The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1940, Page 1, Image 1

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    H Growing Newsftpcr
... Th Oirrgoa Statesnaa I
a steadily crowing newspa
per. Its readers know tho
reasons:! It's reliable, com
plete, lively aad always in
...' ,i -
Clondy - ve 1 1 hi occasional
Ugh rata today aad Wed
nesday. Max. tfirwp. Monday
CI, mla. 43. : South wind. '
River -2.2 feet. Rain .12
, It
Zalssx, Oregon. Tuesday Mcrnlag, October 23, 1S43
Prlco 3c: Kawss!aadj 5c
Wo. 1S1
. n
0 i VLllUSLMaiffllv:
- ii
t )i: y ! i hr ;
- a
v. '-il51'
;- L ' : '
Blow's" r irof Am
rm " i
is l nrpntenen
Willlde Avers
Says .Two-Term Limit Is
"Common Law": FDR
Talks Defense
GOP Opposed Rearming,
Roosevelt Declares
? in Garden Speech ?'
(By the Associated Press)
' President Roosevelt said" Mon
day night that "I now brand as
falsa the statements) mads by re
publican campaign orators" tbat
the . rearming of the nation Is
slow. . '-. ... . -
He-contended that the repobll
v can leaders who made such seen
satlons had tried Repeatedly la
recent years to : "sabotage" - by
opposition la congress adminis
tration efforts to "increase our
defenses." v
In a speech prepared for de
livery at Madison Square Garden,
terminal point of a political swing
through the New York metropoli
tan area, Mr. Rooserelt cited
statements and Totes by which
ha said republican leaders, be
fore this campaign, had fought
defense appropriation measures
and sought to prevent aid to Great
One of the alternatives . of his
reelection, he said, was to risk
the future of the country In "in
experienced hands." His prepared
text made no mention by name
t the republican presidential
nominee, Wendell WUlkle."
WUlkie carried his - campaign
through Illinois and Indiana dur
ing the day, with Louisville, Ky.,
(Turn to page 2, coL 1)
Uau$er9s . Cohunti
' fop -both TM'oirir can't rlt
"M4mu4 racives we're Usdi- !
caung this column, to politicians,
tV.I. M
uieir mvum ana .
other - members
of their families.
For Instance,
there's . Clarence
LaCombe.' who's
running ..for a
county clerkship
la - a - Montana
county. He went
n a hunting
trip and . hung
his e a t' on a
tree. When he
returned to his
mat IhrM dr
aaUrnaA off still rial H. iUoM. jr.
munching the last of hit g mer
us pocketful of campaign cigars.
they were Elks. Elks can vote.'
And there was Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Jr., who appeared on
the stages of several South Bend,
er m a T A V Umo-iA Va
inn i nssi rn nv i lu ami as a.av w tiiw
comedian, and 'his troupe at' the
nremlere or . isjuie jtoenne.
Aftar taa first show the ham
showed SP la young FDR and he
v,nn ituilnr rsrs " from IIoDS.
Finally Hope took the Roosevelt
hopeful aside and .warned: "us-
sea. Junior, just waun out or
this whole troups is gonna g6
Wlllkle, seel"
And who ever heard of bull
throwing a politician? "X " n
4 . . '
" OCT OLD ntaX"
ratka. 4X t stash, Tm eesnag aen
. new. .
The cmS r eaa ceaat as wea.
X asaese tte yif Use ef svt;
X'ni Uak wk la .
I lave w wah salve .
Uks Us salvs Ua yea asvs,
Aaa al4 ts t tkx aUasts talks.
An as "y eia ' .
It vss v Jat Oae 7
Aai sesrsa ey tksse atatsxUad save.
Ky TsaVrsMs sir, sty aacisas et,
tm umt .maU tkat rear astsratty -
WavlA V ceackse U Us weras mt a so-
Za sari S "mj U stsa' Z swaa as al-
X BMtaiy bm e s yHtlf ny tran-
A tm kasw fan wQ la tas thlr Urm
eiasea .
Tsa cb tflwl Umm tS osw
ta. . .
