The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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The OUTGO!! 5TATtRAI. Golem. Oregon. Saturday Morning. October 22. 15 i3
:. : 1 - I Mi
. Editor
i -- :
ald C. Cannon, the iormer Isa
bel George, who was married
at a quiet ceremony in the fire-
remony in the tire-
place room of the First Pres
byterian, church October 16.
The couple are nc
at Valley -Junction.
The couple are now at home
, -(Jesten Miller photo.)
Party at Emmons
Home Tonight
Miss Margaret-Jane Emmons attend the formal ball given by
will be hostess to the members of the Masonic lodge In the Masonic
the -Wahanka Camp Fire group ballroom in honor of Mr. Snell,
and their guests at the home of who is grand master of the Ma
ber parents. Dr. and Mrs. Carl sonic lodge of Oregon.
Emmons, on Fawk street tonight.
Games will be in play in the
recreation room , w i t h refresh- "K jf Vl,
ments served at a late hour. Hal- iVUS. UIlUS WISOn
loween decorations will be used t tJ i
about the rooms and in the table IS llOSteSS
appointments. Mrs.. Paul Morse is
advisor of the group. Mrs. Onas Olson opened her
Attending the affair will be home Thursday afternoon to the
the Misses Janet RIlea, Sarah Ann sewing club of the American Le
Ohling, Janet Gibson, Mary Lou S111 auxiliary. The afternoon was
McKay, Jane Acton, Joan Beakey,
Ruth Ann Larsen. Connie Cock-
lag, SarahMorse, Betty Zo Allen,
Roberta Rogers, Joyce Reeves,
Catherine Carson and Margaret-
Jane Emmons.
Escorts will be Tom Rnarriman
Bod Smith, Eugene Lowe, Robert
Strebig, Jim Phillips Danny Fry,
Ronald Jones, Morris Starr, Ro
bert Bobbins and Ralph Valdez.
) " - ; a
Zonta Treasury
Party Held
Members of the Salem Zonta
club were honored at the regular
id Smith. Eutrene Low, nri
riwra Hf AarA1. .. . n 1 . .1 11 a
A dessert supper was served and
lira. Phil Brownell presided at the
business meeting. On November
7 the club will entertain with a
party for members and their
HeSck.nt Mrs MareRost
Uorothy Pearce, Miss Helen Yock-
ey, miss. Mabel Savage, Miss L.
May Rauch, Miss Helen Barrett,
Miss Helen Bocker, - Miss Nellie
Schwab end the hostesses.
p xn t 1 . K .
bAH LadieS Meet
Mrs. Sarah E. Oliver enter-
talaed the Ladies of the Grand
' Army of the Republic at her home "ovucflia; .
on South Winter street Wednes- A Pli--XU : ' " w
day. A no-host dinner was served iinnei, . i.
at noon. - i
Those present were Mrs. Paul Mr nd Mrs.1 E..T. Barnes en
Trsglio, Mrs. E. B. Taylor. Mrs tertalned at a family dinner on
Mary Gosser, Mrs. Velma DuBois,
:?,7CZ. M" Helen- Frohmader. .
ra in. "M'ittaU- Mr"'
nls vth M K- Garre
ana Mrs., ssrah E. Oliver.
u mmA xtmm Vs
Mr. aad Mr.George Weller
. r tfw eD d fuU- Mp-
mV. tl - . . . f na
"lt0a a l8lr of -Ut- ,a
r ii)':-
r -1 1 : thess cL'itres-Irt i?Es "
t . : .
te t.
lr 'f.t
et :
. i .-
t. s.1- t
r i e,ia mterr cf
17 used ickn
t - a a ter. Four tt
a la f"od spoonful
- .. h. 'i is. ea breaiie
: r r-ed: tlaal vapors.
--t.ui yoa tPka
: --iicatioj sof . :-i
, 3 coucUr.3. rt . 9
ft breathli z yif
T T7ZJT.?.. .At
le. -.3 rJj A .c. s Varniih ea
t.-.,.C ci.?:t f r.i tack. Ira pouI
t r act on wtrJoi ta Irirj
. ; - a cohort j.e you keep. .
