PACZ TUT Costume Roles Tough on Cary Actor Grant in 'Howards ;of Virginia" Frets at His Clothes lnrnrlcft'i fonndlnr fathers- Washlngton, - Jefferson, Patrick Henrr - Benlamin Franklin and all the others of that farseeing sand 'of fighters ana spokesmen - who envisioned a great nation of free men were all the history hooki say they were ' . . hot they weren't so smart, according to Cary Great. Else wny oia thv wnar th clothlBC tbeT did? Cnrrntlv nlavinsr a. hiahly dra matic role In - director-producer Frank Lloyd's "Tne uowaras 01 Virginia," blood-tingling screen tic based noon Elisabeth Pace's Literary Guild best-seller. "The Tree of Liberty," and now at the Grand theatre with Martha Seott rowitarred. Grant-is seen as an earnest, honest fighter In. the American Revolution, w n i c n meant that for more than two months ha had to ret in and out of the silly things worn by Amer ica's founding latners, - ugas trousers, tighter boots, still tight er .waistbands, ramec collars ana ' sundry similar uncomfortable - habiliments.. Tfonr to Dress - " Usually Cary takes his art and Its Incidental tronbles with ham- k orpus ; good grace, but getting into a coioniai costume w e-7 trying,' both from the muscular as well as mental points of view. "In the first place." walled Cary, daring production of the new Columbia epic, "It takes all of an hour to get Into an eign teenth century costume, and 1 good half hour to get the boots on. Ton rrunt and strain for that hour and a half and then what , happens? You feel like a silly fool, my friends. You don't dare go out to a public place for fear something will rip ana snap ana leave you unprotected. ""And do you realize, Cary whispered, - "that those clothes were highly Immodest? Yes, sir, there are times when I find my self traveling dark alleys to and from my dressing room. But I'm not complaining; I'm Just too nbvslcallv exhausted to complain. Comedy was such a nice busi ness." However tired he became moulding himself into a semb lance of a colonial gentleman Cary was conscious of the op portunity Lloyd had given him for this test of his ability as a dramatic actor: In the film he plays the friend and compatriot of Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry and betwixt romantic in- teriuaes wun miss scon, 01 uur Town" fame, he preaches treason against the colonial lords and 'helps unite the colonies in their struggle for freedom.- Sewing Glub Has Talk on, Hobbies HAZEL GSEEN The Sunshine Sewing club met at the G. G. Looney home Wednesday . after noon. - Mrs. Rudolph Wacken, president, presided at a brief business meeting and Introduced the guest speaker. Miss Mazine Buren, editor of women's page of The Oregon Statesman. Miss Burean gave an interest . ing talk of "Hobbles.". She dem onstrated' it by showing a collec tion of -china boots and . dogs, be-" longing to friends,- and her own collection of pitchers, "which In clude tiny gold ones. A toby Jug, featuring characters from Charles Dickens novels and the quints, a set of fire small pitchers. Special guests were Miss Buren, Mrs. Boltorft and Mrs. Author Clemens. The teachers, Mrs. Holbroke, Mrs. Alois Imper and Mrs. Lorene Stettler joined the group after school. ;. .- .." Mrs. Ralph Gilbert and Mrs. , Archie MeCorckle will be hostess es November f, at Mrs. Gilbert's home. - Mrs. Glen Looney, Mrs. LaRoy Van Cleave and Mrs. Alben Looney assisted in serving. ' Rosedale School -Is Supper Scene ROSEDALE r-The Red Hills lo cal of the Farmers Union J will have a no-host supper at the . Rosedale school Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, f 1 Rev. and Mrs. Owen Williams returned Friday , from . Twin Rocks, where they spent the week attending a conference of Friends Ministers of Oregon, Washington and. Idaho: ; v . -.i. , ......:. The "Woman's Missionary so ciety.will hold an all-day meet ing with Mrs John Trunbull . on Thursday, : A covered dish lunch will .be, served at; noon ' and the day .spent., tying comforts .and ; Quilting.