Ttm Um rraadsce te assttle ;
1y ia ataa" was sty satof prattle,
vsk-ia at tk&t a-aa" stafl
Tasaks to sm, r. y'rs ea ef
t tail warn tky atk4 ave to Elvs tits gaff
T wniMe stMis "my sot-
staff, . '
aClMtataa tas facts sa taat sars ts toiA
Cim Tryae aaevs taa "ny el
At auMutlag fact ts a faacy iaa,
la aUMtattax facta has ta slg alaa, j.
Ia fact, t& U41iaW maa.
Aa4 va tay stkt4 U H f sad
r, utt are tXa mli X weali sf11:
ty s'.l bus Is Us fiuert ataa
T srtr r4 a ero!iitr
Jam ta ftt a f Ua.
Hs's "r ili a" a a (xi worn to.
Ha last tuiti 1m sa tas rsa, watts
' aad alas,
Aai tats U Usa foint f mty aasg aad
X tUiuc "my A man" aagM ta aava
aavtacr ekiaca.
Joe ' louls, the heavyweight
(Irnap, 'is announced he's for
tv'lllii. Tlr's def-s not make "him
a r : uLI'.tan wtJUi.hoi ''
Draft Bo. V7 as to
Because 1940 Capsule is Larger
i ,
Became the cnpeulea to be meed la
tnose nsed la tne Horid war draft, they bad to pnt sua extension on
the bistorfe glass bowl at Washington, DC, tm order to get all 8000
eapsnlee taslde. Top: (left to right) E. jr. Way, I. B. Clark and
Cape. Richard P. Davidson fit the transparent new top to the bowL
Bottom t A cloeenp of the new
AP Telemat. ' -..,
Advisory B
For S elective ISerklce
William P. , EUiV; A.
re' ilariorr! Couuty -
WiH " Adriie; Registrants,; Plan :
William P. EEii of Salem.
Rodney W. Alden of Woodbum
ion county members of the advisory board for selective serv
ice rejristrants. Monday as Governor Charleg A. Sprasrue ap
pointed 77 members of the Oregon bar, one from each select
ive service board area, on this board. :
The . governor explained that-
each nsmber appointed . by . hint
would appoint associate members
and' that virtually all members
of the: state bar will give assist
anee to registrants.. .
For ; administrative . purposes
the advisors are grouped on a
board lor each judicial district of
the state and the senior or pre
siding i circuit - Judge of - the - dis
trict will serve as chairman., .
. Functions of the advisory board
members are. to advise and Assist
registrants in preparing their
Questionnaires. - claims for de
ferred classification - and other
Classification of registrants for
military service will he based on
the Questionnaires. Colonel Elmer
V. Woo ton, -state selective service
director; said . It was ' Important
that these questionnaires be filled
out correctly. ' . ' . "''
Local selectivo service' hoards
are net permitted to assist ret
Istrasts Ja ' completing ' the. ques
tionnaires. " v. .
A list of the advisory board
members, not Including the senior
or presiding circuit -Judge who
will act as chairman, is given be
low by counties: "
J. - J. Hetlner, Baker, ' Baker
county; Fred UeHenry, Corvallis,
Benton county; -O.' D. Eby, Ore
gon City, hoard No. 1; Clackamas
county;. William. Hammond, Ore
gon' City,' board No. I, Clackamas
county; - A. -C... Fulton, - Astoria.
Clatsop county; O. R. MetsXer,
St. . Helens, .. Columbia county;
Douglas, Msrshfltld, board No. -1,
Coos county; H. A. Slack, Co
Qullle, board No. t. Coos county;
(Turn to Page I. Col. T)
Cliinese Recapture Narinirig;
Fjretick Fortify Thai Border
HONGKONG, Oct. tl.-CiTV-The
Japaaese army announced tonight
it was abandoning Nanning, stra
tegic 'communications center in
Kwangst province, southern
China, and Chinese Jubilantly pre
pared to reoccupy the first prov
incial capital they hare resalned
In the three years of war.