1 Salem iMan
Weds - in
S Seattle f
, At a i simple f ceremony read
Wednesday noon in the chapel of
St. Mark's cathedral in Seattle
Miss Luella Cecil Morris, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W.. T. Mor
i .v vjj.
.is, vl im,ui lira viiuv
of Mr. Reid Hanson of Salem.
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hani
son of Salem. Rev. John McLauch
lan officiated.
The bride, given in
by her father wore a soldier blue
, ... iuneneon win te given for the
CHri T.wh a ,C.Kr8agef r' PaI Iomnae this afternoon
chida and lilies of the valley. .t the chapter house on CoSrt
Immediately following the cere- street at 1 o'clock. Mrs HuYh
mony there was a wedding break- Church will preside at the busi
fast at the home of . the bride's ness meeting following the lunch
parents for the two families.-For eon. Miss Joan DuRette will sing
her daughter's wedding the bride's a group of numbers and Miss Ma
mother wore a wine colored velvet belle Lilburn will plsy several
dress and Mrs. Hanson wore a violin selections,
blue afternoon dress. Both wore . '
Early in the afternoon the Miss Cottew Bride
yun coupie jen on a trip to
young couple Jeit on a trip to
Mrs. Hanson attended the Uni-
versity of Washington, and was a
member of Alpha XI Delta sorori
ty. Mr. Hanson attended Oregon
State college and was affiliated
with Sigma' Nu fraternity. He la
now with the Union Abstract com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. Earl gnell mo
tored to Portland last nleht to
spent nnishlng a layette for the
child welfare committee and
working on articles for a bazaar.
Luncheon wis serve'. late in the
sfternoon with UtTZ V. Perkins
assisting the hostess.
Those attending -were! Mrs.
Harold Perkins. -Mrs. Walter
fepaulding, Mrs. Cyril Nadon,
Mrs. Ella Vones, ' Mrs. . Aubrey
Tussing, Mrs. J. E. Cannon. Mrs.
k. w. Kichey, Mrs. W. L. Haber-
nicht. Mrs. K. Smith, Mrs. L. V.
-ersins ana tne hostess, Mrs.
unas uison.
The next sewing meeting will
ie neid Thursday, November 7,
at the home of the chairman, Mrs. voves, at which time sewing
will be done for the American
T3. '.-i 3 -t-n ,
DirtnClay 'FariV
, ,
r IlaQV
t' V"
. i . "a "a
at" the refVesbment hrT '
h;;;:"" TIaSZ.CZLV
leson. Finnra ' Pn..
- akvuv aaM.a - W uu w
Muraock. Mothers present were
1 Atterbury, Mra.FCbane.
Mrs. Simn.l T n,. mA .
neth Murdock.
rVrVoro' niie.Jt.-,:
Wednesday night for Mrs. Barnes
H D. Baker of Tacoma. At the
arne, 'nd Hn,V,BLd ker
Mr nd J- H Baker, Mrs.
Frank Power, Mrs. Ralph Barnes
nd oKhters, Snzanne and Joan,
and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes. "
Mrs. Frank Power was hostess
the group on the t)vf vious even-
- 1 r :
Mr. aad Mm, Jasnea B. JVoaag
will have as their guests -Tor the
Subscription club dinner dance
tonight Mr. and Mri.. Orris ;Fry
ot Portland. -. . . .
FALLS CITY The year's first
meeting ot the Women's Art club
met at the home' of. Mrs. Laura
Horn Tuesday afternoon,";; -
; Bowls ot chrysanthemums and
marigolds of orange aad yellow
were placed In the rooms to carry
out the Hallowe'en color scheme,
"v The desert luncheon was "served
at one o'clock to: eight- members
and two guests.;:! V--.:. ;. - .