-. . i Nut. Storing Bine jays ; . ABIQUA Nut growers of this f district report that bluejays have I . "assisted", materially in havestlng .. both walnuts anil fllhort. in lv.i groves this year.' .The jays' ap- pear In - large numbers and sail gracefully away with a nut In their - beaks. .Oldtimers report that this story of the nuts by the birds Is an Indication of a very severe winter. - Fo:; Vqllay Novs FOX VALLEY Little Rois - Ann ' Minden ef r Sublimity;- a niece of Mrs. Francis Jungwlrth, is spending this week at the Jungwlrth home. 3 Orvllls Downing -4s mall : ear rlcr tbls week while tart Allea Is ar on a vacation and hunt las: trip. " ."''.".'. -Mrs. Francis : Jungwlrth and ITrs. Lovell Miller were hostesses for tie .card -club Wedneiiday af terEcoa. "Decorations: vrere In keeping with Hallowe'en. Tump i!i - j!s an 3 coffee were served TOGETHER THEY'RE TERRIFIC Ann Sheridan ud Jamai Cagney, the torrid team of "Torrid Zone" are together again III "City For Conquest." Now at the A Divorce" with Joan Blondell i; ' t ' 1 P- v. FAST HORSES, beavtiful women . the American ! turf In "Sporting Blood" starring- Robert Young, Maureen O'Sallivaa aakl Lewis fitowe. Playing today thru Wedne day. at the Bute thcsUre, with "tporting Blood" U "New Moom" co-etarrims Jeanette HacDoaald and Kelsoo. Eddy. : ..... .- .. .ft :. mmmimmmmmmmammJmmiim 11 mi MsMsissaissassssssfaissssssMhJsSMSSMssssBSM smisiwhwim CHARLES BICKFORD, LIU Deste rang,' opening today at the Honywood theatre. Also hilled is Jady rmnova la MScttrbrain.H - - - Tumor Novs TURNER ' Mr: and Mrs. J. B. Kendall plan to drive to Tillamook-the last of the week to see their . daughter, Mrs. Genevieve Kendall, who is oulte 111 in the hospital there; Robert Madden of Seattle ar rived Thursday for a few days' visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Maude Madden. He accompanied Mr. Horton to Turner following business - trip to Seattle. In Portland they were detained when another car erowded them off the highway. J ,i Mr. aud Mrs. Douglas Parkes. Eleanor, Marian and Arthur of Salem were entertained Wednes day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MeKinney. Mrs. Haude Madden was guest speaker at the Newberg Christian Missionary society. - Her subject was on "Missions la Japan." She and her husband served as mis sionaries there 'for nearly 45 years. Mrs. Harsh i V. Hale 'is recov ering from a serious illness at the home of! Mrs, Walter Wat kins, heir daughter, at Jefferson. Ellison Whittaker. : Junior at Oregon State ' college,' spent the weekend at Turner with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Whittaker. GOP Rally Planned ForTnrner TURNER A ' rennhlfean rail will be held at Turner Monday night in the Masonic hall. Dr. R. P. Thompson;, professor of Wil lamette university who has traveled in Europe and studied in Germany in the last few years, Will be the nrinrlnal.i Mrs. Gordon McGllchrist of Salem will be soloist.' Special- music will be featured for the rally. All re publican candidates of the county will Too present and give short Dr. Thome 7as ; " Turner Physician 1 TURNER t The Turner com munity was saddened by the death of Dr. Vllliam - M. ? Thome at a Salem , 1, rital Tuesday night following' a several' weeks illness.