The Japanese said further oc
cupation of the city was "mean
ingless" since their troops now
occupy French Indo-Chlna. .
Chinese spokesmen asserted
that the Japanese were quitting
Nannltg hagtllv to avoid com
plete encirclement by persistently
attacking Chinese forces who have
been closing in since October 24.
Thcte sources said the Japanese
had suffered heavy losses in se
vere fighting in the last few dsys.
The latest Chinese offensive
against Nanning attracted little
attention at first because many
previous drives against that city
failed a hen Its recapture seemed
imminent. '-' -
PNOM-PBN3I, Cambodia,
Be Enlareerf
the draft lottery were bigger than
(left) and old eapsnlee (right).
oard Named
Goode and Rodney Alden
Mebbersi 'Attorneys
V. A. Goods of Stayton and
were named as th three Mar
Russian Attitude ;
Is not Disclosed
MOSCOW, Oct SI-t-The ao-
vlet government watched eioseiy
the Italian attack en Greece today
and. the public heard all about It
from the Moscow radio hut there
was no indication of the kremlin's
reaction. -: . - , .
Without comment, the radio de
voted -virtually Its entire program
to the Balkan developments. These
were based largely on "American
press accounts. "''. '-'. ''-. -
Foreign observers expressed the
belief the Italo-Grcek n f 1 1 e t
would 'fall to. altef .immediately
theRasslan neutrality policy.
- Iadleatlons'thst this policy' has
bees carried farther were seen to-
day ln an auoience at which the
new Japanese ambassador, xoihit-
sugu Tatekawa, presented his cre
dentials to Prtaldent.Mlchael Kal
inin, Indications - were lacking.
however, of any immediate con
clusion, of a Japanese-soviet non-
aggression pact as some diplomat
ic quarters had expected.
Ttro Juvenile Arrested ,r
" On Charges of Robbery
C Earl Jaeger, Juvenile, -was ar
rested by Salem police about t
o clock last night on . a charge of
robbing a service station at 11th
and Illnes streets on October It
in company with Archie . Ru
therford, Juvenile. Rutherford
was picked up earlier in the day.
French Indo-Chlna, Oct. 22.-JP)-
Tne rrench. are speedjng defense
preparations 'near 'the Thailand
(Siamese) frontier on reports of
apprehension in Cambodia and
Laos border . protectorates that
the Thai government might yield
to popular clamor, for action, to
enforce. Its twlee-rejected de
mands for territory in Indo-Chlna.
Authoritative quarters here re
peated the Tlchy government's
earlier declaration that French
Indo-Chlna would resist any Thai
attempt to violate the borders es
tablished la series of treaties
signed between 1007 and 1907.
French defenders are forbidden
to act, however, unless Thailand
takes a belligerent step.
, Forebears! nee Is tfca order- of
the day for French civil and mili
tary authorities - along the fron
tier defjite what ont high person
age described as "vexatious acts
of Ill-bred children." '
French tsarccs sail formations
of Thai wsrr lanes frequently fly
over-the border' of French terri
tory. ' ' ' ' - ' ! :ii " l
raft Lottery
Set forToday;
Stimsbn First
- Caosuies: Task tou
Take 'Mjiny Hours t .
Ceremonies Are ' Planned
With Band, Guard of
; Honor and Planes
will takf place tomorrow.
torlum, promptly at noon, Presl -
dent Roosevelt will deliver a brief
folded, win reaeh . into the hi -
! war draft drawing, and extract
a blue capsule, containing a "Pl
from which a number Is crimed.
Other notables will follow him.
and then the task of drawing ap -
proximately fSOO capsules will be members on the US troop trans
turned over to . teams especially I port Republic said tonight that
trained to do the ana i an attempt to blow up the ship
accurately. If It takes until Wed-1 with a time bomb had been frus
nesday morning. The process will I trated soon after . the ship left
continue 'until all the numbers
have been drawn. .
veterans 10 f orm. - , - , The 4 story as related by the
Gmrd Honor - - erew awaiting transit to the At
The army band will play out- inti here was that H. T. odd,
sis iae (u
US vnuormea war veterans,
each carrying a nag. wm rorm
a guard of honor. Army pianes
from nearby fields will roar over
All preparations had been eom -
pleted today and selective service
headquarter, was calmness Itself.
va "UT"' . il
lu"u' . -
phone calls from young men un
able to determlae their serial
numbers or uncertain about some
phase of the drawing. v
In practical effect. It works out
this war.