:v ''12:3 Cbrlrilnn-"
end YTcr" -
. - . . .. - f 1 . -. -
, . ' Seaday T:SO Ti 1U
rpsT baptist ciiimcii
No. lJbeHy'at Ifarioa
Irving; A. Fox,'d.D., Pastor
,--:v r; ...... t
V V. Aa UpUf tiag ! Service -
. Sororities to '
.. - ' ' -
.Entertain ;
Alumnae . :
The student body and aluisnl
-dance In the rymnaslnm follow
ing the CPS and Willamette came
tonight will climax the homecom
ing: festivities on the Willamette
university campus. " :
Sororities ' and fraternities are -;
entertaining1 the alamnl with In-
formal, affairs this weekend. The -Alpha
I'hl Alpha alumnae were
'honored: at a. buffet supper .and
fireside at the sorority house on
Court street last night. Miss Helen
Breithaupt, president of the alum
nae groap, presided at the bust-
nes meeting. An informal tea
at tho sorority this afternoon will -
f honor the Tisitinr eardiyites.
The Beta. Chi alumnae" will be
th hAiinp rnt. . .
tea tbU afternoon from 2 to 430
o'clock. Antonn flovon win mm.
ride the decorative note and Vfi
Jessie May Ruhndorf. house ores!.
Jo. 7 ." r
aeni, wjji receive tne guests in
."'ormaUy Miss Patricia Hutchin
son is in charge of the tea and
the new pledges will assist in the
Sunday morning the annual
nomecoming breakfast will be
v.ij . . . . . .
S.!,61 J cnPt
""MJ" ?.rnu5!.
McMinnville presidinr. Mlsa Mlri-
'am Jensen is chairman of the af-
f 5 nd.MIs "let Crawford
" ra o w,v.v auvua, MIBV
Gvi7e"Doud and Mis7 PhyUU
is as r m nyin tr w n a iaaapa m if i
x-v r t Ox 1
AV11 OlUKer
Mrs. Florence Cottew is
nouncing the marriage of
n.r. '. '. """w
Lwucwi to Mr. uiMarr Staker
of .Burley. Idaho, which was sol
emnized on Sunday September
22, at Pocatello, Idaho. The
bride's mother and uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc
Elwaln, attended the ceremony.
The bride Is a graduate of Sa
lem schools and was popular In
school activities having been chos
en "sweetheart of Salem high."
She has been a member of the
Mountain States Telephone and
Telegraph company staff.
Mr. Staker attended schools In
Burley. Brlgham Young universi
ty at Provo, Utah, and the Uni
versity of Washington.-The cou
ple will go to Seattle after the
first of the year to reside" where
he will complete his work at the
university. He Is a chemist with
the Amalgamated Sugar company.
rIOAr MomKare
i-xnici o
Maccabee Capital Lodge, I4D.
met Thursday night at the Fra
ternal temple with Mrs. Ina Eler-
lck and Mr, Russell Graen initl-
ated as new members. Mrs. Ruth
TBieeg won tne attendance prize
for the week.
memoersnip contest Is being.
neia py ine loage with Mrs. Eli-
xabeth Follis, captain of the worn
en s team, and Mr. Glen Newlanrt.
captain of the men's team.he
contest will close in January .with
the losers giving the winners a
Keireshments were served in
the dining room following the
meeting and October birthdays
were Honored. Plans were com
pieted for the annual Hallowe'en
party to be held October II at
the Fraternal temple.
a a
COFValliS Host tO
Forty members of the Salem
0" ' th "f",
Monday night. - Various circles
"om all over the state were rep-
a vou icu a 11 o friuu (Buier ot
aAi A fWm. . J . V M
Pf 1
aV a al Vt,UCa 1 AUU
were present. Representa-
- W-mr at - w a . - ar a . . Va, . ;
i""" irwra mciauumiw, lauias,
Newport, Portland and Seattle
were present and gave talks. Sev
eral candidates were initiated at
the meeting.
A program was given with Mrs.
Mine Olmstead and her, drill team
of Salem having charge of the
floor work. A luncheon followed
the meeting, r ?
Aja event of tonight is the Jub-
a v- held at the chamber of eom-
frd Collins a a d his orchestra
will flay for the Hallowe'en dance
and frolic. Mr. William H. Ste-
venson is in ehsrge of the affair.
..- - .
Mrs. CarltoV Roth la la Sea-
side visiting for a fortnight. Mr.