-He waa the Turner physi cian and .had practiced here for over eight years, with offices in the Tomer Memorial Home build ing.. A. large number of friends from here attended the funeral services in Ealem Friday after ITae) EUinore theatre. Flnat "I Want and Dick Powell. . . tb derby, of all romaa'cei of aad James Craig la "Soath to Liborty Novs LIBERTY At Red ; Hills grange meeting Tuesday .. aight memorial services for Mrs. Wil liam Zosel were held. Mrs. C. W. ttaeey spent last week In Klamath Palls as a guest of her sister, Mrs. Ted Rnssell. The gtaceys recently attended the weekend fur farmers' school in Astoria. : Mr and Mrs. William Meech of Takima were guests this week at the Gus' Plenge home." . ' . Mrs, Mason Bishop and Mrs. C. W. Staeey . visited the: child ren's farm 'home at Corvallia on Tuesday. Mrs. Bishop, in her official capacity as chairman of Farm Heme Board of -Marion county Federation of. Woman's elu5st learned what assistance is needed from the federation.: '; ' - '"" -. '. ; Pilot Training - --- -1 - Continues Daily SlLVERTON-Alfred'L Adams of Sirverton, , as flight Instructor, and Joe Berchtold of. Mt.- At gel as ground work instructor, have ten students from Mt. Angel col lege taking daily flying work at the Silverton alrporU .The youths are working for a private pilot's license.- This Is the fir St course given by the Mt. Angel, coUege In connection with the civil aeronau tics association and is registered as part of the defense program, j Students - enrolled are JIarold Odman and ' Arland ; Schwab- of Silverton, and -Richard Martin. William ' Trumm,- Wilfred Good man, - Carl Norton, Neal Nichols, Loe Quesnel and Jack O'Hallo ran. . . ' ' Baxter to Speak . 1 SILVERTON The Methodist church has. planned Its annual church banauet and program for November 12 with Bishop Bruce Baxter as the guest speaker. ' . rrr JaJ t- Ada. . i torn OTCCII CTATECIIAlZr CdUxa. Greatest Cityrli Scene of Film Cagney and Sheridan Stair . Ja 'Qty f or Cnjriettn ; ' " i&t Elsinore ..The powerful ' magnitude of the ' world's greatest sity . la . the vital ; dramatic force which - mo tivates .the action -of ,the Elsi nbre" theatre's, new dramatic' hit film; Cityfor- Conquest.Wlth James Cagtfey and Ann Sherldaa heading a sterling, cast of .plsy- rs, ."pity ,for .Concmestl.mQves ngac up into ins rroni ran as ox new season film fare. " - '. 'Aben Kandel,' on whose nove the 'film Is based, has written" a solid American .story,, that f altV fully , mirrors the .stark tragedy, the lusty. humor, the.abjeet lone-; llness and. ; the heart-warming friendliness . that" go ' hand In hand "' on the city . streets! John Wexley screen " adaptation has shaped the . story Into - expert cinematic form with , pungent dialogue that ;. fairly ' ' crackles from the ' screen, ' . and Anatole Lltvak's direction- has given the film story-the fluid ebb and flow of life Itself. 1 There Is . Cagney, ' as ' Danny. theJ stocky slum, hoy, . who. tries to conquer the city with his fists. There is "Ann Sheridan,'' as 'his girl, Whose dancing feet ' carry her to fame and fortune; There is his brother, played-by Arthur Kennedy a' musical 'genius wad translates the' hoUes of the' city into a wonderful symphony. There Is Danny's ' boyhood ' paL played by Ella - Kasan, thwarted, embittered product of the slums who seeks' to eonauer with sti' letto and -Tommy gun'. -And then there - Is Frank Craven: as the Old Timer, omniscient,'- ublqult- ous.-wbe roams the city's streets, watching over them all. and weaves' v thelr stories Into ' one sym 0011c voice 01 tne . city. - - Comedienne G iven Nicknames Galorb . . . . . . - . . Nicknames have been a popu larity yardstick in the career of Jndy Canova,' who Is " bow . ele vated to stardom - by Repnblie la "Seatterbraln, currently . amus ing local audiences at the Holly wood theatre. Every . time her career-, passes a milestone, Judy acquires a new nickname which Is plugged wide ly, by her . fans among the na tion's pressmen. . - She was "The Hillbilly Hoy den" when she first came to the Attention, of sophisticated New York aadiences at the Greenwich Village Barn. On completion - of her first motion picture she was dubbed ". 