Local draft hoards lave - as-
ftarn ta rut J. CoL iV-'
rresiey ana lerraie
sVwl Ia nlilMni. A.
w w
Two hard bitten eonviets. one
the murderer of n nurse, aullentr
paced the hard floor of solltarr
cells in the state prison's "ball
pen" yesterday alter a Sunday es-i
cape attempt that got so farther I
than a musty hideout In a new I
Buuding being erected msiae tneiinaicaiea mere was no urgency
walls. I
The ' two men, Hulen Presley, 1
SI, serving a life sentence for I
murder, and Fraak Terraie, S7. i
doing ten years lor armea assault
ana ourgiary, suppea , irom i
prison yard Sunday, Armed with
m i at - m 4 V . I
ii,i;,uni iu iiiiiiuiu. wiw
sandy and . drlnklnr water, they I
hid . themselves under empty ee-
ment sacks in. the basement of the
unnnlshed dining hall. . .
The desperate pair Intended ta I
(Turn to psge 2, column ) - f- I
i 1
Rosser Qives US
Large Sum, Taxes
Rosser,, former, secretary or tne
teamsters' union. In Oregon, now
serving a 12-year prison sentence,
had an Income of 152.9 28 in
1020. $10,200 in 10SS and $1.
47S in-1037, Internal revenue au
thorities testified today.
The authorities said at a hear
ing before William W. Arnold,
member of. the board of tax ap
peals, that they could find no as
sets from which to collect tax's
the government charges Rosser
failed to pay.
Attorneys for Rosser and tfie
mTinuDMi van iu or-
mer . teamster leader owes uie
government $1024 in back tax.M constructed for national de
and $2202 In penalUes - - fehse. Senator McNary said he
Koeser was sent to tne peniien-
uary in lsic on an arson eonvie-
uon growing out i tna ourmng
or the west Saiem Box et aianu-
faeturlng company plant.
oeai oiiijuim
11 . 'be made In 00 days, the admlnls-
DaamaI DAt.nil tratlon said. Selections will be
ilCVCrSal IieiUSeU made by an army, nary and com-
washiiigton; Oct. It-VP--
The labor board failed today
lay in
an effort to take to the supreme
court the' question of Its right
ta; ordtr' diaABtaMlahnieiit of a
anion as n. collective bargaining I
agency without Crst granting the
View a cofliroTcriT Biiwcea i-un i
board and the San- Francisco fed-1
ersl circuit court in which thiafineh of rata on Salem and vicin-la
point was .involved..; . . 1
The labor board ordered dla-
establishment of a union of em-
ployes of the Sterling Electric
Motors, Inc., Los Angeles. ;
: The union appealed to- the
courts. and the circuit court
rultd that the prion was entitled
to notice- and a heariag before the
Ubor board could dissolve I L
o -77
Pint tn Rlmv
:'wT Hn ' ; .
Xip ire op snip
Is Frustrated
noxVilh W Device Is
1 ''. '" Members Of drew
j Government Prepares to
; - avo 1,1 CUirauiy
. ; t Arf ;n rV-w TCbW
I j f ? :"r ,.rr -. :"-..
1 PANAMA. Oct. l&WJPk-Crew
I San rranclsco ; for., the I Canal
I Zone. : . j ;
i master of arms on the Republic,
i -which was loaded with 100
j troops and Dassenirers. detected a
aueer smell'' Just out of San
Francisco, and discovered a smok
ing box stowed among other ob-
1 lacu In the last hold.
I -
I ,v .h"" 1
i erew -said held enough nltro-gly-
jcenne some said two quarts
to have, blown the ship "clear out
of the water."
