The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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w asaw
Mpnnontli Has
Houses Burnt
. i - -
, -IT'-.'-'
Fires Destroy ' Homes on
Weekend ; One Building
TTaa. Landmark
: - -
UON'MOUTII Fire of undeter
mlatS oriels destroyed the' Frank
Rb!ia residence on East street
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Robleon
narrowly escaped - being trapped
la & bedroom. Tbe fire had- al
ready Interfered with the tele
phone wiring, so she had to ran
block- to a neighbor's to sum
mon the fire department. Farni
tire and clothing were destroyed,
A small house and a barn and
several buildings comprising the
Ro bison Hatchery were grouped
fa an area near the dwelling,- bat
were unharmed. Insurance was
Sunday mora lag about 7 o'clock
another fire occurred here la one
of the oldest houses In town on
the corner of East and East Main
streets This was the house for
merly owned and occupied by the
late Maggie aad Alice Be tier. Mr.
and Mrs. John Smith bad leased
the ' house . and moved there In
September. The entire house was
ratted, and the Smiths lost most
of their farnltaro aad clothing.
The house was built in the
lttfts. by Ira'F. M. Butler, one
of the founders of Monmouth and
of the college here. It had been
continuously occupied by mem
bers of the Batler family until
the death of Alice Butler In June.
Although of undetermined origin,
it is. thought that defective wiring
might hare caused the fire. Both
the house and the contents were
covered by Insurance.
Towusend Club ' '
Date Changed
i '
AUM3VILLB The Townsend
club will meet Thursday of this
week Instead of the second Thurs
day sight of this month as sched
uled, dne to the .annual school
bazaar November 14.
A." homecoming eovered dish
supper will' be served and the
regular business meeting will be
held. Neighboring clubs have
been Invited.
uoan.nnm.aALvs.Host ceors
subtdeb Tnucn
7 mrattw lUrlae Tnal Oil
Dally trlM t rrtUo4
sss a. uttA
lis wkmon fm
5raia Miller
Miss lAiller bas -
cuts li,'i A
TTL- V-L'i cttii3 a Host c
1 : Suable kieiwild Ideas.
I ' W tSrwS)
-: L J -
Hubbard Girl Columbia Student
. - - .
" :v-. 1 '-'
MISS BETTY BBOWN.of Hubbard, left, outstanding graduate
from the school of law at the University of Oregon, la studying ad
vanced chimsls at Colombia UnlTcndty, New Tack City. Last June
she was the only member of the class elected to Order of the Celt,
legal fraternity, and in the photo Is shown receiving the golden
tasseled mortar beard emblameUe of the honor, from Charles O.
Howard, professor of law. Miss Brown also won a number of other
prises and boaora. She plans to return to Oregon when she completes1
her stadies In New York.
Union Hill Club
Meets at Heaters
UNION HILL M r s . . Dolph
Heater was hostess on Thursday
afternoon to the Union Hill
Woman's club.
Visitors present were Mrs. E.
W. Miller of Stay to a who talked
oa fall flowers and plants. Mrs.
Byron Royce of Siiverton, Mrs.
Mable To we, Monti Mollet and
Jimmle Heater were also visitors.
Mrs. R. Tuers became a mem
ber of the club.
Members present were Mrs. C.
C. Carter. Mrs. David Pottorff,
Mrs. Maurice Jleater. Mrs. Adolph
Heater, Mrs. Douglas Heater,
Mrs. W. H. Mollet. Mrs. Kalph
Mollet. Mrs. W. H. Rabeas, Mrs.
George Scott. Mrs. Verny Scott,
Mrs. H. H. Peters and the host'
ess, Mrs. Dolph Heater.
Campfire Girls Have Party
SILVERTON Members of the
Kltchigammi Camp Fire girls en
Joyed a Halloween party at the
social rooms of the Siiverton
Methodist church from 4 to S
o'clock Wedneseday afternoon.
Mrs. Oeorgo Jaeachke. guardian
of the group, was assisted by Mrs.
Edward Olvens and Mrs. Kenneth
, I, . , L i j mrmnmr e mi im. n ij.ii i,i mini miij m m if" i im m, i i i i 11 m i i n i i i in 11 in i mn n n n n-nTii
- ...a. '.. . ...,, y t--u '-r- . - . j. .. .. '..'-.y. - . "if 'm- ... .... -r . . . . . . -..........-.n. ii w..t.iv.,.. fi . ,...,.iv - w . , ... n.. - -.
in Charge
household cw-
rtnuiadurerf ana
nJayxn for rr . ..
