Walker,
Darrell B. O r a h a m, Mahlon W.
Tracewell. Nathaa M. Crary, Wil
liam A. Fleet. Melvin T. Marker.
Carl A. Caulson. Quentin W. Bai
ley, Harvey V. Schmidt, Ferdinand
O. Wlens, Eugene G. Huntley,
Euen J. McMahon, Delbert V.
Fisher, Elvin V Aydelott. Frank
V Schilling, Ladlslav J. Rerucha.
LaFayette Pioneer
Dies ill CaUfomra-
Mra. hf a r y Haney, mother of
Bert & Haney, died recently at
tho iomo of her daughter, Mrs.
Zaida Kempton, in Loe Angeles,
according to word received here
yesterday. Bert H. Haney, former
ly of the firm of Joseph. Haney
faad Yeatch ; ta Portland Is .now
judge ia.the United State circuit
court of appeals In San Francisco
T.MlsiHaney,: Mary .Harris before
her' marriage, . was a member of
the prominent pioneer . Harris
family , of LaFayette. Ore.- Well
kaowa throughout the State, she
had many fr leads fa Salem.
The body will be shipped north
for service' aad commitment ia
tne LaFayette cemetery.
r --
. e rv. T"
l m "
"..-? t
Rail Revenues up
Sixth Over 1938
Net Earnings of Steam
Lines Increase by
- 38.16 per Cent 4
. - Revenaes of all steam 'rail line
operations la Oregon dtrriag the
year 1J2 increased SS,222.922
or 18.21 per cent over, 19 2 8. State
U UlttleS Commissioner Ormond
R. Bean reported yesterday, r .
Operating expenses increased
resulting in; an. Increase of net
only 12.084.210 or 11.88 -per cent;
earnings, ef f2.129.812 . or 28JL8
per cent over ; 192 8, .Taxes paid
by these lines in Oregon amounted
to- 2,98089.--,;;.-':Iv---!X : C':
Th 2 4 ,2 2 9 ,7 8 8 tons ot revenae
freight hauled la Oregon ia 1929
wss an increase of 2.188,890 or
14.80 per cent 'wver 1928 aad was
the largest' in '.the past 10 years.
Total revenue 1 passengers carried
increased 1. 9.4 7 over 1928. Dur
ing 1929:, there were 2.877.88
miles of road operated far Oregon.
Passenger revenue "of electrie
lines, including bus and) electric
trolley operations ot the Portland
Traction company ia Portland,
amounted to $2,840,098 ia 1929,
aa - iacrease of $80,187 . Over
192 8. t while the total revenues
earned increased $11,028 over
1928. . ; .--
Total operetta g costa of these
liaes were reduced from $ 2,7 12,
274 la 1 9 2 I to $2,828,217 la
1929. a decrease ot $188187 or
.01 per.eenti. . ;- v .; " -
This increase ia operating reve
nae aad large reductloa la oper
ating expenses c eased the net
revenue to increase from $6989
in 192r to $214,142 in 1929.
Passenger car mileage decreas
ed 802,910 or 4.14 per cent.
Make Up a Party and Come en
Down and Hear A
ELEcnou nETunns
Wired Direct to This Theatre
Deanna Durbin in pring Parade
. Plus Meet the Wildcat- - ,
Starts Wednesday
t v
Cbnpaaiesi Featare .
What a Mix-op I A Riott
. n Every . SI!
Come, ami Hear
Wired Direct to Theatre
She's Daffy! Laaghr with
'ai.T im mm
M . Companioa Feature
iEdl Kite
,Thal Ganj of 3!ihe
Starts Wed. - S Features
Contpaaioa Feature
Wayne Morris ta
asnbliaf High Seas"
: wiUt lasto Wysaaav
for 4 Big;Dajl;i
Some swngeri s
r) UliVId UUILU (T
L MTlIlSo j
I aams fists I
Thei hitnt-emgppl Hunwimgera:
eat" "
1 ' ; ' -Sad Kit ;
"Uc T7La lire
u v gat'
& :
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