'The ' Feminine "' Boh Burns: and not long afterwards she became the ''Queen of Femi nine Buffoonery. -u Her latest cognomen, bestowed upon her with fitting' ceremonies by Rudy Vallee at a Republic press psrty la her honor, is 'The Jenny Llnd of the Osarks. ' Monmouth Legion Has Post Dinner MONMOUTH American Le gion post No. IS of Monmouth and Its auxiliary enjoyed a cov ered dish dinner Thursday night at the hall. A program featured Barbara Scholl and Patience Thompson, who attended the Girls' BUte camp at the Silver Creek recreational area this sum mer. who told on their week In camp. The camp 'is sponsored by the state Legion auxiliary.', Two boys who attended the Beaver Boys' State camp held at Hill Military aeademy were Nor man Cheadle and Truman Rob- bins. Norman reported on their week at camp in August. Mrs. Ruth Tompkins Is presi dent of the local, auxiliary and Clarence Grand Is head of the local post. Noble Grands Are Hosts to Matrons JEFFERSON The Past Noble Grands' elub entertained - mem bers of the Past Matrons' club Tuesday afternoon. Hallowe'en decorations .ware used In the room and in table decorations. Following . a business meeting, readings were given by Mrs. Evalvn Wall and Mrs. Dal. mer-Davidson.. Member DrMnt . Ur. David Looney. - Mrs. ' Matraret Pease. Mrs. George 'Mason. Mrs. Earl Lynes. Mrs. Tim Kairr ;Mra- W. H. Sherman, Mrs. Guy Rol- ana, Mrs. jsarl Phelps. Mrs. Lee Fatrlow, Mrs. Mllo Bartu,. officio, Mrs. Evalyn Wall,' Mrs. Delmer Davidson, and Mrs. Henry Shields of Salem. ..-.. ; .- Continuous Today 1- lt P.M, Two Big Features Heres. JUDY CANOVA; tht hayseed glamor girl . . . she's the mountain sugar who raises eain.' 'V-"-'.. SVWSOOT Alt HOT AXD 2ND FEATURE si f i 1 ' ; Graejon. Ctador Manilas, Oc&ht 27. 1SJ3 Vi i f 5 1 THEY FLOUT DANGER and wood f orttwe in Paramosuit's "IUnrrra Of Fortune," which Is sew playing at Ue Capitol theatre. This formidable trio is. composed of Albert Dckkcr, ' Frrd MacMnrray ' ' sued Gilbert Roland. Plnst VDruma of the Desert with Ralph Byrd i aakl Lona " Gray. -' , 4) i j 1 , 1 5 f t -. . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Walter Burns, s aad "tamee" lady-reporter Hlldy lotmmUm, BoeaUsd naneu yew, ta "HIS GIRL FRIDAY which to the cwrrcsU yerakm of 1 fanaoms staoo play. Tho Front Pace, starting at tfae Liberty theatre today. As accond feature J-?1 I , J ..V ' H . . CARY GRANT, Martha Scott and Richard Carlson in TTm Howards of Virginia, now showing- at the Grand theatre. Clara Trotter Is On Teacher Visit MONMOUTH Clara A. Trot ter, supervisor of training schools at Oregon College of Education, will visit young teachers In Clat sop county the week of .October St to confer with those teaching for the first time or who have had , only one r two years of experience. Thla Is part of an "in-service" program for ' the three Oregon Colleges of Education,' directed by H. Jt'Inlow.-. The purpose Is to eonduet a follow-up for. young teachers and assist them in their work after ' graduation. . Miss Trotter accepted the invitation of Anne Lewis, county school sup erintendent of Clatsop, for this visit. She will visit schools, la other counties as the year pro- greases, for the same purpose. rax t- Swd-i ycu::3 t ( u- va?f:is vi j?". :31 x -. .. ...-:-.c . as portrayed by Gary Grant, taa- on tno Liberty program the Hig- It -, , ' - 1 - . Gibson Home Has Large Clad Bulbs .WALLACE ROAD. One; of the loveliest ' new homes - along attractive Wallace road Is that of Mrs. Hat tie Gibson, pioneer, of Polk county. The house is sur rounded by well kept flower beds and lawns. Mrs. Gibson says she does all the work except mow the lawn. This year has been un usually good for gladiolus and Mrs. Gibson ' has some bulbs which measure IS Inches In cir cumference.' ...