Roth U bow stationed at Camp
U '4k a ;
t 7: vjukw
who was married on ; Sepienv-
W 55ln Pn-rrfollr. TA-rVi Mr
c.i i- oi
-MC1 win wxvui
, Some of the fine radio programs
for the weekend are as follows:
vgv 7.g:S0---NBC iTmohonr.-
- -
conducted "br Hana Wilhelra
Steinberg has Poldl Mlldneraa tb Marine basic school at Phila- nard HIzson, Mrs. Chester Hlxson,
the piano' soloist.' . " delphia.- ' Mrs. Peter Andresen. Mrs. Charles
Trpe OT.rtr. - ; ' ' b' 'A With the, release of the list of Parmenter, Mrs. Sylvia Kelly Fur
Kifbu la tb GrdBt Sp.. ; Btw Barometer r secretaries the lough, Mrs. Mary Pugh, Miss
... . .
KEX 8 aJn. MusIcNHall ( the
Air symphony; Erno Rapee,'
KOIN 12:00 Philharmonic
Symphony orchestra conducted
by John Barblrolli; soloists,
Vltya Vronsky and Victor Ba
bin, piano."
OTWtnra to "Tka MarrUi ! F"i-
ro' Mosut
conearto i z iiat. lor tw piaaj.
Hum s:u-v:uu rora
evening hour; Victor Koltr,
conductor; Jose Iturbi, pianist.
Oyartura "Pott aad Paaaanf
riaai treat Conctrto ja a minor
: . rir
n,. v- :;"V"rM,r
aaday la Boaaatu froai "Boaamiaa
aTilla Alkaala
Mr. Itarai
T Rauiaboat aoag af taa 0Ia
Dbaria. La Ta' Hair Baa Tw
Joha fiiiWt .Traditiaaal
Chflrua aad arckaatra
Taa tea, aad Binbad'a Skip
"kafaraada" ..Riauky K
f raas
One to iTary Van aad Katiea
x, TradiHoaal
Cbam. aadicaca and arekaatra.
The Women's Miaiouu-y so
ciety and Otterbein Guild ot the
Englewood United Brethren will
present a three act olav. "Two
Masters ' Sunday night at T:S0
o'clock at the church. Special mu
sic will be given with Mrs. Sarah
Tennis as soloist.
Miss Bobbe Bhlaa will siend
the weekend at the Kanna A'nha
meia nouse at Oregon State col-
lege and tonight will attend the
roi ueita Theta dance.
HoUoWan JJJt Be-an. CaxMUaa, lb.
(Special for today enlylX. -
1C0 Flna Paper Napkins, xea. 10o
; (Buy a supply lor futura)... .
Saculax 10c Cactus Fot
I (Assorted golorsi
School Tablets
; Reaular fc Valued
Hole Book Filler, Ctaadard Clse.'
- CPunchd lor two holea) "; t.'
New I Iecorcied Walar Claaees
Wmvr parterna).
Jean Pretul CUelda.1.
oucj EbU TerrT" Scbool
r Ciw! Colcra, blue, pink,
Chop Miller' for Smart H&IIowVcn Ps.ri y Favors,
- - Novelties, te. Basement 'Five and Ten " .
- With": Salem
" Folk dt' OSC
By Isabel McGilcbiist
With the entire, student body
- giTing the Bearer football team a
gallant sendoff,' Oregon State met
the University of Washington in
Seattle last Saturday. Among loy
al - Staters, making the trek . by
rally , train, by stage and by car
were Bill Smith, Gene Hollstels,
Vivian Asplnwall. Doug Chambers
and Sally McLellan. . , " Tnesday . . ,
: Staff members of the Lamp- ' Labish RNA,- Hobby show,
-lighter, collegiate monthly, met; antique display and benefit aup
for breakfast Sunday to assemble yvir? P-m. -
the magazine and to lay plans for
. its sale. Marie Bosch and Al.Har
bor numbered among those at-.
tending: this , traditional -waffle -
, feecU,:: $v'' c,:;YJVCV "1.