ADodd, they said, picked up the
hex and, "praying all the way,"
xade his way to the decks where
I xaember of the crew helped him
l6S r the. bomb overboard..
. . low vi .am ymaHVii irri,
troops of e'rewmen - were aware
'how close they were to disas
ter,", these Informants said.
ins united states government
IMtBMJ Af t , MX V a.
i neutrality act in the Greek-Italian
I IwMlirr Roll Vm I, iii,'
New Jersey and New Tork, but
there were no iadlcaUoM that
M7 extraordinary measures were
I p-sasso.
Tne neutrality act requires a
presidential proclamation when a
state of war Is recoguJied. - Hull
about this but that it probably
would he issued tomorrow after
the president returns. - .
ExecaUve orders then would ex-1
tend the -cash and earrv nrovl-1
- I.
sloes of the act to Greece as a
belligerent and forbid American
nQHu io usTii on urNi aaips.
The combat none which American
ships are forbidden to enter al-
ready covers the eastern Medlter-
- Officials - also were ; preparing
to freeae Greek funds in the
United States if they deemed that
circumstances made it advisable..
This has . been done .in . the past
In the case of invaded countries,.
to prevent-their resources in the
United SUtea from falling j Into
the hands of the conqueror. Greece
was estimated by the commerce
department to have about 18,00",
000 of investments in this coun
try, nlus an undetermined amount
hank deposits and other short- j
term assets.
Salem Airport Is c
jtedutjacd, Siirveyj
Airport altes at 10 Oregon cities
D rarTeyed for possible ta
i.Bainn .mnnr i ka tmnrti tn
w informed today.
The civil aeronautics adminls-
traUon listed the following 10
rtles . the senator aald; -Astoria.
Baker, Salem, ugene, Klamath !
fi!" 7h V' G11!
Medford.' Pendleton and Portland.
- Completion of the surrey must
be made In 00 days, the adminls-
meree departments board.
The administration pointed out
that a surrey does not assure
city Its site will be selected.
lolfl Tlnlri rViTY!f"
- VV'fV?. W)me''
; : MorcIoForecast
-. 4 .
OlVJupe PIuvlos shed .12 of an i
ity - - yesterday ia scatterei Usht
showers bordering on the famed
"Oregon, . mist. , Continued light
rains were forecast for today and
Wednesday.; . . . .. r
; A- frost tinged south ; wind
slanted the downfall under store
awnings in the downtown sector
and F-!em residents hustled about
Ha winter clothing. " - i
Greek-Albanian Frontier Scene
ut t igQtmg
Stubborn Greek resistance against
- tary sonrces as the two countries Joined tn battle. Above is the scene
. of conflict. Italy was reported to have 00,000 wen along, the
Creek-Albanian frontier, against whom Creere pltte4 1 00,000. Ar-
filler? attacks on Creek border tot' of Fiorina snd Iiatorla'irere
? reported and observers believed i..sns would aim their drive at
. Salonika. r Reported bombing of Corinth airdrome, and cities, of
- Patras and Piraeus were; among
yillaniettc Hds t,
1941 inference
Group Will J.Ieet llere;
,60 Attend, Tacoma
9 -
Methodist student- leaders of
I the northwest, assembled at Ta
I eoma Saturday nUht, chose Wll-
i lamette university as the host
I eamnus for the It 41 training
i conference, one of Its students as
I. ennfarenee officer and another
as delegate to a national student
j . Ths date for the session was
mot selected bat will be in Oe-
we. wo ana ww w
(Tarn to Page f, Col. 4ji
Box Firm Ordered
To Pay Back Wage
PORTXiAND, Ore., Ckt. itrV
The Salem Box company of West
Salem; and -Burt Shelton,-logging
operator near Union, were order
ed by Federal .Judge James A.
Fee today to pay back wages due
under the fair - labor standards
act. ...