-- ; i The barn" on the place recently vacated by Mr. and - Mrs. W. E. Smith burned to the ground Taes- dsy night.' It was filled with hay. The home on the plaee la tin occupied and the origin, of the fire la . undetermined. 7-3 PHQNSM72J WjflftAITir osuii7A!3 stc::z M-0-4 irr Gactiis Cavaliers v In Ranger Drama Fred UlacBIcrray Has Lead ' Role la Texas Film at Capitol ' ... m t . - - - . . - A' trfa of cactus cavaliers rod into' the "Capitol theatre, yester day with1 a roar'et ' Hying; hoofs and shrill -n-yipees, - carrying with them the charm, .tnejiCfiiy, alry and the "explosive" drama of the old South west, whicft are, un rolled on ' the v screen? In Para monnt'a rRanrers of Fortune.7-r The- chtracterlxatlon of 5, the trio of desertt marauders, played Tn-r Vr-A Uu-Unmr. Albert. Dek- ker and Gilberti Roland .is the high spot of .this delightful: turn. Ther are a combination of. Rohin Hood's gang and The..Threo' Jfus- keteers - thieves, rogues,, scoun drels, or knights on horseback as the occasion demands. - , . -Fresh from a scrape with Mex lean border troops they: bump In to a situation in tne utue town of Santa; Marta that fits their particular talents A smsll news- niMr tinbllshar. flrhtlnr a land grabbing gang, has been assault ed and forced out or Business. The '. battling trio - take orer: for hlm.'.and Issue a. defiance to the land robbers, r-- r. Is th course of their adven tures Fred MaeMnrrsy vbecomes romantically . Involved with .Par trlia . Morla'on. - The bubllshers little granddaughter,- Betty Brew er, abets the rpmance.ana proves Important In finally establishing the guilt of. Josepn. scbuatraut as the leader' of the gang."..""-; Was Rule on Set Mary Boland Is Provider of Rare Blooms From ' Private Stock - i An orchid a day was the rule on the set of New Moon. co- starring Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy at the State theatre. The orchids were supplied by Mary Boland who. It waa discov ered, waa an orchid fancier with more than fifty different van ties of the blooms growing in the specially constructed hothouse adjacent to her home. Unusually warm weather caused the plants to bloom ont of season - which meant that each day Miss Boland was able to bring blossoms to the set for ornaments in dressing rooms'. ;" " " "New Moon," a musical ro mance of the 1710's. transpires Is the romantic . surroundings of New Orleans during Mardi Graa. There are thrilling scenes on the high seas and an exciting se quence on a trople Island where Nelson . Eddy sets np a republic following a shipwreck. The film is the first . to. bring' the ' two singing favorites together . ta more than; a year. It waa , pro duced and directed by Robert Z. Leonard. ' Included In the Slgmund Rom berg score are such hits as "Lov er Come Back to Me," "Wanting You,". "One Kiss," "Marianne," "Paree," "Softly As in . a Morn ing Sunrise" and "Stout Heart ed Men.M Fox Breeders Are Told of Industry JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Eugene FInlay,' with Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Green of Philomath, were recent hosts to the Salem fox anit of the Oregon Fox and Mink association,, at. the. home of the former north of 'Jefferson. Mllo Rice of Pnyallup, Wash., field manager for the M and If associa tion fox ranchers, and Mrs. Rice spoke on the general aspects of the fox Industry.' Eugene Finlay, president of the association, spoke briefly concerning; the fox show to-be held In .Portland. A e-eneral discussion was held. fThe president. Archie Gardner of. Salem, presided at the meet ing. At the close of the meeting the president announced his mar riage, which will occur in Salem November. 