- .
Silver Cliff Has
4H Club Social
party was sponsored by the 4H
clubs here Thursday afternoon
with parents and friends invited.
Clnb meetings were held and the
camp cooking club made candy
during the afternoon.
Treasure hunt was planned for
the late afternoon by the teacher,
Mrs. Thorkildton, and a covered
dish dinner was served. Following
the gamea the children were tak
en on a supervised trip around the
community where some Halloween
pranks were played. Prizes for the
best costumes were given Orabelle
Vickers and Robert Kirk.
Present were Jeanne Mnlkey,
Barbara Lais. Orabelle Vickers,
Varee and Richard Rostad, Iola
Jean. Robert and Donald Kirk,
Floyd Fox, Jr.. Dnane Knorl, Rich
ard Patten, Gene and Lloyd Mnl
key. Lee Barnett, Connie Jarvlll,
Francis Fox, Mrs. Iris Thorkild
son. Mm. Carrie Townsend, Mrs.
Genera Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs.
James Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Jarvlll, Mr. and Mrs. Romey Lais,
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox,
Betty and Kathleen Mulkey, Kd-j
gar Lovett and James Mulkey, Jr.
1940 Fall Edition
ssuiuss ISSi
Keizer Comnimty
" utib Has Meeting
Hot Lunch Fond Backed;
Sunday Ralljr Date Set;
Program Is Given V
- KEIZER A small audience
was la attendance at the meeting
of the community club Friday
night la the new school auditor
ium. O. H. Laldlaw. president.
eonaacted; the business session.
Principal Anderson presented
tha subject-of hot lanches for the
school, stating that he had about
1105 for that . purpose. It was
discussed and : .finally, the dub
voted .to sponsor the hot lunches
provided. the parents of the chil
dren bring this sum to list. ..,
Luther Chapla of Clear Lake
introduced Herman Lafky of Sa
lem, who spoke on public utilities.
Mrs. - Sawyer announced tbe
Sunday school which meets every
Sunday, morning at 10 o'clock in
the auditorium. She stated that
there were 54 la attendance. Rally
day will be held Sunday, Norem
bar 24.
A plan to rally members for
the community club was adopted
which is a contest between two
sides, the reds and the blues.
with leaders Doe Lewis and Dajve
The . program announced by
Mrs. Fred Rose was piano accor-
dian solos. Patricia Melsinrer.
Salem; song, pupils. "I Am An
American, led by Mrs. Miles with
Miss Beers st the piano; play,
"Magic Jack o Lantern," pupils.
The cast of characters and the
story of the play was read by
Ramona Brans; trumpet solo aad
encore, Delbert Henderson, of the
municipal band of Salem, accom
panied by Alice Rose; , readings,
Arleen Frogley. .
Six boys and three girls, who
attended- the summer 4H school
la Corrallis. gave sidelights of
the two weeks' work. The group
lacladed Cora bell Weeks, Wanda-
line Eagle. Verle Saucy, Chugh
Sun, Julius Numata, Donald Et-
tner, Howard Saucy, Eddie Mc-
Call and Jimmy Shawver.
Woodburn Women
Slate Club Meet
WOODBURN The Wood burn
Woman's club will hold Its next
regular meeting in the club room
of the city library at X o'clock,
Wednesday afternoon, November
On the program will bo Mrs.
Otto K. Paulus of Salem, who will
review a play. Hostesses for the
afternoon will be Mrs. Rodney
Aldea and Mrs. Glenn Polly.
Mrs. L. C. Austin, president of
the club, wishes to draw atten
tion to the change of time. At
the last meeting it was decided
to meet at t o'clock instead of
2:50 p.m.
Sewing Club to Meet
club will, meet all day Thursday,
November T, with Lois Keefer.
- - .
Oivgaa. Iwuidaf MocnlagT l?oTabr & 18X3
Monitor Novo
f MONTroa Tho Elliott Prairie
Recreation club sponsored a Hal
loween masquerade party October
SO In the community nau. ,
Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Hugltt.
Mr and, Mrs. Henry Mills, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Dentel, Mr. and
Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Lake
Bushman. Vernon Hepler, Elmer
vvul -Alvln Fry. Eidoa Kocxer,
Rollins Maddock. Vesta Mark. El
sie Wlegand. Charlotte ..Taylor,
Clara Hardisty, and Ltay- Fry.
all Maple wood 3 range' members
had a surprise corn husking bee
on Mr. aad Mrs. Ed Belknap, Fri
day. A no-host lunch was served
and all husked corn.
Mrs. Albert Toder and Mrs.