"... The .regional Christian ,-Yonth
conference will be ' held , on the
imtt. .Tem,r i 'lo
campus November 1 -to 3,' with
aeierates auenamr irpm
over the
states Group conferences.: forums
" and discussions win constitute the
- major work . of the convention.
Wft CrahtM baa he on named, tn
bead the registraUoa committee
for the affair.
. JCsppa Sigma . fraternity mem
t bers entertained at dinner Sunday
-to honor new pledges. On the at
; tendance list were Don Wood,
V Elizabeth Ann Herrick, Bob Mc
- Kee and Shirley McKay.
' Word has been received at the
alumni office that Earl Warren,
rai oiKmi tuippi graduate 01 lasi
year, has enlisted in. the army as
second lieutenant, atauonea at
n. a. . a. a . a.
names of Eileen Paulson, Marie
- -. cw 1 . . Tr"
ou,lu ouil icjr jacJJiy ro
noted. : The work of the staff is
to care ; for the tfiles, exchan6
papers aad general data of the
college, daily.
' Salem students to be heard this
week in historical radio drama
tization were xtoe craotree, Aiary
Jane Conmy and Kenneth McCoy.
Odds and Ends . . . Natalie
Neer in ma tea into aauw at a
mid-week formal function
Eileen Ullman appointed to assist
with arangements for the fall
social organization ... Parnell
Kupper, Warren Biggerstaff and
Romeo Goulet taking graduate
work at Oregon State ... Vic
Colllng and Klrk Bell nome for
the weekend . . . Marie Bosch and
Arline Sholseth, Willamette trans-
. in Portland this weekend for
the pharmacy field trip
Eleanor Rosson and Jean Reed
turning out for the first women's
rifle squad . . . Phil Blake help
ing to entertain the traveling sec
retary of - his fraternity, Sigma
Nu . . . Jerry Wolfe visiting the
campus Thursday,
Nurses' Meeting
The Oregon Nurses meeting
scheduled for Monday night at
the Masonic Temple in Portland
has been cancelled as Major Simp-
on will be unable to bef present.
The Oregon Nurses association,
district No. t will now hold its
regular meeting at the Deacon
ess hospital Monday night.
F r I a a Y Af TH and f r
TranVitn Thnmnann win hm tn.
tsrested to learn that they are
now at home at 165 West Lefelle
J 50
.each 30-
: Anklets - : - q ifh
rust, etc J Pair -LI Ui? p
I i
SES for
. - Saturday -
Townsend chorus., with C A.
Kenney. 18S0 Center . street
7:10 p.ra. ;
. Monday '
-' Royal Neighbors, Modern
Woodmen and families, Hallo
we'en, party at Fraternal tem
ple. S pa. . ; '
T Leslie PTAJ library room of
school, 7; 45 p.m; j ,
. Pringle Woman's ' club, all
day meeting, with Mrs. O. T.
Bealey. 2095 North 1th street.:
1 - Woman's Bible class of First
Methodist church . with Mrs.
Cora ; E. Llppold, 291 , South
l.Btb street, t p.m
Scxrial Hour-Club
t-i . ' .- ' -
i Mrs, Laura' Johnson was host
ess to the Pythian Sisters Social
Hour club Thursday night. Hal
lowe'en decorations were used at
the supper hour and cards were
in play during the evening with
prizes awarded to Mrs. Dorothy
Wilson and Mrs. Sylvia Kelly
r unousn.
, Present were Mrs. Charles Kin-
er, Mrs. wuiiam Fees:, Mrs. Leo-
Daisy Haydes. Mrs. Dorothy Wil-
. . . r w v . .
uu jars. Mirs JOnnSOn.
rv,m.,.,,m,,,,lm.,,,,,mm,m,m.v,, m.mmmm.mmmmwm i ....u.iu.i hi. i.u,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,, ., wli.un.......Mtlp.....m1ni nU,iu,,.1 ,, un... .. i nn. i rn.ii.iii mr.
gum awniawiaaiiiiaai. Mm aiiMNin mtatmmm-Mim,,ttnmmui, mm ,nM,ii,mL.-mm iTii-nnaarMr- 'i ni rn ininniii- iim n i i ' -itr" ."' 3 "
i VVy,- Ji J HJ ' n f I
F " MILLER'S ' f
..W P 2:::-: - f
til lit-' I .-V-kssm.. m.