1, and lnvitea r the members of the. Salem; unit' to attend. Refreshments ' were ' serv ed at the dose .of .the meeting". Interested fox ranchers present were from Puyallup. Philomath, Salem and - the Jefferson com munity. -. -' Continuona 1:43 to 11:30 j TOP FEATURES nanwnwsnn r"y easnaa. ::ETi:!Sii!: . . pia CompABlah Pearurr Today, Moa, JTbm -'2 lilts. Orchid Eveir Day II !my : Call Board. KLSIXOIU3 - Today James -Cagney, Ann Sheridan In "City for Con quest,' "I Want . A - Divorce with. Joan Blond ell. and Diea Poweii: r - . ".--. Wednesday "The Ramparts ;We Watch" made by the March. of Time. Tb Nobody's Sweet- heart Now" with 'Helen Par-, rish. and Dennia O'Keefe. .. , : t . , CAPITOL" " : Today - Rangers.of Fortune : with' Fred . Me'Mnrrayr Ptricia . . . . . . ' Aiorison. -jjrnms 01 iu is- 'ert'. with Ralph Byrd, Loma , (Gray.. V-.! V-' 1 Wednesday. Boris . Karloft la ;rThe:Ape., rBehinUe Mak" ? with", Boris" Karloff. v :i 1 M Saturday. ;; , Ann 'Sothem tn : rDuJcy. wlta , Ion , Hunter Trh nrr lrina" with the J. Dead En d Klds." , ; .' " " T , ' : :' r .-"r STATU . : . J : ' . . 10Q&7. r iw noun . wit.u w cii ette MacDonald and Kelson Ed dy. "Sporting Blood" with Rob- , . ert Young and. Maureen O'SuV -nvan . ,:r'"! : Thursday - "Ghost Beakers,, with Boh Hope and ' Pauletta 1 Goddard. Safarr with Made llene Carroll and . ; Douglag - Fairbanks. Ir. '.' ' . . . - mn . M 1 T . . . Saturday midnite show "Andj ; ; Hardy If eets a" Debatante.7 v starring Mickey ; Rooney, Judy ; Garland and Lewis Stone. --':'z T GRAwa-' - Todsy f Ckry 'Grant,' MarthA - Seott in "The Howards of Vlri 1: ginla." :;J ? ' "'-- 4: v Wednesday t jonn sarrymorev ; "Mary Beth Haghes, Gregort . Ratoff In ."The Great Profile. eaturaay smriey Tempi, jacn Oakle In The Toang People.? 1 Jean - Rogers, Robert' Sterling In Testerday'a Heroes. ' HOLLYWOOD '-" ' Today Judy Canova, Billy Gil bert In-Scatterbrain.' Charles - Bickford. - James 1 Craig in ? Sooth "of Karanga. 5 ! Thursday - William' Boyd aa Hop along ' Cassidy in Th Showdown. Boris Karloff t& -"The Man With Nine Lives. - - LIBERTY TnAaw " flan -Clrnt nAaalfaA -' The Higgins family' in "Grand " pa Goes' to-Town. ' ' Wednesday Tony Martin, Rita . Haworth in "Music in Ut Heart." Frankle Darro in "Oa the Spot." ' " Friday - Roger Pryor. Muriel Evans in "Missing Girls. Con rad Veidt, Valerie Hobson fit D-Boat St. -' : Silver Qif f Has Community Meet SILVER CLIFF A. large and appreciative audience greeted .th4 presentation of a program by the Stlrcr miff nramatta rlnH at taav SUver Cliff school Friday night. Elden Malkey. president of the rlnh- ratfoj1 PMmm ihithKm were announced by C V. -Tower as follows: Salute to the flag and star Spangled Banner- by the group: -omedyj skit, 0r. May. belle Towe and.Joe-.Bonner: two act play, The ' Matrimonial Ad vertisement," Mrs."11 Grace Mal key, Mrs. Gerry Howard T Mrs. Ruth Hadley. Virgil ,T . SchaaU and Frank Porter; reading, Mrs May belle Towe; songs, Mr. and Mrs. -Walter. Hart; fireside chat, Elden Malkey; olo, Mrs. W. F. Kreni; readings. Glen Parrisks solo, pat ManldiJig;.!rCeJebriUei Past and Present, comedy skit. Mr. and Mrs. Chester- Miuldlna. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank' Porter. - Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howard. . Elden Mulkey. Walter Hart and Vlrril T. Schants; "Goofy Band" by the buvertoa Hula group, i.;-' t-. ". After the rrorram the. ladlea ' of the SUver Cliff Booster club : served a lunch and a social hour . followed. : .- s. PUD BIovie Shoxn r MT. ANGEL " A free fnn- reel movie ahow on the Colum bia River project and BonnevUil win be shown at - the , creamery; hall hero Tuesday night, Octo her S9. There will slaa k aam. eral speakers on various phase of the PUD. - i, . - SALBMS NEWEST THEATREJ :STiUlTS -tODAY Two Smash Hit :n T7gJflKlt t23 cirtiliE ? . -1 1 , . - ) - I : - .- ::c:a-n.Y?cn:Aii.T . w .. ---- -i Mm Si we RALPH CSUAMY W HOWA1D KlWIt1 coiau eicrvtr Plus Second Hit ,. - . i.'::n a - - a r v I T- i noon. . - "4 -: : .