The (Oirt also enjoined the
two concerns from farther Tiola-
law.' - ---
- Shelton 'was ordered to pay
approximately $2000 and the box
company about $ COO. They were
accused of working certain em
ployes - more than - the maximum
number of - hours specified under
the aet and with failing to keep
accurate records of hours worked
"Empress of Britain" Sunh
But Only 45 Persons Lost
many's air raiders gave Britain a
comparative breathing spell to
day, bnt the British learned offi
cially that n aai sea raiders had
sunk another great ship of their
merchant fleet, the . ' 42,34 8-ton
Empress of Britain,
Forty fire 'persons who were
aboard are missing and SOS others
already hare been brought ashore
by British warships, an admiralty
war office communique said, pay
ing tribute to the ship's "resolute
and efficient" -anti-aircraft de
fense- . . - -
Th; Empress, flagship of Can
ada's merchant marine until she
wss impressed for war senrice as
transport, was the 10th largest
passenger vessel, afloat and the
biggest mercn&ntm&n lost la tne
war. She exceeded by almost 10,-
000 tons the second largest,, the
German liner Colurabus, whose
crew scuttled her off the VIriisIa
coast laat-Dcemlcf 19 t niter tiaa
let her fall a prize- ta a IriJth
Tte Eiltish announcement ciere-
as Mew IV 'at Breaks
vvvvvvvvvv ' -IT.:
'.v.v.v.v.v.-A tE1.
Italy was reported by neutral miU
early developments- AF TelemaU
Skoda Factory Is
Reported Bombed
Arms riant at Pilsen . Is
Declared in Flames
Coast Points Hit
LONDON, Oct. 'XO-CjFHBritlsh
bombers v ranging farther from
home than ever bet or in " their
systematic - assault . on . Germany1
were reported tonight to hart
bombed successfully and left In
flames the huge Skoda armament
works In what once was Csecho-
slovakla, --; ;
The - air ministry tersely de
clared a "strong; force : of royal
air force bombers' attacked the
works at Z Pilsen, Bohemia, last
night. -;;.;:r-;.
- Rit tit. wif. Imirw'm nrnmrm UnMi
In ah amplification of thtiormal
eommnnlqse, said the British
bombers set - the " plant : on ' fir
after a 1 1 1-mile flight from the
EngMsh coast through dlrtrwea
ther. . -
Never relaxing their attacks on
the "Invasion coast"; - opposite
England,- Blenheim- bombers of
the - coastal command were . re
ported by the ministry news ser
vice to have hit a power stauon
at the nasl-held French naval
base of Lorlet, A big blue flash
v (Tura to page 2, toL1) "
Get Birth Year Number
MILWACKEE, Oct. . 28-flPY-
demens. I Wltthrot, horn in
1008, ' went to his local , draft
hoard headquarters today to learn
his draft serial number. , It . was
1000. , ;: c-V;' ... ' ...
ly listed the Empress of Britain ai
a vlstlm of '"enemy action and
said she foundered while In tow.
- Survivors, however, . described
an air attack ISO miles west ' of
Ireland last Saturday afternoon In
which, they said, a nasi piano
raked her decks with machine-gun
tire.".; '- , ' - y -
I German reports ' said the ship
was left a battered hulk after an
air- attack" and ' was sent under
early today with: two finishing
torpedoes from a submarine. I, .
Four times during,' the day air
raid alarms - shrilled In : London
and, almost as though on sched
ule, the sirens wailed a fifth
alarm this evening for the' E2nd
consecutive night, , . : :; :
All the dayLfht alarms in' the
capital were brief, however," asd
there were no TeportS"Of bombs
falling in the London area.
A hcaVy antl-alreraft t barrage
was cvi tip early; ia the nijht
raid' hen s strong -force ci razi
torl .j-i'sw-cver t-e ca?:.ul.
Gata - -.j' ' I t'.j d.staaoe like
to i i Z," cel
v?:vS5vl - ATHENS, Oct. 1 .-( Tuesday-)-'XSVCreek
mountaineer troops,
Xv--XvVav outnumbered but craftily placed.