Ivan Searfield spent Tuesday with
Mrs. Tens Bell-at Donald. -
Sereral members and friends
of the Zloa Mennoalte church
surprised Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Heading Sunday alter caurcn.
Basket lunch was brought by the
ladles and the afternoon . was
spent visiting with the Headings
who were recently married.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman and
family of Molalla moved Into the
Homer Fredrlckson house this
After a three months' .vacation
the Idle Hour club of Needy met
at the home of Mrs. Albert To
der. plans were discussed for the
Christmas box for the children's
home. After meeting lunch was
served by the hostesses, Mr. L.
Bulkier and Mrs. Lizzie Yoder.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Hamilton of Glad
stone, a former resident of Needy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burden at
tended a birthday party for their
dapghter, Mrs. Daviees of Wood
burn, Monday night.
Convention Held
By Polk Juniors
DALLAS The annual conven
tion of the Polk county Junior
Christian Endeavor will be held
at the First Christian church in
Dallas on Saturday, afternoon, No
vember 9, starting at 1:10, with
Mrs. W. B. Mahon of Indepen
dence in charge. She will be as-:
slated by Mrs. Joy Robblns Cal
avan of Dallas, Polk county Jun
ior and Intermediate superinten
dent. The juniors will have charge of
the song service, prayer and scrip
ture. Rev: Mahon of Independence
will give an object lesson and also
have charge of the sing. Mrs. Ma
hon will provide scripture verses
suitable for the Junior Bible hunt.
There will be a discussion per
iod for junior leaders and work
ers. Later the group will enjoy a
stewardship skit by Marilyn Mix
and Donna Kletzlng of Indepen
dence. In closing Margaret New
ton of Portland will give a short
talk on missions.
An appropriate award will be
given the society having the larg
est number registered and in at
tendance at the convention, ac
cording to the number la the un
ion and the mileage traveled.
"Happy Kitchen 99
2 to A Each tomcon
Artist to Spoak
Oh Art Progran
MT. ANGEL Joseph M. Por
tal. Aumsvtlle artist and author,
will be the guest speaker at an
Art Week nrorram at Mt. Angel
normal and academy Tuesday at
1 p.m. Portal will' accompany his
Informal talk with chalk' draw
ings. He will also, contribute ' to
thm ran ale al nrorram. singing
Liszt's "Uebestranm and Roae-
wia -Are .Maria.- . . -
-. a member -of ' the ' American
Artists Professional league," Por
tal-has- been appointed secuonai
chairman of the national observ
ance of Art Week, November ' 1
to T. by. the leaguer He Jj aftlllat
S' with the Guild of Medievalists
and is also Oregon chairman of
the American Youth .Foundation.
of which Jene Tunney Is national
chairman. wO.- VV-'--'- .
Tuesday's program will Include
violin selections by Anna Mae
Schledler, Mt. Angel and Marie
Anna Whitlock. Siiverton aad vo
cal numbers , by Angela 'Fltzke,
Siiverton. ;
. Sister M. Protaala, OSB, and
hap. art nnTlIa htr arranced an
exhibit which will remain on dis
play In the academy during Art
Montana Family
Visits Monitor
MONITOR Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lapp and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Lapp and daughter AHene of Kal
lspelL Mont-, arrived Friday to
Tlsit with the K. A. Shank family.
The two men are brothers of Mrs.
Shank. Mr. and Mrs. Shank en
tertained with- a dinner In honor
of their guests on Sunday.
Places were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Marshal) Gtngerlch and Doris
and Audry, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kauffman and Normha Jean and
Donna, Mr. . .and . Mrs. Raymond
Shank and Derwyn. all of Albany,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Land is and
Rosalee and Marine of Hubbard,
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Kauffman and
La Delia. Aliens and Verlln of
Needy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lapp
and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lapp and
daughter Aliens of Kallspell,
Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Shank and son Marvin. Mr. and
Mrs. John Bachman and son Carl
of Canby called In the afternoon.
Bl88ionary Club
Sponsors Menzie
society of the ' Christian church
met In the church parlors Friday
with Mrs. Ouy Aupperle and
Mrs. Hugh Bllyetu Mrs. Ray Bost
wick led devotlonala and Mrs.
Charles Hart was- in charge of
the program. The topic tor stu
dy was "Other Uprooted Peoples.
Mrs. M. A. Hntchlnga gave a
reading, "Youth Adrift ;M Mrs.