lli J " (' ioj :
If 1 :?-.vV 7 P
;j It I I
sir i r s .- Am 11 is a sin va rr a -v. . s a -- - jb- a m-m .- asaaan w : mm ssswasBB . - v
! jJJKLESaSXji and. M
New! Just arrived for today's selling! Many of these' 75 coats are nubby wool
tweeds In the very newest manner . . . some'.are dressy boucles in navy,
aSk whatever the weave . . the style ...the color or pattern, the'
price saves you a considerable suml .' , ' '
. Hero is a coat for the matron . . &e school miss, ... the' woman who enjoys
. sports . . . the dress type and the woman who--teaches or works "in an office,
-Fine fabrics .". fine toring md tylr GaqrcmW tato' llnlng,' Evry
thing you'd expect to find hi much i higher prioed coats. Tweeds feat go places -r
. . .orejs,aaialxtvir;. ood : novelty weaves such as - herringbones etc.'
v. - Boucles that simulate hand knits! Truly a big, bargain at S3.841 Shop Miller's --
- basement today for your winter coat . wear the newest '. . . pay the least!
Today's Menu
Stuffed peppers will be used
tonight to serve as the main dinh.
Use leftover meat or prepared,
cooked meat for stuffing.
Corn and bean salad
- Stuffed green peppers
Mashed potatoes . ..v
-" Bu ttered broccoli . . . . ,
: " Baked apples and cream, 7
1 ""-''.' " -' ".-; '--V
( i'r' SUNDAY '---
. Avocado-orange salad
" - Rolled pot roast with
... u Parsnips, potatoes, earrOtsr-.
, ; ii . v Buttered onions , .
. - . Pumpkin pie ala mode .V "J
" : " MONDAY ;
: Banana-cashew salad. .7;.
'-i Cold . roast, beef V-
i-". Hot gravy: .:;" :".t-:--
.Baked sweet potatoes 1
. V . Peaeh shortcake 'v "
. -' '.' - ' i -' ' '' "
... i cups. cooked meat!-" " '
' 2 tablespoons grated onion
H. (MAshAil - e f
- Woershlr.
H teaspoon salt -
H cup catsup , -
14 cups gravy or soup slock
H cup grated cheese
C green peppers ;
Grind meat; add onion, pota
toes and seasonings. Add enough
gravy or thickened soup stock to
moisten. Cut off the top ot the
peppers. Remove membrane and:
seeds, precook for..(two minutes,
then'' drain and rinse with cold
water. Fill with meat mixture,
arrange on rack In baking ipan
and put Into an oven of ISO de-
grees, ror minutes, saste occa-
Eish -List Is
Small but.
List of fish to bo found in lo
cal markets Is smaller than usual.
. because crisp cold weather dis-
ro lira res iiscermen irom qmi tn
the water. ' ,
f " Salmon as usual is to be found
In . the looal shops, with silver'
sides and , Chinook as varieties ;i
available. -
r . Ling' cod is the , day's best bet
and can' be' baked, or grilled. It. -your
family chodses baked cod,
allow 15 minutes to the pound at
4 $ -degrees, leaving the skin, on,
until the fish is done, , then ' re- ;
move skin, as served on. the plat- .
ter. Serre with a .cream , aaace in
whieh . hard, cooked Sf s re in-
eluded. . ..
Black cod is a fat fish, also' la,' .
market and can be broiled. It is . T
V S5
offset the richness.
' Fillet of sole is : another prac
tical fish for this' week. Dip in
cornmeal or flour and fry In deep
fat, or roll around email partially
cooked onions and bake slowly in
the oven with a milk sauce.
. Shellfish : In market include,
crabs, oysters, razor clams and
hrimps.;Airood; toserve'Cold:
... - .. .....
slonally with, the remaining gravy,
and 15 minutes before the adv
of the baking peri o4 'Sprinkle,
each pepper with grated cheese,
.and paprika. -
to 44
- f