-js - I
TV --Si
v-?0 ATMITfvIC:
v.v.v.v.le.v.v "eA v . v .v. .vav. .v.v. . .v.v.v.v.v.v a a .1
1. -
Metaias Line
In Momitaihs
n it ii
is iiemg neio
Naval ' Battle Occurs ei
British Force Takes
Control at Crete
Turkish Troops Reported
Moving; Attitude of
Russia not Known
reportea searly today they were
clinging stubbornly to the ftfe
taxas line, stavtng off the grow
ing fury oMtallan attacks on the
newest-warfront. . ,
As real war came . to the Ions-
apprehensive Balkans, the Q rocks
took heart from British naval
help on both sides of their penin
sula. V.-- - .--. if
The Greek high command.' still
mobilising its men,, sent 1 train
after train, Jammed with singing
reservists, toward the northwest
frontier with - Albania. Crowds
cheered them at every station a
route. - ' - .
Athens, as yet unborn bed, cool
ly awaited the appearance t
Italian warp lanes. .
(By The Associated Press)
Thousand of . Italian troops at
tempting to storm, the mountain
passes leadlnr into Greece were -
held firmly along "the Albanian ; v
frontier early today.. reports f rem.
f Athens and Belgrade ;saidJ 'I .
Britain promised "all possible
aid to Greece, and Turkey was
reported moTlcg troops ; to the
Greek frontier as -the Ankara
goternmenf newspaper Ulns de
clared "We prefer, the hell of war
to a dishonorable peace." -
There atill was no official ad
mission however, that Turkey .
and her "2,000,000 bayonets"
were going immediately to belstor
Greece. Turkish sources pelateel
to a recent government atatement
that Turkey would aid Greece la '
the event of an attack if Britain
made good her promise of aid. . ,
Air Raida Ctenso : i .-;;. 1
no Serions Ptmtgsf ;' r
That was beur done on the part
of Brltair,. hat both London aad
Rom xuarded .thalr'" military
movements in great secrecy.
A Greek army communique, re
veal lag its mountain troops wero
stubbornly holding against aomo
200,000 ItalUna, also said that .
Italian air raids on military objec
tivesthe 'ports of . Piraeus aad .
Patron- did - no . damage. Other
resort . from Patros listed ' the '
day' civilian air raid casualties at -SO
. dead and more - than II
wounded. ...
A 7 Reuters dispatch saldT the
Greek soldiers, estimated at 100,-
000, had amaahed through an JtaJ-
lah position on the Graek-Albaalan .
frontier and driven eight miles
T' Tnrn td page 1, -oL 1 )
Students Chosen
For Aero Cduix
t Selection of tho ten Willamette
university students who will be
trained under the civil aeronau
tics authority program was an
nounced yesterday by Dean Dan
lei IL.. fichulxe, - coordinator. The
group " started Instruction Friday
under Dr. Kenneth M. McLeod.
professor of chemistry. -
Tern DeAutreraont will gife
flight training at the Salem xtta
nlcipal airport for the ten, select
ed from' a field of 47 Applicants.
Madelyn Morgan of Stayton was
the only .woman allowed for tho
training. Other are George Con
stable of Illinois, Stanley Xland
and Donald Sculati of Portland,
Robert Price and Bruce VanWyn-
garden of Salem, Bob Grannls of
Cottage- Grove, Bob Hinman f
Medford, James Robertson ef Al
bany and Earl. Yersteeg et Uc-
Mlnnvlile.Hv.;r;- u.;..;-
Qiief Brbadcasto
Ot Campaign .V.
Are Listed
Political radio talks "for Tues
day t - ' . ;
1:10-3:30 p.m., Associated
Wlllite clos KOIN. -
6-6:3 0 p.m., Ambassador Hen-
nedy KOIN. . ' :
-4:20 p.m., Cnrley Erooks lor
republicans KALE. .
0:8Q-7 Eecator v s r
answers John JU, Jewis KCuJ.
:i;-7:15 p.m.. Democrats for
WUlkie KEX -
:7:20-7:B p.m., Ar;-al-
ipre i Wlckard..: for j democrat.!
7:35-0 :p.ra:, sr,'-:i T.T.:,:i
answers queaileta .