Irvine Wright read an article,
"The Church and Shifting Popu
lation," and M.r s - Hogh Bllyeu
mm mm U J I' I JIJ t
L J f LJ t I 1 J I 1
November 6-7-8
. ...... i
told about ThanksgMn at White
Members-of the
urged to, attend the district rally
la Albany November . Announce-
ment was maae r" J
missionary from India, win speak
November 10.
Refreshments wero served by
the hostesses ai a , ,ZZ
with fall flowers surrounded with
fancy, gonrds. Fifteen members
were present.
Teachers Present
ptunt Christine Er-
lcksea of .OaK.Orove and Sadie
Roth of Victor Point were joni.
bosteasee'at the Utter school for
. n.iiAVMii nartr for the school
children - and their a-uests. - The
building was nicely decorated inna
h. - n.tiAaaan idea was carried
- armmui btiI refreshments.
Prizes for. costumes were awarded
Lucille and Elden jaquec
zrMient wera Tolanda Robl. Dor
othy and Jo Anne Lang, jean Dar
by, Vivtenne- and 'Lucille Jaquet,
Annls Jo and . Dale Miner, von
Peterson, Max Hafner, Marlon and
Waiter Winn. Duane Morris, Mer
lin Darby, Norman Qualey, Vene-
ta Miller, Elden Jaquet, Kaymona
winn. Elaine Oualev. .Laurel and
Richard Krena, ; Robert tiumpn
reys, Gale and Gene Pennington,
JlmmlA and - Weslev uaroy.' Don-
aid Jaquet, Clarence Brownell,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. rens, Mrs. Henry
Ericksen, Mrs. George Morris,
Mrs. Arthur Qualey, Mrs. Paul Ja
ouftts? Mrs. J. O. Darbr. Miss Millie
Krens, Joseph Robl and the host-
eases. Miss Ericksen ana miss
Roth. -
Scioans Prepare
For Election Day
SCIO- Scioans will .vote on a
complete ticket for city offices
concurrently -with the general
election November 5.
Unopposed on the ballot. . the
following . residents have Indicat
ed willingness to serve if elected:
for mayor, J. A. Withers; council
men. Mylo Bartu, R. M. Cain, M.
B. Cyrus, W. A. Ewing, Guy Funk
and Max Wesely; treasurer, E. D.
Myers: marshall,' Carl Cyrus; re
corder, Joe Lytle. Withers and
Cyrus are Incumbent councllmen,
Myers has been treasurer for .a
number of years, and Lytle has
served one term as recorder.
Other present city officers in
clude P. W. Schrunk, mayor; Red
Bryan. Fred RoadarmeL R. V.
Shelton, w. Z. Sims, councllmen;
and J. F. Oupor, marshal
Philco Radio
.(.NY ? .
Sivegle District
Census Is Taken
SWEGLE On October 25, the
school clerk took the school cen
sus for the district. She has C4
boys and 78 girls for the rec
ords, the tame number as last
year,: hut there - are ; several
changed names. ' -
There 1 are 1J homes, fa the
district now. Fourteen new homes
have been built this past year
and many have added rooms and
improved the general appearance.
Fifteen have changed; occupants
and there are ten vacant houses.
There are two roads In the dis
trict that do not have children of
school a-e -living on them.
The men of draft age In Ihls
district and surrounding districts
nave had their numbers placed oa
tii - stavton registration board.
There were t Hi registered at
Swegle. sererai ? nave received
nnWi imill eivaarh to . ha
called, with the flrst'draft If they
quaiiiy. : ..
The committee from ", the or
ganizations sponsoring- the hot
lunches for the school children
hope to have them . itart on No
vember 12." , .
Parisli Festival
Plans Announced
- MT. ANGEL The St. Mary's
pariah festival will be held Thurs
day and Saturday night, Novem
ber 7 and 9.
A dinner In the basement din
ing hall of St. Mary's school will
open festivities at 6:19 p.m.
Thursday. A free -moving picture
will be shown in the auditorium
at Till p.m. " Amusements and
bazaar features trill follow. At
Id o'clock one half of, the grand
prises will be distributed, the re
mainder to be siren Saturday
night. .
. After the. awarding of the prizes
on Thursday, , there will be s
dance In the St. Mary's gym
On Saturday night a free mov
ing picture will open the festival
at 7:39 p.m. The distribution of
the prizes will close festivities.
Sunday Hour Changed
choal hoar - at the Christian
church has been changed from i
p.m. to 19 a.m., according to an
nouncement Sunday.
Ualnuis and
Walnut Heats
EeQey Farquhar
Cr Co.
Front M Norway SU., Salem
Less spots, mart fun
"1 , A